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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10435559 No.10435559[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When did cosplay jump the shark first edition
Share your stories of what made you hate or quit cosplay

>> No.10435561 [DELETED] 

found a scrote

>> No.10435564 [DELETED] 

I’m an ex cosplayer so no just want stories you retard

>> No.10435565

“jump the shark” ?

>> No.10435571

If you quit and hate cosplay why are you here?

>> No.10435615

I didn't quit cosplay but I don't do comicon anymore because there is too much judgment. Nothing you do is fine (in my case I was told that I had too little breast for the cosplay I was wearing and that I was too skinny, in another case that I was too fat) plus I was annoyed several times by random guys even though I was wearing totally covered costumes. So I decided to do it only at home or to take good pictures for myself.

>> No.10435620 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 150x200, whoops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're on 4chan, not lolcow

>> No.10435628

breasts too big

>> No.10435634

I quit because i was spending almost all my wage on craft materials and fabric, my family and friends bullied me relentlessly about it and my body is a bit too ugly for most characters.

I wish i could try again, it was fun, but i'm way too old for it now.

>> No.10435639

it's something used for television shows.
People try to make it apply to other things but it doesn't really work as shown here in this thread.

>> No.10435654
File: 274 KB, 1284x1922, cosplay-jessica-nigri-pikachu-1532229580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplay jumped the shark when Nigri got involved and started selling herself
Yes I know there were cosplayers doing it before her but she made it popular and inspired a ton of young girls to do the same(although nowadays people seem to be copying an even worse role model in Belle Delphine)

Now if you are a semi attractive cosplayer its expected of you that you sell "lewdz" and it would be surprising to see one who didn't have some way for fans to fund her.

Even girls who would have never dreamed of doing anything like that in the past (many old /cgl/ tripfags) have jumped on the patreon/onlyfans train for a quick buck.

I blame whoever took this picture

>> No.10435664

Imagine believing that cosplay is a monolith

>> No.10435670

Imagine being so new to this hobby but pretending like you know what you're talking about.

Cosplay isn't a monolith ANYMORE. But I've been around for long enough to watch it change over 15+ years and >>10435654 is exactly right. A huge shift happened when Jnig and others showed that you could make money hand over fist by making softcore porn under a different name. Before this, lewding and a hyperfixation on attractiveness and followers was not common.

>> No.10435671

I agree with you because since she got famous every thot on the street put on a wig and bikini and called it cosplay

>> No.10435674

Cosplay lost its charm for me when I started trying to get good. In my early teens I was so excited to just create something, wear it and be happy on the convention floor. Pictures didn't matter because I was just a kid having fun, dressed as my favourite character.

Then I made one character, and my friend happened to make their partner. We made a duo together, and I felt that my costume was better made than any other of the same character I met. Any cosplay after that I always had ulterior motives. I wanted to be the best, or I wanted to be part of a group. I wanted to take cool pictures and get praise.

Funny enough I never finished any of those costumes. Cosplay and me have broken up, lolita is now my best friend. It's liberating to just be myself in pretty packaging.

>> No.10435681

I feel that. I started to move from cosplay when it went to my head and i was unhealthily checking my followers. I had like 200 or something and I was using snow filters for all my selfies. It started to feel fake and when I started to wear lolita i felt more like myself and like i didnt need filters to look pretty. Thank you for sharing your story anon

>> No.10435700

when people started obsessing over sexy cosplayers, including in threads like this. I just don’t care for them or care about them. The block button is at my fingertips...it’s not that hard. watching people meltdown places like /cgl/ to talk about costhots is such a bummer

>> No.10435701

>watching people meltdown places like /cgl/ to talk about costhots is such a bummer
Meltdown or melt down? Learn2spell
Cosplayers are self posting and mods wont do shit about it either way

>> No.10435706

Very nice milkers.

>> No.10435780

>>10435670 is right. Cosplay started going downhill around '14-'15ish This corresponded with the spread of the the knowledge of cosplay through the internet, but namely in the context of jnig and others like here being "the ideal." Now in 2020, the word cosplay among normies is ubiquitous with either presenting a false projection as a cope or with being softcore porn. The undoing of cosplay was the same thing that made it grow: the internet.

Cosplay really fell off the horse when it lost its status of being a niche hobby thanks to the internet. Now every con feels and looks the same because you get a bunch of first time normie in bought Chinese costumes and treat the whole even as a Halloween part in July. Any residual sense of community is long gone. Not saying you can’t meet nice people at cons any more but that feeling of it being a close knit family is just gone due to the proliferation of cosplay.

>> No.10435782

big feels. been there.

>> No.10435797

Lolcow is that way.

>> No.10435801

I've been in the con/cosplay scene for almost 20 years and I sort of disagree. I think it was the rise of easily accessible impersonal content distribution platforms like Facebook pages and Twitter around 2010 that really did it in. Before that, cosplay was largely a social thing, something that was all about the experiences you'd have while wearing a costume at a con, showing off your passion, meeting cool new people, etc. Those new platforms, though, transformed it into a much more permanent thing and cosplaying at cons went from being the goal in and of itself to simply being a convenient and relatively safe place to meet up with photographers and other cosplayers to do photoshoots for social media. Cosplay stopped being a fun in-person activity and turned into a business, even if for most people the only currency involved was "likes" and retweets.

The whole rise of the Patreon and now Onlyfans e-thot definitely hasn't helped but it's just another step in a process that was already ongoing, just the next level of pandering in a trend that started years beforehand.

>> No.10435810
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I didn't really quit but I barely do it anymore.
Pretty much when I realized in the end it's turned into a industrialised mainstream consumerist thing. It's all about fame, attention, superficialism, money and whatnot.

Maybe it was the combination of boring drama every single month + learning how much shoop actually goes into things and how to do it myself and realizing how meaningless my effort into my passion and nerdiness was.

But maybe the final nail on the head was a very popular elite cosplayer I worked with that was a special friend in my heart like family telling me to stop flirting with them because it was a bad look on them to the public eye and their cosplay career, then turning around and flirting with some plastic model costhots obviously more attractive than me and with more thousands of followers online.
Shit fucked me up so much for a while, mentally, emotionally, even physically.

It used to be a context of passion and nerdiness with its ups and downs, now I'd say the best comparison I have to the current cosplay scene is the makeup/beauty community.

If you're not meeting the instagram model standards and being a SJW twitter yes man, you're stepped all over and eaten alive.

>> No.10435818

>But maybe the final nail on the head was a very popular elite cosplayer I worked with that was a special friend in my heart like family telling me to stop flirting with them because it was a bad look on them to the public eye and their cosplay career, then turning around and flirting with some plastic model costhots obviously more attractive than me and with more thousands of followers online.
I was in a relationship with a cosplayer as she went from zero to "cosplay famous" and a similar thing happened to me. I got pushed more and more into the background because having a boyfriend at all was bad for the image she was pushing (cutesy moe girl, with most fans being lonely incel types) and it really did a number on me as well, though there was a lot of other fucked up shit involved too.

The first time she EVER acknowledged me on her public social media was after we broke up and she almost immediately hooked up with a guy she'd already been flirting with on the down-low and then started posting stuff about how horrible I was. It's been years and I still haven't ever really recovered from that.

>> No.10435886


They're intertwined and you're both correct. Social media and the idea of being cosplay famous opened the floodgates for fame-chasers and more drama. And then Jnig and co normalized making cosplay for the male gaze, by making normies and non-cosplayer men the majority of that social media audience. Also somewhere around the early 2010s Chinese-made outfits went from laughable and expensive to cheap and easy ways to produce content.

>> No.10435921


>> No.10435936

No such thing

>> No.10435945

big.. titty..

>> No.10435975

Cosplay jumped the shark for me when there was that girl who would dress up as princess peach in latex and booth babe at cons and you could pay money to have sex with her at cons.
I don't remember her name but that's the moment I realized where this hobby was going and decided I didn't want to be in it any more. It's been several years and I don't ever regret that choice.

>> No.10436116

>you could pay money to have sex with her at cons.
For real?

>> No.10436249
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if you mean Verababy then no, she only charged money to take pics with her

>> No.10436264

> my family and friends bullied me relentlessly about it
I know you can't do much about your family, but I sincerely hope you don't associate with those friends anymore.

>> No.10436268

>implying you can't just not associate with your family anymore

>> No.10436285
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Same energy.

>> No.10436288
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>> No.10436297

When people tried to turn the hobby into a job and found out the only way to do it was to sell to pervs online thus giving the entire community a bad image. Most people who manage to keep it as a hobby for fun can continue to enjoy it for years.

>> No.10436308

What character is she cosplaying as?

>> No.10436331

>he doesn't know

lmao simp imagine paying a hooker then letting her talk her way out of providing the goods

>> No.10436338

You couldn't remember her name but you omg knowwwww there was a secret code to pay her for sex?

I remember this girl too - she had a booth for a while at cons where she was selling photo ops.

>> No.10436350

It’s easy

>> No.10436351

>people pay just to take a photo with you

Jesus Christ why wasn't I born a hot girl...

>> No.10436381

I would pay money for her to smother me with her chest.

>> No.10436426

I am not but not by choice, they dropped me after a while, not because of cosplay though.
Working on it, but leaving is expensive.

>> No.10436575

I still enjoy some aspects of cosplay, but it was ruined for my by some drama that went down with a group I used to cosplay+do dance cover performances with. (We did stuff like Love Live dance covers- Judge all you want, but the outfits were cute and it was good exercise, so I enjoyed it a lot)

I liked hanging out with most of the members, but a few of them were absolutely insufferable and ruined the fun. One of them, who called herself the “leader” even though she barely did anything, was one of the most self-centered, narcissistic people I’ve ever met. The other members did whatever she wanted because when she didn’t get her way she’d throw an absolute bitch fit. I tolerated her because I didn’t have to deal with her much, but she just kept causing issues and none of the others had the guts to kick her out. Quitting was the right choice for me, but I hate that their drama soured one of my favorite pastimes. I haven’t been able to work up an ounce of motivation to cosplay since I parted ways with them.

I really love cosplaying and performing, but I feel like it attracts the worst kind of people. The narcissists, the attention-hungry, and the ones who cling to anyone with an ounce of internet fame hoping some of it will rub off on them. It’s frustrating. I just want to dance and be cute. Why do people have to suck so much?

>> No.10436644

Yes this is who I meant and she was absolutely doing whoring at cons. It was kind of low key, I think it was on her website not literally at the booth.

>> No.10436845
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Comic book character Vampirella

>> No.10436856

>jumped the shark when
>inspired a ton of young girls to do the same
Making something MORE popular isn't what "jumping the shark" means. It's not shorthand for "selling out".

>Before this, lewding and a hyperfixation on attractiveness and followers was not common.
Welcome to social media. This has been happening to literally every hobby, including lolita. There's nothing cosplay-specific about "being attractive = more followers = feeling better about yourself". It's like crack, especially for fashion hobbies which rely heavily on appearance.

>> No.10436863

Funniest thing about this is the obvious ass shoop. Look at any other photo of her in that outfit and her ass is like half the size.

>> No.10437124

Dated a cosplayer, got into it because it was fun dressing up and a social experience. Then the break up, she did everything she could to try and keep it including making shit up.

Watching the drama was always fun, much less fun to be in it. Cosplay wasn't fun after that when you worry it's going to be another conversation of "here's the proof she lied, I'd just like to have a nice day"

>> No.10437131

I think we can agree a number of things contributed to the current state of what was the cosplay community. A huge shift happened when the primary way cosplayers communicated was through shared forums, then shifted over to private social media accounts. Not long was it about sharing space or resources with others the focus is now on individual promotion. It's not really anyone's fault as that is what private social media motivates. It's how it works.

It also anon is correct, cosplay growing like it did in the mid '00 eventually brought the cost of Chinese premades down to the point we are now. Now it literally just like buying a Halloween costume. You just have to be a normie who liked their netflix anime and in some short Google searchs you too can be Nezuko at your local con so you don't feel left out. That intimidation/awe of making a costume is no longer there. And I say this with all due respect someone who buys all their costumes don't have the same respect for hand made work bc they don't understand the labor that goes into them. They aren't bad for not knowing, but they don't know.

>> No.10437320

Is it impossible? No. It is difficult and for some people out of the question? Yes.

>> No.10437321

Hey, at least the trash took itself out. You're better off.

>> No.10437335

Quit after my last con last June (2019). The convention just wasn't fun, well really the last 3 hadn't been much fun but the last one was really meh. I had 4 costumes with me and only ended up wearing 2 of them, and for short periods of time before just hanging in the room with my husband.
I had been planning to quit for a while though cause we were planning on starting a family ( 6 months pregnant currently) I think I'll do halloween cosplays for the first few years of my kid's life (Videl and Pan or Bulma and Trunks, stuff like that) May eventually take them to a convention if they end up liking anime, but I'm probably done with most of my costume making, even if I still really like it.

>> No.10438375

I didn't quit yet but there are certainly aspects I hate. I hate the low effort attention whores (cosplay is all attention whoring but please, at least have the passion to make your cosplay and know who TF you're cosplaying), the stupid petty drama, and the fact that a lot of people into it are autistic (and can't control themselves in public) or turbo lefty (in the "oh, XYZ is TOTALLY gay and trans!!") way.

I like making costumes, talking with people about their costumes (and techniques they use) and characters (since I assume they'll be passionate). More and more people are just buying AliExpress shit and there's less and less passion in it for the craft. Communities becoming more cancer is another issue.

>> No.10438394

Every time someone says something about Money and Fame and Rumors getting in the way of cosplaying I'm glad i refused to come out from under my rock when cosplay was changing. I'm still in the mid 00's mindset of "outfit done for fun because you love a character" You'll never see me in FOTM or online selling nudes (i'm fat anyway and lazy) Honestly I don't see why people let themselves get played like this. Just do it by yourself, don't post it anywhere. Yeah the praise is addicting but so is Meth. Social media fame kills your soul the same way Meth means you'll loose your teeth somewhere along the line; it's just not worth it.

>> No.10438580
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>what made you hate or quit cosplay

I'd post my ideas, get slut shamed because of the hate towards people like Jnig. Help threads weren't helpful, and I fell into the stigma that if it wasn't hand made entirely even if it was something you could buy at Walmart, it was shit and not worth discussing. Burnt out on learning how to sew and spent $$$$ on ill fitting rip offs from Chinese sellers because no one here could tell me who was legit or not when I asked. And waited months for responses.

So now I just don't and do bare minimum amazon maid outfits with cute wigs. I wish I had more respect for myself years ago and didn't listen to these bitter cunts.

>> No.10438581

You say that but if it wasn't for contacts and lucky connections, many of the most famous e-girls would be another name in the sea of fame chasers.

Think people who want to be top models but can't even make it to the JC Penny catalog.

>> No.10438586

>Literally writes her instagram or twitter name on her arm

>> No.10438589

You noticed it so that means it worked.

>> No.10438590

The prominent cosplayers I've known got at least some level of recognition before getting those connections and contacts, admittedly though none of them were of this new breed of quasi-pornographic cosplayer.

>> No.10438602


>> No.10438603

Honestly, not a bad idea...

>> No.10438645

if she wanted people to read it she should have written it on her ass

>> No.10438647

The point is you saw it on her arm. That means what you think is useless.

>> No.10438652 [DELETED] 

Here you go, my brothers from another mother with a good taste in milkbags.

>> No.10438656 [DELETED] 

Oh and her name is "DarlingCute".

>> No.10438668 [DELETED] 

Have fun supporting a company that support human trafficking.

>> No.10438686 [DELETED] 

>she says on 4chan
>she says knowing 99.9% of users of pornhub don't give a shit
>no facts to back it up
I think you should be posting on twitter

>> No.10438717 [DELETED] 

>supporting anything
Use an adblock, newfag.

>> No.10438801

> spent $$$$ on ill fitting rip offs from Chinese sellers because no one here could tell me who was legit or not when I asked
I'm sorry, but I hate those types of questions in the help threads. The likelihood of enough people buying from the same shitty chinese sellers to tell you if they're legit or not is so low. If you didn't get a response it was likely that no one else knew either. You're better off checking google and even google has nothing for you then it's a clear no.

But, let me say that it's unfortunate that you were shamed for following your passion. Sewing is such a hard skill and unfortunately that stigma has killed the passion for many. I'm sorry it took out yours too. I hope that if you still want to cosplay that you can confidently do it anyway

>> No.10438808 [DELETED] 

Like that's gonna stop people from looking at porn. Pornhub loads faster and has less virus risks than xvideos and xhampster. That's why people use it.

>> No.10439280

I get what you're saying but a from scratch cosplay is a lot of money and effort to just not document on social

>> No.10439281 [DELETED] 

Death to scrotes.

>> No.10439282 [DELETED] 

then dont complain about little boys being trafficked and raped later if you support porn companies

>> No.10439283

got depressed from comparing myself to others

>> No.10439286

it happens to hot guys too. too bad scrotes here are all fat, ugly with a receding hairline

>> No.10439301 [DELETED] 

The world's a big place, can't feel sorry for every life.

>> No.10439398

Quite a lot of the people and groups I've hung out with have complained about so many small, unimportant issues that won't actually matter in 2 - 3 weeks.
Gossip running around left and right about seemingly everyone involved in any circle, pretty sure people have probably talked shit about me behind my back too.

When it's fun, it's fucking fun being a part of this community, but when I see 48394893 stories/group chat messages complaining about whatever, I get so tired so fast. It's a new thing or person at every con too.

>> No.10439468

Agreed. I hate her but I can’t deny she’s a fucking genius. She did what Yaya has been trying to do for like thirty years overnight. Yaya has actual skill but Nigri used social media to corner the market. At this point though, I don’t understand how her 15 minutes of fame is dragging on for this long and I am also shocked that people will pay money for her terribly shooped photos. You can literally always see bad blurring near her ass. How does she get away with that? I’ve seen people ripped apart for far less obvious editing.

All that being said, we now have more access to wigs and supplies than ever, so it’s a very double edged sword. Can’t do anything about it so may as well at least enjoy that.

>> No.10439474

>How does she get away with that?
When you make an orbiter feel like they have control in their life, they'll draw in closer and stay there.

She's charmed people willing to toss their college savings for a pin up and stuck with it.

>> No.10439550

She found ppl who liked her photos enough to not care and she is a nice person. Being approachable helps a ton, and she partied a lot too when cons existed

>> No.10439886

>She did what Yaya has been trying to do for like thirty years overnight
I would argue that they're not really in the same ballpark though. Nigri's market and Yaya's are pretty different. Nigri is chanelling horny bastards who do not care if she makes or buys her cosplays. Yaya is skill-based and taps into the horny market when she deems necessary. She doesn't live there like Nigri does. Yaya has done in 30 years what Nigri could never do (at the current direction she's going). Yaya's a household name in craft stores now.

>> No.10439893

Is this not every Love Live group?

>> No.10439911

I just wish we could take cosplay and the con scene back to 2000-2012.

>> No.10439930

Ah yes the good old days when people would glomp you without warning, smack you with a yaoi paddle, and wore shitty dollar store wigs like it was fashion.

Fuck you, the past sucks.

>> No.10439944

I would rather go through that then the constant whores and canceling each other

>> No.10439949

>Now if you are a semi attractive cosplayer its expected of you that you sell "lewdz"
When i had a cosplay page men would ask for pictures of my feet and legs while wearing socks. One of them ran a facebook page dedicated to posting cosplayers feet and leg pics in socks. They were belligerent and called me a whore for saying no.

>> No.10439955

Hardly. Girls are willing to fawn over men but they're too savvy to just donate $1000 to be this months biggest simp.

>> No.10440006

Too far back. Ideally you'd want to maintain the synthesis of '10-'14 era even though it would be impossible to do so. The culture was better and not as cringe. Either from canceling (which wasn't a thing) or weeby affectations which were receding. The market was growing so you didn't need to rely on party city wigs, but premades were less of a thing so it forced people to make their own things. The hobby was large enough that you weren't total weirdos and also niche enough that it had it's own culture and identity. That sense of community still existed. It was the best of times. It's just they were temporary and were always going to be temporary.

>> No.10440019

>it forced people to make their own things.
I see now, you're a puritan with a disposable income and like to control how other people enjoy your hobby.


>> No.10440023

You're definitely not wrong. I mean
>yaoi paddles
>furries and bronies were the LGBTBBQ NB disabled muslim POC of today
>much more lack of civilization and basic human intelligence
>actual sexual harrassment/con creeps being much more rampant and everyone letting it slide
>cons/events and businesses being much more power hungry and ripping people off
>much more hygiene issues
>lack of access to materials, much higher costs and skill requirements with lower quality outcomes
>conservativeness x100000
>retarded illogical gatekeeping x100000

... But it was different. Maybe we're all looking at it through nostalgia glasses, but now I almost miss laughing at the con cringe horror stories that don't even exist nowadays.

Each generation is going to have its ups and downs/pros and cons, it was NOT perfect.
You just have to pick which one you'd rather work with (and I personally wish there was some sort of middle ground where the 2010ish era was).

oh god the depression is sinking in, gulls

>> No.10440027

>actual sexual harrassment/con creeps being much more rampant and everyone letting it slide
I remember girls going around grabbing boobs but it was only because they were copying anime not sexual

>> No.10440034

>retarded illogical gatekeeping x100000
This kept me from going to cons entirely for years because I thought I had to be 100% knowledgeable about all the most popular series, needed $1k+ for merch and absolutely had to have a different high quality cosplay for every day of the event.

>> No.10440036
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>be teenager
>this is your prime entertainment
>parents have no idea this is what you're into
>set out free and allowed to be around other people with similar interests
>no self awareness
>this magnified by 1000
At least, that's my rational to all the sweaty, greasy, loud weeaboos who made use of the paddle and did all the glomping.

>> No.10440037


Yeah okay. Literally no one ever gets actually cancelled. Also you don't even need to pay attention to it.

>> No.10440040

>you don't even need to pay attention to it.
Don't you know? You have to pay attention to what a small circle of people are chattering about on twitter and whoever /cgl/ is mad at. They can't just ignore it- how else will they know everything that's happening?

>> No.10440042

Anon means it was better when people made their own cosplays. When I made my cosplays i felt accomplished of what i made. I didn’t feel that when I bought a wig and a cosplay from online.
Jessica nigga pays people to make them and calls them her own work. She gets more recognition that kamui still.

>> No.10440044

my con buddy from high school used to do that with me. she tried canceling me and said i raped her when she grabbed my tits more. it failed because shes a retard.

>> No.10440045

I mean, play stupid games win stupid prizes, right? If ya pay attention to the dramawhores, you're just playing their games

>> No.10440053

So what about Halloween? Is it bad that anyone can buy a dracula cape instead of making it with no sewing skills?

Going to a con and cosplaying should not require buying a sewing machine, paying for lessons, paying for materials ect. Just because /you/ feel accomplished doesn't mean everyone else should follow your creed.

Nips have been buying pre-made cosplays for years and all I see are people kissing the ground they walk. Get over yourself.

>> No.10440055

if I'm being honest, I cosplayed for about 6 or 7 years and went to both MCM Comic Con conventions in London and every single person I met in cosplay with the exception of one dude was a fucking weirdo. like really really really really strange, and just uncomfortable to be around. That and as a 28 year old slightly chunky dude, there's not alot of scope for nailing cosplays realistically without looking like a fat neckbeard

>> No.10440057

This issue has literally never changed. Not since the 70s anyway.

>> No.10440065

Imagine taking an explanation so seriously. You must really be retarded anon!

>> No.10440066

No argument, got it.

>> No.10440083

I remember when people would attempt to confront her regarding her lying about what she made. But I think my favorite FFS story is when she took the con appearance fee and fucked off to an aquarium then got pissy fans hunted her down. It was right before cancel culture though so nothing came of it. But I remember all the big names at the time trying to downplay what a narcissistic bitch she is.

>> No.10440085
File: 248 KB, 499x850, r6SGQTc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The moment Nigri finally realized turning cosplay into a tits and ass show as a bad thing.

>> No.10440086

on top of that, people would just wear regular civilian clothes, but an incredibly cheap wig and call it 'Casual [Character name] Cosplay' and have men absolutely lining up to get photo's with them. It always made me feel bad for other people who had put lots of money and effort into creating their costumes

>> No.10440091

Naw she just wanted asspats for 'sticking up' for the poor cosplayers. Even though she in no way confronted the crowd just whined later on fb. If she realized anything she'd not be doing micro bikini Tom Nook from ACNH on instagram just a couple weeks ago. She revels in the fact she can just buy or pay someone to make her a bikini and slap on make up and a wig get paid and call it a day.

>> No.10440120

Sorry you can't figure out how to sew anon.
You can get a used working sewing machine for $20 and if you go to thrift stores you can find fabric to practice with and also sometimes ones for cosplays for way cheaper.
There is a completely different feeling you get when wearing something you took time and effort on vs a bought costume.
I've done both, and it's always been a better sense of pride for the time I took vs ordering online. I ended up posing better and smiling better in pictures without trying.

Also are we really going to compare halloween to cosplay? We're fucking past that.

>> No.10440121

>Still doing the same shit
>Did nothing but virtue signal on her own FB page after


>> No.10440125

>can't figure out how to sew
Nice assumptions you're making roastie. You're on a high horse in an empty field. Your small world view does not dictate how people enjoy a hobby, and acting like the elitist you are is not going to change the direction people want to go in. Just because you want to feel mighty does not mean everyone else will.

Get over yourself.

>> No.10440126

opinion immediately discarded
no1curr what incels think

>> No.10440135
File: 28 KB, 465x430, 1571603133648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls someone retarded but can't take an insult their way
>no1curr above the age of 14
>can't take the heat on an anonymous image board

>> No.10440139

For me it'd be more like '08. You could get good wigs and other stuff relatively easily then, but it was the end of the era when cosplay and cons were about in-person interaction, by '10 social media and cosplaying for the internet rather than the con had really taken hold.

>> No.10440232

that's rough anon i'll waste a bitch if you want me too

>> No.10440261

The get over yourself argument really isn't a strong leg to stand on.
But continue to enjoy your satin pillowcase bought costumes since you'd rather just pay for shit then work on something. Must take too much time away from your sick insults on the internet.

>> No.10440399


What kind of incel faggotry is this?

>> No.10440402

I really don't understand what possesses men to act like that. Truly brain rot.

>> No.10440404

They were making a factual statement about the lack of access to premade costumes/pieces during that time which forced people to either make their own things, find someone who could, or just not cosplay because there wasn't anywhere else to turn to. They were not being opinionated about the handmade > premade superiority debate. Read before you make a comment, you goober.

>> No.10440408

>because they were copying anime not sexual
I understand that point you were trying to make her, but just because the groper wasn't trying to turn her friend on doesn't mean it isn't a sexual act. Similarly to how kissing your friends isn't an expression of romantic affection, but is still a romantic act to do with one's friend. Not to mention that the anime trope they were copying it from derives from the idea that it's funny to see sexual boundaries jokingly crossed among friends. That sounds weird to say aloud, but desu it's not at uncommon and I'm not trying to demonize it either. I'm just specifying that it is indeed sexual.

>> No.10440410

You know, I read that thinking that those things would be a thing of the past but desu that sounds pretty accurate to today's con scene too. I'd say it's probably less strict than before, but people still do make a ballgown/armor level difficulty cosplay for every day of the con if not day/night of the con

>> No.10440412

>Just because /you/ feel accomplished doesn't mean everyone else should follow your creed.
Just because /you/ feel insecure about not being able to make your own costume doesn't mean that premade cosplayers like you are being oppressed. Quit projecting, no one gives a shit about how you choose to acquire a costume. People's preferences to make theirs doesn't impede your ability or credibility to buy one.

>> No.10440426

Well... I mean, it likely wasn't on her website either considering prostitution is a crime in the states. More and more this sounds like things that never happened.

>> No.10440486

That's fair. I could agree with that

>> No.10440489

A little defensive aint'cha?

>> No.10440552

I quit around 2015 or so. I completely lost my passion for anime, 90% of which is aimed at pedophiles and retards. The fandom is inhabited by beta gamer guys who make horrible friends, and drama sluts. Actually, the word “slut” would be a compliment for these degenerate, mentally-ill, leg-spreading animals, many of whom would be better described as lycanthropes than as women. I don’t hate cosplay (or the quality men/ women who do it) though— might do it again just to get laid with another passable egl/ cosplay girl.

It first jumped the shark when Cosplay is Not Consent went from being a very noble cause (I have seen women getting harassed firsthand, multiple times,) to a bunch of screeching, underage banshees “”protesting”” in the front of every convention all... So shortly after the time Danganronpa became popular, although you could also argue that Homestuck is what killed it.

>> No.10440561

I think I just realized I was an adult and spending $300+ on cosplays every couple of months just a cosplay I wasn't going to wear more than a few times just wasn't worth it. Cons stopped being fun once they became all about squeezing money out of people and most cosplayers are either shitty weebs or elitists who treat the hobby as if it isn't supposed to be for pleasure. It got old. I still love the community I made, but it isn't the same.

>> No.10440603

>i quit

Why are you even here then? Go back to jacking off in your basement.

>> No.10440612

Shut up landwhale this board doesn't belong to you.

>> No.10440628

Triggered the incel uwu

>> No.10440772

Haha, I love this copypasta!

>> No.10440797

Escort websites are absolutely a thing, anon. Maybe they're more subtle than "pay money for sex" but they are absolutely a thing, do you live under a rock or something?

>> No.10440800

Cringed, I'll be reposting this, thanks.

>> No.10440846

I agree with a lot of the stuff here, but I think another factor that's fucked up cons and cosplay has been the rise of drug use at con parties. When I started out it was normal to cosplay in the day and then go to a room party and drink at night. Now weed and coke are as common as alcohol in the late-night con scene and harder stuff is depressingly present as well (I've seen meth etc. way more than I wish I had) and it's split the community into the "serious business" daytime people and the hardcore party night people and the two groups don't really cross over anymore, and it's killed socialization if you're one of the daytime people.

>> No.10440959 [DELETED] 

let me guess youre fat and not even other fat dudes would date u

imagine being a woman and having trouble getting a man yikes

>> No.10440966
File: 160 KB, 900x1200, 1568597424452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is this any different from an AV con?

>> No.10440975 [DELETED] 

found the incel

>> No.10440985 [DELETED] 

Jesus christ i can smell the unwashed vag discharge on you from here.

>> No.10441111 [DELETED] 

small pp energy

>> No.10441112

Why does it have to be? The sexphobic attitudes of incels has always been a problem in con circles but it's really stinking up the place.

"Boo hoo beautiful people are fucking and I cant' staaaaaaand it even though it doesn't actually affect me"

>> No.10441113

>rise of drug use at con parties
One of the cons i once went to had a drug bust along with grown men with a room full or 14-16 year old girls in cosplay. When the cops came others saw them getting cuffed and there were piles of money on the floor from who knows what.

>> No.10441115

>the word “slut” would be a compliment for these degenerate, mentally-ill, leg-spreading animals
Theres a certain person who hangs around the idol threads who is this exactly. She fucked her ex after her boyfriend left her. she originally left her ex for this new boyfriend. Shes a cosplayer and just fucked guys for money. If anyone tries to point out her gold digging in the thread mods ban everyone and her friends say all idols sell their bodies for money.

>> No.10441144

It's one of the leading reasons Anime Boston lost their rave and cost their host hotel a year without their media license. Hard core ravers would pay the ticket just to get fucked up to weeb remixes. After the bombings with bag checking a lot of partiers got extremely paranoid the staff would go in the rooms and see the hardcore shit being brought in.

>> No.10441370 [DELETED] 
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>Not running Adblock

>> No.10441372

so she's a fatty and slutty too? double ew

>> No.10441374 [DELETED] 

Site traffic stats play a role in how much a site is able to charge advertisers(Or how much advertisers are willing to bid on a spot). Just by viewing their site you contribute to their site traffic stats which is still a positive contribution as far as they're concerned..

>> No.10441375

you're just a whore anon stop lying to yourself. if you stopped cosplay solely because of cgl you are weakminded.
I hate coswhores with a passion,they tainted this hobby,parading their pig flesh and selling themselves to simps

>> No.10441376

It happens a bit, it's usually only the shittiest people who spread those rumors, though. I'm scared to set foot in any post quarantine con because I had to choke a "friend" unconscious because he was ramming my head into the bowl of a toilet while I was passed out drunk, and him and his girlfriend like to conveniently leave the head bashing out of the story.

>> No.10441383

Sorry to hear that
Don't let it drag you down
If anything, learn from it that truth and compassion are very important
Because you know how it feels if they are disregarded

>> No.10441414

Imagine dying mad that other people enjoy their own bodies.

Sounds like someone's a sad little basement dweller.

>> No.10441425

I don't like that it's turned into a whole cynical business thing but I'll never ever complain about scantily-clad cosplayers in general.

>> No.10441427

I'm a girl but ok slut. Sorry you got pressed over my post,you can go back to spreading your asscheeks now sweaty

I do desu, coswhores need to get a tad more classy and i am also talking about men craving attention by going half naked.

>> No.10441438

Stay bitter, hag

>> No.10441440

Simp cope.

>> No.10441485

>i'm a girl

So you're a *girl* sad little basement dweller who's envious that other women are happy in their own sexuality? Cool.

Die mad.

>> No.10441651

Simp. I'm young and cute anony just not a coswhore who needs to show her flappy milkers to feel good.

Sounds like you are the mad one here,slut :^)

>> No.10441661

Sure, ugly.

>> No.10441687

Someone should be asking when /cgl/ jumped the shark because this board is utter garbage filled with narcissists that scream buzzwords at anyone with a thought of their own.

It's really pathetic.

>> No.10441690

DESU I've been enjoying the back and forth between 'em. The lack of self awareness between them is a great lil show.

>> No.10441694

Youre right. 4chan used to be a place where we could say whatever we wanted. Now the mods censor certain people and things if they don’t like it. Anything bad about anyone like Lor or idols get removed and banned.

>> No.10441729

/cgl/ jumped the shark in 2014 when moot brought in new mods that eradicated the community of the board

>> No.10441744

>and started selling herself
What? Prostitution?

>what Yaya has been trying to do for like thirty years
Is she 50 now? Impressive if true.

>> No.10441940

the janitors are clearly from the Net Idol threads because those janitors always nuke any criticism idols get

>> No.10442062
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I know very little of cosplay, but I know really a lot of social media and it's shortcomings. I think you are right, anon.

>> No.10442162

When all the tripfags and namefags got pushed out. Now this place is filled with bitter incels and legbeards that need to be locked in a room with some liquor, drugs and condoms.

>> No.10442174

The less relationship people have with each other, the easier it is for a community to practice sociopathy.

>> No.10442185

Cosplayers asking for patreon bux to keep cosplaying.

>> No.10442215

oh man what that dikdik doin

>> No.10442375

>to a bunch of screeching, underage banshees “”protesting”” in the front of every convention all

Literally never seen this. The most in person advocacy I have ever seen is the occasional, likely poorly attended, panel. Most of the cosplay is no consent movement is made up of social media posts.

>> No.10442376

I'm in th same place friend. It's really had to even consider a new coslay with everything going on. Like it really feels like throwing money in a hole anymore. A lot of my friends are still really into it, and I like doing it with them, but I can say my passion isn't the same as theirs any more

>> No.10442412


>retarded illogical gatekeeping x100000

And this is exactly why cons are shit now and why I'm quiting. Modern cons are filled with nothing but normies and protesters who give zero shits about the hobby. You can't talk to anyone anymore cause now it's creepy to talk to someone you don't know even if it is just a compliment or to ask for a picture. Pannels are about fag issues and aren't about informative information or critical analysis on anime or cosplay. Say goodbye to having good guests now cause they have all been canceled and now if their race doesn't match their cartoon then they get doxxed.

What used to be rejects from every walk of life coming together to meme and mingle has now turned in to an unironic NPC normalfag meetup to jerk each other off over how woke they are.

People think gate keeping is bad but really it is the most needed thing for any hobby, and ironically now is that the gatekeeping is worse than ever. I wouldn't be surprised if after this corona bullshit is over that cons start forcing people to pledge to BLM before entering.

>> No.10442415


unironically this

>People hated Jesus because he spoke the truth!

>> No.10442462

I give her credit for having some level of self awareness, even if she didn't act on it.

>> No.10442490

>I'm quitting

Thank god.

>> No.10442524

I quit quite a few years ago due to the fact that conventions are just money wasters. Still get urges to cosplay but I notice what the cosplay community is now and it's not the same. People only cosplay "what's trending" and I actually knew people who would cosplay the most popular character from a series so they can get attention. The cosplay community is fucked and I don't see a decline in the forseeable future. Maybe by the time it dies out I'll be old enough to cosplay as Sophie from Howl's. Kek.

>> No.10442572

Moids love women with tons of shoop and implants, it's basically their ideal and they don't give af if it's fake. Just look at how things are advertised to men when there's no women involved. But WOMEN HAVE SUCH HIGH STANDARDS WHAA THEY WANT ME TO TAKE A SHOWER AND GET A JOB

>> No.10442577

actions>words my friend

>> No.10442580

she at least attempted to do real cosplay as well as the bikini shit

>> No.10443065 [DELETED] 

NTA, but you obviously don't understand that this isn't the only "low standard" that women have on men.
You forgot the fact that most of your kind wants men to have a much higher salary than you, yet you forget that women are the ones getting groomer to attend AND finish college, diversity hiring and an overall increase in participation on professional societies and jobs, therefore lowering men's salaries in all platforms and thus making yourself a dateless, cat lady woman who is STILL going to wait for that 6'3 Italian man with green eyes who makes [your salary]+50,000

I wonder how long will it take for your kind that you're now supposed to be asking men out instead of viceversa given the real wage gap between women and men.
And by the way, I'm willing to be a househubby for you if you make my salary (0$) plus 40,000 :3

>> No.10443066 [DELETED] 

lmao neet

>> No.10443070 [DELETED] 
File: 157 KB, 1416x972, __futaba_anzu_idolmaster_and_1_more_drawn_by_omaru_gyuunyuu__0742e211fdeb7a167e0a3e9f3e5d7845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah grill

>> No.10443077 [DELETED] 

I don't care if a guy is poor as long as he's good looking.

If a guy is poor AND ugly, well, who wants that?

>> No.10443100 [DELETED] 

Men do poorly at school because the y chromosome is defective. They're more prone to autism, adhd, and various other mental ailments. Aside from that, testosterone makes you stupid and impulsive, so their more likely to binge drink or run away and from home and throw their life away because MY MOMS A FUCKING BITCH. These are all biological facts, teachers actually spend more time with male students and you can look that up. Moids are responsible for their own failure, it's not our fault we refuse to stoop to your level.

>> No.10443105 [DELETED] 

I won't date a pornsick scrote with retarded expectations no matter what, I don't care how handsome or rich he is. This is where you incels cuck yourselves, you expect women to look like anime blow up dolls

>> No.10443110

I was tempted to quit cosplaying once when a a leader of a cosplay group I was in ignored me when I told her about the photographer she recently became friends with again sexually assaulted me and she tried to get rid of me in the group. It didn't help that someone from that friendship cosplay group started spreading rumours about me and then the leader told all our friends to stop talking to me. I was so tempted to quit cosplaying because these girls were in all the main communities I was in but I then decided to go to a convention abroad and have been chill about cosplaying again since.

>> No.10443114

Shit anon, are you me? Had the same thing happen to me in 2014.

>> No.10443153 [DELETED] 
File: 712 KB, 2477x2480, __original_drawn_by_sako_35s_00__3da56aa5c887e0163819c40e92753075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time seeing this with my own eyes since I literally have to lie about being a regional manager for the local credit union in order to get a single date from a cute 4/10 girl.
But the wage gap will eventually get wider, so be ready to be the working mommy who has to work 60 hours per week while I stay at home all day on NEETbux :3
I understand that coomers tend to have unrealistic expectatons AS WELL.
But why don't women realize they, too, and without the influence of pornography, have unrealistic expectations, for some reason?
e.g. when they're in such a lower social status such as being a 40 year old fat single mom with two kids from three fathers and works at Macy's making minimum wage, expecting their 25 year old MBA boss to be head over heels on her, have a strong lust and quasi-fetish for fucking old fat women --but, somehow, doesn't look at porn nor masturbates--, and is willing to be the "oh so prince-y" nice guy who, God knows how, isn't THE nice guy, and he better pay for the entirety of the schooling on her children that don't even belong to him!

>> No.10443155 [DELETED] 

If I can have a 9/10 man over a 4/10 incel, why should I take the incel? Give me one good reason not to fuck chad. Half the guys I talk to on dating sites are Chad's, there's literally no reason for me to settle.

>> No.10443156 [DELETED] 

Ah you shit, pardon my ESL writing, I just drank 5 shots of tequila.

>> No.10443158 [DELETED] 

>Give me one good reason not to fuck chad. Half the guys I talk to on dating sites are Chad's, there's literally no reason for me to settle.
The only answer is to date Chad since it is obvious that you aren't of low social status, especially in the face department if half the guys you're talking to are Chads as well.
It isn't "settling" if you are of equal status to your partner, y'know.

>> No.10443178 [DELETED] 

The girls you deem a 4 are probably way better looking than you think. I've noticed /r9k/ types tend to underrate girls by a mile, calling absolutely stunning girls "average" and shit. Such a weird distorted view of women.

>> No.10443183 [DELETED] 

Nah I'm average. My bff is a whale and her bf has a good career. The truth is, dick is expendable and low value, so you useless type should kys.

>> No.10443185 [DELETED] 

This is what porn and anime does to men

>> No.10443196
File: 61 KB, 472x620, 061f8c5f0594764d37e808be177f964b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spend hours upon hours working on a costume, I'm black, know that I will be judged harshly for not cosplaying black characters (not ugly by any means, have experience in modeling if that means anything)
>handcraft accessories, make them light up, this was in the early 2000s when cosplay resources were shit, so this was actually considered very impressive at the time
>style wig, whole costume is good to go
>go to a con in a cosplay group, despite that get asked to stand aside for photos, figured it was probably because they found me ugly or innacurate because of my race, area did have a huge problem with racism.
>Mom finds out that I was cosplaying a character with a "skirt too short" and forces me to sell the costume
>sell the costume to some adorable white girl
>turns out she stole the accessories I made as well as wig and ran out, pissed.
>same con I went to, a year later she's wearing the costume, no wig, not even wearing the accessories I worked so hard on
>she's asked constantly to stop for photos, even some by the same people that asked me to step aside.

it felt like shit and I haven't worked that hard on a cosplay since not gonna lie.
since times are different now, I think after this whole crisis I will try again.
I did avoid cosplaying at the peak of SJWism because black cosplayers got asspatted for being black, not for their skill levels (pic related getting interviews and praised like they were the pinnacle of cosplay comes to mind)

but now black cosplayers are only shared if they are either attractive, or really skilled. I prefer that. I do expect racist comments, that hasn't changed, but it sucks to put your heart and soul into something for the skill level to not be acknowledged.

>> No.10443199

damn what the fuck. thats fucked up anon i'm sorry you had to deal with that.

>> No.10443230 [DELETED] 

Being an incel automatically makes that a -4/10.

If you ain't got money, and you ain't got looks, and you ain't got a personality that isn't "I wanna get laid but I don't think women are my equals", then you are absolute garbage and should just fuck off into the sun.

>> No.10443248 [DELETED] 
File: 438 KB, 673x904, __hacka_doll_3_hacka_doll_drawn_by_ixy__c1f703842235c394aa8c1b4e4a32b4e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it doesn't you shite.
No man is insane enough to apply 2D standards to 3D standards; only women themselves do that as they always attempt to look more 2D thanks to photoshop, et al. Don't put the blame on men since this is literally something that women choose to do.
Only because the hottest women participate in them, specifically the professional ones.
If coomers saw more amateur porn with average women, they wouldn't have such high standards in the first place. But given pretty women sell, you will never see this, ever.
And women tend to give pretty much other women a much higher score every time, except themselves, but women aren't prepared for this conversation.
I am precisely learned about the objectivity of human beauty thanks to a shitty art elective, so when I'm saying someone is a 4, they're a 4.

>> No.10443256 [DELETED] 

Ah, yes. A perfect example of how women think themselves lower than they really are.
>My bff is a whale and her bf has a good career.
Probably doesn't exist and you're making things up here, but
>The truth is, dick is expendable and low value
This is absolutely right which is the reason why it is better to improve the value and worth of "dick" via feminism during our lifetimes ;)

>> No.10443262 [DELETED] 

yeah it is racism, but as long as they don't disrespect you they have the right to do so

>> No.10443267 [DELETED] 

>cosplaying as a group
>get asked to step aside
NAYRT but in what world is that not disrespect?

>> No.10443276 [DELETED] 

>thanks to a shitty art elective
Lol, your art professor had you rating human beauty according to some supposedly objective scale? You must have gone to a seriously shit school instructed exclusively by TAs who have given up on life. That would be typical of the lives and achievement levels of incels that I’ve seen.

>> No.10443293 [DELETED] 

No, not that way, or else she would have had been permanently fired from the college I went to, lol.
But she told us how fashion designers pick their women and men, so that was very helpful in its unique way as well as telling us that looks shouldn't be the first thing when we judge someone; the latter being something similar to those anti-lookism arguments.
But, everyone knows it is all or nothing, especially for men since fat females still get dates thanks to the existence of fat chasers.

>> No.10443294

Try not to tell stories that you’ve told others. I know who you are based on your reply.

>> No.10443298

>panels were pure autism
>merch rooms were overpriced or bootlegs
>cosplayers today only care about trending ie wendy girl
>cosplayers don’t know who they’re cosplaying half the time
>everyone is a rapist or has molested someone at some point

>> No.10443370 [DELETED] 

She's 40, just been in cosplay for a very long time.
Anyone else remember when she tried to bash Jnig on her failed cosplay tv show and that other girl cosplayer was like "I can choose my own friends"

Sac Anime had this a few times, it's usually very very overweight tumblr teens holding up the signs and basically just walking around the con holding it up near any skimpy dressed character when a guy is trying to take a picture. Like they're protecting her or some stupid shit.
No we like men who actually have a personality, and isn't a sad 35 yr old shut in who hasn't bathed in a week or brushed their hair. Yes money is nice but if you're a dog shit person it's not going to last.

>> No.10443416

>everyone is a rapist or has molested someone at some point
I used to think this was some americanised oversensitive shit until reality hit me like a fucking trainwreck.
Not only it finally happened to me but to also start playing russian roulette of which one of your friends or figure you admire is a rapist/molester/creep every month or so is fucking sick.

What is it about cosplay that makes humankind so retardedly uncivilised to the point they turn into primal apes?

>> No.10443423 [DELETED] 

That's just men in general, not cosplay related. Most men you know have sexually harassed or coerced women at some point. They are terrible creatures.

>> No.10443440

thank you for the advice though you saying this made me realise that I shouldn't go on here again, I don't want to feel paranoid about the past when I have honestly moved on.

>> No.10443534

Same here. There’s dangerous people including female but mostly male cosplayers
Are you an idol?

>> No.10443622

>Is my insane fixation on maintaining out groups as a fixture of my identity ruining my ability to have fun and connect with people?
>No it's the sjw's that are wrong

>> No.10443627 [DELETED] 

lol who would want to date a fucking guinea lol

>> No.10443916

it's not the cosplay, it's the moids. They act like this in pretty much everything they get involved with. 90% of all "female predators" are male troons

>> No.10443927 [DELETED] 

immoral cope

>> No.10444082

im doing it less when i became a vendor instead. Ive mainly wanted to look thru Merch Alley at cons anyways.
Anyway, ive built myself up slowly only to be destroyed by my so called "buddy" socially. He painted himself as the Humble, Kind, Hearthtrob, while told people i was some Perv, AssHungry , Kiddie toucher only to boost his following and actually sleep with underage girls. Also being Brown and Filipino being the unwanted / ugly Asian guy.

>> No.10444099

good riddance, fucking degenerates

>> No.10444105

exactly. plus we all know that one faggot that would lure women and girls with coke who was busted last year.

>> No.10444524 [DELETED] 

Yuck I smell period blood

>> No.10444561

Lap it up

>> No.10444616 [DELETED] 

smells better than your dick cheese

>> No.10444685 [DELETED] 

>Yuck I smell period blood

t. periodfag

>> No.10445109
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Me too. I swear this is the story of every male on this cursed board.

To answer OP. I cosplayed for around 10 years. Back when MCM was still this new giant american style con and every cosplayer knew each other. I did a lot of handmade Power Rangers and anime style costumes. At first everyone was on an equal level of talent and effort but I started noticing stuff about 5 years ago. The people I was familar with were either leaving or putting less effort into their cosplays. Oddly enough the ones putting less effort in were woman.

Togs started getting creepier and older. Suddenly they weren't interested in taking pics unless you were an underage girl or had big tits. I saw the same women over and over shove their tits into a camera whilst crying about sexual harrasment in the same day. Any time those togs genuinely sexually harassed a woman, the other women would leap to defend the tog. No matter how fucking creepy they were. Then the women would go back to."i'm so fragile around icky mysoggyknees men. Believe all women, uwu."

At some point cosplay stopped being a fun hobby. And started to be a contest over who could be the biggest bitch. And you could forget about participating if you were male. At best you're ignored. Regardless of your costume quality. I dropped out around 2017. I was getting on in age anyway and I had a major issue where my Fiancee at the time became famous and started referring to herself as single to get thirsty lad attention. She broke up with me and I pretty much swore off cosplay and other cosplayers at that point.

>> No.10445114

Sounds like we're better off without you.

>> No.10445120 [DELETED] 

I've noticed that a lot of high earning men in tech always go for Asian women. What's up with that?

>> No.10445129 [DELETED] 

that's white guys in general because they believe asian women are going to be submissive and obedient. little do they know asian women are actually a super demanding pain in the ass

>> No.10445160

you honestly sound like a horrible person anyway

>> No.10445162

Do you like selling overpriced shit

>> No.10445245
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Any time a leg beard responds to anything even slighty derogatory towards cosplay you should all be required to fill out this form.

Also speaking as a woman who got raped at con, why do you fragile little bitches moan about rape at cons but do nothing except undermine other women when rape actually takes place? It's pathetic.

>> No.10445260

Future warlords second favorite cumpig detected

>> No.10445263 [DELETED] 

People always say this, but the white guys I know that date Asian women don't dare submissive women at all. The Asian women they date are very confident and have careers. I don't think they have this expectation when over and over they date keep dating these confident Asian women?
I think a lot of guys just like Asian womens features. They're a lot thinner than white women in general. And they age much better. I don't doubt that some guys think Asian women are submissive but I think it's reductive and a little racist to assume this is always the case. It's kind of saying that you don't see why white men like Asian women, so it must be because they hold some belief about their behavior, because it can't just be that Asian women are attractive.

>> No.10445327

I jumped the shark wayyy back, and entered cosplay basically right as competitions and things became more heated, and attention seeking had just begun to replace the fun con experience based cosplay.
I had cosplayed in passing for several years but for the first time I was on my own at the con and had a costume I had made entirely by hand.
There were two things that really killed it for me, and I stopped going to small cons and avoided the cosplay community more generally.

1. Rampant sexual harassment and abuse of underage girls in the con circuit in general. At this particular con, the head of the con had a “party suite” that he routinely invited all the teenage cosplay girls to. I was cosplaying as C from BB (what a throwback). I was 14 at the time, he invited me to the room for a pre-rave party but when I got there it was just me and he wanted me to drink and wait for others to arrive. I didn’t talk about it for years because everyone just acted like that was normal and that he was just friendly. Looking back on it, that was predatory af and literally no one even questioned it. desu the con circuit at that time makes Shane Dawson’s pedo bs look mild.

2. At that same con my cousin was cosplaying and we did the cosplay contest. She was in the juniors bracket and there were prizes. The girl who won that category lied about her age and claimed it was her first event, even though it turns out she was 16 and should have been in the older category. She won a ton of swag and was perfectly willing to lie and be shady to get it. It also doesn’t help that this was my first competition and I’m a fairly tough skinned person, but the judges just shredded me lol. I get that it was a comp, but I was pretty young and clearly a beginner and it just left a really bad taste in my mouth.

These days the cosplay community really seems to glorify an unhealthy lifestyle that I just can’t bother to invest my emotional energy into.

>> No.10445331

To clarify on the lifestyle bit:

The way in which really unhealthy behaviors are normalized in the cosplay community keeps me at bay everytime I consider re-entering.

Weird drama, and call-outs. Normalizing excessive drinking, and fasting for getting "con-ready". Hyper-focusing on appearance to the point that shopping your photos is now a basically a requirement.

When I started cosplaying it made me feel hella confident. I was always that weird girl at school, and for the first time I felt good about my appearance and really confident in who I was and my weird interests. If I thought for a second that cosplay would make me feel that way again I would absolutely return, but honestly, between the commercialization and the sexualization I just don't think it's possible.

It was never perfect, see pervy behavior above, but it did use to be about meeting people, sharing tips and geeking out, and that was pretty nice (especially now that we're in quaratine TT)

>> No.10445422

Like everything, when gay men took over

>> No.10445435

I feel this. I jumped ship when a girl in my friend group got sorta cosplay famous? and then started giving "advice" to all of us.

She used to be a genuinely nice person, but her advice was to literally not eat leading up to major conventions. She progressively got more and more bat shit crazy as her "following" grew and ultimately turned everything into an attention-seeking circus.

>> No.10445445

> (many old /cgl/ tripfags) have jumped on the patreon/onlyfans train for a quick buck.

Tenleid really went into the deep end there. Only short of doing porn at this point.

>> No.10445446

Nayrt but why do people care about this?

>> No.10445447

yfw if Nigri appeared now instead, she'd be a pretty average looking e-thot in the sea that we have nowadays

>> No.10445533

>not ugly
You could land a ship on that flat n wide.

>> No.10445571

> calling other women fragile little bitches
> demanding they be supportive of rape victims

Choose one.

>> No.10445572

Its important to not be too real on 4chan. This anon is apart of an idol group that fell apart and she started another.

>> No.10447517

>You can't talk to anyone anymore cause now it's creepy to talk to someone you don't know even if it is just a compliment or to ask for a picture.

Cons are the exact opposite anon, everyone is open to making new friends and loves receiving compliments on their costume.

I think it's just you that's a creepy fucker and nobody likes speaking to you. Learn some social skills.

>> No.10447519
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>Watching masquerade
>Fantastic cosplay goes on stage
>Crowd goes wild, everyone loves it
>Masquerade winners are announced
>Fantastic cosplay doesn't win it
>Goes to an average cosplay
>Average cosplayer turns out to be friends with the committee

I gave up on serious cosplay after that. I just wear cosplay for fun and don't give much stress to everything being perfect.

>> No.10447535

>christmas con has a contest
>pretty generic as far as "lol I'm X character in a santa hat"
>Someone does a skit for their entry and does a tap dance routine on carpet, trips, and almost rips down the stage curtains.
>Wins best in show, friends with organizers.

All about who you know these days.

>> No.10447595

Makes me think of Blizzcon when Kamui won over more deserving entries one year. Then another year the cosplayer destroyed her costume getting on stage and still won, despite the fact the rules were you had to be able to get on the stage on your own.

>> No.10447600

this is why crowd vote is the only way to go.

>> No.10447603

Agreed also I'd really like a no kids allowed entry rule. It's so stupid watching great costumes get passed over because some kid got awww'd

>> No.10447604

Kids are always in their own junior cats so that's a non-issue.

>> No.10447607

Even as a dude I find titty cosplay distasteful.

>> No.10447613

That anon is right in away. But most cosplayers I tried taking pictures with and I’m a female cosplayer they would just ignore me and take pictures with scantily dressed cosplayers. I gave up trying to take pictures with people except characters from video games or animes i cosplayed as. Even those people could be stuck up especially BNHA cosplayers.

>> No.10447617

Not always a lot of cons just pool together especially if they don't have a kids area

>> No.10447668

>1. Rampant sexual harassment and abuse of underage girls in the con circuit in general

Here's a really uncomfortable truth about this. A lot of pervs are successful at picking up these girls at cons because of their low self esteem. They won't go after the confident cosplayer who has her ass hanging out but the shy 14-18 year old chubby girl with issues is the perfect target for this creeps.

Grooming is alive and well in the con community. This is why I raise an eyebrow when I see couples at cons who are in longterm relationships with a wide age gap like the 32 year old with a 20 year old.

>> No.10447712

You and every other moid
>*fap fap fap* greeeeeehhh fucking costhots *fap fap fap* ruining muh hobby *fap fap fap* integrity of muh community is at stake GAHHH I'M COOOOOOOOOOOMING

>> No.10447805

Youre in a con area with the general public and sometimes kids, you can't be walking around with your milk sacks hangen out for all to bear witness to. These are also the same cosplayers who get all indignant when someone is staring at them.

>> No.10447824

Stop sexualizing breasts.

>> No.10447826
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I miss lj drama, everything felt so much simpler back then

>> No.10447827

fuck off.

>> No.10447855

Are you retarded?

>> No.10447872


Okay but breasts as sexual objects are a social construct, and a pretty recent one. They're *not* sexual organs.

>> No.10447928

Weird, my wife moans pretty hard when I chew on her nipples, must be that sexual construct.

>> No.10447946

>breasts as sexual objects are a social construct, and a pretty recent one

>They're *not* sexual organs.

Keep clinging to that wishful thinking bih

>> No.10447948

Ask her to do that to yours. Nipples are sensitive regardless of gender.

>men walking around shirtless is fine
>but women's nipples are BAD and INAPPROPRIATE
Obvious scrote opinion.

>> No.10447950

I dont wanna see men's nipples either. You must work for AMC with that amount of projection.

>> No.10447995

this. please put all nipples away.

>> No.10448009

I think Patreon took off shortly after that. Before they started hiding income amounts, she was making $40k a month off that alone.

And then OnlyFans took it further by allowing anyone to be an amateur adult performer.

>> No.10448014

I have no idea how in the world to make friends at cosplay events and cons nowadays when all of the randos are stuck up patreon thots doing it for clout. Feels like you need to find the people to hang with BEFORE you go to the con nowadays. Can't just do it AT the con anymore.

>> No.10448024
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Black cosplayers are the last bastion of legit fannaticism about their chosen anime/series. Because you don't look like the character, and because you're not often considered "attractive" the way a 5/10 white nerd girl is by the internet, it can really only be about the passion and not the attention-driven photoshoot.

Like, the general quality and money that gets pumped into cosplays these days is insane, and it's mostly because it's an investment from a subset of models that will give them exposure and, most likely, paid gigs and simps down the line. It used to be amazing to see, like, some nerd who was such a fan of Iron Man that they spend hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars creating a semi-functional Iron Man suit, or an insanely intricate outfit, etc.
Now, you know most of that stuff is contracted out to SFX artists for crazy prices.

Whenever I see a photo of someone whose costume looks rough, or they don't physically match the character (because 99% of characters are plain/attractive people), and you can tell it's a character that means a lot to them because they're having fun/you don't immediately recognize them, you know they're not in it for the attention at all. Even bad cosplays I made fun of in the past have a fucking heartfelt, wholesome quality to them today.

>> No.10448027

Eh, but then it's the most popular character that tends to win, surely.

>> No.10448071

I feel you. It might be wrong, but any time some cosplayer tells me they are studying costume design or anything like that I'm instantly less impressed by their work. Like I get it they made their own stuff. They are also getting training that explicitly should set their standards of craftsmanship higher. If you get to sew and craft all day, you should be better than the average hobbyist. It's not as impressive. Sorry.

>> No.10448073

At least own up to and say the reason why is because you have no way to compete with it. It's just being honest with yourself.

>> No.10448074

Not to mention when you have people who do this and their work is absolutely shit tier, or they sandbag small competitions like surely if you're a qualified professionals you should be setting your competing bar a bit higher?

>> No.10448150

if you give kudos to black cosplayers, would you equally give kudos to trans cosplayers? would you give different amounts of kudos to passing/non-passing trannies?

>> No.10448156
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>that feel when you know you'll never have a rocking pair of tits to compete.

>> No.10448163

draculaura from monster high

>> No.10448312

Absolutely based.

>> No.10448316

desu if I was a hot girl I would totally walk around cons with my tits and ass hanging out

if only I could pass as a trap

>> No.10448319

I hear that if you kill yourself, you'll be reborn as a hot girl

>> No.10448391

Props to that bro for not hover handing.

>> No.10448411

>Togs started getting creepier and older.
Not gonna comment on the rest of this post but I agree with this part, and the shift really poisoned the good relationship that used to exist between cosplayers and photographers. I was a relatively prolific cosplay photog a decade ago and I quit entirely a few years after the scene changed because it just wasn't fun anymore.

>> No.10448422


>> No.10448449

Same reason my dad stopped offering despite having done portraits for sometime when I was younger. Just not worth the issues that came with it.

>> No.10448709

I wouldn't, because not everything is about you, and the more you keep pushing for it to be everywhere the more annoyed people are gonna get over it.

>> No.10448747

not a tranny

>> No.10448759
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Uh, I don't know if you're trying to imply something about me, but I guess, yeah. It's not really specific to being trans; my general point is that people who don't physically look like their character/aren't a model, but dress up as them anyway, speaks to them being an honest to god fan and not someone doing it for attention.

Like, you could be a passing trans person and still not look like your character. Being trans is a moot point, as is being a different race, bodytype, having a physical disability, etc. Like, I'd hope the costume looks good at any rate or the cosplayer knows they look a bit odd, but actually NOT looking totally accurate to the character these days is more of a sign of dedication and fandom than it used to be.

I'm just repeating myself now.
Eh, I get what you mean but that doesn't bother me so much. So long as they're actually making their costume or putting effort into it out of a love for that character, cool. If "I'm studying costume design" translates to "I know people who will make chunks of this for me", then, yeah, I have less respect for that.

>> No.10448839
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I hate cosplay now because cons used to be mostly people who were nerds who legitimately knew a lot of anime.
Now people who I talk to only really talk about a couple super popular shows and nothing else. It also seems like more people are clique-y and unapproachable whereas before I used to consistently be able to meet new anime friends who knew a lot of shows and were not very elitist.

>> No.10448903
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This isn't accurate(or at least out of line with most evolutionary biologists), what you mean to say are breasts aren't 'genitalia', which they aren't.. but studies have been done comparing ape breasts to human breasts and it was found human breasts are significantly harder for infants to suckle on (contrary to popular belief, large full breasts are harder to latch onto, shorter nipples harder to suckle, and the fatty tissue can block infant noses) evidence points to human breasts looking the way they due in LARGE part to sexual selection. ie, human(female) breasts look the way they do because they're sexy to men lol..

https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-human-beast/201305/sexual-wiring-womens-breasts (stimulation in female breasts also light up sexual areas of the brains, stimulation of male nipples light up "joy" areas also..)

>> No.10448907

What if the girl is flat chested? Is it ok then because it looks like a man's chest?

>> No.10449117

I've been cosplaying to various cons since 2005 up until recently. I've seen wild shit, met a lot of gulls, have cool con stories. I was never anybody famous. I do believe the con scene has changed. I originally went because I like those crazy japanese cartoons and comics. Sadly anime cons aren't about that anymore, its corporate shit and fag issues now. If cons resume I might goto some local ones near me, but I think i've aged out.

>> No.10449122

People are shitting on this post but you're absolutely right. Gatekeeping is the ONLY thing that keeps communities good.

>> No.10449124


Pretty much this, gatekeeping is a fit straight white male invention that fatties, minorities and women don't understand the value of.

>> No.10449127

I went to a con and a bunch of white guys were buying merch from a local anime artist. The guys weren’t sure which shirt to get and i gave them a suggestion. One said “thanks I wasn’t sure. I don’t watch anime”
Then why are you at an anime convention? Other than to do acid, have casual sex, and go to the rave while high because thats all they do.

>> No.10449133
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Posting from a different thread
Notice none of them are cosplayers. Just tourists to anime conventions who get coked up and go to raves. This is the decline of cons and cosplay as we know it.

>> No.10449214
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C'est la vie.
Brutal as fuck, though. That's why I tend to keep things to myself, especially if I spent a lot of hours on it.
Same; unnecessary sexualization a shit, especially when the original art of the girl in question had moderate sized breasts instead of H-cups, or so..
HOWEVER, that doesn't mean girls with larger breasts should cosplay, they should just keep it modest IMO.

>> No.10449216

Forgot to add the "n't" there

>> No.10449240

Cosplay should unironically be mandatory to attend a convention, unless you're able to pass a written test of anime knowledge.

>> No.10449264

obviously you didn't see yaya, the early years.
Some pretty risque stuff

>> No.10449278 [DELETED] 

Vera baby/bambi?

>> No.10449507

Facebook/Instagram killed cosplay.

Before this you would have cosplayers, people who would do it just for fun at a con. There were also professionals but they were few and far between. The professionals also put in a lot of work. Granted they would have fan service outfits but they were either characters that were fan service characters or they actually put in effort.

Then you get social media, there was stuff before Facebook and Instagram but they were the ones who helped kill it. Now anyone could post their cosplay work. It sounds great until you realize that you put in 4 months to make an amazing cosplay outfit which gets a couple hundred likes, but then you get some girl in a bikini who is wearing a wig doing a "swimsuit" pic of some character. The character has never worn one and all they did was buy a bikini, and a wig that matches the characters hair but they are getting thousands of likes. So two options:

Option One - Keep on doing what you are doing, work hard, make amazing outfits and hope that over a number of years you get noticed for your work. Conventions will start to pay you to appear and you can get sponsors to help you do this as a full time job. You also start a Patreon but it doesn't get a lot of followers because most people are not interested in learning about how to make a cosplay outfit, or they are already following someone else.

Option Two - Start whoring yourself out. Make sure you are posting sexy pics every day and make one good outfit once a year that shows that you can make something good. Start a Patreon or OnlyFans account to make sure that you are getting plenty of cash so you don't have to work a day job anymore.

Option Two is what happened. You might be great at making cosplay outfits but getting people to support you and getting others to notice you is almost impossible.

>> No.10449509

Disagree. I'm just an amateur, but it's been nice connecting with other cosplayers through IG who cosplay from series I enjoy. Idk what people used to do before social media. Chat on forums?

Thots and professionals aren't the only cosplayers out there.

>> No.10449510



There are male cosplayers that make amazing outfits, Reinhardt from Overwatch has had a couple do full size builds of his outfit. Amazing work but no one pays attention because it is an actual cosplay. But the thot in the lingerie and a wig is getting plenty of attention because they are a thot and not a cosplayer.

The sad thing they don't realize they are a depreciating asset.

You are a hot 19 year old but guess what, in 10 years you are going to have to be working a lot harder to keep your looks. Not only that there are plenty of new 19 year olds that will showing off their bodies who don't have to work as had as you had to. At the same time you never put in the effort to actually learn how to cosplay, all you did was stay and be a thot. So now you need to start getting surgery, if yo haven't done it already. You are going to need bigger tits and ass to give the guys who look at your pics something to look at.

So now you are in your early thirties. You now have to work out 3 times as hard compared to that new 20 year old that got as many fans in a year that you got over a span of over 10 years. You just finished your latest round of surgery, your breasts are now causing you back problems but thanks to that you have kept a good number of your followers. Your makeup looks like a mask on you because you have wrinkles and other little blemishes that are a turn off to younger guys. Every pic has to be photoshopped to the point that your pics have now reached an uncanny valley. The only hope you have is that you might be able to find some guy to marry you because you never had any kids because you couldn't get pregnant because you would lose too many fans if you did get pregnant.

Yeah, I sound like a cynical ass but in the end this is what a lot of cosplayer girls are going to face. They will get into this easily because they are young and hot and think that their fans will stay with them forever.

>> No.10449616

Bruh thots wouldn't make money if guys weren't stupid

>> No.10449655

When /b/ culture stopped being a major force at cons

>> No.10449712

Then clearly it isn’t directed at you

>> No.10450197

aw fuck when did CGL start getting this woke SJW shit in?

>> No.10450201

Wonder how tough such a test should be? I imagine make it barebones so one has at least knowledge of some of the more major shows at least.

>> No.10450205

>Start whoring yourself out. Make sure you are posting sexy pics every day and make one good outfit once a year that shows that you can make something good. Start a Patreon or OnlyFans account to make sure that you are getting plenty of cash so you don't have to work a day job anymore.

yfw you are a male cosplayer and can't even do that as a result.

>> No.10450209

>So now you are in your early thirties. You now have to work out 3 times as hard compared to that new 20 year old that got as many fans in a year that you got over a span of over 10 years. You just finished your latest round of surgery, your breasts are now causing you back problems but thanks to that you have kept a good number of your followers. Your makeup looks like a mask on you because you have wrinkles and other little blemishes that are a turn off to younger guys. Every pic has to be photoshopped to the point that your pics have now reached an uncanny valley. The only hope you have is that you might be able to find some guy to marry you because you never had any kids because you couldn't get pregnant because you would lose too many fans if you did get pregnant.

Wonder if this is Yayahan's life nowadays

>> No.10450219

When it became a beauty contest between stuck-up, insecure bitches fighting over camera attention.

I joined the artist alley and now cons are actually fun again and I return with my pockets full of money.

>> No.10450220

how is that sjw? it's scientific fact. unlike the vagina or penis, the natural purpose of breasts is for breastfeeding, not sex

>> No.10450227

>the natural purpose of breasts is for breastfeeding, not sex

Pretty sure women are normally very aroused when their nipples or boobs are played with...

>> No.10450231

you realize that sexual characteristics including secondary are all related to both sex and childbirth right? and that humans are one of the few animals that engage in recreational sex. even bonobos use them sexually.

>> No.10450261

there's a reason that remote african tribes don't see breasts as sexual. it's a societal sexualization. lips and legs are sexualized by society too, that doesn't suddenly make them sexual organs

>> No.10450266

uh anon, they do tho. covering sex organs is what's modern, but has no bearing on what's viewed as sexual. you seem to be conflating the two.

>> No.10450329

>Wonder how tough such a test should be?
There should just be one question:
>How many X:es are in Darling in the Fran[ ]?

>> No.10450335

>Darling in the Fran

Could you have brought up a worse example of an anime to test fans?

>> No.10450354
File: 199 KB, 850x1275, __ookami_ryouko_ookami_san_drawn_by_frip__sample-8ad75b21710a119fea1c29c5237a054f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I shouldn't be saying this in a place where it is, at least, 65% women, but:
Fun fact: women with smaller titties get more and better aroused when they do sexual things to their nipples than women with bigger titties do.

>> No.10450388
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>> No.10450459
File: 681 KB, 739x655, __zero_two_darling_in_the_franxx_drawn_by_bluefield__20243f59183ccfb7f55a4c6a001a9cba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer is 3, of course.