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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10519833 No.10519833 [Reply] [Original]

>It's been a while since we last had a COF thread.

A simple gothic lolita coordinate today!
Skirt - moi meme moitie
Blouse - infanta
Bolero - surface spell
Shoes - Irregular Choice
Instagram - embroidereddoll

>> No.10519834
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I haven't had the chance to dress up for international lolita day so I tried out a more celebratory coord with Decoration Dream today
Concrit is always welcome

Instagram: candy.carnival

>> No.10519835
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God I haven’t posted anything to here in ages. Have a shiro coord.

Everything is taobao

>> No.10519836
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These photos are super old but I kind of had a panic attack a while back and scrubbed every photo of me I could find from the internet lol I thought these were gone forever but I just found them again!! I really liked this coord so I wanted to repost~

JSK, blouse, capelet: Alice Girl "Royal Cat" set
Socks: AP
Shoes: BtSSB
Headbow, beret: Offbrand/ unknown

>> No.10519837
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It’s been a long time since I’ve posted but I figured why not! ILD at home, I hope you all had a pleasant one!

JSK +Matching bow-Meta
Blouse- Lady sloth
Tights- Teja Jamilla
Shoes- Cotton Candy Feet
Smaller bows- Me likes tea
Necklace- VoodooDolly
Purse- Long Ears Sharp Ears

Concrit welcome

>> No.10519838
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I feel like an old school dream today!

Insta: @celestialfaun

Headpiece: RR Memorandum
Blouse: FanPlusFriend
JSK: Lovely Maxicimam
UTKs: Sweet Mildred
RHS: Bodyline
Purse: Btssb

>> No.10519840
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Saw someone on Instagram coord this headpiece with this dress and now I finally have it! This was my first time wearing a colored wig with a coord and I really liked it! Concrit always appreciated! (I know my pinks dont match maybe one day)
Both KCs and JSK: Angelic Pretty
Blouse, Shoes, and Bag: Taobao
UTKs: Bodyline

>> No.10519841
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Late to posting my ILD coord, which I wore for all of an hour. Is anyone else also dressing up just to go for their groceries?

Headbow and Blouse- Angelic Pretty
Cardigan- BtSSB
JSK and socks- Meta
Shoes- Antaina

>> No.10519842
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>> No.10519844
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Today my boyfriend and I went to Ikea
Loved the contrast of my coord and the lift.
Concrit is always welcome!

JSK, blouse, rings, necklace: AP
Shoes: Bodyline
Socks, Headpiece: found on Devilinspired

My instagram: candy_twinkle
photographer instagram: xeno_mas

>> No.10519845
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Outfit for chilling at home and baking shortbreads! The bf and I are about to quarantine for 2 weeks so we can see family for the holidays so it's a good chance to lounge around the apartment in lolita and do crafts

Insta @voldiee
Jsk, beret: Victorian maiden
Otks: Jane Marple
Cardigan: thrifted
Earrings, shoes: offbrand

>> No.10519846
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A late ILD coord. Concrit is always welcome:)

Jsk, kc, brooch: AP
Everything else: off brand

>> No.10519847
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I must be the most elegant in the hardware store

These are the only two photos I took while in this coord. They turned out kind of strange, I did what I could with them. I still wanted to show off the outfit...

Blouse † Atelier Boz
Jsk † Victorian Maiden
Otk † Moitié
Purse † Emily Temple
Rest is off brand

>> No.10519848
File: 313 KB, 1000x1500, 130738904_2888044781414875_2949563657736289636_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i spent years putting this outfit together and i'm very happy with the outcome! this is my absolute peak brandwhore fit.
this photo was taken in 2019 but i never posted it because i was unhappy that my wig was uncooperative and i forgot to wear my glasses, and i kind of had grief with myself about it lolol. i wish i could take photos of this outfit again someday when i'm happy with everything!!

bonnet: triple*fortune
tiara: btssb
scepter, dress, socks: btssb
necklace, choker: angelic pretty
blouse: krad lanrete
bag: jane marple
shoes: juliette & justine
wristcuffs: luminescentea

bonus pic in comments!

>> No.10519849

Is this the girl that makes the creepy YT videos where she stares into the camera and talks about nothing for 15 minutes

>> No.10519850
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Lately i haven't had a chance to dress up this prettily. Black with gold is my favorite combination for quite some time now

>> No.10519851
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Sorry, anon, I have no idea. Just choose this pic because it seemed neutral enough to avoid flame

Gotta do the cheesy photograph with the Christmas tree XD I was giving an online workshop today so I thought I'd make an effort to look nice! The lighting isn't clear with this but the shoes, eyeshadow and neck ribbon have similar lilac and gold shades. I will put more detail/close up shots in the comments as I had a bit of a stars/planetary spheres thing going on. Violet Fane dress, Royal Fairytale blouse

>> No.10519853

Her video topics are actually interesting but her personality is boring af

>> No.10519867

Maximum cringe

>> No.10519870

Cute coord but I'm so triggered by her dirty ass glasses, jfc

>> No.10519883

I'm more triggered with the unkempt hair and weird Japanese girl uwu thing she's doing with her mouth.

>> No.10519887

Idk, I love lolita fashion and people are entitled to wear whatever the hell they want to but, I just don't see how wearing lolita to very casual, ordinary retail stores is...comfortable. That's the cringe for me.

>> No.10519888

some people don't treat their clothing like a costume

>> No.10519891
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Casual Lolita for working in my workshop today.

Head bow- Btssb
Beret- Offbrand
Cutsew- R.R. Memorandum
Blouse- Bodyline
Cardigan- Yemak
Skirt- Elegy
UTKs- Sweet Mildred
Shoes- Doc Martens (pry them from my cold dead hands! )

>> No.10519892
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Probably my last coord this year. Hopefully we will be able to face better days in 2021
Bag: MuFish
Cardigan: IW

>> No.10519893
File: 169 KB, 900x1600, 129833964_4753185238088236_5338599244909587404_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else completely forgot about ILD ~ This coord was for a red velvet twinning photo session~ I feel the colours and also look quite Christmassy so that's two-in-one ~ I'm really happy to find Sacred Night because it's been on my wishlist for ages ~

JSK: Lief
Blouse: Axes Femme
Accessories: Fuwari Angel, Neant Glass, etc
Shoes, Socks: offbrand

(fotd in the comments)

IG: pocketfulofpebbles

>> No.10519895
File: 66 KB, 562x960, 130093815_820385992138862_3095081809101587710_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got myself the Melody Toys rerealease at AP Paris
The darker mint looks so cute with pink in my opinion ~
Concrit is always welcome

Instagram: candy.carnival

>> No.10519896
File: 110 KB, 679x1132, 130587496_10218909220943249_943385639122887258_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small Coord I did for my Birthday today
I recently fell in Lolita Items with Strawberrys and Bunnys, and this casual goord combines both
Everything is Offbrand
Concrits are always welcome!!!

>> No.10519898
File: 266 KB, 1440x1440, 130738904_2888044781414875_2949563657736289636_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A casual look for my birthday. If you can't tell, I love red! And was stubborn enough to wear this despite the chill. XD

I will comment with a closeup of my strawberry accessories. And it's hard to see, but my socks are dotted with red hearts.

Beret: vintage (with Ardene bows xD)
Cardigan: Cute Q
Skirt, shoes, necklace, earrings: Bodyline
Purse: Loris
Wrist cuffs: Yolanda
Socks: shop127578610.taobao.com

>> No.10519899
File: 111 KB, 900x900, 140537619_1662290013946169_9103542996964295353_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to post coord from the October ^^
Was inspired by The Vampire Chronicles books )
Jsk : Atelier Pierrot
Blouse& shoes : AatP
socks : Angelic Pretty
bonnet : Triple Fortune

>> No.10519900
File: 236 KB, 1440x1440, 142956505_155973186274426_5214535912379153303_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very late ILD coordinate, i end up join in with a virtual meet up with my "neighboring" community as most of my local community are out saving lives, and protecting people

Jsk: AP be my valantine jsk in pink
Blouse: little dipper
Necklace: custom made by stardust_artwork on Instagram
Wristcuffs: btssb
The rest: handmade, taobao or off-brand

>> No.10519905

This feels a bit too Briz to me, but I really like the color scheme.

>> No.10519928

You can't see the full coord, why was it postef

>> No.10519929


>> No.10519939

I wish I could go to ikea :(

>> No.10519960

cof mods have been letting these through for awhile now lol

>> No.10519984

are we just going to ignore >>10519844
dressing like an anthropomorphic furby to go to ikea

>> No.10519986

her outfit looks fine, i like that the mask and the blouse match
the setting is weird and the lighting isn't great but the outfit itself seems fine, namefag.

>> No.10520039

Spiro is always so ott its not trendy anymore

>> No.10520043

Wearing a bonnet doesn't make a coord OTT. She does dress costumey a lot, but this is the least OTT from her

>> No.10520044

That leg tat makes it look like she has dirt all over her calf lmao

>> No.10520046

Love her yt channel
Somehow it doesn't feel like old school
It feels so shoehorned and chaotic
That's wonderful

>> No.10520077

It’s weird to have ankle socks and bare legs in the winter with a heavy winter coat. It feels so unbalanced

>> No.10520078

What is briz?

>> No.10520081


>> No.10520149

Did she shave off her widows' peak?

>> No.10520151

>Filled her bag with craft store flowers
>Lolita isn't a Cosplay

>> No.10520152

Her hair isn't up?

>> No.10520161

It’s like wearing full suits or tuxedo for groceries, cringe

>> No.10520163

ok conlita

>> No.10520164

Fuck off larper

>> No.10520171

There's too much going on here. Top to bottom: a beret and a head eating bow, a blouse and a cutsew AND a cardigan, a (too poofy for oldschool) skirt with black lace when everything else has white, really long and floppy lace on the socks, and platform combat boots? It's all too much for oldschool, unless she was trying to go for a "neo oldschool" look (which pales in comparison to the actual thing but I digress), but it's just not executed very well to begin with. It's really close and she's got some more advanced styling techniques down, she just needs to find a happy medium with it all. I hope she improves, she wears a style similar to mine and I like seeing it done well.

>> No.10520195

I wear lolita regularly when I’m going out, but never when I’m doing grocery shopping, that makes me a larper? I feel sorry for people that have no better places to go.

>> No.10520198

But the fashion is so impractical and "looks" like a costume compared to everyday wear. Regardless of how you, the wearer, may treat, it's attention seeking and impractical for everyday wear.

>> No.10520199

then don't wear an alt fashion lol

>> No.10520200

>i feel sorry for people that have no better places to go
>current year

>> No.10520204

No. I would never wear it to certain places where the chance of it getting dirty is high.

>> No.10520207

How gross do you have to be to get your clothes dirty at the grocery store wtf

>> No.10520209

proof that brand cannot buy taste

>> No.10520213

Con-lolita trash, please continue to not wear this fashion. You don't deserve frills, only sweatpants for you.

>> No.10520218


>> No.10520219

You must be those people that have the audacity to sell dresses with suspicious stains. How the hell do you get stains on your dresses that you covet so much?
>wears lolita fashion ev-er-ree-where
Ah, that's probably why.

>> No.10520220

I wash my clothes

>> No.10520225

Not everyone is a slob

>> No.10520231

>wear your clothes
>spot treat if anything gets on it (rarely)
>soak if spot treating didn't work (ultra rarely)
>remove dangly bits, put in garment bag, wash on cold and gentle
>hang to dry
>if velvet or extra fragile, speak with your local dry cleaner

that aside, i get not wearing certain pieces for normal occasions; e.g. i have the heavenly cross OP, and the huge lace overlay skirt and flocky bits would be a pain if they snagged. but your typical cotton/polyester fare with no lace overlays? should be no problem for shopping and doing daily things in

>> No.10520233

This is gorgeous
Stop trying so hard to be a cunt. Not necessary

>> No.10520242

Literally not grocery store anon. Someone was posting in another thread about wearing it to the dentist/dr. For blood draws and dental work I would in no way wear lolita. You can be careful but the lab tech or dental tech just has to fuck up once and then you're cleaning literal blood off your brand.

>> No.10520245

i do agree that's stupid.
>inb4 someone has worn lolita to the gyno because uwu

>> No.10520254

You can wash or dry clean clothes. That exist now.

>> No.10520256

That was me and I later stated that I was just going to wear it to my psychiatrist's office. Nothing messy happens there.

>> No.10520265

I guess only emotionally and mentally right?

>> No.10520321

Stop defending shoop-chan so hard, every whiteknight makes her shoop her skin another shade lighter.

>> No.10520323

Why do people seem to think theres nothing in between wearing lolita evrrywhere and being a conlita? Like I wear lolita where i would wear nice normie clothing - out for dinner or coffee, when going to a friends house, going out for drinks and sometimes even nights out clubbing. I don't see the point in wearing it to cart big bags of shopping up the hill to my flat from tesco in the rain though.

>> No.10520324

people do more in a day than grocery shop, people can be dressed up and stop somewhere along the way to do errands

>> No.10520327

imagine going to the dirty ass club in your brand

>> No.10520330

I would wear expenive normie clothes to the club, what's the difference? I just wash my clothes afterwards and don't wear pieces that are particuarly delicate

>> No.10520331

you guys have autism. lolita is a fashion not costume and clothes are meant to be worn. If you want to collect shit and keep them in perfect condition go play Pokémon. it’s always the stick bitches that are collectitas driving up the prices of my ap sweet. wear your shit or fuck off.

>> No.10520334

Learn how to use the reply function or gtfo

>> No.10520335

I know how to reply, sometimes people make mistakes. Keep your autism under control.

>> No.10520340


>> No.10520341
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>> No.10520342
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>> No.10520343
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>> No.10520345
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>> No.10520346
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>> No.10520347
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>> No.10520349

No anon, that's cringe. You're supposed to stop back at home and change into your schlubbiest outfit as not to offend the eyes of the other shoppers with your Lolita costume.

>> No.10520353
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>> No.10520357
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>> No.10520358
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>> No.10520361
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>> No.10520362
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>> No.10520363

shes ready to perform surgery with those gloves and that mask

>> No.10520364
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>> No.10520365

This is one of the cutest taobao pieces I've seen before.

>> No.10520366
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>> No.10520383

What are cutsew ops and salopettes

Your dresses aren't made of literal sugar, they won't dissolve in water ffs. Wash your shit, nasty ita.

>> No.10520386

Cutsew ops and salopettes only apply to sweet. Goth girl wasn't overdressed, she had 1 or 2 accessories tops so I'm going to call OPs vendetta.

>> No.10520387

The closer you look at this the worse it is. The chain details look like they’re coming from her nipples, while the costume elements just look a mess, especially the bits of black on mainly just one of her hands. I dislike the messy hair and horns, and everything with how it’s been layered makes it look ill fitting and unflattering.

>> No.10520406

Very well executed and balanced.

>> No.10520414

Cutsew ops exist for gothic too though

>> No.10520417

looks like shes about to eat you

>> No.10520433

It’s not even about getting it dirty, it’s just dressing properly for occasions. Why do you think dress code exists? You don’t think there are more expensive clothing in normie fashion? People don’t wear their sun dresses/ cocktail dress for grocery shopping.

>> No.10520443

It's a grocery store trip, not a funeral. It's not like lolita is appropriate for any normie occasion anyway, so what does it matter?

>> No.10520446

>Why do you think dress code exists?
The level of retardation. Please fuck off already.

>> No.10520448

you're either autistic, male, or an autistic male

>> No.10520449
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>> No.10520459

But why complain about the dress not being cutsew knit, the plain black OP or JSK is more than likely machine washable. Goth as a style is often more elegant and mature than sweet but that doesn't mean you can't wear it to run an errand. It's just nitpicking at this point, let people wear their clothes however they want. Personally, since the pandemic began, I've still worn lolita every time I go out; even to run an errand. I didn't realize before today that was controvercial behavior. Where are all the daily lolitas now? Dead?

>> No.10520460

You wouldn't wear a simple sundress to the grocery store? Do you really only wear dirty old trousers when you go outside? That's ugly and pathetic, I bet you smell bad too.

>> No.10520462

The club would be a good place to wear taobao stuff.

>> No.10520464

Right?!?! I'm so sick of the fucking collectors. All these fuckers with closets full of NWT shit. Like, why? I honestly don't understand collecting clothing unless you wear it. You can't really display clothing the same way you can display, say, plushies or figurines. Just seems like an expensive hoard to me.

>> No.10520465
File: 114 KB, 500x659, bakedsweetsparade_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure people do actually wear sun dresses for grocery shopping, but anyways - there's a place and time for cocktail dresses, sure, and OTT lolita. But you can wear regular dresses and regular lolita like normal clothes?

Do you really think something like pic related is too outlandish for errands? It's a cardigan and a skirt with some tights, it would take you all of ten minutes to get dressed.

>> No.10520466

Cute coord but the way she's posing with her fingers looks painful, wtf.

>> No.10520468

This. All the drunk retards spilling alcohol etc on your brand.

>> No.10520469

Imagine thinking a sundress is on the same level of formality as a cocktail dress

>> No.10520476

I've also worn lolita Everytime I've gone out since the pandemic started. I rarely go anywhere at all, I haven't done my literal favorite activity since March (going out to eat and/or going out for drinks at a bar is my fucking favorite thing to do, used to do it at least once a week). So fucking what if I wear lolita on my errands? At this point the people at the post office and the liquor store and the pet store and the pharmacy all know me and make small talk with me because I'm the girl with the fluffy pastel dresses. There's also a bagger girl at my grocery store that wears vintage clothing but loves lolita, we chat whenever I happen to go there when she's working.

Conlitas will never experience what it means to TRULY be a lolita. They're not real lolitas in my book, they're just cosplayers.

>> No.10520490

Same! Or do conlitas think I have to wear my coords at home while doing laundry?

>> No.10520493

Comparing normie dress code to an alternative fashion

>> No.10520494

Lol exactly. If I'm at home there's a small chance I'm wearing something cute like a cutsew OP but usually I'm just wearing a baggy tshirt and pj pants. Maybe a kigu if it's cold. I'm 100x more likely to get my clothes dirty while I'm at home than while out and about. My pets aren't allowed in my bedroom where I store my lolita clothes, but the rest of the house is always covered in hair (I vacuum at least once a day and brush the fluffy butts daily but they still shed like nobody's business, and the dog goes outside and gets dirty paws, I don't need a bucket of samoyed hair and mud on my dresses everyday).

>> No.10520496

First old school coord that looks good with an underskirt
Too costumey to be a lolita
She'd better style her hair
It's so off. It should be either peeking bloomers or a cardigan, not all together
Little bit costumey but in a cute way
Nooo why anyone possibly think it looks nice
WTF is this pose
Trying to be impressive with shitty bodyline kek

>> No.10520499

If you don't have an appropriate place to wear lolita ie cons, don't wear it. A girl in frills and lace look really stupid and intellectually disabled desu. You should learn what appropriateness means.

>> No.10520503

Do you not wear sundresses to get groceries? I feel so sorry for the people that think you need a fancy occasion to wear anything other than what's basically pajamas.

>> No.10520513
File: 47 KB, 564x763, 222cbd008a65ae490b712e4eb20504b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you act like the only way to wear lolita is ott

>> No.10520514
File: 216 KB, 734x1049, d8f7f548f5bb877d87828481435096a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once upon a time, lolita was a normal alternative fashion. its just as loud and out there as other alt fashions like goth and punk why do you act like only normies wear it

>> No.10520515
File: 579 KB, 457x590, 13 - 94rzZ7Z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your posts are making you sound stupid and intellectually disabled - lolita is a fashion, not a costume; you wear it at any occasion where you would wear clothes.

>> No.10520523

Anon I agree with you but this is the CoF thread, please respond to the bait somewhere else

>> No.10520531

than post a dump, we arent even close to being up to date

>> No.10520534
File: 266 KB, 521x937, 5f0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10520538

Christ this is what's wrong with this board, I've already dumped to try and prevent this thread from derailing. But you'd rather argue with crossboarders over nothing than contribute to the board, so have fun.

>> No.10520541

seems to me like youd rather argue to avoid posting a dumb

>> No.10520563

I never "complained" about the dress of whoever you're even talking about? I'm not even sure which pic in particular you're rambling about. I just think that >>10520198 is an idiot for saying
>the fashion is so impractical and "looks" like a costume compared to everyday wear
When it really doesn't have to look overly dressy either. Casual lolita exists and if your coord skills are worth a damn then normies won't really bat an eye, much less think it's a costume.

That's exactly why I'd wear a casual cutsew op or something similar to the grocery store with low poof. I hardly get any weird looks and I'm an ap sweetfag. So casual gothic would stand out even less. Just like with normie clothes, lolita has different degrees from casual to ott.

Anyway I'm going to run my errands tomorrow in lolita as well, including going to the grocery store :^)

>> No.10520574

But >>10519847 isn’t wearing a cutsew dress.

>> No.10520587

normies absolutely will think anything that isn't the most simplistic of gothic or classic is a costume. if you're wearing any kind of sweet, forget it. it also depends on where you live. a big city might be forgiving, a smaller more conservative town might not be.

>>10520514 streetsnaps are a lie, most lolitas in japan don't dress like this everyday and every moment in their daily lives. people dressed up for snaps because they knew they were getting their photos taken.

it doesn't help that cgl freaks out and post anyone with am imperfect coord to the ita thread for having mismatched pinks or not wearing a headbow. either coords can be super simple and indecipherable from normie wear, or they have to always be 10/10 magazine ready and perfect. it can't be both.

i think it's fine to wear lolita grocery shopping or running errands but you also need to suck it up and accept that people might stare at you or ask questions.

>> No.10520597

This girl is a minor, maybe take this down?

>> No.10520600

(unfortunately) minors can and have been posted to /cgl/, that's more of a rule for the farms. remember we're on 4chan as shitty as it is

>> No.10520602

You really think ppl care? Cof doesn’t make you be 18+

>> No.10520610


You have it mixed up. Minors can't be posted here. People 16 and older can be posted to the farms. Stop talking out of your ass.

>> No.10520612

Minors can't POST here, but they can be posted. There was an entire thread talking about underage tiktokers and posting their pics, it's probably still in the catalog. The last bad wig thread used a pic of a minor as the OP, also still likely in the catalog.

>> No.10520618

you should try to give the rules a read before accusing anyone of talking out of their ass. sorry you or your ita friend got posted, newfag

>> No.10520627

Ok but I kinda don't care about her? I'm talking about idiots itt who claim that lolita can never be casual ever and that it'll always look like a costume to normies. Gr8 b8 tho made me reply, I r8 4/8

Yet I have never received weird comments nor questions like "is this a costume" from normies whenever I'm out and about in casual sweet. Curious! But even when I do get them whenever I wear a slightly fancier coord, I simply don't give a single fuck what normies think. It's my clothes, I paid hundreds for it so might as well wear it whenever I want cause I'm not a fucking pussy. Hell, some of my borderline-normie-but-still-jfash coords have gotten more attention in public than most of my lolita coords. Also sweet isn't always about cutesy pastel shit, it really depends on the main piece and coord :^)

I agree though that people asking questions is just part of life.

>> No.10520656

I totally understand that and I do toned down lolita for some occasions as well, but I never understand people on COF posting a full coord saying “ this is my outfit for groceries shopping “ blah blah

>> No.10520684

Yo anons join

>> No.10520728

Careful there cringy Becky, don't fall down Jojo posing so hard rofl lmao!

>> No.10520740

I am concerned about her ankles breaking.

>> No.10520775

Wouldn't want to damage those sexy feetsies momma

>> No.10521439
File: 117 KB, 1080x1099, FB_IMG_1608610267576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She looks like a bloated toad now

>> No.10521441
File: 153 KB, 1080x1080, FB_IMG_1608610423228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is going on with the string of lights?

>> No.10521443
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>> No.10521444
File: 164 KB, 1080x1080, FB_IMG_1608610634516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this her first coordinate?

>> No.10521446

Polly pocket bag and hair color throw this out of whack but otherwise it is pleasant to look at.

>> No.10521476

what the fuck is wrong with you anon?
who shat in your tea cup

>> No.10521507

Nothing ita about this

>> No.10521513

WTF is wrong with you

>> No.10521514

the tattoos are so ugly and cringe

>> No.10521517

How tf does she fit into this??

>> No.10521535

Youre either new to this thread or you got posted. Either way, sod off.

>> No.10521541

Anon, this is not the Ita thread

>> No.10521561

They're not wrong though

>> No.10521563

This wouldn't be bad on a thin, untatted girl with natural colored hair.

>> No.10521564

would anyone mind dumping in order/from where we left off? i usually do it but facebook is bugging out

>> No.10521578

this is the CoF thread

>> No.10521582
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>> No.10521583
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>> No.10521585
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>> No.10521586
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>> No.10521587
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>> No.10521588
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>> No.10521589
File: 117 KB, 960x819, x0xemq8egp451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once wore (casual) lolita to donate blood since I was too lazy to change and I passed out right as it was finishing up. I woke up to a nurse shaking my legs in the air and I definitely flashed everyone. I really regret it and died a little inside

that said people who only collect the fashion and never wear it outside are weak little babies

>> No.10521591


>> No.10521595
File: 227 KB, 1440x1440, 131416178_3410479065716829_4985678130824751390_o7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10521596
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>> No.10521597
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>> No.10521606
File: 104 KB, 720x900, 130982563_114369913836316_2117526120372952375_n10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was posting with a second image, cof mods are slacking

>> No.10521617

Damn voldie got huge. She needs bangs to hide that massive five head

>> No.10521619

So this was allowed?? Mods in COF really are retards

>> No.10521620

Honestly I like this picture idk why it seems really funny/cute

>> No.10521629
File: 370 KB, 1440x1800, 110715099_144841217625644_7232355520031337163_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my coordinate for my panel at Winter in the Woodlands, It's Always High Tea Time! Check us out @itsalwayshighteatime on Instagram

JSK, Bow, Socks: Angelic Pretty
Wig: Arda
Shoes: An*tai*na

>> No.10521630
File: 385 KB, 1537x2048, 129420310_10104416413623654_51261699900644941_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First festive coord of the month Can we talk about how darn cute this print is?

Coord Rundown...
OP: Dear Celine
Headbow: Innocent World
Rings: Made by me
Socks: Roji Roji
Boots: Off-brand

Instagram: fearlesslove723

Concrit welcome

>> No.10521631
File: 68 KB, 960x798, 129833964_4753185238088236_5338599244909587404_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dressed up for Winter in the Woodlands
today! I’ll be presenting a plus-size panel later tonight, so I was excited to show off this dress since I haven’t had the chance to wear it yet

OP: Enchantlic Enchantilly
Headdress, choker, wristcuffs: Moi-même-Moitié
Necklace: Vivienne Westwood
Rings: Moitié, Puvithel, Néant Glass
Shoes: Demonia

ig @serafaena

>> No.10521633
File: 101 KB, 960x960, 130093815_820385992138862_3095081809101587710_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the store was fun today... this is kind of an update to last year’s Christmas coord (in comments)

Op: Fan+Friend
Cardigan: Unique Vintage
Everything else: Handmade,

>> No.10521634
File: 310 KB, 1440x1440, 130587496_10218909220943249_943385639122887258_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my other coord for the Winter in the Woodlands fashion walk. It's an ice queen look. The crown was a pipe made of galvanised steel that disintegrated due to long time exposure to harsh chemicals and i loved the way it looked, so i kept it when they replaced the pipe.

Most of this is offbrand or vintage and i just for the love of god cannot remember the brand of this op.

>> No.10521644

eyebrows bigger than eyes

>> No.10521647

Don't know about you, but thin eyebrows are a hooker's thing;

>> No.10521707


What the fuck, yes they do, especially since Covid made everyone stir-crazy. Going anywhere is a big deal.

>> No.10521751

NTA but are you lost? I was able to find those pictures on CoF.

>> No.10521759

the PTSD face though, coord amazing, but that face...

>> No.10521760

No shit. I mean the attitude problem. If you hate Litterally every lolita in existence take it to the fucking ita thread

>> No.10521761

exactly- anyone gets "posted." this isn't the ita thread

>> No.10521764

PTSD face? girl you reaching

>> No.10521780

Every day I'm grateful she moved. She was a cancer in my local comm.

>> No.10521781

Wow vendetta harder rofl. Her face is fine.

>> No.10521813

what? this isn't the 90s

>> No.10521819

what did she do? we need tea

>> No.10521842

I'm not aware of any specific incident she caused, but she was just a really difficult person in general. Bad attitude, inconsiderate of other attendees and comm members, negative, gosspiy. Just no fun to be around and only interested in drama.

>> No.10521863

To add on to this, people wouldn't attend meets if they knew she was going because she was that negative. She didn't get along with most of the people who regularly went to meets. I feel sorry for anyone who had the misfortune of meeting her and pray that she didn't join any comms wherever she moved to.

>> No.10521877

That's awful, but I must say that that is the exact description of how I imagine those who post in the ita thread to be.

>> No.10521884

Ma’am this is this CoF thread

>> No.10521897


Shush child, I want to know especially if she happened to move to my comm.

>> No.10521911

An anon asked for the tea and it was delivered you dumb bitch

>> No.10521935

CoF let half body pics be posted AGAIN

>> No.10522208


>> No.10522330

Well you seem to have killed the thread

>> No.10522338


Dump anon has a life, she can't hang out here 24/7 to dump every new coord. Fucking chill. Or dump your own or create your own conversation.

>> No.10522344

Love it, looks very wearable

>> No.10522375

>no posts for a few hours
>u killed the thread!!!!

The state of this fucking board, I swear to God. Dump COF pics, contribute or shut the fuck up newfag.

>> No.10522377

This is the slowest moving board and always has been on 4chan. Lol

>> No.10522378

not when /po/ exists

>> No.10522381

This is charming

>> No.10522483
File: 518 KB, 1564x1564, 110715099_144841217625644_7232355520031337163_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, yes. Thanks, anon. I can only dump on my computer, so it takes me a while to have a break from work and be able to access it.

> Anyway, let me continue with the dump.

Happy late ILD! Last weekend was a national exam so I had to wait to dress up, but it was worth it. I failed at matching legwear for this but other than that, concrit welcome!

JSK, necklace, tights, earrings, ring, bag (in comments): Angelic Pretty
Hair clip: axes femme
Blouse: Innocent World
Shoes: Baby the Stars Shine Bright
Brooches and rings: Merci Mel, TiTi, homemade, and vintage

>> No.10522484
File: 103 KB, 720x960, 110715099_144841217625644_7232355520031337163_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday I went on a walk with my mum as a little birthday celebration. I had a lovely time and she even allowed me to take off my coat for some outfit photos
JSK: Angelic Pretty - Musée du Chocolat
OTKs: Innocent World
All else is offbrand

>> No.10522485
File: 40 KB, 540x960, 129420310_10104416413623654_51261699900644941_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pictures with threatening auras.jpg unfortunately I didn’t realize the belt of the dress wasn’t on so I couldn’t submit this threatening pic as the “best dresser” submission for the ap paris teaparty in a couple of hours. I can’t believe I got in full lolita at this godless hour (6 am)

>> No.10522486
File: 188 KB, 1514x2015, 129833964_4753185238088236_5338599244909587404_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello there, I just wanted to share this casual ugly sweater coord I did for an activity with the Lolitas Monterrey community, merry everything everyone . Everything is offbrand. Concrit ok.

>> No.10522489
File: 989 KB, 2048x2048, 130093815_820385992138862_3095081809101587710_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi sweeties!

You know that feeling when have been sick and then you dress up for the first time? This was the case for me yesterday. Currently recovering from a sinus infection and went out to see a friend who had a booth at my local Christmas market. Feels so good to wear something nice and it's been ages since last wore sweet, so went all cotton candy pink in contrast for having been sick.
Had to change my shoes though after taking photos, because the weather got really slippery all of a sudden. Ended up wearing pink boots, but it was already too dark to photograph them.
Closeup in the comments!

IG~ @frillycakes

Headband~ Made by me
Hair~ Rockstar wigs
Blouse~ Long Ears and Sharp Ears
Dress~ Angelic Pretty
Purse~ H&M
Coat~ Angelic Pretty

>> No.10522490
File: 310 KB, 1440x1440, 130587496_10218909220943249_943385639122887258_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a Christmas meeting online with the Sewing Club today, and that's the coord I used.
Jsk and headbow: Angelic Pretty
Blouse and wrist cuffs : Peacockalorum Clothing & Accessories

Choker : handmade
I know, I need to get shiny navy or blue shoes to go with this dress.

>> No.10522491
File: 504 KB, 1641x1986, 130738904_2888044781414875_2949563657736289636_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got this skirt from a friend through a Secret Santa exchange, and even though I know I need to get more oldschool pieces to really do it justice, I wanted to try to coord it right away. This is a coord of many firsts: first wig, first brand item, and first coord with both. Concrit is very welcome! My IG is PatronaLibrorum.
Hat: Fox Cherry.
Wig: Vanyar.
Blouse: Shinkurose.
Wristcuffs: Sweet Dreamer.
Skirt: Innocent World.
Hoop skirt: Ikea.
Tights and shoes: offbrand.

>> No.10522492
File: 419 KB, 1717x1807, 140537619_1662290013946169_9103542996964295353_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to great efforts to take this photo not at home but it was super embarrassing since ppl actually go to church still and came to visit Mary here. This is why I do the photos at home mostly.

Ig- mylesjennifer

>> No.10522494
File: 104 KB, 680x960, 142956505_155973186274426_5214535912379153303_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A comfy, cute, pattern mixing, casual coord for hanging out with friends over video chat and doing crafts!
Cutsew: Putumayo
OTK: Angelic Pretty
Skirt: handmade(the menagerie of misplace memories)
Shoes, bloomers: offbrand
Insta @ bug_witch

>> No.10522495
File: 122 KB, 690x960, 110715099_144841217625644_7232355520031337163_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My coord for the AP Paris online tea party

It was sooooo nice to do something in lolita for the first time this year, I’m so appreciative to them for organising this

Also sad my shoe clip fell off and I didn’t notice

My ig is - RococoNightmare

>> No.10522496

That sweater is totally out
Pink x Black combo rarery looks good
Looks awesome
Looks like a cheap costume

>> No.10522497
File: 297 KB, 1536x2048, 129420310_10104416413623654_51261699900644941_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally took some photos in this outfit!

I really love this choco pie hat. It was definitely made for this dress!

Outfit rundown:

Hat: Hoshibako
Wig: Dalao.home
Blouse: Little Dipper
JSK: Berry Q
Socks: Yukine’s Box
Shoes: Mirror Mirror

Closeup in comment

>> No.10522498

>>>10522489 (You)
>Pink x Black combo rarery looks good
Really? I thought this one was one the cutest from this dump. She reminds me of a poodle.

>> No.10522500
File: 544 KB, 1544x1534, 129833964_4753185238088236_5338599244909587404_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dress up for tea party on 12/12 in Taiwan!
There has been cold rainy day for two weeks.
Luckily, we had a sunny weekend on 12/12.
Tried to put on as many flower accessories as I could.
Sadly, I can only recreate the look on my mannequin, cause I forgot to view from behind.
I changed high heels right after the tea party for comfort. lol
But discovered the boots goes well too.
Appreciated for the government effort. We can hold the tea party as usual.
Please ignore my poker face when facing the cam.
concrit welcome!
OP: Enchantlic Enchantilly
Hat: Alice and the pirates
lots of flower accessories: Angelic Studio and Kokoro in Dreamland both Taiwan handmade brands
Blouse: Krad Lanrete
Vest coat: ozz oneste
Wig: Dream Holic Dcoucou
Shoes: palladiom

>> No.10522501
File: 85 KB, 750x751, 130093815_820385992138862_3095081809101587710_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After weeks of being too tired to dress up, I finally got to put a coord on on my day off! It’s also perfect timing as I got some adorable accessories and shirts in from Taobao this week

CC is welcome!

Turtleneck: No Worries (Taobao)
OTKs: Roji Roji (Taobao)
Shoes: Bodyline
Purse: Amazon
Headbow & necklace: Cat Killer Studio (Taobao)
Earrings & ring: CakeCakie (Taobao)

>> No.10522502
File: 68 KB, 768x960, 130587496_10218909220943249_943385639122887258_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my coord for the @angelicprettyparis Zoom Tea Party The hosts were so sweet, and the fashion show was beautiful. The premium dresses this year were really incredible too. Hopefully someday I can visit the real AP Paris shop in person. I tried to bring out the gold in the print with this coord, which was a fun challenge for me

Dress, blouse, jewelry and teacup AP
Headdress Sweet Mildred
Socks AATP
Bag Viva Las Vixens on Etsy

My IG is @frill_and_forest

>> No.10522503
File: 419 KB, 1279x2015, 130738904_2888044781414875_2949563657736289636_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so captcha is back so I'll stop here

Today was AP Paris' holiday tea and I was happy to get to go! Virtual parties aren't as grand, and I'd really like to fly out there at some point, but obviously right now it's not possible. That being said, it was lots of fun and I enjoyed seeing the new collections! I brought max poof to this one, as if it were something I would wear to their in-person tea, and it was my coord contest entry. I took a lot of photos for this one, which you'll be able to see on IG as I post them if you're curious. Concrit welcome, close up in the comments!

IG: @cellestia

Coord rundown

JSK, KC, blouse, WC, necklace: AP
Shoes: Secret Shop
Tights: Offbrand
Earrings, bracelet: Handmade
Ring: Etsy
Pettis (because I know people will ask lol): Wunderwelt with the 12M Aurora and Ariel petti layered over it

>> No.10522517

This was a gull who linked and reviewed a bunch of cute things in the taobao thread; thanks again for those!

>> No.10522519

You know, I feel like comments like yours makes people not want to share things here anymore. Unless she explicitly shared her name on the taobao thread, she probably prefers the anonymity of it

>> No.10522523

There shouldn’t be any shame in posting to useful threads here. Unless she’s caught self posting in the ita thread who the fuck actually cares?

>> No.10522524

Sorry! She posted the same pic just with a sticker and everyone in that thread liked her look and found it cute, and she didn't say anything "incriminating" or rude, so I didn't think it was something that would lead to any negative discussion or that she cared much since she was basically using the same photo. I'll just not point anything out like that again even if it's positive.

>> No.10522525

Oh I didn't think it was shameful at all! Just thanking and complimenting someone who was helpful. All discussion on cgl doesn't have to be bitter and malicious, right?

>> No.10522543

How many times will you post this exact same comment? She hasn't been small for years, it's old news.

>> No.10522610

Did she make a bed for her bag?

>> No.10522615

It’s garbage-chan’s

>> No.10522654


>> No.10522676

This is tragic, the wigs are bad and everything looks cheap and off brand. The makeup is awful and i know calling people haggard is a meme but it only exaggerates her eye bags and her aged face

Please tell me what kind of crack you are smoking to think it looks good

T. someone who rarely goes outside and interacts with people

>> No.10522704

>best dresser

>> No.10522718

I used to think people were vendetta posting you, but lol. I think you've had too much juvederm in your face. You're probably naturally very pretty already and don't need it, but that's just my opinion.

>> No.10522721

>T. someone who rarely goes outside and interacts with people


>> No.10522725

Wow he really let himself go

>> No.10522729

uhh, you realize this is just the CoF caption and not her posting directly right anon?

>> No.10522731

She’s cute

>> No.10522956
File: 38 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1608889101118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10522958

CoF mods pls kill yourselves, you are worthless

>> No.10522963

Iirc Ikea used to sell a hoop skirt in a costume set for children...

>> No.10523249

She also humble bragged that she had lypo on her face which is sad because her face and neck still look round and pudgey.

>> No.10523254

That's literally her.

>> No.10523259

It's her caption from CoF but she's not posting herself here and anon is responding directly at her as if she is.

>> No.10523276

These looks so magical

>> No.10523287

Why CoF allow this? Hideous

>> No.10523291

This is nostalgic feeling, I like it

Nice backdrops always elevate a photo

>> No.10523689

someone start a new thread and dummmmp

>> No.10523785

DIY anon. Go ahead and post the person you want to shit talk about and get it over with.

>> No.10524020
File: 224 KB, 853x1280, 110715099_144841217625644_7232355520031337163_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hiya everyone!

I went to my first zoom tea party today, I was super shy but it was so fun! Everyone looked so amazing! I really can't wait for things to go back to normal so I can attend meet up in person.

This is what I wore to the zoom meet!

Headbows: Angelic Pretty
Bolero: Offbrand
Rosette: BTSSB and off brand
Sash: To Alice
JSK and OTKS: Angelic Pretty
Shoes: Offbrand

>> No.10524022 [DELETED] 

This is what I wore today for the Angelic Pretty Paris tea party! The dress was a Christmas present this year that I opened early. The person who gave it to me tried really hard to get me something I would like, so I tried really hard to coordinate it with what I already had in my closet.

>> No.10524023
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>This is what I wore today for the Angelic Pretty Paris tea party! The dress was a Christmas present this year that I opened early. The person who gave it to me tried really hard to get me something I would like, so I tried really hard to coordinate it with what I already had in my closet.

>> No.10524026
File: 384 KB, 1440x1440, 129833964_4753185238088236_5338599244909587404_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won 2nd place worldwide at the #roseforetwinterevent Melt fashion walk contest Thank you all so much, that made my friggin year. I'm gonna go cry now

>> No.10524028
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Coord from going for a walk yesterday, hopefully this edit is clearer

AATP Forest Where the Angels Live jsk
AATP blouse, headdress, and hair comb

>> No.10524030
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I pr𝔞y you,
Do not f𝔞ll
In love with me,
For I 𝔞m f𝔞lser
Th𝔞n vows m𝔞de in wine.

Coord to silently lurk in an online meet today!

•Insta- @celestialfaun

Veil- Sweet Dreamer
Earrings- Ask & Embla
Rosary- Chaiins of Lazarus on Etsy
Ring- Neant Glass
OP- Ista Mori
OTKs- Krad Lanrete x MmM
Shoes- Iron Fist See Less

>> No.10524032
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I attended the Angelic Pretty online tea party yesterday. I aimed for a simple look.
IG mag.sugar

>> No.10524035
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my Lolita substyle is cute-but-will-fight-you

Blouse, sleeves, dress: Nololita
Headbow: RococoHeroin
Boots: Juice Park
(all stores available on Taobao)

>> No.10524037
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My co-ord for the AP Paris online tea party, I was really nervous but had a lovely time.

>> No.10524057

the amount of love i have for this coord is unreal

>> No.10524074

Not my cup of tea, but I do appreciate the bodice cut and clean lines of her dress.

>> No.10524215


Sauce for the blouse?

>> No.10524255

That poor dress. My girl. It just doesn’t fit hunny. How did she even get into this?

I own it, it has no side zipper so it’s hard for me to get into as a slightly below average size. How tf did she squeeze into it with the way it’s cutting into her waist like that?

>> No.10524256

I honestly wonder the same thing a lot. I'm around 36 bust 28 waist which is really high and I cannot squish into so much shit cuz the zipper just won't go up. Idk how people who are clearly larger fit into the same dresses. Maybe they are modified?

>> No.10524268

I don’t see how it could be modified. There’s no zipper and the entire back is shirred, plus if you modified it and it still fits that badly you should get a refund.

The fabric is also pretty thin, so it would really hold up to being cut and redeem. Is there like some fatty hack or like sausage no jutsu that I don’t know about?

>> No.10524270

*cut and resewn

>> No.10524274

she could be short

>> No.10524275

>fatty hack

lmao I need this

>> No.10524279

Even if she’s short she still has to physically get the dress over her fat ass. There’s no zipper so there’s only two options. She either steps into it and tries to tug it up over her hips or she tries to pull it over her head and it has to go over both her boobs and her shoulders. Given how tightly it’s cinching across her waist I don’t see how either of these could have happened without some kind of witchcraft.

>> No.10524280

If she's short she could have smaller measurements even if she's fat

>> No.10524288

But if the dress is digging in that much it the proportion doesn’t matter? She’s still at the absolute max waist of the dress no matter what her height is.

>> No.10524290

>Is there like some fatty hack or like sausage no jutsu that I don’t know about?

Maybe rolling around in butter first? Fatties always find a way. The real question here is how did she win some “worldwide” Lolita fashion event with that fugly sweater?

>> No.10524296

I’m assuming the sweater was because it was cold? I don’t think she wore it for the walk.

>> No.10524344

lol what if she removed all the elastics... despite this being a winter coord i dont trust fattychans who wear a cardigan

>> No.10524345 [DELETED] 

>At this point the people at the post office and the liquor store and the pet store and the pharmacy all know me and make small talk with me because I'm the girl with the fluffy pastel dresses.

This is a reason to stay as conlita actually. I don't like stranger people memorizing me, outstanding clothes make my chances higher.

>> No.10524356

If a fatty is wearing a sweater or bolero with a dress, I can almost guarantee that it's not fully closed and they're just using the sweater to cover the gaping zipper.

>> No.10524391

The amount of salt you're all spilling is ridiculous. I wonder if you're even women, as you'd know that boobs are soft enough to be squeezed in tights spaces unless you have implants.

This much hate over a fat coord can only mean that you've either lost to her in whatever competition she was into or you're as fat as her and is going on a self hate dillusion

>> No.10524460

It’s a kid’s dressing up petti they sold for a period of time.

>> No.10524473

But the dress is solid in the back, there’s nothing to leave open? That’s what’s so confusing to me. Did she cut it open or something?

>> No.10524475

I’m just stunned. I’m about a US size 6. I own that dress. There are no zippers or closures since the whole back of it is just elastic. I have to squeeze it over my shoulders to get it on, of course my boobs get squished but I’m talking about how dug in it is to her waist. I literally don’t know how it’s possible to get this dress on when it’s squeezing the waist so tightly. That’s got to be like physically painful to wear for any period of time.

>> No.10524478

cgl says they hate fat people but they talk about them so much to the point of obsession.

>> No.10524484

That’s because 90% of everyone on here is a fucking sea cow.

>> No.10524487
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>> No.10524488

>physically painful to wear

Imagine paying over $200 for a dress so small on you that it leaves welts.

>> No.10524493
File: 52 KB, 397x600, cuteplussize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not about her being fat anon. This girl looks about her size and looks pretty cute. Notice that her clothes actually fit. You can be a plus size lolita and be cute af, but no one looks cute when they're spilling out the sides of their dress and the seams are about to pop.

>> No.10524521

Not a problem!

Lol it’s all good, really

I don’t really care about who knows that I go on here, the people who know are cool with it and I don’t bother associating myself with those who’d throw a fit over it

>> No.10524548

Except a lot of us who are smaller size than she is are trying to figure out hacks to get those dresses on, not shitting on her.

>> No.10524563

Sure, it's not about her being overweight when y'all are literally calling her fatty and talking about rolling in butter. Get over yourselves

>> No.10524567

Sorry your fatass got posted hun

>> No.10524569

Weight aside, the fact that this hot mess of a coord wins second place really makes me want to see the ones who didn’t win. This is so fucking tacky.

>> No.10524570

Someone took Tyler’s no white blouse thing too seriously.

>> No.10524571

I literally said that I have bigger measurements calling myself bigger than the typical lolita size and asked for tips into fitting into dresses lol. Ok tho, stay mad for no reason?

>> No.10524574

I wouldn’t call that fitting lmao. I guess she’s physically inside the dress, more or less.

>> No.10524577

Fucking basic
If you know you can fit the waist, zip the dress up and go over your head. Like someone else said, your boobs are squish-able and in most cases you can slip the waist down past them without having to deal with zipping the dress on your body.

>> No.10524578

Yeah I can’t imagine the “worldwide” competition was too fierce if this won anything. The color palette is way off, why is there a random green normie sweater, the striped and fur socks look like something from a Santa cosplay shop, the jewelry is all over the place, the hair is a train wreck, and her makeup is bad.

I do think that the thread would have left her alone if she wasn’t fat though. Even though almost everyone caught red handed using cgl is obese, it never fails that fatty chans get the worst of it on here.

>> No.10524580

>without having to deal with zipping the dress on your body.
Lmao what a larper

>> No.10524583

??? Okay someone literally asked for a tip for fitting dresses as someone slightly above average measurements? Salty as hell today I see

>> No.10524619

The dress doesn’t have a zipper anon. Special set JSKs almost never do because construction costs are higher with a zipper.

>> No.10524622

what happened to her wig haha
oh no hahahaha
very costumey
she did THAT, stop
is that clown realness? her nose looks weird
dress too short

>> No.10524627

sometimes i feel so ashamed by mexican lolitas, they try very hard

>> No.10524668
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>> No.10524691

what am I seeing....??

>> No.10524729

I'm talking in general hacks, not for this particular dress lol, sorry for not being more clear about that, my b

>> No.10524733

Ok but I want that tigger

>> No.10524804

While I don't hate the dress, the shoes are a terrible choice. Her face also gives me the creeps. It looks like a cosplayer tried to wear the fashion but couldn't let go of the costume feeling of it.

>> No.10526063

I never knew there was wood panel printed fabric nice to know that there’s such a thing that no one ever really asked for

>> No.10526064

Ty for tip. I'm going to try to lose some weight. 36' bust just isn't going to work and neither is 28' waist. And I don't want to break my dresses trying to force them on my fatass lmao

>> No.10526066

good luck anon, 27" waist can get you into most things except for VM/MM

>> No.10526076

1) she didn’t say if it was the special set or original version so it could have a side zipper and she does own a lot of the accessories to match so it is possible
2) some people do add their own zipper I know someone who got sweet jam op and had a zipper added at the back down the middle and the waist ties could have been used also to add extra fabric
3) they can still cut the elastic and even not attach the straps as they are button on and just pinned them to the blouse

The thing is it all comes down to speculation about so many things as we can’t see the whole thing but one thing is for sure she seems to love the series and maybe she not sell it so even if modified who cares. If you love it, you’ll find a way.

>> No.10526308

lazy eye chan

>> No.10526309

yous a big boy there

>> No.10526310

>she even allowed me to take off my coat for some outfit phot
wat??? why would your mother allow you to take a jacket off/ child abuse?

>> No.10526312

the amount of hate for this coord is unreal.

>> No.10526314

fat does not make a petticoat....

>> No.10526317

uh. no child.

>> No.10526320

I am 28" waist and fit all AP, AATP, and BTSSB?
You can try a waist trainer, helps slim down some and its pretty comfy under a dress?
Only thing is I have is broad shoulders so I don't really buy many OPs. as they wont fit past my waist alot of times, gave up on them

>> No.10526326

Thank you! I can definitely do it. I just need to adjust my eating a little bit and start exercising.

>> No.10526327

Someone mentioned MM. For most classic brands you need smaller measurements than sweet I'm guessing.

>> No.10526329

AYRT I want a better fit and not to feel so squished. Also, one day I would love to fit MMM but that requires like a 34 bust max and 24 waist. I'm about 150lb so I can stand to lose 30lb with no issue. 5'7.5 for reference.

>> No.10526356

This would look like shit with a white blouse. She's cute as is.

>> No.10526493

How the fuck does Voldie fit into classic dresses at all then?

>> No.10526557

She alters them to lace up the back, unzipped. She's posted a tutorial for it.

>> No.10526622

What did Voldie look like before this weight gain everyone talks about?

>> No.10526653

She did that to one MM dress and seagulls have held on to that like she is destroying all her brand. Half her dresses are side zips or zipperless.

>> No.10526656

You're acting like I'm attacking her by stating a simple fact. I don't care if she alters her brand, calm down.

>> No.10526657

It's just annoying, and it's not even true. People here obsess on totally random people for years over nothing.

>> No.10526664

Sorry you got posted fatass.

>> No.10526823

You can fit newer VM with a 27" waist just fine as well, even. Just not skirts of course. Not sure about MM.

Just so you're aware, newer Moitie is huge; you only have to worry about being under those sizes for pre-WW Moitie.