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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10392099 No.10392099 [Reply] [Original]

This lockdown is really getting to me. I'm 22 and cons are, or were, my main method of socializing and hooking up with people. Most of my friends were people I met at cons, I used to like to go to at least one a month. Even had a Jynx cosplay from League planned out. I miss:

>The group cosplays
>My friends, who are scattered around the country
>Hooking up with hot guys (I only match with ugly dudes on Tinder, whereas at cons I can do way better for some reason?)
>The raves
>The drugs at the raves
>The room parties and naughty shit we all got up to there
>Just meeting random people and having a great time

Anyone else feel the same way? When is this all going to end so we can get back to debauced and dressed up?

>> No.10392101

There's a few crazy anti-social doomers on /cgl/ that are gonna pop in and tell you cons are permanently fucked or at least 2022 at the earliest, but I'm betting on shit basically being back to normal by fall or winter this year.

>> No.10392105

The key is to not get hung up on timelines. None of us have a crystal ball and none of us know when cons are going to come back (don't listen to doomers, they will come back at some point). The important thing is to use this time wisely. Plan/craft cosplays, get /fit/ if you need to, and stack bread so that when they do come back you can make the most of it and go all out.

>> No.10392112

Highly doubtful.

>> No.10392113
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Say it with me now.

No large public gatherings until 2022. Bitch, moan, whine, seethe all you want, you fragile social butterflies. Nothing until 2022.

>> No.10392117

Why are zoomers always such little skanks?

>> No.10392119

Are we just going to ignore half of the things she mentions are drugs, casual sex and more casual sex? Imagine being her dad lol.

>> No.10392120

Doesn't surprise me. These are the kinds of people reeing to open things up again.

>> No.10392121

Yeah that's not happening. A month ago like 20k people died and now its at 86k. It's exploding and will continue to explode more as the country has begun opening up (in the US at least). I don't think large gatherings will happen for a couple years when either herd immunity is built up or we have vaccines.

>> No.10392122

Imagine being the future guy that marries her and doesn't know she's had a 200+ body count in a single year

>> No.10392123

Cosplay is a sex positive hobby. If you can't deal with that, find another one. We've always been known as a community with tons of kinksters, sex workers, polyamorous folk, people who like casual sex etc. That's what cosplay is about.

>> No.10392125

That is absolutely not what cosplay is about kek did you even attend cons in the late 90s/early 2000s? It's zoomer culture that's brought pure degeneracy

>> No.10392126

Bretty sure cosplay is about cosplaying characters you like. Sure, these days it's synonymous with softcore porn and daddy issues, but it wasn't always that way.

>> No.10392127

No, it's literally about just going to cons to sleep with a ton of cosplay chads who don't even like anime (are there just for the free lay because their competition is 90% obese anime fans) and snort crack off their dick

>> No.10392128

Is zoomer culture really this unhealthy? I thought millennial degeneracy couldn't get any worse. I guess these creatures have been raised on smartphone porn though. Cosplay has always been about showcasing sexual content first for these types.

>> No.10392130
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>> No.10392131

Posting in this thread just to call you a degenerate roastie. Don't have sex.

>> No.10392132

They have literally been raised on hook up culture and tinder. I know a ton of zoomer women and men that have high STD rates because of this. They hook up with a new person every week! Christ I had only had sex with 2 guys by the age of 30 because I had only been in 2 LTRs. These people have slept with legitimately hundreds of people by their mid 20s!!! Hypergamy is a real thing, I feel so sorry for guys since it's mostly women doing it with the same set of guys.

>> No.10392133
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>turning 26 this year
>cons are all cancelled
>I'll be 27 at the earliest for con shit
I'll be too old to get con thots like you by then. I guess I can't get drunk as shit at cons and go to raves with cute girls anymore. I'll just be the weird old guy.

>> No.10392134

Ok boomer. Idk what kind of degens you've met but listen to yourself lol

>> No.10392135

It's weird because they also report higher levels of sexual dissatisfaction than previous generations. It's almost like hookups and porn-inspired sex = shit sex.

>> No.10392136

Jesus FUCKING christ. This is exactly why cons have gone to shit in the last decade, it's probably spurred by things like Instagram and Tinder where young insecure women are using it for attention and validation because it's so easy even if you're really average or ugly to get men to pay attention. Because they can't stop themselves from wanting to fill any hole.

Most girls at cons don't give a shit about anime or making friends, they just want to get attention and find the hottest guy to sleep with every day of the con.

>> No.10392137

Do zoomers really? I mean when I was younger I occasionally thought about doing shit like that but I had friends who would straight up tell me I was dumb and not to trust men. Do zoomer friendship groups not have that whole "yeah, let's stick together at this con and avoid men creeping on us" instinct anymore?

>> No.10392138

Get out of your head and go outside mate

>> No.10392139

I've met too many zooms at cons (I'm 32 and they think I'm 24 so I can blend in easy) that have this mindset. Like my generation didn't have this sort of though process at all, but for whatever reason zoomies are so attention starved they have to constantly slut around. It's hard for you to imagine because you're probably 19 and practically a child, but your generation being raised on smart phones was a massive mistake.


That's because humans are meant to pair off 1:1 in society. We're highly monogamous creatures at this point because you can't truly be fulfilled by sleeping with a ton of different dudes. Most people will realize this after being pumped and dumped a hundred times. A lot of yall better not tell your future partners your body count, lol.

>> No.10392140

They do have that instinct but they're typically fat incel women you'd see posting here, lolcow, reddit, or twitter.

The turboslut thing is actually completely normie for the zoomer generation.

>> No.10392141

They also report less regular sex. The younger millennial/zoomer model is basically to hook up with random people irregularly (not necessarily once a week, but once every couple of months, or a few times in a week at a con and then nothing for nearly half a year for example).

It's really weird. Having sex like this just seems so... sterile. If it really conferred all the advantages that sex-posis claim then 80% of the cosplay community wouldn't have either Cluster B or chronic depressive mental illnesses.

Nobody is happier as a result of the way the system is set up now.

>> No.10392142

Why is this a thing among Gen Z compared to other generations? Why would hooking up with a random person be more fulfilling than finding a compatible personality you can regularly fuck with (and form a real long term relationship with)? Why have relationships been thrown out for hypergamy? Attention and validation?

Every young girl I've talked to, mostly at cons since its my only way of meeting younger people now, say they hook up and can't find the "right guy" for a long term relationship because they're always itching for something better. It's always another swipe away, another hook up, they're gonna find the perfect prince charming by continually waiting for a better person. Enough is never enough.

When they don't even focus on improving themselves.

>> No.10392143

Unironically can confirm. it's almost like I like the idea of having sex than actually doing it. i've had multiple times where my FWB would ask me to come over after work and I'd just go "i'm busy". Then I go home, work on my cosplay, and just jack it in a quarter of the time. Need sated and I have free time now.

Would rather have a relationship and romcoms make my heart ache for one but for some reason hooking up is much easier (which is kind of weird, actually).

>> No.10392144

How many men have had you?

>> No.10392146

Girl, just find a god damn LTR. It'll fulfill you more than a million guys trying to fill your holes. Seriously, it's way more meaningful and even way better feeling having sex in a relationship. A good relationship you can also work with your bf to get you off better than some random.

>> No.10392147

Path of least resistance gets easier with each web 3.0 update and app refinement I guess.

I'm more interested in all the girls who unironically never shut up about how much they love porn, how awesome porn is, their favorite types of porn etc. It's so performative and weird. I think they think it's endearing to men.

Zoomer chicks just seem burned out in general. Burned out on weed. Burned out on casual sex. Burned out on the broken promises of the men who fuck them. Burned out on their shit relationship with their parents. Burned out on the feigned indifference to it all they feel they have to maintain for cool girl points (think Billie Eilish). Dealing with girls who are 16 going on 40 in terms of their emotional outlook is grim, let me tell you.

Maybe /r9k/ actually had a point with their "emcel" meme.

>> No.10392149

These two comments perfectly explaining eachother, lol. You need to stop going for what's easy and go for what's more difficult & better. You're not a whore because you slept with a million guys forever, you can change that. Start looking for better partners instead of regretful meaningless pound sessions.

>> No.10392150

I'm straight (and a guy), and maybe ~10 different girls? 23 years old for reference.

I'm an absolutely terrible flirt and feel turbo self conscious when I do (but confident in like every other case). It's the biggest thorn in my side in terms of personality. Always get into the issue of "Oh, this person is a great friend -> Dating them would be great! We're so compatible -> Oh, I don't want to lose the friendship if they don't feel the same way" which prevents me from pulling the trigger.

>> No.10392153

Easier for you then, casual sex does less damage to men's mental wellbeing, though it still does damage. If you're into soundcloud rap I will slap you though.

>> No.10392155

You'll get confident with more life experience, probably in career. Careers push people into severely uncomfortable areas like presenting in front of senior management, etc... that'll make the dating stuff like that see super tame. At least that happened with me, I only even got the confidence to try and date for the first time at 29 as a virgin. Apparently I'm a fairly attractive dude just literally never put myself out there and was too autistic to see people hitting on me.

>> No.10392156

Nah, not really
Interesting outlook in thread though, if anything I feel like most girls I've seen are the ones to make the first move rather than vice versa (or at least in my cases and how >>10392147 explains it). And they still get the brunt of the emotional damage?

I know the entire "the biggest enemy is yourself" stuff sounds like a meme, but it really is true. Happy for you!

>> No.10392158


Correct. Zoomer girls seem fundamentally unfeminine to me precisely because they're so burned out and numb to it all. Femininity to me means being cheerful, kind, compassionate etc. Zoomer girls lack all of these tendencies. Doesn't help they say they "hate children" or describe them as "crotch spawn" either. There's just nothing feminine at all about girls under 25. No matter how many lolita dresses they buy or how over the top their e-girl makeup is. Deep down inside they're often vengeful, hateful, bitter people before they've even hit 20. That's what promiscuity will do to you. Take lessons from Bianca Devins.

>> No.10392159

It's instagram and social media making them compete like crazy for attention. They have to fight for likes and views otherwise they feel like they're being left behind. It's a validation thing. What it ends up doing is making them feel worthless because they're only seeing a very fake version of other people putting on their best face. I notice these types around Denver, early 20 somethings that are "living their best life" and always feel like they're constantly missing out on something. It's insane. I feel bad for gen z.

>> No.10392160

>>that replies-poster ratio

OP left ages ago

>> No.10392162

To go find another guy :^)

>> No.10392176

Yeah, but my advice is still useful and directed at everyone in general.

>> No.10392177

>23/yo male says he has a double digit body count and nobody bats an eye

If a 23/yo female said she's fucked 10 people you all would lose your marbles.

>> No.10392179

No cosplay is not a sex positive hobby. Thats why your thot asses got thrown out by onlyfans. Thats why you are declared pedos for your BHNA fandom fucking bullshit.

>> No.10392180

Both seem pretty terrible, I don't think men get a pass on this -- only by other men. If a guy was to tell a prospective partner he's slept with a bajillion people do you REALLY think the girl will be okay with that most times?

>> No.10392182

I thought I told you to shut the fuck up, bill gates.

>> No.10392187

Wtf dude

>> No.10392189

Plenty of men online and irl love to brag about their exploits and get praised for it, yet if a woman does the same shit, she's an automatic good for nothing whore lol

I've had my fair share of hookups and my husband doesn't really give a shit about that chapter of my fucked up youth. He also had hookups and we've both talked about how many people we slept with, it's all in the past and has zero effect on our sex life

>> No.10392190

Just because of that, it's 2023 now.

>> No.10392193

That's true, but then again there's a huge movement against "slut shaming" so I think its maybe 50/50 at this point.

That's good you found someone that doesn't care and had the same situation though. A lot of people get hung up on how many past sex partners their SO has had.

>> No.10392200

>He also had hookups
That's why he doesn't care. Only people who haven't slept around would judge people who have.

>> No.10392204

>Imagine being her dad lol.
My dad has told me stories about how he would go to swinger parties and shit. Who cares.

>> No.10392205

Don’t try to have a a rational conversation, they just want to whine about ~sluts these days~ despite the fact that in most industrialized nations zoomers have the lowest rate of sexual activity on record.

>inb4 shut up zoomer
I’m a millennial. I’m also not a moron

>> No.10392207

They do have lower sex rates, but that sex is almost always with some random hook up every few months or so. It's a big problem. A few guys are also horndogs laying a million women a month while your average guy isn't good looking enough for a hook up.

I have an ugly ass friend thats like a 3/10 and she gets hundreds of matches, its amazing how thirsty men are

>> No.10392209

uh it's pretty obvious that she never had a dad lol

>> No.10392211

You grew up in a degenerate household and became one so you don't see a problem with it

>> No.10392219

It’s always funny to me how people on this forum get pissy when weebs do sexual stuff, but they never question the source material. The fanservice in a majority of the shows you watch is leagues worse than what most people do on the con floor.

>> No.10392222

Yea occasionally seeing an anime tit is worse than weebs sharting STDs into eachothers mouths and fucking 500 different people in one weekend

>> No.10392225 [DELETED] 

itt: Roastie is sad she can't pull out of her league anymore

>> No.10392227

Wut? I've always said anime treating ecchi stuff as normal is partly why cluster B chicks get fucked by it so much.

>> No.10392233

Only 2 guys by 30? I don't think someone would judge you if you added another guy or two to that list.

>> No.10392243

Probably not but I'm not going out of my way for it

>> No.10392254

Your dad sounds like a nasty ass degenerate with no filter. Imagine speaking to your daughter like that and considering it normal. No wonder he diddled you.

>> No.10392264
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>> No.10392276

>the nature of cosplay is mildly erotic

Yeah. Because people like you made it that way by purposefully picking the most sexualized characters, making ahegao faces, talking about your fetlife accounts, treating cons as a place to do drugs and hook up etc.

>> No.10392277

You know I've never actually seen this whole "men praise other men for having hookups" thing. My fiance has a friend in his thirties who does it and obsessed over tinder and their whole group of friends just considers his behavior more sad and pathetic than anything. Maybe it's more common among younger men. Who knows.

>> No.10392278

Why is everyone in this thread such a prude? Jesus, you're all just mad because you can't get laid even at cons with smelly fat guys that have autism. I had a body count of at least 200 by 23 or so.

>> No.10392280

Did that guy stay a virgin until like 30 or so? Because I knew a guy like that where he missed out on hooking up in his younger adult years and wanted to get that in before settling.

>> No.10392281

>I had a body count of at least 200 by 23 or so.

Nice bait /r9k/.

>> No.10392282

Wasn't hard...I'd try out someone new every week or two. 18-23 I might've had more than that actually. 3-4 a month, times that by 12.

>> No.10392283

Assuming you aren't trolling. You're revolting and sickening. No offense.

>> No.10392284

For what purpose?

>> No.10392293


Why do you guys even slut shame? I wanted to experiment as much as possible before I settle which I don't plan to. I don't want to be tied down by one person and trying out a new person often is fun. People vary in color, shapes, and sizes. Also, fun to sleep with rich guys and explore their home. I wouldn't have access to that kind of thing if I didn't sleep with them. Can't just say "no offense" after what you said.


Trying out new things and seeing what I like most.

>> No.10392295

We're never going to get herd immunity if we keep locking up so tight. We have excess hospital capacity and we're not using it.

At the same time a vaccine is at least YEARS off optimistically.

Local governments aren't playing this smart, in a month or so people are going to get tired of the lock down and just ignore it.

>> No.10392300

If there's no vaccines, I don't think cons are going to happen for a long ass time.

>> No.10392301

This is going in the "this is why humanity was basically destroyed by the black plague" pile.

>> No.10392305

But anon I heard the phrase heard immunity once in high school biology

>> No.10392324

>We have excess hospital capacity and we're not using it.

>> No.10392328

>Reee. I need dick! Open up the country for my lust!

You cum from rape. That is all.

>> No.10392333

>I wanted to experiment as much as possible before I settle which I don't plan to
So do you just plan to go on like this forever?

>> No.10392337 [DELETED] 

>Race mixing
>Being a slut to see the inside of big houses

Seriously low IQ individual here.

>> No.10392339

>heard immunity

>> No.10392340

Reminder lesbians hook up at anime cons too and have lesbians gangbangs all over the hotels in weekend nights.

>> No.10392346

I used to think incels were crazy with the hypergamy stuff and blowing things out of proportion. Turns out they were just ahead of their time.

I don't really blame zoomers. They were raised by millennials. That was always going to be a disaster, I just don't think anyone knew quite how.

Hopefully they will realize the values of their parents were garbage and do better in the future.

>> No.10392349

Hypergamy has been the standard since the beginning of man. Just say you're broke,

>> No.10392356


Compared to other generations at comparable ages, Millennials have less sex than just about anyone but Greatest Generation (who had, you know, a World War going on) going back to before the 1920s. Zoomers only kinda rate. It's the Boomers (Sexual Revolution, yo) who were the worst sluts as young adults, then wrecked it for everyone after by voting in bullshit abstinence-only sex ed and fearmongering about STDs instead of trying to cure them.

tl,dr: Boomers fucked everyone, again (literally and metaphorically).

>> No.10392367

Just the boomer libs lol. Real adults don't have sex willy nilly. There are consequences and the lib zoomer children will never learn.

>> No.10392372

I refuse to believe people at cons have sex outside of couples. It's like 70 percent obese smelly dudes. Unless it's like a tiny percent of guys banging multiple girls

>> No.10392381

>zoomers were raised by millennials
Good lord, people really do forget about gen x

>> No.10392383

Keep sliding those goalposts around sonny

>> No.10392388


>a tiny percent of guys banging multiple girls

That's what incels believe all instances of premarital sex are anyway desu

Idk tho I think that ugly people are sluttier than you'd think. Lots of people out their looking for validation through sex. And lots of attractive chaste people too.

If anything when you are hotter and have more options you're more picky anyway, even when choosing amongst other attractive people and you probably also care about them being a decent person to be able to find them sexually appealing (many if not most women think this way anyway)

>> No.10392392

You are mentally ill and need therapy, not more partners. There's "exploring" and "sowing your wild oats," and then there's sleeping with HUNDREDS of people. The latter is not normal.

>> No.10392393

>I don't really blame zoomers. They were raised by millennials.
What? How? Pretty sure most of their parents are Gen X.

>> No.10392396

Nothing they are saying is grounded in any reality. Just let them go off about beta cucks and their loose women or whatever

>> No.10392401

>Unless it's like a tiny percent of guys banging multiple girls
So I guess there's a large percent of chunky girls want to fuck other girls too? Imagine my surprise really.

>> No.10392405

Planned Parenthood

>> No.10392407

I've been going to cons for over 20 years and am nearly 40 now. Con hookups and drinking/drugs at room parties have always been a thing. When you let children out for the weekend unsupervised that's what happens, it's not a generational thing.

>> No.10392409

You're right, i'm retarded and forgot older millennials still aren't that old.
Not sure how it happened then, gen x in my experience are pretty chill.

>> No.10392419

It's the opposite, the zoomer generation is full of prudes and miniature church moms. Where do you think all the antis are coming from?

>> No.10392420

Hey, man, good news, all the costhots will be a year older, too! And they'll also all be as mad horny as the rest of us because they've been locked in the house too.

Plus, 'daddies' are in.

>> No.10392437

It could be that you are projecting, who knows.

>> No.10392439

Anti what?

>> No.10392440

God this. If I see one more zoomer complain about adults talking about sex in closed adult specific spaces I will scream. Fucking 22 year olds need to learn to take responsibility for themselves

>> No.10392441

If you don’t know shit about 2020 fandom culture why are you here

>> No.10392443

>if you don't know about gay shit like "antis" and "stanning" you shouldn't be here
Best be trolling. If not GTFO 4chan and back to your kpop videos you retard.

>> No.10392445

>I'm 22

I'm fucking 27 I've been doing this shit longer than you and I have to say I haven't been this depressed in a long time. This has been my only outlet since 2006 you were still a child.

>> No.10392447

I'm here to discuss Indonesian puppet shows, why are you here?

>> No.10392477

its a fucking shame that most people that go to cons nowadays do it for the accolades and clout, its disgusting. i had a group of friends and we used to cosplay cause we loved it, then '09 happened, and it seemed like everyone was doing cosplay for social media, sadly almost all of them hopped on that band wagon, lost a lot of respect for most of them because of it, and made me realize where it was going. I get more disgusted by it as years go by, hoping that soon cons will fall out of popularity and be similar to what they once were again. so that when I go up to people to talk about like minded interests they wont just have wind blowing through their skulls when they're cosplaying from something they have no interest in except to get upvotes or likes on their pages

but i understand im in the minority and it makes finding people that actually have an interest in the things i like all that much more important to me, silver linings and all i guess.

>> No.10392480


actually just realized after posting that that i feel sorry for them, old con goers usually have good memories of before it turned to shit, these people doing it now are honestly a whole other culture that is pretty sad to see, and if anything should be pitied instead of scolded.

>> No.10392482

There's no chance of them falling out of popularity, it's literally built into the DNA of Japanese media to attract girls with borderline personality disorder. Not enough of a psych expert to see why, but they're addicted to the stuff.

>> No.10392483

jesus I need someone to sell me some kind of uppers for cons. I'm 29 and flat out exhausted by 11pm after waking up at 6/shooting from 8 to 5

>> No.10392485

think its due to the fact that most characters nowadays switch moods at the drop of a hat. But even then people who are into it for the shows im fine with, its the other people that go to cons. the cuntsquiggles that dont even care about anime or nerd/con culture and just go because they think its a lawless place to party and fuck. like we were doing it back in the day but jesus christ theres no tact now.

the worst part of it is that the conheads actually allow it usually because it means more cash in their pockets. maybe i look at the past through rose colored glasses, but most cons really seem to have gone to shit. like i dont really like going to convention center ones anymore because its all the same soulless crap to make a buck or try to become popular.

>> No.10392488

You’re just old dude. I rarely encounter people at cons that’s don’t actually know anything about anime or whatever. I table and and talk to people all the time. Worst I see is old nerds who are out of touch but they were once really into dune or whatever so it’s alright

>> No.10392489

Do you not have friends who still like anime and cosplay normally? or who like to play games or just people watch and hang out? Cons aren't 100% orgies now. I've been going to cons from 13 to 29 now and while it's not the same group of friends over time I still have a fun and pg weekend with online and irl friends.

>> No.10392491

besides dune being waaay before my time (i was only talking abut the mid to late 2000's, hell, maybe even the real early 2010's), i envy you. most i talk to if im lucky are just superficial about the interest in it, jumping onto whatever the next most popular thing is. dont get me wrong, being an extrovert i have met quite a few who i keep in contact with that arent this way and are decent people, but damn if one doesnt immensely outweigh the other. I guess its also personal preference and whatnot about the company one wants to keep, and the vapidity of most.

>> No.10392493

>jumping onto whatever the next most popular thing is
It’s unfair to judge kids or young adults for liking what she popular. I was really into FMA and Inuyasha back in the day and that didn’t make me a fake anime fan. Kids who like bnha are every bit as legitimate even if it’s not my thing. Nostalgia goggles and bias toward your tastes can give you a bad impression of perfectly fine people.

>> No.10392496


Have you noticed how once tumblr banned porn, instead of revelling in their now porn-free paradise they demanded, all the antis moved to twitter and started harassing artists and creators there instead?

>> No.10392502

Oh I sure did. Ironically I’m not that into porn, just find antis insufferable and don’t want to get called a pedo for thinking some adult ship with a 3 year age gap is kinda cute. I went back to tumblr and it’s like paradise. RIP twitter friends

>> No.10392503


This disease has killed a total of 60 people under 40 in Italy a country that has seen 30k deaths.

Not really a humanity destroyer.

>> No.10392512 [DELETED] 

I feel like what i wrote may be being misunderstood, but to clarify (wall of text incoming):
some anime out there that come out are pretty good (BNHA, Gurren Lagann, AoT, and Goblin Hunter to name more mainstream ones), but most are just fluff and fan service, this also goes for the people you see usually cosplaying characters. Games and hanging out with people who have other similar hobbies are a different thing entirely as it is easier to find people and have groups who are into these like minded things and have a passion for them. its nice to meet up with buds that come from half way across the country that want to still chill at Florida cons, but its like importing things to feel at home where you live, it just feels off sometimes, and makes it feel all the more fake.

>Cons aren't 100% orgies now. I've been going to cons from 13 to 29 now and while it's not the same group of friends over time I still have a fun and pg weekend with online and irl friends.
Same age and amount of time desu, and i didnt say they were 100%, most of my time going hasnt been more than PG-13 outside of the hotel room, but there is certainly been a increase in people doing these things in the hallways and way more destruction of property in the past 10 years however, you cant deny that.

I also want to clarify that I don't go "you rotten kids!!" in places like cons (besides it not really even being the kids i have a problem with, and I barely even complain here as its usually just an afterthought when i get back from a con, but as ive been on this board off and on since its conception its one place i feel i can complain and find different thought processes to converse with), as everyone should be allowed to enjoy themselves in their own ways (id prefer it be respectively, but life is what it is).

>> No.10392517

Are you me? I wouldn't be on twitter at all if I could still post my nsfw art on tumblr and follow artists I liked there.

>> No.10392518

I feel like what i wrote may be being misunderstood, but to clarify (wall of text incoming):
some anime out there that come out are pretty good (BNHA, Gurren Lagann, AoT, and Goblin Hunter to name more mainstream ones), but most are just fluff and fan service, this also goes for the people you see usually cosplaying characters. Games and hanging out with people who have other similar hobbies are a different thing entirely as it is easier to find people and have groups who are into these like minded things and have a passion for them. its nice to meet up with buds that come from half way across the country that want to still chill at Florida cons, but its like importing fun to feel at home where you live, it just feels off sometimes, and makes it feel all the more fake.

>Cons aren't 100% orgies now. I've been going to cons from 13 to 29 now and while it's not the same group of friends over time I still have a fun and pg weekend with online and irl friends.
Same age and amount of time in all honesty, and i didn't say it is 100%, most of my time going hasnt been more than PG-13 outside of the hotel room, but there is certainly been a increase in people doing these things in the hallways and way more destruction of property in the past 10 years however, you cant deny that.

I also want to clarify that I don't go "you rotten kids!!" in places like cons (besides it not really even being the kids i have a problem with, and I barely even complain here as its usually just an afterthought when i get back from a con, but as ive been on this board off and on since its conception its one place i feel i can complain and find different thought processes to converse with), as everyone should be allowed to enjoy themselves in their own ways (id prefer it be respectively, but life is what it is).

>> No.10392525

Cosplay has nothing to do with sex you degenerate. And it definitely doesn’t have anything to do with drugs.

>> No.10392528

I definitely hear you on all points, thanks for clarifying. The property destruction thing is real, not really sure what's the root cause but I did sense some overall uptick (I'm east coast and people talk about how 10 years ago kids put detergent in the outdoor fountains and now its like 'every year someone has pooped in the katsukon indoor fountains' but there's a chance it's a byproduct of getting older. You just don't hear that news when you're young and when we were young, this stuff couldn't be circulated at lightspeed on twitter. Everything moved slower and that was comfy.

Also gurren lagann was 2007

>> No.10392538


>> No.10392604

Ah yes thanks for not reading my post.
>on the con floor
Why the fuck do you care what people do in their hotel rooms? Seems like you’re focusing too hard on other people

>> No.10392609

Can we blame Nigri for this shit yet? I feel like she paved the way for these thots today.

>> No.10392611

110%. I've always despised that woman. She doesn't even watch anime probably, the whore just wants constant attention and validation. Like 90% of female cosplayers at cons now.

>> No.10392619

Couldn't agree more, always separated her from the other old sex sells crowd myself. They at the very least mostly made their shit. She started this whole bikini + wig =cosplay shit.

>> No.10392622

>Like 90% of female cosplayers at cons now.
There is no way you are going to the same cons as me, or you are taking women not wanting to talk to you as not knowing the source material. There are instathots that don’t care, but the VAST majority of people at cons are there because they like the material.

>> No.10392638

cosplayers who aren't exposing 90% of their body aren't women to that anon apparently

>> No.10392661

Nah 90% of them are attention starved and are there for validation, not because they like weeb stuff :)

>> No.10392671

Ah, so you are mad they don’t talk you. Got it.

>> No.10392672

I like how this is being posted in a thread about a anon who all but admits for them and their friends cosplay is just a giant sex thing so likely wears shit for all at conventions.

>> No.10392679

>Plus, 'daddies' are in.

Jesus Christ, this. I took a 45 year old coworker and his kids to Katsucon to show them what cons were about and the dude kept getting hit on by a bunch of zoomer girls. Mind you this dude is a big ol' fat country black man from the south who looks really out of place at a convention because he dresses to the nines where ever he goes.

The guy is a recent widower so he probably could clean house with these con thots if he jumped back into the game.

>> No.10392693

>dresses to the nines

I'd probably hit on him too and I'm not even into daddies.

>> No.10392696

>assuming OP isn’t bait
Why are men morons

>> No.10392701

I was pointing out the irony, and not a guy women can also see the degeneracy thots brought to cosplay anon.

>> No.10392702

>Mind you this dude is a big ol' fat country black man from the south
I bet his cooking game BBQ wise would unironically give people ahegao faces. Point him in my direction whenever cons open up and I will happily be his new wife.

>> No.10392704

Someone is about to pay the toll.

>> No.10392715



Cope. Most women actually think like this.

>> No.10392716

As if an /pol/ incel can cook.

>> No.10392719

Is it normal for guys to get hit on at cons at all? I've never been hit on in my life and I'm 30 :(

>> No.10392722
File: 126 KB, 1250x703, JPEG_20200510_235136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk I'm pretty handy with a grill anon

>> No.10392724

are daddy issues common among cosplay girls? I have mega daddy issues lol

>> No.10392727

Before later 00s I don't think it was as prevalent. Never saw it much with millennial cosplayers

>> No.10392731

Step up your game sempai.

>> No.10392735

In this thread OP complains they can’t make poor life choices.

>> No.10392740

Where my Ichibanconchads at?

>> No.10392750

Why are there so much daddy issues with zoomers then? Did Gen X really fuck up that bad?

>> No.10392751

What the fuck are daddy issues exactly anyway? Like needing a guy to take care of you? Google search resulted in a whole bunch of articles saying there wasn't a strict definition

>> No.10392754

I'm not sure either. In the most general sense it is literally having issues and a bad relationship with your father, but nowadays it seems to cover "being attracted to older men". I don't know, is it the desire to fuck an older father figure who "takes care" of you, like the people in this thread swooning over >>10392679
who can cook, dress himself and take care of his kids?

>> No.10392756

Ironic you just called a POC a /pol/ incel.
Would you like to see my latest opinion piece on CNN?


The toll was having some of my patented flame hot wings and ribs bbq. But after your response, I see you thought I was referring to "burning the coal, pay the toll', which I found highly comedic in its stereotyping being that we do have a lot of young black youth that beat and threaten their girlfriends in the lower caste of the neighborhoods here. But that subject is for another day.

But thank you for revealing your racist thinking by automatically thinking I was white. I don't need a hive-minded woman that can only internet think, like you, reaching in my wallet.

Any other women that are not fooled so easily by such phrases are free to apply for some hot damn wings.

>> No.10392781

>You know I've never actually seen this whole "men praise other men for having hookups" thing.
There's a pretty clear line you ought not to cross.
If you have no partners, it's the girls who'll find it pathetic. A partner or two is fine, being able to get a girl whenever (but sticking with her) is Chad. But changing girls as often as your clothes and you're quite obviously an asshole.

>> No.10392798

Why are people so fucking judgmental. Feels bad having a 0 body count at 29 :(

>> No.10392807

High amount of divorces amongst Gen X parents combined with a decent amount of zoomer dudes being fuckboys, man-children and porn addicts.

Plus with older dudes they tend to have their shit together mentally and financially.

>> No.10392812

You sound like a Hotep.

>> No.10392830

Great job linking your real name/professional identity to a weird board on 4chan that will be archived forever...

>> No.10392832

100% this person is trolling to make "le roasties assblasted xD"

go back to r9k sweetie

>> No.10392838

Gen X has considerably lower divorce numbers than boomers. You can’t just say shit hate feels correct. Words mean things you know

>> No.10392851

Daddy issues whore?

Daddy issues whore?

Daddy issues whore?

>I have mega daddy issues lol
How bad are they?

Daddy issues are seeking out, unhealthily, replacement father figures when you grew up with one who was literally or emotionally absent from your life. It is closely correlated to risk-tasking behavior.

Fuck sake, stop blaming Nigri. Even without Nigri anime cons started attracting a disproportionate amount of girls with BPD and daddy issues. Nigri wasn't even slutty, she slept with two guys in her entire life.


>> No.10392857

No one said anything about Nigri being slutty, only that she paved the way for this sexy is cosplay mindset. She sure in shit started the bikini vaguely looks like something character would wear thus is cosplay trend that brought a decent amount of said girls.

>> No.10392861

Blaming Nigri has always, always been a cope. Blame the average chicks on the cosplay circuit, if you remember old /cgl/, while it was better there were still people like Voldie and DerpQueen who embodied all of the negative shit chatted about ITT. It's those ones who drove it, and it's because, for whatever reason, anime attracts women with severe mental illnesses.

>> No.10392872

Nigri has always been in the spotlight you can't just call her an innocent bystander when her ass is why Pax dropped booth babes. She has always been in the forefront tits out on display. Hell I remember when she was trying to pretend those silicon balls were just push up bra magic.

>> No.10392882

Nigri is a major inspiration the crazies follow, she's part of the problem. You're not some innocent bystander if you're the one enabling this many thots.

>> No.10392883

nigri paved the way for the scene to fill with sluts and beta orbiters willing to pay them

>> No.10393007

Wow imagine being thistle angry about chicks at an anime con holy lmao

>inb4 cope whore
Whew got me there dude. Don’t hold back

>> No.10393013

I lived with worse from all sides. I think I will be good.

>> No.10393019

CNN journalists are unironically lower than any /pol/ incel or roastie thot. CNN journalists are the lowest of the low and deserve to be socially shamed. Ideally, they'd gain a sense of shame and rope themselves.

>> No.10393045

Man, you men honestly believe that every single woman on the planet (no exceptions) is a back alley prostitute with an onlyfans account on the side. If you going to have this belief, at least prove it to be true. Why is this ridiculous thread still up.

>> No.10393056

Because thots like you refuse to let it to die without trying to get in one last ree men.

>> No.10393057
File: 62 KB, 630x1200, vegeta_boolin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's time to gigabulk and be huge for 2021 cons

>> No.10393058

Prove I am a thot.

>> No.10393065


>> No.10393067

>thread hasn't been posted in for an hour
>last post is making fun of CNN
>comes in to ree men are gross when cgl is mostly females as is
Sounds like a average attention seeking thot to me. Don't want the thread to be up? Stop posting in it.

>> No.10393095

>Cosplay is a sex positive hobby.
Not really,that is a negative stigma.Cosplay is about having healty fun making the cosplay and using it,people that only do it for the sex are kind of what gives cosplay a bad image.

>> No.10393097

imagine hooking up at a con. fucking cringe, sis

>> No.10393099

You haven't proved I am a thot. The thread was on the front page. Come on, give me proof.

>> No.10393105

science has proven time and time again that BOTH men and women who engage in frequent casual sex report higher levels of low self-worth, depression, and lack of satisfaction in their lives.

happy, healthy people have monogamous, long-term relationships.

>> No.10393111

Anon no one cares about you so I guess you can't be a thot you right.

>> No.10393217
File: 136 KB, 1250x703, JPEG_20200415_165929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you mean?

>> No.10393221

This probably comes off as one of those "grass is always greener" but I honestly wish I never lost my virginity, losing it pushed my sex drive through the roof and I made a lot of bad choices due to that.

also wtf you're 1year away from being a wizard anon!

>> No.10393254

I wish I was still a virgin desu. Having a lot of experience has just taught me that men in general are so fucking bad at sex. Almost none of it was worth it

>> No.10393257

what exactly made them bad?

-man who's overly concerned about some chick saying the same shit about him

>> No.10393267

Selfishness. They rarely do oral without being specifically asked, rarely ask what MY kinks are, stop all activity once they cum without making sure I do too, etc

>> No.10393274

>ate out three girls before even getting my own dick wet, due to being plain but open tend to ask about kinks for ideas
>tfw edging is necessary
That's a weird confidence boost. Bush size is the only real hurdle to oral imo but that's a two way street.
Then again I don't hook up with randos.

>> No.10393281

How the fuck do you end up fucking someone without knowing what their kinks are? That's like textual foreplay before you even know you're gonna fuck??

Also post nut clarity is a bitch, but there's literally nothing dudes can do about it other than make sure the woman has an orgasm before you even start p/v penetration. Like at best a dude can keep going post nut if they're still hard and the brain will get horny again but if they have to like swap out condoms or something like that then it's pretty much game over. The brain goes full puritan most the time so even the concept of sex is off putting and not to mention the whole nutting makes dudes sleepy. Which is a evolutionary tactic to sleep/skinship with your partner so you're more likely to stay with them and protect them.

That last bit might be bullshit but I'm pretty sure I read it somewhere that looked sciency.

yeah aesthetics aside nobody likes getting hair in their mouth. For me it's smell too, I have a sensitive nose, but again that's a two way street.

>> No.10393293

the penis is really straightforward compared to the vagina and clitoris. realize a woman's arousal is also more complicated and they generally will never get off on being fucked alone. you need to use your tongue or fingers as well. you need to be upfront and ask her what she wants, too, because many women are shamed into not being open about what feels good to them or they think they are "supposed" to get off with just penetration.

>> No.10393299

>How the fuck do you end up fucking someone without knowing what their kinks are?
You push your kinks on them instead without even asking if they're into it. Not even interesting stuff either, just the typical mainstream porn "man is dom woman is sub cheesy dirty talk" shit. Ugh I'm so tired of boring sex.

>literally nothing dudes can do about it
You can still give oral or finger after you've cum. It's not hard.

>> No.10393329

Yeah I typically ask that kinda stuff just out of curiosity. I like knowing which kind of things bring girls to orgasm, some it's clitoral purely and others penetration. I think it's super interesting, since it's not something I can actually find out by myself lmao.

>cheesy dirty talk
Idk how people can do that and not get embarassed, I'm pretty boring in that I just like vanilla with twists. All the hard kinks are honestly a bit much for me lmao.

>oral or finger after cum
I mean nobody should have to perform sexual acts they don't want to and what I was trying to imply was that PNC turns the horny switch off hard, for most dudes at least. Best bet is to do it before hand and call it like power play or something. "You get yours after I get mine"

>> No.10393330

Then your dick will just hurt when it's trying to get erect but you already nutted for me anyway. I have no idea how to use my fingers to please women. Just know how to do oral

>> No.10393339

Only a small minority of zoomers have millennial parents, and the vast majority of those are quite young and still very much little children. A big gen z characteristic is that an overwhelming majority of them are being raised by gen x.

>> No.10393375

I don't even want to imagine how the generation after zooms is (raised by millenials), and the generation that is RAISED by zoomers.

The vanity and degeneracy will be off the charts

>> No.10393380

Since when ? In the early days it was a stigma that took forever to get rid of

>> No.10393470

>I guess I can't get drunk as shit at cons and go to raves with cute girls anymore
You absolutely can, or at the very least you can get drunk as shit and go to the raves by yourself. I've been doing that for years and had fun every time. I'll be 28 by the time my next con rolls around and I still don't feel weird.

>> No.10393485

Are there really men who can only have sex once and then they're done for the night? I guess I've lucked out but the guys I've been with can go again after like 10 mins.

>> No.10393489

Why does this matter? I had to dump my ex because he shamed me for having a sex life before I met him and then he cheated on me. Talk about fucking projection. Everyone who thinks like this is a fucking retard and a half.

>> No.10393491

Date a fellow slut and it won't be a problem.

>> No.10393494

if your whole life revolves around this hobby you’re going to have a rough couple of years

>> No.10393500

>I don't really blame zoomers. They were raised by millennials. That was always going to be a disaster, I just don't think anyone knew quite how.
Pretty sure they’re parents are gen x. If you meant to say the culture yeah that’s true.

>> No.10393501

They call them boomers nowadays

>> No.10393505

Gen alpha and gen beta is gonna be rad. Old millennials is gonna be horrid to deal with it.

>> No.10393511

Did you miss the part where he cheated on me? He was getting around more than I ever was.

>> No.10393584

Post pics and we will judge if his cheating was warranted or you just had a lapse of choice for a e-boy

>> No.10393610

really all depends if you were having sex because you wanted to fuck your partner or if you were just horny.

>> No.10393615

I mean for me it hurts for an hour if I try again. I also don't get full pleasure back for about 14 hours

>> No.10393767

It's a weird hypocrisy that a fat black dude who dresses well isn't seen as a try tryhard neckbeard but a white fat dude is pretty much confined to be a fedora neckbeard if they dress up.

>> No.10393818

I mean the problem with telling your partner that you've slept with 200+ people is that it immediately gives the impression of your current partner merely being part of that massive bodycount.
I think people should be free to explore and have fun and whatever, but doing so in excess has the consequence of looking like you're not taking relationships seriously. Thus you're left with dating fellow sluts, and some of them really aren't taking relationships seriously even if you decided you want to.

>> No.10393892

the fedora is not the dressing well part fyi

>> No.10393894

Well you know, its the usual post-coital pillow talk.

>> No.10393898

Missing the furry orgies, but not the stds UwU

>> No.10393926

Toastie roastie

>> No.10395179

I've come to realize that through this and past threads regarding this, /cgl/ are the biggest doomers I've ever seen on any of these boards, even far more so than /a/

>> No.10395186

Its probably just like, 5-10 people spamming every thread

>> No.10395188

Explains why they all sound so similar

>> No.10395190
File: 208 KB, 845x1823, D5ED8F46-5F4F-4C75-8B4C-0C7BAB47FFE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish by the end of 2020 because the holidays are gonna be a bitch if this virus is still relevant by then.

I wouldn’t mind all the AX exclusive items for this years (now cancelled) AX would be up for sale around July

>> No.10395352

I've seen the word "scrote" used like 500 times on this board in the last month and everytime I see it I recognize patterns in the words and sentence structures. I swear to god its like a few people that all have the same vocabulary that spam these threads. Then you have the opposite with the retarded incels from r9k coming over here to flame women and get angry

>> No.10395391

That sounds extremely paranoid stance over just slow boards have naturally small user bases.

>> No.10395542
File: 104 KB, 1080x810, sad cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no con 3some with my GF and some other trap/chick were cool with

Fuck sake, its only during cons when we get to do that too, what a fucking joke.

>> No.10395552

>Newsom announces California opens up immediately

Con season 2020 might be saved after all.

>> No.10395554

I wonder if there is any hope for cons in states like Georgia and Texas that are open/opening up now. I wanted to do AWA this year, but am paranoid that this virus will stop any large events from occurring

>> No.10395566

>I wanted to do AWA this year, but am paranoid that this virus will stop any large events from occurring

I doubt it but the congoers will bust out from the quarantined and head out to enjoy even going out to the beach too. Texas,Georgia and Florida are the real saviors of America right now.

>> No.10395742

Dragon con cancelled right? The biggest con in that area? I don’t see why any other cons would be going on that late in the year if they cancelled

>> No.10395971

Dragoncon is still going on for now, but boy do I feel sorry for people who have those non refundable host hotel rooms. $1000+ is not something people can just eat a loss on.

>> No.10396158

23 year old here that only does masked / armor cosplays to hide my mug. cons are dangerous cuz of fuckshit like this, gotta stay loyal or i'm dead meat

>> No.10396169

Anyone who anticipates a con in 2020 is a dumbshit. You're expecting a virus circulating in the wild that is quite contagious that kills or potentially destroy your your body to magically go away in 3-6 months. People are refusing to be responsible to wear masks. People are refusing to care about potentially infecting other people.

I'm not playing Russian Roulette with thousands of dumbasses in a tight space. I'll wait for 2021 with a potential cure in the horizon.

The people expecting AWA, DC or ANYC to take place in 2020 have their heads so far up their asses. The timeline to get to mass immunity won't start until next year.

>> No.10396173

its fake you retarded liberal

>> No.10396175

Then go to a packed church and brag about it. Give us explicit details.

>> No.10396184

Have fun waiting until the heat death of the universe m8. There is a vaccine trial that is semi promising though, everything is probably going to be fine in a month or 2.

>> No.10396198

How the fuck is a vaccine with early positive phase 1 results going to be released in 2 months for mass inoculation? The stupidity and naivety of a lot of you is beyond comprehension. Phase 3 generally requires minimum 12 months of research. Even if it was expedited to 6 months which is record breaking in vaccine research that puts all of us at 2021 to return to cons.

Until the US Government releases liability laws from businesses that if anyone catches it they can't sue no one is going to risk running conventions. Some colleges are already pressing for those laws so school can restart in person.

No one is going risk con deaths so you can get drunk in your cosplay. They don't want to be liable to be sued to bankruptcy.

Cons are cancelled until they're safe. We can pray it'll be in 2021.

>> No.10396222

I already did. Sucks to be a city shitter

>> No.10396253

Not to mention you're paying 1k just to have a watered down con where everyone will be 6 ft apart and it'll have 1/10th the amount of people and activities. It'll feel dead

>> No.10396255

Americans don't give a shit retard. Late fall cons will for sure be on the table, this is burgerland we're talking about. We'd rather die than not be weebs or not work

>> No.10396287

i hope cons open back up and all the slits get corona and die
poly groups and sluts enjoying the attention their 5/10 normal self gets at cons genuinely ruined everything and are a fucking scourge.

>> No.10396336

Tell that to the brainless suckers enabling them. Cosplay thots are making bank rn without sleeping around and even when unemployment is high. I wish there was a market for skinny fat guys, this fucking sucks

>> No.10396364

con whores btfo lmao

>> No.10396489

Before the Rona you could go to Asia and clean house. The same goes for South America.

>> No.10396601

Fucking disgusting

>> No.10396640

>This lockdown is really getting to me. I'm 22 and cons are, or were, my main method of socializing and hooking up with people.
Fuck your cons.

>> No.10396641

I hope you're in Florida.

>> No.10396655

i miss fanime
i love fanime.

>> No.10396743

Florida man cannot be fucking stopped

>> No.10396761

How are people intelligent enough to have enough money to go to cons but don't have the intelligence to learn how to make friends?
Bougie fucks are worthless I swear.

>> No.10396832

Reading through this thread makes me miss going to cons, I used to go to a lot of em when I was younger

>> No.10396834

They have the orangys too dude

>> No.10396836

>Reading through this thread makes me miss going to cons
Now this the for you to comeback full time.

>> No.10396854
File: 29 KB, 265x379, 1585349570484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was going to go back this year after 4 years of missing it
Oh well, guess I'll just sit at home and catch up on work this weekend.

>> No.10396863

Personally, I'm autistic as fuck. Ugly autistic dudes are probably the biggest demographic at cons and noone wants to befriend one

>> No.10396868

>I’m a ugly autistic d-dude!!
Checks out lul

>> No.10396901

Why are you so angry about other people having hard lives?

>> No.10396905

better get used to it until 2023 buddy

unis are completely online for 2020-2021

>> No.10396938

She's trying to! That's the part she misses!

>> No.10396980

Time to die redtard.


>> No.10396982


But i'm 30 now and haven't been since 18. I'm probably too old for anime cons now right? I feel like I'll stick out as an old man. I've seen zoomies picking on people that are 25 for being "old"

>> No.10396983



>> No.10397016

>I'm probably too old for anime cons now right?
I'm 32 and still going cons with my friends and family members, nothing will stop me going as long money and support can get me there. I don't care what people or anyone think of me going to cons at on older age.

>> No.10397018

>better get used to it until 2023 buddy
By fall season everything will be back to normal including cons unless you keep dooming yourself faggot.

>> No.10397038

You're 30 and you care what zoomers think?

>> No.10397078

I'm a highly insecure 30 yo manchild :(

>> No.10397086

You need more self-improvement and self-resolve on not giving a damn to everyone.

>> No.10397289

He's probably hoping for some tail

>> No.10397853

If he drops the manchild bit and starts to act like an adult with his shit together then he can get plenty of ass.

>> No.10400738

Also 32 and get laid at every con. It's ok, brother.

No age restriction on fun

>> No.10401058

Fucking desperate land whales does not count as getting laid. You likely just fucked a fold of fat while they were sleeping.

>> No.10401086

kek you're gonna die alone, grandpa

>> No.10401781

Are cons like music festivals? Last time I went to a con was eight years ago but most people seemed kinda weird and awkward so it wasn't my thing. I guess nerd culture is more mainstream these days so maybe I would meet more normal people? I love going to camping music festivals to party and meet people so if people at cons were chill, I'd be more interested in going.

Or is there some secret to meeting more normal people at cons?

>> No.10401843


>> No.10401885

i think western media cons have way more normal people, like sdcc. anime draws in all the weirdos

>> No.10403543

>>Hooking up with hot guys (I only match with ugly dudes on Tinder, whereas at cons I can do way better for some reason?)
>>The raves
>>The drugs at the raves
>>The room parties and naughty shit we all got up to there

how do I bang costhots like this

>> No.10403767

Not have desperation written all over your face

>> No.10404346

Not mine.

>> No.10404490

Why are zoomers so dumb

>> No.10404492

So instead of desperation, should I just go all out and be more of an asshole? Like more aggressive with pursuing girls? It seems like a lot of them whine about that but then again you have zero chance of getting laid unless you're aggro about meeting new people

>> No.10404524

Lol @ thinking the only two options are desperate or asshole. THIS is why you’re single. It’s not your approach, it’s your MINDSET

>> No.10404664

This is not an overstatement. They really are dumb. I thought millennials were a piece of work but zoomers don't stand a chance at being successful, decent humans.

>> No.10404695

mad old dudes who are gonna die alone

>> No.10404755

Ok, zoomer.

>> No.10405285

Go to a protest, it's the in thing now for some cosplayers to help gain clout and followers

>> No.10405454

Virgin autistic scrotes get mad at women having sex yet they demand women to have sex with them 24/7.
time to bring back castration

>> No.10405457

I guess it is true. Cgl is run by incels and trannys

>> No.10405618

>its a fucking shame that most people that go to cons nowadays do it for the accolades and clout, its disgusting. i had a group of friends and we used to cosplay cause we loved it, then '09 happened, and it seemed like everyone was doing cosplay for social media, sadly almost all of them hopped on that band wagon, lost a lot of respect for most of them because of it, and made me realize where it was going. I get more disgusted by it as years go by, hoping that soon cons will fall out of popularity and be similar to what they once were again. so that when I go up to people to talk about like minded interests they wont just have wind blowing through their skulls when they're cosplaying from something they have no interest in except to get upvotes or likes on their pages

Being someone with interest for cosplay but none on the social media stuff arround it, but thus a bit unable to find groups, what would you advice ?

>> No.10405808

Imagine being a random on the Internet and giving a shit.

>> No.10406871

Dude,get some self respect first,you really want to fuck consluts?

>> No.10406900

I don't get it either, and my "bodycount" is only 5 or 6 depending on what your criteria are. These guys should be all FOR sex positivity if anything, especially as somebody who's not great at "playing the game" it's so much fucking easier if you can just be straightforward and unashamed about things.

>> No.10406934

Also meetup threads

>> No.10406980

Thats a bad feel senpai

>> No.10406990

Hey at least you're not single, cons are my only opportunities to meet potential partners and at this rate it looks like I'm going to be lonely and celibate until 2022.

>> No.10407052

with the image posted im thinking (hoping) it's a tranny

>> No.10407582

>>Hooking up with hot guys (I only match with ugly dudes on Tinder, whereas at cons I can do way better for some reason?)

How does one even end up hooking up at a con? I just hang out with my friends and have a good time in cosplay, never really an opening to socialize with people even when they ask for pictures.

Is it just through cosplay networking circles or whatever?

>> No.10410304

if men are "scrotes", why do you find it near impossible to go without sex for more than a few months with us?

why do you need our dick so badly you end up sleeping with 20+ guys by the time you're 25?

you need us, you need our dick.

>> No.10410348

Clearly no one is clamoring to have sex with virgin scrotes, that's why they're still virgins dude

>> No.10410385

Get over yourself. It's not about you. Maybe there is more important things going on in the world right now than organized weeb conferences.

>> No.10410420

>I don't get it either, and my "bodycount" is only 5 or 6 depending on what your criteria are.
It's just how many people you have fucked.
>These guys should be all FOR sex positivity if anything
No,you see the thing about it is that people want to be the first to take the easy fuck
>especially as somebody who's not great at "playing the game" it's so much fucking easier if you can just be straightforward and unashamed about things.
I don't think you understand the people you are talking about,if someone can just go and ask for sex that person is good at "the game".
The reason most people are against others sleeping around is because it brings a sense of being unwanted and risk.If you fuck a girl that fucked 200 guys before you that means you are at the 201st place,which sucks and there is alsothe fact that having multiple partners means a higher risk of catching something.

>> No.10410427

What I was talking about is how virgins/dudes who don't get laid easily have this puritanical view of things and flip out about girls being "sluts" or whatever. Some of them are gross-ass dudes but a lot of these guys are just shy or scared of rejection and whatever else and they'd have a much easier time getting laid if girls were more open about sex but instead they want girls to be pure innocent virgins that they'd never get with because they'd have to make all the moves.

>> No.10410491

lmao, the amount of incels in this thread is fucking crazy. Having slept with 20 people by age 25 is bad or unusual?
they cry nobody wants to have sex with them, but then someone posts about partying and having frequent sex and they go to insulting them for it cause they're mad they can't get any lmao. Such a sad thread to read through. No sex until marriage is the way to go guys! Also, if someone has had sex with 50 people before you, and that makes you feel insecure because youre "already the 51th", you need to fix your self esteem issues.

>> No.10410514

Ah so you're shallow then and will forgive a man treating you like a cum dump provided he's hot.

>> No.10410515


Ime promiscuous chicks tend to be much pickier about looks. Especially cosplayers because they get so much male attention on a daily basis they can afford to be. Not that this necessarily translates into meaningful relationships. Haven't seen a single cosplayer who regularly does the con circuit who isn't a romantic mess who can't even remember her own number.

>slept with 20 people by age 25 is bad or unusual?
Not him but, yes. It is. Even if we're going by upper bound estimates it's 4 times higher than the average woman's average lifetime sexual partners... At 25. Either you're playing dumb or you don't realize that women outside of cons aren't as sexually loose as cosplayers are.

>> No.10410546

>Body count of 1 since high school
>Still with her
>Relatively happy
>These disgusting degenerates with body counts in the triple digits are completely miserable without cons

>> No.10410573

>Some of them are gross-ass dudes but a lot of these guys are just shy or scared of rejection and whatever else and they'd have a much easier time getting laid if girls were more open about sex
I disagree,most shy people are too average to be aproached by those women and if they aren't then that insecurity will vanish over time.
>but instead they want girls to be pure innocent virgins that they'd never get with because they'd have to make all the moves.
they already have to make the moves.
There is also the fact that if a girl has had multiple partners it is more likely that she is expecting something better than a shy insecure guy and there is also the fact that if you are the 100th guy there is a higher chance of being a terrible experience for the other person,so this creates some anxiety.This all culminates with fears and some resentment that end up making people hate women who aren't sexualy open,but just sluts that sleep around.

>> No.10410674

The mass protests didn't cause a spike in New cases so we're probably seeing the virus burn out through mutations. I bet by the end of August it will essentially be gone. The new tests are good and cheap and the treatments are drastically increasing survival of the hospitalized.

>> No.10410682

I'm not OP but apparently it's through exactly socializing with people asking for pictures. It's not unusual to ask for their Instagram to mark them on posts and stories. Same works with cosplayers.

I guess you and me are focused on the 'play' of cosplay instead of getting laid.

>> No.10410685

>my main method of socializing and hooking up with people

How do you guys actually find friends at cons? I went at few but always felt lonely. I was not just going from place to place, instead I went at panels, events and most importantly was taking pictures, always with permission of course and sending them later via email, if they wanted to (or just gave them link to private site where I was uploading them). I never got any friends that way however, all emails were formal exchange of thanks and best wishes, as usual.

I feel that I missed my chance and failed at life in general but at least I want to know what I did wrong.

>> No.10410751

Just be hot,works for me every time.

>> No.10410958

>Not him but, yes. It is. Even if we're going by upper bound estimates it's 4 times higher than the average woman's average lifetime sexual partners... At 25. Either you're playing dumb or you don't realize that women outside of cons aren't as sexually loose as cosplayers are.

Maybe we're from different countries and thus very different cultures because that sounds insane to me. Sex with 20 different people in a LIFETIME lmao.. obviously this depends per person and it's not bad to have much less sex, but I understand why especially women tend to lie about how many people they've had sex with. So many people unironically shaming them, while still admitting they constantly want sex but instead just sit there sadly masturbating cause they can't get any. Again, it's just cultural differences and wanting to have few sexual partners and only have sex with people you are in a relationship with is fine, but it's so dumb to shame people who don't think that way. Sex is fun, just like people like to masturbate a lot, it makes people happy and feel good. And it's not that hard to use a condom for those who think you're gonna have like 20 STDs for sleeping with more than 10 people lmao. I guess most people here are American and this is just typical NA Sex Ed.

>> No.10410965

What country are you from? You sound like a city rat who lives in a degenerate bubble

>> No.10410987

>Sex with 20 different people in a LIFETIME lmao..
This just means the person slept aaround a bit but mostly had sex with their parter,having a really high number means the person isn't capable of holding a stable relationship or wasn't/isn't interested in doing so.I guess it is just a difference in what both parties want,you want sex while other people want a relationship.

>> No.10410992


>> No.10411055

It doesnt mean anything about being able to hold a stable relationship imo. In a relationship you are gonna have plenty of sex too, and personally I've been in 2 long term relationships and some smaller ones inbetween in my history. Sex is different of course with a long term partner, it's more intimate and has a different meaning imo, but never have I or a partner cared about what we've done inbetween our relationships. Many dates if they go well end up in a hookup, even if it doesn't end up becoming a relationship, or some party or rave. It's just fun, it's not something harmful unless you're going around fucking raw and getting a bunch of STDs.

It's just weird to me how a lot of (presumably incel guys) here think casual sex is the worst thing ever as if people still stay a virgin until marriage lmao. Even if I'm not planning to be in a relationship with some person, I'd still rather have sex than masturbate by myself,it obviously just depends on your libido and if you prefer human contact or not, and theres nothing wrong with wanting it either or way but the shaming that's so obviously out of anger/jealousy is so annoying

>? What country are you from? You sound like a city rat who lives in a degenerate bubble

I don't wanna be too specific but I live in Europe. Actually grew up in a small town and only just recently live in a small city. Except for our countries version of the "bible belt" the attitude is similar in most places, but for what it's worth my country is notoriously open about sex and many people treat it as a more casual thing

>> No.10411087


Very funny. I was serious.

>> No.10411108

Pathetic. I staff at a major con and will go raw (no face mask) in 2021. Stay home if you have a problem cuck. You being scared and pathetic will not infringe on my liberty.

>> No.10411112

God I hate yanks

>> No.10411126

Haha. Natural selection.

>> No.10411127

I feel pity for your father, whore.

>> No.10411129

I feel pity for your parents, having an incel living in their basement for the last 30 years

>> No.10411141


Wut? I'm from Europe and 20 partners would be considered huge here. Slutty as hell. Guys would laugh at that girl.

>> No.10411153

>Anyone I don't like is an Incel
Sorry whore but monogamous since high school and old enough to be your dad assuming I started at like 16

>> No.10411154

We hate you too. Ever increasing numbers are sick of subsidising the world police force and I can't wait till you faggots have to have a real standing army

>> No.10411213

From Italy and same. 25 partners is a lot.

>> No.10411273

reading through this thread, I am truly amazed that there are women left anywhere on this board who haven't taken the lezpill. Not many left I'm sure, given that it's /cgl/, but jesus fucking christ. Men actually should be kept in camps with brain chips.

>> No.10411345

You read a thread about girls who can't keep their legs closed for mediocre ONS con dick and you're surprised they aren't lesbians? You're talking about women who can't go without male attention for more than 15 minutes.

>> No.10411358

but... why? The way men talk about women is so disgusting. I'm not usually exposed to it because I don't talk to random dudes I don't know, only the ones I'm friends with, but fuck me. It's like being black and dating a nazi. Why would you?

>> No.10411399

I can't speak for other men, but I'm exclusively speaking about consluts in this thread. Normal women who don't whore around at cons I have no issue with and respect.

>> No.10411457


i know right. luckily this board is far from a representation of the average male, these people dont go outside and just hate everything

>> No.10411752
File: 3.32 MB, 300x258, 1546512119835.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody even know how this shit is gonna pan out anymore?
I really thought the COVID restrictions were gonna last until probably 2 years, but now I don't even think it's gonna last until November.
Doctors are actually going on Twitter giving exceptions to every rule they gave for SPECIFIC protests.

None of this is good. Everything is so fucked and I hate it.

>> No.10412217

>I am truly amazed that there are women left anywhere on this board who haven't taken the lezpill.
/cgl/ is full of lesbians and dykes.

>> No.10412829

So do cosplayers come onto people taking pics are the other way around?

>> No.10412925

On the flipside to this why don't more guys take the gay pill? Plenty of twinks, traps and cubs to go around.

>> No.10412927

>Plenty of twinks, traps and cubs to go around.

Are bears hard to come by?

>> No.10412940

No, plenty of bears and chubby gays out there as well. Fire up grindr at the next con you attend.

Gay men don't have these incel issues.

>> No.10414788

Why did normies get so frightened about this virus bullshit, anyway?

Do I just have a weird disregard for my own life for thinking that it's stupid to change the way you live over what's maybe a 1-2% chance of death?

>> No.10416910

>Sleeping with 20 people by 25 is unusual

What the FUCK you have got to be trolling. I've slept with 3 people by 30. Stop being a whore and having sex outside of LTRs

>> No.10416918

That only works for women. Hot dudes have to be in the .5% of hot dudes to get approached at cons by other women that are decent (5/10 or higher).

This is a massive cope by someone who whored around way too much and will forever be tainted. You shouldn't really even have double digit sex partners by 25 let alone 30 imo.

The lolcow/tumblr/reddit crowd of women on this board needs to fuck off, prime example here. Anyone that uses the word scrote or shits on men randomly needs to have their ovaries torn out

Have you seen women talking about men's height or how "ugly" they are even if they're just average dudes? Women especially online aren't willing to settle for anything less than a charming prince and they're lonely af because of it.

>> No.10417155


Men just aren't fucking like that anymore. Porn and affordable sex toys got a lot of men skipping out on relationships.

>> No.10417546

Saying porn and sex toys are why men don't have as much sex in the US as they used to is a stretch. Most developed countries have them but don't experience even close to the same drop.
There are way more factors tied to the US that could give you a much clearer picture into the problem.

>> No.10418092

Sociopathic piece of narcissistic shit, shut your whore mouth and drop dead. You fucking sex addicts ruin everything you touch, you destroy interpersonal relationships and have enabled shit like onlyfans and whoredom to run rampant and get completely out of control. You sick fucks need to learn to stay in your fucking lane and not bother normal people that just want normal relationships.

>> No.10418094

Seriously, kill yourself you little freak. I'd beat the fucking shit out of you talking that trash IRL. I've sent people to the hospital before for doing it too.

>> No.10418103


>> No.10418110

Too bad bitch. Lock and key metaphor, get used to the idea. I could literally kill you with a single punch, we are not equals.

>> No.10418129

You post on 4chan

>> No.10418242

fuck you even if this is bait i hope you eat shit and die

>> No.10418438

>There are way more factors tied to the US that could give you a much clearer picture into the problem

What are they then?

>> No.10418649

They're can be cultural factors like religion, family pressure, media depiction of average men in the US.

They could also stem from economical factors. I don't have the numbers, but the issue might correlate to the decline in home ownership. How about the amount of college graduates that don't have a job in their major?

There's a shit ton of factors that contribute, but it's not very convincing if you say that men aren't having sex in the US as much anymore because of these 2 things every country has as well.