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File: 46 KB, 250x333, D9F5D882-D829-4E64-8282-BEA841B64E53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10464473 No.10464473 [Reply] [Original]

$600 Milky Planet Has Never Been Seen Before and Other Hilarious Lies Newfags Tell Themselves Edition

Old thread >>10460509

>> No.10464491

Since everyone is losing their minds about milky planet and sugary carnival, what do you think the final cap for second hand prices will be for each cut/colorway?

>> No.10464493

I’m willing to pay $2000-$2500 for a jsk and headbow set with the ice cream patch still attached in my preferred colorway and I’m sure I’m not the only one. I do think the amount of people willing to pay that much is significantly less than the people willing to pay $1000 though.

>> No.10464494

>calls others newfags
>can’t name a new thread properly

>> No.10464496

The subject is in the subject line newfag. It’s named properly. People often put the “edition” in the threads main text. Stay seething about being new

>> No.10464508

What cut/color you are looking for?

I think the most popular ones will be:
Lavender Special Set JSK
Yellow Original JSK
Pink Original JSK
Blue Original JSK

Since JSKs can fit westerners more easily, they will probably cap in the 800s on average with KC. The Original OPs in same colors will probably go for the 600 range on average with KCs, depending on condition.

I also expect these prices to drop by about half in two years or less.

>> No.10464509

>thinks you could or even should put half a paragraph of text in the subject line

>> No.10464513

The OP has shirring too, though.

>> No.10464519

It does but it is for an incredibly short torso. If you are over 5'2" it is going to fit really oddly.

>> No.10464531
File: 43 KB, 495x429, B84B6B06-0227-4DED-B7D7-19A66D0A4421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like big chunky shoes might get trendy again? Usually AP flavors flats and heels.

>> No.10464549

I always thought the yellow one looked shitty desu it’s such a hard color to pull off

>> No.10464624

Finally thank god.

>> No.10464640

>Tfw didn't know these were out of fashion

>> No.10464646

Is the black colorway unpopular? I've always loved AP prints in black, myself.

>> No.10464647

All these newfags calling sax blue

>> No.10464653

Especially when there's a sax and a navy...

>> No.10464661

Yeah, and someone called Sugary Carnival sax blue the other day which is even more confusing since SC does have an actual blue version, but they meant sax. Can’t wait for summer to be over.

>> No.10464686

lol it was an honest mistake (I initially wrote out the re-release colorways too but realized fuck it, lack of the scalloped hem is inferior, and while frankensteining my post back together I forgot to relabel sax) but fuck me I guess

>> No.10464687

the re-release may not have the scallops, but The OP has that cute apron and collar
>wish they would have kept the scallops too but the apron is a pretty good consolation prize

>> No.10464785

Anyone else excited about these socks though? I already requested a spot with my SS because everything is a desperate bloodbath even if it's just an accessory.

>> No.10464801
File: 96 KB, 749x1143, 20200830_011641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why bother buying shitty chiffon when you could be buying a nice jacquard?

>> No.10464804

the socks aren’t chiffon..

>> No.10464805

Meant to reply to the thread.

>> No.10464807

where are you getting these prices from? i got sugary carnival lavender op in good condition for under $200 from mercari in janurary, albeit no KC. was I just lucky??

>> No.10464808

The fuck is with these colors? Where is the pink and bitter? Also something is majorly off with that mocha...

>> No.10464813

As someone who’s owned the OG mocha before it’s definitely different. It literally looks like diarrhea. What the fuck AP?

>> No.10464817

I've noticed most new stock pics of old dresses look terrible, but what you receive is actually still the same as the old dresses.

>> No.10464820

Navy is con you dipshit

>> No.10464821

I wouldn’t bet on it that thing looks whack

>> No.10464828

Hooooly hell I'm loosing it so excited theyre bringing this cut back! Where did you find these details?

>> No.10464835

Have you not been paying attention? The market has changed drastically in the last 8 months, since May the prices for sweet have been rising and they've only gotten higher.

>> No.10464836

I love the vibe, but I don’t think they’ll match anything I have.

>> No.10464837

Shit, meant to respond to >>10464785

>> No.10464856

Really? I feel like they'll go with a lot of older sweet prints. Mainly Toy Parade or anything with stripes.

>> No.10464866

It’s for the Nagoya store which re-opens on 9/1.

>> No.10464882

It’s kinda strange they didn’t raise the price for such an elaborate piece made of jacquard. Sadly they didn’t do the bitter colorways or berets, these are probably going to keep the price or even raise.

>> No.10464886

Don’t reply if you don’t understand the topic, you’re embarrassing yourself

>> No.10464888

I know others have already pointed it out, but what’s up with the mocha being so green-toned? Why is AP determined to never rerelease this dress normally?

>> No.10464892

> tfw actually cool release is going up, but have to save money for other expenses
Anyways I would have to pay out of the ass for Yamato shipping.

>> No.10464896
File: 61 KB, 640x640, EBDE8113-73E4-4443-9258-2AD969E996EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this was posted last thread, but seeing it I can’t help but wonder if DDC will get another release. It still goes over retail on the secondhand market so there’s definitely a market for it.

>> No.10464923

My guess is that they’re still using the fabric they’ve made for previous release. That’s why we have mint and no bitter color.

>> No.10464945

This is my dream dress and I'm so fucking mad that its a Nagoya exclusive rerelease, even if they did fuck up the colors a little.

>> No.10464974

Let's hope they're doing this to dip the toe and look for the demand before some other release from more accessible place.

>> No.10464981

Mintkismet is accepting the orders for renoval fair EXCEPT following items:

-Rose Tea Garden set
-Honey Cake in both colors
-Melty Ribbon Chocolate all colors
-Cinema Doll pink

>> No.10464987

So everything except what I want, cool

>> No.10464996

>tfw no Cinema Doll OP

>> No.10465006

OP has always been less popular option since it has no shirring. Plus in my personal opinion jsk looks just a bit more fancy and balanced with extra black bows. Also custom lace comes instead of mesh.

>> No.10465015

I understand why they probably don’t have it but I am still a little disappointed. I prefer the OP because I like the lacing detail on the back and I kinda prefer dresses without shirring.

It’s fine though, I had several wish list items pop up recently and should minimize my spending for a bit. So thanks, AP.

>> No.10465045

All the good stuff then

>> No.10465051


I don't even like most new AP but that Rose Tea Garden set was hella fucking cute in the red and white

>> No.10465052

That mint is looking a little dated. I bet this is leftover fabric. Something more muted would work better with this release of MRC IMO

>> No.10465069

I wanted to go for Rose Tea Garden too, the special set colorway is better than all the regular ones

>> No.10465080

I rather they rerelease Fantastic Carnival.

But if the dishware does mean anything, we're getting another release of Melody Toys too.

>> No.10465081

Another Melody Toys rerelease has already been confirmed by the last lookbook

>> No.10465111


I just want more MTO cotton rereleases of toy prints that get to AP USA. Toy Doll Box was awesome. Toy Parade and Toy Fantasy from AP USA in cotton with the Elephant and Giraffe jewelry would be so amazing. Also jewelry in general of course. Even if it is a cash grab I'll simp hard for any toy themed pieces AP releases new to make sure they know what we all want.

I wonder still why their designers haven't come up with some basics that could sell year round rather than seasonally. Other brands do it and still have basics sell out. Basic wristcuffs like the heart charm ones in either solids or mixes of pastels and stuff like they have released in the past are popular and not always easy to find.

>> No.10465118

I’d kill for the elephant and giraffe jewelry as an MTO. I’d get the dresses too but it’s the jewelry I really lust after.

I wish AP would stock more basics too. I’ve bought basics from BABY and Meta before but they don’t make wristcuffs in pastel AP colors, and their headbows have a completely different look.

>> No.10465122

I’ve noticed that when AP actually does some basics they sit around because people don’t want to pay AP prices for non-set specific items. They had really cute pastel colored hair bows in stock on AP USA for quite awhile before they sold out in most colors, and yellow is still available. But when I mention them to people they roll their eyes at the price and say they’ll craft them. I think AP sweet lolitas specifically tend to be cheap on basics. That’s why there are so many god-awful Etsy shops selling sweet accessories


>> No.10465131

I wish they did a general MRC re-release with berets and original colors, but now that I see they're just using the fabric leftovers it feels too vague.

>> No.10465132

I’ve noticed that about AP basics too. It sucks. I like those combs too and they’re definitely worth the price over some Etsy ita’s shop.

Then when there’s something that actually does sell out, wristcuffs, they still don’t bother keeping them in stock. They might not always sell out in bloodbaths but in general most of their wristcuffs don’t stay in stock long, even the plain ones, yet they never restock them.

Between this and AP refusing to make more stock of their dresses, I’m convinced they don’t care about making money.

>> No.10465135

Based on the amount of AP lolitas I’ve seen claim that brand is only worth it for prints, that makes sense. For those of us with a brain we can just buy from other brands, but I think a lot of APlitas view basics as something to skimp on

>> No.10465137


I think the type of basic matters. Blouses are always being released so are not scarce. Cute socks are harder to find from AP sometimes but at least a couple times a year they release a solid or patterned OTK or crew sock simple enough to be versatile in pastels or some vivid colors like red. Many AP wearers prefer headbows that specifically match their dress (I prefer btssb headbow fit and shape so if I buy solids I get them from them, but AP has released those cute really small solid headbows with white lace and I bought 3 colors because of how versatile they are for low key looks).

With wristcuffs you could literally offer someone a month's salary and your first born child and they probably wouldn't sell unless they really need the money. They hardly come up secondhand and are not always released in simple versatile looks and colors. I have, before I learned people think it is rude, offered people $100+ for some wristcuffs they had bought years prior that were even upon purchase used and they bought for below $20 at the time, and they didn't want to sell.

AP doesn't have a demand problem, they have a problem supplying the good stuff we want. Standalone headbows: may or may not sell; solid pastel wristcuffs: a gold mine because the options are only indie or waiting until they come up secondhand and giving up so AP has a captive market for brandwhores already.

>> No.10465141

I think its only a matter of time for the dresses at least. I definitely see a sugary carnival rerelease happening over the next year, toy parade id bet on before toy fantasy. wouldn't count on jewelry though even though ap should notice right now the jewelry prices skyrocketing and just do mtos for their most popular pieces like they did for honey cake

>> No.10465146

I just want a Milky Planet OG MTO...I don’t even care if it’s poly. I’d rather it be cotton but I’d buy it either way.

>> No.10465154

>I have, before I learned people think it is rude, offered people $100+ for some wristcuffs they had bought years prior that were even upon purchase used and they bought for below $20 at the time, and they didn't want to sell.
I’m pretty sure that’s 90% just you being annoying. I wouldn’t sell anything to anyone who did that

>> No.10465155


I hate that AP may end up forcing us to choose between nice material or finally having our favorite prints. I made the gamble and lost with HC. I refuse to take the risk again...prints designed for poly can look good in spite of the material like Ice Cream Parlor, but recreating it on a material that kind of takes away some of what made it nice sometimes makes the dress worse.

A cotton rerelease of the scallop version would be nice. Or since AP designers mentioned for past new collections a focus on bodice design, a new cut in cotton of the old prints that is original but still distinguishable from the last releases.

>> No.10465162

toy doll box and freshly picked strawberries were both cotton though correct? i wouldn't hold out hope yet if thats the case.

>> No.10465165

Unfortunately, I agree with you…and poly Honey Cake is popular too, even though lots of us hate it, so AP can see the market. I wouldn’t mind a new bodice design for Milky Planet, as long as they keep the scallops and release a pink. Who knows, I’ll never give up hope.

>> No.10465166


I was super polite in how I spoke, thanked them in advance for their time and even told them to not feel like they have to answer or anything if I was a bother, and offered the money upfront. I know no one has to sell to me, but I was as nice and polite as is possible to be when doing something like that and politely thanked them and accepted their rejection. Of course now I know people don't like those types of messages so I never do it anymore.

But desirable AP wristcuffs really don't even get listed that often. Prolly cause people are holding on to basics they know go with everything and are worth less than dresses if they sold for financial reasons. Maybe they get snapped up before I see them but other than some milky planet triple ribbon ones that were bid only, there is a lack of AP wristcuffs on LM/western secondhand at least. Which is why AP would make a killing and make customers happy if they released more of them in colors they know their fans like. The Lyrical Lace ones sold out slower than expected actually which was surprising considering how cute they were. I wish they'd do pastel ones with colored lace only and no white lace.

>> No.10465170

Back when I was a babylita I snapped up two pairs of pink wristcuffs secondhand and thought I paid too much because I paid over retail even though they were NWT. So glad I did because price aside, I’d never be able to find them at all now.

>> No.10465177


Yeah it's not even a price issue, just finding them AT ALL is kinda hard which is why belladonna, bodyline, and other offbrand are always being sold secondhand rather than brand. Also that beefeyeround account on LM (babyduckenema on IG) has cute wristcuffs and accepts customs but I hate having to scroll past her yaoi art find them on her site.

>> No.10465193

I think the scarcity is because in AP bloodbaths people in the west obv tend to prioritize dresses and the new wristcuffs get sold more locally in japan. And on the secondhand market a lot of people won’t buy and pay for SS fees and shipping on such a small item. I think they’re just all in japan and Japanese lolitas have disposed of them because they’re much pickier about secondhand and perceived dirtiness if items worn on the skin

>> No.10465223

Which ap wristcuffs are you talking about? I feel like I still see them for sale just for $50 not $20

>> No.10465231


I just got some plain pink lyrical bunny wristcuffs on fril for $60 because I was terrified I'd never see them again. Normally wristcuffs are $30-ish, give or take, but I didn't mind the price given I can wear them with 2/3 of my entire wardrobe and they don't pop up a ton.

>> No.10465234

I’m not going to say specifically, but they were both AP pink wristcuffs that don’t match any dress in particular, and I’ve never seen them for sale again, and I look for wristcuffs regularly.

>> No.10465301

Wow. I remember this now and it's just a testament to how jaded I am to Melody Toys. I got the collar JSK about a year before the first rereleases started, and I'm hoping they never release the collar version again so that maybe it can retain any semblance of value.

AP will realistically never do jewelry rereleases except for a few lucky pieces (Magical Balloon, Honeycake etc). But I agree that the current market is starved for cotton in general. I'll add Dreamy Baby Room to that list because people need to stop splitting the brooch from the dress/headbows simply because it's cute and they want to keep it.

I remember there was a basic headbow that stayed in stock forever too, but it wasn't the right "sweet" shape so I didn't bother buying it. It layed flat on the head rather than standing up. I think a lot of brandwhores are only interested in things they know will be popular and don't want to buy "no name" items. I'm a brandwhore and I don't agree with that, but I could see a lot of people changing instagram game not caring about solid bows.
Honestly, wriftcuffs are just rarer because AP releases them so infrequently, and when you have an item that goes with multiple dresses, you probably won't be selling them. I have about 300-400 individual AP items and wristcuffs make up the smallest percentage. I think somewhere between 10-15 pairs.
I wouldn't go around messaging people like that though. Even if you're polite, just the fact that you are messaging someone without a listing is rude. Even if someone offered me $1k for one of plush bags I wouldn't sell. The money doesn't matter to me. I rather keep the item and not have to find it again.

>> No.10465330 [DELETED] 

I'm so indifferent to melody toys but I'm so starved for cotton prints I'll probably catch the next MTO for it

the wristcuffs are nice, but damn does she have a bad case of sameface in her art

>> No.10465363 [DELETED] 

It's they/them

>> No.10465371 [DELETED] 

Fuck off genderspecial retard. She is a she.

>> No.10465372 [DELETED] 

did you get lost on the way to tumblr?

>> No.10465375 [DELETED] 


>> No.10465377 [DELETED] 

Transphobia ain't cute hun

>> No.10465379 [DELETED] 

Do everyone a favor and take a bath with a plugged in toaster

>> No.10465381 [DELETED] 

You’re on 4chan, my dude

>> No.10465383 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself

>> No.10465386 [DELETED] 

She isn’t trans if she’s not transitioning into the other gender Hun. She’s just calling herself they/them for attention

>> No.10465387 [DELETED] 


I thought her brother was the trans one?

>> No.10465390 [DELETED] 


I just assume a female presenting person also in a hyperfeminine alternative fashion wouldn't mind being referred to with feminine pronouns. Asians are pretty androgynous if they want to be so it wouldn't be that tough for the person to present male at least sometimes if they consider themselves a trans man or genderfluid or whatever but I haven't seen that yet? Plus the yaoi and gay NSFW art makes me wonder if it's like the tumblr fakebois who have the female version of autogynophilia and want to be dudes to act out their fujoshi fantasies.

>> No.10465392 [DELETED] 

It is 100% a biological female. She is a she. Don’t give into her attention grabbing tactics

>> No.10465393 [DELETED] 

>I just assume a female presenting person also in a hyperfeminine alternative fashion wouldn't mind being referred to with feminine pronouns.

>> No.10465395 [DELETED] 


If someone wants to be called they I will call them they. But it is clear from their IG they are making no attempt to even sometimes dress masculine or present as male and all their short hair looks are cosplay wigs so like I said tumblr fujoshi fetish stuff most likely. Either way the wristcuffs are cute, the yaoi art is mediocre, the pronouns don't bother me cause I just call people by the name they request barring anything that personally offends me or people I care about.

>> No.10465398 [DELETED] 

You’re the reason these retards keep demanding dumber and dumber things in the name of attention.

>> No.10465400 [DELETED] 


I think it's a common courtesy not to call people outside of a name they want, pronouns are similar whether I think they really are the genderspecial they want to be or not (this person in over 3 years has not once dressed as a male except maybe some cosplay so clearly they aren't trans and make no attempt to pretend to be genderfluid or nonbinary or whatever in any way), cause I have no reason to be miffed about people wanting to be referred to slightly differently.

Being mad about it gives them more attention. Don't let people who annoy you live rent free in your mind like that, anon.

>> No.10465401 [DELETED] 

no matter what pronouns are used, the faces in ****THEIR art all still look the same, regardless of character, genre, or gender

>> No.10465403 [DELETED] 


Yeah there is a bad case of sameface going on. Prolly gonna custom order some wristcuffs tho, they're the next best thing to AP triple ribbon ones depending on the lace that's available.

>> No.10465407 [DELETED] 

You can kys along with the rest of genderspecials and troons

>> No.10465409 [DELETED] 


I am neither a genderspecial or troon. I just don't care enough about women wanting certain pronouns for attention to be pissed off about it for multiple posts but okay.

>> No.10465413 [DELETED] 

You guys are way too pressed about this rando

>> No.10465414 [DELETED] 

Just say you don't care about people and go.

>> No.10465416 [DELETED] 


I'm not the mad one, I don't hate the person or want to put energy into pressuring anons to misgender them. You should talk to the other anon though they seem very upset about pronouns.

>> No.10465420 [DELETED] 

no, I haven't been paying attention really. didn't think the prices would shoot up so quick. guess i was lucky huh

>> No.10465421 [DELETED] 

Yeah i don't care about people boohoo "they/them" pronouns are retarded like you

>> No.10465422 [DELETED] 

I care enough about people not to indulge their mental illnesses.

>> No.10465424 [DELETED] 

Fun fact, over 40% of trans people who transition end up killing them selves. It’s almost like it’s a mental illness that needs to be treated by not furthering their delusions.

It’s no different than pretending a schizophrenics delusions are real and encouraging them to believe the FBI is after them and they have to kill someone to stop it

>> No.10465425 [DELETED] 

nta but the 40% is out of all trans people, not just post-op ones. the ones who kill themselves are likely the ones who can't afford to transition.

>> No.10465427 [DELETED] 

I said nothing about post op. Just the ones who transition(or try.) tons of troons will say they’re done transitioning without getting the snip on their dip because they do other shit to try and mimick the other gender

>> No.10465428

ANYWAY does anyone want to actually discuss AP in the AP thread?

>> No.10465429
File: 209 KB, 1080x1440, AE6ADC7C-0FE9-4E87-AE08-DAE51F103D88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me! What does everyone think of this dress? I really like the lace overlay.

>> No.10465430 [DELETED] 


>> No.10465431 [DELETED] 

Google it fucking troon

>> No.10465436


I like it and wish I had the urge to dress in more mature sweet since there are so many options like this these days.

>> No.10465440

Me too. So far I haven’t ended up buying anything, but this dress might get me.

>> No.10465442


>> No.10465476

Mature sweet actually reads younger to me when I wear it. AP 2010 pastel sweet is so over the top it’s obvious it’s an alternative fashion because no kid actually dresses in giant ice cream cones and 6 bows on her head, whereas these “mature” dresses look more like actual children’s dresses. I feel like I look creepy in the “mature” dresses in a way I don’t in the more vibrantly sweet ones.

>> No.10465478

If I wanted toned down I'd just wear ank rouge

>> No.10465492

What the hell are those bows?

>> No.10465496
File: 280 KB, 500x600, bk_1593573102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nayrt but really? Over the top sweet lolita look like age play to normies. The more mature toned down stuff would look more vintage inspired than adult in kid clothes.
That obviously depends on how you style it though.

>> No.10465529 [DELETED] 

>says transphobic shit
>did u know 40% of trans kill themselves
Gee i wonder why. Its almost like some douches make their gender seem like its their problem. Not everything is about you jfc.

>> No.10465530 [DELETED] 

Have you lost your way? This isn’t tumblr

>> No.10465538
File: 106 KB, 1080x1440, FB_IMG_1598705460051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone catch this in the AP lookbook? This is such a travesty, especially after the Shanghai Doll release.

>> No.10465539
File: 92 KB, 1080x1440, FB_IMG_1598705456020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the Chinese lolitas make this sell out then they really deserve their bad reputation of having no taste.

>> No.10465543

Yeah this is hideous. I tried to find something redeeming about it but there’s nothing

>> No.10465547

If they removed the sleeves and made it into a jsk it might be passable. Not cute but not hideous.

>> No.10465548

Nah, I hate it. But, the bear ear headbow and cape are pretty cute.

>> No.10465551 [DELETED] 

I don't get why people try to act like we're all tough shit for being on the chinese anime message board no one cares about fighting about shit like this anymore, frothing at the mouth about people you will never meet and about how they live their life, move on it's not 2012

>> No.10465553

You’re the one keeping the topic alive. Talk about frills or shut the fuck up

>> No.10465554
File: 199 KB, 1080x1440, 997136D8-EF62-4E38-BF92-A29CF2D6D9D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we’re going over the catalogue, I love this. I could probably even wear this to work.

>> No.10465555

Really? The black lace bear ears look so cheap though. I wish they were actual fur instead of lace, would have been cute for qi lolita coords.

>> No.10465556

I love this too, but I don't usually buy plain pieces for full price. Would get it secondhand or if it goes on sale though.

>> No.10465559 [DELETED] 

While you’re right, I don’t have to be on tumblr to treat people equally no matter their gender, race, religion, etc. but keep being edgy and ignorant lmao

>> No.10465560

Honestly this is heinous imo. That pattern cut is so harsh and uflattering. It's like Austin Powers kei and I am not here for it.

>> No.10465562 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 500x308, 1520374729890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10465564 [DELETED] 

Go be a bleeding heart on twitter or wherever you libfem pickmes congregate nowadays

>> No.10465569 [DELETED] 

>im on 4chan so i HAVE to be an edgy dumbass

>> No.10465570 [DELETED] 

You have an infinite amount of platforms where people will be super sensitive and "uwu accepting <333" why do you need fucking 4chan to be like that too?

>> No.10465571 [DELETED] 

Nope but expecting asspats here is idiotic

>> No.10465572 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 420x282, A0A19917-2CA9-44FA-92E8-719B7EB286CC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you don’t treat people like a human being you’re from tumblr and expect asspats

>> No.10465576 [DELETED] 


Dude shut up nobody cares

>> No.10465577 [DELETED] 

Stop engaging and just report the tourists.

>> No.10465584 [DELETED] 

I’ve been on 4chan since 2010 and yet I’m not an ignorant piece of shit
Strange how that works and I’m called a tourist

>> No.10465585 [DELETED] 


Agreed; also that panda dress shit; yikes. A lot of the items are lackluster or too mature for me but not ugly. The china dress is ugly.

>> No.10465590 [DELETED] 


>> No.10465593

There are so many fur bear ears already, though. Not that we can’t use more, but I like having something different every once in a while

>> No.10465595 [DELETED] 

Dude just let it go. The four radfems on this board have a hernia whenever you say the word trans and there's no stopping them. Just let them think they are poor oppressed minorities and they'll leave us alone

>> No.10465597

Holy shit are you guys really this incapable of not responding to bait? Stop feeding the trolls.

>> No.10465598 [DELETED] 

The sad thing is I don't think anyone is trolling here.

>> No.10465625

Fair enough, I hope these are better quality than the cheap lace it seems to be

>> No.10465629

>Shanghai Doll release.
u don't speak bad of my dd

>> No.10465630

Bruh I meant it's crap compared to Shanghai Doll.
Shanghai Doll is great.

>> No.10465633 [DELETED] 

Imagine coming to 4chan and then getting upset that there are people who are against trans people

>> No.10465635 [DELETED] 


Imagine coming to a lolita thread on the lolita board and talking about non lolita related things

>> No.10465637

something AP learned to DIY from pinterest

>> No.10465638 [DELETED] 

Someone started derailing the thread by going around “correcting”’pronouns for a girl

>> No.10465639 [DELETED] 

Yeah and you’re not helping. Stop engaging

>> No.10465640

I really want a red Shanghai Doll.

>> No.10465645 [DELETED] 

Sure. Just as soon as you stop pretending you’re a mod and trying to control what other people post

>> No.10465659

F in the chat for everyone trying to get a Melty Ribbon Chocolate shopping service. i was able to contact someone but she basically said that she would go in the order of who was able to pay the invoice quickest. I wish I was in a closer timezone because I wasn't able to respond or ask to be invoiced until 8am - five hours after her response! Also wishing she sent an invoice with the resonse but I understand why she wants to confirm the costs first but aaaaahh

>> No.10465663 [DELETED] 

Why do people keeping calling non-binary people trans? They're not. They have absolutely nothing to do with trans people and actually harm the movement by riding on it's coattails for attention, as well as sprinkling some cultural appropriation into the mix.

>> No.10465673 [DELETED] 

NB are insufferable. They reinforce gender stereotypes more than anyone. They think wearing dresses = female, pants = male, and if they do both that makes them both genders. Same with troons who refuse surgery. They act out stereotypes of women and then commandeer our spaces/claim to be oppressed despite living a life of male socialization and the perks that come with it.
This is why what >>10465559 said is an oxymoron. You can't claim to be treating women equally while giving a pass to another group parodying them. Wearing a dress and taking a female name is not the same as the lived experience of being made a sex object at 8, going through periods/cramps/PCOS/vaginismus, and all the other shit.

Back to the topic. >>10465539 is tired and daresay too much into costume territory than fashion. I want new cultural inspired pieces. Cultural dress all over the world is pretty interesting. I know Qi probably sells better since China is a big market but I can dream

>> No.10465674 [DELETED] 

Because both trans and non binary are mentally ill people crying about their gender and people not treating them in a way that conforms to their delusions

>> No.10465691

Same anon, same. Too bad we get this Adidas stripe mandarin collar sleeve monstrosity.

>> No.10465693

> too much into costume territory than fashion
I feel the same. It's a shame because I love Qi lolita, but it's one of the regions where taobao brands generally beat out the regular brands on design choices. Picking the most generic and stereotyped of a culture to slap onto a dress makes it look like a costume rather than modernized lolita version

>> No.10465704


I hope AP offends Chinese lolitas badly enough with this release to force them to make a red Shanghai Doll as an apology.

Or offends them enough to make AP pay more attention to other demographics.

>> No.10465705

sry the lack of sleep has been fucking my reading comprehension.
There was one indie brand on China that was featured on Girlism for making different Lolita cuts based on China's local cultures/tribes custom. It was a very experimental thing, but rather refreshing to see.

>> No.10465710

Chinese people aren't easily offended like that. You're thinking of Asian-Americans.

>> No.10465713



>> No.10465714


Idk they probably won't see the cultural aspect as offensive but anyone with functioning eyes should be offended by how ugly that shit is senpai

>> No.10465715 [DELETED] 

>implying mainland Chinese people have taste and won’t eat any pile of shit up if you slap a brand name on it


>> No.10465720 [DELETED] 

>implying western apwhores don't do the same

>> No.10465721 [DELETED] 

Chinese in general are known for their cheap, shit taste. But cry harder

>> No.10465722 [DELETED] 

if you're a racist, sure they are

>> No.10465723 [DELETED] 


So are Americans tho.

>> No.10465726 [DELETED] 

Why is this board turning into such a tumblr hugbox these past few years? Ever since 2016 it’s been getting worse and worse

>> No.10465727 [DELETED] 

go to literally any other board on this site if you want to be racist. we're not braindead scrotes on this board, so forgive us for not tolerating bullshit the way they do

>> No.10465729 [DELETED] 


Are you not aware that people find Americans generally trashy and obnoxious? I'm American and even I see people that are clearly the source of thise stereotypes/generalisations, just like similar generalizations of mainland and/or new money rich Chinese people being entitled or trashy exist too.

>> No.10465730 [DELETED] 

it's xenophobe. racist means being agains some race like asian, it means they should be against japanese too for instance.

>> No.10465735 [DELETED] 


Xenophobia would still include non Chinese people foreign from the person's country though.

Not that it is relevant. Chinese lolitas eith enough money to burn or enough obsession with status will 100% eat up every half decent AP release. That panda shit isn't even half decent though.

>> No.10465737 [DELETED] 

"prejudiced" is the correct term here actually.

>> No.10465771 [DELETED] 

Haha imagine being such a snowflake that someone on an anon forum pointing out that it's racist to make broad stereotypical character generalizations about a group of nearly 1.4 billion people triggers you. poor anon.

>> No.10465773 [DELETED] 

better go find your safe space anon

>> No.10465776 [DELETED] 

Imagine being such a snowflake you go to one of the last places on the Internet where racism is normal and crying about how you don’t like racism. This obviously isn’t the place for you

>> No.10465777 [DELETED] 

>Imagine being such a snowflake you go to one of the last places on the Internet where racism is normal
Well. Apparently not anon.

>> No.10465781 [DELETED] 

>thinking racism isn’t normal on 4chan

Fuck off newfag

>> No.10465782 [DELETED] 

Racism is so common on 4ch that they had to make a containment board for it. Go back to facebook

>> No.10465788 [DELETED] 

Is there a reason you want this thread nuked so badly? Did I miss something?

>> No.10465794 [DELETED] 

>racism is normal here!!!!
>there's literally an option to report posts for racism outside of /b/
u dumb

>> No.10465796 [DELETED] 

shitposting and taking shit bait is also normal here.

>> No.10465805 [DELETED] 

It is blue ya weeb

>> No.10465829

Most normies that talk to me in OTT sweet comment and ask if it’s cosplay or for a play or “japanese like hello kitty” or something along those lines. They seem to get that it’s for an out-there fashion effect Could be because I like to wear lots of blush and false eyelashes and sparkly makeup. When I wear “mature” sweet I tend to go for a more minimal makeup look and I dunno, that’s when I get the weird comments. But I’m also tall so all my OTKs become knee socks and it just feels like I look like a little kid in her church dress. They don’t read as vintage on me because the now-ubiquitous high waists hit really high like a toddler dress. No one is mistaking milky planet for a little kid’s church dress but I could definitely see my niece in this black dress

>> No.10465834

God I hate normies

>> No.10465840

no way, this kind of ugly shit us popular with hanfu comm. that's probably why AP made it.

>> No.10465841


The hanfu community is much more into flowy pastel colors and things like sa ku ra by baby, I cannot see how this will fly with them unless their brain is so rotted they think burando can do no wrong

>> No.10465842


>> No.10465850

Good job

>> No.10465853

This isn't hanfu nor is it even remotely close to their standards. If this ita-tastic disaster does sell out, it'll be because of itas, not the hanfu comm

>> No.10465902

Happened to me too. I wasn't able to pick a first spot for my prefered colorway or size. Also their fee was super high.. I am too discouraged now. I gave up and can only hope there'll be a MTO or an online release.

>> No.10465978

I sure hope the SS fees for this release is high because no sane person lives in Nagoya. Why AP chose to release high demand items there is beyond me, store renewal or not

>> No.10466017

well like in all honesty AP would probably shut down their overseas stores save for Paris and a few of the JP stores if Chinese nouveau rich girls stopped throwing money at them

>> No.10466029


Same for me. Not only is the fee super high and nonrefundable, she'll only ship via surface mail for 3,000 yen (I have shipped 10 pound boxes for that much via surface mail from Japan.... why is it that much for one dress?) and won't consider DHL or some other service... It's my dream dress but I might just shrug this one off and take it as a loss. I'm not spending $50 for "maybe you'll get it" and then $450 for it to "maybe get to me" 2-3 months later with no tracking.

>> No.10466032

>This isn't hanfu
It definitely looks like crappy ming shit that is popular with them. Yes, even the color.

>> No.10466041

Mintkissmyass? I've heard that her SS sucks.

>> No.10466062

Nah. Not her. A non lolita affiliated one that I reached out to when I googled shopping services near Nagoya.

>> No.10466063
File: 1.01 MB, 896x802, Screen Shot 2020-08-31 at 9.43.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to burst your bubble. It's most definitely not hanfu, it's tangzhuang/cheongsam inspired. Doesn't change the fact that it's uggo though.

>> No.10466067

Nta but it looks like Qing dynasty womans clothing which indeed was qipao.

>> No.10466068

Anon all you’re doing is showing how ignorant you are about other fashions. This looks nothing like hanfu unless you’re the kind of person who sees gyaru fairy kei and lolita and think they’re all one thing

>> No.10466073

dude, hanfu is a catchall term for a bunch of dynasties calm the hell down.

>> No.10466079

Usually store renewal items are released at other stores later

>> No.10466089

Weird, the main ss I use lives there. I often travel there and personally prefer it over Tokyo.

>> No.10466190

I think I know who you are talking about because I also asked her and was given the same conditions. The price for the surface mail is outrageous. Her fee was already high but seems like she's trying to charge even more by inflating the other costs. Fuck that, I don't feel like getting scammed today.

>> No.10466235

Sounds about right.
I can guarantee she's inflating shipping prices. I JUST moved back to the states after living in Japan for five years. I know what post office prices look like. I know what DHL should cost. She tried to tell me that DHL would be too expensive so she can't use it, and there's no other option other than surface mail, and that is what it would cost her to ship. Bullshit.

We'll just have to hope that >>10466079
is right and it gets a more thorough rerelease. This is a lot of peoples' dream dresses.

>> No.10466244


She quoted me almost $400 for DHL LOLOLOL I think she just doesn't want to deal with the postal service

>> No.10466248

I wouldn't be too sure on that though. For example. At the Shibuya Grand opening they had Melty Berry Princess, a special cut of Holy Lantern, Cinema Doll, a super rare milky bear, and Toy Fantasy and some other cotton release I don't remember the name of. Only cinema doll has been seen elsewhere to my knowledge and that's been just now at the Nagoya store. The shibuya store opened last year.

In any case, there's no way in hell I'm paying that much for something that goes airmail. Literally, other SS's tell you not to use airmail becase stuff goes missing and gets damaged at such a high frequency.

>> No.10466274

I love these, but I'm primarily a classicfag, so that may not be a good sign.

>> No.10466278

Unrelated and let me know if I'm stupid, but, wasn't Toy Fantasy only offered as a MTO in Kyoto? I was never aware there was another "release."

>> No.10466283

It was. The grand opening at Shibuya had a lot of items that weren't made public until you got there. I drew a super high number so I got to see it all, but I wish I had known so I could arrange for more funds.

>> No.10466285

What items? were they not listed online?

>> No.10466287


I cried so hard when I found out the MTO was Kyoto only; I had just moved back to the US from Kyoto and didn't have a SS willing to go there at the time.

>> No.10466294

Sorry. I'm dense. Are you saying Toy Fantasy was secretly offered at Shibuya too?

>> No.10466300

They had toy fantasy, MBP, a melody toys teacup, a cute af blanket and one other cotton print. I dont think any of these items were on the online notice, since I was surprised to see them.

desu I think it was a lot of stuff that was left over from previous tea parties. That cut of Holy lantern hasn't been released since either.

>> No.10466302

rip that's so relatable. I was basically kicked out after my school closed for corona and my visa expired.

>> No.10466305


I had a classmate who was already about to leave for Tokyo and got her program cancelled because of corona but because Japanese and US uni semesters match up poorly and Japan starts too late to take US uni classes in spring she ended up having taken a whole semester off working and saving up for nothing due to the virus. I pity all the jfashion she was never able to buy. Plus Tokyo would gave objectively been safer than the state we live in.

>> No.10466308

That explains why I recently saw a brand new one on fril. I guess it could have been from 2011 but it looked a lot newer.

>> No.10466316

The US is a literally petri dish at the moment, so anywhere in Japan would have been better. I actually was meant to be in Japan for the ICP release but made the decision to cancel right before they annouced a total shut down, so I'm glad I wasn't trapped, even if I missed out on reasonable prices.

>> No.10466329

Amen. Brown and pink plaid reminds me of the 70s and in a bad way. The cut of the top looks like a work uniform and not a cute blazer or a prep school inspiration

>> No.10466391 [DELETED] 

You all need to name and shame, that's ridiculous pricing

>> No.10466393
File: 301 KB, 500x600, NkpnckypUSEsVBNNjwqOQYMtKOr5xCbQENomN6rj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people think the price is going to go up for this dress? I want to figure out if I eat the scalper price now or wait and hope it goes down.

>> No.10466401

Anon, thats so fucking ugly, but bitches be thirsty for AP atm.

I'll be surprised if it goes for more that $400 or less than $250

>> No.10466403

It may possibly go up with how things have been going. The last few items I've been trying to collect that aren't even sweet are like 3x the price. If it's below $450/500 before shipping, I'd say go for it

>> No.10466406

(And seeing people wearing it in photos have been making me eat my initial negative opinion)

>> No.10466463

Eh, I contacted her, and yeah her price was too much for me, but she's not a lolita. She's just a Japanese housewife who runs an in person shopping service.

Believe it or not, she's fairly inexpensive as far as actual personal shoppers are concerned and her rates are entirely her decision. I low key hate how this comm is always trying to name and shame people when you're butthurt about costs. She very clearly gears her service as a high end shopper for anything in Japan and out of the 7-8 services I contacted, she was the only one willing to operate during the pandemic. So yeah. she can charge what she likes.

>> No.10466465

IMO it will remain where it is, but the ones that are up now will sell and it will disappear entirely. I saw it n person and it's more muted and cute than the pics suggest but it's still not my taste. If it were though, I'd buy it because I don't think it will come down. You can also check the seller. Some fril scalpers are notoriously stingy and won't reduce price even if it hasn't sold in like years.

>> No.10466468

Also, what salty folks neglected to state before is that she only lies part-time in Nagoya, and is actually planning to commute from Tokyo, so $50 is reasonable.

>> No.10466483

>this comm is always trying to name and shame people when you're butthurt about costs
We do this to protect other people in the community from getting ripped off/scammed. $400 for DHL for one item is DEFINITELY a rip-off

>> No.10466498

It wasn’t one item dipshit, I had asked for about 8 items total, including leftover stock from recent releases that I called about.

>> No.10466500

unless all your items were shoes or there were some coats in the mix that's still on the very high side

>> No.10466502

Nayrt but I was charged $220 DHL for a heavy velvet dress and some tights. If she got a bunch of stuff I can see it being $400

>> No.10466513

No shoes, but two jacquard and two cotton dress, plus polyester dresses

>> No.10466514

Oh, was I supposed to magically know how many items you were talking about without you ever saying so before now???

>> No.10466557

No but your assumption speaks to the issue in question.

I thought the shipping was too high, since EMS would hae only been about 100. but EMS isn't available rn so it was too expensive for me.

>> No.10466560

I don’t understand people who pay hundreds on shipping. I just shipped 11KG by seamail, it was around $40. I have enough clothes to wear and I’m definitely not in any rush to receive those things

>> No.10466562

There's 1. people who live in the US, and 2. seamail is unpredictable. It's the shipping option where you risk your package getting lost, and at best get it 3-4mo later.

>> No.10466563

Maybe they aren’t as poor as you so they don’t mind the shipping cost

>> No.10466566

Japan isn't testing and Tokyo is not as well off as you think. They're not admitting people to hospitals who are gravely ill, corona or not.

>> No.10466567
File: 129 KB, 1080x1886, Screenshot_20200902-123701~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, where are you shipping heavy items for ¥3000? SAL isn't that cheap.

This is from JP Posts website

>> No.10466568
File: 241 KB, 1145x2048, Screenshot_20200902-123910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I chose the wrong shipping method but my point still stands. It's still a bit expensive

>> No.10466579

Seamail is fine for cheaper stuff, but there's no way I'd risk it for anything other than body line.

>> No.10466580

400 for 8 items is still overpriced. I paid $200 for DHL with 30+ items with 10 of them being shoes/purses and 5+ being dresses.

Because if your shit gets lost with seamail, you're fucked. That's why.

>> No.10466582

I’m calling bullshit because I had a cutsew OP and some socks shipped to me and it was $120. there’s no way you bought 5 pairs of shoes and THEN some and got it shipped DHL for $200

>> No.10466584

That’s not even counting customs. If you ship in one box to the USA and it exceeds $800 value, all private shipping companies are required to go to customs and the vat tax on new textiles from japan is %32

>> No.10466605

You lie to customs, have you never seen the hundreds of posts from Europeans giving advice or asking about stores/SS marking down for customs? Same principle

You want me to dig up the shipping receipt e-mail or something?

>> No.10466608

>exceeds $800 value
tfw it’s €100 here

>> No.10466612

It's €23 here. Fuck the government.

>> No.10466660 [DELETED] 

>american complaining about $800 customs limit that they can fill out online most of the time
If only you knew how bad things really could be. I honestly don't think any other country besides China is as lucky as yours when it comes to customs and their fees.

>> No.10466661

>>10466584 #
>american complaining about $800 customs limit that they can pay online most of the time
If only you knew how bad things really could be. I honestly don't think any other country besides China is as lucky as yours when it comes to customs and their fees.

>> No.10466665

Japan is definitely safer than the US with the murderers in the streets at the moment. Plus everyone has always worn masks and the country doesn’t have retards (trump supporters) spitting on people because their rights were taken away.

>> No.10466667

Omfg hahaha is that a *worksafe* plug? Ahahah

>> No.10466727

Europoors are the scum of the earth though. Of course they’ll commit crimes to avoid paying money

>> No.10466728

I just had a $1,600 DHL order, declared at full value, go through customs just fine with no charge. From my understanding only UPS does that.

>> No.10466729

i have never ever had to pay customs on anything in the us. including a 10k furniture shipment from japan.

>> No.10466731

There's nothing immoral about avoiding customs. They're basically the modern equivalent of highway robbery, just because it's a government doing it doesn't make it okay.

>> No.10466743

Dreamy Unicorn bag just went up on LM, i'm interested to see how high bidding will go lmao

>> No.10466745

I had 9.5 kgs of stuff at my forwarding service shipped via DHL for a little over $100. My most expensive was 18kgs of stuff at $300. Sorry you got ripped off.

>> No.10466748

Same. I love watching the battle for the horses

>> No.10466751

customs are basically a punishment for ordering outside the country.

>> No.10466753

Correct, custom fees are supposed to encourage you to buy your stuff from inside the country/EU, because traditionally people buying from overseas shops do so, because they want to save money (like the wish and AliExpress shoppers). People like us, who have niche interests and buy items, that simply are not available here, are the minority and get brushed off.

>> No.10466754

You mean just like all the Americans who torrent things to avoid paying money for them? Wow, so different

>> No.10466755

If we're talking about the same person - the strangest thing I noticed was that she estimates the shipping weight and includes it in the deposit payment instead of two payments - one for goods and one for shipping. That might be why her prices are higher than expected because she wants to make sure the cost is covered.

>Regarding Fedex, DHL, EMS, etc
Courier services like this charge high prices for individuals to ship packages but if you are a business account it costs a fraction of that. You will see SS say things like "40% off EMS!!" which means that they have a business account and pay a yearly fee to be able to ship high volumes with a discount. The more a business ships per year the more of a discount they offer.

It is the same in the US. If you walk into a fedex it might be $100 for a medium 10lb box but if you were a business they would charge you a fraction of that cost. I'm writing a book because when I see people compare pricing they know as an individual to what a company offers it is midding a huge point of context

>> No.10466768

People all over the world do that. Nice try europoor

>> No.10466773

That doesn't make it any less of a crime

>> No.10466775

>muh crimes
who cares

>> No.10466777

Europeans definitely do that more than Americans now because a lot of internet providers block torrenting. I used to torrent a lot (though only things that didn’t have releases in English) and can’t anymore, but my friends in Eastern Europe still do it constantly

>> No.10466779

You know what else is a crime? Lying to customs because you’re so poor you don’t want to pay the fees

>> No.10466780


>> No.10466781

that's not how that works, idiot. unless you are just scared your isp will cancel your internet. they don't, they just send an angry email. maybe don't use shitty bittorent bloatware to torrent next time.

>> No.10466782


>> No.10466786

Cry more europoor.

>> No.10466795


Japan is still objectively safer than the place she and I live in the US and has better coronavirus response/more people who adhere to mask rules. The chance of getting groped on a train as a foreigner is about the worst thing about being in Japan which is lower for a foreigner than for a Japanese woman since we're likely to speak up and less likely with many people still staying home more than usual and the trains being less crowded.

Danger levels for people are fairly localised/dependent on your particular city or state. Anywhere is better than a lot of California rn for example; it's constantly on fire, has earthquakes like Japan but less public relief infrastructure for really bad ones, and barely affordable to live when there's not economic downturns resulting from a pandemic that is poorly contained there.

Living in Japan compared to where she and I both are, its is MILES better as far as quality of life with or without pandemic (we don't live in California btw just using it as a comparison)

>> No.10466812

No you’re right
California is kind of a shit hole. Can’t imagine how bad it would be if we got a huge earthquake this year.

>> No.10466813

america in general is a shithole. if you're not in a big city full of protesting, you're in a hick town full of idiots.

>> No.10466819

>America in general is a shithole

Better than anywhere in non-nordic Europe

>> No.10466822

lmao keep deluding yourself

>> No.10466823

I know its uber cool and trendy to shit on America and say it's a third world country and shit but maybe shut the fuck up if you don't actually live here?

>> No.10466824

i am the OP i *do* live there.

>> No.10466825

I live here, it's a shithole if you live anywhere that isn't a major city.

>> No.10466826

anon parts of america fucking suck, i live part time in a suburb and part time in a city. they're great and all, but especially when you get to the midwest shit gets bad. idk about third world but some places lack infrastructure to the extent it could fool you for a while. leave your bubble sometime.

>> No.10466827

Sorry but no. The major cities are what suck major balls imo. I can't wait to save up money and move out into countryside.
Overcrowded, heavy traffic, high pollution. It's a no from me dawg.

>> No.10466828

small towns are full of backwater idiots

>> No.10466830

That’s the case anywhere in the world though

>> No.10466831

Nice stereotypes but no. That's not even true, there are idiots everywhere. Besides, I would rather be around some idiots than have to worry about getting shanked by a crackhead every time I step foot out my door. I've literally been woken up by crackheads just screaming relentlessly for no fucking reason. So I'm pretty over it.

>> No.10466832

Or you could just... not live in a shit area of the city?

>> No.10466833

if you think small towns in the us don't have tons of addicts i am very sorry.

>> No.10466836

No thanks, I hate people and I hate being in overcrowded places. There are shit parts of the countryside and shit parts of the city too. People who over idealize cities like you must be brain damaged from all of the exhaust fumes you're breathing in constantly.

>> No.10466837

ever consider that there aren't just small towns and big cities? I realize that but my plan is to save up and get land to get away from densely populated areas altogether. Again, I just don't see why people act like major cities are amazing, they're fucking miserable unless you're wealthy enough to have a place that's secluded. Over crowded areas are proven to take a toll on peoples' mental health.

>> No.10466838

I'm sure you'll be raving about how awesome major cities are when climate devastation hits you. Sounds just like the place I wanna be when society collapses.

>> No.10466839

i said both are bad but go off. you clearly don't want to live in the burbs. i have lived in many areas in this country and they all suck unless you have brain damage.

>> No.10466840

Take your meds and remove the tinfoil

>> No.10466842

"Tinfoil" ok I guess all of those climate scientists bugging out and buying land in the middle of nowhere are just a bunch a wackos. That's why billionaires are buying bunkers and shit. Hope you can take the blinders off eventually.

>> No.10466845

have you ever stayed out in the middle of nowhere before at least, before coming to that conclusion? it REALLY fucking sucks. you have to drive an hour or more to get your mail, purchase literally anything irl, see any form of civilization (which, btw, also takes a toll on your mental health) - it's not a fun time and even the privacy isn't worth it. if you're looking to buy property, unless it's already installed properly you'll have to pay a fuckton to ensure your internet is actually usable.
this doesn't sound all that problematic until you actually live it, dealing with this shit day in and day out is fucking infuriating after a while.
unless you're after doing some self-sufficient farming shit i would never recommend it.

>> No.10466846


You’ll feel more at home there

>> No.10466847

Do you also believe climate change is not real? Lol so much for city folk not being idiots. Guess those emissions must really be killing off your brain cells.

>> No.10466850

I didn’t say that. You are acting deranged and delusional. That’s why I think you’d fit in with that board

>> No.10466852

anyone who wants to live in the middle of nowhere is really stupid.

>> No.10466853

The idea is to be self sufficient, yes.

>> No.10466856

I lived in a tiny village in Europe more than an hour away from the nearest big supermarket for a year and it was great. But I’m a non-white American it was Europe. Whenever I’m in a remote village in the US I feel like I’m about to get murdered.

>> No.10466857

you aren't cut out for it. you can barely handle opinions on 4chan. how can you possibly think you can be self-sufficient?

>> No.10466860

But anon, she can totally shit in a bucket and collect sticks all by herself! I’m sure she’s fully prepared to handle medical emergencies and do things like pull her own teeth and sew up gashes in her leg as she’s bleeding out.

>> No.10466863

Why are people in the AP thread discussing farming in the middle of nowhere. Politics sperging I can get but this is one of the weirder turns for a thread to take.

Do we have any estimate when the new AP Halloween print will be on AP USA?

>> No.10466864


10 pounds = 4.5kg, so about 4,000 yen for surface mail, just like the screenshot you took. She quoted me that same amount for one dress.

Additionally, $400 DHL anon is lucky they even got a price quote for DHL. I asked for one and was refused.

I'm not going to name and shame because resellers can charge whatever they want. I'm not obligated to buy from her.
Would've been nice if she explained this to me. She didn't. Can't know what I haven't been told.

Whether I name and shame or not, you could easily google this person's service in about the five seconds it took me to find her. But I don't see the point. She's offering a service, I'm just not willing to pay 6,000 yen nonrefundable even if she loses the lottery or can't get the dress. The price she quoted me is about what the dress goes for secondhand on a good day, so why wouldn't I just wait to snag the original release?

>> No.10466865

Idk where you got the idea that im unable to handle opinions different than mine just because I disagree with them but ok
I guess my experience with staying in a developing country for months and being fine and overall happier means nothing because some braindead retard who loves huffing car exhaust told me so. Sick bro

>> No.10466869

Usually USA releases are 2-3 weeks after Japan's. I don't think we've even been notified when it'll release in Japan yet? (unless we'll know later tonight/tomorrow)

So the safe bet is the middle of September or start of October if it's the next big release.

>> No.10466874

I'm incredibly impatient so I'm hoping that it'll be either this weekend or next weekend. Come on AP, tell me when!

>> No.10466876
File: 262 KB, 500x600, 4b61649e-a255-42a2-9a76-fdf5a0e1d27d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suomi mainittu?

>> No.10466877

Qipao wasn’t from Qing........ You don’t know what you’re talking about.

>> No.10466879

*laughs in free healthcare and education*

>> No.10466881

*laughs in not being bled like a pig or sent to prison when I something from outside my country that costs over €20*

>> No.10466882

*laughs in not being stabbed to death or raped by grooming gangs and not seeing any justice because cops are too afraid to be ""racist""*

>> No.10466885
File: 150 KB, 500x731, 4c00f63d2d99cbb0e53a9430987a376b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh that just confirmed my suspicion that a lot of the worst posters on /cgl/ are APfags. 2 deletion-waves and anons still can't take the hint, ignore or report bait or stay on topic.

>> No.10466887

it's probably the same dumb white people who think qi is pronounced like key, just ignore them lol

>> No.10466893

I'm very impatient too, since this will probably be the last dress I get all year and I like to just get stuff out of the way, haha.

>> No.10466907

Nothing you said sounds bad. And I lived rural and still get mail delivered, I don't know what you're on about.

>> No.10466911


With the USPS having issues who knows if any rural area will even have a post office equivalent anymore. No more ordering Japanese secondhand or taobao as cheaply and Yamato uses UPS, and DHL or FedEx is often done from China but those companies don't serve every area and may not hold packages like a post office if they don't deliver to you.

>> No.10466913

you're not as rural as i'm talking about then. there are places usps doesn't even bother, the mail goes to the nearest post office and you go get it yourself.

>> No.10466921

Then just petition or request an extension of delivery service. Not all rural areas are the same, plus state laws play into decisions that are made. I can understand there are some areas they would refuse, but that doesn't mean you're not rural because you get mail.

>> No.10466925
File: 230 KB, 500x600, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cute Candy Check
Where's the cute..?
Where's the candy...?

>> No.10466932

This is just a basic, cute tartan. Out of all the release they’re putting out this is the one you bitch about and not that sticker abortion?

>> No.10466933

It has a Candy Striper feel for me.
I feel like AP uses this model a lot, but I don’t follow AP closely. Is she hafu?

>> No.10466935

Lol if you think rape and stabbing are more prevalent in Europe than the US...

>> No.10466936

She is, she used to model for Baby

>> No.10466937

>that sticker abortion
Thanks for this

>> No.10466977

I laughed

>> No.10467044

Dang for that charge and the number of people who seem to be using her, she must be making a huge profit

>> No.10467056

>Additionally, $400 DHL anon is lucky they even got a price quote for DHL. I asked for one and was refused.

I messaged her in Japanese, always helps. I'm assuming that's why she mentioned her taking the train in from Tokyo.

>> No.10467057

And that's if AP USA actually gets any. They'll probably get like 3 of the op in whatever color way is the least popular.

>> No.10467059

That’s not how it works.

>> No.10467063

I mean. She's a personal shopper. The whole point is that she makes a sizeable profit. She runs a business after all.
I swear the number of girls on here expecting charity work SS because they heard about someone who's got a friend that charges 300 yen or something is too damn high. These serices, especially when they physically go the store and pick things up for you were typically reserved for extremey wealthy people before Amazon Prime came along.

It also may have been because of the volume of the sale. Besides, if you all are so worried about shipping just have her ship domestically to a forwarding address like a smart cookie...

>> No.10467069

not salty here, but then how does it work? There have been plenty of releases where AP USA didn't post any of a particular cut/colorway and it's always the ones that are most popular.

Given that the release is always after the Japan one with just enough time to arrange shipment and verify stock, and that the Japanese stores share stock from time to time, I've always just assumed that the reason why AP USA never gets the ost popular stuff is because they take second seat to the Japanese and even Paris store. Paris now even gets to do reservations for everything.

>> No.10467074

Ask the stupid questions thread if you want to be spoonfed this information so badly. It’s been discussed hundreds of times.

>> No.10467075

Nayrt, but I don't think I've seen a US release that didn't have every cut and colorway? (Unless the colorway was a stores specific one, like those lavender ones I usually see for Shibuya(?)(correct me if I got the wrong city).

From what I've seen, the US store will get stock, but very limited if it was really popular overseas. But I've never seen any of the normal colorways just straight up not in stock. I may just be too new if that has actually happened.

>> No.10467077

when the fuck had that happened?

>> No.10467082

Never with any popular printed release. There are some solids that AP USA might not get now and then. >>10467069 has no idea what they’re talking about.

>> No.10467084


As an SS, eh.

I think her fees are on the pretty high side. I do hate girls who complain when I charge them actual money though. It's like artist alley prints/ commissions. If you know someone who charges $5, great. Go to them then and stop trying to devalue my time.

>> No.10467089

$60 each, plus 10% commission from every order? She's got at least 4 orders. That's insanely high.

>> No.10467092

NAYRT but I'm pretty sure that happened with Dream bear.

>> No.10467094


Odds are that things just sold out in seconds at AP USA and because they used to (or still do) completely remove the page for an item when it sells out, it may just look like they never got the more popular colorway at all to someone who is a few seconds too slow.

>> No.10467095

This is what’s really happening. Only recently, within the last year or two, did AP start sometimes programming it in for pages to remain up and show “sold out.” But even now they don’t stay up long or do it consistently

>> No.10467102

>Be new
>Go to AP's website on bloodbath day 30 minutes late
>"AP USA doesn't stock the most popular colors"

>> No.10467104


Yeah the Paris and Japan sites typically do because they have every colorway for an item on the same page and just let you select the color, so as long as one colorway is in stock (and maybe after everything runs out) the page is still up telling you what is out of stock.

I definitely think AP Japan, despite being a franchise should be a bit more consistent with the style and approach of the branding of other sites. For a brand with so much commitment to aesthetic, you expect better quality web design from all three stores than what you get. They're stuck in the early to mid 2000s aesthetically. The only downside to upgrading all three sites a little (USA especially) may be that more complex code takes longer to load in some cases furthering the difficulty of bloodbaths.

>> No.10467106


Whoops meant AP USA not Japan obviously

>> No.10467118

Part of the reason for this is that AP USA is essentially an auxiliary store. They’re the only store that stocks more than Just AP and With SF rents as they are, I’m actually shocked the store still has a physical location at all.

>> No.10467121

So the website not being updated or consistent with the main store, is to be expected. They really need to overhaul it though, it’s pretty trash desu. And overhauling would actually make the purchasing process more efficient.

>> No.10467184

Whats the fucking point then

>> No.10467190

Because tracking? Insurance? Senpai, don’t act like you haven’t been fucked over by mail before

>> No.10467191

Read her actual post. Those were the orders that filed up in a few hours.

How is the ordering system for AP USA messed up? I have no complaints.

>> No.10467193

Flint still doesn’t have clean water and people are rioting over being asked to wear a mask

We’re a bunch of dumb fucks living in a third world shit hole

>> No.10467194 [DELETED] 

You know theres an opioid crisis going on in these small towns you love right? Just admit that you don’t want to live near minorities already

>> No.10467196

Cops aren’t afraid to be racist here and we still have those problems

>> No.10467202

Last I checked there weren't any riots over masks, just a bunch over an idiot rapist who got shot by a cop.

>> No.10467204

Yeah I never said I wanted to live in a small town. I specifically said I wanted to get land somewhere away from people because being in densely populated areas has taken a toll on my mental health. Also I am a minority which makes this even more weird, you're just one of those retards who thinks anyone that doesn't think exactly like you is racist huh?

>> No.10467205

This just in:

Disliking big cities makes you racist.

>> No.10467212

Mint honey cake set posted for 1k, I get that like it comes with the bag and jewelry and you can break down the price but jesus christ man

>> No.10467216

That’s not bad considering the climate for sweet currently.

>> No.10467218

Yeah like I understand the price, but also I am weeping

>> No.10467225

Take your weeping to the feels thread poorfag

>> No.10467226

Not having a spare 1k to drop on a dress doesn't automatically mean someone is poor, Mr Moneybags

>> No.10467228

It’s not just the dress though, it’s a set where even the smallest item would sell for $75 on its own

>> No.10467249

A tracking number costs extra if you use SAL and off the top of my head I can't remember if it's a flat fee or based off the weight. I mailed a pair of shoes and it was about ¥700 for tracking. Is the SAL shipment with or without tracking?

>> No.10467254

Okay normally I wouldn't complain about overpriced AP, but what bothers me about this listing is that this girl bought the OP and KC off another LM user back in 2018 for $300, and now she's trying to sell it for /at least/ $1k (BIN is at $1.2k). And before you say it, the bag and accessories altogether would still be worth less than $200. So where is that extra $500-$700 coming from? For shame, honestly.

>> No.10467255

>thinking that people shouldn’t sell things at market price when the market has changed just because they bought it for less years ago

It’s creepy of you to have stalked her purchases to know this to begin with, but on top of that you’re really stupid thinking that she shouldn’t sell for more than $300 in this market where OTT sweet has skyrocketed

>> No.10467257

the market for this style of sweet is completely different than it was in 2018 though

>> No.10467259

Why are you still crying about this?

The market has changed for this style of AP because it's rarer. You need to get over it.

>> No.10467260

This b8 is kind of stale

>> No.10467266

Candy Sprinkle just went up on LM for 500. Please tell me that the person who listed it is just clueless and doesn't realize it's not worth that much. Candy Sprinkle? I know sweet is super popular and I understand that price with certain prints but fucking Candy Sprinkle?

>> No.10467267

>Besides, if you all are so worried about shipping just have her ship domestically to a forwarding address like a smart cookie...

You know what? You've got me there. I didn't think to do that. I could have shipped to a friend domestically and had them ship it to me. Too little too late, but you're right about that.

>> No.10467269

SAL was not an option. We're talking about surface mail. No tracking offered.

>> No.10467270

It's the same person who posted the 1k honey cake (and a milky chan with the shirring cut for 300$), sad that one person scalping pricing is driving it up for everyone but I guess that's just the way it is right now, hopefully the market will go back down eventually.

>> No.10467271

You’re an idiot if you think “one person scalping pricing” is the driving force between the surge in sweet. Cry about how you’re too poor to buy sweet now somewhere else

>> No.10467274

Honey Cake I can kind of understand but I really hope nobody buys that candy sprinkle. It's not even close to being worth that much, I bought Dream Fantasy for 350$ 2ish months ago and it's a way cuter lucky pack dress than fucking Candy Sprinkle.

>> No.10467276

It's missing the little pink detachable bow on the neck ties (something that's usually overlooked but I notice since I used to own that exact cut/colorway). Maybe someone can haggle it down because of this?

>> No.10467285

It really depends on where you are. I'm in Australia and DHL is cheap as fuck compared to other options. I once shipped a 10kg package to myself for ~100USD. Usually smaller packages cost less than 50aud and they get to me in 2-4 days from Japan.

>> No.10467289

All these pricing talk makes me wish I could actually ship out of my country, I'd sell you all the pastel dresses I've accumulated over the years. fml.

>> No.10467295

Do you not like sweet anymore?

>> No.10467298

Don't feel bad that you can't sell to gulls, they're bitches that don't deserve it lol.

>> No.10467299

Ok newfag

>> No.10467307

Aw, I'm sure that one hit really hard for you.

>> No.10467308

Keep crying about the big bad buwwies newfag

>> No.10467309

Yep, you mad lol

>> No.10467311

>unironically posting the u mad meme

Go back to Facebook

>> No.10467313 [DELETED] 
File: 243 KB, 1080x880, Candysprinkle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine outing yourself as someone both stupid enough to have Candy Sprinkle as a DD and only wanting to spend $100 on your "dream" item.

I've spent that much on a single accessory, and they can't even justify it for a dress?

>> No.10467314
File: 242 KB, 1080x880, 20200902_223822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine outing yourself as someone both stupid enough to have Candy Sprinkle as a DD and only wanting to spend $100 on your "dream" item.

I've spent that much on a single accessory, and they can't even justify it for a dress?

>> No.10467315


Shifting to different sweet style, mature sweet probably? I'm finding I wear my darker sweet dresses more than my pastels, so if I downsize the number of pastels I own I could have a more cohesive wardrobe instead of maintaining both a large pastel set and a large darker colours set.

Already offered to my local comm, but they're more into taobao than AP. Ah well, not much to do other than wait for the post to open up again.

>> No.10467316

Candy Sprinkle is not worth 500 dollars but she's delusional to think she could buy it for 100 and under

>> No.10467318

Yeah the one posted to LM is outrageous, but even when the buying was good, I paid over $100 for it. It's a cute dress. I just don't understand why people claim to have DDs, then only want to buy it for a rock bottom price. AP for below $100 was always a steal.

>> No.10467319

Yeah that's just being cheap lol it comes across entitled to think you deserve brand at taobao prices. Just stick to taobao if you're unwilling to pay more than 100 dollars, like you said, it's obvi not her dream dress if she's that cheap about it.

>> No.10467321

>wanting dream dress for $80
I'm not rich by any stretch of the imagination, but this makes me feel like a fucking billionaire.

>> No.10467322

Stay mad lol

>> No.10467324

New thread

>> No.10467325

Nayrt but honestly fbfags like you are the reason why this board has gone to shit. You move to another platform so you can feel different but then you're incapable of assimilating and want to make this platform another hugbox.

>> No.10467340

You don't need to be a Facebook tourist in order to acknowledge that this place is full of bitches, dipshit.

>> No.10467344

only someone who's used to asspats would feel the need to point it out

>> No.10467348

It's ok, I know you got triggered.

>> No.10467351

>zomg 4chan so mean wat the heck!! Ahaha xD

You're a retard

>> No.10467352

Yep, you mad lol

>> No.10467389

Yep, you braindead lol

>> No.10467470

It's one of my favorite prints (yeah yeah shit taste whatever) and I got the JSK + KC early this year off closetchild for like 80 bucks in great condition and that was extremely lucky. It comes up all the fucking time at like slightly more than that though, this is kind of pathetic.

>> No.10467523

Yep, you really mad lol

>> No.10467565

Nah I think it's cute too, but the fact that over the past two years it wasn't rare or particularly expensive just makes the post seem really stupid.

Also the "I refuse to spend more than $80!" is pretty dumb.

Honestly I feel the same way about Cotton Candy Shop. I've said this before in a thread here, but CCS literally popped up so often that I finally just bought it, because it was so easy.

>> No.10467649

You never heard of the reopen movement? Or the hundreds of people loosing their minds on video over masks? What a dumb fuck

>> No.10468409

Surface mail also has tracking but for a few hundred yen extra. Honestly, you whining over being charged a couple extra dollars for a shitty shipping method is grating and should be in the feels thread