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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 204 KB, 563x403, jkayuiwvjlq21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10349814 No.10349814 [Reply] [Original]

>Read customer reviews
>Items aren't guaranteed to comply with safety standards or quality control
>You won't be able to claim compensation on Aliexpress if products harm you, use your discretion.
>If you must buy electronics: Visit >>>/g/ and search for /csg/ and ask your questions there
>Large Order? Check out the Taobao thread

>> No.10349890

Apparently, I have accumulated thousands of points on Aliexpress. What the hell can these points be used for though? Seems like nothing

>> No.10349962

Normally you can use them to pay at checkout

>> No.10351711

>order a dress
>still haven't heard a response about it shipped

I-I'll get it right? Right?

>> No.10351719

I hope you didn't run the clock down on your buyer's protection.

>> No.10351728

Still have '11days 17hours 31minutes' till auto refund kicks in, going to wait till it's at 4 days before canning I think unless I hear something. My messages for size have been "unread" as of yet

>> No.10351903

Lots of shops have shut down entirely due to COVID. It sucks, but I get why. If they don't return to work soon, you'll get your refund. I wouldn't worry too much.

>> No.10352041 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 720x706, 1583165824562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10352071

My buyer protection got extended three times already by Ali. It was stuff I ordered in early January. I finally gave up and cancelled the two orders left.
I found both items at another store but I hesitate to order because of the situation everywhere. Even my packages from Japan take much longer than usual.

>> No.10352182

I placed orders at several shops last week and most of them have already shipped. It helps if you message the seller first to ask if they have an estimate on shipping times.

>> No.10358782

I need to understand something : I need to buy rhinestones in bulk and next to the quantity is written something like " suplement of 5% if you buy more than two" does it mean I :
1- get more rhinestone per package ( like it's in the same bag ? ) so it's a bigger quantity by itself but I pay the same
2-get a lower price on my whole order but same quantity of rhinestones
3-get supplement fees for treating my bigger order and so I loose money by buying in bulk ?
the 1 and 2 seem more logic but since it's auto translated it's a bit confusing in my language and the q&a doesn't help

>> No.10358788

I know it's not what you want to hear but it's best to contact the seller in this situation to get clarification. From my experience none of these sellers are consistent with these sort of things and it's better to create a trail of conversations as opposed to getting blindsided.

>> No.10358834

thank you very much, it's obviously not an quickly needed order so I prefer to know it work that way in advance.

>> No.10358836

Show me your favorite thing you've ever purchased on Aliexpress

>> No.10361578

Does anyone know who the webstore 13:31 resells from on ali? Image searches of their "mono" collection give me stores like EAM and DEAT, but I'd be grateful if anyone knew other sources for their ~curated designers~.

>> No.10361623


And Ali resells from taobao. You're better off running that image search through taobao rather than trying for Aliexpress shops, may even find some original chinese brands that way.

>> No.10361987

you're in the Ali thread. there's a separate one for Taobao.

>> No.10362011


I just saw >>10361578's question in passing and mentioned what I think is a better idea, no need to misread the tone.

>> No.10362015
File: 169 KB, 732x509, 20200324_123053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's like posting in the Taobao thread that they should shop burando instead. so wise and helpful.

>> No.10362264


If they were trying to buy burando off taobao it would actually be helpful advice to redirect them to better places for it.

>> No.10365049

>placed order in early January
>shipped like a week ago, when my country already put restrictions on shipments from foreign countries
>figured that this means it won't be delivered for good few weeks to even months because of the situation, assuming it will ever arrive
>somehow it slipped by and courier will deliver it straight to my door in the next three days
nani the fuck
I actually feel bad for the guy now. It's a small, unnecessary thing that was supposed to arrive long before all this shit went down.

>> No.10365136

that's a nonsense comparison because taobao doesn't resell burando but ali does resell taobao brands.

>> No.10365140

There are taobao shops that sell Burando. I found a 3F dress on one. Or they will SS for you

>> No.10365264

several shops on taobao act as ss for ap releases

>> No.10366609

Aliexpress is normally cheaper per product, with free shipping.

>> No.10366618

It also has more robust search features, bookmarking, a larger range of products, customer support, review system, and so on. I've had good luck with a couple Wish finds but overall, I'll choose Ali over Wish 99% of the time.

>> No.10367761

Hey guys im fucking retarded and tried multiple terms to look for it, but can anyone link me the heart apron? I've seen it floating around a few times in this thread. Spoonfeed this retard pls.

>> No.10371937

What are some good plus size shops? I'm a fattychan, but i also have a nerve disorder that gives me really sensitive skin so i have to size up to a 24ish dress size. im tired of sacks from walmart.

>> No.10372113

Aliepress isn't for you then. Like their plus size is usually only to a size 18 at best. Most of the fabrics aren't what they're listed as and it usually is not soft fabric.
Know your measurements in cm and just type in plus size.

>> No.10372685

ive ordered some stuff that came in alot later than it shouldve but it all arrived eventually.
message the seller about your parcel since most of them are just too lazy to update the state of where it currently is
i think ali sellers are the nicest and most polite ones when it comes to online shopping

( then again i'm not in the states so im not sure if it would apply to you )

>> No.10382107
File: 6 KB, 227x222, 1571419961150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>part of an online garage sale group where people raise money for rescue animals
>One lady selling cosmetics from brands I've never heard of
>Google it, all results are AliExpress

>> No.10382113 [DELETED] 


>> No.10382117 [DELETED] 


>> No.10382121


>> No.10382149

It's ironic because those fake cosmetics ingredients most definitely got dripped in some poor lab rabbit's eyes. You should call her out

>> No.10382312

Not aliexpress.

>> No.10385440

Has anyone else noticed that free shipping completely disappeared and now average shipping is 3-7$? what even is the point now.

>> No.10385444

that's because the shipping prices for all routes are temporarily inflated due to covid. it will pass eventually

>> No.10385722

just ordered 5 things the other day only 1 had a shipping cost of 47 cents.

>> No.10385808

Only on some items but I've definitely noticed it. I'm guessing the sellers are located in areas with less available shipping traffic.

A week ago I had finally put a roomwear order in my cart for 4 items. I went in there yesterday to check out and the seller had $7 for shipping on each and they stacked. They wanted $28 to ship the order lol

>> No.10385826

i just put in an order from a store for free shipping but another is charging a lot. i guess i won't be buying craft supplies for a while...

>> No.10387916

Ordered from 8ish shops a month ago (give or take a few days) and a good 3-4 or so of my orders haven't even left China according to the tracking, while the rest is going through either customs or the mail here in the US. Should I be worried or is shit just backed up right now as far as things leaving the country goes? I know I'm impatient by default but usually stuff at least leaves China swiftly.

I'll probs contact the shop owners soon, but I wanted to see if any gulls are experiencing this too.

>> No.10387932

yeah i am. i even ordered an item with stock in the us where i live to try to avoid delays but they changed it to China and it's still there.

>> No.10388178

ugh that sucks, thanks gull. I guess the few items I have sitting somewhere in the US just got lucky to have slipped out of China relatively fast, so I'll wait.

>> No.10388196
File: 14 KB, 258x183, ali order rejected.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ordered some stuff 1.5 months ago and a lot of it has no updates. This one recently rejected which I was surprised about. I haven't seen any news of shipping being halted to the US

>> No.10388204

thinking of becoming an big tiddy goth egirl (okay not really), any shop recs for fashion harnesses? I promise I won't try to shoehorn them into lolita

>> No.10388288

I filed for refunds on two decent sized orders today because the tracking hadn't updated in over 45 days and the buyer protection is running out. I'm not optimistic about small packet shipping from China right now.

>> No.10388292

i have never once had an order from aliexpress not arrive.

sometimes the quality is bad, but never once failed to receive it.

keep a sharp eye on the ship time when buying, some items will say 40-50 days and mean it.

>> No.10388301

ask them to extend buyer protection, it's in their best interest to agree to do it as the alternative is you file a claim, i had one order offer me extended buyer protection when some fountain pens were delayed due to beervirus.

>> No.10388367

Anon, the tracking hasn't updated in 45 days. It's been over two months since I placed the orders. I don't think they're going to show and I already got one of them refunded. I'm not interested in extending any more times than I already have.

>> No.10388369

I've had stuff not arrive many times. It happens.

>> No.10389052

There hasn’t been any news on the US side. I don’t know about China but Japan has halted shipping to the US due to a backlog.

>> No.10389453

China is still shipping out of some areas. I just placed a order a few days ago and it's already shipped.

>> No.10389915

I wonder if free or cheap shipping will come back any time soon

>> No.10389985

as "soon" as coronavirus disappears, sure
so, no

>> No.10390011

Shipping prices were going up before then due to various changes in trade and postal deals so don't get your hopes up.

>> No.10390023

Eh, it's not going anywhere. This is the new normal and both business and govt need to come to terms with it and adapt if they want their exports to stay steady.

I guess I understand the impact to passenger travel but not commercial travel. If anything, more stuff needs to be shipped and fuel for the planes is at an all time low. Manpower and prioritizing critical industries is the only thing I can think of

I have an interest in intl finance and trade so I've thought about this a bit. It's still not making sense why some have skyrocketed and others haven't when they're the same service and leaving the same ports. Maybe sellers are trying to make a few extra bucks

>> No.10390689
File: 911 KB, 1920x2560, 20-05-12-05-57-18-186_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything I currently have in the mail from Ali part 1/2
More than happy to provide links or reviews/photos once things arrive. The camisoles claim to be real silk and the makeup brushes claim to be real goat hair (the prices sounds about right for it, I'll do the burn test when it arrives)

>> No.10390690
File: 453 KB, 2560x2560, 20-05-12-05-59-37-482_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 2/2... Yes I know this is an excessive amount of nearly identical sunglasses but I'm trying to find the perfect pair (or pairs that I can frankenstein together) for a cosplay and where else to look for cheap sunglasses but AliExpress

>> No.10391109

Oooh, links to the cute sewing supplies? I hope your sunglasses work out for you, anon!

>> No.10391166

Yeah link up those sewing supplies! I bought the button pins and they're so cute and very sharp!

>> No.10391171

Looking forward to hearing about the silk camis! I've been wanting to get some for summer and it'd be great to get a bunch for a good price.

>> No.10391268

Button/butterfly pins
Bow pins

>> No.10391281
File: 2.83 MB, 1750x1750, 5DE50BBB-C3D3-4472-95A4-4E1FAA83C04E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some random items I bought today. I’m really excited for those bow earrings!

>> No.10391364

I have shoes like those, and they're a bit snug but look just like the picture. What color llama did you get?

>> No.10391418 [DELETED] 

My mom had the same ice cream bowls! Damm nostalgia, link please?

>> No.10391424


I feel you on the nostalgia, anon; my grandma had those and I used to love eating cereal and ice cream out of them as a kid. Chances may be slim but if you happen to live in Texas, I saw very similar if not the same bowls and spoons this past month at an HEB store.

>> No.10391524

I got the pink and the cream ones!
Here ya go anon

>> No.10394029
File: 282 KB, 443x466, DD16AA46-2137-42D6-94EE-A2432664D6AE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought something from aliexpress for the first time (pic related) and never came, to my dismay. not gonna stop me from buying more cute bunny shit though

>> No.10394205

hoooooly shit thats adorable

>> No.10394218

that's a knockoff poteusaloppy so probably for the best.

>> No.10394374

The increase of shipping costs is because many (probably all) passenger planes carry cargo at the same time. Whoever owns the planes got a few options to fix the issue, convert them to cargo, fly them without passengers, or wait till things blow over. Converting planes take lots of time and money for something that may last 6 months might just be a waste. The shipping prices that haven't went up are most likely companies that own their own planes and don't need to fight to get their product shipped.

>> No.10395143

Curious as to how the pyjamas turn out. Update when it comes?

>> No.10396602
File: 16 KB, 571x310, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do, gulls? buyer protection was running out so I opened a dispute because my package still hasn't left China (ordered April 5). I know it's just a seller tactic to get me to close the dispute, but they extended the protection for me. Do I wait, or continue with the dispute as-is?

>maybe I was hasty opening a dispute but I was concerned since at least 98% of my packages had left china besides this one, it's stationery storage

>> No.10397807

no don't close it. State how the item hasn't updated since it was marked shipped over as month ago

>> No.10398070

Oh I did, gull! That was their response. I get corona is making shipping go at a snail's pace but it's one of my last parcels still not out of china, and shipping hasn't updated since mid-april. most of my items are at least within the us now.

>> No.10400855
File: 240 KB, 397x408, animsls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went and bought a fuck ton of plush animals with my trump bux
here's my haul so far

>> No.10401069

Link for the adorable pink sheep?

>> No.10401076

too many knockoffs

>> No.10401078

you really gonna judge someone in the fuckin taobao thread?

>> No.10401080


>> No.10401274

Anyone else having massive shopping delays? I have so many order still not recieved. Way slower than normal

>> No.10401441

No, it's just you.

>> No.10401927
File: 23 KB, 400x299, 1559120627206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replica-chans are so sad. Enjoy your lumpy sacks of polyester when that support could have gone to the original artists, and brands are going out of business left and right.
At least 4 or 5 of those plushes are designs by small artists, so good job.

Enjoy your kaweewee $4 blob on the left, anon.

>> No.10401954

Link to the dresses? Could you review when they arrive too?

>> No.10402069

what is the original source for the sheep?

>> No.10402086

Seconding this. If there’s an original that is still available then I’ll buy it instead.

>> No.10402337

fuck off. people can buy whatever they want with their own money.

>> No.10402524

> Defending replicas on /cgl/
Take your hurt feefees back to Facebook, replica-chan. You're gonna have a bad time here.

The plush is from the ひつじの メリーベビー (Hitsuji no Mary Baby) line. It seems to be an exclusive UFO catcher prize, but thankfully there are people selling their catches secondhand quite frequently!



Hashtag for stock updates:

As for the others I can identify:


> 3. Esther Loves You x WEGO

> 4. Hitsuji no Mary Baby (ひつじの メリーベビー)

> 6. Esther Loves You
> 7. Esther Loves You

> 8. Cotton Candies

> 9. Pote Usa Loppy

>> No.10402529

thank you, anon. i want to buy the lil sheep when international shipping resumes.

>> No.10402598

cgl is not a hivemind and not all judgmental bitches, esp not in the ali/tao threads. get over yourself

>> No.10402617

those cheap bootlegs cost more lmao.

>> No.10402631

than a USED plush? yeah no thanks. i'll take a new one. btw buying these secondhand doesn't support the brand either, sanctimonious moron

>> No.10402636

hi newfag

>> No.10402646

nope. time for you to get out

>> No.10402661

Lmao, this is embarrassing. Enjoy your bootlegs

>> No.10402664

Here they are, I'll do a review for them when they arrive for sure

>> No.10402666

thanks i will

>> No.10402668
File: 232 KB, 400x315, ac-baabara-depressing-sm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/cgl/ isn't a hivemind, but most agree that supporting replicas is one of the worst things you can do if you're genuinely interested in the fashion and brands.

Buying replicas is directly giving money to thieves and supporting them in making a profit off of stealing original artists' work.
Three of those links are to brand new plushes. One of the "used" plushes can actually be found new, it's just rare so I settled for a Fril link since it's much easier for foreigners outside of Japan to access.
Why not just keep up to date on new releases and buy new? I mean, it's not because you're broke and don't care whether your items look like shit as long as they're cheap... right, anon?

>> No.10403411


>> No.10403419
File: 13 KB, 161x113, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post my plush haul
>thread turns into shiflinging

>> No.10403422


>> No.10403424

anon you're not from here, are you?

>> No.10403425

no. most of us don't care what other people do. we're just not as loud as you spergs. stop bawwwwwing and grow up.

>> No.10403427

who's behind this post

>> No.10403439
File: 141 KB, 471x400, 1554787214294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> most of us don't care what other people do
Go post a print replica haul or coord and see how "most of us don't care." I'm sure you're absolutely right.

>> No.10403443

Serous question: Do you think your all-powerful judgment will stop people from doing what they want? If not, what do you think this arguing accomplishes?

NTA but plenty of people defended the Misty Sky replica girl and the old school AP one before that, to name recent ones. It's a split issue everywhere, in every hobby.

>> No.10403454

let's not bitch about replicas in the thread for a site that is known for selling replicas and knock offs for dirt cheap prices?
Let's go back to sharing links for shirts that we also all know are stolen designs from artists but because it's not a Lolita brand no one gives two shits.

>> No.10403462
File: 23 KB, 500x315, one pretty dress or one hundred ugly dresses... tough choice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest? Because I care about designers, I want them to succeed, and it sucks to see them suffering and having to close shop. Brands and designers have been in a tumultuous situation for a while, but Covid has made the issue so much worse.
When I was new, I was close to buying replicas myself. Saving, budgeting, and prioritizing hobbies was a foreign concept to me because I was young and amazed by all the cute new things I was seeing on the internet. I had no idea the amount of time, skill, and sacrifice needed to create these things - they were just objects to me.
When the replica ban happened on LJ, I was angry and defensive. This was just mean, judgmental girls who looked down on me, trying to tell me what to do - who cares what I do, it's my money, and I'm not hurting anybody, right? But I read all the arguments people made back and forth. There was a post that was something like,
> Even if you never plan on buying the original, and the designer won't get your money, giving money to people who steal from them only encourages them to steal more. They're making money off of someone else's work while doing nothing themselves.
And that really stood out to me. I really loved what these designers made, and without them, the things I liked wouldn't even exist. The idea of giving money to randoms who ripped off their hard work just to make a quick buck is sad. But I wouldn't have come to this conclusion at all if people hadn't debated and argued their points.
I genuinely just want replica-chans to second-think giving money to thieves. Yes, saving up and paying the original artist means you don't get to have 10 ugly lumpy plushes that end up in a landfill in a few years, but those artists put a lot of genuine effort into providing you with not only their original work, but high quality work that will look beautiful and last a long time. Knock-offs won't look pretty, won't make you happy, and you'll end up tossing them eventually because of that fact.

>> No.10403492

can anyone point me toward ivory/cream color socks appropriate for lolita? i can only find white and black

>> No.10406070

Good point anon. I was gonna buy replicas but now I'm second guessing it.

>> No.10406071

>thinking lolitas against replicas are the same people posting knockoffs

>> No.10406117

>thinking anything from aliexpress is original and not stolen from someone

>> No.10406159

Plenty of stuff on AE is just reselling original works from Taobao.

>> No.10409256
File: 85 KB, 640x640, 79183411_1060678430940509_7569712621763428352_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you girls have a best cosplay store ranking from aliexpress?
i only know and have buy from micostumes
also for lingery and stuff, been looking to make a list of things for a future sugarbaby

>> No.10409275

>buying lingerie from Aliexpress
Oh you're a splenda daddy huh?

>> No.10409306

well im from a 3rdWorld country soo

>> No.10409312
File: 399 KB, 586x845, 02cc3c95a8468a82547bde6af935d68df9f80d3a_1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

serious question, would it be that hard to get a sugar baby offering a minimum wage?

i know cosplayers working that kinda jobs, so winning double minimum wage vs one wage, doesn't sound bad right? i'll also throw gifts in the deal i know i can't aford a cosplay every month, but one every 3 months it's more than 0, im not even looking for a model just a cute girl im a lonely man with one day free on the week due to work

>> No.10409318

You'd probably be able to afford a fattychan.
Good luck getting an uwu cutie to do it for the price of dirt.

>> No.10409382

That's not a good enough excuse. Save up longer to buy a quality piece rather than buying multiple shittier pieces. If you think you deserve to be paid fairly or the work you do at work, then you understand the concept of paying the going rate for the level of cute you want

It's hard to answer >>10409312 because I'm cute and make double the minimum wage in my country so to afford my time, it would take about triple then that at the very least. Since SB are often expected to provide sexual favors too, I still think the min wage is too low. Most sugar daddies offer more than that. Judging by your replies here, it doesn't sound like you know how to manage money well enough to be seeking a SB

>> No.10409425

>because I'm cute and make double the minimum wage in my country so to afford my time, it would take about triple then that at the very least
seems like you girls really considere cute to be more worthy than work, but you forgget of real world market works, offer and demand and i didn't even offer replace they work wage

here's the setup:
girl works 40hrs a week for minimum wage (she probably has 1-2 freedays) thats $25usd on my country
i offer minimum wage for around one day spend on my lets say 4-8hrs (on my freeday) $25usd
she would now make $50 a week + i'll add some gifts from aliexpres/amazon like wigs, dress, etc. and it wouldn't be like i'll be torturing her just a date (like coffe-movie-sex) one day a week
prostitutes on my country go for as low as $10usd i just want to low the std risk by taking 1 girl

and you just jump too, nah i want triple my wage if you want my time so i can leave my work, listen i know the whole sugar daddy stuff makes you girls think of a fucking rich bussinesmen that will choose you out of the lot and give you disney princes dream life, but in the mean time you date arverange joe's winning nothing you girls sometime even spend some for them or go to have sex for free

maybe surgar dadding wasn't the right way of calling it (maybe compensated dating), you girls even have the "splenda daddys" category and even those you expect to give you a salary good enogh to leave your works

if thats how you see the whole suggardaddy consept im better looking for a regular girlfriend from tinder or just regular prostitute, i know i sound like a macho jerk dickhead, but im not that bad looking or basementwhale, i just have low freetime and bad socialskills

i was gonna look for a cosplayer sugar baby for the same hobbys and the like, i could even practice my photograpy with her modelingm but you really make me think it over, your rigth i better "Manage my Money" by not throwing it at you girls see at tinder for free sex i guess

>> No.10409433

I wanted to get a $60USD Junko Enoshima cosplay off ali cause i dont wanna cheap out, but they don't offer paypal as payment and i dont trust any site with my credit card. Should I just try searching for it on Taobao?

>> No.10409455

I'll take time to explain the context since you're ESL. My hourly rate would be 3x the minimum wage. It would be silly for me to quit and have a gap on my resume and shaky financial security (again, good money management you need to learn)

It takes work to be cute, you raging autist. Gym, healthy food preparation, learning and practicing good hygiene. You not knowing that and your reply is how I know you're butt ugly. Thinking you can get even one match on Tinder is hilarious.

Expecting a SB to go for the same as a prostitute is also hilarious. A prostitute sees countless dudes whereas the SB has a much lower disease risk. There's an extra cost for that, sorry you're a poorfag

I hope you find one and she gives you a nasty STD.

Protip: Stop saying "you girls", in English it makes you sound like a transwoman

>> No.10409460

I don’t understand why you don’t just learn to see women as human beings and have a normal relationship with someone who shares your hobbies, since that’s why you’re looking for a cosplayer sb. The supposed sb, probably a larper, who is replying to you is not helping. But I guess there aren’t many women who would willingly go out with someone who has such a misogynistic attitude without it being their job.
My advice is to participate in mixed-gender hobbies or clubs, make female friends and learn through those experiences that women are as human as you are and desire the same things.

>> No.10409469

It's not my job to help off topic posters by delicately giving them advice. I may have been less than kind, but he is the same coming up in here with his misogynist ideas. Calling him out doesn't make me a larper or a SB (my posts were hypothetical). I have no interest in that lifestyle because as you said and he demonstrated, they don't view women as human beings with value beyond sex.

>> No.10409473

check ebay or amazon. Amazon has a ton on prime, with good reviews and pictures for under $50.

Also jfc can this thread go back to actual links/buys instead of autists arguing over stupid shit of who's a sugargofuckyourself and whatnot. Stay on the damn topic or go argue on twitter/reddit/tumblr.

>> No.10409494
File: 143 KB, 1365x1365, lolnada.org-1573093459387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>since you're ESL
o well sorry, if i "don't get it" since i couldn't learn your lenguage properly, also you do know thats kinda racist right?

>My hourly rate would be 3x the minimum wage. It would be silly for me to quit and have a gap on my resume and shaky financial security
ok now lets go over it again, first i say earn some extra money, and Not Leaving your job
and i didn't mean hourly minimum (in my country whe don't use hourly), i was offering pay the full 40hrs wage (a 1 weekly wage), just for 4-8hrs with me i (1 day) so i think its more than x3 times hourly, it way more than doing extra hours at a regular job a common thing in my country

>It takes work to be cute, you raging autist. Gym, healthy food preparation
i stated i didn't want a model, just an averange girl with cute face, even chubby its fine for my, i mean around 7/10 or 6/10 i don't even know your standars but they seem high since you take the word cute as 11/10

>learning and practicing good hygiene
srsly? like isn't that basic for human living? look i get it if you mean skincare and that, but hygiene like do you not shower daily?

>a much lower disease risk. There's an extra cost for that
you do know that works both ways right, you'll be safe from std too genius, safer for BOTH its part of why this is better, the low risk

>I hope you find one and she gives you a nasty STD.
i actually wish you health and a happy life, good luck in your job, and hope you find someone who loves you sincerely

i think my idea was more or a compensated dating, instead of sugar daddy, but i really hope girls in my country aren't as massive jews as you

>> No.10409497

you can trust aliexpress, you don't even need to save the card info, just make sure to see the shop and product reviews

>> No.10409504

>dats racist
Go away

I wouldn't sleep with you once a week to make twice my wages

>> No.10409505

thanks and sorry, i did come here looking for a ranking on ali cosplay shops tho, my bad

and im not missogin, im both burnout from work and personal relationships, the girl i loved throw me like garbage after years for a dude she met online in a month, it taked me years to recover i don't even want a relationship anymore just have fun and take back some happyness and just have one day free at week im not a teen anymore, also conventions or public gathering remember

i out of the thread im really sorry you all

>> No.10409588 [DELETED] 

Who even talk about you? You're not even from my country

>> No.10410121
File: 46 KB, 888x499, 17190709_10155115894876306_6030297197085459618_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$25 for 8 hours of entertaining a cheap-ass and also sex

>> No.10410252

>well im from a 3rdWorld country soo

there are girls here who live on with $10usd for a week of work or less, around 30% of the people in my hometown go to states for work as illegal inmigrants, even i would have tried if i had failed college

you americans really are selfcentered, i should have asked on /bant/

>> No.10410358

nobody cares about your sad love lives or how much money you want for sex.
Kindly fuck off or post ordered items

>> No.10410390
File: 331 KB, 800x800, F224901C-3FDE-40D7-BC1E-BEFD6C1826A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s just one thing but I’m so excited for this hair clip to show up. I think it’s so cute

>> No.10411077

Has anyone ever had a seller use FedEx to ship to the US? How fast/reliable is it? A seller I buy from regularly who has been reliable before the pandemic is telling me that the post office won't come pick up my package (?) and they are offering to ship via FedEx since my package has been sitting for a couple weeks now.

>> No.10411322

THIS IS THE ALIEXPRESS THREAD you fucking inbred piece of trash. Go to your fucking back alleyways and blow your 25$ on some used up whore. No one here wants your pathetic dollars, most women here support themselves and have good paying jobs. Men like you are the absolute most degenerate scum of the Earth, only enabling young girls to do perverse things. Thank fuck I grew up in a proper household with morals and standards instead of falling victim to the disgusting livestyle of begging for money from some shit eating half breed. Go fuck off back to the cave where you belong. This thread is for girls to discuss Aliexpress. Can't we have this one space where fat and blubbering fedora fags aren't breathing down our necks? Get lost you fucking scrote loser.

>> No.10411946
File: 200 KB, 800x800, EA3F79E1-6B15-4A1F-80A2-1EB52292AEB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I grab this when it goes on sale? Ducks are my favourite animals and it’s only going to be about 65$

>> No.10412309

as usual check the reviews and seller's rating. If it fits you why not order it?

>> No.10412485

links to the ones with the shiny eyes? idk what they're called

>> No.10412515

Can I get a link to the cherry cardigan? It's adorable.

Anyone have any plussize pastel stuff? Aliexpress won't give me results that match my terms..

>> No.10412803


>> No.10412828

How is the current state of ordering from the US? Have prders been going through like normal durinf covid?

>> No.10412845

small packages yes, large packages no

>> No.10412847

Slower, but they do show up eventually. Before corona most things took roughly a month but now it's more like two. I've only ordered small items though.

>> No.10412850

So like, hair accessories/headbands and tights would be fine?

>> No.10412855

as long as each is shipped separately, yes

>> No.10412959

About 3 months of ship time now for stuff. Had a package hit stateside on the 6th and it hasn't updated since. I live in Cali so it's usually only a two day wait between arriving state side and getting the package. It was like 6 things though so they may have to have it sit in quarantine for a bit or something.
Some items won't even ship for 2 weeks or they'll sit in acceptance limbo for a week or two before finally getting loaded onto a plane

>> No.10413066

I've had very bad luck the past few months. I order craft supplies fairly regularly and all my orders since February have taken at least 9+ weeks to arrive, and I had one never show up at all and the tracking shows it still in China. I placed the missing order March 22. I live in AZ and most of my packages come through LA customs for reference

>> No.10413068

AliExpress is not the place to shop if you want a decent plus size selection

>> No.10413072

It's by Esther Loves You. You'll probably have to find one secondhand

>> No.10416431
File: 100 KB, 1184x800, Screen Shot 2020-06-17 at 9.56.39 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fucked am I, anons? Will my package ever reach me? It's 2 skirts.

>> No.10416432

Forgot to mention but other people in my lolita comm and some of my family members have ordered things off of Ali and gotten them in the usual 2 week time frame. We all live in the same city, which is about 1 hr from the closest port and 30 mins from the closest airport, so idk why my package has been in transit for a month while others are getting their packages in a normal time frame.

>> No.10416493

It will probably still come but it will take a really, really long time. I used to get epacket etc from AliExpress in 2-3 weeks and I've had multiple packages take over 2 months this year. If it's a seller you trust keep asking them to extend the buyer protection period for you.

>> No.10417835
File: 640 KB, 1524x2006, 9841F99A-EDD9-47C7-A09E-393FEEDDB6A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lemon dress came in today. I haven’t ironed it yet so it’s still got those out of package wrinkles but it’s pretty nice. I’m 5’4, 125 pounds, 96-69-95 and I bought a size M. I think it would look nicer on someone with a smaller chest than me since the top looks a bit lumpy sometimes but other than that I like it. It was cheap and worth the money.

>> No.10417851

Forgot to add, the dress (and other dresses in the style) are very plus size friendly if you’re looking for that. The size chart goes up to a 4XL and the measurements fit more like western sizing rather than Asian sizing

>> No.10418140

Super cute! Could I have a link please?

>> No.10418329

Using this for the first time, can you really not use PayPal?
I kinda don't want to input my card details on this site

>> No.10418335

Aaa it looks really nice! Thank you!!!


>> No.10418359

I’ve been buying from aliexpress with my credit card for years and I’ve never had an issue with it. I wouldn’t worry too much

>> No.10418360

some sellers will take it, but there's an added fee.
Just don't save your card info and you're fine

>> No.10418401

Do the packages ever say what's inside it?
I need some fishnets for a cos but my conservative mom would probably freak out if the package said exactly what it is.

>> No.10418517

it would not say fishnets on your package, that’s too specific for them. It usually says something like clothing or accessory or morning

>> No.10418577

Usually yes, but it will usually be in either chinese, or broken english, and in small writing. Its not super apparent if it is on there. Wish i could find you one of my old packages to show you, but youll probably be fine.

>> No.10418580

like >>10418517 it will be a really vague descriptor or just plain nonsense. i've gotten phone cases that say "rabbit toy" because they had molang on them.

>> No.10418585

Looks really cute!

>> No.10418746

this site is 18+

>> No.10418912

you can't live with your parents if you're 18 and over?

>> No.10418923

if you have to hide shit from your parents, you don't deserve to be leeching off them tbf. if you wanna go against whatever their rules are, move out

>> No.10418925

>just move out LOOOL

>> No.10419004

Sorry I don’t want my parents to see my vibratron9000 I ordered, guess I’ll just move out with nothing but my wits and minimum wage job

>> No.10419046 [DELETED] 

>Being this puta
Lmao if I were your parents I would kick you out home

>> No.10419077
File: 216 KB, 323x579, b6234edfa9e0b7c6223d30d43735365d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No offense but if you're 18+ and worried about your mommy seeing a pair of fishnets..

>> No.10419101

imagine walking in on your leech adult child jacking off. what a total disappointment of offspring

>> No.10419112

i'm a male, so it's a bit different.

>> No.10419120

Time to get a PO Box, my dude.

>> No.10419126

Do any Swedish gulls still order from Ali? Taking a 120kr hit for each little package is destructive. I've started looking for shops that I can buy multiple things at once from but it's so shitty.

>> No.10419186

Same here. Like I know postnord made a deal with wish but fuck wish.

>> No.10419218

I think you missed the point. Not every 18 year old can just move out like it’s no big deal and people don’t want their parents sticking their nose in everything they do

>> No.10419304

you first world bitches really take shit easy uh

or do you just sell your bodys to sugar daddys and make your slave boyfriends sustain you

>> No.10419354

go to target and spend a whole $10 on a pair then anon. They have self check out so no one is going to judge you. Though I'm guessing you also don't have a car and mommy needs to hold your hand to go shopping with how worried you are over something for a costume.

>> No.10419358

You guys dogging this dude about being 18 yrs old and living with parents sound like the scrotes in /pol/ and /fit/

>> No.10419640

and i think you missed the point that leeching off your parents if you need to is fine, but you need to abide by their rules while you live there no matter how old you are and not complain

not a hooker, single, and my job is considered pretty low paying, but even i live on my own lol

>> No.10419652

Good for for buddy, just remember everyone doesn’t live your life and there are people less fortunate than you. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean everyone can

>> No.10419653

ok cool, just stop whining about it lol

>> No.10419665

lol lol

>> No.10419755

>bought a skirt and a shirt 4 days ago, not shipped yet
>bought fake piercings for some reason ~12 hours ago and already shipped
the refund timer or whatever also got extended for the shirt

>> No.10421123

Alright, gulls. I'm desperate. Please link me your cute resin molds or tell me some better search terms to use because I will gouge my eyes out if I have to keep seeing the same simple shape sets on every website.

>> No.10421200

>implying the anons dogging this dude over living with his parents at 18 aren’t larpers from /pol/ or /fit/

>> No.10421224

Do you guys ever imagine all your packages racing and placing bets on what arrives first. I have so many ae packages that have unknown delivery date in usps and they are all generically in California. I should start a betting pool

>> No.10421554

anyone have any good shops with chocomint-type accessories? fuzzy star/heart clips and non-metallic dangling star clips especially

>> No.10421573 [DELETED] 


these shops have some pretty cute stuff.

>> No.10421581



These shops have some good stuff!

>> No.10421645

look up cake decorating silicon molds. You get a lot more variety, but they're rarely clear if you're using UV resin.
Otherwise just type what you're looking for plus silicon mold.

>> No.10421679

you can find a ton with just uv resin mold. maybe add cute or kawaii.

most cake deco molds are scaled too large for uv resin.

>> No.10421949

Thanks, I'll try that!

>> No.10422270

I've found plenty that are small enough were they see through. I had to order a bunch of molds for work (at a bakery) and we often do really small shit for stupid bitches willing to pay a ton for it. Just got to read sizes

>> No.10422399
File: 679 KB, 1518x1601, 775ECA63-F29D-47CD-AB7D-D150903EC9FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little haul of cute stuff

>> No.10422426

link to the star clips please?

>> No.10422450

Here ya go anon, they’re SUPER cheap so go wild

>> No.10424036
File: 30 KB, 456x272, Screen Shot 2020-06-27 at 10.13.32 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit it arrived! (sort of)

>> No.10424065

i finally got 2 orders from late may!

>> No.10424072

Loving that purse, link?

>> No.10424081

Don't feel bad anon, my package just arrived today and I ordered back in the beginning of April.

>> No.10424090

Here ya go

>> No.10424091

Well let me tell you, I ordered a bunch of socks back in March and they haven’t shown up yet. Probably lost in the mail at this point but it’s still disappointing

>> No.10424386

Can anyone recommend stores that sell cute charms for jewellery making and stuff like that? I might be retarded but I've been unable to find any that have a very large variety.

>> No.10428356

do sellers on ali ever combine shipping for ordering multiple items for one shop? Want like 3 things but all the postage rates are adding up separately. I've messaged the seller to see if it's possible to do that but I'd like to know if I even need to bother

>> No.10428365

If you buy multiple items from one shop you should get combined shipping in your cart.

>> No.10431068

Are estimated delivery dates to be trusted? Like it tells me mid July when I ordered in June but looking through this thread some people are waiting two months or more.

>> No.10431192

>tracking shows package arrived in a city close to where I live
>package gets redirected to a city on the entire other side of the state
>check address, address is correct
Alright then. Fuck me, I guess.

I wouldn’t trust them if I were you. Every single shipping service in every single country is being slammed with packages right now, causing really major delays. Even USPS priority (normally 1-3 days) takes up to a week now.

>> No.10431367
File: 1.33 MB, 3148x2113, 5AEC7C89-1523-4A8D-8C9C-1B67E43AF5C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More orders

>> No.10431532

Not at all, add a month at least. 2 is more realistic.

link to hair clips please

>> No.10431607


>> No.10431868

Link to everything? Anon has good taste

>> No.10431920

Rainbow shirt
Hoodie dress

There you go

>> No.10431997

Can you post a review when your sneaker arrives, please? Also amazing taste anon.

>> No.10432022

the link to the shorts doesn't work

>> No.10432066

Whoops, try now

>> No.10432080 [DELETED] 

Can I get some help from aliexpress gurus? I'm trying to find a 3-5mm version of pic related (thin) but having no luck. Are there any special keywords I should use? The best I could find is pic related using ribbon headband. It's 10m which is way too big for my needs.

Looking to get these to replace some uncomfortable headbands for a few of my daily headbows. I can't seem to find the base headband IW typically uses or I'd get them to customize myself.

>> No.10432081
File: 249 KB, 800x800, headband.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some help from aliexpress gurus? I'm trying to find a 3-5mm version of pic related (thin) but having no luck. Are there any special keywords I should use? The best I could find is pic related using ribbon headband. It's 10mm which is way too big for my needs.

Looking to get these to replace some uncomfortable headbands for a few of my daily headbows. I can't seem to find the base headband IW typically uses or I'd get them to customize myself.

>> No.10432164

Here are some I found for ya, hope something works


>> No.10432272
File: 1.10 MB, 616x1050, food stacking bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apologies for the two pixel screenshot but does anyone have any idea how to find this shit?

It's stackable plastic dishes that each have a cover for picnics etc. I can only find the square ones, or ones with no cover.

I thought they seemed good for the occasional potluck meetup our group has.

>> No.10432283

>no L
guess I'll die

>> No.10432294

Other sellers sell the same shorts with more sizes but it’s a bit sketchy since there’s no size chart like this one

>> No.10432795

Any shops that sell tights (preferably printed tights) for taller people? like 5'10?

>> No.10432798

No. You would need to buy tights from wherever men get them, I'm guessing Etsy.

>> No.10432809

well that sucks,tho h&m printed tights fit me well. even a size L

>> No.10432861

Are HoneyCherry tea parties just Angelic Imprint resold or the same manufacturer?

>> No.10432869

This is just incorrect.

>> No.10432911

i don't know specific shops but if you use the keyword "plus size" or "big size" and check for reviews that complain about length you can find some! i am 180cm and have gotten a lot of tights on ali in the past. what kind are you looking for?

>> No.10432976

thanks! i'm looking for any black or white tights to go with lolita that would have some print to them other than just flowers

>> No.10433020

Maybe WeloveColors?

>> No.10433088

How so? The absolute tallest I've seen Chinese brand tights go is 5'8. Unless it's made for men.

>> No.10433111

You haven't looked for plus size tights on there then. I just typed it in and found some within the first row that go up to 5'10"

>> No.10433150

I've had good luck with this store i am 175. some of them have been kind of lower in the crotch but they are pretty cheap!

>> No.10433300
File: 836 KB, 2324x1428, meh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spent like a whole hundred Canadian pesos on all this shit way back early May. Only like three items shown so far.

>> No.10433303

Be my biker gf where you live

>> No.10433304

Link to the candy pins please!

>> No.10433305


>> No.10433317

oh. Hope you like 6'2" girls with a dick. also.

>> No.10433320

link to that holo nail powder?

>> No.10433326

which part of Canada?

>> No.10433335


>> No.10433338

Berta. South of Calgary somewhere

>> No.10433339


>> No.10433341

I fucked up.
Hope4chin doesn't think I'm spamming

>> No.10433345

Not that Anon but what the hell, I live in that area of that city too

>> No.10433350

The fuck. I meant I'm south of the city. But it's just as close as lethbridge so I end up driving there often.
Heck, my burner is dargariansfiend@hotmail.com if otafest ever opens up. Now that I think of it, I'm wondering if you're the Bloodborne/Dark Souls seagull with the head cage last year

>> No.10433357

Nah, I didn’t go to Otafest last year but I did go to Calgary expo. I made plans this year for Otafest but that shit went down the drain so fast, it’s still upsetting

>> No.10433367

Shitty. I had a new outfit, and some old ones planned for every day too. Sure hope shit opens up next year. Was gonna move up in the industry till the defecation hit the oscillation.

>> No.10433402

Do I need to worry about led or some shit being in nail polish on aliexpress?

>> No.10433405

No. China requires all cosmetics to be tested on animals. So if it didn't hurt the bunnies, it won't hurt you.

>> No.10433414

link to world is a fuck tee?

>> No.10433492

Link to it is dead now. Welp, I'll show a picture if it even arrives anon

>> No.10433653

so I'm new to this shit and want to understand the OP pic
is wish the same as taobao in terms of quality and items you find or is there an advantage to ordering from taobao?

>> No.10433670

i think the OP is alluding to the fact that while wish and ali are sometimes the same price, wish is more deceptive about pricing stuff.

>> No.10433679

Honestly use Ali over wish, I’ve had nothin but shit experience from wish.

>> No.10433695

their items cost the same as ali but wish adds extra shipping fees even tho the shipping is the same as ali

>> No.10433697

thank you!

>> No.10433698

not all of them cost the same tho. and there's no ratings on wish. plus wish is way more deceptive about sales pricing to make people seem like they're getting a good deal. sometimes ali sellers advertise a 50% off sale but wish is sometimes like 95% or more for things.

>> No.10433715

Is it safe to buy bed sheets from aliexpress I saw some cute hello kitty ones that were pink and red but I’m scared if it’s dangerous since I heard buying anything green from aliexpress can be harmful

>> No.10434741
File: 441 KB, 1930x1000, 82B62B03-246C-4EAB-B005-DBAA6A1F9A4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m moving out near the end of the year so I got some home stuff

>> No.10434742

Cute carpet and bow shelves

>> No.10434787

Ooo link to the top white shelves?

>> No.10434789
File: 43 KB, 640x640, neck corset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carpet link?

Also, anyone find anything similar to this? Obviously nothing as good, but I can only find chokers.

>> No.10434793

Should probably mention, I can also find a ton of bdsm ones that cover the mouth, but I'm specifically looking for fashion ones like this.

>> No.10434795


>> No.10434802
File: 1.05 MB, 1780x1732, 4542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some items that caught my eye for my future bedroom.

>> No.10435000

bunny clock please

>> No.10435120


>> No.10435170

My shit actually came in on time. Is shipping getting better?

>> No.10435194

Link to the top 3rd image? the pink drawer thing?

Amazing taste. Link to the pink mirror with the light, trash can, rainbow light, my melody plug ins and box under it? Thank you!

>> No.10435245

Flowers and hangers?

>> No.10435521
File: 548 KB, 532x467, you know, the phantom thieves are garbage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the wait.

Circle-shaped mirror: https://aliexpi.com/YPxY
Square-shaped mirror: https://aliexpi.com/2qAU
Trash can: https://aliexpi.com/T4ut
Rainbow light: https://aliexpi.com/q3hn
My Melody charger: https://aliexpi.com/v1t8
Sailor Moon storage box: https://aliexpi.com/K9CI

Rose vines: https://aliexpi.com/Ipl6
Flower tapestry: https://aliexpi.com/y5rA
Hangers (neutral colors): https://aliexpi.com/DJGt
Hangers (pink): https://aliexpi.com/Uy5L

>> No.10435522

it's the same as it's been for while now: small packages going through quickly with large packages still having some delay

>> No.10435569

Not sure if these are the same anons but if not question goes to both, would you be willing to review some of the stuff ? I’m still pretty skeptical on getting small furniture from ali but mostly curious to how the quality will be (and the shipping times too)

>> No.10435769

I’m not the same anon as >>10434802 But for sure I’ll review the things I got when they arrive. Though reviews did say shipping takes a while

>> No.10436284

can i get a link for all of those shelve things at the top, and the pink suitcases? been looking for stuff like that and i want to check them out!

>> No.10437281

On the tracking 4 of my packages say completed or delivered but none of them have shown up? Is the tracking just lying or did they get delivered to the wrong address?

>> No.10437312
File: 1005 KB, 1159x500, ali.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waiting for some of the these items shipping to drop before I go ape shit on this haul order

>> No.10437960

Is anyone else having log in problems on the site? Tells me my password is wrong, went and reset it and it still says it's wrong and won't log me in

>> No.10437961

I ordered some socks to my house and I got an email saying that they arrived at a post office and were ready to be picked up. Ummm?

>> No.10437994

Link to the seifuku, plaid dresses, and t shirt? You have excellent taste, anon.

>> No.10438007

That email is just literally telling you their in the post office. They’re still on their way to ur address

>> No.10438010

I'm stupid
Thanks anon

>> No.10438595

Hope youre still here!


>> No.10438604
File: 1.13 MB, 888x768, lashes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought a bunch of cheap diamond lash brand knockoffs. i got the one in 2nd row already. they are really great!

>> No.10438624

Those cord things are cute! Link please?

>> No.10438745

Are there any particular shoe stores on aliexpress you guys would recommend? I only know of Honey Cherry.
>shoes on aliexpress won't be good
I am aware. Other recommendations for someone on a budget are appreciated, I'm also looking at some shoes on taobao too, I want to compare prices.

>> No.10439065 [DELETED] 

Anyone have a link to striped tights that would be partially transparent nylon instead of sock material?

>> No.10439066

i plan on ordering from Lorie and Knight, they sell a lot of angelic imprint shoes and some cute sneakers

Anyone have a link to striped tights that would be partially transparent nylon instead of sock material?

>> No.10439180 [DELETED] 

Not judging at all, just warning you the strawberry(?) pink cabinet is a Swimmer knockoff.
I've bought the sparkly fabric before and it's really cute irl, although it's thin and slippy to work with though.

>> No.10439181

Not judging at all, just warning you the dotted pink cabinet is a Swimmer knockoff.
I've bought the sparkly fabric before and it's very cute irl, it's thin and slippy to work with though.

>> No.10439191

Swimmer doesn't even exist any more so why would it matter?

>> No.10439204

NTA but some people like to know if they're buying a knockoff of anything regardless of what the source is

Besides, I wonder what the reason is for them not to exist anymore....

>> No.10439396


Swimmer came back didn’t they

>> No.10439415

Imagine trying to moralfag in the ali thread.

>> No.10439421

Imagine being poor

>> No.10439424

Swimmer is the equivalent of dollar store shit, sorry

>> No.10439425


>> No.10439439

implying Swimmer wasn't made in China anyways, the "knockoffs" are probably the same exact thing as the real deal. The real deal that doesn't even exist anymore

>Besides, I wonder what the reason is for them not to exist anymore....
you're really trying to imply same-priced knockoffs were the reason Swimmer went out of business instead of them never branching out internationally, problems in upper management, problems with the parent company getting greedy, etc. lmfao

>> No.10439448


>> No.10439450


>> No.10439451

I don't have to imagine it , i'm living it you high horse bitch

>> No.10439464

Link to that military-style dress and the boots, please

>> No.10439648

Fucking kek
Eyyy. Get a job in your dream field and you'll never work a day in your life. Cause they're never hiring.

>> No.10439902

M8, you're pathetic

>> No.10439948

Bow shelves??

>> No.10440385

Hmmm? Nah. I fly planes for a living, I'm good.

>> No.10440569
File: 60 KB, 474x679, 71N+lbojr2L._AC_SY679_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any experience buying popmart figures off ali? It seems like they have an official store, but I just assume everything is a knockoff. The quality of the review pics are 10/10 though.

eh 2/10 because you put in some effort

>> No.10440849
File: 2.16 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20191126_133319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10440903

You know this doesn’t prove anything right? You act like a kid trying to prove something clearly fake their friends

>> No.10440916
File: 2.32 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20200718_204950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I know. So just 4 U

>> No.10440924


>> No.10440926


>> No.10440955

>dirty, huge fingers
get outta here scrote

>> No.10440994

File a dispute. Same thing happened to me and weeks went by. Never got my order.

>> No.10441140

>scrote coming to the aliexpress thread to badly troll using pics from his janitor job
Nevermind you get a 1/10

>> No.10441160

>dirty man hands

Why is some bro lecturing females on where their pastel room decorations came from on an anonymous basket weaving forum?

>> No.10441203

Is anyone else trying that new coupon giveaway they're doing?

You can help each other getting a 20 euros off coupon by clicking each others' links!


>> No.10441234

Gives me a system error, hopeful it's because someone else helped you!

>> No.10441277


>> No.10441403

any of you know of any stores on ali that are legit resellers of chinese lolita brands other than loligals?

>> No.10441615

I've heard of more people getting errors! I think it might have to do with being logged in or not? Thanks anyway!

>> No.10441803
File: 1.83 MB, 1920x2560, IMG_20200720_100437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girl you misunderstand, I'm here for the cute shit.
Oh anonnete.
Anyways to get on topic at least, ordered one of these a month ago. Still no show yet.

>> No.10442245

You look like you belong on /pol/

>> No.10442270

oof. Cruel

>> No.10442569
File: 22 KB, 618x281, heart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking for this heart earring hanger. saw it awhile back but cant find it anywhere now

>> No.10443233

New thread when?

>> No.10450548

does anyone have any experience buying JSK from aliexpress ? i looked at reviews and it looks weirdly good