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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 60 KB, 398x600, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10420584 No.10420584 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't there more male sexy cosplayers?

>> No.10420585

Because women don't pay men to make them moist

>> No.10420587

Because gay guys are the main market for that.

>> No.10420608


>> No.10420633

There are, they're just not as advertised or as known if they don't have a narcissistic loud personality and because titties sell more.

>> No.10420634

1 - it's not that big a market to tap into
2 - plenty of male cosplayers aren't gay themselves and may not like the idea of basically doing softcore gay erotic shoots, which let's be honest, is very much what sexy cosplay is

>> No.10420635

Pretty much this, I'd also add that there just aren't enough women that want to pay for male cosplay pics, compared to guys

>> No.10420673

Because I get more attention doing crossplays. And it's more fun.

>> No.10420675
File: 509 KB, 1486x2048, 1560880867502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because being sexy takes work and skills. You need to be fit which takes months if not years of effort and know how to do makeup and hair. There IS a demand for sexy cosplay men but there are just not enough men to actually do it. Not only that, women are less likely going to pay for it so that kills the incentive for men thotting it up.

>> No.10420676

Women's fashion and costumes are just more varied and interesting.

>> No.10420678

Because hot cosplay guys care more about fucking chicks at cons than whoring themself online

>> No.10420680

Not to mention, the ultrafit and buffstethic guys are often more interested in weightlifting, martial arts or bodybuilding cuz, y'know, every minute spent at the gym is a minute you're not spending watching anime or playing vidya.

>> No.10420737


I can confirm that. I mean, I really love cosplaying and going to cons. But one of my main goals when I cosplay (if I am single) is to pick up another cosplayer

btw sexy cosplayer ≠ buff

>> No.10420754

Being /fit/ takes years of work, friend

>> No.10420847

Because men are lazy af, ever since I've gotten into the local hero scene it's become obvious that yes, women will throw money at men they're thirsty for if the man puts in the effort to be appealing.

>> No.10420848

I personally end up not having enough time to work on cosplay, work on my body, and work a full time job so I can afford to do both of the first two.

This year is slightly different because working from home means less time for me to do anything but the day job because I’m a workaholic.

One of these years I’ll be sexy, I hope. :(

>> No.10420899

It's harder for men to be 'appealing'. Since for women, there is a man for every fetish imaginable and appealing to "big tits, small waist" involves at most, some dieting, pushup bras, compression garments and some makeup.

You can't fake muscle and that shit requires a minimum year of dedication to get to hero proportions if you were gentically gifted to start with.

>> No.10420950

anon, I'm following a dude whose entire damn gimmick is having an attractive voice and wearing a well made helmet and he makes a living out of it.

Again, all it takes is putting some effort to fill a niche - whether it be being hot, being charming, being funny, being good craftsmen. Men being more willing to throw money at below average women doesn't make it impossible for men.

>> No.10421001

And have you thrown any money at him?

also post dude

>> No.10421013

this is your brain on fit faggotry.

>> No.10421020

This is your brain as a woman.

>> No.10421029
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He's not wrong
No, that's the brain of someone that doesn't understand fitness. To be fair, all you need is to be DYEL, airbrush your muscles and Photoshop the rest just like female cosplayers do. Either way, effort is required.

>> No.10421030
File: 402 KB, 1315x740, Big-Lenny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP if you have shitty pec insertions or shitty abs because there's not even surgery that exists to fix that shit.

At least females can scuplt their bodies to whatever with surgery if all else fails. If you end up with shitty muscle bellies and insertions, you're completely fucked.

>> No.10421031

yea and women pay for hungry skeletons

>> No.10421032

Name one guy who is a Hungarian Skellington who doesn't have at least a 9/10 face and makes a good living off of women's donations in the cosplay community.

>> No.10421033

muscles don't replace the face

>> No.10421040
File: 489 KB, 1536x2048, 20200624_004450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have bought his merch, yes. For reference, he sounds like this, and the fact that he has an entire video of him wishing good night says all you need to know about his business model: https://youtu.be/fZvDQohR2Ow

>> No.10421041

women making money off cosplay have decent faces too... i haven't seen any total butterfaces making bank. so what's your point

>> No.10421045

Oh shit. Never heard of this guy but he just gained a new fan.

>> No.10421048
File: 401 KB, 2048x1365, 20200624_010515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can look him up as 修羅王丸. His streams are extremely fun if you can understand japanese, he's very self aware about the whole thing.

>> No.10421049


>> No.10421050

Thanks sis, I love voice shit and I love toku shit

>> No.10421051

So he's like an ASMR channel almost?

>> No.10421052
File: 26 KB, 640x394, Mariah-Mallad-640x394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she has a decent face. not ugly, just average and meh.

>> No.10421054

I'd say it works for him because it's a combination of both, he stands out from an asmr channel because he's also a local hero, he stands out from other local heroes because he sounds like that.

But to my original point about him, he could be ugly as sin under the helmet, or be skinnyfat under the suit, and it would make absolutely no difference for what he does.

>> No.10421059

I can respect that. So he's employed by Fukoaka city to be an entertainer/role model?

>> No.10421061

Don't you know? Male sexuality is strictly forbidden on seagull.

>> No.10421062

Local heroes are mostly unofficial (though some are backed by big brands. I don't consider those relevant to the thread because they are most likely to be actual actors) . Right now he's an ambassador to the kokura castle, but he's not actually employed by the city itself.

>> No.10421066


>> No.10421067

god damn that guy is jacked! literal /fit/ god

>> No.10421087

But body builders are ugly.

>> No.10421092

But body builder just defines someone who engages in bodybuilding. It doesn't define a body type.

>> No.10421102
File: 1.99 MB, 448x252, 1591603433346.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, when I google "bodybuilder" it seems to give a consistant body type.

>> No.10421111

Google is not the definite law on the definition of body builder. All bodybuilders have individual goals.

>> No.10421112

Butterface means they have a good body. Momokun is a walking botched ad

>> No.10421116

Just photoshop the shit out of your face

>> No.10421142

You clearly have not been on /fit/ then

>> No.10421197
File: 1.34 MB, 992x992, 1588299100327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there's one niche people will pay for content, it's on Tokusatsu stuff. Especially because content is scarce. Search up for Volt Cobalt on Twitter - he has a custom Ranger-esque suit and he does tons of spicy photoshoots where he's put in 'sentai peril' situations.

>> No.10421210
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>> No.10421211

Those fanbox prices, hot damn.

It's still a higher barrier of entry than "photos of girl in lingerie", but it's a very clear example of men earning money.

>> No.10421269

¥plastic chain

>> No.10421302

>ITT lazy guys make excuses as usual

>> No.10421478

We have to actually put effort into being sexy. We also have to work harder because we don't have the luxury of getting handed stuff like women do. I'm tall, thin, and eat healthy, but there's no way that I can possibly have a sexy body when I'm barely keeping my shit together day by day.

>> No.10421483

>actually fit without 'roids

>> No.10421490

clearly the answer is that you need to get into toku and let other men manhandle you.

>> No.10421496

This. Especially the manhandling part.

>> No.10421534

I have no idea what that is.

>> No.10421535

so you just posted without even attempting to read the thread in which we have been discussing the various ways in which non /fit/ men make money through cosplay and cosplay-adjacent activities? one of which is tokusatsu?

>> No.10421630

Of course not. I didn't come here to look for income ideas, I came here to address the issue of sexy men in cosplay.

>> No.10421633

>We have to actually put effort into being sexy.
have you heard of makeup? shapewear? shaving body hair? women do a fuckton more than men to stay looking good, ya goof

>> No.10421639

Women say they do those things for themselves, and those are still not necessary for men to find them attractive.

>> No.10421641
File: 81 KB, 500x712, tumblr_p0nyq94Cle1sc31yro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the other anon but suited up masked hero characters. I feel like there are more adult women into this series than men from all the fanart you find on it. You don't have to show your body or face with these but you damn well better have a good suit/mask/character

>> No.10421644
File: 160 KB, 1620x1080, D0Lc0QxUwAgCWFd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like >>10421641 said, you don't have to show your body or face (and the suit can be commissioned, so you don't even need crafting skills). "Income" was brought up because it's a quantitative measure of the fact that they *are* considered attractive enough to be given money to.

>> No.10421655

>Women say they do those things for themselves
we all know that's a lie

>and those are still not necessary for men to find them attractive
yes it is. men are often shocked and disgusted when they finally see their gf without makeup

>> No.10421657

Pretty much this.
I've been lifting for cosplay for a year and a half now (if you include COVID home workouts) and I still won't be in proper superheroic shape until this year's Youmacon if I'm LUCKY.

But I'm 6'8" and have a traditionally handsome face, so I may go the OnlyFans route.

I'm really just in it to cosplay All Might though. I don't really care about money. I make plenty at my day job.

>> No.10421660


>> No.10421762

>dem bulgy veins

>> No.10421774
File: 19 KB, 307x212, 1543106308491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

death by snu snu

>> No.10421775

Because God has abandoned us.

>> No.10421786

Yeah. That's why I'm cosplaying All Might

>> No.10421797
File: 79 KB, 640x640, MV5BNjNjNTZlZDgtODUzNS00Njg3LTliYjctZTg2OTZjNTRhOTQyXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjQwMDg0Ng@@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At 6'8" my king you're gonna need some steroids to be All Might. There's just no two ways about it.

Ritchers is the tallest 'professional' bodybuilder at 7'2" but at his height and despite all of his training, he still looks like just a dude who likes go to the gym for fun. Not seriously ripped like All Might or Louis Armstrong.

>> No.10421902


>> No.10422062


>> No.10422112
File: 110 KB, 372x512, IMG_8603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How common is it for gay men to simp/throw money at their crushes compared to straight guys?

>> No.10422115

Good question but judging by the rate men in general pay for anything porn related, gay or not, it may not be as as much as women since homosexuality is still a minority but it's gotta be more than women paying for men. I have no clue where to find such information.

>> No.10422211

In my local currency his cheapest tier is pretty acessible. I supported him for like three months. The photo quality is pretty great.

And by the way, when it comes down to Tokusatsu erotic content, the more you keep the suit on, the better. A lot of people pretty much demand the guy stay clothed as much as possible.

>> No.10422228

Meanwhile women just need to look average and can have the personality of a log. And still get hundreds of options for partners online

>> No.10422242

So? Instead of bitching about not getting attention and money for doing nothing, take care of your face and body and maybe you’ll get lucky.

>> No.10422293

that's not the fault of the women so much as it is the thirsty scrotes who follow them

>> No.10422307

Can't help that men are thirsty sluts.

>> No.10422308

Lol that's thinking with a dick

>> No.10422357

Because being visibly hot as a guy (especially shirtless etc.) requires both good genes and insane amounts of work. Comparatively women can be sorta pretty, not eat like complete shit and do squats now and then and they'd be ahead of the crowd by miles.

>> No.10422526

Makeup too, don't forget the makeup.

>> No.10422587

I've been considering it.
I bulked like a madman thru 2019, though. Put on a lot of mass. But not enough. Yet.

Currently on a cut.

>> No.10422598

This and very good if the guy look naturally feminine/androgynous.

>> No.10422996

I think it’s less that there’s a higher standard for men but that when it comes to men who meet that minimum level, women seem to just be pickier.

I’m a gay guy, though, so I could be wrong. I don’t really know of any male cosplayers I find hot, either.

>> No.10423000

Have you ever heard of the phrase "butter face"?

>> No.10423040

What a time to be alive if your last name is Frankenstein.

>> No.10423056

You can get peck implants

>> No.10423060


>> No.10423109
File: 158 KB, 673x749, 1581497356947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen here u little ccumslut

>> No.10423137

same reason there aren't any sexy female cosplayers
years of ugly women in makeup and plastic have turned the genepool to shit
also fujoshits are gross and annoying to deal with

>> No.10423138

Woman being sexy: just hang tits out, even if you are a lard like momokun you'll still get paid out the ass by horny simps.
Man being sexy: spend 6-12 hours a day in the gym, strict diet, good genes. Women will not pay you and gays are stingy because they can get laid in 2 seconds.

>> No.10423152

Fujoshits? I'm guessing you mean the ones that cross play. You better not be one of those anons that call every female anime fan a "fujo".

>> No.10423429


>spend 6-12 hours a day in the gym
Do you even exercise? At most you need to train 2 hours, 6 days a week (even then, that might be too much since recovery days are vital for overreaching instead of overtraining) or you just 'roid

>strict diet
It's not strict if you actually enjoy it. You should aim to have a healthier lifestyle that you can do for years, not just a diet.Even when you're cutting, it's not the end of the world if you eat at a small caloric surplus

>good genes
This is the only one that I agree with but,even then, you can easily just shoop yourself to oblivion and back, just like every other cos-thot and utilities good angles and lighting

>> No.10423446

>pec implants

Have you seen the average pec impact? It looks more like a breast implant than actual muscled pecs. In addition, muscle has to be proportionate to the rest of your body. Boobs can generally be whatever size (bigger the better) and it doesn't matter how big or small the girl is, it will look fine. If you have massive pecs, and you undergo some slimming down, you're gonna look like a freak.

>> No.10423531

>muscle needs to be proportional
Lmao no cope harder, I love huge pecks and I think peck implants look good. Go check out some bara sometime nerd

>> No.10423572
File: 122 KB, 615x1264, male-pectoral-implants-dr-gershenbaum-301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks fine to me

>> No.10423599

Nayrt but that guy already had some muscle before he got the surgery. If a skelly got these implants, he would look stupid

>> No.10423617

So then get smaller implants and get other muscle implants to go with it, they can sculpt a 6 pack for you

>> No.10423645

There's a bunch of evidence that women have higher standards for men's appearances than the other way around (for example see that survey of ratings that iirc okcupid? tinder? did a couple of years ago. The difference was stark)

>> No.10423648

My favorite part about this response here is that despite shifting the goalposts, it's STILL way harder than what women have to do to be considered hot. You haven't proved anything

>> No.10423659

I don't disagree that it's harder for men. I literally just said that you can't just get implants and that a skelly needs to put in the work to get some degree of muscle

>> No.10423703

This. Im considered sexy, but its not a market like sexy women are.

>> No.10423740

Ayrt and yeah, I remember reading that and it was really interesting.

That was in a dating context though so I wonder how that changes when someone doesn’t have to potentially directly interact with the person.

>> No.10423808

but there's also that study showing that men of all ages find 20 year old women to be the most attractive, while women find their own age to be the most attractive. just remembering that makes me wanna vomit

>> No.10423910

Spoken like a true woman

>All these bodybuilders wasting away thousands of hours in the gym, food prep. Wasting potentially tens of thousands of dollars on steroids
>Just get surgery lmao

Yeah it doesn't work nearly as well as you think and guys who get these surgeries are extremely obvious.

>Hmm guy with abs and pecs but zero mass or definition in every other part of his body
Not only does it look fake as fuck it also looks fucking hilarious. See pic. Male implants are no where near the level of development female implants are. Part of the allure of a muscled body is the effort and dedication put into it, it shows perseverance and strength. It's not a purely physical appeal. I'm sure for a girl the fact that the guy is probably weak ruins the appeal of muscles.

>> No.10423914

>men find the peak of the mountain and declare this to be the mountain peak
>women don't like that another woman is on the mountain peak so they declare that where they are standing is the mountain peak

I think a form of female jealousy is skewing that data hard. I remember reading a study where male and female academics had to read an essay.

When the author was given a female name, other females rated the essay of lower quality. When a picture of a models face was put next to essay and said to be the author, they scored the essay even lower.

>> No.10423916
File: 25 KB, 490x408, images.jpeg-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see pic
Doesnt attach pic. I'm retarded

>> No.10423940
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>> No.10423974

What score did male readers give the model?

>> No.10423985

You can cry all you like and hate women all you like. At the end of the day you only live for pussy and you will never be able to shake the need for female attention as long you are straight.

>> No.10423993

oh shit i knew this guy lol
a thirsty lad lmao

>> No.10424006

I think the differences were statistically insignificant but the entire study was aimed at looking if female jealousy exists and to what extent.

>> No.10424008

I should clarify, the differing responses of males in each of the circumstances was insignificant, not the difference between male and female responses.

>> No.10424157

This topic gets brought up like every other month, no? OP chose a picture that is uh whatever, lmao. Shirtless with muscles isn't automatically sexy.

>> No.10424633

Then what is?

>> No.10424642

>sexy cosplayer ≠ buff

>> No.10424969
File: 8 KB, 193x250, mariah_mallad___momokun___bigger_belly_by_fatcartoonlover_dc21ric-250t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats with surgery
heres without

>> No.10424970
File: 120 KB, 500x608, images-about-momokun-on-instagram-50987518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just look up her cow cosplays before she got lipo and chin lipo

>> No.10424971

Varies per girl. Just like some men like sticc and some men like thicc some women like abs and some women like deep voices.

>> No.10425211

that's not quite how it works, most non-professionals spend a couple hours a day 6 days a week max

>> No.10425214

big lenny did that to himself to be fair

>> No.10425568

>tfw sticc with deep voice

Its fucked.

>> No.10425575

that can still be a turn on depending on your general look. feminine looking guys with deep voices freak me out lol

>> No.10425579


>> No.10425586

Got told by a seagull over discord I look
> "normie imo i could both see you getting lots of girls as a chad football player but also see you being an incel loner school shooter type"

>> No.10425592

considering how salty seagulls are, that's a pretty good compliment

>> No.10425613

is it? it basically is just saying they have charisma but also are autistic.

>> No.10425615

Don't let it fool you, I'm a complete shut-in. Not going to be meeting girls in general.

>> No.10425709

and this is with at least test, probably hgh and insulin

>> No.10425754

You should appeal to people with a tall fetish. You'll make a decent amount of money. And rip your grocery bills, i don't want to imagine how much food you would need to maintain a muscular build.

>> No.10426450

/fit/ here, completely this. You can notice it's full of nu-fags too, since they genuinely think roided bodies take 'only months' as a natural. Huge disconnect going on and many more non-lifters than before.

>> No.10426532
File: 221 KB, 720x1115, da boards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's always nice to see something relevant to several boards

>> No.10426574

/trv/ no!

>> No.10426670
File: 54 KB, 682x960, after work.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why aren't there more male sexy cosplayers?

Because society only tolerates men being "cute" to a certain degree before we have to do real work and get a job.

>> No.10426677

Maybe when men find it ok to properly groom themselves, use make up, work out, and expand their fashion from graphic t shirts and ill fitted suits

>> No.10426896

>sexy cosplayer ≠ buff
Oh so you have terrible taste then.

>> No.10426903

what's the original comic?

>> No.10426959

>Use makeup

Nah. I do all the other things but make up is solely for fags, grannies and women. I take care of my skin and its blemish free, makeup makes you look like you're gay.

>> No.10426960


Lmao trannies*

>> No.10426961

I was about to ask if you didn't consider grannies to be women

>> No.10426972
File: 430 KB, 2304x1536, 0_X-cby4YSmo092Nvp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do know movie actors wear makeup right? There is such thing as no makeup, make up.

>> No.10426974
File: 35 KB, 640x480, Before-After.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10426975

i guarantee some concealer for your undereyes and some light foundation will not make you "look gay." it'll look like it's natural

>> No.10426979

That's part of their profession. No one in their right mind thinks if doing it as part of your profession is gay.

>> No.10427019

Doing it outside of your profession isn't gay either. All "gay" is being attracted to the same sex. Thinking like this is part of the problem why men are so insecure about their looks and taking care of themselves, for fear of others calling them "gay."

>> No.10427035

That's naive. Gay has an entire sub-culture and an attitude. There is a good reason you can easily tell who is gay even if they are not effeminate and flamboyant.

I take care of myself without putting makeup on. These are not mutually exclusive ideas.

>> No.10427056

>Gay has an entire sub-culture and an attitude. There is a good reason you can easily tell who is gay even if they are not effeminate and flamboyant.

Yes and makeup isn't one of those factors, especially the kind that is just meant to clear up your face and bring out your features. I'm not telling you to go and wear makeup if you don't want to but claiming that a man is gay if he wears makeup is just wrong and continues a stereotype. Because just like women, men can have irreversible scarring and discoloration that they would like to get rid of just like women do ESPECIALLY in cosplay. It's part of why "sexy" male cosplayers aren't as abundant (among other factors.) It's just like the type of girl cosplayer that chooses not to wear a wig and barely style their hair and come out looking like a hot mess.

>> No.10427068

Stereotypes are based in truth. If you have genuine medical ailments to cover, then hey sure. But if you have naturally clear skin, it's vapid as a man to use makeup.

>> No.10427072
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Whatever you say, believe what you want.

>> No.10427083

the Boys

>> No.10427084
File: 470 KB, 1659x2196, IMG_20190617_204158025~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about cosplaying some silent Hill Characters, but not really anything 'sexy'

I've thought about doing some Bishonen looking stuff for anime cosplay, not really going to take my shirt off, maybe wear a loose collared shirt and do a character from Psycho pass, but I'm a westerner with green eyes, so maybe I should cosplay anime characters that are Caucasian like Eren Jeager, I'm 5'9, so could probably cosplay teenage, or Shonen characters, too bad that a lot of my favorite Seinen characters are all 6'+ and I don't really want to look like someone took a shrink ray to inspector kogami lol

>> No.10427092

>cosplaying some silent Hill Characters, but not really anything 'sexy'
yeah, but nothing in Silent Hill is sexy anyway

>> No.10427095

You know we have a suggestion thread right? As for height, just wear platform shoes or take pictures at angles that make you look taller.

>> No.10427097
File: 39 KB, 307x500, pyramid_head_version_2_0_by_akushin_d26i8rg-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely you jest? Pic related isn't exactly my cup of tea but I remember girls and boys alike getting off to these two character the most.

>> No.10427099

Excuse you? I’ll have you know Pyramid Head has one fine ass and torso.

>> No.10427103
File: 69 KB, 986x555, EbDcDxkWAAM-eUV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10427104

I know, I'm just saying that the characters I'd cosplay aren't magic Mike shirtless male stripper sexual cosplays.

>> No.10427112

A fellow DBD player? They nerfed his ass in game and I am so sad...

>> No.10427135

>p-p-putting on makeup would make me look GAY guys!!1!
>that’s why i have to put no effort into my face when i cosplay, otherwise people would think i’m GAY
kek, stay ugly faggot. this is why you’re not one of the sexy male cosplayers this thread talks about

>> No.10427136

Men like beauty and youth, women like power and violence.

>> No.10427137
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> women like power and violence
Good god no. Ew.

>> No.10427154

Everyday make-up versus cosplay makeup is a different thing entirely.

>> No.10427155

not violence, money. dumdum

>> No.10427163

>expecting women to know what they want

>> No.10427228

Men are to autistic to know what women want either. They only want women as holes and that conflicts with anything a woman would ever possibly want,.

>> No.10427260

I never claimed I did know what girls want. All I know it's never what they say they want.

>> No.10427281

Because most men cosplaying in 2020 are still autistic scrotes stuck in the same retarded mindset like this fucking guy >>10426959 scared his dick will rot and fall off and Jessica Nigri with a strap-on will come out of his closet and fuck him in the ass if he puts on some normal woman eyeliner instead of his male cosplay-branded Guyliner™

gee I wonder how most known internationally male cosplayers got to their point, sure did it by BEING MAN GRUG and NOT WEARING FAG MAKEUP BRUG

>> No.10427300
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>> No.10427329

Men don't know what they want either. They just let thier dick guide them and end up unhappy later.
>I wanna get a girlfriend
>achieve girlfriend
>Why am I still lonely and incomplete bros
>I hate my wife she drives be crazy
>Guess I'll just beat her into what I want

People don't know what they want.

>> No.10427363

that's not her having a decent face, that's an inch thick plate of maekup with a "face" painted onto it

>> No.10427560
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>> No.10427582
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>just work out 5 times a week every week without fail
>while having a perfect diet
>also you need to make at least 6 figures
>and if you don't have perfect facial genetics and no pimples ever then fuck off
>also you need to have confidence, but don't actually try to be confident when doing anything or thats rape
>also you need to have a well fitting and perfectly crafted cosplay that matches me interests

>just weigh less than 160 pounds and have boobs

Now you see why?
>b-but that's mens fault for being easy
Yes. Thats why its easy to be a sexy female cosplayer and why men don't give a fuck.

>> No.10427583

>>also you need to make at least 6 figures
What does that have to do with cosplay? It's not that expensive.
>and if you don't have perfect facial genetics and no pimples ever then fuck off
Learn skincare or wear a mask.
>also you need to have confidence, but don't actually try to be confident when doing anything or thats rape
>also you need to have a well fitting and perfectly crafted cosplay that matches me interests
Yes, that is the goal of cosplay I'm general

I think you have this thread topic confused with dating potential. For that you might want to check out /r9k/ or /adv/

>> No.10427586

the only one that can debatable be thrown out is money.
>but skincare and masks!
Not something men learn to do naturally and expecting them to do it means an extra hurdle for them since its not a natural skill. Women learn makeup for their daily life. 99% of men will never touch it.
>how's confidence matter?!
You're retarded if you don't think confidence plays a part in posing or carrying yourself.
>thats the goal
Not for female cosplayers who can just wear a yellow bikini and Pikachu ears.

Not everyone who tells you why men don't care about wasting their time is from /r9k/. The simple fact of the matter is the barrier for men is much larger than it is for women. And just because youre a fat land whale doesn't mean its hard to lose weight

>> No.10427587

>Because most people cosplaying in 2020 are still autistic scrotes stuck in the same retarded mindset

Fixed that for you.

>> No.10427604

>also you need to have confidence, but don't actually try to be confident when doing anything or thats rape

lolwhat if you can't flirt with women without taking a hint when they're uncomfortable or uninterested that's your problem

>> No.10427623

>Women learn makeup for their daily life.
It's men's fault for thinking make up is gay and if it was a ""natural skill"" we wouldn't have bad make up threads.

Seriously, your biggest barrier of entry if being this fucking obtuse.

>> No.10427627

You don't give a fuck about cosplay. You're just looking for an excuse to whinge about being unlucky in love. Go look in the self post thread. A lot of those men (no offence to them) aren't exactly 9/10s, but the most important thing is that they are enjoying themselves and they are proud of what they created. Not everything is about making money, it's about showing your passion for craftsmanship and respecting a series you love. Calling a sex worker in pikachu ears are fucking cosplayer already suggests that you don't deserve to be taken seriously.

>> No.10427633

>Women learn makeup for their daily life. 99% of men will never touch it.
I didn't learn makeup until I was in my early 20s specifically for cosplay and today we have tons of makeup gurus who are men. I didn't even mention makeup, I said skincare and masks so I don't know why you brought it up.
By your logic, men usually are a whole lot better at crafting armor and helmets. Weapons too. Sorry but this point sounds like an excuse.
>You're retarded if you don't think confidence plays a part in posing or carrying yourself.
Your whole post screeched as if was a topic about dating and that is always a common thing men say. In cosplay however, you litterally don't have to be. You can be home alone, pose, take pictures, fix them up and post them online. Your personal life and how you carry yourself has little to do with it.
>Not for female cosplayers who can just wear a yellow bikini and Pikachu ears.
Do you know where you are? We mock those type of cosplays (and lolitas) here and only simps defend them because actual construction is valued more than tits.

>> No.10427649

Yeah okay, but are those "sexy" cosplayers or just cosplayers?

>> No.10427650

>why aren't there more sexy male cosplays?
>gets told why
>no that's wrong! men should just change their entire personality and way of life to dress up as anime characters to get me wet!
>its not possible that my standards might be too high, its just that all the men are too ugly and lazy

>> No.10427655
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Why don't we make this thread productive and actually post some sexy cosplays? I like the genderswaps.

>> No.10427656
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>> No.10427658
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>> No.10427661
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>> No.10427662
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For the low effort types.

>> No.10427663
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>> No.10427664
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>> No.10427665
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>> No.10427670
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>> No.10427671
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>> No.10427672
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>> No.10427675
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>> No.10427680
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>> No.10427685
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For the Toku lover anon up thread

>> No.10427686
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>> No.10427687
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Okay to be fair I just like this guy a lot too. That voice.

>> No.10427688
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>> No.10427689
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He's not my cup of tea but there was a Zangief in my city who would go to the bars and events in his cosplay and girls were all over him. Rubbing his belly, giving him a hug, etc. So this goes out to the bear lovers. Pic related is not him, just similar to his body type

>> No.10427691
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>> No.10427692
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This is adorable

>> No.10427695
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And here's a trap.

>> No.10427712

By the way, he finally opened a shop of his own and you get one guess at what he's selling while he waits for physical merch to be made: https://shuraomaru.stores.jp/

(surprise, it's voice clips)

>> No.10427717
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>> No.10427801
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Oh my dick.
I would certainly attempt a healthy flirt with him. I'm pic related
I love gender swaps like that.

>> No.10427804

I'm not the quoted one, but I'd pay for a course about picking up cues and tips about flirting.

>> No.10427809
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Oh goodness

>> No.10427823
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>You do know movie actors wear makeup right? There is such thing as no makeup, make up.
How can a man learn this no makeup, makeup?

>no that's wrong! men should just change their entire personality and way of life to dress up as anime characters to get me wet!
>its not possible that my standards might be too high, its just that all the men are too ugly and lazy
Your mistake is assuming that op is a woman and not a man trying to be as attractive as possible.

>> No.10427825

jesus christ. i wanna lick it.

>> No.10427830

google natural makeup tutorial

>> No.10427835

If you're not weird about it, most make up shops will actually teach you how to use the products you buy there. Go into one, tell one of the people there you have X budget to have a no make up look, and walk out knowing the basics.

Supplement with videos as needed.

>> No.10427837
File: 131 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How can a man learn this no makeup, makeup?
Like the rest of us, youtube videos.

>> No.10427844

Right? Best parts of a man's body is his torso and a squeezable ass.

>> No.10427857

Most guys don't care about their bodies.

t. Guy that doesn't care because his life is a wreck anyways

>> No.10427891
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>> No.10427907
File: 99 KB, 1024x678, https___farm1.static.flickr.com_571_22606452894_192ddaf2e2_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I just realized the real reason
why I was obsessed with Code Geass through my teens and it's making me uncomfortable.

>> No.10428101

because I don't want to go on that hard of a cut, I like my gains tyvm

>> No.10428115

The guys who most look like shit are the guys who were the popular/party animals and all that weekend drinking and "a few beers after work" finally caught up to them. Now they're all "dad bod is the new muscle hurr durr". No, you look like shit.

>> No.10428176
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>> No.10428177

I wish Inuyasha looked like that.

>> No.10428194

You can even just be honest and say "im into costuming and I need a basic no makeup look to go with that"

>> No.10428374

Because men dont want to take steroids which result in dick shrinking and accelerated baldness.

>> No.10428376

truth. i know a guy who drank like a fish and smoked weed all throughout his 20s, and now in his 30s he looks like a wrinkly pile of shit.

>> No.10428449
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>thinks the only way to get fit is steroids.

>> No.10428454

The steroid/prohormone epidemic is already crazy for youths today cause of instagram e celebs shilling their drugs and protocols to impressionable 16yos who just wanted to look better

Prolly more cases of male roid users than anorexia amongst females. I feel so bad cause they have no future when they hit their 30s and are bald and have erectile dysfunction

>> No.10428493

The whole body image ordeal is really fucked up for people. If it's not women pushed to be thin, it's men pushed to be muscle heads. Are there any male oriented body positivity groups? Or awareness spread about the misuse of steriods? The closet I can think of is the whole "chicks dig dadbods" meme but that's not exactly good either.

Come to think of it, I can't think of any male focused support groups other than unisex grouos that men happen to be a majority of.

>> No.10428500

>dick shrinking
>Accelerated baldness

The level of misinformation about steroids is fucking astounding in the general population.

>> No.10428559

Doesn't Inuyasha look like that?

>> No.10428621

Men are less likely to delude themselves with pleasant lies, there is an object of benefit In others finding you attractive so you should strive to be as attractive as possible. Fat positivity is just something that fat chicks tell each other as cope.

>> No.10428833
File: 25 KB, 290x234, 1407416172442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makeup may not make your balls fall off but for some reason all the vids on it are by gay-looking dudes. Nice video though, learned something

>> No.10428837

because it takes actual effort to be a sexy male cosplayer

>> No.10428840


>> No.10428861

you mean with long hair? What other features are you referring to?

>> No.10428863

I said body positivity. Women go through similar issues and enough have realized the problems and created support groups for each other. I'm wondering why men don't do the same if it's that bad.

>> No.10428936

Because you get men like the one you replied to that immediately go "those are just pleasant lies" and "it's just something fat chicks tell each other", for support groups for male body issues to catch on, men need to be allowed to be emotionally vulnerable without being mocked.

>> No.10428944
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>men need to be allowed to be emotionally vulnerable
For that to happen women would need to respect emotionally weak men.

>> No.10428945

They really should stop mocking each each other. If girls can do it, men can do it.

>> No.10428948

But they do. Several do. In fact a lot of women break up with their boyfriends because they are "emotionally distant." It's one of the biggest reasons women cheat as well, because they are missing an emotional connection. Men need to stop bullying each other about it. It's men hating and picking on other men for being "not manly enough."

>> No.10428954

Because men who have the time and motivation to get fit don't usually have the time to turn into a weeaboo, of any kind.

>> No.10429065

Not in my experience.
It looks like women in general don't trust emotionally open man or don't believe on them. They think all the men are brute monkeys and an emotionally open man looks suspicious af.
The moment i started opening myself up our relationship started to go down the drain. She got suspicious.
Men afaik never bullied other men by opening himself up. It happens pretty often actually to a friend opening up with me and vice versa.

>> No.10429099
File: 52 KB, 613x670, 1593855454411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not in my experience
I'm speaking in general. If you look up why women cheat or break up with them it's a very common reason. Men have a hard time being emotionally supportive because they don't know how to and was taught by their fathers to bottle up those feelings and "Be a man. Never show weakness" etc.
>Men afaik never bullied other men by opening himself up. It happens pretty often actually to a friend opening up with me and vice versa.
You must have lived in some paradise-like place because everywhere else I see men dogging on each other for showing any kind of "weakness", called gay, and then said men run to women friends to talk about it because they can't with their bros or stew in it until they kill themselves. They get called gay faggots by either thier friends, co-workers or even fathers. I'm not saying that there aren't any women that make fun of them as well but the biggest source is from other men.

>> No.10429109

Because "men" into cosplay are twink faggots who are better suited to wearing little pink dresses rather than trying to look rugged.

>> No.10429118

And 99.9% of women on this board are disgusting legbeards that won't be able to get a quality man no matter how hard they try so they become wine aunts shit posting on this site and crying about how bad men are :(

>> No.10429120


>> No.10429122

>that won't be able to get a quality man n
well, according to the men of this thread, a woman can get any man by just existing because men think exclusively with their dicks.

>> No.10429124

Yeah I can google buff cosplayer but guess what, they're outliers. Female brain is so fucking weak.

>> No.10429130

They're not wrong, but you won't get a good guy probably. You'll just get someone that pumps and dumps you or uses you as a fling. Both sexes have to go through a lot of shit to get a quality partner, assuming they're quality themselves. Women just have an infinitely easier time getting laid or picking dates because they can have the personality and appearance of a log and still attract hundreds of dudes. I know a legit 3/10 chubby nerdy girl that can get 50 matches on tinder a week.

>> No.10429135
File: 238 KB, 1277x876, EVZsE3YUMAYTiJv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> all these examples don't count because I said so.
Cry more.

>> No.10429140

>Being a man in the U.S., and around the world, too often means learning to suppress our emotional experience, so much so that we as men often lack even the language to express or understand our emotions. Some psychologists have called this alexithymia—the inability to connect with and communicate one’s emotions—and identified it as more prominent in males. Quite simply, if men can’t recognize negative or troubling emotions, and can’t or don’t seek help or talk about them, we don’t know what to do when we face them.

>> No.10429145

This is why I have a hard time viewing women as people. They want to be emotional and vocal but the second a man they're interested in shows any wavering of their confidence or self-esteem alarms set off and they abandon them. Men aren't allowed to be emotional or feeling to virtually every woman. It's both toxic masculinity and femininity. Women AND men encourage this shitty behavior largely.

It's a shame that confidence is so important in attracting women. You're not allowed to have that dip, but the woman sure can.

>> No.10429163

>We know from another study we recently carried out with Axe that young men who are bullied—including those bullied for their sexual orientation—are more likely to have depressive symptoms, a major risk factor for suicide. Bullying has distinctly male characteristics: that is, it is often carried out by young men against other young men as a way to police their behavior or their appearance and to reinforce power.

>Women are the problem

>> No.10429207

>insane amounts of work
Wouldnt say it's insane, it just takes really long if you're not on test. You'll have to lift for two years to look really good

>> No.10429210

It depends on what you're starting with. If you're skinnyfat you're going to reach your point faster than a lardass who's also going to need corrective skin surgey.

>> No.10429274

My theory is women want men to be open with their emotions so they can weed out the weak ones. If every man was forced to wear his emotions on his sleeve, the guy who likes to be an emotional girl will get shunted to the bottom of the barrel. It's honestly a clever way of screening men. Those who don't display those emotions even when encouraged too are either the most confident and self-assured or they can handle their emotions by themselves and don't cave to peer pressure.

>> No.10429277

And my theory is that's just something guys try to convince each other to believe in so they can blame women for their undesirability. Seriously, most women prefer to interact with people who are secure enough to be vulnerable with them. My male friends and I are all pretty open with each other, we'll have late night sessions just chatting about life and deep shit It's not as rare as you think it is.

>> No.10429291

That depends.
A. " I'm sad and depressed because I can't get laid I'm so lonely I need a girlfriend."
B. " I'm sad and depressed because work is piling on, my family is being retarded, and I stubbed my toe."
C. " I'm sad amd depressed because I realized that the meaning of life is all for naught. We're all caught in an endless spiral of despair and there is nothing we can do about it. There is no point in being happy I should just die."
D. " I'm sad and depressed but I see you're sad and depressed too let's talk about our issues together and work it out with each other. "
E. " I'm not sad or depressed. We fuck now. "

A is what women avoid. B is what women are fine with. C needs therapy but gains the "I can fix him!" girls. D. Is what women actually want. E is what a lot of women think they want but end up cheating on/divorcing later.

>> No.10429292
File: 31 KB, 648x960, 20708463_1861512894110161_8996182792047406977_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so you don't fucking bottle that shit up until you either kill yourselves or you kill someone else, bitch.

>> No.10429315

Your male friends are purely that, friends. You obviously do not find them attractive in a romantic or sexual sense.

I think it's fine if a person wants to neuter themselves to someone they aren't interested in to discuss their emotions.

I don't compute.

This is the problem with toxic femininity. You think that the only way to deal with emotions is to talk about them because you think that the only other alternative is to bottle them up until you explode.

A healthy man is someone who does not show emotion in the present, he bottles them up but later on by themselves thinks about the feelings, the why, the what, the how, then he comes to terms with the emotion and then let's it go.

If you want guys to deal with their emotions in a healthy way, stop trying to make them effeminate. Teach them ways they can still hold their honour and pride as a strong man and avoid self-destructive cycles. Pride/ego/honour is very important to men, being seen as a rock and pillar of strength is very important too and you wonder why men won't just unload their emotions to people.

>> No.10429317

>I don't compute
Really? Which would you choose if these same things were said by women and why? Which do you think most men will choose?

>> No.10429321

I don't know. I just deal with whatever I get dealt. All three of my past girlfriends had major medical problems and they had a lot of emotions which came with those illnesses along with other life emotions disconnected from their illnesses. I can't relate to the emotions but I just help them deal with it, whatever it may be.

My stance is women like a man who is self-confident, secure and stable. Men like women who are vulnerable, submissive and somewhat insecure.

These are general statements, everyone is different.

>> No.10429327

>stop trying to make them effeminate.
>Teach them ways they can still hold their honour and pride as a strong man and avoid self-destructive cycles.
But that require the man to talk about how he's feeling fromt the start. My husband of 12 years and I have a mutual understanding. Sometimes he's pissed and has had a hard day at work or had a fight with his friends and I listen to him. We talk about it, he used to tell me that he feels like kicking his boss's ass or say something stupid that would get him fired. After the years of being together and these talks, he rationalizes what to do himself and has gotten better with his anger issues. He does the same for me when he notices I'm quiet and huffy. He'lll tell me to come over and ask why I'm pussy and then I rant to him and feel better. I have several male friends online who come to be because I tend to be the only girl in these groups and they don't feel comfortable talking with the other guys. These are both gay, bi, straight and trans women.

If it doesn't work for YOU that's fine but in my experience, and based on studies, it works for others.

>> No.10429328

There's literal daily hair replacement threads on /fit/ from roiders, stop pretending like it's not an issue

>> No.10429330

*why I'm pissy
Ha. Pussy.

>> No.10429337

> I just deal with whatever I get dealt.
This is an issue with a lot of people both me and women. Instead of evaluating a potential partner for compatibility, men date nearly any woman that spreads her legs and women date any man that was nice to them only to find out later, due to lack of communication with each other, the relationship falls apart or end up stuck in unhappy relationships for decades.
>My stance is women like a man who is self-confident, secure and stable. Men like women who are vulnerable, submissive and somewhat insecure.
And you're right. But showing emotional connection to each other helps you both. You don't lose any "masculinity" for talking with your partner.

>> No.10429362

>t. roast beef

nobody likes ugly, muscle bound gross bald dudes with beards.

>> No.10429448

As someone has been on fraud for years. Not all steroids cause baldness. Stop being a fucking idiot. If you are using DHT based steroids you're gonna have a shit time, if you convert DHT like a bitch, you're gonna have a bad time.

Using something like EQ or var will not accelerate balding.

Shut the fuck up retard

>> No.10429453

>it works for others

I have my doubts it works en masse. Given emotional displays by men are met by women with either pity or contempt, it's not a sustainable approach.

What I meant by that statement was, if my partner is upset by something I will handle it. I can never predict what will happen to a person so it's best to just cross that bridge when you get to it.

Emotional connection has nothing to do with being a pussy. Men connect emotionally without having to have trauma bonding sessions with each other. You bond emotionally by doing a variety of things, doing activities, overcoming challenges, sharing interests etc.

Again, it's this toxic feminine idea that emotional connections means displaying weakness which can massively harm a man's ego and the outside perception of him.

>> No.10429457

>You bond emotionally by doing a variety of things, doing activities, overcoming challenges, sharing interests etc.
Which according to you, you apparently do while sitting in complete silence next to each other because feelings are for pussies.

>> No.10429464

Re-read my entire set of posts.

>> No.10429465

because paying for softcore cosplay kinda-porn when regular porn is free and easily accessible is a vulgarity only men are capable of

>> No.10429472

>if my partner is upset by something I will handle it.
Wouldn't it be nice if they did the same for you as well?
>Emotional connection has nothing to do with being a pussy. Men connect emotionally without having to have trauma bonding sessions with each other. You bond emotionally by doing a variety of things, doing activities, overcoming challenges, sharing interests etc.
Yes this is also good and similar
>Again, it's this toxic feminine idea that emotional connections means displaying weakness which can massively harm a man's ego and the outside perception of him.
No, that's what other men believe and beat into each other. That's the main argument here I'd that men keep putting each other down but you keep blaming women for it despite the provided evidence in this thread and virtually anywhere on the internet. If your male friend called you up and said " listen man, I'm going through some shit and I need to talk to someone." Would you tell him to shut up and be a man? Or would you listen to what he has to say? Or would you push him onto someone else?

>> No.10429483
File: 120 KB, 1280x1500, 123529832323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not true

>> No.10429488

Yea from one emotionally distant man to another

>> No.10429496
File: 99 KB, 1240x1754, OsTOlB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't bulk up too much, you could probably pull off a bitchin' Bondrewd.

>> No.10429524

It would be nice, but girls don't respond romantically to a guy who does that. Plus have my method which I have found works very well for me.

If my friend called me and seriously needed help, I would take it incredibly seriously because I know as men, we only ask for help when we have exhausted every other option. To throw down your mask of strength and ask for help is serious. It's not like women who vent through talking through their emotions. Men seek help when we can't find the solution to our emotions and its causing harm.

It's a woman's idea that men tell other men to man up over serious stuff. We say it about little stuff. Like you feel tired or overworked, someone insulted you or some girl is giving you grief, like man up. There's bigger shit to deal with.

If it's something extremely serious like feelings of suicide or serious trauma, I don't know any many who would say man up.

>> No.10429529
File: 64 KB, 648x486, wwi-trauma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to add there is a reason when you see men becoming sad and breaking down crying that it's very emotionally distressing for others. Because it's a rare occurrence, it's a genuine plea for help. It's serious. If a man were to do the female typical type of emotional coping, their pleas wouldn't be taken as seriously.

Like when you see footage or photos from war time and you see men/boys being terrified or in extreme distress and it's beyond heart breaking because you know it's serious.

>> No.10429928

100% true

>> No.10429932

You must not be American then. American men would rather kill themselves than properly ask for help.

>> No.10429934
File: 414 KB, 427x640, 32120959897_13337d7428_z (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like a brolita bf to be honest. A boyfriend that shares my interests and can flip between masculine and feminine for fun. He'd be my best friend and my lover.

>> No.10429935
File: 382 KB, 853x1280, p9ioyjrxcmq11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw no qt bf that can pull off a dress

>> No.10429938
File: 63 KB, 720x960, d9v4yj2-2c39353c-9494-44c4-9ff4-03151e58874c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread needs more boys cosplaying and less boys making excuses.

>> No.10429939
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>> No.10429941
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>> No.10429942
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>> No.10429943
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>> No.10429945
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>> No.10429946
File: 132 KB, 600x900, Cosplay_62846e_5587832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10429948
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>> No.10429949
File: 58 KB, 655x369, keith-kelley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10429951
File: 149 KB, 700x455, 10-best-cosplay-outfits-8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10429953
File: 165 KB, 655x369, zayan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dem tits.

>> No.10429955
File: 173 KB, 800x800, 5-PCS-Uniforms-Sexy-Men-Cowboy-Cosplay-Men-s-Sexy-Jeans-Halloween-Party-Set-Fancy-Clothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10429957
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>> No.10429958
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>> No.10429959
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>> No.10429964
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>> No.10431399

Women have lower sex drives than men so they don't really give a shit.

>> No.10431402

All Might is 7 ft2 and 700+ pounds. If you wanna look close to him, you need about 25 or more pounds of muscle.

>> No.10431405

Nobody can physiologically look like All Might. He is over 7 ft and 700+ pounds. It's physically impossible. You can have muscles similar to him but the sheer raw size? No, impossible.

>> No.10431407

young women have a lower sex drive. middle aged women are horny af

>> No.10431420

We have high sex drives, we just have way better things to do than to be pathetic simps like all men are.

>> No.10431423
File: 330 KB, 800x680, Drug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A male posted this, not a female. The very post of this thread was by a male and not a female and that's absolutely fucking pathetic.

>> No.10431431

maybe they like boy pussy

>> No.10431437

Also sad, a male wrote this.

>> No.10431440
File: 34 KB, 453x375, 1592095787040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Objectively wrong.
Females just don't. It's not in your biology. Libido is heavily influenced by Testosterone and males have more of this. Males start masturbation at earlier ages, they watch porn more often and more frequently than females. Most fictional porn is created by males.

>> No.10431443
File: 55 KB, 1024x576, 1589169925810m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't get it, the people complaining about there not being enough sexy male cosplayers are faggots, fucking homosexuals. This is simple evidence showing women just aren't as interested in sexy males as their sex drives are lower. This fucking thread proves it. The only clowns posting "sexy cosplay" aren't even fucking women, come on...

>> No.10431445

>Objectively wrong.
it's a scientific fact. women reach their sexual peak in middle age. google it

>> No.10431450

>you can't look exaclty like an anime character

Huh, no way.

>> No.10431503

>Most fictional porn is created by males.
Hahaha, keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better, mate.

>> No.10431521

>Most fictional porn is created by males
i guess the decades worth of erotic novels and fanfiction that women wrote don't exist anymore

>> No.10431525

>it's a scientific fact. women reach their sexual peak in middle age. google it

Women reach their sexual peak after hitting menopause and becoming barren? Are you sure about that anon? A woman sexual peak is between 16 and 24 when she is most fertile.

>> No.10431527

Their sex drives are still lower than males.
Yeah no shit, what are you tryna Ng to say faggot?
It is you retard, it's true. Males make porn more than females.

>> No.10431528

Yeah and that's nothing compared to all the rule 34 on the internet.

>> No.10431530

It's literally not comparable.

>> No.10431603

Lmao. Figures that a thread like this would trigger all the incels

>> No.10431707

are you and that p-chan poster the same person?

>> No.10431727
File: 83 KB, 329x512, B967E70B-37D1-450D-8C49-062328A135B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Boys by Garth Ennis. Basically superheroes are horrible assholes and a group takes them down when necessary. From what I am told the show is better.

>> No.10431730

I would agree with you, if 365 days wasn’t the number one movie on Netflix.

>> No.10431731
File: 85 KB, 960x902, E302C47A-E1F2-48DE-AF64-A686368C6919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swap Jessica with Miss Sinister, and you would have peeked my interest.

>> No.10431741
File: 183 KB, 1193x2048, DD39B1A5-4FBA-4F46-99ED-4EA15AF2BC08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10431853
File: 97 KB, 500x500, 1561401448215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm a grown woman, fujo actually. I posted various body types of men people might find attractive. Personally I like both twinks and light bara. Posted the images to try to turn the thread into something positive since the rest is bitching from boys.

>> No.10431959
File: 27 KB, 426x182, Lansha Smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, I'm a grown woman, fujo actually.
Why do you feel the need to say "grown woman"? Sounds redundant when the term "woman" is for an "adult female". I also don't fucking believe you when you say woman, prove it. Post your hands, front and back side.
>. I posted various body types of men people might find attractive.
You mean a female might find attractive, fuck what some homosexual male wants.
>Personally I like both twinks and light bara. Posted the images to try to turn the thread into something positive since the rest is bitching from boys.
You liking bara and twinks is a red flag, it makres it even less likely for me to believe you're a female. You're trans if anything.

>> No.10432065
File: 709 KB, 2061x2426, 20200707_143814-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post hand
Okay? If you really want to see my ugly nails, have at ye.
>You mean a female might find attractive, fuck what some homosexual male wants.
Hence why I said "people." You're looking for an argument that isn't there.
>You liking bara and twinks is a red flag, it makres it even less likely for me to believe you're a female. You're trans if anything.
Why does...liking muscles and twinks make you trans?

>> No.10432364
File: 35 KB, 296x351, Kohaku and Amyrillis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Okay? If you really want to see my ugly nails, have at ye.
Cute hand. Alright I believe you. Those hands are definitely girly.
>Why does...liking muscles and twinks make you trans?
Bara and shit like twinks isn't something a heterosexual female is usually into. It's usually not females who like that. I assumed you were either a homosexual male or a transwoman, not a biological female.

>> No.10432411
File: 249 KB, 800x800, rBVaV17IsA-ADJVlAAPYervRpHc824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well like I said, I am a fujo so I grew up being into twink boys all over each other and as I got older I started getting into muscle boys all over each other and that translated into my irl preferences. Except traps, I grew out of them but I understand the appeal. Having a straight non-trans, non-sissy boyfriend that was into lolita would honestly be someone I could see myself with. My posts of cosplay men was an attempt to cater to a variety of what people found sexy in men, like the anon who mentioned she liked the Toku guy so I posted him, or people into thicker guys in armor, large pecs, ottermode twinks, etc. I haven't posted any for the chubby chasers though, but I don't think those kind of girls would be on this board. Could be wrong.

Suits are hot too.

>> No.10432990

Kind of what this anon said. The vast majority of guys think the only way they can be sexy is to be Jason Mamoa-tier fit. It takes an insane amount of work to get your body to look like the vast majority of the guys in this thread. But putting effort into being well dressed, picking your cosplays carefully, and learning how to apply a little makeup can go a long way. That's not to say ignore your body. Cardio/calisthenics help build your confidence as well as, you know, not being fat. And confidence (in the right doses) never stops being sexy.

>> No.10433347
File: 431 KB, 1499x937, the_turgrats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Porno versions don't count as cosplays

>> No.10433585

There's a lot of issues with what is presented to men in regards to what's "hot", and almost all of it is incongruous with one another. Men get told to get fit and toned, and on that same breath, every horny little 20-something around them is thirsting after some 300lb bearded bear calling him "Daddy", and then some skeleton almost immediately after has every 18 year old in the room squealing. Men need to have a rugged physique, a soft physique, a bit of body fat, and zero body fat at the same time. They also need to have a beard, but also shave, because women tend to come across as far more picky than men when it comes to what they find to be "sexy". Not to mention lots of anime fans aren't 6'0+ in the first place, so they all come across as angry manlets. There's no consensus as to what's considered "sexy" in the first place with men, so they either just give up and don't try in the first place, or they are gym rats who think that the magnum opus of male sex appeal is a six pack and some bicep muscle (and if you find the right range of ladies, they'll literally agree with you).

Plenty of men are content with almost any woman of any shape. If we're pudgy, you get "THICC" dudes slavering after us. If we're lanky, we're slender. If we're busty, just put the girls on display and they're putty. If we're flat, it's "petite" and dudes will literally have heated arguments in hallways over whether or not it's better than having huge titties. Men just don't know the answer to the question of "what's hot for you?", where women get the luxury of always being the answer. That's the long and short of it.

>> No.10433712

There's a lot of issues with what is presented to women in regards to what's "hot", and almost all of it is incongruous with one another. Women get told to get thin and toned, and on that same breath, every horny little 20-something around them is thirsting after some 300lb cow tits calling her "Mommy", and then some skeleton almost immediately after has every 18 year old in the room drooling. Women need to have a curvy physique, a soft physique, a bit of body fat, and zero body fat at the same time. They also need to have large tits, but also shave, because men tend to come across as far more picky than women when it comes to what they find to be "sexy". Not to mention lots of anime fans aren't larged eye'd innocent virgins in the first place, so they all come across as sluts. There's no consensus as to what's considered "sexy" in the first place with women, so they either just give up and don't try in the first place, or they are gym rats who think that the magnum opus of female sex appeal is a large tits and an hour glass figure (and if you find the right range of men, they'll literally agree with you).

Plenty of women are content with almost any man of any shape. If we're pudgy, you get "daddy" loving girls slavering after us. If we're lanky, we're slender. If we're busty, just put the boys on display and they're putty. If we're flat, it's "twink" and girls will literally have heated arguments in hallways over whether or not it's better than having muscle boys. Women just don't know the answer to the question of "what's hot for you?", where men get the luxury of always being the answer. That's the long and short of it.

>> No.10433767

Youve disqualified 1/2 of instagram


>> No.10434360

It really doesn't work in reverse. Men (especially incels at cons) are happy with almost any bodytype beyond literally heaving themselves across the con floor struggling to walk more than 10 feet without dying or literal skeleton with borderline exposed bones, and even then, there's plenty of thirst such that it'll find its appeal somewhere. I've seen dudes get called ugly despite being really toned, clean, and having really well-groomed facial hair. I've seen fat cows like Momokun rake in thousands on Patreon just to make really bad boudoir sets with Taobao """""cosplay""""".

>> No.10435161
File: 125 KB, 602x453, main-qimg-7082603dfabffff86e15ddc25b1f2163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a) Weebs tend to be losers
b) its way harder for men to be sexy than for women, whenever a woman exists she is sexy to someone. Who finds this guy sexy?
Male sexyness is either 99% top tier genetics or 70% above average genetics+ 30% hard work (gym)

>> No.10435225

This is true but there is a fucked up power dynamic behind that where you have guys who intentionally seek out below average woman with low self esteem and groom them.

This kind of predatory behavior happens at cons more than you think.

>> No.10435865
File: 1.53 MB, 1863x2485, DakuCon2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me on the left :O

>> No.10436922

Twinks is gay for a girl to like anon.

>> No.10437843

As has been said; less popularity, have to cater to gay market, etc. The catering to the gay market is actually a big factor that prevents guys from being thots.

>> No.10438122

>If we're flat, it's "petite" and dudes will literally have heated arguments in hallways over whether or not it's better than having huge titties

there was (allegedly) a study done to see any correlation with a mans income and breast size preference, and supposedly the ones on lower income prefer bigger tits because they are unsatisfied in a way, while high income prefer or at least dont mind small-flat sizes

>> No.10439675

Me in the back