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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10447321 No.10447321[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is your favourite convention memory?

>> No.10447354
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when we had them

>> No.10447358

Met a girl at one and spent most of the convention with her.

>> No.10447359

Falling down the stairs at otakon and breaking my ankle.
it was 2014
I was cosplaying Dave from homestuck

>> No.10447360
File: 416 KB, 1280x960, Homesuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed the Homestuck moment
Was it worth it?
Being a Homestuck fan/being a member of that community, I mean

>> No.10447366

I was in the artist alley trying to find my favourite artist when she ran out of her booth to flag me down because she loved my obscure cosplay and wanted to take a selfie with me. We spent a good 5-10 gushing about each other and it was such a good time
*clenches fist* feels good man

>> No.10447370

Why is that your favorite moment...?

>> No.10447377

My first con was A-Kon. Was still in high school and about 7 or so of us went together. We were little shots and tried to get the marble out of a ramune bottle by dropping it from the whatever floor we were on out the window. We snuck up to the closed restraunt on the top floor because it was "spooky", heard something, and we all ran back. Went to a Gaia online panel and met other 4channers playing touhou in the hallway at 2am. I came from a small town where we would hang out at Wal-Mart for fun and have LAN parties at each other's houses so seeing it all with new eyes felt great.

>> No.10447384

I made great friends from it so I'd say so?
i room witht the same friends every year.
Memes galore.

>> No.10447386

I'm glad you were able to make great friends
Sounds like you had a blast

>> No.10447388

I did! I don't cosplay homestuck anymore, though.

>> No.10447393

Piggybacking off the Homestuck talk: at a very, very small 1 day local con in 2012ish, I went to the gathering of Homestucks there, overheard someone talk about Madoka Magica, and we sat down to chill and talk. We ended up sitting and talking about Homestuck, Madoka, and various other popular things at the time with 2 other people for the whole rest of the con. It was like, roughly 6 hours, just chatting with these strangers. To this day, they're some of my best friends, we go to every con together and spend a lot of holidays together.

Also at a Homestuck meet a year or two later at a larger con, Micheal Bowman, a popular HS music team member, came to the con and played some of the most popular songs to a crowds of roughly 100 nerds in grey paint for us all to sing together. He was very nice to all the people there.

I have so many other stories but the memories of meeting my best friends and the massive fandom singalong make my heart hurt. I miss cons, bros.

I'm so sorry about your ankle but that's fucking amazing.

>> No.10447408

This definitely isn’t a favourite memory but all this homestuck y’all reminded me of something. I was 13 and there was a homestuck meetup in the convention park area. It was pretty standard stuff, we played games and sung some homestuck songs that were popular at the time but then the person who spread the word about the meet up announced it was time for spin the faygo. Sure enough everyone got into a circle and they said you had to be over 12 to play. 12 was the age you had to be to play. I thought nothing of it back then cause I was a dumb kid who wanted to feel mature but looking at it now, most of the people there were adults kissing minors like it was no big deal.

>> No.10447411

I did a gangbang with no rubber and when she got pregnant I said it wasn't mine and she believed it. Stupid cunt kept it too.

>> No.10447416

Getting hugged by a girl because she really liked the character I was cosplaying as.

>> No.10447443

nice meme

>> No.10447456

how do i get a convention gf?
>inb4 just talk to her bro

>> No.10447670

Just be clean. Having the basics of hygiene nailed down will increase your chances. Seriously brush your damn teeth and tongue. Wear some clean clothes that fit and nerdy shirt that will cause her to start a conversation with you.

>> No.10447677

Thanks for the practical advice.

>> No.10447678

Attending SDCC the day after i got off a flight from spending a week in Tokyo

>> No.10447869

Hanging out with my friends and doing our first photoshoot together at Youmacon 2011.

>> No.10447875

Some friends and I went to some noodle places in the sketchy side of Chinatown in the middle of the night in costume. I think it was just the fact that I could sit down and chat with them for a while makes it special.

>> No.10447891

what cosplay was it, anon?

>> No.10447896

Rhyme from TWEWY! not that obscure, but old enough that I never see any other twewy cosplayers nowadays aside from the occasional neku

>> No.10448007
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spending hours chilling on this hill at the local con with the highschool nerd herd
I dont really like the new downtown location

>> No.10448015

Won't be obscure for much longer! Dunno if that's a good thing, but I can hope it'll at least lead to some more casual con buddies.

>> No.10448039

>Dressed up as a final fantasy white mage at Blizzcon 2019
>In line for food on the lower level
>Guy in a Blizzard Staff shirt walks up to me and says "I like your cosplay"
>He hands me a blizzard arcade token, kinda like a chuck-e-cheese arcade token
>Feels like senpai just noticed me
>Find out these things are worth at least $20
>In a great mood for the rest of the trip

>> No.10448059

meeting my ex gf for the first time.

chilling with my bro at midnight at the con center as the others had a karaoke contest.

meeting some good friends

>> No.10448137
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some random con goers cheered me up when I was having a bad time just by asking what was wrong and offering me some nutella sandwich, it was very sweet

getting snuck in to my friend's 18+ panel

seeing the line for my friend and mine's panel wrapped around the hallway with our friends at the very front

doing dumb anime dance covers on stage and having people excited to see us

man I miss cons

>> No.10448164
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There was a "game room"/general hanging out area that had one of pic related. If you havent seen one it's a "game" thingy where the last person to press the button on their handle gets elecotructed. Me and a buddy played MTGs with some decks that where available to borrow at the convention/in the game room and whenever you took damage in game you had to zap yourself in the hand, strength related to how much damage you took. In the end my hand was fucking numb to shit but I won and got to watch him dial shit up to max strength and zap both his hands.

>> No.10448179

I cosplayed as Nepeta and missed a step at a con and my foot went sideways. I was already there so I limped the whole time. It was fun 8/10

>> No.10448266
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>tfw i was going to meet up with my con crush this year

Anyways. I dont know if it counts, but my favorite con memory was actually after I had a few cons under my belt, and people were messaging me asking if I was "going to be at X" or "can we room together for Y"
Just the knowledge that people wanted me around was really cool

>> No.10450769

>AX 2017
>running around taking photos of people, kinda bored
>check /cgl/ thread
>some anon posts that they're sitting all by themselves and wonders if anyone wants to say hi
>eh whatever, nothing better to do
>walk over and say hi
>start chatting a bit, he's clearly a bit autistic, likely just wanted someone to hang out with since he mentioned he came alone
>say goodbyes after a while to go do some stuff with friends
>posts later saying he was super thankful someone came to chat and helped him be more confident
That was pretty nice to hear, so either that or the time I led a drunk guy on a wild goose chase for an orgy that didn't exist

>> No.10450800

This warms my heart.

>> No.10451065

>Was it worth it?
I made some amazing friends there, but the community was both a drama fest and a pedo nest, it became so annoying that it made me drop cons for 4 years.

>> No.10451067
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When I was 14 an Haruhi cosplayer was a big fan of my mess of a Dirk cosplay (didnt even have a wig), she spent the whole afternoon following me and held my hand in the hallway, easily the biggest boner of my life and my autistic sweaty ass didn't even ask for her number.

>> No.10451068
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When I was 14 an Haruhi cosplayer was a big fan of my mess of a Dirk cosplay (didnt even have a wig), she spent the whole afternoon following me and held my hand in the hallway, easily the biggest boner of my life and my autistic sweaty ass didn't even ask for her number.

>> No.10451075

Actually cosplaying for the first time instead of just throwing on a kigurumi and getting asked for so many pictures! But also meeting people and cosplayers I really look up to and just having fun with my friends. I can't wait for con season to start again, it will be a gigantic party

>> No.10451101

When I won best of weekend at a small anime con's cosplay contest a couple years ago. I worked for over a year on my cosplay and lost in two other contests, so it felt good to not only win but earn the top prize. Felt a little bad for a fellow contestant who entered as the exact same character as me, but they did throw some shade my way after I won so not really.

>> No.10451395 [DELETED] 

Eight or nine of us got this girl really rolling on molly and took turns fucking her airtight, shot one load in each hole. To this day I have no idea who that girl was, but she loosened up nice on a tab.

>> No.10451396

that is rape, you horrible piece of shit

>> No.10451511

>check archive for ded post
How is that rape, you insufferable prude?

>> No.10451517

When I met my best friends.

>> No.10451523


>> No.10451534

How was that not? Jfc.

>> No.10451535

>omg she took a drugggg that makes it impossible to consentttt
Do you think having a drink makes it rape too? Are you one of those bitches who thinks you should be able to revoke consent the next morning over fucking anything? Kys honestly, you give the rest of us a bad name.

>> No.10451536

Good on you if you're fine with it lmao. Guys need someone to fuck

>> No.10451601
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>be me
>5'3" skelegull
>talking to some ripped 5'8" guest of honor male costhot
>my face lands on his bare shirtless tits
>he doesn't let go
>suffocate in the mixture of his musky sweat and cologne
>nearly pass out from 0 air and 0 blood in my brain

>> No.10451610
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Drinking tea with uncle iroh. Easily my favorite memory.

>> No.10451622
File: 93 KB, 540x960, 4a58e88f022aac5c3edb5929579c92d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meeting my now husband a more than a decade ago during Fanime 2009

While I was a shockingly immature and impulsive little shit things ended up being pretty much perfect timing for both of us meeting. He at the time had come all the way from Texas to meet up with his friend he hadn't seen in years. We had hung out for hours and apparently his friends had bailed on him and went back to their hotel. He was like "guess I'll just sleep on the convention floor" .
I don't know why I thought this was a good idea and in hindsight it was dangerous but I was like "absolutely not you're coming to my room and I won't take no for an answer ".
Well I had him staying with me and my friend I had come to the convention with and well she didn't like having a man in the room and was like I'll sleep in the tub.
I was like how weird why would she have a problem with him? In Hindsight I understand I was very inexperienced and kind of a prude myself but I had never made the connection that he was interested in me until he ended up confessing later . I was like well I will go on a date with you but I don't want to commit just yet if I don't love you. Well we had a lovely dinner at the Marriott and walked and talked so much. Him about his job and friends and me about my overbearing mother and how this was my first real experience of freedom from her presence.My most prominent memory of that con was staying up on the last day to watch the sunrise together from the top floor of the Fairmont being sad because I wasn't sure if he was going to actually call me or not and I was wasting my time. Honestly it shocked me that the first 2 months that we ended up talking we had shared so much intimacy without sex without even talking about anime. 11 years together now and it's still fresh in my mind. In a way I know my story is pretty unique in that it was a con relationship that worked out . Also me not getting hurt in the end like a whole Anna wanting to marry a man she just met scenario

>> No.10451647

Absolutely based and paisho-pilled

>> No.10451649

>Was running the homestuck meet up back when Meenah's group had just been shown off, so the height of popularity.
>Friend let a dancestor fix their horns in my room.
>Loud Dave cosplayer helps me get the group under control and also gets some Naruto cosplayers who were trying to use our scheduled area to fuck off.
>The dancestor we helped buys me a Feferi pencil bag from artist alley as a thank you, and I still have it as a sewing bag (was cosplaying her at the time)
>At the same con, our hotel room was right by the pool and hotel staff just didn't give a fuck about what we did.
>Had BBQ'd in our friend's truck bed the day before.
>Tonight at like 10pm we realized we had like 50 hotdogs left (cosco was right next to the con), so we started grilling them near the pool and giving them to people coming back from the rave.
>Next day helped do a Homestuck panel and we got on the news when they were talking about the convention.
Next convention, running the meet again (3rd time)
>Get complimented by another homestuck cosplayer for continuing to run the meets and also for always working hard and having good props for my costumes.

I hate what the fandom quickly became after, but those meet ups were some of the most fun I had at those cons.

>> No.10451689

I wish there was more like this in this board.

>> No.10451690

this is adorable

>> No.10451700

it's legally rape when a sober person rapes an intoxicated person, you horrible piece of shit. especially since that anon outright admitted that their group deliberately got the girl high so they could rape her.

>> No.10451702

I don't think not wanting a random strange man in her room made your friend "a prude." He could've easily been a rapist or murderer.

>> No.10451713

I took a photo of a cosplayer with a great outfit and was gushing over her, she later came over to my booth and said she was a big fan of my art and had followed me on socmed for a while and then she gushed over me.

This memory will always warm my heart.

>> No.10451839

>it's legally rape when a person rapes
no duh
what if a sober person fucks an intoxicated person without raping tho

>> No.10451840

>5'8" male costhot
lmao, manolete

>> No.10451841

any sex between a sober and intoxicated person is automatically nonconsensual (and thus rape) as the intoxicated person is not completely aware of what is going on

>> No.10451842

so iow you're exactly the kind of nut that >>10451535 suspected, kthx

>> No.10451909

Thats rape but ok

>> No.10451928

which is epic

>> No.10451950

that's legally rape.

>> No.10451952

No it’s not