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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 295 KB, 1920x1080, MAGDoomed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10459768 No.10459768 [Reply] [Original]

Continuing MAGFest info from here: >>10417702

MAGFest continues to bury its head in the sand concerning COVID-19 cancellation of MAGFest Super, despite having already cancelled MAGStock, and MAGWest during 2020. Previous Hotel Room block has mysteriously vanished, and people are already reserving rooms in hopes that Super still goes on. Marketplace applications still have not been made available, nor official room blocks announced.

Internally, MAG is already planning on cancelling MAGFest 2021, and is hurting financially. Applying for educational grants, despite the con being one giant party/drinkfest, selling off assets to pay employees, furloughing staff, and deleting/removing questions about funds coming from their partnership with "League of Conventions", which is nothing more than a streaming partnership with AnimeNEXT/ConnectiCon/KogaraCon. ( https://leagueofconventions.com/ ). Anyone else have hope, or is MAGFest 2021 truly "Doomed"?

>> No.10459839

Any major conventions through Q1 2021 are going to be cancelled. Probably beyond that as well, but it's too early to call all of 2021 a wash yet.
Best case scenario, we get a vaccine approved for mass production in the first half of 2021, and events can start happening in the second half. Not holding my breath on that though.

>> No.10459859

I dunno if it's burying their head in the sand. A major issue is that lots of venues aren't letting their clients off the hook unless the state declares a closure, so they have to keep on keepin' on until that happens.

>> No.10459864

They've already called off the hotel room block hold with the Gaylord, which is how people are reserving rooms now on those dates. Previously, reservation systems/the hotel were indicating there were no rooms available on those dates.

>> No.10460348

MAG can now no longer afford a physical office, and will be vacating their Baltimore office on October 1st of this year. They are now scrambling to figure out what physical mailing address to use for billing, the IRS, etc. and are now officially furloughing all unnecessary paid employees. They are going to bet the farm, on hopeful merchandise sales to keep the company afloat, so be sure to buy all the t-shirts and MAG tiaras you can!

>> No.10460734

>Applying for educational grants
ah yes, when they got the polish embassy to host a demoscene symposium.

>> No.10461547

>doom theme
>currently making doomguy cosplay
>wouldve been first magfest ever
>mick gordon mightve come for a concert
it hurts...

>> No.10462207

Yeah but with the whole corporation dying in a pandemic, the Doom theme is even more appropriate.

>> No.10462224

Corona is pretty much exposing which cons have their shit together internally and which do not. If this virus still doing its thing at the rate it is now in 2022 then a lot of cons; even well established ones will collapse and die off.

>> No.10462385


Still cockteasing the event while pushing a survey, asking if you'll "donate".

>> No.10462423
File: 16 KB, 452x313, kegerator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from the last thread.

>> No.10462476
File: 158 KB, 500x461, Ember+&+Pugg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minor /v/ sperg, but what kind of CalArts bullshit interpretation of Doom is this that they are using for event artwork?

>> No.10462555
File: 87 KB, 1059x596, helth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those survey questions dont mean shit because it will be the state and county health officials who will determine magfest's fate. Also take note that Dragon Con called it quits and cancelled even with the state of Georgia allowing everything to go on as planed.

>> No.10462593
File: 20 KB, 661x571, professoroak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its stalling for time in the form of "we want to hear your opinions." also why does mag care so fucking much about 41 percenters?

>> No.10462642

Virus will be gone in November if Magfest cancelled let them burn.

>> No.10462842


I don't know what the fuck that is, but kill it with fire.

>> No.10462843
File: 54 KB, 480x456, 1480942134134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if MAG didn't blow thru hundreds of thousands trying to buy their way into CA with that MAGWest event instead of saving like they were told to so many times they wouldn't be begging for a bailout now.

>> No.10462849

wtf do those have to do with anything?

>> No.10462856

Good to see someone being hopeful on cgl for once

>> No.10462861

It's not about being hopeful it's about trying to get back this economy which why these lockdowns(politics) has hurt everyone mentally and physically.

>> No.10462871
File: 367 KB, 1413x924, MAGKegerator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or, blow this much on a double tap Kegerator for their warehouse.


>> No.10462873

>Or, blow this much on a double tap Kegerator for their warehouse.

It was a steal, how else are we gonna make sure our musicians are comfortable in the green room while our volunteers eat canned chili made in the staff suite bathtub?

>> No.10462875

That's the thing. They don't bring this out of the warehouse, ever. It stays put, and is only for MAG staff at the warehouse.

>> No.10463036

mag has a big hardon for alphabet inclusivity they cover up all the gender signs at public bathrooms so its always a fun game guessing which one youll barge into.

>> No.10463055
File: 563 KB, 749x749, CropdustingInProgress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit in your hotel room bathroom and possibly enrage your roomies, or risk it all, and go bomb out a public "gender neutral" bathroom. it's a gamble at MAGFest

>> No.10463061

its enraging to make 99% of people bend the knee to those freaks.

>> No.10463120


>> No.10463807

I'm going to put the over/under date for cancellation at October 23rd. That's 90 days before the announced date of the convention, and most of these force majure contracts kick in around there.

>> No.10463825

MAGfest is shit now compared to what it used to be before it got super popular. Good fucking riddance.

>> No.10464294

Cons get bigger, thats just a fact of life. The real issue is the generification of the convention as a whole. The same dumb anime panels will come up at mag, ax, furrycons, sci fi cons even. While some ancillary panels that skirt just by as "not gaming related, but the target audience is the same" are OK, (the donkey kong and sonic cartoon panels come to mind.) what happens is that you get panels nowhere near the theme of the con. Did you see that list of panels from the last thread? Pro Wrestling for Minorities and two different Steven Universe panels? Might as well be some milquetoast bullshit "aLL FaNdOmS" con like Megacon down in Orlando.

>> No.10464697
File: 1.38 MB, 854x1280, RIPMAGXmen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few of the original founders have been talking about pulling a Katsu/Nekocon split, and starting all over if/when in-person conventions become a thing again. I'm personally all for it, but it's gonna be really hard to recapture the magic of earlier magfests.

>> No.10464712

playing that xmen cab at least once per magfest is my little prayer at the shrine.

>> No.10464720
File: 470 KB, 1536x2048, 1577668715171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Closeup of the Charles Margolis memorial. The accidental father of the Colossus Roar

>> No.10464746

thats very reassuring to hear that other people want something like that as well.

>> No.10465642

How they going to do that with no money, and no gear? MAGfest either owns all that stuff/contracts it. If it's the "founders", they had years of issues with taxes, going in the red.

>> No.10465912

Hi Nick.

>> No.10466072

MAGFest completely changed ownership and staff after the first year. Besides, what non-commercial (a.k.a.. fan-run) convention in its first years isn't in the red?
MAG didn't have all of the stuff it's got now when it started out, either. Bringing at least one console, and one TV was a requirement of the full volunteer staff in the early years. Arcade cabs didn't really show up, until personal collector attendees offered loaned out their cabs in exchange for free truck transport MAG paid for, and a few free badges. (i.e. Buffet)

>> No.10466205

Hey Joe, did you ever get your labs spinoff running?

>> No.10467662
File: 401 KB, 1100x617, MAGFiresideChat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Script is being written for the next "informal" MAGFest Fireside Chat stream, Sept. 9th.

>> No.10468003

Will this help?

>> No.10468030
File: 99 KB, 686x392, SmartSelect_20200904-134428_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10468033

Budgets were due last month, Gaylord is still under renovation, the board hasn't said anything in months, its dead Jim.

>> No.10469077

Is the Gaylord National Hotel Center dead at this point?

>> No.10469099

They took reservations for katsucon back in June, and they sold out immediately

>> No.10469124

Do you think the Gaylord will reopen in 2021 time for Magfest and Katsucon 2021 at full capacity.

>> No.10469552

We don't know but Maryland needs to open up fully again because they are losing money every day with this shitty pandemic.

>> No.10469619

Currently all businesses are allowed to open but only at 50% capacity. Infection rates here are pretty low now so I could see it potentially hitting 0 by katsucon. Magfest might cancel anyways

>> No.10469726

They should opened up full time.

>> No.10469729
File: 168 KB, 1054x547, ss+(2015-09-26+at+09.29.24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was saving a shit ton of money for it too.

>> No.10469809
File: 261 KB, 608x448, laughingyellowking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you idiots don't know about the private bathrooms

>> No.10469891

Nope now its cancelled.

>> No.10469898

Guess it’s up to katsucon to save the day

>> No.10469901

[citation needed]

>> No.10469903


>> No.10469914

Someone definitely called it back in August

>> No.10469932

Think before you donate to their "telethon". It has now come to light that MAG was spending $650,000 per year, for a 5 person office for the past 5 years since 2012. They don't deserve the funds, they deserve to fail, especially when they are obviously holding their fundraiser two weeks before their virtual MAGWest event, to pay for it and the office staff.

Called it.

>> No.10469979

Sauce? That’s quite a shocking claim.

>> No.10469988

>Magfest is dead
Let it fucking die.

>> No.10469991

If Katsucon gets cancelled they will dead in the fucking water.

>> No.10470002

Former hotel/logistics liaison that MAG threw under the bus, for not aligning with their politics.

>> No.10470009

gonna assume you're not drinking lefty koolaid for breakfast lunch and dinner.

>> No.10470017

Its in their financials, they're a 501c3, that stuff is public record. You just search for MAG's 990.

>> No.10470020

Fuck no, and they weren't either. MAG needs to get back to MUSIC AND GAMES, and stop worrying about pronoun ribbons, "PoC in..." panels, and all of the "mission-adjacent" groups leeching off of MAG's popularity.

Currently, MAG is co-sponsoring liquor licenses for a queer event headed up by "NAM"/Jaimes Mayhew, along with loaning their arcade cabs, even broken ones to whatever even NAM is doing. It's all just Baltimore Artscape incestuous crap.

>> No.10470042


>> No.10470046


what's more funny is the blacks who attended didn't like it.

>> No.10470088

Most of those panels are hosted by self hating "whitewashed" suburban black women anyways. That's why those panels were hated.

>> No.10470199

is this crazy colossus? I read the 990 and didn't see any reference to this $650k office

>> No.10470254

>Most of those panels are hosted by self hating "whitewashed" suburban black women anyways.
How much did these jigaboos ratchets had to paid for that shit to scream white hate all over the panel seriously?

>> No.10472291

Cheap around $400-500 bucks.

>> No.10472519

i think if you do two panels you get your badge for free

>> No.10472634
