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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10506833 No.10506833 [Reply] [Original]

Years of repression, misunderstandings of campaigns such as 'cosplay is not consent' - where the person simply drops ANY attempt to socialize at all outside of the convention floor, sexual memes and groups like in picture related. Our community is sick. People are repressed. People are tense. And if one tries to break out of the taboo, it's outright cancelled. This needs to be discussed.

>> No.10506876

Just like literally everywhere else there's just too many lonely horny men in the community and the women still just want Chad

>> No.10506893

Yeah it's called normalfags took over. There is no going back.

>> No.10506899

Hopefully all the cons being canceled for a year will shoo the normalfags away

>> No.10506901

unlikely. Most normalfags help run the bigger ones for clout.

>> No.10506902

If anything it probably made the people who need to listen to the warning of 'cosplay is not consent' more weird once cons start back up.

> where the person simply drops ANY attempt to socialize at all outside of the convention floor, sexual memes and groups like in picture related.
OP this is generally because weebs lack full self awareness and often just come off as largely creepy/stalky. If you want to hook up fire up tinder, sit chill at the con bar, do something that isn't asking a cosplayer for her picture and then number right after. Even though con horror stories generally have a lot of larp in it, there are true posts in there which is why the 'cosplay/consent' thing is there as a blanket statement.

>> No.10506905


>> No.10506906

grinder or whatever floats your boat. Just stating that there are apps for hookups out there. My point was the cosplay/consent thing isn't exactly directed at people who know how to socialize and act normal-ish.

>> No.10506907

Okay, anon. I live in a country where conventions, even larger ones, do not contain 'con bar' or anything like that, due to culture problems/convention culture being too new when compared to USA culture.

>do something that isn't asking a cosplayer for her picture and then number right after.
Asking for his/her Instagram is okay?

>> No.10506908

Tinder only works if you're the top 2% of males and if you're attractive enough to fuck on tinder con girls aren't gonna be creeped out by you no matter what

>> No.10506909

>people who know how to socialize and act normal-ish
Why go to a convention for a hobby that's full of literal aspies if shit like that is gonna bother you?
Maybe normies thots should go on tinder instead of going to cons

>> No.10506912

The reality anon is that the days of being able to find a girlfriend or possibly wife at anime convention are over with.

>> No.10506914

> I live in a country where conventions, even larger ones
Usually there is some bar around the con, just sit at that other cosplayers do too. Only places I've had issues were in asia but sitting in a park drinking was fine.

> if you're attractive enough to fuck on tinder con girls aren't gonna be creeped out by you no matter what
Yeah my point was that this cosplay/consent thing isn't directed at people who have issues with socializing. Congrats. It's generally meant for the people who really go too far one way or the other. The statement is a blanket for these cases where anons don't get it and need to back off.

I like anime cons they are fun, I don't go to get laid. If I am at the bar I might pull up tinder see what's going on, if nothing bites whatever it's not my 1 time of socializing that year.

>> No.10506916

>who have
Who don't have*
Again that's why I feel the statement is fine to say simply because there are people I've met who do feel because they found their waifu/husbano in cosplay they can just move in. Once had a girl who was being hit on just ask to follow me around because some dude wanted a picture with her, then asked her phone number/facebook/insta where she was staying etc. Having a blanket excuse by the con to hide behind can work for some cases, but that's not to say it can't be taken overboard by some people in the extremes.

>> No.10506918

OP here. Not asking for a girlfriend. I just want to fuck girls in costume while i'm in costume myself.

>Yeah my point was that this cosplay/consent thing isn't directed at people who have issues with socializing

But what if that created an taboo aura that makes people fear they will be called out for breaking it, even if they are being completely civilized and approaching in a respectful manner? How to overcome this?

>> No.10506919

>knows too many male cosplay friends who would send hentai or sexual memes
>they want a fwb
>they rushes into a relationship with a cosplayer just because they have casual sex

Cosplayers sure are confusing

>> No.10506921

>How to overcome this?
Be Chad.

>> No.10506922

>what if that created an taboo aura that makes people fear they will be called out for breaking
Because it really doesn't, the people who promote this aura generally are the no fun allowed people you'd never find drinking at the hotel bar, at a room party, or on tinder. Most drama shit comes from /cgl/ at conventions which is a large part of the reason I stopped hanging out with gulls for the most part.
>even if they are being completely civilized and approaching in a respectful manner?
Because it's unlikely to happen unless you believe con horror stories are all 100% true. Most normal people will respectfully decline any advancements and you should be able to read the body language well in advance of this anyways. Though if your only socializing is via an anime con and going as a thirsty anon to get some snu snu, you'll give off that vibe and people can tell.
>How to overcome this?
Act like you would at other social events, just be more directed at cosplay and the event topics.

>> No.10506923

That's what you get in a hobby with people who are lacking social adjustment and often have real psychological issues. I, OP, do not exclude myself from this.

Can't be chad if you're assburgers

>> No.10506925

>Can't be chad if you're assburgers
Are you actually diagnosed with that from a doctor, if so there are generally a slew of drugs to help manage that readily available. If you're just self diagnosed because you lack social skills and are wondering why socializing is hard, no clue what to tell you other than to get out more.

>> No.10506926

I know. The answer is you won't be able to have casual sex easily, especially not in a situation like an anime convention. It's basically impossible.

>> No.10506928

>I'm so socially inept that I feel I have aspergers
>why is socializing hard? I don't get it!!!
Anon... Are you reading what you're typing here?

>> No.10506930

Okay, anon, now those are some real solid tips. However, let me point out some things (i'm OP) that are a problem particularly for me.

>Because it really doesn't, the people who promote this aura generally are the no fun allowed people you'd never find drinking at the hotel bar

Okay. That's fine. I will memorize it and remember of it whenever I 'feel' there's gonna be that aura on me.

>Most normal people will respectfully decline any advancements and you should be able to read the body language well in advance of this anyways. Though if your only socializing is via an anime con and going as a thirsty anon to get some snu snu, you'll give off that vibe and people can tell
I basically have 'two modes' of socializing. One, is an 'institutional' socializing, which I use for work settings/regular stuff (like going to the doctor or renewing my driver's license), and 'cosplay mode', which would be where I socialize as the character I am cosplaying and not exactly myself.

That being said, i'm legitimately in a psychologist to get a diagnosis, i've done all the tests to check out for autism and judging prematurely, I might have some degree of it - after all I really cannot read body language except for obvious things. That being said, how to not give off that vibe?

The signs are quite high and she has admitted it to me. Of course my psychologist won't jump out to conclusions but in 30 days i'll get a report from her. But how can drugs help in socializing? am curious now. Just to reassure: I never self diagnosed myself. I am under the formal treatment to have the diagnosis.

>> No.10506933

Anon if you actually plan to socialize like this, go about socializing in "modes", you really just need to keep talking with your medical professional about this. They will probably throw you some xanax or some shit to mellow you out a bit.

Really just keep sticking with your psychologist on this and take your concerns there because cgl is not the place for medical/mental advice lol.

>> No.10506934

People fuck just as much as ever but like everywhere else women's standards have shot up and non Chad's get nothing

>> No.10506936
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Read my other posts. My psychologist has said I have signs - or else she wouldn't bother going through the tests.

I don't actually think of 'modes' of socializing, but it's how I have thought of explaining to you. Sounds insane, I know, but it's how I can explain how I socialize.

Also, sure. I'll tell her tomorrow, which is right when I have my appointment, that I would really like to specifically fuck girls in cosplay.

>> No.10506937

My psychologist said I had "asperger's like symptoms" too lol but never elaborated on what that meant
I've always had horrible debilitating social anxiery and I've never really been able to connect with people but I always thought it was just the anxiety not asperger's

>> No.10506938

>Read my other posts. My psychologist has said I have signs - or else she wouldn't bother going through the tests.
I have anon, and if you are visiting one you need to take this conversation there so that person can understand whatever is up with you. Cgl probably won't offer any helpful advice on this front that won't just seemingly make you feel more frustrated. I feel like I'm reading r9k copypasta's here.

>> No.10506942

Well it's always sort of been that way for casual sex, unless you standout in looks or can talk you really don't have a chance. It's made worse since in the anime convention environment the supply and demand is off, beta orbiters and white knights will cock block you, and clout chasing.

I know it's hard to hear but not everyone can do anything they want.

>> No.10506943

r9k is only around because the social paridigm and dating scene has gotten so fucked up
It really didn't used to be like this even 10 years ago

>> No.10506946

How would betas be able to stop me if I wanted to talk to a cutie?

>> No.10506948

>Cgl probably won't offer any helpful advice on this front that won't just seemingly make you feel more frustrated

I'm not feeling frustrated. All my life I learned to copy how to socialize in specific ways to properly 'work' within a society. by telling me what steps to take in order to reach my objective - sex with cosplayers - I may be able to mimic it somewhat.

You just answered yourself. your anxiety overcomes most tuff. i've read somewhere it's fairly common for autists to have other problems associated. Try getting another psychologist I guess?

>> No.10506949

If you aren't getting the hint of "she doesn't want to talk to you" it's pretty easy for a girl to find any dude to hang out and act like their friend.

>hey this weird guy is following me around can I hang out with you till he gets the message/find con staff
Happens often enough

>> No.10506950

My anxiety is mostly gone and now I realize that I probably am an aspie, lol like I can literally sense my brain not being able to keep up with others when in a social setting yet I'm fully aware of it it's weird

>> No.10506951

They'll be annoying as possible and do everything to interrupt you. The girl will then use it to shut down. Since you will never be able to advance past a certain level socially you won't be able to deal with this.

>> No.10506952

Bruh speak for yourself I would just tell the dude to fuck off I'm talking to the lady
Last time I was at a convention I had a few opportunities to talk to a cute cosplayer one on one but I didn't take them

>> No.10506953

The guy is friends with the girl, and he's not going to do it in a way that's rude.

>> No.10506954

Then only approach girls that aren't with guy friends lol

>> No.10506955

This thread is why you don’t get laid

>> No.10506958

Explain why I don't get laid.

>> No.10506960

Pretty much this, and believe it or not girls do the same shit but most guys say yes. I remember going into a con a while back like 15 minutes into walking into the con center some girl asked me for my room number, cell, and social media. Was like what the absolute fuck and kinda made up some excuse about my room mates not checking in yet so I didn't really know the number, then did some mix up of numbers on my phone #. Being too straight forward can be big red flags, probably not going to hang out when shit like that comes out of fucking no where.

>> No.10506962

Was she hot?
Are you Chad?

>> No.10506963

Yeah but the current environment most girls have betas on tap or like
Said they will go to a White knight and he will pretend to know them.

So again, I think what you are asking is there any way for someone with limited social skills to be able to hookup with a girl at a anime convention,

Not really. Some guys get lucky. But you really won't be able to get enough time or the environment to have a long form conversation where you can charm a lady.

>> No.10506964

How hard is it to get dicked if you're gay tho?

>> No.10506966

I saw plenty of women by themselves last time I was at ohayocon I doubt I would have had much trouble had I actually tried I don't know where you guys go where literally every woman has beta orbiters, the gender split was like 50:50 it might have even been majority women

>> No.10506967

okay then why didn't you try?

>> No.10506968

None of you act like normal people

Girls bring men so autists like you don't bother them take the hint

>> No.10506969

If you act anything like in this thread you do when attempting to socialize, it's a pretty dead give away coming off as desperate and that's always off-putting. Also how you jump to your medical reasons for acting this way and blaming chads and society really really is off putting. Get big insecurity vibes which just attracts as good as to south poles of a magnet.

You really need to take this stuff you your pysch, cgl is really not going to be actually helpful to anything here.

>> No.10506970

Social anxiety my dude, it's gotten better though and I do plan on trying more next time I go
That and I wasn't cosplaying and I plan on actually doing that next time

>> No.10506972

This exactly, OP you need to realize that immediately downplaying yourself in your introduction is not going to make anyone happy to hang out with you. People generally don't go to a con to be depressed

>> No.10506975

okay well I'm going to sum this up for you if you want to be able to hook up with girls at cons

Improve your social skills and/or looks.

There isn't a magic bullet.

>> No.10506982

I don't just want to hook up tho I want something real

>> No.10506983

I don't behave like this in cons. In fact I feel most of my 'problems' are within myself and the perception of others. Otherwise I wouldn't certainly have 500 followers on insta and a good reputation among my cosplay community.

How to not give away and come off as desperate? Literally don't think of sex and think of socializing to make friends?

>> No.10506984

I thought you stated you just wanted casual sex assuming this is op?

>> No.10506985

Anon you're not getting it. There is no magic bullet for you unless you practice and work on your socialization skills. You need to talk this through with your pysch on exercises and things you can do to improve them.

>want something real
Then don't focus on casual sex, make friends share contact info after you have established some kind of relationship and roll from there. Though, without social skills this will be fustrating to understand and impossible to explain on a mongolian cartoon board talking about dress up.

>> No.10506986

I am not OP

>> No.10506987

See >>10506986
I no longer have the incel r9k mindset I'm actually trying to improve I just have a lot of doubt that it will ever be enough for anyone
I just wanna feel loved you know sex doesn't matter as much to me

>> No.10506988

>Otherwise I wouldn't certainly have 500 followers on insta and a good reputation among my cosplay community.
>How to not give away and come off as desperate? Literally don't think of sex and think of socializing to make friends?
Anon, now you're completely contradicting yourself which really ain't good. I also highly doubt you don't act this way in public, or you just don't realize you are, either way you're not making any sense. You're saying you have friends and an active role/rep in the cosplay community, but you don't?


>> No.10506989

>I no longer have the incel r9k mindset
Your posts ITT basically say/show otherwise and yes I know someone else was posting that but it's so in line with your mindset in other posts it was easily confused.

>> No.10506991

Well anime conventions are still a bad choice,
smart targeted online dating and running a op is the way to go.

>> No.10506994

What posts? I never blamed society for not being able to get laid I know it's my own anxiety's fault, I'm working on it

>> No.10506999

blaming "Chads"
"it wasn't like this 10 years ago"
"the taboo aura"
"our community is sick"
most of the op

You've literally brought up it up throughout the thread. Take this up with your pysch anon, this thread is starting the give me 'merely pretending vibes'.

>> No.10507003

Holy shit dude I swear I'm not OP, I did make the post about 10 years ago but it's true the dating scene had changed with shit like tinder it's a fact

>> No.10507009

The fact your posts are indistinguishable from the OP should tell you all you need to know, anon.

>> No.10507011 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10507012

None of the posts you quoted were mine though except the one you moron there's 9 posters in this thread

>> No.10507016

>You're saying you have friends and an active role/rep in the cosplay community, but you don't?

I do have friends and an active role in the cospla ycommunity, but it's all 'institutional'. I'm typically seen as the innocent kid whom his father often is with him at conventions.

>> No.10507018

>I'm typically seen as the innocent kid whom his father often is with him at conventions.
damn not gonna lie that's pretty cute dawg are you a cute little dude?

>> No.10507022

Uh, yes, sir. I've had more than one people say i'm too innocent for some of the cosplay drama that happens.

>> No.10507023

I'll protect you my little dude lets cuddle

>> No.10507044

I met my wife through conventions. She wasn't cosplaying. We met through mutual friends who vouched that I wasn't a creeper.

>> No.10507058


Yeah but how long ago?

>> No.10507062

We met 3 years ago

>> No.10507065

ah. well still doesn't really count at meeting at a convention tho.

>> No.10507070

So.. you just met at a social gathering?

>> No.10507071

My friends have been fucking useless in helping me find a gf

>> No.10507314

Yeah that’s not their job.

>> No.10507422

oh yiss. post discord, anon.

>> No.10507431

i met a cute small boy on here and we fucking now. i want to love and protect his smile.

>> No.10507437

This. I larp. Cosplay is consent- if you're normally able to get strange women to fuck you.

I'm a manlet and I had no issue using tinder. You're just extra ugly, anon.

People need to stop treating any hobby gathering in general as a dating service. Idiots who do that ruin fucking everything. Plus, they cause women to get suspicious and defensive.

>> No.10507445

>People need to stop treating any hobby gathering in general as a dating service. Idiots who do that ruin fucking everything. Plus, they cause women to get suspicious and defensive.


>> No.10507451

>People need to stop treating any hobby gathering in general as a dating service. Idiots who do that ruin fucking everything. Plus, they cause women to get suspicious and defensive.
This, but also why would anyone want to try finding a date at a con. Cons are busy. Most people are suffering from lack of sleep, sweating in their cosplays, and already have friends they're meeting. Their schedules are packed, they don't want to talk to you.
Are you just such a sad person that you don't have a life outside of cons and this is your only chance to talk to people?

>> No.10507452

>Are you just such a sad person that you don't have a life outside of cons and this is your only chance to talk to people?

For many male con attendees this is likely the case.

>> No.10507457

>Are you just such a sad person that you don't have a life outside of cons and this is your only chance to talk to people?
Male cosplayers tend to strike me that way. As I said, I larp. There's some strong overlap, and the people who I KNOW cosplay. Well. Usually not a happy bunch. And heavily predisposed towards being orbiters.

The women honestly seem happy when they run into people who like dress up, and don't simp/orbit because they don't know who they are/that character is, or barely care.

>why would anyone want to try finding a date at a con
As far as I can tell
>I'm normal and have a similar hobby
>i'm not desperate
>I'm not an unattractive loser who thinks cosplay makes me hot
>I'll treat you like a normal fucking woman
Combined with the above is actually surprisingly effective. I've defininitley had some luck with con girls, though i'm not sure i'd want to try it at an actual con. Doesn't seem like a great environment unless it turns into a room party or something.

I actually told my friends about how entertaining I found the con girl/beta con guy dynamic, and found out they'd been getting laid at local local cons, either in street clothes or larp shit, for years before they got married. Of course, they also like nersdshit, are otherwise well adjusted, and weren't there purely for pussy.

Beat up overly thirsty nerds until they become thirsty normals with nerd hobbies, maybe it'll all fix itself.

>> No.10507461

what about con dating events?

>> No.10507462

That sounds like an incredibly bad idea, for reasons I cannot fully articulate beyond my general distrust of anything that explicitly brings desperate nerds together.

>> No.10507465

they already exist though. do you even go to cons?

>> No.10507584

Of you are attractive enough to fuck on Tinder, you can go to a bar/dance club and get laid. Stacy > some woman dressed like a cartoon character

>> No.10507587

The cons I go to almost always have speed dating. It’s the most sad/pathetic thing I have ever seen. It’s thirty guys, six girls that ar single, another ten that have been pulled in from the hallway that already have boyfriends.

I would rather just pay for sex. Less stress.

>> No.10507598

This entire thread is a perfect example of why you can't get laid, people.

>> No.10507643

>be gay
>find other gay
>talk about shared hobby
>>hey man can I suck you off and then we can go get lunch?
>have gay sex
>get lunch
It’s easier than fapping at this point. Be warned anal is kinda gross/loose

>> No.10507645

>Be warned anal is kinda gross/loose
pls explain

>> No.10507683

I knew one guy who actually hit it off with a girl: very autistic, but he made it work anyway. He danced with her sister at the ball (guess the con!), she got mad, and then he TEXTED HER FOR A YEAR DESPITE HER NOT REPLYING.
That’s con dating events

>> No.10507831

>Be warned anal is kinda gross/loose
not if you prepare

>> No.10507834
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Why are most gay guys so horny? I feel like all I get is guys wanting to have casual sex with me. It seems impossible to find a cute guy to cuddle with and cook for and stuff. I thought I'd run into more sensitive guys like that at anime cons but I really don't. It's almost all just horny fuckboys or ugly nerds

>> No.10507867

Its where you're looking, nerds are 7/10 repressed degens

>> No.10507870
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I still want to date a nerdy guy though, most of my interests are pretty nerdy and I want to share interests, but seriously, they all are fucking disgusting and horny.

>> No.10508005

That's how I felt when I tried dating/meeting guys into my nerdy interests. I got lucky though and my partner is super sweet and caring and manages to like nerdy stuff without being an asshole, overly horny/repressed, or douchey and insecure. I'm a woman but I think the same issues apply if not worse since many nerdy dudes are misogynistic and weirdly aggressive towards women despite wanting to fuck them. Just keep trying and be upfront what you're looking for and eventually you'll find someone who wants the same things as you.

>> No.10508077
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>> No.10508079

Isn't that just men in general?

>> No.10508097
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Honestly this. Anyone that is worth dating is either already taken, or they're gay.

>> No.10508148

Good. Stop trying to find a girlfriend/wife at a con and find friends instead. The only omes looking for love are teens that read dramacon.

>> No.10508150

Well I already found someone so I'm good.

>> No.10508523

If you go conventions seeking a woman to fuck, then you're an idiot. Conventions have more lesbians than any other place. You should just have a good time and if it happens it happens.

>> No.10508594

Except that most major cons are now a complete waste of time unless you want to normalfag it up. The event organizers are bootlickers who shut down all the good merchandise sellers, more and more of the better events are now becoming ticketed making them way too much fucking money, the videogame tournaments no longer have cash prizes. All of the good panels require you to lineup 2 hours beforehand. They will let any fucking person in the artist alley now, so the only good artists have a mile long wait time.

>> No.10508640

>Conventions have more lesbians than any other place.
See >>10508097,
>or they're gay.

>> No.10508987
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>Anyone that is worth dating is either already taken, or they're gay.

I'm OP. This sums it up. This kills the crab.

>> No.10508990
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Then get out of this board. Go have sex.

>> No.10509614

Yeah, it probably is worse for girls. Gay dudes have a whole different set of prejudices and stuff, but it’s still annoying as fuck to deal with.
That being said, I’ll stay on the straight and narrow emotional honesty path as best I can. I’m probably a little far repressed already though.

>> No.10509795

aka Chad who watches naruto and plays Cod.

>> No.10510053

>What if that created a taboo aura?
There's not much that can be done about it when the source itself is responsible for 'cosplay is not consent' culture. It's really commonplace for things to happen in anime and manga that warrant a sexual battery charge in real life, and so many fans have grown up ingesting that. Hell, I myself have had someone straight up grab my titties without warning, and where do you think they learned it was 'funny' to do that? Given, it was a girl who grabbed them, but that doesn't make it anymore right. A lot of the shit uses sexual harassments as a comedy tool, and people unfortunately follow suite.

I mean your talking about a convention where half the people grew up viewing material that portrays harassment is funny. No wonder we have 'cosplay isn't consent'.

>> No.10510058

And I wanted to add in no way am I blaming the material itself. Most of the material I'm talking about clearly states older teen or adults only on the rating. The problem is sometimes people let their kids and younger teens watch stuff before they really understand what's going on, and that kind of fucks up people's understanding of what's appropriate.

>> No.10510210

That's a good point, anon. I have only passed through this two times but, besides me, other male cosplayers (specially those in armor sets who hides the faces) were just outright grabbed/flirted in a gross and unrequested way. So I defintiely understand where you come from. I haven't thought of it that way - of people misinterpreting content. But what would be the solution to this?