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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 84 KB, 401x423, E602C7E9-42FE-413F-A900-CCF5F40DF95E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10499350 No.10499350[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>I post my best friend on cgl to see her self-esteem crumble

>> No.10499352

I don't want to be a dyke but i have a crush on some girls so i try to insult them (especially their eyes which is what gets me the most. Or when their arms look soft and I have that feeling like i want to hug them so i call them chunky and fat) to make the feelings go away.
It doesn't work.
I hate them and I hate feeling this way.
I just want to be normal.

>> No.10499353

>be me
>hating on ddlg and kinksters in the fashion because it's common practice
>starting to develop a real fascination with the topic after a while
>now I think I became what I hated
>this is weird

>> No.10499358

i am a heretic := (

>> No.10499361

I kind of want to do this.
I'm okay with lolitas who are kinky as long as they don't incorporate it into the fashion, because I am too. Like, harnesses and garters can be cute, but at some point it goes from tasteful ero to obvious fetish gear. It's just annoying hearing the anti-kink thing outside of the context of creepy ABDL itas, because I'm 100% sure that a good amount of lolitas are not vanilla.

>> No.10499366

You and I anony. Except it was e-girlz and the whole caregiver-pet for me. I hate myself.

>> No.10499371 [DELETED] 

imo ddlg and abdl gross regardless of lolita involvement because it's fetishizing children but overall kink is fine, just keep it out of the fashion

>> No.10499372

imo ddlg and abdl are gross regardless of lolita involvement because it's fetishizing children but overall kink is fine, just keep it out of the fashion

>> No.10499381

I like watching people getting tortured and heavily beaten or watching my friends and bf cry. I don't know if this is kinky or psychopathic especially since I wear sweet nearly every day but I enjoy it a lot

>> No.10499387

Sounds like LARPing but i'm gonna answer. Same. I don't like torture at all but i enjoy watching (solely) men being beaten up. Only when they are scum or I can tell they are. Most men are the scum of earth anyway. I like to watch crime scenes photos the most though. I also wear sweet on a daily basis out of work. My favorite pictures are those from the late nineties to mid 2000s of bedrooms sprayed with blood,idk why but there is something strangely exciting about it. Also glittery blood stuff is neat.

>> No.10499389 [DELETED] 

I wear classic but I am definitely a sociopath and spent a few years making as many men as possible fall in love with me at the same time just to watch them cry when I “broke up” with them. One of them succeeded in trapping me so for the past year I’ve been getting my kicks just making him cry as much as possible and occasionally physically kicking him around. Substyle has nothing to do with it.

>> No.10499391 [DELETED] 

Not larping. I've recently begun beating my boyfriend. He doesn't like it at I think it's making him more and more depressed. desu this makes it even better and I always think about how he would look if he would end it. Idk I want to be the one to find him.

I like looking at fresh amputees but at the same time it became boring after a while

>> No.10499392
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a bit of a morbidly misanthropic?

>> No.10499409

Yeah nah you're a shit person for beating your boyfriend if he did nothing wrong though i don't condone that. I definitely need help but you surely do as well.
Same for >>10499389
I hate men but I still feel empathy

>> No.10499410

I'm not even mad desu. If you kick him and make him cry as often as possible and he is still with you he is to blame.

>> No.10499414

I love making other lolitas in my comm feel fat compared to me. There's only one girl in my local comm that's skinnier and i won't stop losing weight until my bmi is lower than hers. I also like recommending clothing that i know is too small for the girls i recommend it to just to watch them complain about their weight.

>> No.10499418

i'm saying this as a raging man-hating dyke but you guys need therapy, this isn't normal behavior

>> No.10499420


>> No.10499423

I hope she figures out it’s you and drops you like a hot brick

>> No.10499428

I find taobao dresses to be much more prettier and interesting than today's brand dresses. It makes me sad because while brand dresses have better quality, most have been ugly or not worth the price.

>> No.10499430

Most likely a LARP of scotes who will later screneshot the thread and use it as "proof" that women are evil.

>> No.10499522

My gf is a tranny but i'm too ashamed to say it so i lie by saying they have an oestrogen deficiency. We have been dating since summer.
She is a good person and very cool about the whole trans deal but i feel like i will always see her as a 'fake' woman. It's gross to know there's a dick under there. I keep making excuses to not fuck and she understands. They are supportive of my lolita addiction too and even bought me some brand socks last week. But I do not know how much longer i can keep it under wraps that i want a real woman that doesn't have a dick or an axe wound. Or big hands and huge feet.
I'm a horrible person. Whenever a woman,real or not,shows me love,i slurp it like noodles and end up in that kind of situation.

>> No.10499524

If your sexual preference is vaginas, then it’s vaginas. It’s not transphobic any more than me liking dick makes me homophobic. You can’t help what you’re attracted to (which is the whole point of the LGBT movement) and it’s fucking terrible gaslighting to make you ashamed of what you’re attracted to. It’s ok to not want a dick. Just be honest and tell her that. Doesn’t matter what she says, trans activists are doing lesbians harm with this shit

>> No.10499529

I let my boyfriend think I’m putting together outfits when I go into the closet where I keep my lolita clothes, but all I do in there is cry because nothing fits because I can’t stop binging.

>> No.10499530
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>lgbt movement

lgbt is a psyop to discredit sexuality

>> No.10499539

You can't like dick and be a lesbian. If you really are just leave. Don't fall for the trans women are real women meme. Liking dildos is already weird but a genuine dick means you're bi period,no matter how much a troon passes

>> No.10499542

Sounds like it may be time to break up. You shouldn't force yourself to do something you don't like. Say you two get married and you're forever having to put up with parts you don't find attractive. You'll end up resenting her, or just submit yourself to more emotional and sexual torture for the rest of your life.

>> No.10499545
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i mean that homosexuality and transgender stuff is normal and natural and essentially what the "movement" is all about is disinformation and discrediting certain portions of humanity... they call it "lgbt pride" but in nature we find that "pride" is a sin. why would they call it 'pride' if pride is sinful

it is because it is all controlled by aristocrats and the military and authentic sexuality is on their sh*tlist....what is most important for them is for anyone with a penis to be a solider, anybody with a vagina to produce babies for the machine and anybody with alternative sexuality to just be freaks for the sake of scientific research or entertainment

>> No.10499547
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>> No.10499550

I wouldn't call transgender natural since it's based on unnatural manufactured social norms that have been placed on people. Other than that part, I agree.

>> No.10499558

My friend was talking about how she dumped her bf for this one girl and how she's really a lesbian and keeps saying she hates all men, turns out her gf a tranny and she's loving ""her"" dick.

>> No.10499561

So victim blaming is terrible when it's men talking about women staying, but suddenly it's okay when it's the other way around?

>> No.10499578

Bruh. Sinister.

>> No.10499592

There was an entire generation of girls on Tumblr like this. I remember there was one girl with the username r-pegirl or something similar who would post violent images, bruises, etc alongside cute pink girly things. She would get nosebleeds all of the time or force them I suppose and post them. Dont ask me why but it was addicting to follow those pages. If anyone knows what I'm talking about remind me of some usernames! I went hunting but I couldnt find the pages again

>> No.10499596

I guess my confession is I kind of miss Tumblr being as big as it was. I hated that place with a passion for nearly it's entire existence, but by god Twitter is so much fucking worse. At least Tumblr had really weird crap that was kind of interesting and didn't "fact check".

>> No.10499597

Lolita looks just as bad on spoops as it does on fatties, but have fun ruining your body anon!

>> No.10499598

I discovered ddlg on the something awful forums back in 2009 when I was still in middle school. Right fucked me up from an early age, plus it was quite obscure up until like mid 10s so all of my HS and early college bfs were weirded out by it. I honestly just thought I'd never have anyone to act out my sexual fantasies with (since I'm only attracted to men close to me in age, I'll fuck old men when I'm old and not a second sooner) and then boom. Ddlg hits the mainstream and a few years later, I'm living out my gross dreams.

>> No.10499599
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this thread is a good idea. maybe we should get together to attend a convention or something like that, gang

>> No.10499604

I am always so intensely triggered by thinking about any aspect of my past. Not even trauma, but literally anything. I don’t know why it’s fucking torture for me. Does anyone else experience this?

>> No.10499610

I mean sort of, I used to enjoy reminiscing about some things that were really nice. Lately it has caused this weird dysphoric feeling, knowing it happened and will never happen again because I'm not the same and the world I live in is not the same.

>> No.10499613

You need to be honest with your girlfriend and with yourself, no matter how hard it is. You deserve to be with a partner you're sexually attracted to, and your girlfriend deserves a partner who is not ashamed that she's transgender and with whom she can have a fulfilling sexual relationship. You owe it to your her and yourself, and it's only going to hurt her more the longer you drag it out. She seems very understanding from what you describe, so it's best that you don't waste any more of your or her time.

>> No.10499615

Yes. I'm not sure but I'm thinking it's an OCD symptom possibly? Worth looking into
Especially since corona started, I've been super anxious any time I think about college. I think it's because I actually hated college, but I keep thinking it's because I did something horribly wrong I don't remember. I know it's stupid but it's killing me.

>> No.10499644

>but I keep thinking it's because I did something horribly wrong I don't remember
Exactly this.

>> No.10499647

Anon, if you're from Belgium, I know who you are. I like you a lot and my best advice would be to stop interacting with TERF and transphobic rhetoric and actually educate yourself on transidentity. You seem to think that being trans is inherently disgusting when it's not. But at the end of the day, if you're not attracted to her it's not your fault and you don't have to justify yourself. I just wouldn't want you to give up on a relationship just because you let transphobes tell you that trans women all have giant man feet and gross 5 o' clock shadows, because you seem really happy.

>> No.10499648

He's not going to educate himself out of not wanting to suck dick, you fucking weirdo.

>> No.10499656

>because you seem really happy.
Yeah...no. She wants a real woman, not a man in a dress.

>> No.10499660

please tell me more

>> No.10499662

maybe dont date someone you obviously dont want to date. . .

>> No.10499665

I made a fake fb account and friended a bunch of idol/lolita/decora/fairy kei famous people. They’re all sissies or littles that post about wanting/having orgies and threesomes with daddies. Or they have like 3000 friends and post how they want to kill themselves and how they don’t have friends.
These are the people everyone looks up to?? These are the people with 80k followers on insta? Fuck dude.

>> No.10499668

Post caps or fuck off.

>> No.10499669


>> No.10499675
File: 637 KB, 642x722, EC0BFAD8-1308-452C-926B-E011AA9A2384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one is talking about sucking dick you weirdo. They're not even on the same continent and her girlfriend sounds okay with not having sex anyway.

>> No.10499680

screenshots now pls

>> No.10499684

I keep sugar daddying girls on this board. I don't give them much like 100-400 a month or buy them things to entertain myself all between consensual adults. Some came to visit me irl. Spending money on them and making them happy fills a void in me. It a bad habit that is hard to stop. And once one moves on I need to fill the void with another. In the end I guess I can never fill the void and it just eats me up.

>> No.10499687

You're not going to be able to just ignore this. Start working on your self hatred and you'll be fine, it takes a while but really being a lesbian isn't that big a deal (depending on your country, obviously) but not having to date men is actually pretty sweet. Just be careful about starting to wish you're a boy so you could date girls, becoming a tranny isn't the answer.

>> No.10499690

Sure you do

>> No.10499699

We can all see you trying to bait the guy into becoming your sugar daddy, you pathetic leech. Just know that being an enabler for other's self harm isn't magically ok because you benefit and they tell you it's ok

>> No.10499701

I modded an anti ddlg blog on Tumblr and while I still agree with what I said there (that kinksters should mind their own business), I think spending time on hating things like that is just tiring.

>> No.10499703

sponsor me daddy

>> No.10499706

I posted my emails here many times before it's archived.
And some of you actually replied.

I would give you my email but I'm currently sugaring someone. I only do 1 girl at a time since I want to give them all the attention they need. Some got pretty jealous when I told them they weren't the only one I was sugaring. So trying to prevent drama.

Thanks for looking out, I'm aware of my actions.
And trying to change. So no worries.

>> No.10499708

you the guy that has given his discord before?

>> No.10499710

I did but many years ago. And there are prob couple of guys that did that too. Unless I bought you something for fun I don't think it was me sadly. I did emails once or twice two. But that's it, I enjoy longer lasting relationships desu. If you can call it a relationship lol.

>> No.10499711
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> Trying to change
> Doubt.exe
This is like watching a guy who's trying to convince a room oh bar keepers and alcohol manufacturers that they're swearing off the drink and gambling by moving to Las Vegas to clear their head.

>> No.10499712

Why don't you look for an actual relationship instead? It may actually fill the void you feel inside. Find someone eho loves you for who you are and not for the money you spend on them.

>> No.10499714

Are you cute, anon? I'd play games with you without exploiting you.

>> No.10499715
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Not even hiding it anymore, huh?

>> No.10499718

which continent are you located in?

>> No.10499719

I feel undeserving of posting dresses I want to buy because I mostly wear lolita at home and rarely outside. Like
>Hey do you wanna sell me your dress? It will never see the light of day.

>> No.10499721

Its your prerogative to do what you want with your stuff.
Dont let Jealous bitches get you down!

>> No.10499724

Sounds like ptsd
Either way, you should get therapy

>> No.10499726

this is the confessions thread get of his back

>> No.10499727

He confessed, rationalized, then immediately indulged, all in the same sentence. Sorry if I feel bad that everyone (including you probably) want to take advantage of him in such a transparent way.

>> No.10499728

Do you know how many dresses pass multiple owners without being worn or only being tried on? If there was a lolita police judging whether we‘re worth our dresses, we‘d all be in jail.

>> No.10499732

Don't feel bad. I have 80 dresses, some I wear less than once a year. The most worn, maybe 4 or 5 times a year. I have a couple like new, never coorded at all just tried on for a second to test the fit

>> No.10499735 [DELETED] 
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Can't stop listening to the same song for hours on end. Oh wait no, now I'm sick of it. Great

>> No.10499745

I know who you are and you’re disgusting. Break up with her, she deserves someone so much better than you. If you don’t I hope someone sends her the screenshots of you talking about her this way and she finds someone who actually gives a fuck about her

>> No.10499747
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Lol anon, believe it or not, that's actually a common thing to happen. Girls get peer pressured into staying with a transpartner because they think it'd be transphobic not to, so they force themselves to stay despite not wanting to. Also, chill out, she's doing her best. It's not like she wants to hurt people, she just can't deny her own feelings any longer.

>> No.10499749

Imagine saying that to a gay person dating a guy/girl because they're afraid to come out. You're fucking sick.

>> No.10499750

You're far more disgusting for being such a petty bitch. She even said she's feeling horrible about this situation, no need to add to that. She tried and it didn't work, big deal.

>> No.10499751

Imagine saying that to a gay person dating a guy/girl because you’re too retarded to know I am also gay. You’re fucking sick

>> No.10499753

being gay doesn't mean you get to be a cunt

>> No.10499754

That’s literally the point. Op shouldn’t have ever gotten into a relationship with a trans girl if she was going to call her a tranny and say she keeps seeing her as not a real woman. If Op wanted a cis girl she should have dated a cis girl instead of playing with someone’s emotions because she was bored

>> No.10499756


Are you dating someone you aren't sexually compatible with just because they were nice to you? You're emotionally immature, and a complete bitch. Stay out of other people's business because you're a terrible person and the world would be better off without you. No where in the original post does she insinuate that she says that to her partner's face.

>> No.10499758

At my college years ago, this guy was dating my friend who was transgender. They dated for years and suddenly their girlfriend was their boyfriend. The guy said it was okay but would call him his dead name, use the wrong pronouns purposely and constantly make comments like “she isnt the girl i was with in high school”
The relationship ended when he was caught trying to grab my thighs and tried to flirt with me. Initially i felt bad because it was my fault it ended but he was interested in dating women not men. Which led him to trying to touch me and emotionally abuse his boyfriend. He was very transphobic but stayed with my friend just to make it seem like he wasn’t.
Not only is staying with someone to not appear as problematic is abusive but it’s also just gross. They’re wasting their time with a piece of shit who doesn’t even love them.

>> No.10499759

I paid for a threesome the other day. I thought I’d feel like I checked one off the bucket list but I just feel like shit about it. Like I lost a bit of my soul.

>> No.10499760

Not gay if you suck tranny dick.

>> No.10499761

My thoughts exactly. You guys are just excusing the gross language she used about her partner's body because she's trans.

>> No.10499762

I don’t date people just because they were nice to me one time. That’s stuff I did in high school anon. But ouch, ow, that hurt so much anon. You really got me there for saying anon shouldn’t date someone they knew they actually didn’t like

>> No.10499763

>He was very transphobic but stayed with my friend just to make it seem like he wasn’t.
maybe he stayed because he was trying to salvage the relationship/chasing after the feelings he had for the girl before? yeah he's transphobic but i doubt he was trying to look good

>> No.10499764

Why are you dating a man if you are also gay? Do you know what gay means?

>> No.10499765

It’s at least bi for a guy to suck another persons dick

>> No.10499766

this it's like they're trying to convince themselves they're attracted to trans people not that they're bored or trying to abuse someone. Like people love try to tell lesbians theyre bisexual and push them to date men when they arent. It/s not that deep

>> No.10499767
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Not if the dick is your girlfriend's dick :^)

>> No.10499772

no one cares if it's gay or not just suck dick if you want to suck dick, you guys are childish as fuck

>> No.10499773
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>> No.10499775
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What's Sayori doing in that list? Also, nah, I just think everyone could suck a little more dicks

>> No.10499784

Personally I think this stuff is extremely detrimental to people's mental health. When I look at how young people are engaging in relationships it's honestly disturbing. Normalizing this stuff was a massive mistake.

>> No.10499788

its disturbing to me how hard it seems to be for some people to coord. the rules are so simple and the look is not hard to understand. literally how the fuck can you still manage to look bad with such a strict fashion... god i hate itas so fucking much. sometimes i wonder if I have been into this fashion too long, because its getting so tiring, I feel enraged when see the same fucking mistakes over and over when they can EASILY be avoided by actually doing your research and just...oh I dunno....using your fucking eyes to tell if something works or not? or maybe just not posting shit online when you know it looks bad. I just see no excuse to look bad if you wear this fashion. you should be torn to fucking shreds if you dare to post ugly shit, but nah apparently we gotta coddle the babies and protect their little feelings. I'm sick of it. I wish there was a more public place where it was acceptable to shame itas, I feel like we'd see so many less shitty coords if there was a real fear you'd get absolutely roasted for looking bad.

>> No.10499789

Agree. There are some doors that don’t need to be opened, some paths that you just don’t need to go down.

>> No.10499799

I'm an oldfag who finds the fashion easy to coord as well, but you sound way too worked up about this. I never understood why there are so many women who go into such autistic rages over lolita.

>> No.10499806

fuck off to twitter you bootlicker

>> No.10499807

you had to pay? how ugly are you?

>> No.10499808

yeah I definitely get way too mad about it. i am literally autistic so ya its autist rage lmao. but I get why we get so mad about it. like...ita is just the perfect word. ugly coords are physically painful to look at.

>> No.10499811

I thought this thread was gonna be "I don't like bonnets" and "I once paid $600 for an AP ring" but damn bro all yall need therapy

>> No.10499813

Same. I'm really glad it wasn't pushed as heavily when I was a teenager.

>> No.10499816

you probably look shit in your "perfect coords" because autists are usually ugly and greasy.

>> No.10499819

I think that every substyle can be worn in a casual and toned-down way but 90% of all lolita looks like a costume to me. Yes, even classic and gothic. There's nothing wrong with it, but getting mad when normies think you're dressed up for a special occassion is stupid.

>> No.10499830

In the end it's the dick that ruins it, or the fact that they used to have a dick. Cotton ceiling is real, and you're not getting over it.

>> No.10499834

It’s fruitless trying to get a pickme handmaiden to see that troonerism is bad for lesbians

>> No.10499837

Sorry but there’s no empathy for people who air their dirty laundry on cgl and expect to not be found out. The community isn’t actually that big

>> No.10499840

I genuinely hate the majority of the current lolita community and can't stomach any kind of social media because of it anymore. Same with this board, I went from visiting it daily to visiting it 5 times a month.
I know it's a meme term, but I don't know another word that would describe it more accurately. The majority of the international comm nowadays are a bunch of literal posers.

>> No.10499848

Dilate. You will never be real women.

>> No.10499849

>Most men are the scum of earth anyway.
this is bait.

>> No.10499850

never said i had perfect coords. and even if I am ugly, who cares as long as im not posting that shit for other people to have to look at me?

>> No.10499852

You have the right to judge me it's really hard, to not wanting to surround myself with cute girl and buy them things until I'm broke in exchange or love and affection. If I didn't get ass I would be a mega simp lol. It is a awful habit. I really wish I could stop but it's so hard and lonely if I do.

Nah, she is right lol no need to defend me

I have baggage, insecurities, and responsibilities. I don't wanna drag any girl down with me. It's easier being a human wallet in with a female toy attached to it.

I don't think I am as good looking as I am used to be.
I gained some weight over the years went from 170 to 210
I went from being a shredded asian boi to chubby boi lol.

I am from the great burger nation. I used to live in europe but moved over here.

>> No.10499853


>> No.10499862

Soc used to be good but now it's over run by lowest tier of people and bombarded with gay threads.

>> No.10499865

you have an issue with gay people ?

>> No.10499876

No but why engage with gay people if you are hetero habanero. Sounds like a recepie to be raped.

>> No.10499879

wait what?

>> No.10499880

no one wants your hairy, unwiped hetero ass, trust me.

>> No.10499895

Agreed. You can even wear matchy matchy OTT AP print sets without looking like a costume, but lolitas feel the need to do ridiculous costume makeup and wigs with everything, which just makes it look like clownery rather than fashion.