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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 168 KB, 640x479, C50B5293-F9D1-4958-97E8-A3C14E363A99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10384888 No.10384888[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you still have your own yaoi paddle? Soft- or hardcore side?

>> No.10384894

This is an image you can hear. If you know. You know.

>> No.10384898

I still have your mom's pussy in my pussy, faggot

>> No.10384988

Can someone explain the other items in this pic? What’s with the bears, is that lube?

>> No.10385000 [DELETED] 

That's body wash and the bears are scrubs.

>> No.10385003

That's body wash and the bears are sponges.

>> No.10385035

Is it the sound of some unfortunate fool's vertebrae shattering

>> No.10385049

Wouldn't that make you the faggot, anon?

>> No.10385232

Ultimate cringe symbol of burgers blurring the lines between fiction and reality.
>yaoi must be more realistic!
>more representative of real gays!
>and let's physically assault those we think look gay!

>> No.10385354

I went and visited a friend right before quarentine. Girl still has her yaoi paddle. Says it's in case of robbers.

>> No.10385380

>Says it's in case of robbers.

>> No.10385434

>yaoi must be more realistic!
To be fair, yaoi paddles were from a time before most kinds of social activism. I started going to cons the same year they started getting banned, but the few times I did see them, the people who had them were just purely in it for the shipping and memes.

>> No.10385439

I was thinking the battle cry/yaoi fangirl yell that would proceed before the swing. Maybe I'm just mixing paddles and glomping together though.

>> No.10385591

From what I've heard about the story of that incident, I believe there was also a fujo battle cry. So best of both words.

>> No.10385625

The only people who carry these are girls who don't clean out their cheesy fish taco.

>> No.10385838

Without exception these are owned by fat and/or ugly girls

>> No.10386292

Who actually wants Yaoi paddles back has no brain, but who doesn’t miss them has no heart.

>> No.10386315

Yaoi panels predate antis by like a decade. If you are going to get into fandom discourse at least do it right

>> No.10386318

My English teacher in high school had a notebook with “uke” (short for ukulele) written on the cover. When I saw it, I asked him if he had another that said “seme”. He didn’t get it.

>> No.10386339

Yaoi was still a relatively new genre in the states when these paddles were taking off. No one at the time was complaining that it was unrealistic or not representative enough, to the extent that they do now. Don't let your hatred for women confuse the facts. Also this paddle was conceived of and marketed by men so they share as much blame as the people who bought them.

>> No.10386348

I'm going to lay awake at night thinking of how embarrassing this is, and it didn't even happen to me

>> No.10386350

the difference is the time period, not how old the genre was. hardly anything was thought of as problematic or anything back in the day.
>Also this paddle was conceived of and marketed by men
source? you don't need to reach so hard.

>> No.10386352
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>> No.10386354

There is literally a straight line in fandom history between comics like these and >>10385232

>> No.10386370

>source? you don't need to reach so hard.
Commonly accepted story is that they were sold by a company called Hendane when the owner of the company (a man) was given one as a joke gift (by another man) because he was a big seller of yaoi books at the time. You can search up the Fan Lore article, if you haven't already decided what you want to believe. Ask yourself if this dumb paddle really makes more sense as a stupid joke that a guy decided to market to a young crowd who wasn't that much marketing attention OR as a sincere creation by a teenage fujoshi.

>> No.10386375

i meant that sincerely, anon, as in you don't need to reach to point the finger.

>> No.10386416

Oh! I'm sorry then. It's 4chan, I'm used to getting ripped apart every time I suggest that women aren't responsible for every bad thing in the world.

>> No.10387004

Like glomping, a relic of con past that I'm glad no longer exists.

>> No.10387140

See >>10386292

>> No.10387143


it was a different time, anon

>> No.10387230

Glomping may no longer exist, but it still lives on spiritually in Hug Guys. I miss yaoi paddles but I am sure as hell glad that they've been dead and gone so long most current con goers don't know about them and double glad they had no successor.

>> No.10387280


>and let's physically assault those we think look gay!

We should have kept the tradition.

>> No.10387286

Cons back in the day: SOUL
Cons today: SOULLESS

>> No.10387552
File: 566 KB, 600x865, Asqueroso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be robber
>break into a house looking for some good shit
>a cottage cheese fatty in a too-small frilly dress asks me to paddle her

>> No.10387556
File: 73 KB, 800x1009, Bad Memories.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10387558

I think the hambeast is going to be doing the paddling, actually

>> No.10387928

So, did you people choose the softcore or hardcore side back in the day when you actually had yaoi fangirls roaming around with the paddles?

>> No.10388247

What (if any) is the difference between the hard and softcore sides? Was one side padded? These things were starting to be banned when I started going to cons so I never saw any in the wild.

>> No.10388253

hardcore is when you used the edge, softcore was the flat of the paddle. Both sucked but one was annoying and the other would bring men to their knees in one swoop.

>> No.10388276

Nothing a shower can't fix

>> No.10388330

Hug guys were already being put down and I imagine that the coof is the final nail that will put them all down permanently . They been replaced by shrug guys

>> No.10388940

I wish I had one as a piece of kitschy home decor. I'm a gay weeb and yaoi paddles are an inside joke in my cosplay circle. My friends would find it hilarious.

>> No.10388944

Only if the robber is a qt twink uke-chan uwu

>> No.10388949

>Hug guys were already being put down
Oh so we're finally euthanizing them?

>> No.10388954

Ol' Yeller style, baby.

>> No.10389005


>> No.10389046

Ya seriously, it's porn who fucking cares if it's realistic? Eomen get made fun of for saying their depictions in porn is unrealistic, yet men say it and everyone bends over backwards to accommodate them, fuck off

>> No.10389047

Cons back then were filled with so many spergy retards, god I miss it. No one back then gave a single fuck. Anyone else feel like gamers ruined cons more than superhero movies? It used to be the only gamers I met at cons played weeb shit, now there's fps fags and the like.

>> No.10389328
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>tfw those paddles

I once got assaulted by one of these. I grabbed it off the fangirl and 'playfully' hit her back with as much force as my weedy girly arms could manage. Knocked her flat.

Thankfully the next year cons banned all these bastard things.

>> No.10389362

Aww, no fun at all :(

>> No.10389370

Fuck you, justice. They fucking hurt.

>> No.10389515

I know a case where at the convention, a stranger thought she would be funny and slapped with the paddle another stranger. The paddle hit her spine with the side of the paddle (making the impact hard and focused on one point), and she is now in wheel chair. So yeah, not big fan of those paddles.

>> No.10389549

It truly is the thing of unfortunate legend.

>> No.10389580

Hendane has been banned from pretty much every single con in my country. Guy's shady as fuck, very obviously doesn't pay his taxes (iirc he had different prices whether you paid with cash or a card), acts very inappropriately towards customers, sells porn to underage kids and generally doesn't give a shit about con's vendor rules. Not surprised at all if he's the one who started yaoi paddles.

>> No.10389581

Wow. Americans are freaks.

>> No.10389586

nayrt, but what you said reminds me of my first irl encounter with yaoi paddles.
>it's 2009 or so. I'm 11 or 12 at the time and its my first convention ever.
>my cousin and I were walking through the middle of dealer's hall, oohing and ahhing at everything we see
>we hear someone loudly advertising into a mic from down the aisle so we curiously walk our way towards it
>its a fucking yaoi paddle booth, something I had vaguely heard about online but didn't know the context of beyond that it had the forbidden word yaoi written on some of them and two other words that I didn't understand in japanese (uke and seme) but vaguely understood to be sexual in nature. There's pride flags covering the booth with big bold "YAOI, 18+, XXX" and such phrases
>we're red in the face and half-giggling half-'wtfisthisreallife'
>the man standing on top of chair behind the booth where a mass of people are openly browsing through catalogs of gay porn sees us hiding our red faces as we try to sneak by without making a scene and catching the attention of our older cousins who brought us here in the first place. Older cousins who are very much not weebs and absolutely would demand an answer that would probably get us sent home.
>The man points to us and loudly declares, "i see you two other there. come on over, I know you wanna! yeah, come on! come buy a paddle!"
>did i mention that we were two barely-teenage girls
>we scurried off with him shouting into the mic until we were too far away to see.

I think I saw paddles at a con once or twice more in the following years until the incident that got them banned off of the face of the planet. After your comment, it makes me wonder if that was the guy.

>> No.10389614

i hated hendane their shit is overpriced and the people who run it are shit salesmen. they're banned at my local con cause of some drama with printing and selling a free web doujin.

>> No.10389678

I hope she sued the pants off whoever hit her with the paddle.

>> No.10390241

Was he right, did you become yaoi fangirls later on?

>> No.10390246

The only thing I hear is that guy at the shouting what types of yaoi his booth has at the dealers room

>> No.10390323
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I can only speak for one of us but

>> No.10390509

Well put.

>> No.10390777

Okay hentai Putin

>> No.10391771

Didn't some unfortunate sap get paralysed from getting hit with one or is that a con urban legend?

>> No.10391780

they were outlawed from my con the year before I was old enough to buy one :(

>> No.10391913

No, that's real. That's what led to their removal from the con scene

>> No.10392848

I don't doubt it happened, but is there a source of that story other than gossip?

>> No.10392852

Now they're the annoying tumblrinas that scream even though two canon straight characters hate each other vehemently they're totally gay for each other. And if you point out how stupid that is, you're a homophobic pos.

>> No.10396172

”Fuck off” side.

>> No.10396727


This is a pretty good video on the "history" of the yaoi paddle. I started going to cons in 2013 so I don't think they were really a thing anymore when I started going which almost makes me feel like I've missed out on a piece of con history but that's probably for the best anyways.

>> No.10396872

I don't feel like rewatching the video to see if there is a solid source in it, but here's some more info if it helps. To my knowledge, no there is no solid proof.

>> No.10396873

Oh oops, I didn't even read this post yet. But yeah, this video is pretty indicative of the rise and fall.

>> No.10397175

Update: red bard just announced that her source may have been lying. She’s checking with con staff and might have to do an update video

>> No.10397254

no shit, she uses us (and /jp/) as sources for half her info. i know her irl. how tf is she planning to dig that up? she barely goes to cons.

>> No.10397258

I’ve never tried contacting past con staff but it doesn’t seem impossible

>> No.10397263

maybe not, but how does she plan to get a reliable source, years later, especially since the first "may have been lying"

>> No.10397276

Idk what she plans to do, but I think contacting multiple con staff and asking “hey, did you hear about this happening? Y/n”

If people remember it they probably have more info than a random that she could work from or if they don’t then I doubt it happened. Doesn’t seem like rocket science to me and I’m surprised she didn’t start there

>> No.10397281

i mean it's definitely not rocket science, it was more of a criticism of her alleged source in the first place. i'm thinking the same thing you are, as far as why didn't she just contact staff initially.

>> No.10397288

Eh, I don’t know. I won’t judge. For all we know it was *one* staff member that lied and she didn’t think to verify it with more. I’ll wait to see what happens before I judge

>> No.10397291

i'm only judging her because she does this fairly often for her videos and it's a bit frustrating.

>> No.10397381

pretty sure the attacker went to jail for it

>> No.10397391

It’s been confirmed that story was bullshit. Otakon official said it was 100% false. So, no. No one went to jail. Or got sued. Or anything.
Okay now I am judging. How do you not contact a SINGLE staff member?

>> No.10397415

I think her mistake was reporting it like a fact when in reality it was always a rumor.

>> No.10400215

>video is down

>> No.10400229

>red bard

>> No.10400233

Ahegao shirts are worn by pedo coomers and pornsick autists, people who wear them should be outed as pedo sex offenders and be put down

>> No.10400235

>Ahegao shirts are worn by pedo coomers and pornsick autists

>> No.10400254
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>AX actually invited this literal who to be a "guest of honor"

>> No.10400350

Most cons require the actual source material to be behind ID checks, why would the shirts themselves be allowed?

>> No.10400512

>yaoi paddle
This is why I have a distaste for fujos, nothing good comes out of that community.

>> No.10400534
File: 178 KB, 1023x682, 519551194_8b2f7ff3fd_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright /cgl/, come clean, which of you are in this pic?

>> No.10400536


Did his uke fall from the shelf onto his laptop? How is he gonna see his sites?

>> No.10400566
File: 201 KB, 768x1024, 2122743008_f72807e9fd_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to come clean with your past sins /cgl/

>> No.10400568
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me on the right

>> No.10400586
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>> No.10400590

Cause it's a shirt that isn't being sold there most of the time?

>> No.10400597

If there was ever a suit/settlement or an incident report from the con/hotel/police, there's a chance of digging up actual receipts by looking at court records etc. Although the latter has a greater chance of having been discarded after all this time.

>> No.10400641

Anon, keep up, it's already been proven that it was false.

>> No.10400644
File: 60 KB, 600x450, yaoi_paddle_sighting_by_realm_of_yaoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess the gender, win a paddlin'

>> No.10400651
File: 70 KB, 800x600, yoai_paddle_tokyo_in_tulsa2008_by_kurochan_urameshie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I opted for the "deluxe" model

>> No.10400658

It was a different time... a better time.

>> No.10400664
File: 73 KB, 500x471, 3954922216_8191f54c09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Live by the yaoi-paddle
>Die by the yaoi-paddle

>> No.10400703
File: 60 KB, 900x506, uke_____yes___l_was_gonna_get_hit_by_a_yaoi_paddle_by_jhar_jhar-d58v0ga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10400714
File: 55 KB, 600x800, yaoi_paddle_episode_ii_by_sukai_yume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll never stop the yaoi-paddler!

>> No.10400716
File: 109 KB, 449x548, mtr_1372153169088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I owned most of these till I was about 17 and then broke them to pieces and threw them away in several garbage cans as they may never be reunited ever again. This very thread brings up memories of my horrid weeb days. Thank fucking christ that was a time before smartphones and youtube.

>> No.10400719
File: 152 KB, 900x675, yaoi_paddle_by_feelingoaky-d309hie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Furry yaoi paddlin'

>> No.10400739
File: 258 KB, 597x817, Anti-Yaoi Paddle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would someone explain the "Anti-Yaoi-Paddle" to me?

>> No.10400742
File: 125 KB, 900x1200, awa_xiv___sakura_and_naruto_by_vincent_h_nguyen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Living the yaoi-paddlin' life

>> No.10400743
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>> No.10400893

i enjoyed this picspam. back when cosplay was actually fun...

>> No.10401850

Would love to see a "where are they now and what do they do now" with these 2005-2012 cosplayers.

>> No.10401883

they're now boring normies who are married and have kids, as basically everyone becomes past 30

>> No.10401908

are you like 18? people don't grow up, they just buy work clothes. you'll see.

>> No.10402255

Look zoomer, the cons you attend are run by people over 30 with established careers.

>> No.10403572

I wonder if there's any video of that

>> No.10404533
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>> No.10404534

Wow you are going to be in for a hell of an existential crisis at 25. People don’t stop liking what they like when they hit a certain age, believe it or not. They just stop going to 19 year old’s room parties

>> No.10404591

this, you just learn to balance more responsibilities. My husband is 36 and when we have a solid couple days off together we'll do acid and go to a theme park or something.

>> No.10404610

I go to more cons now that I am older than I did in college. I just don’t hang out with the young folk and tend to go to actual bars and things after hours. Who do these kids think run cons, table/vend at cons and sit on panels? Fucking 22 year olds? Or do they think we are just there to babysit and hate our experience the whole time?

>> No.10404648
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>> No.10404699

ew, i hope you never have children

>> No.10404812

Fuck off to twitter zoomer

>> No.10404921

Yeah it was really fun back when weebs used to make fun of my sexuality just because they're socially awkward hahahaha.

>> No.10407334
File: 33 KB, 372x494, 3A406F2C-2731-498C-B204-40FFAABE9D00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shouting into the mic? There’s being a tard, and there’s this.

>> No.10407339

I would fuck the soul out of the Rock Lee.

>> No.10407346
File: 1022 KB, 498x366, 14953C42-0EAE-4C77-A6AB-57386BC7DD04.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t help but to think of this.

>> No.10407352

the early convention scene was a wild time

>> No.10409069

Sorry I missed it, started in ‘06.

>> No.10409383

You're probably better off for it, don't worry.

>> No.10410196
File: 54 KB, 624x448, 0170B208-EC42-4FFA-8960-F4CBC1CE2547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such is life.

>> No.10417506

Not that anon but every time this booth was up it was always sold by a man yelling "YAOI! GET YOUR HOT YAOI! RIGHT HERE LADIES"

>> No.10417561

>born in 96

Man. The shit I could have seen had I not been so vehemently anti weeb when I was a teenager. If that's the one thing I could change it would be to tell my younger self to go to all those cons just for the stories

>> No.10417584

>replying to a post directed at someone else
>with a response that doesn't even answer the question
>from over a month ago
>that already got clarified

>> No.10417595

People who post like this are 100% insecure about how boring and joyless they are and how they're never invited to parties. I know because I used to be one of them.

>> No.10418867


>> No.10429583


>> No.10438981

no. I threw that out years ago

>> No.10439007

man Ed Sheeran sure has changed

>> No.10440355

updated video

>> No.10442679

i miss redbard doing anime season re-caps

>> No.10442766

Old people that volunteer at cons are so cringe. They power trip harder than internet jannies.

>> No.10443688

>be me in 2006
>first anime con where i have some knowledge of anime and a cosplay
>gf got me into all of it a year earlier so we are both excited to get to spend some time together and get to have actual conversations instead of her giving me a teaching lesson
>im cosplaying as Luffy, talking to another one piece character, idr which one because early into the conversation i feel a harsh slap to my ass that sends me to into the air
>i look back and see some fat, beady eyed girl laughing holding the infamous yaoi paddle
>weeb girl did not know that the cross playing girl next to me was my unusually aggressive and protective gf
>before i can tell gf that i am alright or anything gf punches, not slaps, straight slugs this bitch right in the jaw
>i grab gf's arm because she is going for another punch and run away to our hotel room while gf screaming at the crying blob on the ground
>i stayed with that girl until distance after highschool tore us apart
>didnt understand the appeal of yaoi paddles before but hated them since.

>> No.10443696

>tfw you used to "glomp" people
>tfw you grabbed peoples boobs and butts(men and women)
>tfw you'd be labeled a sex offender today
In fairness I was groped too and thought nothing of it

>> No.10443715


i get that people might not want to be grabbed and all but back in the day it seemed to happen all the time and no one batted an eye. i wish a bunch of cunts didnt go around telling people they should be offended when touched because i dont believe most people were ever offended.

>> No.10443841

I was uncomfortable (and no, I wasn't wearing anything revealing, just young) and didn't know what to do.

>> No.10445484

GF was kick-ass, man.

>> No.10445530
File: 67 KB, 900x506, respect whamen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>true gender equality
you're a good person

>> No.10445531
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the only difference is that one side says softcore and the other says hardcore

>> No.10445636
File: 901 KB, 900x514, this fag about to get paddled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had a yaoi paddle for the meme, but when I was a teenager there was no way I was paying for a kayak paddle with text on it

>> No.10445651
File: 43 KB, 1027x768, BD4948FF-95F3-4437-812B-6956C9C8975A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost count how many times I watched people get injured from that shit.

>> No.10445656
File: 1.55 MB, 750x1334, 2ADDB960-D785-4D3B-A7BA-2AD7A001773D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh lord those teeth.

>> No.10445658

>I was groped too and didn’t mind.

That doesn’t make what you did ok.

>> No.10448435

Honestly so glad these things disappeared off the face of the Earth. Back when this board was more active (see: a decade ago,) you'd read countless stories about these things being fucking abused to no end.

>> No.10449540

>be a teenager
>have an overreacting fear of gravity (not heights, just the sensation of being off balance, having nothing under foot, actually falling even short distances)
>friend pushes me towards a middle aged resting bitch face male staff member in cosplay out of nowhere
>my legs have no time to react so reach forward to catch myself on him (not hug, not grab, palm of hands only) to avoid falling
>go to apologize immediately while visibly flustered
>he cuts me off, yells angrily at me for glomping, doesn't even let me speak, then storms off
>the only other option was to let myself hit the ground
Still hurts me inside to this day. I know my friend didn't mean it so I mostly feel bitter that the guy was a dick and so unaware of what was going on around him. And even though my fear almost never comes up, any time I'm with someone that playfully pushes me and happens to make me panic, it makes me really think I should spend the money to get help with it since they almost invariably get angry at me even though I don't do anything to them. I guess it makes them feel embarrassed and get defensive, but I never accuse them of anything, get mad, or am mean to anyone (since I know it's my problem and they didn't mean to do it), I just freak out momentarily and then have to sit down and catch my breath.

>> No.10449542

go get therapy you weirdo.

>> No.10459337

At my last apartment, my downstairs neighbor had and wore an ahegao hoodie all the time. She was a black woman in her thirties. Her man would shout all the time and I almost called the cops, but I could never really discern if he was actually being violent or not and I didn't want to ruin someone's life with DHS getting involved. Their kid called me "officer" just because I had a tucked in shirt and am white. I always wondered about the woman's power level. I never even once heard them mention anything weeby.

>> No.10459656

We all call these days cringe but these were the last times that cons were fun

>> No.10463967

>I wish I could act like a con creep again and not get called out for it

>> No.10463995

This thread is 50% people acting like the mere thought of sex will corrupt you into degenerate pedo demonspawn and the other 50% is people mad you can’t literally assault people at cons anymore

So checks for fandom I guess

>> No.10468189

This, there's no natural law that says you have to be offended at somebody touching you. It's a learned hysteria.

>> No.10468206

uh yeah considering how almost all sexual assault and rape is committed by men, i don't want random men touching me in any way ever, thanks

>> No.10468212

So you are ok with women groping you?

>> No.10468222

not GROPING but touching, sure. a woman putting her arm around me or giving me a hug isn't predatory or a threat, like every random man potentially is.

>> No.10468232

nyart but i don't like uninvited touches even if i like the person touching me. Even a pat on the shoulder or a hand lingering on my elbow makes me feel like a cat that just got its tail stepped on.

>> No.10468304

Man how do you live? That paranoia can't be comfortable to live with

>> No.10468337

You would be surprised, anon. Most women live with that paranoia. You just don’t know it.

>> No.10468341

you're tellin us

>> No.10468365

That's basically every woman, and it's sadly necessary.

>> No.10468389

seeing these images make me glad these got banned at cons before i started going to them

>> No.10468392

This is the reality of any woman who isn’t absolutely hideous. Men are disgusting and because of that we have to fear for our safety every day. You can act like an it’s an exaggeration but it’s not.

>> No.10468411

You've never went to an anime/geek con with a female friend or relative, huh?

>> No.10468413

He’s probably never even touched a girl

>> No.10468451

I'm a guy, and that paranoia is justified if you've ever spent time in leisure areas and paid attention. I've started offering to accompany women I know if they wanna go to certain places just because my presence alone is enough to dissuade that shit

>> No.10468454

A legend. It's sad that women need to be protected by men from other men. At least some guys are still respectful.

>> No.10468465

Getting touched isn't the same as getting raped
Ive been groped by both men and women I just shrugged it off.

>> No.10468468


You guys ever wonder if people like this think/read before they post, even just a little bit?

>> No.10468476

It’s b8.

>> No.10468534

You're a good dude.

It's called sexual assault, not rape, but it's still very bad ya dumb scrote.

>> No.10468541

Fiancee, but she's autistic so she doesn't overread emotion or suspect every man is out to assault her. Like a good German woman.

>> No.10468615

>t. learned hysterics
The thing is it's completely unnecessary to be this triggered, almost all stranger violence is male on male. Women are much, MUCH less exposed to risks, like 1/20th as much.

>> No.10468617

>learned hysterics

You’re right anon. I sure did learn it. From being sexualized by gross men since I was 12. And being sexually assaulted by a grown man when I was 17. And being stalked and having notes left on my door from a 40 YO when I’m in my early twenties.

>> No.10468627
File: 567 KB, 470x491, ara_ara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget that one lolita that was followed and murdered in front of her home

>> No.10468634

>Women are much, MUCH less exposed to risks
We're talking about sexual assault/rape specifically which overwhemlingly happens to women, so no. I've been sexually harassed/assaulted by men so many times in life, especially when I was younger and naive, so yeah I guess you could say it is "learned" in that way.

>> No.10468647

Dude I'm hideous and still get yelled at on the street so don't rule out ugly women. Being ugly doesn't mean that men won't think they're entitled to talk to me if they feel like it. If anything it makes them angrier when I ignore them.

>> No.10468648 [DELETED] 


Bitch you're out in public, I am entitled to at least initiate a conversation with you. How old are you? You seem to have the emotional maturity of a 13 year old girl. You should be honored men even want to talk to you.

>> No.10468650

>, I am entitled to at least initiate a conversation with you.

Not her but no. No you are not. No woman owes you her time. No stranger owes you anything, scrote.

>> No.10468652 [DELETED] 

Rapist here, no it isn’t. I’ve knocked out wanna be white knights like you before, and “escorted” people back just to prey on them later.

>> No.10468653

Let's see if the jannie deletes this one too

>> No.10468702

Incel scrote. You're entitled to a face full of bear spray.

>> No.10468770

You aren't entitled to shit. I don't owe attention to ugly creeps and I'm certainly not honored by their desperate attention

>> No.10469330

Learn to fucking take "no" for an answer.

>> No.10469781

>negging an ugly girl on the internet
what year am i in

>> No.10472605

You can attempt to initiate a conversation, but nobody has to talk to you. Holy shit.

>> No.10472622

kill yourself

>> No.10472641

Don't kys, just be better

>> No.10475333


>> No.10475337 [DELETED] 

Single moms are a fucking cancer to society
My hard-earned money shouldn't be going to these stupid sluts that don't know how to do anything else but spread their legs and then pat themselves on the back for birthing more fucked up children. Poor people either need to be slaughtered or forced to be sterilized. We don't need to support these amoral hedonistic sluts birthing more onlyfans whores.

>> No.10475369
File: 3.64 MB, 3514x2827, 1544657931740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the dick, but i'd like to see some proof of this

Back on topic, i miss they years when these paddles were a thing. I hate the paddle but the energy in conventions then was v different. I miss it.

>> No.10475376

Can you describe what it was like? I've never been to a con in my life but I'm curious about that part of history.

>> No.10475381

no one seemed self conscious about anything beyond initial introductions to people. Everyone was so excited all of the time and happy to share opinions, information, food sometimes, even.Today there's an element of judgement in the air at cons that was not nearly so prevalent before. Or, maybe I was different? It's honestly hard to tell

>> No.10475422

Marci Vukotic was stabbed to death a few minutes away from her home on a walk.