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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 64 KB, 1080x1080, 100877695_800629443800911_7815407385362193719_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10407785 No.10407785 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10407786
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>> No.10407787
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>> No.10407789
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>> No.10407791
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>> No.10407792
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>> No.10407793
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>> No.10407794
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>> No.10407796
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>> No.10407797
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>> No.10407798
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>> No.10407824

What an ugly dress. Who thought that design was a good idea? Gothic ABDL vibes.

>> No.10407827 [DELETED] 
File: 1.46 MB, 2560x1920, 20200604_192732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same bitch with the btssb bag

>> No.10407828
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>> No.10407830

Did you just self post?

>> No.10407831 [DELETED] 


>> No.10407833

terrible haircut but everything else is fine

>> No.10407834

Ya, i tried to post twice and it flipped the file. Roast me im dead inside anyways.

>> No.10407840


>> No.10407856

This one is almost cute as something historical if it were made for children and not such shitty cheap fabric. Definitely not on him though and not with that fetish choker.
This is 5$ ebay lingerie.

>> No.10407863
File: 1.46 MB, 1080x1335, 20200604_225606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10407877

>shitty metal cat ears
idk why but this is the thing that makes me hate this unreasonably.

prime hover lolita candidate.i don't hate this, actually.An underskirt wouldn't go amiss, but it's not the worst i've ever seen.

>> No.10407894

That room she’s posing in looks so sad.


>> No.10407938

while this coord has absolutely no redeeming qualities, i really do have a specific hatred of these regular office blouses being crammed into attempts at lolita

jesus fucking christ how terrifying

looks like a goth who is unsure of how to style lolita. the frilly and plain elements are mismatched- i think the dress is just normiewear? i actually think the v bangs can work in gothic lolita, it's just all unpolished.

these shoes are a fucking scourge, i don't understand why the tasteless are so convinced that they go with pastel colored clothing

>> No.10407939

he legit looks like he took his inspiration from a blowup doll lmao and something about his eyes look so glassy and empty which just intensifies the uncanny feeling

>> No.10407943
File: 1.57 MB, 1440x1415, Screenshot_20200604-224439~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This chick made her own it's comm when the local comms wouldn't accept her lol. She makes these horrible handmade clothes

>> No.10407944

Why wouldn't the comm accept her? As bad as the coording is here, it's still lolita

>> No.10407946
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>> No.10407950
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>> No.10407960

yeah, i've seen brand itas that look way worse than this desu. maybe she's really rude or something.

god it all looks so cheap

i don't really get what's happening here but it isn't working. is that an apron?

>> No.10407970

I don't know just one of admins of a group told me, yeah kind of sucks. I just don't like the layered ruffles

>> No.10407971

I don't know honestly, just one of the admins of a group told me. Kinda sucks. I'm just not a fan of the layered ruffles it looks off

>> No.10407986

get help

>> No.10407998

Whats it like being this retarded

>> No.10408000

Isn't the point of lingerie to be sexy

>> No.10408001

Imagine thinking the only thing wrong with this is the haircut.

>> No.10408005

Imagine having a fucking skunk as your fursona. I mean, having a fursona at all is terrible, but why the fuck would you choose to be a skunk?

>> No.10408017
File: 52 KB, 576x960, FB_IMG_1591352809973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted for this just for her. See below. Your welcome dear

Please do not re use or re post this image without my consent thank you!

>> No.10408028

Don't selfpost. Also, this coord isn't ita

>> No.10408037

Yeah but it's literally from a 5$ chinese lingerie set commonly seen on ebay.

>> No.10408046

IIRC, she’s part of the same con as the Holy Lantern Replica-Chan from COF earlier this year.

>> No.10408055

>Selfposting this hard

>> No.10408060

Out of curiosity, where is that dress from?

>> No.10408061

Cmon anon, you know this

>> No.10408063
File: 35 KB, 240x269, IMG_4199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, but I honestly don't

>> No.10408064

It's Fantastic Dolly

>> No.10408066

Can’t even see the coord, this is so over-edited.

>> No.10408069

It doesn't fit but meh. Can barely see it but you can tell she's stuffed in like a roll of biscuits

>> No.10408080

Well they can’t go outside wearing that bow considering it looks like it is made out of card. Why make a dress but not a proper bow? Furries are such lazy assholes.

>> No.10408107

El mandibula

>> No.10408112
File: 1.97 MB, 960x960, hover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10408113

How is she fitting into it? I looked up the measurements today considering buying it in the restock and if it legitimately holds her it'd certainly fit me I guess.

>> No.10408125
File: 202 KB, 1816x1816, FB_IMG_1591374606769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she insisted this pile of synthetic garbage was her real hair in COF
the shoop doesn't hide it

>> No.10408138

I saw this on CoF and I was so confused by everything she said. Why lie about wearing a wig? Also the whole “My hair is too full and thick to do Lolita Hairstyles with I wish I had thin hair.” Like girl, Lolita Hairstyles are only doable with thick full hair. I got the feeling she was doing it for the attention/replies.

>> No.10408140

Left picture makes it really obvious this is a wig.That's just... not what people's hair looks like.

>> No.10408147

Thank you anon. It's beautiful

>> No.10408152

I’ve been debating buying it too, but I’m surprised she can fit in it, so maybe I’ll go ahead and get one.

>> No.10408155

She edited the post saying she has hair extensions and "didn't know" that doesn't count as real hair.

I'm sorry. If it's not growing out of your fucking head, it's not *your* hair. Congratulations. We could all have lion's manes if we added tracks.

>> No.10408157

I don't understand the corset. Is it on backwards? Something looks wrong and I can't put my finger on it

>> No.10408161

The corset is definitely backwards

>> No.10408175
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>> No.10408180

Left is cute

>> No.10408181

not ita. just hating on chubby people... try harder.

>> No.10408184

>not recognizing fantasic dolly
>posting on the ita thread
larper confirmed

>> No.10408186

not really considering the low-quality socks, real hair showing from under the too small wig, and the ill fitt of the dress as if it was about to rip at the sleeves.

>> No.10408189

its definitely not even extensions kek, its just a generic belle delphine ethot wig

>> No.10408256

she's from europe but randomly joined my US comm's zoom call?

>> No.10408257

That's bizarre. Where is she from anyway?

>> No.10408258

She's from and currently in Southern California.

>> No.10408259

well my point still stands, I am not in SoCal and she joined my non-socal comm's zoom call
I assumed she was European because she also advertised some European comm's virtual tea party on my comm's page

>> No.10408309

As someone with thin hair, fuck her.

>> No.10408310 [DELETED] 

She’s been in the last few threads I’m sensing a vendetta

>> No.10408314

She’s been in the last few threads. Someone clearly has a vendetta

>> No.10408332

What are you talking about? You can see the coord just fine.

>> No.10408340


>> No.10408341

The fact that it's one uniform pinkish blonde color despite the fact that she clearly has brunette eyebrows is a dead giveaway

>> No.10408349

>what is hair dye

>> No.10408353

Nobody has hair that long of that color with no obvious signs of roots unless it was literally done like 2 days prior to the photo. Plus the completely uniform color. Hair dye doesn't get that kind of result.

>> No.10408357

I know it might not mean much coming from an anon on a Taiwanese mango harvesting site but it will get better anon. I hope you will feel better about yourself someday, even if it might seem impossible right now.

>> No.10408358

have you ever been to a good salon? also, what is maintenance?

>> No.10408359

Are you actually trying to argue that it looks like her real hair lmao

>> No.10408360
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>> No.10408362

the poster already said it's not her hair. it's clearly a lacefront wig. you can tell from the hairline.

>> No.10408381

>have you been to a good salon
ntyart, but i'm a hairdresser at a good salon. hair doesn't look like this. next.

>> No.10408420

lol she left

>> No.10408441

I'm a hairdresser and this is hot garbage.

>> No.10408445

I'm saying no roots an an even hair color like that is possible with upkeep and a good dye job. reading comprehension is a bitch.

>> No.10408448

It's like she's trying to combine her one actual lolita item with the stuff she has in her closet, which includes renfaire garb.

>> No.10408451

the wig in question doesn't look like a good dye job though retard.

>> No.10408491

I feel bad for this girl, she's clearly trying but she seems to have been born without a sense of style

>> No.10408514

How did she even get the link to it

Does anyone have caps of her arguing in the comments? I left CoF

>> No.10408522

She looks so happy

>> No.10408523

have you ever seen a nice dye job irl? it doesn't look like that, it looks like actual hair.

>> No.10408524
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>> No.10408624

You look like you're getting the idea but your blouse it too plain. Get a cheap one from Bodyline or secondhand to complete the look. Also maybe consider white tights or ankle socks. Your lower half is too dark compared to the upper half. I'm guessing this is because you're new and your wardrobe is limited, but consider balance when you buy things going forward.

>> No.10408634

Both of these are cute, just plain and and casual.

>> No.10408666

That room is a mess, why would they show that off?
>sticking your tongue out to show off piercing
Most embarrassing behavior

>> No.10408675

Never change Wish-chan.

I start to admire her persistence, she outs herself regularly here and gets roasted all the time but still hasn't given up and can do such a smile.

>> No.10408738

This isn't the feels thread

>> No.10408805

Did not notice the tongue piercing yikes

>> No.10408849

Everything about this picture is depressing.

>> No.10408863
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Nightmare fuel

>> No.10408865
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>> No.10408872

Her gyaru eye makeup looks nice though

>> No.10408875

Not ita, just... not lolita

>> No.10408876

Not ita. The coord is very lackluster but the hair and makeup is on point.

>> No.10408885

This is literally a gyaru coord you cretin

>> No.10408887

How do you know I am french?

>> No.10408891


Where? It's not good but it's not like this is horrific.

>> No.10408892

Is this a man?

>> No.10408942
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>> No.10408958

this eye makeup is not gyaru

>> No.10408973

Saw this online and my first thought was
>I can’t wait to see this on Cgl

>> No.10408986

We need to fire the CoF mods so posts like this and the furry crap actually get taken down. And the people asspatting her need to be banned from the group

>> No.10408991

Why? It looks pretty gyaru to me

>> No.10409007

They aren’t self posting, someone has a vendetta against them and keep posting them here repeatedly

>> No.10409009

Can we go back to posting itas instead of people we have a personal vendetta against?

>> No.10409011
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>> No.10409014
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>> No.10409023

So, you can't see the 5 o'clock shadow?

>> No.10409036

If she just switched the black for a light color I’d forgive it.

>> No.10409038

>liz lisa knockoffs

every time

>> No.10409048

her hair and face are cute
everything else is garbage

>> No.10409050

Man, if you changed this to not be lolita by swapping the skirt for some cute yellow high waisted shorts and ditch the belt, this would be great.

>> No.10409052

I hope you’re joking and not actually thinking anon used cretin in the wrong form.

>> No.10409057

there are many outfits in this thread clearly not trying to be lolita, but you have to be angry about something online.

>> No.10409064
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>> No.10409066

I like the skirt, it just doesn’t look good with whatever lumpy petti she put under it. But there’s no need to call it lolita just because she’s wearing that petti.

>> No.10409101

Mexican lolitas, what else to espect? Down there any outfit could be called lolita

>> No.10409109
File: 247 KB, 220x220, 162D85AC-8EBF-41BC-9D53-614023CA7D9E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not knowing anything about Gyaru

>> No.10409111

Get your eyes checked. I’ve met this girl and while she’s a freak, she’s not a man.

>> No.10409120

it looks more like shit drag makeup kek.

>> No.10409124

Looking at her bare thighs like that is a bit uncomfortable... why not wear tights under????

>> No.10409126

She is just a ddlg freak when she is not wearing diapers

>> No.10409130

of all the things in the coord this seems like a weird one to complain about

>> No.10409159
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>> No.10409160
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>> No.10409162

She looks dirty

>> No.10409178

Probably because it’s hot, but yeah she should have done something about her bare thighs. They’re so wrinkled it gives you the feeling you’re looking directly at her labia.

>> No.10409183
File: 88 KB, 1150x1600, 103198998_1335116880015181_6164247471971788632_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10409185

I hate this man but the coord really isn't ita, and that's almost the most upsetting part. This would look really cute on a girl.

>> No.10409195

This is the second time she has been posted in an ita thread in this exact coord. I smell a vendetta-chan

>> No.10409197

Not ita. Her coord is decent, she's just fat

>> No.10409198

That dress looks tacky and doesn't flatter her shape at all

>> No.10409200
File: 242 KB, 1356x1693, 102707401_3188514171210215_2164056755679354394_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10409207

just get rid of the sunglasses and change the shoes and it's perfectly alright. Lots of the 'ita coords' here can easily be turned into alright coords if you just change 1 or 2 things

>> No.10409229

Yes, a drag queen

>> No.10409231

The bag needs to go, just looks tacky.
As for shoes, these aren’t the most offensive sneakers I’ve seen paired with lolita. They’re not dirty, or a mismatched color. I don’t care for the platform but they at least fit the color scheme and are cute. Maybe she was walking around a lot?

>> No.10409232

This pic is old, why are we rehashing this?

>> No.10409254
File: 104 KB, 640x853, tumblr_cd5c1fe078c52c9cbfdd0cad971462e0_e42fe0a5_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10409337

This looks like a newbie, she just needs some concrit and time to learn how to coord

>> No.10409346

It would also look better if she wasn’t shaped like an overflowing sack of potatoes

>> No.10409351

If prostitute lolita was a thing, this is what it would look like

>> No.10409352


>> No.10409357

Too bad happy isn't rori

>> No.10409373
File: 134 KB, 1080x1440, FB_IMG_1591561785295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is with this girl's hats?

>> No.10409392

Isn’t this the woman who claims that she was e-famous and got kicked out of a lolita community for stalking someone?

>> No.10409418

No newbie at all

>> No.10409421
File: 349 KB, 1080x1350, 1591567355961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10409424

I really dont get red jewellery over a white/blue dress... Also that white hat is really bad, it looks like its been sitting in some grandmas attic for the last 30 years

>> No.10409426

Not the worst, but not the best. This is a weird angle to shoot from

>> No.10409427

Decent coord, she's just fat

>> No.10409429

I actually quite like this ngl, OTT ouji slaps

>> No.10409430

She just keeps getting more and more cringey

>> No.10409440
File: 56 KB, 722x960, 103455204_10221173683423991_1487697583037615733_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10409441

I forgot to mention the caption she claims is a lolita newb on a budget and wishes us a happy ild

>> No.10409445

I’m gonna need sauce or some spoon feeding to look through the archives

>> No.10409446

Honest question: can people this big not wear petticoats? I know that’s a bodyline dress but her body fills out the skirt so much I doubt a petti would fit.

>> No.10409449
File: 529 KB, 1520x2048, 9532239B-2470-4AEF-8D7B-DC81FD3716FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10409454

probably not, it'd look overstuffed unless it's really light. definitely needs more skirt material.

>> No.10409459

Someone needs to join the lolita furry group on Facebook. I want to see all the trash fires.

>> No.10409463

No this was the same fat girl who thought crocs were lolita. She IS ita

>> No.10409464

She posted her skirt was from amazon. And was proud of it. Also check the shit makeup and man face. Prime ita

>> No.10409465

Hi k8

>> No.10409466

She is a compulsive liar. She also has stated she has a popular YouTube, was asked to join the circus while wearing Lolita and other crazy things.

>> No.10409468
File: 124 KB, 960x960, 101794361_4195934980447294_3406359264742958524_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Full Metal Alchemist Edward Elric Inspired Coord

>> No.10409472

It is so upsetting that women must share their fashion and community with these monsters.

>> No.10409474

I love her jsk, does anyone know its name?

>> No.10409478

I spy 3 tits

>> No.10409482

I’ve seen this person post several decent coords. I have zero reason to believe they’re a fetishist but I’m sorry, that face just says “sissy” to me.

>> No.10409483

Maybe he is an autist or something

>> No.10409485

If I see one more man in a dress I'm going to scream. I hate it so much, I hate that we allow it.

>> No.10409486

Why are you so new https://lolibrary.org/items/aatp-secret-hospital-for-dolls-its-me-who-heals-you-jsk-i

>> No.10409487

A man forcing himself into women's clothing and women's spaces...but you see nothing fetishistic?

>> No.10409488

Thank you

>> No.10409498

Not a fan of the veil and horns but from the neck down this is awesome.

>> No.10409499

I came here just to see if this was posted.

Remove the arm and everything is still just as awful.

>> No.10409501
File: 95 KB, 960x960, 102555233_10157828335156339_1793539390845960701_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10409506

Hi friend of k8

>> No.10409510

she's talked about altering brand on one post before

>> No.10409516

Other than the weird tulle growing out of her shoulder there's nothing particularly wrong with her coord?

>> No.10409520

You forgot the best part! She made her headdress from zip ties...

>> No.10409523
File: 1.31 MB, 1242x1641, BC1A7D98-7E08-4815-BDF1-39F42BA41723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s still a wig. And cringe at her “culture”...

>> No.10409556

I think this would be super cute on someone without tattoos and more conventionally attractive. Maybe with a different blouse too, but that's kind of a nitpick at best.

>> No.10409557

Way too filtered

>> No.10409586

the fact that he doesn't do the least bit of shoop on his face or just use a sticker is what solidifies the sissy status for me. he's proud to look like an old guy in a dress and he wants you to know it.

>> No.10409591

same here anon

>> No.10409630

to be fair brolitas do the same thing. Just because someones face doesn't fit doesn't make them a fetishist

>> No.10409635

that makeup makes her look like a drag queen

>> No.10409638

Everyone’s kissing this girl’s ass in the comments for what is a shit tier cosplay and coord

>> No.10409643

Sometimes you just have to know when to shut the camera off, strip it off, and start all the fuck over.

>> No.10409644

are we sure this isn’t “hobo rolls in a closet and get duct tape stuck to her arm” inspired

>> No.10409645
File: 117 KB, 200x407, Screenshot_20200607-235612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic, I can't even focus this is so awful.

>> No.10409647
File: 3.09 MB, 1640x2048, Screenshot_20200303-092336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg I used to follow her on insta for plus sized Lolita positivity! Unfollowed bc of this shit. Not hella it's, but why would you post this online! Subsequent pics she colored over with grey, then finally changed out the bodypillowcase with something not cringe

>> No.10409648

How can a normal-sized person still have a boobloaf?

>> No.10409650

Just saw her bitching about not being able to post to some Lolita FB group bc the mods said she isn't posting full coords when she claims otherwise, unable to understand that you can't cut off your legs and still have it be a full coord. "But my room is small" was her excuse when you can just have the camera farther away?

>> No.10409670

because you can still have big boobs while being relatively skinny everywhere else.

>> No.10409677

She used the blur tool to try and hide the lacefront lol

>> No.10409685

Like damn at least get some fuckin crocs on.

>> No.10409695

This girl is such a chronic liar, I hope she keeps posting. First she lies about her wig, now she's saying her outfit is handmade when it's obviously that cheap taobao hoop petticoat with an office blouse and some fast fashion milanoouji thrown on top. Is that what constitutes handmade these days?

>> No.10409699

She claimed she didn't know having extensions didn't count as her "real hair," so I can see her claiming throwing together random shit as "handmade"

>> No.10409712
File: 191 KB, 221x465, Screenshot_20200608-024611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bat wing bib. The bottom half style just seems out of place here. I can't get over that bat wing bib. I need to leave them alone but gosh, like an Ita pile of wretchedness.

>> No.10409713
File: 145 KB, 500x522, _01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"bat wing bib" yourself you fucking retard. The AP magic bat cape is amazing but agreed the bottom half looks like shit

>> No.10409714

Is that even the same wig lmao. Looks thinner at the ends and lumpier through the wig cap

That coord is as bad as the wig, invest in some nice brand legwear and main pieces, and lolita shoes

>> No.10409715

Ugh these “omg so Nordic and magical” types are so cringe.

>> No.10409716


>> No.10409717

How fucking dumb are you anyway, imagine not knowing the difference between a bib and a cape. Regardless, it’s AP and it matches the dress theme. Still ita though.

>> No.10409718

All I can think when I see that 'rune' is "F in chat"

>> No.10409720

Press F to pay respects to her fashion sense

>> No.10409721

Your vendetta is showing

>> No.10409722

That's the most fake, wiggy looking wig I've ever seen. Does she really think that looks like human hair?

>> No.10409723

4chan removes exif data <3

>> No.10409725

Nitpick. This just looks like a really bad photo. You can see the white matches the white lace on her wrist cuffs. Did you yank this photo from a comm page?

>> No.10409729

I know what the fuck it is, but it looks like a torn paper bib you get at a ribs restaurant.

>> No.10409734

nyart but i saw this pic on my explore page on Instagram, I agree it seems nitpick, the coord isn’t ita but it isn’t great either.

>> No.10409739

he is one

>> No.10409748

This isn’t the most ita of coords I’ve seen but why do itas and fatties flock to Holy Lantern??

>> No.10409751

True dude, I do hate anyone without crocs.

>> No.10409777

The same why they flock to Honey Cake. It is big enough to squeeze in

>> No.10409784

I was watching this godawful show called Call to Cosplay the other day and I swear she looks like one of the season 2 contestants (Ashphord Jacoway). Is it her?

>> No.10409796

This is fine, calm down.

>> No.10409799
File: 35 KB, 515x1136, 102868819_10220754957157217_5989409953164745931_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From a general jfashion group I hope she does not think this is lolita

>> No.10409818

Not only that. I thought I had seen this girl before and I was right. She is very vocal about giving other people coord advice and even posted in "I'm Telling Tyler" for irrelevant shit. She has 2 accounts. I think she wants us to believe that they're not the same person. In her first account she uses her real name and before she turned all her PP to private, there were pics of her real hair and it's actually short. She's just young and wants attention.

>> No.10409819

Wtf I thought it had a tentacle wrapped around its leg at first but it's actually like cut into segments or something?? Wtf kinda degenerate shit is this

>> No.10409820

>i was ordained as a seidr
no you weren't either you idiot. this girl has boundless cringe.

>> No.10409821

it's just slime anon. good old fashioned slime rape! so kawaii.

>> No.10409826

I don't understand what is wrong with that pillow case

>> No.10409831

Only k8 could wear a full set and make it look cheap and ugly
Imagine your tits looking like that in this dress and still deciding to wear it

>> No.10409833

Probably half of all Western lolitas look like that in their dresses, but it’s usually obscured by a print.

>> No.10409839

Are good bras too expensive or something

>> No.10409840

Maybe you should get your eyes checked honey, this is a perfectly okay coord

>> No.10409841

Aren’t you that ita leader from the Begginer lolita amino?

>> No.10409843

Wtf? It looks cheap and nasty. The sheer white socks and black top are not flattering on someone that big, but even on a small person would still not be a good coord. Too much cheap shit in one coord

>> No.10409844

Smells like vendetta


>> No.10409850

Oh, is that where you got started? Your ID card just dropped.

>> No.10409851

Unflattering fit and cheap earrings, but otherwise this looks fine.

>> No.10409855

I don't even know who this girl is but this level of wking is embarrassing

>> No.10409856

Stop fucking posting cosplays it's boring as hell

>> No.10409874

This coord is super cute, just unfortunate he looks like that.

>> No.10409879

I used to frequent these threads daily as watching people ripping each other apart is like crack to me. Ever since I got a gf and she clings to me like fucking glue I haven't been able to visit my guilty pleasure since she's always looking at whatever screen I am. Thankfully this is the first night in over a year I've been finally left alone to indulge. Thank you gulls.

>> No.10409884

Your friend doesn't know how to dress. Defending her this much makes her look worse so I recommend you just stop.

>> No.10409885

And she's bawwing at bullies along with some other people who said her outfit doesnt read as lolita. COF is truly shit.

>> No.10409888

This girl is a train wreck through and through, never have I seen her post anything worth looking at.

>> No.10409936
File: 2.31 MB, 960x1280, ABAD9BC6-23B0-470E-94D5-00318A34E533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10409979

so many lolitas are horders

>> No.10409986

The room is a mess, yes, but messy =/= hoarder.

>> No.10410003

I see nothing wrong here

>> No.10410013
File: 210 KB, 1241x982, 08E6A3CD-5C84-438D-8D4E-DD845770111E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow does she think we are this dumb? This is from her alt account

>> No.10410023

this is 100% hoarder room. you can see the huge cheap plastic bin coming into view on the left.

>> No.10410028

How does she fuck this up every time? Always something throwing it way off...I cant put my finger on it ever what it is.

>> No.10410029
File: 322 KB, 1536x2048, 102755170_10157776547760345_3146279805423632787_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10410043

oh god there's so much going on here

>> No.10410046

That paneling. Is she poor since she ditched her rich husband?

>> No.10410051

At least he is wearing and modified a knock off of ap.

>> No.10410057

It’s like she competes with herself to see how tacky she can get

>> No.10410063

Yikes, that fursuit is really poorly made. At least an attempt to coord it with a dress that almost matches was made

>> No.10410065

"Braaaaaaaap" fetishists.

>> No.10410067

Lolita bodices generally aren’t cut for bigger cup sizes and a lot of these women will actually wear minimiser bras because with a proper bra the bodice won’t zip up.

>> No.10410073

So you like furry porn? Fuck off

>> No.10410076
File: 58 KB, 960x960, 103178517_3215979508423769_6090407442409560563_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10410083

I'm trying to figure out what the print is called, anyone know?

>> No.10410090

Btssb Toy’s Fluffy Dream

>> No.10410102

Looks like cute "I'm chilling out at home" room wear to me.

>> No.10410104

Her hair looks moldy

>> No.10410117

Poor jsk it must be saved from her, I love this dress in red so much

>> No.10410123

Thanks anon!

>> No.10410126

i give people a pass on getting their hair colored during quarantine, but if she looked like that prior to lockdown then it's fair game

>> No.10410137

She really looked at this coord and took and picture and thought “yeah, I’m gonna post this”

>> No.10410178

Tea plz.

>> No.10410181

It does look like a poor people apartment, like one of those “garden homes.” The carpeting it pretty horrendous, too. But she’s surrounded by so many hundreds of dollars worth of garbage that I can only conclude she lacks priorities, not money.

>> No.10410184

Probably just divorce money since she doesn’t work

>> No.10410188

Symmetrical face piercings are so bad bc they call attention to exactly how unsymmetrical your face is.

>> No.10410215

This dress looks so cozy

>> No.10410218


lolcow, /w/.

>> No.10410230

I would hate to be in a com that teaches this is a good coord. Please tell me she is a beginner.

>> No.10410255

Well considering that's not even hair extensions she really is just a big fat liar liar pants on fire.

>> No.10410262

How is she not cancelled? She loves DollsKill

>> No.10410268

why did you put rune it quotes?

>> No.10410279

then leave, you've obviously got a vendetta for this person in your comm

>> No.10410289

Bitch, I don't even know what country they are in. It's ita material, this is an Ita thread. People make comments on the Itas. It's how it works here. JFC

>> No.10410293

Not defending her, she looks like absolute garbage, but there's red coral in the print you dumb fuck.

>> No.10410297

this pains me to look at. also why are her legs toothpicks

>> No.10410311

Sounds so toxic

>> No.10410322

Her “fans” (I guess that’s what you would call them) don’t give a shit

>> No.10410357

ooo, someone's big mad their vendetta didn't get the attention they wanted huh
sorry nobody was mean enough to your waifu for you in this thread

>> No.10410362

Nta but you're wking too hard

>> No.10410387

It's irritating to say the least. She has no friends she sees but can't cope without interaction and desires to be glued to me all the time.

>Going to check the mail
>>I'm coming

>Going to get my haircut
>>I want to go for the drive

>I'm going to get milk
>>Me too!

>I'm taking the garbage out
>>I'll help!

We work at the same places at the same days and times and go to the same university (different courses) so it can be very overwhelming when we are literally never apart, ever. When I just want to indulge in a guilty pleasure or just entertain myself without being constantly pestered for attention or constantly asked questions about what I am doing and why.

Oh well.

>> No.10410395

I recommend having a serious conversation about boundaries and the importance of alone time. Was she like this pre ‘rona? Not having her own friends to hang out with sounds like a big red flag.

>> No.10410399
File: 75 KB, 340x512, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must've picked up my ex, that sounds just like her. She used to follow me around so close that she'd bump into me if I stopped. No friends of her own or hobbies that she could partake in alone. It was like dating Patrick.

>> No.10410401

this sounds like a classic pursuer-distancer relationship and is not going to end well

>> No.10410402

I myself don't have friends that I see so I didn't see it as a red flag. I enjoy being alone and doing my own thing, she seemed like that at the start of the relationship.

She was like this always as soon as we moved in together.

Her biggest problem is she has no idea what she wants to do in life, no ambitions other than some vague ideas of earning lots of money, whereas I tend to pursue my ambitions unrelentingly. She follows me like a lost animal because she has no path or her own to follow. Honestly, it's made me consider breaking up with her because i have ambitions and goals for myself I need to meet such as interning overseas in Europe, earning scholarships to study in Asia and I want to live and work in a foreign country that doesn't speak english. Whenever I discuss these things with her she says "Well, what about me? You make plans with no room for me."

She gets in the way of the things I want to do rather than supporting them wholeheartedly or pursuing her own goals.

I've told her she needs to find a hobby or an interest and she has vague ideas of an etsy store but always makes an excuse as to why she can't start it just yet.

Her life revolves around me and that's hard for me because I like my along time and I am no one special so being put up as a pedestal is irritating since I feel I have a hero-like obligation to fufill to her.

If you don't mind me asking, what made you break up?

>Aplogies to everyone ITT, I didn't mean to turn it into a feels thread.

>> No.10410406

We broke up because she was too clingy and some other issues in the relationship (she was a gold-star lesbian who constantly thought because I was bi I was going to cheat on her with a man, she was a habitual liar and liked to paint me as an abuser to my friends if I so much as snapped at her for making mean comments about my appearance ie "I'm so scared of Anon yelling at me, I never know what will set her off" and other such examples).

>> No.10410412

Are you my roommate? Because this sounds a lot like him+his fiance. She will literally throw a fit if he even considers going to bed at a different time than her. Cut it off, bro. You're more important than anything she could even think about offering you.

>> No.10410432

You're making it worse, stop trying to defend your ita self. Being posted here doesn't automatically make it a vendetta. It just means someone thought you were ita. Calm the fuck down and go learn how to coord.

>> No.10410455


dude your shitposting is weird, yea the coord is less than stelar (still not ita) but your obsession is showing

>> No.10410457

Whatever if you dont like your relationship as it is deal with it maturely dont bitch about it in the ita thread of all places. If she is being clingy, I am sorry to say, you have given her some right to do so.
Also I would suggest share your guilty pleasures and such. I find all my relationships to be more rewarding when I share as much of me as possible.

>> No.10410465

this was literally posted to cof as a "misa inspired coord"

>> No.10410476

The defense over this Amazon quality heap is pretty entertaining.

>> No.10410511

Did K8 get surgery or something? She looks super different here compared to her older photos. Also holy shit this is dire even for her

>> No.10410513

Remember when K8 used to look fine? I do wonder how people just lose a sense of taste

>> No.10410516


>> No.10410531

If things are as you describe I would break it off with her. It's going to really hurt both of you if you continue to let this happen and it's making you unhappy.

>> No.10410541

Dude.... you need to go ahead and say something. That’s incredibly unhealthy for her AND you.

>> No.10410562

Do you guys just... not speak? Ever? Why doesn't she know this bothers you? Unless you fear some kind of abuse you tell your partner this shit, not let it fester and rant about it on the internet.

>> No.10410697

She posted today that she deleted all her dollskill tagged stuff

>> No.10411000

ugh, baby ponytail's fabric and design choices are so tragic

>> No.10411002

If you want to do black x white, it needs to be either really oldschool (mostly solid cotton fabrics, cotton lace with no netting, etc) or like really artistic and obviously well-considered. Blouse reads classic casual, shoes and bag are more oldschool, other items are like sweet/classic in black. Pick a lane.

>> No.10411005

I love what kate has been doing, this is awesome. Way better than a few years ago as far as creativity

>> No.10411007

Hi K8

>> No.10411020

not k8, although after spending the last 30 minutes on lolcow i am seriously worried for k8s mental health actually. But I still like some coords better lately, old shit was boring. Something about the crazy eyes does it for me.

>> No.10411171

She looks like shit and is a shitty person. Stop licking her ass.

>> No.10411344

Why not share with her? Sometimes I send some of the especially bad coords I find on here to my girlfriend and we snark about them together. She's not even into lolita or J-Fash.

>> No.10411346

Deerstalker pictures wasn't lying when they said it. I usually don't mind it as long as their shit is clean and organized instead of strewn all over the place like it is here. How much of that stuff could just be organized onto that built-in shelving behind her?

>> No.10411351

I hate K8 but I think this is nitpick territory. I'd like it without the horns. At least her makeup isn't quite as bad as her signature nasty cakeface that she somehow thought was appropriate to slather on when modeling for AP.

>> No.10411352

Honestly, her not having a life plan is a HUGE red flag. In my relationship I'm already working on stabilizing my career and my girlfriend is finishing up college for her career. We worked one another into our goals, but dating someone who doesn't have any ambitions is asking for problems. At the very least she'll be a financial burden unless she plans to be a stay-at-home wife/mom in the future and you will be able to make enough to support her.

>> No.10411793

Why would you post a pic like this? To have your ankles that far apart and your thighs still are stuck together. It completely distracts from normie shoes t-shirt, & trying to have a summer coord with a thick, quilt like fabric dress.

>> No.10411796

All this is missing is the rib sauce. It actually does look like a bib on her.

>> No.10411886

maddy please get out of the ita thread and get back to work

>> No.10411913

Just because you hate your body doesn’t mean everyone does.

>> No.10411952

Not everyone hates my body? Awww, you are so sweet, anon.

>> No.10411967

You’re welcome, everybody deserves to be happy in their own skin.

>> No.10411986

But nobody deserves, without consent, to scroll in a lolita group and see an up skirt shot. Thighs that big indicate over eating, which is an eating disorder that leads to obesity. If you didn't want comments on your fat, then don't show up skirt shots of your fat.

>> No.10412015

Where? You’re gonna give yourself an aneurism getting that mad that overweight people dare to exist without caring about what you think of them.

>> No.10412035

not that anon, but the camera is low and angled up. You cant see panty or anything obviously, but you can for sure see a considerable amount of her thighs.

>> No.10412042

Not discussing the existence of people. The photo is an up skirt of fat thighs. Why share it????? Why do you assume people want to look at your fat thighs????

>> No.10412103

Reach of the week

>> No.10412323

Hurry up and approve requests to join your group. CoF is 80% ita

>> No.10412328

I used to feel that way about her too until I was able to become acquainted with her. She literally does not care about anyone other than herself. And she’s only nice to you if you have a decent following so she can parkour off your tags

>> No.10412605
File: 158 KB, 1080x1349, FB_IMG_1591930841782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up about k8, post itas

>> No.10412750

good idea, poor execution

>> No.10412957

The longer you look, the worse this gets.

>> No.10412998

And uncanny levels of shoop to correct the drug damage

>> No.10413002

So it's confirmed that she lurks

>If you want to do black x white, it needs to be either really oldschool or like really artistic
Shhhh newfag

>> No.10413027
File: 513 KB, 495x887, coronaviruswh0re --coronaviruswh0re- - TikTok 6-13-2020 12-47-26 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been waiting to post this bitch im a bit of a vendetta chan with her the dress is a replica and she tagged this with "creepy doll"

>> No.10413683

That's not a cutout top, she just unbuttoned the middle I am cackling

>> No.10413713

That's not even the worst of her, look up coronaviruswh0re, she tags herself as lolita after she bought that dress from lolitain. It's not even too small for her, she just laces it tight in back to unbutton it like that.

>> No.10414257

I thought that was a mask.