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10466931 No.10466931 [Reply] [Original]

Post salopette coords

>> No.10466939
File: 233 KB, 720x960, 71B3D939-7B16-46DE-BA77-BD50DD9E6FB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10466941

Are there any gothic salopettes?

>> No.10466942
File: 697 KB, 500x667, 4EBFA625-45FD-4E5A-99E3-CB2EAEFA2BED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10466943
File: 52 KB, 426x640, 220A670A-D072-43FB-AA64-998901006D93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is still sweet but it's the closest thing I found

>> No.10466945

there was a vampire-themed one from a taobao brand recently iirc? i'll try to dig through lolita updates to find it, it's either on there or the chinese updates page

>> No.10466950
File: 121 KB, 1280x853, 91500099-1FBD-4E2A-8279-7D41AFFBEEF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10466951
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>> No.10466957
File: 98 KB, 750x721, 9C4B365E-B8AB-402D-89C2-2BA76B687D00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10466960

Requesting fairy kei outfits with salopettes

>> No.10466962

Literally nothing about that is even remotely gothic unless you’re retarded enough to think black = gothic. The print is incredibly sweet. There are salopettes with themes that might be considered gothic but this sure as fuck isn’t it

>> No.10466964
File: 63 KB, 420x560, B0EEDAE5-6B5E-4BFB-BC0A-D8805B37F2D5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10466967

bruh they literally acknowledged that it was sweet chill tf out goddamn

>> No.10466971

It’s not even close to gothic. NOTHING about it is and yet she claimed it was “the closest she could find” which implies something about it would be remotely gothic.

Kys if you think bunnies, unicorns, and cupcakes with sparkly glitter is gothic.

>> No.10466975

Nobody thinks it was gothic, relax. Take your meds and take some time to cool off, ok?

>> No.10466976

You’re retarded and need to learn to read

>> No.10466978

Nobody cares enough to read your retarded sperging.

>> No.10466983

>I’m too stupid and lack reading comprehension to understand a short post so I’ll say that nobody cares!

Throw yourself off of a cliff. Your mother will feel relieved

>> No.10466985

Do you always get this angry on 4chan?

>> No.10466988

>getting so offended that you think I’m angry

Kek. You know I’m right then.

>> No.10466991

It seems you lack reading comprehension. Anon acknowledged the salopette was sweet. She said it was the closest thing she could find which literally only implies that. It doesn't imply that it's gothic or that it's necessarily close to being gothic. Just that it's closer to it than something like a Toy Parade salopette because it's not as colorful and doesn't have as many sweet motifs. You don't care about that though because you're just looking for something to be ~edgy~ about. Stop shitting up the thread with your sperging?

>> No.10466993

Closest thing means there’s SOMETHING about it that could be. You are retarded

>> No.10466994

Yeah it's black. Black is associated with gothic. It's a stretch but it's the closest thing she found, closer than something like the example I gave above.

>> No.10466995

>Unironically going for the if it’s black it could be gothic meme

Kys. There are salopettes that are closer stylistically. The person who posted dreamy horoscope is just retarded

>> No.10466997

She didn't say it could be gothic you fucking idiot holy shit
What do you not understand about black being *closer* than something with pastels and shit?
closer doesn't mean it is gothic you absolute moron

>> No.10466998

Why even post it in response to someone asking for gothic salopettes and say it’s the “closest” she could find then? There are others that fit better. She’s just absolutely moronic and deserves to die to rid the world of her stupidity

>> No.10467001

This thread is doomed sry OP

>> No.10467003

>anon asks for gothic salos
>idiot posts something not even remotely gothic and says it’s the best she could find

she could have just not posted anything but she did and displayed her lack of knowledge about lolita

>> No.10467004
File: 164 KB, 499x750, 6ACF6D07-C30A-46F5-B401-7B5AFEF15201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We just can't have nice things

>> No.10467005

Quarantine really did a number on gulls

>> No.10467006

hide the post, don't have an aneurysm

>> No.10467007
File: 164 KB, 537x938, IMG_20200902_173725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up and post salopettes
i found it

>> No.10467009
File: 135 KB, 714x566, IMG_20200902_173814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better look at the cut and print
lolitas and colitas' dracula sweetheart party

>> No.10467011

No. I’ll shit on retards and newfags all I want

>> No.10467012
File: 153 KB, 539x938, IMG_20200902_173954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops i'm a dumbass and posted the OP

>> No.10467014

don't shit where you eat

>> No.10467018

Ty anon

>> No.10467119 [DELETED] 

It's Lolitas&Colitas' Halloween print, yes.

>> No.10467120

it looks like shit.

>> No.10467122

Requesting busty girls wearing salopettes. I want to see what it looks like, instead of people just parroting that it looks bad without proof.

>> No.10467125 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 536x536, 29BCE7D7-DE88-4ED5-AF16-88E1EF57F266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like shit. I’ve never seen it look good.

>> No.10467126

You only see it looking bad "without proof" because it always looks bad. That's the proof. We're not hiding the good coords, they don't exist.

>> No.10467128 [DELETED] 
File: 211 KB, 960x881, 6956C329-0EB0-48B1-89BD-C15B144EEDB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10467129 [DELETED] 
File: 153 KB, 640x960, 2EB84DC9-B24A-44A4-98EA-51C16CD10645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard to find “busty” girls that aren’t big enough to look like a Busted can of biscuits but this one is relatively a normal weight with a large bust and it still looks like shit

>> No.10467131
File: 486 KB, 586x594, 1585362379242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10467134 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 720x960, 30A46145-8B71-435F-80F7-18F52C9B5EFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just makes people with a large bust look like they have the physique of a fridge

>> No.10467135 [DELETED] 

These girls are straight up fat, not just busty, so of course it doesn't look good. Any who are just busty without gigantic waists?

>> No.10467136
File: 526 KB, 1280x1757, tumblr_mniz4kUhC21roe88uo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10467137 [DELETED] 

Man I wish I didn’t have cowtits

>> No.10467138 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 452x700, 5A4E4391-6508-44FB-B84F-69B27655CBED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Busty is just code for fat anyway when it comes to lolita. But here is an example of a girl who has an average chest and she still looks like shit because salopettes only look good on flat chests

>> No.10467140 [DELETED] 

Busty girls look like shit, period.

>> No.10467141 [DELETED] 

Agreed, but especially in lolita. Even with full shirring the bodices usually look like shit on busted biscuit tits

>> No.10467142
File: 121 KB, 500x667, 1585436929954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Master race flat chest.

>> No.10467144 [DELETED] 

Yeah, rub it in. I’m ugly

>> No.10467149 [DELETED] 
File: 203 KB, 688x900, A2064EF5-5AC7-4B59-9B09-5CEBA98879AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. You are. This isn’t the fashion for big chests.

>> No.10467151 [DELETED] 

What should I wear instead to be slightly less ugly?

>> No.10467152 [DELETED] 

i hope you're all lesbians, otherwise i have bad news about what your bf loves to wank off to

>> No.10467153 [DELETED] 

Everyone knows men have shit taste

>> No.10467158 [DELETED] 

Say what you want but there’s plenty of men who have different preferences besides cowtits. Some men don’t even have a preference in terms of size as long as there’s tits in their face. I’ve seen my bfs porn at it’s pretty much girls with my body type, smaller chest big hips

It’s like you don’t even realize that ass men exist

>> No.10467159 [DELETED] 

actually men like perky boobs more than a specific size.

>> No.10467165 [DELETED] 

whatever you need to tell yourselves to feel better. congrats on your bf being a pedo

>> No.10467167 [DELETED] 

Stay away from salopettes for starters.

>> No.10467168 [DELETED] 

Shut up cow-chan and go continue slutting up our fashion and looking like shit

>> No.10467169 [DELETED] 

Yeah, I get that those look horrible, but is there anything that actually looks good?

>> No.10467170 [DELETED] 

Nobody cares what men like, they like and hate everything anyway.

>> No.10467171 [DELETED] 

COPE harder fatass.

Honestly? Not in lolita. Unless you get custom made things actually made for someone with a proportionately bigger bust.

>> No.10467172 [DELETED] 

I also understand that lolita looks horrible on me as well. Just asking if there’s anything in the world that looks good, or if I’m doomed to either look like a slut or look like garbage, or both.

>> No.10467175 [DELETED] 

Be honest with this answer- is your chest due to being fat? If so you can lose weight and it will help some.

Just look up styling for your body shape. Lolita is a lot more restrictive with that because the cuts for it are made with the figure of East Asian women in mind. There aren’t a lot of tiddie monsters running around there.

You could probably find tons of western fashions to work around with your body type. It’s just going to be almost impossible with Asian fashion

>> No.10467177 [DELETED] 

I hate western fashion

>> No.10467186 [DELETED] 

Most men prefer median size.

>> No.10467189
File: 264 KB, 720x960, 1585363384284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10467195 [DELETED] 

Gross, a scrote

>> No.10467213

Yeah, you are doomed to either look like a slut or look like garbage. Guess just go with slutty then? Sorry bb

>> No.10467215

Please stay away from lolita. Nobody wants to see the dreaded boobloaf anymore. It haunts me...

>> No.10467223

Ubderbust jsk look good. Also skirts if you wear the right underwear that lifts up your tits

>> No.10467235

this one is fat too, look at her legs
this is the only busty girl here, the rest are just chunky.

Maybe the anon who requested these is chunky and this inspo answers their question, but I was also curious to see inspo for busty body type and I meant the real thing - not the euphemism.

>> No.10467237

>thinking >>10467131 is busty

You’re retarded

>> No.10467238

she's a b-cup at best wtf are you blind

>> No.10467275

you'll feel much better once you graduate, champ

>> No.10467284

cup size scales with body size, otherwise there wouldn't be any obese b-cups.

>> No.10467287

Her bust isn’t large in proportion to her body though. It looks average at most. The way the salopette falls almost evenly flat against her chest and stomach you can clearly see she doesn’t have much of a bust.

>> No.10467320

OK fine
>she's a 32B cup at best
are you happy now? this board is like 90% women, we know how boobs work. most people would get what I meant

She's a step up from mosquito bites and you think that's "busty", these >>10467129 >>10467134 are examples of someone that's normal weight + busty and salopettes look like shit on them. It's just not a cut for anyone above a (34)D

>> No.10467362

They are not super heavy, but I would not consider that normal weight. I doubt either of them can walk up a flight of stairs without getting winded.

>> No.10467364

I'm a 19 bmi and I get winded walking up a flight of stairs so that really means nothing

>> No.10467366

well, that's not normal weight either... just in the other direction

>> No.10467367

Yeah it actually is a normal weight lol
18 bmi is underweight and anything above that is fine.

>> No.10467368

and those girls look to be in the normal range too, but they don't look like they have any muscle to warrant being on tbe upper part of that range, I'm saying. In any case, let's not derail. My point is I would not consider any of those examples to be in shape, so it sounds like we're at an impasse and should leave it at that.

>> No.10467370

They're normal. Average. Standard. In the middle. Not chubby, not slim, not thin, not skinny, not fat, not fit. Their BMI is probably in the 20 - 24 range -again, an average/normal BMI.

They look bad in salopettes because their chests are too big. You aren't going to find this mythical "busty" (like, actually busty, not >>10467131) stick-thin girl that looks good in a salopette because the fundamental issue of too large of a chest will remain.

>> No.10467381

the range is there to account for athleticism. being at the top of the range and muscular is average. being at the top of the range and high bf% is not average. I ignored the comments about >>10467131 # being 32B because that looks wildly inaccurate to me unless you still use VS sizing. After all this, I still consider this to be the only valid example of a salo on an in-shape busty person vs a euphemism for a high bf% person.

>> No.10467382 [DELETED] 

Are we gonna ignore that all the busty fat girls in the pictures have garbage coords too?

>> No.10467385

more info on that black salopette??

>> No.10467460

quit basing your fashion choices on what randos on 4chan say. If you look like shit in salopettes but you like lolita, wear skirts or different fits of jsks or something. You'll live a much healthier life without basing your self-worth on this hellsite

>> No.10467461

Anon this reeks of ED. Please get some help because that's a slippery fucking slope. I'm not memeing on you, it is genuinely concerning language as someone who's been real close.
you're not wrong but the fit issues are pretty clear anyhow lmao

>> No.10467463

Rockabilly or vintage inspired fashions

>> No.10467477

salopettes look like shit on anyone with a large chest to small waist ratio because the cut isnt meant for tits
the skirt sitting on the hips instead of the natural waist with the flat bodice should be the first sign of that
It's the same as busty women in dungarees, it just looks like shit, and i'm saying this as a large chested woman. Dress for your body type or look like garbage basically

>> No.10467478 [DELETED] 


>> No.10467480

more like the western world is the one with the ed when the majority of people are overweight or more

>> No.10468068

>curious to see inspo for busty body type and I meant the real thing
Same. Does literally no one have an example of a small waisted busty girl in a salo? I feel like it would look fine, unlike the chunky girls bursting out of them.

>> No.10468071

No. Because it doesn't exist. The size of the waist isn't the issue. The bust spilling out of the top and the sides of the salopette is what makes the cut look bad.

>> No.10468081

This, it doesn’t matter if they have a tiny waist. Huge tits spilling out from salos look like shit 100% of the time

>> No.10468091

So you still don't have any pics to prove that tho? Why is it so hard to just post a pic.

>> No.10468096


I have a large cup size with a small waist and can tell you I don't even wear normie overall style skirts or suspenders skirts (the closest equivalent to salopettes) or even overall shorts because of how the straps and chest piece sit in a way that is less flattering on my boobs. Cuts of dresses that are even shorter and made for no titty Japanese girls are not going to do our body type any more justice than the Amerifat sized normie version would.

>> No.10468099

Because the pictures don't exist. Why don't you buy a salopette and take a picture and see how you feel about posting it online.

>> No.10468103

Why? Anything that gets posted to prove the point that it looks bad you call them fat so why should I go through the effort looking for this nonexistent example for you? You seem set in your ways that it can work, so go try it and look like shit.

>> No.10468115

The whole reason I'm asking is so I don't go wasting money on the salo I want without knowing how it looks on my body type. LBR you're deliberately only posting fat girls on purpose because you seriously believe anyone with breasts must be fat.

>> No.10468121


There were thin girls posted whose cup size was just not immediately apparent from the photo but could easily be like a 28 -32DD or something that just doesn't seem big because you're used to chubby-chan tits. Those ones aren't awful from the angles in the pics but will inevitably look different than you on your particular body type. Salos are cheap and the cuts of them are so varied anyway just buy the one you want and try it on. Not knowing how things will fit your unique body even if there were more images out there is an inevitable part of all fashion.

>> No.10468125

most of the examples aren't fat girls. if you can't figure out that it will look bad from all the examples of mildly busty japanese girls posted itt, i don't know what to tell you.

>> No.10468131 [DELETED] 

Big tits look bad in everything. Just wear salopettes if you really want to because you’ll look like shit no matter what you wear anyway

>> No.10468134


>is told salos look ugly on x body type
>"post pics of yer ugly self to prove it!!"
>"I don't own things that look ugly on me/my body type but surely salos will look good on me but I don't own them because I won't own things that look ugly on me/my body type"

Jeez. I understand trolling the thread to keep it alive but you could just as easily bump it with random photos off google image search.

>> No.10468136

There isn't a conspiracy to hide thin busty girls wearing salopettes from you and you're talking to multiple people. There aren't many thin girls who are busty, there are even fewer who wear salopettes, and there are even fewer who post the pictures online.

>> No.10468144


I wish I had a flatter chest and agree completely. My monster titties are the reason I never share lolita photos on social media.

>> No.10468145 [DELETED] 

Let’s just all agree that busy girls are ugly and won’t look good in anything they wear, and that only scrotes with bad taste will think otherwise. If you’re busty, your only worth is being a fucktoy for scrotes

>> No.10468149
File: 18 KB, 600x600, e9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10468151 [DELETED] 

Sorry about your monster tits

>> No.10468155


Sorry about your inverted chest area.

But seriously, saying only flat girls look good in lolita is dumb and makes you sound like a sweetfag who forgot two whole other substyles that are far more flattering on people who aren't womanlets or chestlets exist.

>> No.10468159

>There aren't many thin girls who are busty
sometimes i forget how white this board is. that body type is quite common among latinas and blacks.

>> No.10468163

>implying moitie, innocent world, MM, and VM look good with big tits

We know you’re LARPing

>> No.10468167


Asian, too. Asian women tend to be skinnyfat, and when they gain weight often are just soft refrigerators and have the whole "marshmallow girl" look (like those dreamv plus size models or Naomi Watanabe) Which is cute in its own way, but has different proportions to the hourglass or curvy body type and fat distribution of a snall waisted large busted woman.

>> No.10468169

I’m Latina and am surrounded by other Latinas 24/7 and have never seen any huge tittied skinny chicks. It’s more common for them to be fridge shaped more than anything. It’s not that they don’t exist, it’s that it’s really uncommon. Busty girls 99.9% of the time are fat anon.

>> No.10468170


Depends on how fat you are. If you're thin with a large cup size your breasts will have less volume and you can still fit even classic pieces just fine depending on shoulders and things. I also said "not chestlets" not, "huge titties". The only super busty moitiefags I have seen are obese though so u got me there.

>> No.10468175

>If you're thin with a large cup size your breasts will have less volume
it's the opposite

>> No.10468179


I mean less volume than a fatter or chubby person with the same cup size. Because your smaller band size will make the overall volume of your breasts as a 32DD far less than a 40DD like some of the people stuffing themselves like a sausage into babydoll sweet cuts look half the time.

>> No.10468180

i'm in cali aka mexican central and nearly all the girls here have that body type but ok.

>> No.10468181

IW bodices look like actual shit on anyone with even a moderate chest

>> No.10468182
File: 732 KB, 588x591, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you guys could stop shitting up the one salo thread in ages that would be neat

>> No.10468183
File: 634 KB, 478x598, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like if you're going to derail at least post pics

>> No.10468184
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>> No.10468185
File: 38 KB, 215x640, 65415255_709122529523227_6995782666054270976_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10468186

This doesn't work at all

>> No.10468187


I appreciate the pics but these coords are abysmal. The girls in both are cute and could style themselves much better if they tried

>> No.10468188
File: 837 KB, 593x593, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree but i couldn't find many wrapping ribbon coords and it shows the fit decently

>> No.10468191
File: 938 KB, 596x598, 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10468193


This was one of my first lolita dresses and I would regret selling it if salopettes weren't so short

>> No.10468194
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>> No.10468195
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>> No.10468196
File: 720 KB, 598x595, 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10468198

What is this type of salo called without the sides being wide open? This would def work on a busty type.

>> No.10468200

No it wouldn’t. Your torso spills out the side and looks like shit

>> No.10468202
File: 885 KB, 597x601, 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10468203


It's already super tight on this smaller chested girl, most busty girls don't want to draw attention to our busts.

They're better off just buying a low waist JSK.

>> No.10468204
File: 552 KB, 478x593, 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish there were an easy way to find btssb coords, my favorite pieces are btssb salos but none of them have their own tag

>> No.10468207

plenty of clothes look good on busty women without focusing on playing up your breasts, salopettes just don't because they cut across the titties and it doesn't look flattering. i don't wear them, overalls, or suspender skirts for that reason and my boobs aren't even super huge. plenty of normal jsks look fine on busty girls, or you could wear skirts and cutsew tops. you seem like you're insecure and just shitting on yourself. you can wear things that both fit correctly and don't expose you.

fr, i literally live in south america and most of the women i see are short and square

>> No.10468210

I also live in Cali and all the Latinas here are fridge shaped apples but ok anon

>> No.10468211
File: 882 KB, 514x593, 10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, and this cut, CCS's cut, and milky planet's cut are the least flattering ones on someone with a larger bust. the ones that are cut like ice cream parlor can look cute depending on what's under it

>> No.10468213


For most people regardless of shape fashion is trial and error. Photos and advice from gulls will never replace the value of just making an educated guess and trying something out until you find what you like and flatters you. The anon demanding better pics of salos on busty girls just needs to realize that.

>> No.10468214
File: 934 KB, 539x596, 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

toy doll box also being one of them

>> No.10468216 [DELETED] 

Just wondering, what’s wrong with suspender skirts?

>> No.10468215
File: 550 KB, 472x595, 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10468217

that anon has serious mental issues. she shows up in basically every lolita thread whining about her tits, how she doesn't want to be seen as sexual or ever want men to see her as sexual being. it's fucking weird like a mormon teen girl or some shit.

>> No.10468219
File: 994 KB, 601x594, 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the suspenders sit on your boobs or slip off to the side like a backpack's and either way it accentuates them in a bad way

>> No.10468220


Suspenders and boobs are a no-no. They don't sit flat or have to go into your armpit area around your boobs to look good. Most women with moderate breasts don't look great in suspenders.

>> No.10468223
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>> No.10468224 [DELETED] 

What’s wrong with not wanting to be nothing more than a sex doll?

>> No.10468225
File: 580 KB, 398x595, 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's fucking annoying, the amount of threads it's ruined

>> No.10468228
File: 691 KB, 476x598, 16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having big boobs doesn't make you "nothing more than a sex doll", though
it's harder to wear lolita well but it's not impossible and there is zero reason to constantly whine about wanting a small chest. lose weight, get a reduction, or get over it.

>> No.10468229
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>> No.10468230
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>> No.10468231
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that's it for now

>> No.10468233


Imo even though it looks bad on bustier girls CCS is my favorite AP salopette. The skirt just seems more full and sits on people cutely to me compared to the more overal style ones.

>> No.10468238


MM actually had a rep for looking bad on girls with completely flat chests, the size of the dress is fixed so it'll be really obvious if you're not filling out the bust area properly. It's just that flat girls have the option of stuffing their bra in order to wear MM.

>> No.10468239
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i really like the style, but in my experience they either bisect my breasts or go around the sides and push them forward.

oh great, didn't realize she was a regular poster

do you view other women with large breasts negatively? i resented my boobs when i was a teenager because it made me uncomfortable that it caused strangers to view me sexually, but the truth is that their actions are their fault and not my body's. i recommend that you cultivate a disdain for those people and the misogynistic societal view of women as parts (instead of a single, whole person) rather than for yourself.

>> No.10468240

even if you're a flat-chested, flat-assed rectangle men are still gonna sexualize you. scrotes are gonna scrote. maybe what you really wanna be is a man, then they won't sexualize you.

>> No.10468241 [DELETED] 

>thinking there’s no other size between big and flat

Fuck off scrote

>> No.10468242


Fine. Someone reported that you needed to be cup C and also fit all the other measurements. So cup B would be all right and cup A would need to pad.

That specific enough for you?

>> No.10468314

They're called JSKs, anon. >>10468188 is Melty Royal Chocolate Low-Waist JSK

>> No.10469294

I want the CCS slaopette so badly especially since all the jsk cuts are shit

>> No.10469300

If you aren’t short you better be thin. It’ll look like shit if you’re a normal weight and above 5’1”

>> No.10469362

I've seen a girl on instagram with in it I think I'm nearly the same hight and size and she looked cute so hopefully I'm save

>> No.10469418
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Here, have a thin + busty girl wearing a salopette.

It looks comical. Busts and salopettes just don't work together.

>> No.10469419

Yikes. That’s super unfortunate. Makes her look a lot larger than she actually is and her boobs a lot saggier than they probably are

>> No.10469420

And she's not even that large in the bust department, either, and it still looks very unflattering.

>> No.10469428
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>> No.10469432

but anon, she looks like she'd get winded from going up the stairs, that ~doesn't count~

>> No.10469440

thank fuck, an actual example

more than that, she looks like she could kill >>10469418 just by sitting on her chest. but that's neither here nor there.

>> No.10469445

Finally. I think it looks pretty decent. Not ideal but infinitely better than the chubby girls previously posted.

>> No.10469461

Maybe the black colourway of Striped Susie Salopette JSK can be coorded in a gothic way? (I know it's called a jsk but lolibrary calls it a salopette)

>> No.10469462
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Forgot pic

>> No.10469463
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>> No.10469465

A cardigan is a way to get around the awkward cut, but it really just looks like ageplay here with the pose and color palette.

>> No.10469483


Pink and lavender are common as fuck in sweet color palettes. Do you think all sweet is ageplay?

>> No.10469485

That’s obviously someone who has no idea of what they’re talking about but I do agree with the cardigan it pushes it into something you’d see with an age player. Maybe adding a bit more poof would help negate that idk. The solid color tights don’t help.

>> No.10469489

It's the way she has her arms out and is grabbing her sleeve too

>> No.10469502


It is literally a basic cardigan. Yeah she probably should have a more lolita cardigan that's more cropped or detailed but it's a normie cardigan in pink with a hella casual coord. The tights look like ones with a vertical stripe made from a different texture/level of sheerness so yeah one color but more akin to lace or other decorative tights.


The sleeve thing is something many people in any clothes do a lot if they are short and their sleeves come down too long. I have a habit of doing it too as a short person so it doesn't seem out of place to me.

None of these things are remotely ageplay. If small women in casual pastel clothing reads as ageplay the fairy kei and general jfashion communities may have some bad news for you...

>> No.10469504

It's rare to see a salopette looking even a little elegent or mature, so I'm glad to see this coord.

>> No.10469506


A cardigan can make a salopette look like a less poofy JSK and make it easier to dress it up. They have a lot of versatility if you're short enough that the length isn't an issue.

>> No.10469510

Stop sperging out so hard. I’m a fan of cardigans, but it doesn’t do her any favors here if she’s trying not to look like ageplay. And yes they have ribbing/texture but they’re still solid colored. What crawled up your ass sperg-chan?

>> No.10469513

>"looks pretty decent"
anon her tits are spilling out of the sides, that's not supposed to happen

>> No.10469516


Nobody was sperging until you got mad that I said I think this isn't ageplay-looking, and pointed out why the reasons people said it looks ageplay don't make much sense to me.

>> No.10469520

Nah >>10469502 is some hard core sperging. You’re welcome to your opinion but you felt the need to sperg about things you didn’t fully understand because your reading comprehension is shit like most spergs

>> No.10469521


Okay u win I'm a sperg. Still not ageplay though.

>> No.10469522

Nobody is saying she’s an age player, but there are elements to her coord that cross over with common things ageplayers wear. Holy fuck you are so dense.

>> No.10469524


There are elements to any pastel sweet outfit/lolita coord that cross over with common things ageplayers wear. Bloomers, pastels and pink, pigtails, thigh high/OTK socks, big bows, etc.

>> No.10469525

I really want to believe you’re being intentionally dense but I think the reality is you’re just mentally deficient

>> No.10469529


My point is that the things that overlap are not specific enough to ageplay in comparison to lolita in this case to make that connection from one of the most basic casual coords.

>> No.10469530

You’re missing everyone else’s point. It’s sad really. Where is your guardian? They shouldn’t be letting someone with such a feeble mind on 4chan

>> No.10469531

She probably is or she's just overly defensive. Anon can't comprehend that some ageplayers probably dabble in sweet lolita because of the pastels and childish motifs and that it's really obvious when someone is trying to look "little". I say this as a sweet lolita.

>> No.10469539


You say it's obvious but as a physically small person who likes cute clothes I've had ddlg and ageplay creeps approach me because of my clothes and normalizing the idea that anyone wearing sweet lolita in certain colors or just grabbing their danged sleeve cause it's too long is or looks like an ageplayer dabbling in sweet lolita doesn't sit right with me and I guess I am a bit defensive about it because of my personal experience and I hate the dead 'sweet looks like ageplay' argument.

We have actual sissies and autopedophile creeps parading their diapers and fetishes around in brand and bodyline; casual salopette coords aren't the face of ageplayers dabbling in lolita.

>> No.10469601

I can see that, but I really do think it looks alright. A bolero or a cropped cardigan to cover up the spillage would look better, but it ain't terrible

>> No.10469727
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>> No.10469738 [DELETED] 


>> No.10469755


>> No.10469758 [DELETED] 

My parents eat this stuff. Always thought it was called “sala” though thanks to their Moscow accents

>> No.10469771 [DELETED] 

I'm a 32C, 125 lbs and about 5'4. Would my proportions look like shit in a salopette? I can usually flatten my titties decently

>> No.10469779

it depends on your proportions; if you have narrow hips and shoulders and skinny legs (and no ass) then i think it *could* look fine albeit any salopette will look VERY short on you.
I'm the same height as you and have a normie dress thats typical salopette length and it ends up as oversized shirt size/length rather than an actual proper dress, and i would literally have my underwear hanging out if i didnt wear actual shorts under it.
I think It would be helpful for you to get a tape measure and see where the average salopette length falls on you and then take a cm or two OFF since fabric moves with you, that can really put that part into perspective at least length for you.

>> No.10470127

salopettes get a lot of hate but if youre 5' or under, sometimes theyre way more flattering than standard JSKs if you dont want to alter them. obviously not as formal as a JSK but, if youre the right size to fit them well, theyre honestly pretty refreshing.

>> No.10470128 [DELETED] 

>Tfw when you have a big ass and broad shoulders

I kinda like how short salopettes are, not for lolita but more so for fairy kei. I'm thinking I'll wear some cute bloomers underneath.

>> No.10470140

Same anon, but seems we’re really similar body wise then because so do I, rip us.
And honestly that’s the majority of how I see ppl in the west using salopettes, I definitely think it could be very cute to wear one with some cute shorts or bloomers showing~ so go for it if that’s what you want to do. Good luck!

>> No.10470144 [DELETED] 

Thanks anon!

>> No.10470246

I like the idea of integrating a salopette with ouiji.

>> No.10470388
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I sold my Candy Sprinkle salo years ago and kind of regret it every time I look at the headbow that I kept. Surprisingly, it popped up on fril for about 9999 yen but I missed it because a wishlist dress came up.

But then it popped up again for only a little more but with the barrette, the socks and a Sugary Carnival tote bag and I got my SS to snag it for me! Can’t wait to get it back in my hands again

>> No.10470722

I regret not having the body type for salopettes.
I do not even know why, I do not wear anything this short, but these coords are so cute!

>> No.10478989

I know I'm late to this but I just wanted to say that you're both cunts.

>> No.10478998
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>> No.10479000
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>> No.10479005
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What baby usually calls “salopette jsk” can be a good option for bustier girls imo since the cut is closed on the sides but leaves the back open.

>> No.10479007
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>> No.10479008
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>> No.10479009
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>> No.10479010
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>> No.10479011
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>> No.10479013

The BTSSB salopette JSKs seem like all the put togetherness of a low waist JSK with the flexibility of more adjustable straps like a salopette which fixes the problem people tend to have with either (lack of flexibility on the jsks and the too-casual look on some salopettes)

>> No.10479218


It sort of trades in the form fitting-ness of the shirring on an actual low-waist jsk, though. Like >>10479011 seems like she actually has some sort of body shape under there, but the jsk just gives her a boxy look.

I think it's just impossible to escape the boxy look of salopettes. If you have a body shape then jsks are just the way to go. My two cents, anyway.

>> No.10479456

imo this looks really unflattering even on the model...