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10446577 No.10446577 [Reply] [Original]

Let's discuss lolita wishlist hunting and how we do it. A few questions to start off:

>Have you been lucky with your wishlist?
>Longest search you've had for something? What was it?
>Do you have any tips you want to share with others?
>Do you look at LM history for previous buyers of an item you want?
>Would it bother you if someone DM'd you about a past purchase?

>> No.10446593
File: 71 KB, 205x246, C6B7F5D6-F67E-41ED-A2E4-7D4FD805D4ED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’ve been able to find 3 out of my 12 or so wishlist dresses at a decent price over the past 4 years. I don’t look super hard though. Most of them are more dressy AP JSKs which rarely come up secondhand or MM so good fucking luck to me.
>Longest search was 3 years. I’ve only been in the fashion for 4 or so years.
>I’m probably not the best person to give advice but Japanese auction sites have been my friend.
>No I don’t look at history that’s weird. I can put in the work. Also I wouldn’t say it would bother me if someone DMd me but I also wouldn’t respond. This isn’t the “make me move” feature on Zillow.

>> No.10446600

>Have you been lucky with your wishlist?
Wishlist dresses yeah, still searching for my DD though
>Longest search you've had for something? What was it?
My previous DD took 2 years. Wishlist dresses take only a few months since I have basic taste
>Do you have any tips you want to share with others?
Stalk every secondhand site. I keep multiple tabs open and refresh every 30 minutes or so if I’m not doing anything else
>Do you look at LM history for previous buyers of an item you want?
>Would it bother you if someone DM'd you about a past purchase?
Absolutely, it has happened to me several times and it’s extremely annoying

>> No.10446601

>Have you been lucky with your wishlist?
Very, I usually buy the dress I want within a year or two of adding it to my list
>Longest search you've had for something? What was it?
Longest search was two years
>Do you have any tips you want to share with others?
This isn’t at all helpful, but I just don’t consider dresses I know will be impossible to find. I have a lot of other dresses I can prioritize that come up every once in a while if I pay attention.
>Do you look at LM history for previous buyers of an item you want?
No that’s weird as hell, plus you don’t know if they sold it at a swap meet or to a friend or whatever.
>Would it bother you if someone DM'd you about a past purchase?
Yeah, I would take down their name and refuse to sell them if I ever did list it, because that’s annoying and I’m petty.

>> No.10446606

>Have you been lucky with your wishlist?
I usually pay above market value so not really
>Longest search you've had for something? What was it?
7 years for the fantasic dolly OP in red. I wasn’t actively looking the whole time though. It might have a worn feel, but I’m glad I have it in the original fabric.
>Do you have any tips you want to share with others?
It might take a few years, but everything turns up eventually
>Do you look at LM history for previous buyers of an item you want?
>Would it bother you if someone DM'd you about a past purchase?
No but I can see why it would bother some people, especially if it happens frequently.

>> No.10446616

>>Have you been lucky with your wishlist?
I've managed to get almost everything on my wishlist. The only DDs that evade me now are past indie/taobao releases.
>>Longest search you've had for something? What was it?
6 months for a meta wa dress
>>Do you have any tips you want to share with others?
Dream prints are overrated. For mid-level priority dresses, I don't think it's worth it to chase down something specific. There's probably a more widely available/cheaper alternative version. Especially with 2010's sweet. Most people don't care much whether you have one cat print or another. Save your money and effort for the highest priority items that are must haves.
>>Do you look at LM history for previous buyers of an item you want? Yes, but only to see if they have it for sale again. I wouldn't bother to message them about it.
>>Would it bother you if someone DM'd you about a past purchase?
Mildly. However if they offer an above-market price or it's something I'm considering selling anyway, I might do it.

>> No.10446620

>Have you been lucky with your wishlist?
Pretty lucky so far, but I think my current DD will take me a few years if I’m lucky.

>Longest search you've had for something? What was it?
My current DD which is on its way to me, i was searching for it for around 5 years on and off. Actually did purchase it once but the seller flaked.

>Do you have any tips you want to share with others?
Sometimes it’s just luck.

>Do you look at LM history for previous buyers of an item you want?
Yes because I’m curious at the price it previously sold for. If it has been sold before on LM, that is.

>Would it bother you if someone DM'd you about a past purchase?
I’ve had a few people do this on LM, and while I admire their efforts I’ve never sold to them, just kept the dress.

>> No.10446657

>Have you been lucky with your wishlist?
>Longest search you've had for something? What was it?
Maybe like 2 years, maybe its a blessing or a curse (on my wallet) but a lot of things i want show up easily
>Do you have any tips you want to share with others?
Always have money saved up, you never know when something will show up
>Do you look at LM history for previous buyers of an item you want?
Yes, but mostly because if I see something i want ended uo being bought by someone in the country i live in it gives me more hope
>Would it bother you if someone DM'd you about a past purchase?

>> No.10446666 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 800x450, me in the middle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please consider joining our biscord. We are looking for more frens who are into lolita and j-fashion. 7tjuh9

>> No.10446669

> frens

No thanks retard

>> No.10446671

>satanic quads
Don't mind if I do.

>> No.10446676

Anon, are you a fellow Blossom Princess lover?!

The JSK in white was my dream dress and it was very hard to find. I never see anyone talking about it or wearing it. The black JSK always pops up and the pink I've seen maybe 3 or 4 listings.

I searched ~2.5 years and was able to grab it on a Mercari/Fril listing for around $120 and I was ecstatic. I think it helped that the seller didn't list it by name and only tagged it "Angelic Pretty."

If it is one of your dream dresses, good luck!

>> No.10446899

This is a thinly veiled bait thread to continue the sperging from the bst thread.

>> No.10446912

This isn't so bad, they would have derailed the new bst again otherwise.

>Actually did purchase it once but the seller flaked
That's the worst anon but glad you were able to get it finally! 5 years is a lifetime, is the dress massively unpopular?

>> No.10446919 [DELETED] 

For those who are curious the anon who’s actions started this thread bought honeycake from rainies and currently has no feedback.

>> No.10446922

>Have you been lucky with your wishlist?
for the most part, yes. i have about 15 items on my top priority wishlist and have found about 5 pieces from it. i only started wearing lolita this year btw. it is wayyy easier to find printed pieces tho. im still looking for rose dress up!
>Longest search you've had for something? What was it?
my longest search is for the dress im currently in search of, romantic rose letter op in lavender. im saving up for it and looking for it at the same time.
>Do you have any tips you want to share with others?
i prefer shopping on japanese secondhand sites, but keeping saved searches of all your wishlist pieces on lace market really helps!
>Do you look at LM history for previous buyers of an item you want?
i do, but it's only to see if they decide to relist it. i don't pm anyone thats creepy lol
>Would it bother you if someone DM'd you about a past purchase?
yes it would!!! there is 0 reason for anyone to dm about a dress unless the owner has specifically stated that they are thinking of selling it

>> No.10446924


Nobody even said it was Rainies for sure though? They just said a "shop" type account. That could be any number of accounts that resell high volumes of clothes.

>> No.10446930

>Have you been lucky with your wishlist?
Only a little bit. I have about 15 pieces on my wishlist and I’ve only gotten three so far.
>Longest search you've had for something? What was it?
The Hinaichigo OP by Innocent World, been looking for it on and off since 2015, and it just so happens to pop up every time I’m not looking for it.
>Do you have any tips you want to share with others?
Make an email and drop your wishlist in the dream dress thread. It’s honestly helped so much to have other people looking for you as well, especially if you don’t frequent the Japanese secondhand market.
>Do you look at LM history for previous buyers of an item you want?
Just to see what it’s been sold for so I can get an idea of what price range I’ll need to save up for.
>Would it bother you if someone DM'd you about a past purchase?
Nah, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. I just say no and move on.

>> No.10446932

>Do you look at LM history for previous buyers of an item you want?

This question is tricky because I (and most others itt it seems) are just looking for the item itself to see past listings to see how often it's been sold, search terms to use, what condition you can usually find it in, lolibrary links if current listings don't have any, etc., not neccesarily a person's past purchases or to know the buyer specifically. Like, I'm looking for previous instances of the ITEM, not the buyer. I don't care who bought it but usually want more photos or info about the piece itself that can be found in past listings.

>> No.10446943

OP was just thinking about what triggered her in the other thread so she didn't consider that there are several reasons.

>> No.10446966

>Have you been lucky with your wishlist?
With dresses, yes. With accessories, not so much. I have a lot of headdresses I’m looking for, either to go with a certain dress or that are just otherwise really cute, and they never pop up for sale.
>Longest search you've had for something? What was it?
It took me about six years to track down the white Toy Fantasy OP, which was one of my two top-tier dream dresses. I’m also going on eight years searching for the Whimsical Vanilla-chan tiered JSK in pink or mint.
>Do you have any tips you want to share with others?
Constantly check every single place you can think of. Also, if something seems like too good of a deal to be true, but you can spare the money for it, go for it anyway. I’ve gotten really good deals on pieces this way, like $30 for Sugary Carnival and $70 for Milky Planet by being willing to take the risk. As long as you use PayPal, if it never shows up you’ll be able to get refunded.
>Do you look at LM history for previous buyers of an item you want?
Only to check on pricing or if the item has ever even been sold on the Western secondhand market.
>Would it bother you if someone DM'd you about a past purchase?
Yes. I’ve had this happen multiple times and find it pretty rude. I recently had someone DM me asking me to sell the headdress to the dress I had most recently posted a picture wearing, which got under my skin. I don’t mind messaging someone who I know wants an item if I decide to sell it, or giving people links to wishlist pieces, but I really think it’s rude to ask someone, especially a stranger, to sell you something they’ve given no indication they want to get rid of.

>> No.10446971

Sorry for my dump question but how can you see the LM history?

>> No.10446973

Google the item name and lacemarket.
Also check the images section and those lead to the pages too.

>> No.10446979

Why are you google searching...? Are people really this computer-illiterate?

You can do an item history search directly on LM.

Advanced Search -> Show Advanced Filters -> Auction Status: "Both Active and Completed"

Sort it by date, and ta-da.

>> No.10446984

>Have you been lucky with your wishlist?
Fairly lucky, yes! I'm down to one dress on my primary wishlist. I just have a couple other dresses I low key want
>Longest search you've had for something? What was it?
Meta's apprentice sorcerer capelet. I started buying lot lolita right when it was out and had sold out since then
>Do you have any tips you want to share with others?
be patient and dont give up?
>Do you look at LM history for previous buyers of an item you want?
I have once. They only ever bought that item and never logged back in again.
>Would it bother you if someone DM'd you about a past purchase?
Not really, it's happened before with an aatp witch hat. As long as theyre polite and accept "no"

>> No.10446993

>Have you been lucky with your wishlist?
I'm chipping away at it, found all my dream dresses but one, have 20ish "wishlist" pieces I'm low-key looking for.
>Longest search you've had for something? What was it?
Probably Apple jsk, I've liked it for over 10 years and I've been actively searching for it for over 5.
>Do you have any tips you want to share with others?
Save searches for your favourite brands on Japanese websites, Xianyu and LM, sorted by new. Consult them regularly. Let your friends and lolita groups know about your wishlist in case they spot your DD in the wild, and offer to do the same for theirs.
>Do you look at LM history for previous buyers of an item you want?
No, I look for previous sold prices and also to see how the item looks in proof pictures.
>Would it bother you if someone DM'd you about a past purchase?
Yes, i find that rude and invasive. Also we had a problem in my comm of a girl stalking other comm members to get them to sell stuff to her and trying to use people in other countries to circumvent people refusing to sell to her, so because of that it really rubs me the wrong way.

>> No.10447404
File: 57 KB, 500x600, r_ap_HoneyCake2019_JSK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Have you been lucky with your wishlist?
Incredibly!! I have a sizable wishlist but I've found both of my ultimate dreamies within about a year and a half of discovering and falling in love with them. Both of them were sold to me by lolitas I really admire who remembered I wanted them and actually reached out to me before listing them anywhere to see if I still wanted them. They have added sentimental value for this reason.

>>Longest search you've had for something? What was it?
Probably Honey Cake. I loved the print since I first started and I got the MTO 4 years later. That quest had a bit of an anticlimactic ending considering all the changes though.

>>Do you have any tips you want to share with others?
Sadly no since mine were obtained through sheer luck, but I have found some other dresses I wanted just by checking sales sites. Always be checking sales sites.

>>Do you look at LM history for previous buyers of an item you want?
I've looked up some history for items but only in the hopes of finding worn pictures. I've only done this for the less-often-worn dresses I want and I do it only for the pictures, not to ask them to sell stuff to me

>>Would it bother you if someone DM'd you about a past purchase?
Nah, it's not hard to tell them no and/or ignore them if they keep insisting. Plus, in the event I ever decide to sell something, I will know that I've already got a guaranteed buyer.

>> No.10447413

It is one of my DD. Thank you for the wishes, that’s very kind. I think I’ll keep my eye on fril more than usual

>> No.10451518

I have found all of my dream dresses, even one that is extremely rare (only showed up twice in 10 years) by messaging people on twitter and lacemarket. I've also sold someone her dream dress that initially wasn't for sale this way. I know cgl hates this but it's obviously worked. You need to be willing to pay extra though.

>> No.10451519

Agreed, but still fuck you for bumping this bait thread.

>> No.10451522

How is this a bait thread?