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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 121 KB, 400x609, 2009_06200034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10518012 No.10518012 [Reply] [Original]

With the re-release of sugary carnival, we can confidently say that OTT sweet is making a comeback (some gulls are still in denial). Let's post inspo, coordinate advice etc

>Best release from that era?
>Best/worst trend from that era?
>Best modern release that fits the OTT sweet aesthetic?
>With chocomint defunct, where do you buy your OTT sweet accesories and wigs?

>> No.10518013
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starting the thread off with some classic Sugary Carnival inspo spam

>> No.10518015
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>> No.10518016
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>> No.10518017
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>> No.10518018
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>> No.10518020
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>> No.10518023
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>> No.10518027
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>> No.10518029

M8 these are god awful......

>> No.10518077

they said it was inspo, I guess some of it is inspo to be better than itas of yore

>> No.10518079
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the second one is off the wall experimental but the black SC coord is fine

>> No.10518084
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>> No.10518086
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>> No.10518088

These are terrible, get better taste

>> No.10518089

That unbrushed k8 wig is fine? Fix your eyes anon.

>> No.10518091
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>> No.10518094
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you're obviously new and don't know anything about OTT sweet

>> No.10518096
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>> No.10518098
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>> No.10518103
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>> No.10518107
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>> No.10518110
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>> No.10518111

I know how to brush and take care of my wigs kek

>> No.10518114
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>> No.10518117
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>> No.10518120
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>> No.10518122
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>> No.10518155

Yo, please someone spill the tea on this girl. I can't remember her IG account but she went coo coo crazy going trans, no?

>> No.10518168

Uh... no? you might be thinking of the wrong person

>> No.10518177

The trend in 2010 was backcombed to shit twintails to achieve the most possible volume, you must be new

>> No.10518181
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>> No.10518183
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>> No.10518184
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>> No.10518185
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>> No.10518188
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>> No.10518189
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>> No.10518190 [DELETED] 

Nope, I think her online handle was Squiggly something or Alien Doll. She had pretty cute coords during this time and I think she was in that documentary with Lor.

>> No.10518192

Yep, it's Aliendoll on IG. Crazy how much her style has changed and time was not kind to her. Shame actually.

>> No.10518200

I miss lolitas wearing eye makeup and not shaving off their chins and jaws in pictures

>> No.10518204

Holy shit this thread is making me sad and nostalgic. I don't know how to feel about the AP sweet boom cuz I just know the coords newfags and trenders make will never hold a candle to the 2010 sweet era.
Ana Asuka always makes me depressed.

>> No.10518206
File: 40 KB, 375x500, 0812065_p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah the beauty trends of 2020 don't mesh well with the 2010 aesthetic. i hope eyemakeup becomes popular again in japan soon.

>> No.10518209
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>> No.10518211
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>> No.10518214
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>> No.10518217
File: 1.05 MB, 1512x1512, CSaGiNKm7ie7CYxOvE4OLiQqRObRJV74ENszmFmg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some taobao or indie releases that come close to capturing that aesthetic? The closest I've seen is this CC Cat release.

>> No.10518244

guess I just don't consider someone cutting their hair and changing their legal name to their nickname as going "coo coo crazy" and lolita hasn't been their main style in years and years

>> No.10518337

No, no I do for sure. Mental illness is strong with this one. Sad really.

>> No.10518345

This style is what got me into this fashion, but nowadays I just think it's "meh". I'm glad some people keep it alive though.

>> No.10518400

where can you get those big pigtail wigs? cosplay wigs just dont have he same puff

>> No.10518422

I used to look up to her coords a lot, sad to know that she became a gender snowflake.

>> No.10518426

ok conlita

>> No.10518432

Prisila wigs

>> No.10518443

That was the style you dipshit

>> No.10518455

I think she transitioned her bad looks could be becouse of the hormones

>> No.10518487

God I hated her style and her makeup was the worse! I don’t know how she got so popular. So glad I don’t see her shit spammed everywhere anymore.

>> No.10518489

The current makeup trend would be ナメクジメイク, which is OTT eyebag creases to the point it looks like slugs, you don't really want their current makeup trends in Lolita.

>> No.10518490

Doesn't To Alice make tons of stuff like that?

>> No.10518493

Her makeup is definitely cursed, and I genuinely do not understand the Piglet plush here.

>> No.10518515
File: 304 KB, 1080x1080, 7A488C50-DAC5-4DBE-AF79-8F63A25A9967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks so gross. And it’s yet another thing about imitating the random ugly traits of westerners, like the double eyelid fad. Who tf decided having thinner skin around your eyeball than Asians usually have was something attractive

>> No.10518523

Just some random info, but I own the KC of this series in green and it matches the mint color way Toy Doll Box perfectly.

>> No.10518528
File: 50 KB, 480x270, 2012031112290002s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this would be cute without the alien tier shoop.

either way there has to be a happy medium between no eyemake and dramatic eyebag looks

>> No.10518552

I think this make up is perfect actually. But I think it won't look great with everyone.

>> No.10518585

>random ugly traits of westerners
nothing to do with westerners or thin skin, it's just a new name for the old korean aegyo sal trend that emulates the appearance of puffy eyes when smiling as it's seen as youtful

>> No.10518601
File: 193 KB, 960x1280, F2841113-3DF0-4FC6-87BD-149E70A8898D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had this saved just for you

>> No.10518606

>aegyo sal
It’s actually to make the eyes look bigger, like everything about Korean/Japanese eye makeup.

>> No.10518626

I only wear goth but I’m stoked for super sweet pastel OTT to make a comeback. It’s so iconic and the colors are just so much fun

>> No.10518639
File: 36 KB, 600x300, K5HE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're wrong. It means cute fat in Korean or something similar and is about looking like you're smiling and cute, not just bigger sized eyes.

I'm nonwhite and also not Asian and have huge "tear bags"/aegyo sal naturally no matter how much I depuff. Everyone's not trying to look white, you all age like milk anyway.

>make eyes look bigger, like everything about Korean/Japanese eye makeup

to tackle this more specifically, there are Japanese eye trends like tsuri and tare eyes that aren't about eye size but the personality your eyes communicate via how you line them, pointed up and cat eye for a certain look that's playful and pointed down and droopy to communicate softness, none of which have anything directly to do with eye size and came from anime tropes, not white people.

>> No.10518641

Bottom woman is smiling which accentuates them and top pic is airbrushed as fuck

>> No.10518668
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less makeup talk more OTT sweet posting

does anyone know exactly where OTT sweet comes from? what made AP decide to start taking a more decora and fairy kei influence?

>> No.10518669
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>> No.10518670
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>> No.10518671
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>> No.10518672

>what made AP decide to start taking a more decora and fairy kei influence?
I wouldn't call anything worn by the official models inspired by that, they would have done the same stuff way earlier if they would have had the sources for it, but manufacturing printed clothes of that quality wasn't as accessible back then.

>> No.10518677
File: 79 KB, 499x700, tumblr_lkus26LqSx1qgjjjyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think these pieces take heavy fairy kei or atleast a non-lolita influence

>> No.10518681

>not everyone is trying to look white

Some Asian people also have surgery to look like other Asian people. I.e. the ones with monolids getting double eyelid surgery.

>> No.10518683
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>> No.10518686
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>> No.10518687
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>> No.10518688
File: 524 KB, 1280x1814, AP-Strawberry-Parlor1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10518690
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I can't find the second page, but this spread on deco-lolita from KERA featured AP dresses and Maki herself so it's safe to say AP knew about it

>> No.10518691
File: 274 KB, 540x809, AP-Milky-Planet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the ad for Milky Planet with it's abundance of bows seems to take a deco influence

>> No.10518693

Decora and fairy kei were the jfashion a lot of lolitas were also into. AP made a lot of stuff for fairy kei at the time. It was really common for people to mix and match stuff from different fashions. Decora was stupidly popular and mixed with lolita the same way larme influenced lolita styles. There even was an overlap with himekaji and lolita

>> No.10518694

I meant himegyaru not himekaji

>> No.10518697
File: 61 KB, 382x600, 3c6f08a77878b764338fc61e775542dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the hime/lolita crossover was such a good time

>> No.10518698

not this shit again.

>> No.10518699

I think it’s just that lolita tends to go along with wider trends in j fashion in general, and decora and fairy kei were extremely popular at that time

>> No.10518700
File: 138 KB, 500x392, tumblr_lb8f0fyhVf1qzg7iro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2008-2012 are the Jfashion golden years. so much inspiration coming from different areas. lolita, gyaru, fairy kei, decora, they all fed off eachother.

now there's not many other styles holding strong besides lolita.

>> No.10518702

too bad lolita is going the same way gyaru did.

>> No.10518703
File: 358 KB, 769x1000, tumblr_ltr7wk8Ous1qchqbio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's objectively true that there was a little bit of crossover. >>10518687 this ad spread is undeniably inspired by gyaru and ageha style. AP dresses were often featured in ageha. there were many girls in japan who wore both styles.

>> No.10518704

Ugh I just want to BE these girls.
I wish Prisila still made some of their older wig/hair piece styles. I've scooped up what I can, but it's depressing not being able to buy much new from the site because all the modern styles are too mature and boring.

>> No.10518705

no i mean the annoying neogal anons are going to come out of the woodwork and bitch.

>> No.10518706

a lot of their wigs are still the same model only styled differently. also check fril.

>> No.10518707
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>> No.10518709
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sorry to be defensive anon, i'm so tired of anons who know nothing about jfashion trying to talk out their asses

>> No.10518710

don't worry babe. also same! there's whole articles in my mountain of popteen about gals in lolita, but don't even try to tell noobs that.

>> No.10518711
File: 128 KB, 448x598, tumblr_l78aka2KNf1qc6tiuo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would love to see those articles if you have any scanned!! i love it when jfashion communities intersect.

>> No.10518712
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>> No.10518713

I've been in lolita for a decade. I hated and still hate decora and gyaru. Jfashion blends, sorry you're upset about it

>> No.10518714
File: 41 KB, 350x467, tumblr_l3aw281Dc81qbat6to1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that anon doesn't disagree with you.

>> No.10518717

I wonder if replica pony bags will come back again?

>> No.10518734
File: 384 KB, 1080x978, Derpychan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope not. Those legs are wrecked.

>> No.10518737

Then why are you in the ott sweet thread

>> No.10518745

AP probably wouldn't be able to make a pony bag that looked as good as that replica these days, kek

>> No.10518765

With the new rereleases coming, do you think AP will consider more rereleases of prints from this era if they do well? Thinking of milky planet, decoration dream, etc. Maybe a milky chan if they really want to appease the masses.

>> No.10518810

I wonder if anyone else here was actually around when cgl made derpy chan

>> No.10518843


>> No.10518846

how do I get buns to look like this???

>> No.10518860
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>> No.10518864

Me! The good old days

>> No.10518880

Me as well. Miss those days. Surprisingly the board was overall less petty and had a lot more quality images stored and posted.

>> No.10518928
File: 61 KB, 450x600, tumblr_moxa7ucolz1sxrhw6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AP avoiding velvet releases HURTS. I wish they'd shoot another Carnival re-release.

>> No.10518933
File: 183 KB, 1080x1350, 43360368_753557294986850_9142283007767326441_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10518964

oh my god those replica bags are atrocious, the cranium head, long torso....aaa

>> No.10518972

I think more rereleases are imminent at this point. I think crowd favorites would be the first though, or things that show up less. I'm thinking Milky Planet, Milky Fawn, Vanilla-Chan. Hell .. maybe Prncess in Love because that solid was being sold for almost $1k lately and is very rare. I don't think Decoration Dream would be in the mix for rereleases though. I hadn't seen people fight over it as much.

If anything it's going to take a few years though. The MTOs will probably have AP's hands tied up until at least late 2021 or early 2022.

>> No.10519111

Why did this style die down in the first place?

>> No.10519117

It's a loud style - the teens that were into it were growing up and didn't want to be quite so loud, the new blood coming in wanted something different after decora/fairy kei/gyaru/etc.

>> No.10519157

Absolutely. They already started, long before the big anniversary announcement. Just look at HC or the chocolate series.

AP knows these prints are in high demand. The main reason that the price of the 2010s releases has decreased over time is that the dresses themselves are fading and falling apart. Most girls aren't willing to pay near-retail for a dress that's washed-out and pit-stained that's gone through a dozen owners.

I think SC might wind up being their biggest MTO to date, and if it is then I think an MTO release of Milky Planet and other classics is inevitable. The real question is which prints they'll choose, which colorways, and which cuts. (And for the spergs on /cgl/, if they'll be on cotton.)

Personally I'm just holding out hope for MP in black. Any cut, any fabric, idgaf.

>> No.10519178

same, idgaf if its not cotton. poly doesn't fade or bleed as badly

>> No.10519185

I'm hoping for the original MP halter JSK. With the scallops, in cotton. God AP, fucking please. I love the yellow but yellow looks like shit on me so I'd probably get blue.

>> No.10519187

It was re-released around 2017, anon

>> No.10519188
File: 65 KB, 250x333, JSK-Colorful-Drop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was browsing Weibo and saw a post from girlism that I think was talking about other rereleases people want.


Dresses listed were
-Dream Doll
-Elegant Velveteen Birdcage OP
-Nostalgic Doll OP
-Rose Cologne
-Polkadot Chiffon Cutie Ribbon JSK
-Princess in Love OP/JSK
-Colorful Ribbon series
-Colorful Heart series
-Colorful Sherbet Series
-Polkadot Angel Pony Applique

And a bunch of sallopettes including shyness bear and sweet waffle

>> No.10519193
File: 95 KB, 564x846, 1462249793884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a mixture of what >>10519117 said but the style shifted to favor classic. OTT classic was a thing for a short while. There also was a lack of other styles to feed off of- decora and fairy kei quieted down, gyaru split into mode gyaru or the Amo style that would become the larme aesthetic. What we call cult party and dolly kei had their spot in the limelight for awhile too.

>> No.10519194
File: 84 KB, 480x640, 0906095_p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it'll never happen but i want a dreaming macaron rerelease. i really dislike the fabric it's printed on

>> No.10519197

Wow, the Chinese have fucking horrible taste and only want boring ass shit to be re-released. No wonder all the newer releases have been so fucking boring, they're catering to these tacky bitches. I guess I can't fault them too much, everything they eat is laden with heavy metals, it must fuck with their brains.

Here's what I hope they re-release:
-Milky Planet
-HC switching jsk in mint/pink (cotton would be dope)
-Sugar Hearts
-Marshmallow Bunny
-Sugar Dream Dome

>> No.10519198
File: 642 KB, 496x658, dreammagic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah, you're really mad anon. all of thise solids are better than a damn sugar dream done rerelease, was that even a popular print?

AP rarely makes fun solids anymore, so i can see why that would be high demand.

and dream magic is really cute!!

>> No.10519200
File: 77 KB, 600x800, tumblr_njr1j72TkX1qgjjjyo1_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting some fun non printed (as in not a named series) coords

>> No.10519202
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>> No.10519203
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>> No.10519204
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>> No.10519206
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Lolita & Colitas Unicorn Macaron Dessert Station series nailed the 2010 OTT sweet aesthetic. Sold like crazy, tho. Good luck finding one.

>> No.10519207
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>> No.10519208
File: 252 KB, 1564x1564, 49614630_747061152317263_6891484208519184384_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the print for this was cute but i hated all of the cuts. i hope they continue to make releases though, they're a very promising taobao brand

>> No.10519209
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>> No.10519210
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>> No.10519211

Wow this is super cute. I hope she didn't fall, that pavement looks super sketch.

>> No.10519212
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>> No.10519213

>square dancing petti

>> No.10519214

how new are you? are you like 21? get back into your neo-lolita threads and gtfo, young one

>> No.10519215
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>> No.10519217
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>> No.10519218
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>> No.10519219
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>> No.10519220
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>> No.10519221
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>> No.10519223
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>> No.10519325

I'm hoping for this so hard. I really want these over their new stuff honestly. Take a break from the new stuff and do these rerelease MTOs of the classic APs. Revisit what people loved and maybe improve on their new releases.

interesting no Melty Ribbon Chocolate, I would think that would be up there. I mean i guess they did do a rerelease but it was sort of a joke

>> No.10519326

How’d you get pictures of my sleep paralysis demon

>> No.10519330
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>> No.10519331
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>> No.10519400
File: 456 KB, 847x1179, Screenshot_20201218-055313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out Maxicimam for their Chocolate Bear Coty-chan prints, pic rel. Those work. Nile Perch is good, too; not really lolita mostly, but for ott sweet accessories it's good. Bodyline occasionally puts out acceptable pieces, like Squirrel Party and Unicorn and Friends, but they go fast. And I haven't seen that one cute BL ice cream print in years.

>> No.10519415

Thank you!

>> No.10519427

Only printfags have shit taste :^)

>> No.10519428

Bless you anon. This is the kind of tutorial I've been looking for

>> No.10519432

I'm so down for this. Make it happen, AP!

>> No.10519434

I'm so glad the Chinese have the same taste as me

>> No.10519435

>calling these boring AND tacky at the same time
Sounds like you're projecting your own brain damage

>> No.10519571

I'd give anything for this fucking dress at this point but I've basically lost hope...

>> No.10519587

Angel Pony would be nice but they would probably do plain cotton like the Nakayoshi Bunny rerelease.

>> No.10519785
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>> No.10519787
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>> No.10519788
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>> No.10519790
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>> No.10519791
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>> No.10519792
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>> No.10519793
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>> No.10519890

Yeah you really have to visit their store, they have more pieces there than online. They also still had some nice pieces in their outlet last time, but the colors are very specific.

>> No.10519919

Holy shit just saw her IG.

After all that whiny crying in the lolita documentary and pretentiousness over the years she sure took a nose dive into even further cringe territory. Didn't even think that was possible.

She's now a fat llama lipped kpop idol skinwalker. Big yikes. That documentary was clearly cursed since each trainwreck featured aged like spoiled milk.

>> No.10519922

How about both?

>> No.10519963

is this edited or are they twinning

>> No.10519968

What documentary are you talking about?

>> No.10519972
File: 81 KB, 640x480, 164729_136630736395726_7848924_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Set aside pony bag replicas, does anyone here remeber the brand called Pink Macaron? They used to make unicorn bags to match their Unicorn Fantasy print. Earlier editions looked pretty cute, even tho they were super tiny. They seemed even smaller than AP pony bags.

>> No.10519981

Sugar Coated on YT, full of special snowflakes who felt the need to tie lolita fashion to their mental illnesses.

>> No.10519987

Oh, I watched it before but only remember lor being in it honestly

>> No.10519988
File: 52 KB, 459x645, unicornfantasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, the amount of people over the last 10 years wearing their "sPeShUL MEntALl iLLnEss" as a badge of honor is too damn high.

Oh wow, I vaguely remember this brand and wanting one of their skirts (I think?) way back in the day. Their bags were really cute!

>> No.10519998

Twinning I think

>> No.10520000

I would honestly shank someone to own this colorway of Carnival.

>> No.10520011

If AP is smart they’ll rerelease it

>> No.10520013

I'd be down, and for >>10519792 too, I hate the texture of velvet/velveteen/corduroy.

>> No.10520014

The reason people talk about their mental illnesses usually isn't to feel special. It's to claim something that's stigmatized and it's an effort to normalize mental illness. It doesn't need to be some big secret or scandal that you take antidepressants or get therapy. I'm personally glad it's normalized now, also it's nice to know there's people that can empathize with you on a personal level when you're also mentally ill.

And come on. This is alt fashion. I bet 90% or more of people into alt fashion are mentally ill in some way. Are you not?

One annoying thing is the amount of chicks with NPD and HPD claiming to have BPD though. Because they know BPD=uwu sad victim with lots of feelings, but in reality they're just histrionic attention whores and/or manipulative sociopathic narcs.

>> No.10520026
File: 79 KB, 400x325, 2008_10260053.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AP seem having difficult relationship with velvet these days. I would likely not go for it in plain fabric, even if it was cotton.

>> No.10520052

You can leave.

Same. Why bother.

>> No.10520057

Bruh, leave some roast for the rest of us. Seriously, though, I had to unfollow her. She needs some help or something or a new AP dress to liven her up.

>> No.10520059 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 338x550, 71UvFMbhz1L._AC_SY550_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had this though, what if Neo Nakayoshi Bunny dress was just a sample? What if they're going with velvet for actual release?

>> No.10520063

I still have my pony bag! It’s cute, but unfortunately the fabric on the hooves peeled so they’re plain white now. It doesn’t look too noticeable at least I think.

>> No.10520065

Serious question: how can we ever convince people lolita is not a costume when brands release literal costume things like witch hats? I can barely even convince myself anymore with shit like this

>> No.10520073

why do you feel the need to convince people of that? are you really that insecure that you care about what every single normie thinks of your clothes? maybe lolita isn't the fashion for you in that case...

>> No.10520075

Its not the item its the quality of the item. Was it actually designed by an atelier, with quality construction, good fabrics or materials or hardware

Compare mass produced anime cat ears versus much less mass produced Baby cat ears

Like yeah those witch hats look clowny but compare them to actual party city witch hats made out of plastic. The average idiot can't discern the difference but if we were all out here to please the average idiot then why tf we in an alternative fashion.

>> No.10520082

I have this in black and it irritates me to no end that the white velvet panels are closer to a cream color and the ponies are brilliant white. A rerelease in literally any other colorway would be awesome but they’ve only ever rereleased the black

>> No.10520089
File: 36 KB, 444x366, cat-cats-kitten-kitty-pic-picture-funny-lolcat-cute-fun-lovely-photo-images-i-love-this-thread-so-much[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thx OP and everyone who posted pics

>> No.10520120

Any alt fashion will look like a costume to a normie. Goths get the same reaction. I had similar thoughts until I realized that I don't give a shit. I'm doing this for entirely my own enjoyment and the opinions of others mean absolutely nothing to me. Especially ones who couldn't put together a fashionable normie outfit to save their own lives.

Of course there's also a divide in any fashion between casual everyday outfits, nicer outfits for get togethers and medium tier events, and big ass events. Like you're probably not going to wear a housedress to high tea or an opera dress to go grocery shopping. You absolutely can if you want to but it's good to recognize that there are different kinds of fancy clothing for different reasons. It doesn't make them any more of a costume than anything else.

>> No.10520135

Oh damn, is it supposed to be that way?? I assumed mine was discolored.

>> No.10520137
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1. most alt fashion looks like a costume to normies. the presence of a witch hat isn't going to change that

2. the presence of a witch hat alone doesn't make something a costume. someone can wear a witch hat with jeans and say they're wearing a costume, but that doesn't mean that jeans are automatically a costume.

3. i know many lolitas find the term costume insulting, but i don't. theres nothing wrong with wearing a costume. why would i care if someone thinks i am wearing one?

>> No.10520144

Based, never understood why western lolitas get so pissy about this.

>> No.10520146

There's a difference between normalizing something that has been so stigmatized and thankfully, it's not as stigmatized and wearing it on your sleeve for sympathy and a badge of honor. That's the issue.

>> No.10520272

IDK? Just don’t care about what other people think? Who fucking cares if someone thinks you’re wearing a costume?

>> No.10520287

I have the black x pink one and the velveteen, ribbons and polka dot ribbon are all different pink!

>> No.10520298
File: 525 KB, 700x933, 458392_Circus_girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember seeing this black x white colorway on sale secondhand. The lighting has made the white (ivory?) parts look slightly yellowish and I was like "whoa, that thing seriously aged". Now that I know it I don't really mind some little color mismatch.

>> No.10520308

its more of an insult to be miss interpreted. most brand items are beyond the quality of costumes so its pretty insulting to the items itself when their value is seen as "costume"

>> No.10520380

Because things sold as costume in the west are of piss-poor quality even just looking at it.

>> No.10520382

What are you talking about? They rereleased it in the pink and pink x red too, not just black.

>> No.10520397

That doesn’t matter to normies. It doesn’t matter if the quality is good, the fashion is completely out of their sphere of understanding and to them, angelic pretty is indecipherable from a leg avenue halloween costume.

>> No.10520420

Maybe if you live in a hick town without any fashionable or even decently dressed normies, yeah

>> No.10520714
File: 874 KB, 920x1265, glbwinter09decopage1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has nothing to do with it being a hick town. Most normies don't care about clothing quality, we're in the era of fast fashion. and most people won't be close enough to your coordinate to tell the difference in quality from a costume anyway. even most fashion conscious people don't know shit about fabric, construction and quality.

anyway here is the other scan of this >>10518690 spread

>> No.10520774

That's not my experience.

>> No.10520781

Is that a man in blue or and incredibly flat chested woman?

>> No.10520782

that's asuka newfag

>> No.10520786

that's one of the fucking AP designers you goddamned newfag

>> No.10520955

Your card has been revoked.

>> No.10520958


>> No.10521121

Anyone having a picture of Rinrin in something hot pink that has a cape? She said it was her first photoshoot with AP.

>> No.10521131

remember when lolita used to be more about the clothes themselves than the people wearing them? as in this fashion is to empower women so who gives a fuck about faces?

>> No.10521137

This fashion hasn't been about empowering women in a long time, if it ever was.

>> No.10524127
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>> No.10524130
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>> No.10524131
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>> No.10524133
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>> No.10524136
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>> No.10524138
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>> No.10524139
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>> No.10524140
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>> No.10524141
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>> No.10524204

Could I get some milky planet nostalgia?

>> No.10524209
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>> No.10524210
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>> No.10524211
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>> No.10524213
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>> No.10524214
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>> No.10524216
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>> No.10524217
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>> No.10524218

love handmade props like this!

>> No.10524219
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>> No.10524220
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>> No.10524225
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>> No.10524227
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>> No.10524229
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>> No.10524247

There’s so much boobloaf in this thread we bout to open a cgl bakery lmao

>> No.10524930
File: 288 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20200718_105753_448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The wig is shit and I need a better one but here's my attempt at ott 2010 sweet

>> No.10525139

That doesn't look like a replica.

>> No.10525173

is this you anon? rofl

>> No.10525179

this aint 2010 sweet. ur wearing a cosplay wig.

>> No.10525857
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>> No.10525860


i can't tell if you're trolling or not because those bangs, anon...

>> No.10525862
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>> No.10525863
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>> No.10525865
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>> No.10525870
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>> No.10525872
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>> No.10525897

>I said fag, am cool yet?

>> No.10525907

go back to wherever you came from newfag

>> No.10525913
File: 241 KB, 713x998, tumblr_nj4jktySs11tlg6lxo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you have a tag on Twitter to flood because normies hurt your fee fees? Cuntfag.

>> No.10525914

>I said cunt, am cool yet?

>> No.10525960
File: 134 KB, 720x960, f70b0c9841411a226a742dda74e1b4f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You left fag out. That's the cool part...cuntfag.

>> No.10525964

It is, you can tell by the wonky proportions. I think it was kidsyoyo that did pony bag replicas back in the day?? One of the taobao brands.

>> No.10525983

woah, the girl on the left is the first time I've seen ott sweet and liked it

>> No.10526515
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>> No.10526518
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>> No.10526521
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>> No.10526522
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>> No.10526527
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>> No.10526530
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>> No.10526531
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>> No.10526533
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>> No.10526535

It's funny, but looking back, this was the era that made me dislike sweet and get into old school. Now I can't stop kicking myself for missing out on all these releases

>> No.10526550

It's okay anon, 2010 OTT sweet marked a huge cultural shift in lolita. It was popular, it was different from the norm, and meetlitas were becoming a lot more normalized. I remember secrets claiming border prints would be the downfall of lolita. It's understandable that we didn't understand how good we had it at the time

>> No.10526589

Same. In my case all of the dislike was my own baggage, though.

I was right out of high school and trying super hard to look like a mature adult. Plus I had a major case of the "I'm not like other girls, I hate pink cute things" shit. And of course I hated that OTT sweet made lolita look like a costume.

ofc now I understand that ALL lolita looks like a fucking costume. Normies don't even wear skirts where I live, the main fashion source is walmart. Even the most tasteful classic looks are OTT compared to jeans and a tank top. And I don't give a fuck if random strangers think I'm weird or get the wrong idea about my clothes.

>> No.10526729
File: 64 KB, 368x720, 1b615c09e0a01817c41f2090507c8aac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll share some faves I've dug up. Would be interested in following lolitas who currently post content akin to this if you guys have suggestions.

>> No.10526730
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>> No.10526732
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>> No.10526733
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>> No.10526734
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>> No.10526735
File: 94 KB, 479x718, hnu2xj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw her posted a couple times up thread, she was one of my favorite lolitas who wore this style.

>> No.10526737
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>> No.10526738
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Done for now

>> No.10526741

This reeks of self post and belongs in the ita thread. Who would take inspiration from this trash fire lmao.

>> No.10526784

wtf is that pose? autism dude.

>> No.10526821

>Here's my attempt

Reading is fundamental

>> No.10532970

Does anyone have pictures of coords using natural hair/mostly natural hair? Black or dark brown preferred?

>> No.10533004

cgl and fat go hand in hand, anon.

>> No.10541247


>> No.10541262

I believe that this might be the picture you are talking about, >>10526730
I’m not 100% because I’m shit at recognising faces in general.

>> No.10541321

This thread srsly takes me back. These damn kids have no sense of history, tho. Hopefully more of these old style threads pop up because the styles of today were informed by the styles of yesteryear

>> No.10541326



>> No.10541331

Wait, really??? Pls forgive, I was just getting into the fashion around that time. I can't find anything about a rerelease of Carnival on lolibrary though I know that doesn't mean much. Was it a Japan exclusive?