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10468910 No.10468910 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>10395382

>> No.10468965

>wearing classic lolita
>"I love retro fashion!"
Little off track, but at least you're trying.

>> No.10468974
File: 172 KB, 745x1051, 88e4debb-03bb-5f3f-9ec8-5c279558908f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My tailor thinks I'm just really into vintage clothing and gets really excited talking about the other (actually) vintage enthusiasts they get to work with. It's really wholesome.

Tangentially related:
> Out with a friend in lolita, wearing pic related
> Go to a bake sale in the area
> Older woman (politely) beckons me over, she has to be like at least 80
> Asks respectfully to touch my chiffon skirt, I agree
> "How have you managed to preserve this for so long? It's incredible"
> She thought it was authentic vintage
I did explain to her that it wasn't as old as she thought, but it was a really cute interaction and the one time I've let a stranger come near my brand

>> No.10468984

I wear lolita to work, a new girl stopped me and told me she just loooves "kawaii fashion".

One of my neighbors stopped me and said the same thing a few weeks ago.
I wonder if there is some kind of video circulating that called lolita "kawaii fashion" or something.

That's so sweet, I love her...

>> No.10468986

It was such a magical moment! Wearing classic means most of the comments I get from strangers basically amount to "are you in a play?"/"is there an event you're dressing for" and then complimenting my outfit when I explain it's just my daily wear.

I also wear lolita to work, and I did have a fun lunch conversation with my coworkers early on about what lolita/jfashion is, but beyond that it's just mostly accepted that it's just the way I dress.

>> No.10480505

>'Why are you wearing childrens clothing?'
>'are you into DDLG/MDLG?'
>'Do you enjoy wearing diapers underneath that?'

>> No.10480507

>I wonder if there is some kind of video circulating that called lolita "kawaii fashion" or something
This is what the NHK kawaii ambassadors tend to call it. I guess their diplomacy is starting to catch on.

>> No.10480508

I got my first "are you in a play" yesterday. i feel like part of the gang now.

>> No.10480524

Mostly compliments in my case, or being compared to fictional characters such as Little Bo Peep, Alice, or Anne of Green Gables. Someone once asked if I was in a beauty pageant, and when I explained that it was just how I like to dress, he thought it was awesome that I’m not afraid to express myself and said that more people should do that. It was pretty wholesome.

>> No.10480529

idk what kind of place you live in or what kinda sweet you're wearing because in all my years of wearing sweet i never once got compared to a litteral child/asked about fetishes

>> No.10480593

Nayrt but im a gothic lolita who wore sweet out in public one time and a whole group of men in a car at a stop light asked my bf if i was his widdle baby. And other nasty shit while they were making like crying baby noises, grown ass men... it was the grossest experience of my life, i pretended they didnt exist but have not worn sweet since.

>> No.10480598

I never got the mentality of people who just say shit like this. What do they gain? Do they see themselves as likable people?

>> No.10480599

I've also flat out been asked if I was a little and then they got offended when I told them disgustedly that I wasn't.

>> No.10480683 [DELETED] 

I mean when youre wearing the uniform for the fetish

>> No.10480708

Go back to pol

>> No.10480718 [DELETED] 

Omg ahahahaha is that a *worksafe* plug? Omg ahahaha

>> No.10480719 [DELETED] 

OMG ahahaha is that a *worksafe* plug? Omg ahahaha

>> No.10480736

I've been called both a princess and a Pokémon. Normies never cease to amaze me.

>> No.10480740

I was wearing "bitersweet" & two children were calling me Annabelle and following be around.
I dont understand why . . .

>> No.10480782
File: 36 KB, 640x854, 636375748745443454-XXX-ANNABELLE-MOV-JY-2961--67725108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were probably saying you reminded them of a haunted doll, like Annabelle from the Conjuring horror movies.

>> No.10483760
File: 82 KB, 720x478, 02A30BEB-7B7C-4CB0-8A9B-F527A73E963E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was wearing Alice and The Pirates after attending this street gathering with musicians and drinking a bit, it was dark, about 11 pm and this random guy on the street says in this “I wanna have surprise sex with you” voice “Heyyyy little pretty young thing”

Absolute chills.
Thankfully I had my reliable boots on so I could walk hurried out of that

>> No.10483764

one time someone asked me if i was "like that Living Doll episode of My Strange Addiction"

i'm glad that's less of a trend now, norms seem to have forgotten about it

>> No.10483789

One of my worst fears in lolita is being accosted by some creep when I'm wearing shoes I can't run in, which would be most lolita shoes because I'm clumsy as hell.

>> No.10484183

Do you live in the south of France?

>> No.10484195

That is what I figured but
I was wearing a dress with pink bunnies & blue chipmunks not really haunted doll aesthetic

>> No.10484203
File: 66 KB, 827x622, 22AD005F-4332-4B5F-A7E8-E2F833B96D24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

various comments i've received wearing jfashion
>"you look like a prostitute" while wearing cult party kei, some meth head at a train stop
>"do you like melanie martinez? you look like her" in fairy kei at the mall
>"are you looking for a daddy" from some older ddlg guy on instagram, on a fairy kei post
>"why do you keep buying baby clothes when you should buy clothes for an internship" my mom's favorite line whenever i put any jfashion style on
and last but not least, the worst thing someone has ever told me while wearing a new ank rouge dress right outside my campus by some crazy fuck who wouldn't stop talking to me
>"i love your dress so much! this would really turn on some creeps, though. you should be careful around here because somebody might rape you. you just don't see girls like this very often"

>> No.10484208

“Someone” most likely meaning “I’ll....”

Gross. Why are people like this.

>> No.10484210

Because what they're trying to say is "Don't worry, I'll make you feel safe, but you're going to have to pay me back for my generosity". Creepy dumb fucks that WILL do something and tell themselves that nothing happened. The absolute worst

>> No.10484213

What did you answer the last guy??

>> No.10484215

I'm usually pretty polite when people compliment me but try to end the interaction quickly because otherwise sometimes they ask a bunch of questions that I don't want to answer. I had started to say "thank you" right as he launched into the creepy part, to which i stood there awkwardly while he talked at me because i've never had someone say something like that to me before. I don't remember what he said after that but after a few moments i just kind of nodded my head at him and bowed out (pussy move I know, I was just shocked) and hurried away to the train because at that point I just wanted to go home. There's a downtown area outside my university i was wandering around for fun after class and he ruined any sense of safety i had because the sun was going down

>> No.10484224

>”I love your outfit”
>”You look so cute!”
>”Your style is beautiful”

I feel lucky to have only had overwhelmingly positive experiences when I wear lolita in public, just recently I was waiting in line at Apple to have my phone repaired and an older black woman just started gushing and saying I looked like a doll from her childhood, feels good.

I think my best experience is a woman briefly stopping me to say that seeing my coordinate really brightened her day. I get anxious wearing lolita out because black girls wearing alt fashion is very out of the norm where I live, but the nice words have really cemented my love for this fashion. It’s the best decision I’ve ever made lol

>> No.10484225

When people are being creepy with me I straight up tell them.
You are being creepy and make me feel unsafe.
Generally I an pretty shy & non verbal but I feel pretty empowered when I let people know their behaviour is unacceptable.
I dont always feel safe but If I am to ever get into a fight with someone, seems like a good reason to.

>> No.10484277

If you can make or get a thigh holster for a knife, I highly suggest it. I know the conventional wisdom is get a gun, and I'm all for that, but in a situation like that you need something you can get and wield easily at close range. (And also never fully extend your arm with the knife, it'll have no place to go.) Stay safe, gulls.

>> No.10484290

I started wearing sweet lolita when I was 18 and got only positive reactions but I'm older now and scared I look weird and old :(

>> No.10484301

I’m >>10483789 and in my country it’s illegal for me to carry pepper spray, let alone a knife or a gun. I’m practically never out by myself after dark except for when I go out for dinner after a lolita meetup so my solution is to bring shoes I can run in and put those on when I’ll be walking anywhere by myself. Hopefully my bag can double as a weapon when it’s weighted down by clunky platforms.

>> No.10484436

Dude I was asked if I was into DDLG leaving a store once. Why would you ever think asking that to a stranger is a good idea??

Best thing you can do is play dumb and pretend you don't know what it/other kink is. It'll either make them leave or force them to try to explain kinks to a stranger, who THEY started a conversation with, about fetishes in public.

If they lack the self-awareness to realize how weird their behavior is, or they're cognizant of their creepiness and DGAF, getting more assertive, talking down to them, and getting LOUD in public should make them go away. A raised voice saying "Ew I'm not into gross sex shit like that! Why are you talking to me? I don't even know you!" draws a lot of looks.

Of course this only works if you don't have debilitating social anxiety lol

>> No.10484453
File: 98 KB, 750x357, F504F735-8AD1-450E-A3F0-C46A2F8ECDC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Russian thing is a first.

>> No.10484462

He’s talking about Nabokov. Not some mystery Russian wearing lolita in Indiana.

>> No.10484465


He is an idiot for directly equating the fashion with the book...he is implying the book or movie itself is directly responsible for the existence of the fashion. What a retard. Men want everything to be about their fetishes and pedo/ephebephilia.

>> No.10484468

this guy with his two-bit take acting like nobody who has poured dozens of hours into studying and researching lolita history is lewking hard enough

>> No.10484494

Lolita doesn’t even remotely resemble what little girls have worn in the last 30 years or so. When I was a kid in the 90s I just wore basic dresses, the closest thing I wore were socks with ruffles. Little girls today wear really simple stuff like leggings and sparkly shirts. What fucking kids are these people looking at?

>> No.10484515

Half of kids these days dress lowkey kinda thotty since the 90s in comparison to lolita. Little girls' church dresses are the closest I can think of to lolita. Society in the west just has the impression that overtly feminine things that are cute must be childish...but at the same time assume it's a kink, which is odd that even before ddlgers became the scourge of the internet normie adults would associate something they think relates to children as inherently sexual.

Normies are fucking weird.

>> No.10484520

I wore sweatshirts and overalls most of the time. And baseball caps. And yet those don't get weird comments when I wear them now.