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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10349343 No.10349343 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>10332513

/cgl/ Idol Spreadsheet (Recently updated, under new management!) - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WtgRe5cjKIR0BYGhw9N8ahxChLqEFLbZIRbAazooh-o/edit?usp=sharing

Original Music Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfmgukQM2isUtJJZz1MY4Jn4zPcbl0wDU

-Katsucon's showcase was mediocre, idols may have been talking about each other.
- The neverending debate on if cosplay idols are considered real idols
-More Love Live cover groups have been forming
-Should overseas idols be in the /jp/ threads?
-Anti idols using the Menhera niche: should it stop?

Starter topic: Who do you personally want to see live this year? Who would you be willing to travel to see?

Featured Group: Tanoshii Project

>> No.10349349

Did the gull in charge of the spreadsheet die again?

>> No.10349361

The topic summary from last thread is kinda bad. Also I've never heard of tanoshii! Any events coming up now that con season is starting up?

>> No.10349540

Is IA Idols going say something about their Riko at Katsucon since she didn’t perform with them but they announced that she is going perform?

>> No.10349619

Sorry, I never have any good ideas for them :( that's why I didn't make a new thread yet so props to OP lol

>> No.10349688

I didn’t know what to say desu, I just got tired of having to scroll to find the damn thread lol
I’ll do better next time if I end up having to do this again

>> No.10349811

There’s very few groups I would go out of my way to see live, but I think my top picks would be Seishun Youth Academy, A-Muse, Auracle, and maybe Peachy Parade. For soloists I’d like to see Julily (even though she’s dropping the idol label), Melancholiaah, Phoebe, and Galaxy Girl Paida.

>> No.10350700

No, I haven’t received any update/addition request emails since last May. I’ve thought about making a new database as a whole desu. Old one is kinda messy and well over half the groups are inactive.

>> No.10350777

Something has to be done. The soloists all have new music and the sheet isn’t reflecting it

>> No.10351020

That section does not get updated. Refer to the original idol music playlist in the OP if you want the music. I believe my helper is the one that does that.

If you want to see updates to the spreadsheet, send them to the email. I'm not going to go hunting for every new cover group that spouts up every other day.

>> No.10351050

god this is a fucking shitty response. you sound like a huge bitch.

>> No.10351153

Not spreadsheet chan, but your not much better acting like a bitchy Karen. What's next, do you want to speak to the mods about this?

>> No.10351237

I love the idol community

>> No.10351240

As opposed to SoMeThInG hAs tO bE DoNe? Yeah ok lol. You’re more than welcome to do this shit yourself! I am not paid to fuck around on the internet all day looking for every half assed group of fifteen year olds that decide they want to be idols then never do shit outside of an initial promotion. Create a email, copy the spreadsheet to that drive, and update the link here and have the fuck at it friend.

>> No.10351244

Alright I was with the other anon that you weren't being a bitch at all, and I still don't think you are, but your response begs the question do you seriously want to keep doing the spreadsheet at all? I don't mean this to be a dick you just really seem to hate doing it based on that response. You could pass it on to somebody else who wants to do it if you're sick of it.

>> No.10351249

I don’t hate doing it, I hate when people expect it to be my sole job. I’ve said in prior threads I operate off of updates sent to the email. I only browse this thread when I get the chance. I even JUST said I was interested in creating a website based database. But when somebody tells me “something has to be done”? Like what do you expect from me lol. If you think I’m running it shittly, nothing is stopping you from recreating everything just like I did when the last spreadsheet was dead.

>> No.10351265

Honestly, the expectations for Spreadsheet-chan are outrageous. At the start they said to email updated and that’s always been the case. I don’t know how but Playlist-chan manages to constantly update the playlist with new releases that are placed on YouTube. It’s one of those “if you want something done do it yourself.” Wanna see it updated? Then email them. Nothing changed about them wanting to receive emails.

>> No.10351366

Thank you.

As a final note, I have always mentioned I wanted email updates to assist in keeping it updated. Like I mentioned before, my last email was in May and my last spreadsheet logged update was in June of last year.

There are a shit ton of groups on that spreadsheet. I went through the entire thing when I first started and updated the links and activity levels of all of them, and changed the look of the original songs tab of the spreadsheet to make it sorted by idol before passing off that section to a very dedicated helper (playlist chan). I do not hate doing the spreadsheet, but it is not my #1 concern. And like anon above said, some of your expectations are absolutely bizarre for something none of you are doing anything to aide into that direction.

If you hate the way I'm doing it you can take it off my hands, just let me know so I don't have to bother doing the website I wanted to do lol. It requires a lot of free time, with how big this hobby has gotten, to be constantly searching for every cover group or aspiring idol group that pops up on instagram every other day. So if you're willing to take that on, then go ahead.

>> No.10351886

>Seishun Youth Academy
Can confirm.

>> No.10352040

Speaking of SYA, does anyone know why they chose the name Seishun Youth Academy? I know the original group is Seishun Gakuen so the English name feels redundant.

>> No.10352062

I think it's legit just a Japanese version vs English version?

>> No.10352090

As for one thing. I made a compilation of selected (one per song if possible) cosplay PV/Live Performances from Love Live (and other songs in Love Live cosplay), since I wanted to save the stuff from takedown. Here's link:
Sadly dead as for now, but new version should be seeded, when it comes the time.

>> No.10352199

...why is this nessecary?

>> No.10352248

you're wasting your time. and what's up those rules of yours? especially that last one.

>> No.10352261


Dude what lmao

>> No.10352277

Is anime boston banning singing because its cringe?

>> No.10352281
File: 804 KB, 1832x2747, DAKfinal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shameless shill

>> No.10352291

Anime Boston seems to think "idol" means "cosplaying as Love Live" and nothing else, so it's probably less about the singing and more about "it's an anime con aren't they all just gonna dress up and dance?"

>> No.10352293

banning singing? source?

>> No.10352334

Interesting lineup!

>> No.10352651
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we need more original songs

>> No.10352661
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i love this midget

>> No.10352682

I agree! I love hearing original music by overseas idols. Even when it's not great, there's enough like, earnestness in it that it's endearing. And when it is genuinely good music it's even better!

She's so good. I have a soft spot for Kei though, Kei is gorgeous and really funny

>> No.10352739

THIS! Even if a track sounds really basic, knowing how much time and love they’ve put into it makes me love it. I hope this year we get more original music

>> No.10352741

Pengy is
>our girl

I love Kei desu. Mosuri has grown a lot but I think Kei has shown the most since the beginning.

>> No.10352785

Pengy is the best girl

>> No.10353197

I also wanted to get some playlist of cosplay PV/Live Perfromances of non-Love Live songs performed in Love Live cosplay. Just out of curiosity.

>> No.10353219

Shameless shill indeed Kei

>> No.10353355

kei at least make it seem like you don't go on here and support this thread

>> No.10353405

I wouldn't know where to begin or how to search for these.

Why is she so short

>> No.10353408

what can we do to make the scene more popular?

>> No.10353416

It's already been getting pretty popular lately and there's already a lot going for it.
There are popular idol animes and games, getting the cosplays for that are cheaper too.
The OG idol scene is getting more and more gigs and with each performance everyone improves more.
I guess the next step would be for them to perform outside of conventions

>> No.10353426

what places would even accept idols outside of cons/weeb meetups?

>> No.10353427

It probably depends on the kind of performer. Open mic events, bar events, maybe even kids events or local festivals?

>> No.10353428

Indie music fests are an option but most of the time you need to know someone internally to get in

>> No.10353437

My idol group has performed at a burlesque variety night so basically any alternative scene will be open to idol performers, you just need to tweak your act/presentation for the crowd.

>> No.10353722


Do tell me more


Definitely can say local events are a good idea. Best done with a seeded fanbase however so people will be drawn into a crowd. Saw this in action during last year's summer market event and people were asking me about the groups.


Ask and you shall receive, courtesy of BiliBili

This one uses Maki cosplay to do non Love Live Covers.


A couple of Garnidelia covers using popular outfits like Angelic Angel/Little Devil/Arabian Dancer/Chinese sets.




>> No.10353754

It also kind of intresting me, that if they want to dance in Love Live cosplay, why not dance to other songs by voice acresses. Hey, Pile and Minori have a good amount of non-LL songs. But instead we have k-pop and stuff.

>> No.10353769


Outside of Kubo's newer stuff like Vivid Vivid, they are more anisong than regular idol/jpop

>> No.10353871

Seeded fanbase?

>> No.10354018


A better way to put it is having an established audience so passive onlookers wonder what is the performance all about instead of just a few fans.

>> No.10354346

even groups with a decent fanbase, those fans are not going to travel to an event that’s not a convention or japanese festival (because they’re broke and that’s what they prioritize)

so you really need a strong local fanbase wherever you’re performing, which makes it even harder

>> No.10354494

Funimation featured its first idol group cosplay (Aquamarine Idols) today. Looks like they’re featuring groups now?

>> No.10354539


>> No.10354561
File: 787 KB, 1079x1651, Screenshot_20200309-173914_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10354562

just look at funimations instagram page

>> No.10354564

I don't think they are featuring groups specifically but rather what they think are just some cosplayers

>> No.10354570

I agree. They’ve posted cosplays before so I think it’s just a coincidence that they’re being shared. Instead of sharing the group Instagram, they shared individual handles.

>> No.10354571

It's still something cool though. They're right in the middle of their My Hero hype, and it's not like they shared other love live cosplayers previously. I think this is a great way to open some doors. Hopefully more idols groups are featured in the future

>> No.10354574

I really don't think it's that deep pal

>> No.10354576

If you don't support other idol groups then why are you in this thread? Walk along, "pal"

>> No.10354581

who said they don't support other idol groups?

>> No.10354582

Never said I didn't, just stating the fact that Funimation isn't gonna suddenly be into promoting or posting idols more just because they shared one photo of some LL cosplayers.

>> No.10354593

Who knows, maybe they will. I don't think you work at Funimation. Shouldn't you be excited and supportive that a LL group was featured instead if just saying "oh its just coincidence" and "it's not that deep"

>> No.10354604

I mean, it's a Love Live group. Nothing inherently something to be excited over these days desu
Real progress would be if they partnered with or sponsored an original idol or group and acknowledging the actual idol scene. But then again, it's just Funimation and in the end they're just an anime licensing company so it's not like their opinion matters ultimately if they do anything or not unless the hypothetical idol gets hired as a voice actor.

>> No.10354606

But it's still something cool. Its exciting. A LL group got recognized by a big name anime company, one that owns the rights to the dubbed version of said idol show. This opens doors for other groups and idols to be featured, not just LL. If we as a community give this event enough love, Funimation and other like will realize how big the idol scene is here in the states, and what you suggest might actually happen. Bur if you brush it off as just any other idol group being featured, then they'll think no one really cares and won't bother to feature others.

>> No.10354611

Lol it's just a cosplay pic, don't get so jazzed

>> No.10354612

I get excited of the chance if other idols and groups getting recognized and featured. Sue me

>> No.10354620

I think you're right. It's important to show companies that there is an audience for out there.

>> No.10354631

You want the "scene" to be more popular? You need to start by looking in the mirror and realizing why 99% of people would find this shit cringe.

1: Lose some goddamn weight. The word idol has an actual meaning. Groups with fat members are absolutely ridiculous looking and nobody takes them seriously. Idols in japan have to not only sound good, but look good. Imagine if you just started calling yourself a "model" and did photoshoots and tried to sell yourself when you weighed 220 pounds.

2: Lose the wigs. You aren't cosplayers, you're dance/song cover groups. You look unnatural and unsettling when you have hair in cartoon-like patterns. Dye your hair if you need to. The main reason people find idol groups weird is because American facial structure doesn't go with the kind of wig styles that anime inspires.

3: Fewer moe songs. Theres no reason you have to do the same cutesy I RUUVVV UUUUUU idolmaster songs. Nobody but you listens to that. Do some kalefina, k-pop, hell even english songs

4: Drop trying to push wota stuff. Nobody will ever get into that

5: Don't use the term "overseas idols" that's crossing over into yellowfacing

5: Take singing lessons. Half the groups that choose to sing sound no better than what you would find in a karaoke room.

6:: Bottom line - make it actually enjoyable for the average person, or even average "anime con" goer to watch, not just other people into love live/idolmaster

>> No.10354632

Lol someone's mad

>> No.10354635

You don't have a lot of friends or a significant other, I'm guessing. Have some fun dude. They're COSPLAYERS. Cosplaying 2D UNREALISTIC ANIME GIRLS, covering JAPANESE SONGS.

Get over yourself Your comment is more cringe than any idols I've seen

>> No.10354639

I wad just stating what would have to be done for the community to get traction outside of itself

>> No.10354642

I can only agree with 3 and 5. 3 not because I think we need fewer songs, but because a diversity of songs can be interesting. 5 is obvious.

>> No.10354644

Anon, I think you need to recognize that the group got recognized for being a Love Live cosplay group and not for being an “idol” group. It’d be different if they were tagged as the group or I’d say Stellure was featured. This is, unfortunately, something that will simply be seen as another cute cosplay by the Funimaton fan community. I’m all for praising accomplishments but they’re featured as individuals doing a group cosplay. Not a performance group in cosplay. There is a distinction.

While you have some points, a lot of them are either outdated or invalid. A few examples:
>Idols in japan have to not only sound good, but look good
J-pop idols often times do not sound good. Some of the most popular idols, such as Sayumi Michishige, sound horrible but make up for it by being cute. There are also idols in Japan that people enjoy that are thicker. Do they get hate? Yes. But so they also have fans that support them? Yes.
>Imagine if you just started calling yourself a "model" and did photoshoots and tried to sell yourself when you weighed 220 pounds
Plus models are, for lack of a better term, more “in style” now than they’ve been in recent years. If someone who took care of themselves and looks good with and without makeup tried to sell themselves as a model, they’re more likely to get picked up now than in 2010.
>Drop trying to push wota stuff. Nobody will ever get into that
I agree but mostly because of the wording. We have stan culture and that’s all it is. Another version of stan. Just like fave, bias, and oshi all have the same basic meaning. Wotagei, however, might never take off.
>that's crossing over into yellowfacing
I’m not Asian, so I can’t comment on this with a 100% valid opinion but I am black. The phrase “idol” is a very specific term used in Asian counties to define a sub genre of pop music. In the US, we have Pop idols. It’s the same thing but that has has gone out of style. In Asia it hasn’t.

>> No.10354648

For clarification, I mentioned being black because people have also compared this to minstrel shows. This hobby isn’t meant to nor trying to replace or make fun of the Asian music industry. The phrase overseas idol is used as a way to say “hey we’d like to mimic this but we are not this nor trying to replace it.” It’s no different than saying K-pop idol or j-pop idol. Everyone who’s in the hobby that genuinely enjoys idols gives credit and respects the work the artists put in. Liking the hobby to that of racist practices is a stretch and offensive to people of those races because they hold a lot of cultural history. For them to be boiled down to the same level as “wannabe uwu kawaii girls” is insulting.

>> No.10354650

I just realized that there are two #5s on accident. I was saying that better singing is obvious. You don't have to have be good at acapella, but the songs should sound better.

>> No.10354735

places that would accept real pop music artists. there aren't enough people creating original music that's actually good to listen to in this community. covers can only get you so far and it's pretty weird to sing japanese songs to a non japanese audience at places that aren't anime conventions because the context isn't there to justify the reasoning for doing such a thing.

>> No.10354736

anyone butthurt over this doesn't understand what it takes to make it in the music industry. you are 100% correct except for the yellowfacing thing. pop idol exists every where in the world.

>> No.10354766

if your city has a night market, look into that

>> No.10354768

anon-kun, this is a hobby thread, most groups are not even trying to "make it"

>> No.10354784

I think they bring it up because the previous anons mentioned breaking into the industry via Funimation.

>> No.10354803

I wonder what will be reaction of the Japanse side? I don't know if Lantis/Sunrise/Bushiroad/Kadokawa likes the idea of their licensor to promote cosplay cover dance group even when not excplicty stating that.

>> No.10354828

I was talking more about the idea of idols and other performers getting more recognition. A lot of people get introduced to the idol community with Love Live and Idol Master etc. , so It's really cool for Funimation to say "Hey, look at these cosplayers cosplaying these idol characters!" Cause then people can look more into it.

>> No.10354829

I doubt they care. It's just cosplay

>> No.10354832 [DELETED] 

This is just a for fun group they showed though. They aren’t trying to make it as actual famous idols. Sure, this could be true for big groups, but they’re just doing this for fun. They’re cosplayers.

>> No.10354833

It’s just cosplayers, bro. They’re having fun and their audience is too. It ain’t that deep. They all have full time lives outside of their group—if you check out each of the individual members, most of them work full time jobs or are students (I’m 99% sure one member of that particular group is even in high school or some shit).
Sure, this advice could be correct for original idol groups actually aiming to get big, but these are just cosplayers trying to have fun.

>> No.10354839

I doubt anyone is gonna look into that deeply. They might follow the ones they like but that’s it. Like >>10354833 said, most of this instagrams aren’t about the group.

>> No.10354882

I'm so tired of everyone praising Icecream for being a great group. I'm not in Iceqream or have been, but I know the girls bscause of the tiny community we have in our area. Vicky is one of the angriest, most manipulative people ever. She is a bully and a control freak. She treats people like they owe her something and gets angry when you don't follow her tight line of conduct. She bullied the new girl out of the group and treated Emotion so bad that she cried. These girls have 1 day of 10 hour practice and Vicky doesn't even like when they girls take breaks for water. She acts like she's the cutest, most innocent member, but the truth is, she's ugly on the inside and super toxic. I wish more people would see her for who she truly is.

>> No.10354883

Emirin* not emotion

>> No.10354887

Where exactly the fuck is this coming from. I’m genuinely asking because I think they are one of more hard working groups and with two people recently announcing graduation this feels very targeted.

>> No.10354890

Seconded, post screencaps or take it to the farm. Not that people shouldn't be held accountable when they're shitty, but saying a whole bunch of stuff without any sort of proof isn't the kind of discussion that's welcome here.

>> No.10354892

I can't post screenshots of sitting in on practices

>> No.10354897

So are you claiming to be one of the graduating members? Might as well name drop yourself.

>> No.10354898

Woah. I've known most of the members for a while now and that's not what I've seen or heard at all. Yes they are serious and value practice a lot. From my various talks with them, it's really their opinion as a group to always improve and do their best. I value their ethics a lot.

>> No.10354907

So you're not a member of Iceqream but claim to sit in on their practices? That's incredibly specific and if any members of Iceqream see this, they'll know exactly who you are.

>> No.10354949

If Vicky really was an issue, don’t you think more former members would speak out and that they’d have a bad retention rate? Unless of course this is a very isolated incident and she just happens to hate this one member and everyone is okay with it.

>> No.10354968

Ok Vendetta-chan. Anyone who knows Ice Qream and/or Vicky know that this isn’t true.

>> No.10354974

I don't know Vicky or iceqream well at all, but more often than not, when people are labeled as being bossy, a bitch, whatnot...it's because they have higher standards that others cannot match up to. And that's not a bad thing. It's quality control. It's being a leader. And unless you have proof or more examples of uncalled for behavior, I would place my bets that you or the members that are 'victims' couldnt cut it when it comes to the discipline it takes to be a good performer.

>> No.10355025

Its a great thing when such a tiny community like the idol community has a forum dedicated for trashing individuals by name anonymously like this

>> No.10355058

Did...did you not read a single one of the replies lmao. We don't want this forum to be for shit like that

>> No.10355258

You sound.... EXTREMELY pressed friend.
Do you wanna talk about it?

>> No.10355260

Well this came outta left field.

>> No.10355398


#1 is just your bad opinion. a hot thick girl who looks pretty would be a lot more popular in our community than a stick skinny pedo bait body ass loli idol girl. skinny is not default popular to everyone, just you. i can name quite a few faces in this community that are extremely more attractive than thin idols and cosplayers because they take care of themselves and know how to style themselves.

if you want to make this community notable we need more hot girls. not ugly skinny girls who think they’re hot by default because they’re thin.

>> No.10355407

I would like to find out what is the chinese world for Odottemita, because I want to find some dances to genericly titled songs on Bilibili, but I can't find them in a flood of other videos.

>> No.10355466

I'm sorry y'all... But I have to agree with Anon to some degree. Like you can be cute, chonky, wear your love live cosplay while dancing to kpop, etc - but if fellow idols want to be taken more seriously, they should act more seriously. If you actually want to make it, you need to act like you want to make it. Being obese with a sloppy wig, shoddy dancing, no facial expression and such is not helping this community.

What's also not helping this community is every single time someone says *mild criticism* is taken as mean/trolling/bullying/off topic, etc.

There's a reason Western idol groups aren't being invited to cons and venues. Very few are working consistently hard on their strength, stamina, singing, dancing, weight, and neat appearance. And trust me, there are chubby idol groups in Japan, but those are niche and rare groups and they are not nearly as popular. Also, those "chubby" idols STILL take singing lessons, take care of their appearance, practice dances, etc.

You can't use chubby idol groups as an excuse for not taking care of yourself like an idol would

>> No.10355470

I disagree with the kpop thing though, I just think groups need better polish.

But let me say as someone who loves this community (despite the cringe, it's still fun and cute) it's incredibly embarrassing to see someone give real advice/thoughts and then you guys take it super personal and say cringe like "you seem PRESSED Anon" like no, you asked and someone gave you an answer. Nobody said you had to like it or agree.

>> No.10355471

No ones using it as an excuse. Literally everyone has said if someone takes care of themselves it’s not an issue. You can exercise and work out and still be bigger. That’s just how it works. I think the mentality of not being stick thin = overweight just like being stick thin ≠ being underweight.

>> No.10355478

damn you fake idolshits are extremely imbalanced. no wonder your community is riddled with drama.

>> No.10355486

telling people they need to put minimum effort into their appearance so people want to look at them is not imbalanced. it’s the truth. being thin doesn’t make you auto pretty and being fat doesn’t make you auto uggo. just care about how you look and work on being attractive and idol like. idols are pretty. that’s a fact.

>> No.10355512

Realizing I didn’t finish what I was saying after it happened. The mentalities need to die. Not stick thin does not mean overweight. Stick thin does not mean underweight. These ideas need to die.

>> No.10355593

He did it (almost) all. In case if you wondering this is version 3 with everything (at the time)

>> No.10355808

Vicky is honestly so sweet and kind. Idc if you pull shes mAniPulaTivE!!!! Cus as someone who's worked with her, shes just very dedicated to her craft. She wants the best for everyone and i find it respectable. I don't have full trusting of emi if you are her friend as I've heard even sunrise talk bad about her. Some people just have more passion and want to be professional and some just can't keep up at their pace. If you make promises to a group for practice or wtv and then bail. They have the right to be upset. I don't think it's that deep if people have different work ethics. It's not toxic its just.. some people don't match.

>> No.10355886

Swampcon might be getting canceled. This is unfortunate for the Florida idol community.

>> No.10355954

I wouldn't be surprised if it does. Fl PolyCon got canceled this afternoon

>> No.10355956

Honestly they should cancel or postpone everything for the next two months, maybe longer.

>> No.10355981

Agree with this. Maybe not cancel but a full postpone on con season for the next maybe two months or so?

>> No.10355983

Holy fuck I stumble onto the wrong board for five minutes and I can literally smell the stretch of rotten pussy through my screen
Y’all weird as fuck

>> No.10356039

and then people get defensive saying "oh it's just a hobby not like we're trying to be serious or trying to make it." Hobbyist groups in Japan still put in a lot of effort. Hell even your love live aidorus in the anime put in effort and they were just entering a school competition with no means to "make it"

>> No.10356051

This. It pisses me off to no end when idol groups love to claim they were inspired by love live, yet miss vita life lessons from the series. They start idol groups with the intent to self insert themselves into their own love live fantasy but inevidently crash and burn when they begin to realize real effort is needed to become good.

>> No.10356157

For real. They all want to try replicating the performances beat for beat, but they're nowhere near as good as the seiyuus and don't put in the effort to be. At least try to exercise some creativity since you'll never be as good as the originals.

>> No.10356218


TBF these groups often dont have entire teams of pros behind them to teach them like the VA's do. Not to mention that its their actual jobs and are getting paid to practice all day and get hands on experience. There's a bigger market for this in Japan.

Sorry if it pisses you off but its a fact, it is just a hobby for most of the groups who try to squeeze it into their already busy lives.
They often have limited money to emulate what is handed to pro idols; Someone else makes the pro costumes (not applicable to some cosidols, but even then some design and make their own) someone else worries about tech, someone else worries about getting them all there to events. All they have to do is show up and do their jobs after receiving a LOT of coaching.

A lot of the hobbyists are just trying to figure it out through trial and error. Its rare to figure it out quickly and the blind are often leading the blind. I think sometimes we can be too quick to dismiss them or they disband because they're not seeing results.
There's no wrong way to do this but you should hold yourself accountable if you're going to perform publicly - get into a class.

I've been taking dance classes for the majority of my life in varying styles so I've got an idea of the best way to go how to learn and what looks good when applied to idol styles.

Ive been in groups with people who haven't danced a day in their lives and even half an hour with me gives them a better polish than when they started.
That being said not all groups have a member with that kind of background and it's unrealistic to have that person hold the hands of every other member for every dance. Unfortunately its why I don't do groups with people who have 0 experience anymore.
People would turn up to practices having done nothing and expecting me to teach them their parts. I expect it's why a lot of people go solo these days.

I think their biggest crime is ignorance to how much this takes.

>> No.10356320

How do you find new members anyway?

>> No.10356326

Needs more PV if possible, quick. I need to watch more during corona-chan outbreak, and also to complete Love Live Cosplay Idol Torrent.

>> No.10356346

I wonder what all the Florida groups are going to do now, especially with Polycon and Swampcon both cancelled.

>> No.10356383

From what Im reading in my own group and from others, everyone is planning cmvs

>> No.10356407

Well now we have time to record some content. Or just wait for the next performance opportunity.

>> No.10356524

>florida groups are planning coronavirus music videos
what hte f

>> No.10356532

Coronavirus Music Videos is now the meaning of CMV and nothing else will change that

>> No.10356559

I am deceased

>> No.10356638

It's good to see that they're making the best out of a pretty shit situation, desu

>> No.10356640

why'd calina quit mosuri?

>> No.10356643

She's moving out of state.

>> No.10356811

>bar events
Please don’t
Definitely not. Events like that focus on local artists and indie bands not weebs

>> No.10356813

Dont you know that even if you’re being abused by an idol that no one will care unless you break down on stage or show evidence? Take it to the farms

>> No.10356853

>local artists and indie bands
If more idols tried to do original music with less of a cute idol appeal, I think they’d do fine in night markets. Girl groups aren’t too unfamiliar with the public it’s just a matter of finding something that holds true to their musical likes and also can be in the mainstream.

>> No.10356885

Theres an event at UCF in april, but I hear they're gonna close too so it might get cancelled

>> No.10356894

No they would not. Night events have drunks and they will get groped and harassed by drunk men. Fuck no

>> No.10356950

Those are two separate issues? How they’d fit in artistry wise and the people that are there are two different concepts. A lot of events with alcohol have drunks. That’s just how alcohol works? Groping and such is bad yes but really? That’s what’s to be scared of?

>> No.10356963

why do so many group's videos have so few views on youtube? it gets the point where i'm surprised to see a video with more than a few hundred views.

>> No.10356975

Youtube algorithm
The more you post, the better your engagement usually is, and the algorithm will bump you up more for activity. Comments and likes/dislikes help a lot because it shows the video has something in it that attracts people enough to engage with it, but you can't really engage in a channel that posts once every few months.

>> No.10356977

>Comments and likes/dislikes help a lot
I guess that's why I see every youtuber mention that in every single video of theirs.

>> No.10357128

how much did stellure spend on their songs?

>> No.10357149


The opposite happened where lived. The local artists and indie bands barely have an audience while the idol groups were able to promote ourselves well enough to draw a big enough crowd with onlookers. People are always looking for hot new gimmicks and it's up to the fans there to sell their groups

>> No.10357163

I can't help but agree. I went to a few night events to test out my music and get some feedback. Guys see a cute person, and they want to just feed you drinks and try to make moves. I don't really recommend it unless you're not afraid for a potential confrontation.

>> No.10357195

Wow, which groups? That’s not easy to do.

>> No.10357201

As someone who had a friend who got roofied at a bar event imagine that happening to your idol group and getting raped

>> No.10357204


It was in Richmond Night Market where it happened.

The local community there recently did an event called Series Ai which showcased Vancouver's cover groups after 2018's series of cover group performances from local groups drew in onlookers vs the usual indie bands and dancers.


>> No.10357209

>vancouver area
might as well as be asia

>> No.10357214

Exactly. I’m not in a group, but I’d feel horrible and responsible for even suggesting it. It’s an unnecessary danger and you’d be better off busking at the city square.

>> No.10357215

They were probably there to see SYA and that drew in the majority of the crowd.

>> No.10357281

Its also the fact that normies would not like the performances and if they do theyll make their own idol groups. Thatll mean normie idols and gatekeeping

>> No.10357445

Agree with everything you said. Professional classes in at least one discipline (theater/singing/dancing) are incredibly important, because they teach skills and give feedback that the other members in a group usually can’t.

>> No.10357554

I wouldn't really say that. The normies really liked my stuff, and I even managed to gain two new followers. I guess because my music scene here is up and coming, self produced or literal hippie culture, it was more accepted.

>> No.10358256

Net Idols are fading fast. Just in the sense that the two remaining groups at least in my eyes aren’t getting much attention or doing anything. Platinum happy posts occasionally and Flusay was never popular to begin with but are still releasing music. It seems they’re going with a virtual idol theme currently.


>> No.10358261

cant understand what they are singing

>> No.10358262

are they purposefully singing aggressively off tune

>> No.10358264

have any groups done a collab?

>> No.10358283

How can you be a group for 10 years and still produce content so awful?

>> No.10358309

Thanks for that, I needed a good laugh

>> No.10358312

I kinda like the concept of them doing more virtual music videos, but hopefully if they do more they get some background models, the white space would get boring if it’s a regular thing (I know they’ve already done a few).
The models look fairly decent though, some of the motion is a bit wonky but it’s decent overall.

>> No.10358318

>I even managed to gain two new followers
Oh honey

>> No.10358515

Well now A-Kon is cancelled

>> No.10358526

everything is going to get canceled

>> No.10358545

Except Tekko

>> No.10358604
File: 51 KB, 800x450, 1552921671637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since everything is getting shut down, would anyone be interested in doing an online idol competition? You know, like have a bunch of groups throw down against each other and a winner is picked. Example: submit a beat and have groups send in videos of original dances/vocals to it.

It could be a good way to garner some interest for the groups. I'd also be willing to do alot of the leg work in getting it going.

>> No.10358611

there's tons of dance comps on instagram but they've never done it for group dances... it would be fun to have teams compete.

>> No.10358617

Speaking of which, what happened to that IIC comp?

>> No.10358639

I wish the community had enough attention and trained mentors to do a produce 101 type show. If someone could sponsor it, we’d actually get training and competition in one shot. I always see people complain about how it can hurt the community but I think it’s because nobody wants to move forward. In all those shows a lot of girls are close friends.

Do you mean the OIC one from like 2 years ago? It ended but wasn’t ever really promoted.

I’d love to see OIC do more idol content and promotion. They had a good start but kind of dropped the ball.

>> No.10358660

It's growth ok, let me have it lol

>> No.10358661
File: 41 KB, 644x644, FB_IMG_1580415544852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is really.... Not good. What are they singing? Are they even trying?
10 years and they're still this bad?
I need answers.

>> No.10358674

I heard it got cancelled because not enough people signed up.

>> No.10358725

I've never seen this Fulsay Girls group before and I'm.....Well, I don't even know how to explain how I feel. Really? Ten years and THIS is what they put out? No way....

>> No.10358784

I feel the same way. It’d be one thing if they were just starting out or had less than 3 years under their belt.
But TEN?!

>> No.10358801

Flusay Girls is what happens when you become complacent in where you are and don’t listen to any criticism. Weren’t they the group that basically stole a song from an actual artist and only took it down when people realized it and started calling them out?

>> No.10358805

I think the worst one might be the girl singing for the redheaded, ponytailed character. The other most recent video really showcases how terrible she is at singing on tune.

>> No.10358866

I didn't know it was a thing on instagram? I'll have to check it out.

>I heard it got cancelled because not enough people signed up.
I guess if I'm throwing one then the competition should be doable with just two groups. Obviously it would be nice if more than two groups participated but if two's all we get then it'll have to work. Also, if groups were hard to come by, then maybe the incentives weren't there? Maybe cash prizes are a good idea, like 1st place gets X amount, 2nd place gets Y amount, and so on...

>> No.10358940

Man I'd love to join something like this. Even if I'm not part of a group, I think it'd just be a cool experience.

>> No.10359350

Yeah, it’d be really fun. Healthy competition is how people grow as artists!

>> No.10359588

>They had a good start but kind of dropped the ball.
When did they start to decline?

>> No.10359610

with the produce comment, I remember awhile ago someone pitched an idea like that in the OIc server. Everyone jumped on her and discouraged her from launching it, saying it would tear the community apart or something. People in this community are so afraid of being told they’re bad.

>> No.10359611

link the server

>> No.10359612

it’s the overseas idol collection server. you have to apply to join still, I think.

>> No.10359613

Id personally say early 2019. Their last post on YouTube was March, Instagram April. Their website was up but looks like it’s down now. They were posting cool content on Instagram and YouTube such as introductions to idols, announcements, they hosted the competition in 2018 which could’ve been a great yearly or bi-yearly venture. They were going to do blogs on their website for idols and stopped after their 2nd post. They had a mentorship program. Basically it started strong and could’ve been a great resource but as they year went on, so many changes happened including Julily & Nyaru more or less retiring. I just think it’d be nice to have OIC or another outlet do something like that. We don’t have The Girls Live or AKBingo or Hello Station or any news sites to look to. Having everything in one place was great for the community and now we have a lot of different organizations.

>> No.10359614

I don’t think it’s they're afraid of being told their bad so much as they’ve always been told they’re good/there’s nothing wrong. They’d hate to feel like everything they’ve been told isn’t accurate and to be told by someone with possibly more talent and experience that they need to work harder.

>> No.10359651

Which idols stream/make youtube videos?

>> No.10359705

None unless it’s connected to their activities.

>> No.10359718

Speaking of, has anyone uploaded any content lately? It seems quiet

>> No.10359724

It's probably gonna be quiet for awhile until this Virus thing is figured out. Unless they already have something in the works.

>> No.10359738

I’ve seen a lot of idols say they’re working on individual releases or live streams. Kurohime has been promoting a mini album recently but there’s only two new songs.

>> No.10359744

>Julily & Nyaru more or less retiring
Why did they retire? I didn’t know Julily retired I thought she was more serious about OIC than nyaru

>> No.10359745

I'm rethinking the dance competition in light of groups being affected by the virus. I still want to do something, I just don't know what yet.

>> No.10359755
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, 1569321529041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind, I got it.

CONCEPT: "Battle of the Best"
>competition is still between groups but it's a solo dance competition
>instead of groups competing, each group is represented by their best dancer (or whoever they pick)
>prizes and everything else remains the same as before

This way it's still a competition between groups, but it works in light of the pandemic.

>> No.10359778

Julily said sometime last year that she’d stop doing idol activities this year and I believe would start doing more artist content. She’s still in Vivacu and I believe still dancing, but she’s more or less done with the idol thing. Nyaru I believe near the same? Just time to move on and I believe she’s still doing photography occasionally. But they both stepped down from OIC as heads.

I think you’re better off doing it solo kind of like produce. Everyone goes representing a company but they’re more or less on their own. Say Pengy was selected to join. She’d be representing all of mosuri even if the rest aren’t great dancers (I’m not saying they aren’t talented, just using as an example). If you want a comp between group you need to have groups compete. This is basically “who’s the best dancer.”

>> No.10359780

Isn't the produce example the same thing as best dancer?

>> No.10359814

Yes that’s my point. In produce, they don’t send one person per agency to represent the whole agency. They send multiple people and they have to fight for themselves not for their label mates. From what I gathered, anon wants to have one person from each group representing that group. So, using my earlier example, instead of it being “Pengy is the best dancer,” the result would be “Mosuri has the best dancers” even though we only saw one member compete. You can’t have a solo dance competition and still say it’s group vs group. That’s not how that works.

>> No.10359816

I think a Produce like competition would be awesome. People with and without groups could both compete, and those from groups would gain the group more recognition.

>> No.10359818

Since the torrent is dead I reuploaded to Internet Archive.
Also need some new songs, because I ran out of the idol spring

>> No.10359873

I think if it’s done with just vocals (because it’s easier than dancing) it can go far. It can be something as simple as the winners get to release a mini album of the shows songs plus 2-3 new ones. The music won’t be super high quality in terms of production but it’s something people can do at home and the winners can also profit from sales if you make them limited (like available for 1 month and then it’s gone so you don’t have to worry about ongoing royalties and payouts).

>> No.10360019

Hey there! Just wanted to clarify, I didn't necessarily step down from OIC. OIC just doesn't have a "head" anymore as we transitioned to have only admins instead of just allowing me to be a CEO. I hope to sort of revive the Overseas Idol Community with my weekly/bi-weekly live streams on my Instagram. I'm just not entirely sure how to get the ball rolling again so I'm just starting with that for now.

I do plan to graduate (though my graduation is more of like a leveling up? haha) and focus less on J-Pop and more on performing in general. I won't necessarily be an "overseas idol" but more so a variety idol since I intend not to limit myself to just J-Pop.

>> No.10360039 [DELETED] 

you're not a real idol. you people are delusional if

>> No.10360054

I was going to say i didnt know/think you stepped down because i never heard of it.
What about the anon mentioning her boyfriend leaving her along with proof posted? It contradicts what she said and what she really did. I’m confused on whats really happening

>> No.10360056

I don't think I have the ability to do a Produce type of series right now. Even just a simple dance competition is going to take alot.

>> No.10360064

I don’t know about groups as a whole but I’ve seen individual members from groups stream on twitch here and there.

>> No.10360108

I think right now is a good time to practice by yourself at home! I believe in you!

>> No.10360117

As far as Julily goes, maybe I simply misunderstood the situation because back when she announced it, she had been gone a while and left it other people. and she’s just an admin vs owner/CEO I call that stepping down (not necessarily leaving but not having as much power). I also don’t know what you’re talking about as far as Nyaru goes?

>> No.10360120

That makes sense. An anon posted screenshots of crazy shit shes been saying and doing. Another anon told that person to kill their self because the truth was coming out. I don’t know whats going on because no ones posted about the situation yet or cleared it up

>> No.10360167

I think being part of a Produce type series may give you more direction/structure/incentive to practice? I mean some of those contestants improved a lot over the season.

>> No.10360177

i dont know what happened either everything got cleaned before i could finish reading everything. Can someone explain please

>> No.10360279

I'm the person organizing, not competing!

>> No.10360309

I've been part of the thread for a couple of years. This anon is always claiming wild accusations and posting out of context screenshots about Nyaru in attempts to get her hated/cancelled by the whole community. Nyaru had spoken out about this before, and it seems to come from a badly ended friendship and harassment on behalf of her old ex. Lets not take it serious because previous threads have been nuked by this.

>> No.10360429

Yup, agreed, there has been one person constantly coming here to slander her and claims to have screenshots that are never posted, and the consistency of the posts, even though anonymous, is strong enough that it's clear its just one person with a massive grudge. Don't fall for the rumors, Nyaru is fine.

>> No.10360450 [DELETED] 

>out of context screenshots about Nyaru in attempts to get her hated/cancelled by the whole community
How were they out of context if it said what she did? I didn’t see it as the anon trying to cancel her because Based on the screenshoots nyaru told her ex that she didn’t want someone to find out and call her out though thats just how i saw it. I don’t see how it can be viewed differently
That can’t be just one person. Ive talked to this anon and she showed me which replies were hers based on the (you) replies. Those replies were stating facts and not saying anything hateful. Theres 1-5 others as well who called her a condescending bitch And other mean words but its often cleared out before anyone sees. I strongly believe its more than one person

>> No.10360451

>out of context screenshots about Nyaru in attempts to get her hated/cancelled by the whole community
How were they out of context if it said what she did? I didn’t see it as the anon trying to cancel her because Based on the screenshoots nyaru told her ex that she didn’t want someone to find out and call her out though thats just how i saw it. I don’t see how it can be viewed differently
That cant be just from one person

>> No.10360453

Even then, why is this our business? Maybe she wanted to keep her private life.. I dont know.. private? Not everyone wants to post online about their relationships.

>> No.10360456

Let. It. Go.

>> No.10360469

I was a long time fan of her and TIP until i found out about the two timing it just stings that you feel like theyre a good person for years and then this happens it breaks my heart

>> No.10360477

I’m starting to feel like it’s the same anon.

>> No.10360489 [DELETED] 

Which anon?

>> No.10360490

Has anyone been practicing at home? Do you guys do video chats? I’m thinking about doing that for my group

>> No.10360525

Shut up before you derail the whole damn thread and get it nuked.
Make a lolcow and talk about it there if you’re so damn hurt.
None of us care and want to get back to net idols who are active.

>> No.10360526

I’ve been trying to, but I’m so unmotivated. Being a solo idol doesn’t help much either
I want to have someone to video chat with while I do.

>> No.10360537

Oh look, they're back. No one here wants your bullshit, please leave

>> No.10360544

Been practicing alone/trying to be optimistic and plan for summer/fall to pass the time

>> No.10360585
File: 446 KB, 2048x1365, 1559910734720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll try and have the competition info and registration form laid out today or tomorrow. I know ya'll would like a Produce kind of series but I don't see myself being able to pull something like that off right now. I'll see about it in the future though.

>> No.10360871

Sad that the rest of the idols i like are just jerks. Maybe jts best i quit supporting everyone

>> No.10360880

Asking questions equates to derailing? Get the stick out your ass

>> No.10360894
File: 25 KB, 960x898, 6234AAEA-8C08-477C-B4E0-4FB9BE907955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know good and well the question is loaded.

>> No.10360982

That’s like asking “were the nazis really that bad” and then saying you didn’t expect everyone to respond the way they would. Shits a loaded gun mate.

>> No.10361416

Are you really comparing idols to nazis

>> No.10361509

Did I say idols were nazis and do you have a better comparison?

>> No.10361810

So what’s going on? Who’s releasing what? Has anyone decided what they’re gonna do in light of spring and early summer con season cancelled?

I heard some people are gonna try and set up net cons. What do y’all think of this?

>> No.10362574
File: 115 KB, 544x780, twin scoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don’t know how but Playlist-chan manages to constantly update the playlist with new releases that are placed on YouTube.
I try my best, although I have been slacking keeping up with the community in other aspects lately.
I'll get to updating the song page of the spreadsheet (and maybe brainstorming how to organize/format it in a neater way)

>how much did stellure spend on their songs?
I believe all of their composers were volunteers.

Here are some recent uploads:
ACT102 - 8th Live! Performance

Love Notes - Beyond the Bottom / 7 Girls War (Wake Up, Girls!)

Koneko - Performance @ Portsmouth Anime Con

Kuro Hime - Mini Album Teaser

R.CVDE, ACT102, Twin Scoop, 5ynchroniz3 & GALUXURY - Will You Be My Player 2? Performance

Wonderland Hiraya - "Wonderland" Lyric Video

>> No.10362686

Thank you comrade!

OK! Lets see:
I love how she tried to talk with the audience before their performance and hype them up lol I like the simplicity of their outfits as well..... I think personally think they should start performing first to grab their attention, THEN engage the audience in deeper convo, as I was losing interest the longer they went on in the beginning. They're really cute though, and I like them! I can't wait to see them in the future and I'm glad I kept watching.

>Love Notes
In the first song, their moves could be just a tad sharper, and they could be just a little more in sync, but that's more nitpick than anything on my end. Their second song, the camera cut off the left performer which was irritating, but other than that, very nicely done!

I always love watching her perform. She almost always has consistent energy in her performances, and as a performer, I appreciate and respect that! I also love her unique outfits. Simple, but fun! She also did Fairies and the Magical Symphony, which earned a LOT of points with me, since I love Meltia

>Kuro Hime
I would love to see what she could do with an actual production team. This album is already out now, yes? Has anyone heard it? I don't like that it's only one new song, but the song is pretty well made for it being self produced. I really wish she'd put a bit more effort into her overall presentation as well in regards to content.

>Wonderland Hiraya
OH. MY. GOD. First of all, that video is beautiful. The artwork is so eye-catching and it draws you in without being too jarring. This song is beautiful, their voices blend wonderfully, and everyone got equally shared vocal time, which was awesome to see. Very well done.

>> No.10362792

On Kurohime’s album I felt the same way. However I think she did this vs making a bunch of new songs because only Everyday Shiawase was actually released for download so I like to kind of think of it like when western artists release videos for songs on their upcoming albums without releasing the songs. I think if she had an actual production team, the new song would be really good. I actually do enjoy listening to it.

>> No.10362879

I saw Washu Takahasi on IG doing a dance competition. Thought I would mention it here since its something fun the community can do for now while things are slow

>> No.10362916

If only she wasn't toxic and picks her friends over talent, I would have joined. Never doing one of her competitions again.

>> No.10362918

I'm a fan of her cosplays and like to follow the results of the contest every year but, not sure if she's a good enough dancer to trust her as a judge.

>> No.10362939

Agree. I hope that with the generated sales, she’s able to fund some sort of a production team. She’s got the drive and it seems like she loves what she does, but that lackluster production just makes it fall short of fully enjoyable

>> No.10362940

Wait, what’s the tea on this? I missed the competition last year, but I’ve never heard of her favoring someone because of friendships

>> No.10363377
File: 827 KB, 1906x1326, oriyon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem! Here's a couple more recent uploads.

ACT102 - Calc. (Vocaloid)

Astreal - Unhinged (Original)

Emma - Ningen Kankei No Way Way (Morning Musume)

Jenni Bon - Romantic Now (IDOLM@STER)

Koneko - Neko Neko * Super Fever Night (Vocaloid)

ORiYON - beautiful sa (BiSH)

>> No.10364850

With conventions and events getting cancelled are there any performances being live streamed?

>> No.10364942

Chiyo, Zeta and Julily have so far, but I haven’t seen many do any livestream concerts yet.
Sounds like a good idea tho honestly, it could be fun.
I wish there was a way to do virtual concerts with an audience where the sounds won’t overlap like crazy.

>> No.10365025

Shining Idol Fest

>> No.10365428

Jieru Heart ni Hi o Tsukete / iDOLM@STER Million Live! by Calina

I really like this cover she did! I think it sounds really good and while the dance might be a bit boring that's really not any fault of her own lol

>> No.10365516

Do you find it selfish or wrong if idols promote lives at upcoming cons with the current situation going on? One idol started promoting for their live but part of me feels as if it's irresponsible to be planning and telling people to come to a crowded convention center with a virus going around. Not to mention the con will be eventually cancelled for the same reasons.

>> No.10365560

I dont think so depending how far off the convention is

>> No.10365561

I doubt it considering most people are social distancing. But maybe in the future im hoping

>> No.10365717

I do not think it's smart with events every event getting canceled at the moment. But I also don't think most idols can think past whatever brings them attention

>> No.10365752

If the convention has not been cancelled, then technically I don’t see a problem.
Morally, however, I feel like we have a responsibility to set an example, and that means keeping our fans safe.

I wouldn’t be advertising any lives right now, especially since I think convention season 2020 is cancelled.

>> No.10365753

It makes me uncomfortable how selfish and careless they are by making these announcements. As if there aren't people coming up with alternative ways of being active as an idol.

>> No.10365760
File: 257 KB, 762x1079, clover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calina - Jireru Heart ni Hi o Tsukete (IDOLM@STER)

Clover - Happy Strawberry (Yui Ogura)

Ice Qream - ~With a Cherry on Top~ Coco's Graduation Performance Highlights

Jenny - MISS UNLIMITED (Passcode)

Kuro Hime - Po・Po・Po・Pottya Rinko! (Pottya)

Tanoshii!! Project - HAPPY PARTY TRAIN (Aqours)

If their performance was scheduled prior to this situation, I suppose that they might feel obligated to still perform unless the convention gets cancelled, but I agree with >>10365752 that they should be prioritizing everyone's health and safety (including their own).

>> No.10365769

I really like the mixing (assuming its her singing). Does anyone have advice on mixing audio? Especially if you want to use backing vocals?

>> No.10365831

Why do so many of these groups seem to not put much effort into their appearances? There are a lot of hobby idol girls that perform in really unappealing/cheap-looking costumes, are notably fat/overweight, have bad skin or wear unflattering wigs. I get that you can't help an unfortunate face, but why bother playing idol if you aren't going to try to have visual appeal? The fact that they imitate kpop idols or anime girls, who are supposed to be really nice to look at, adds to the uncomfortable effect.
Most of these hobbyists can't really sing or dance well enough to make up for it either, so I don't get why people besides others in the hobby and their friends would want to watch, its like the 'mspaint deviantart' version of idols.

>> No.10365837

Most hobby idols think they can get away with half assing everything because there "only in it for the fun" or rely on their shitty singing and dancing to carry them. This mentality neefs dies off.

>> No.10365858

Out of curiosity, who do you guys think have the best visuals of the net idol community? Groups or soloists. I would but I admit I'm biased towards Asians since I'm used to seeing them in J-pop and K-pop.

>> No.10365861

I'l always be biased towards Seishun Youth Academy for their visuals. Doesnt matter of they are backed by a company or not, they take care of themselves visually and that's all that matters to me.

>> No.10365940

I gotta ask, can you do better? I mean, some of these idols are at least self aware that they’re nothing more than hobby idols.

I agree that laziness is no excuse, I agree that they should do better, but this is a hobby at the end of the day.

>> No.10366012

If my hobby directly involved performing in front of others and putting on a show, I would do better or not do it at all. 'Liking idols' is a hobby that doesnt demand any real skill, when you want to form a group and do events is when I think you need to at least put in a reasonable effort at what you're doing.
I'm not trying to say 'why are they only hobbyists,' I'm wondering why they don't really even try at what their hobby is. It would be like someone who can barely play kazoo trying to book gigs with their friends. I mean, I guess they can do what they want and nobody has to watch if they don't like it, but I'm sick of seeing these slobby white weeb girls shuffle around stage in taobao cosplay at cons, and the 'how do we make it mainstream!' discussion is larp.

>> No.10366018

Coff Coofff

I don't know what community you've been seeing, since there's only a small percent of idols like what you've described and they're cosplay idols.

Most original idols have great costumes and work really hard for what they have.
Also, this argument is so old I swear it keeps happening every other thread. I'm over it.

>> No.10366060

we talked about this before and the consensus was it’s hard to have this discussion since everyone either self posts or thinks everyone is ugly but themselves or their friend. i personally think a majority of the girls in this community aren’t stylish, which makes them unattractive to me. not gonna call out the girls who i think are hot so no one mocks my favs.

>> No.10366071

I definitely agree with you, trust me. But, like you said, we don’t have to watch them either. Maybe the lack of attention will force them to do better?

It doesn’t help that hardly anyone wants constructive criticism. Most of us are forced to tip toe around other idols, cosidols especially, since they never want to take advice. It’s irritating.

>> No.10366084

Post your faves

Everyone in SYA, everyone in Danzoo Dash, Julily, Amuse Pro, rcvde, Bambi, Mosuri, Melancholia, Ren, Slyvia, and Haru from Peachy Parade, Eira, Phoebe, everyone is cute.

>> No.10366119

Calina is pretty cute.

>> No.10366156

Metrocon is getting an idol fest?? Saw some groups posting something about it

>> No.10366192

More Cosidols have really been killing it lately. The argument they only buy cheep toabooa Cosplays and dance poorly is outdated. Idk why it is brought up every thread. It’s a weak argument and you can find lots of groups that put time into their dancing and Cosplays. Just look and see what is out there before you put out blanket statements. It just makes your argument weak and invalid. There are good cosidols and good orginal idols just like anything else.

>> No.10366243

You must not be from America then

>> No.10366312 [DELETED] 

I like how their event says "For idol fans by idol fans" yet they didnt even give anyone opprotunity to addition. Shows how much these girls care about the rest of their community. Also as far as I know didnt that con already have an idolfest and it was bad?

>> No.10366317

Wait.... they’re having an idol fest “for fans by fans” yet didn’t even hold auditions?

And during this pandemic?
Why be so irresponsible and obvious???

>> No.10366324

Shows how much they care about the rest of the idol community. They only care about themselves.

>> No.10366339

Danzoo Dash has some of the ugliest girls I’ve ever seen. Agree with pretty much everything else though, except I also think Haru from Peachy is way too overweight and photoshops herself too much.

>> No.10366358

danzoo dash girls have mediocre styling and kind of unfortunate faces imo. some of rcade looks fat but aside from that they're okayish, mosuri's costumes look bad but their faces/hair is alright. i think peachy parade looks nice, though.

Compared to each other, i guess there are some that are better or worse, and maybe on average groups are improving over time, but honestly I don't think theres a lot of objectively quality perfomers out there. I'm sure they put time into their stuff but if you showed it to a normie most netidols are just cringe material.

>> No.10366376

I don't know where you've been, nearly every showcase type event in general will pre-select acts that have an established history and fanbase because they need to guarantee the event will have an audience in order to be able to come back.
Also, Metrocon is in July so there's still time for it to decide if the virus will be handled enough to be deemed safe again by then, or the con will simply cancel.

>> No.10366379

That sounds like an excuse. Even big events still hold auditions. This doesn't give new groups a chance to showcase what they can bring.

>> No.10366383

Your probably the same kind of idol or group who still complains when they dont get selected from an open audition

>> No.10366389

Theres only one post on the page and no other information about auditions so where is this info coming from??

>> No.10366403

Swampcon invites their guests. Not everyone has to do open auditions.
We don't even know how Metrofest is operating yet. You just sound salty you're not in it.
It's up to the organizer to select who they want to get the quality they want.

>> No.10366407
File: 201 KB, 728x546, Luka_Luka_Night_Fever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lots of Luka Luka Night Fever dance covers for #stayhomeandlukaluka!

Ally Hina - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BybhqfkA1wg

ayumeneko - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4cyBpoqSjY

CrystalNeko -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaIim3CMzWU

EllieS - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G3TDu5HAgiw

FLO - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2oHgCL4FL4M

Jojo- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ywb_kZDIYw

Jyuke - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwx0AAfUDG0

Nikki Hatsune - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83upsAOcgt0

Online Riina - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbbS_LxsPqw

And here's some other videos, including some shenanigans pertaining to today's date.

Alex Pinku - VIVA HAPPY (Mitchie M)

Jenni Bon - Renai Circulation (Kana Hanazawa)

Little Pastel Idol - A Cruel Angel's Thesis (Neon Genesis Evangelion)

Nozofan - Wakusei Loop (Nayutalien)

Starry - Caramelldansen (Caramella Girls)

>> No.10366434

dude shut the fuck up lol. do you know that real music fests don't have auditions? the people that are doing good will get noticed and don't need to rely on an audition to get in. unless if the thing is rigged by friends only, but even so, if they're doing the work to put on the event, which hosting an event is not easy, then whatevers

>> No.10366439

No excuse, even TIF and SIF hold auditions, despite them rotating a lot of the same acts.....

>> No.10366482

Even if they do have auditions the same groups usually audition at and perform at everything in Florida. It's not a huge community. If there are no auditions, it's probably just people who would have been at swampcon idolfest and will be at holiday matsuri's idolfest. It's not like Metrocon is Holmat where lots of people from outside of state will be there desu

>> No.10366512

Exactly. It's all just a matter of if they're gonna focus more on cosplayers or originals and whether they care about singing or just dancing. Metrocon is a con that even most Florida con attendees dont care about. Even though it's still one of the biggest, the strict security and high ticket price and lack of actually interesting content turns people off compared to all the fun at Holiday Matsuri.

>> No.10366513

SiF always has new lineups except for danzoo dash who are the hosts. They're goal is to NOT have the same people over and over again.

>> No.10366516

>Metrocon is a con that even most Florida con attendees dont care about.

This. I don't understand why Metro having an idol fest is such a big deal suddenly when people don't really go to Metro to begin with. It's probably just going to be a bunch of love live groups in a panel room like the last few years

>> No.10366531

Hey gulls. I'd like some advice on what are key points to becoming a good idol. I have 8 years of dance training, I can speak 4 languages, and write songs (not so much arranging music though). Not too confident with singing, so I know I have to work on that first. Is there anything else I'm missing?

>> No.10366553

all of the girls in peachy are ugly as hell in person, they really need better makeup. some of the girls in dzd are pretty but the less fortunate ones drag them down.

>> No.10366563

Put effort into your stuff. People pay attention to the quality of your content before the actual content itself.

Also be naturally cute.. that'll be to your advantage.

>> No.10366612

What do they do makeup wise that’s so bad? I’m new to makeup and trying to figure out what to do and what not to do. They all look pretty good to me.

>> No.10366613

be born in japan. i'm not implying you're talented or not, but you are seemingly more talented than any one posted ITT. this thread is for weebs who think that idols will become a thing outside of japan.

>> No.10366648

How many times has this been brought up....
Most of us do this as a hobby and have no intention of actually trying to go to Japan for this. They’d eat us alive and spit us out.
The only ones I’ve seen who have a decent chance would be Paida and Melancholiaah, and even then they’d have to seriously work for it.
Anyone else who legit thinks they have a chance is deluding themselves.

>> No.10366679


Sorry about the repeated question I'm new here lol. I'm not Japanese, but still of Asian descent. I'm doing this more as like a hobby as you said. While I'm stuck in quarantine I'd like to cheer people up online.

>> No.10366688

It has to be brought up a lot because tons of girls ITT think the exact opposite of this. The previous thread had a ton of annoying cunts arguing about this shit. I mean ffs, look at the OP.
>Should overseas idols be in the /jp/ threads?
The delusion is right here, anon. Open your eyes. There's a reason there is so much fucking drama in all this when no one has any chance to become anything at all, but everyone clearly thinks they do.

>> No.10366708

To be fair, any time people bring up this thread being in /jp/, it’s always the people saying the threads don’t belong here. I actually cannot think of any performers these days that say they want to go to Japan. The only one who actually did out of recents is Paida. This is a tired argument. Literally none of the people who perform or post on here think the thread should be in /jp/ AND they don’t ever state wanting to be uwu Japanese aidoru.

>> No.10366751

um who in dzd is pretty?
Yumemi is the only remotely cute one until you see her irl

>> No.10366755

All these OIC girls are average at best so stop pretending and move on

>> No.10366819

Ayrt: You’re gonna have an edge being of Asian descent. All in all just have fun hon. We need as many people as we can to cheer people up, even if we’re not very good at it.

Those girls need to stop kidding themselves.
And I agree, I’m fairly certain all of us agree that NONE of us belong in the /jp/ threads.
If not for the sole reason that none of us are JPN....

>> No.10366824

Her photos scare me, I’m afraid to know what she looks like irl. Though I do think Terumi? Is kind of cute.

>> No.10366827

>And I agree, I’m fairly certain all of us agree that NONE of us belong in the /jp/ threads.

Iirc, it's only in the OP because someone comes in every thread reee-ing about how it's yellowface and we don't belong on /cgl/. It's probably a troll though.

>> No.10366830

I’m certain it’s a troll. No one goes to that amount of trouble unless they’re bored.

>> No.10366994

>how it's yellowface and we don't belong on /cgl/.
Why the fuck would the thread belong on /jp/ because of that?? This sounds like bullshit. /jp/ has indie idols threads for Japanese idols, that's why it's there. Don't kid yourself.

>> No.10367323

Nayrt but they’re right. There is always one or two morons who swear we’re doing yellowface and say this thread belongs in /jp/.
We keep having to remind them that almost none of us hail from Asia or Japan for that matter and therefore this thread being there would be pointless.

>> No.10367554

People don't want you on /cgl/ because dance covers aren't inherently on-topic for a cosplay/j-fashion board, you don't belong on /jp/ because you're not idols. The 'go to /jp/' thing isn't because they think you're encroaching on 'real japanese aidoru' territory, but because it's weeaboo nonsense that people get tired of seeing.
Honestly, wherever this thread ended up people would complain because it's an extremely niche hobby and generally pretty painful to look at. But since LARP is welcome on /cgl/, it makes sense for LARP idols to stay on /cgl/.

>> No.10367567

that's obviously ironic anon. this is the worst thread on /cgl/ and the farm thread is the most petty pathetic drama nonsense.

>> No.10367576
File: 9 KB, 256x256, 1584687043901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But since LARP is welcome on /cgl/, it makes sense for LARP idols to stay on /cgl/.

>> No.10367584

The animal crossing lolita thread got moved to /vg/ after scrotes reported us and said it was off topic. Now they’re derailing our shit. Idols deserve the same and should be moved to /jp/ because this is the cosplay lolita board not the cosidol lolita board

>> No.10367587 [DELETED] 

They do sketchy shit too like fuck two rich men at the same time both ex boyfriends

>> No.10367590

Lol but you’re here, soooo....

>> No.10367592

i'm here to laugh at the pathetic drama, yeah. all publicity is only good publicity for those with talent.

>> No.10367598

Not for the sketchy idols

>> No.10367601
File: 1.26 MB, 1360x3784, screencapture-warosu-org-cgl-2020-04-04-03_22_41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ignore the salty derailing "this thread doesn't belong here" anons; Odotemitta/net idol threads have been on /cgl/ for years, they're not going anywhere.

>While I'm stuck in quarantine I'd like to cheer people up online
Good luck and have fun, anon!
I guess one piece of advice I have is to make sure the room you're recording looks presentable. A messy background can distract from your dancing.

Amaitsuki - Kiseki (GREEEEN)

Helena - Hug Me Before I Ask You To (Juice=Juice)

J*E*T - Naruto Medley

Koneko - Performance @ Cardiff Anime Con

Seishun Youth Academy - Member Introductions

>> No.10367610

And lolita threads have been here for longer and yet we can’t share our lolita qr codes for animal crossing?

>> No.10367630

Nayrt but that sounds more like an issue to take up mods. I see reasons why it should and shouldn’t be allowed but that has nothing to do with us.

>> No.10367648

Check the archives mate. A mod moved the thread and archived it even though we were strictly speaking of lolita and j fashion. It may not have anything to do with the people here but it has a lot to do with the fact that this thread has nothing to do with cosplay other than cosidols. most idols here are just solo or groups that make their own dances so this thread doesn’t really belong in /cgl/

>> No.10367656

Do you people really have nothing better to do than sit here on 4chan tearing performers down for their appearance? Are you serious? Gross!!

>> No.10367668

You know that the idols who shit on each other are just other idols right

>> No.10367731

what kind of retarded grade school logic is this? did this make sense in your head?

you're not remotely as famous as Japanese idols and you never will be. if this is news to you, then you may genuinely be suffering from delusions

These threads have nothing to do with cosplay or lolita. If you want to make it cosidol specific, then it'll finally be on topic. But it's not. All this thread does is serve as a gossip pool for you dumb fags. You're otakus who make music, so it would make more sense to join /mu/ or /jp/ or something.

>> No.10367736

literally a majority of these events happen at CONVENTIONS. these are performers who perform at CONVENTIONS. this is a board where people talk about things that happen at CONVENTIONS.

>> No.10367738

except you're not talking about convention performances, you're posting your trash tier youtube videos of you performing in your bedroom or whatever.

>> No.10367739

because that hypes up the performances that happen at the CONVENTIONS, where we see the people who do this live.

>> No.10367740

by that logic nothing should be posted here at all but people wearing cosplay and lolita. no discussion, no planning threads, no mail threads. it’s related because these are convention events.

>> No.10367744

discussion and planning of cosplay and lolita is directly talking about cosplay and lolita. mail threads about receiving cosplay and lolita is directly talking about cosplay and lolita.

talking about idol group drama and your dance covers is not directly talking about conventions.

what's the confusion?

>> No.10367745

it is directly talking about conventions because these are the people who perform in hallways, perform in masquerades, perform in the idol events at conventions, and perform in panels at conventions . this is talking about people who go to conventions and watching their content which they use to promote their activities at conventions. this belongs here and always has. if you dislike this thread, don’t fucking read it.

>> No.10367746

people are posting more covers lately because news flash? CONS ARE CANCELLED

>> No.10367750

do you know what directly means? talking about conventions would be directly talking about conventions. performing in your room is literally the opposite.

just move to /jp/ where you belong. you're otakus, accept it.

For example, >>10352281 This is not a convention. It's a university's anime club putting on dance performances.

>> No.10367751

we all still talk about lolita and cosplay when cons are cancelled. In other words, our threads are still relevant. If you can't talk about cons and you're suddenly irrelevant, then fuck off to /jp/ where you'll be on topic.

>> No.10367755

the people in that also perform at conventions. they’re convention performers majorly.

there’s literally a lovenikki thread on this board, which has much less to do with conventions, cosplay, or jfashion than discussing the people who literally fill convention schedules. no one who performs at these conventions is japanese or actual idols, or has fans that don’t go to conventions. most of them don’t make their own music but compete at conventions, which is why this thread belongs here - in the board made for conventions. /jp/ would be an awful place for this thread and if you don’t see that you’re hopelessly braindead.

the mods would’ve deleted this thread a really long time ago if it didn’t belong here, considering it’s almost always active. if you really hate this thread being here apply to be a mod and delete it.

>> No.10367757

/jp/ is literally a board called "otaku culture", retard. it's not exclusively about japs only, but the culture including idol culture hobbyists. this board is exclusively for conventions, cosplay, and lolita, not your idol group's quests to recognition on instagram, youtube, and at university anime club events.

lovenikki threads are also trash since they're not talking about cosplay, lolita, or jfash exclusively. it's a chinese game for all fashion. it also belongs elsewhere.

>> No.10367760

then become a mod if you wanna be such a purist about what goes here. go derail the lovenikki thread. go sperg about how it’s so unfair your fucking qr codes got moved so no one else is allowed to be on this board either literally anywhere else but derailing this long running thread that’s been here forever with plenty of chances to get moved. are you always this fucking retarded?

go post a net idol/odotte thread in /jp/ and see what happens LOL

>> No.10367764

Please don't shit up the next thread with this discussion... The janitors leave these threads up (they at least relate to convention and cosplay culture in some way) and that's all that counts so why argue? Don't bother replying to people who say otherwise because it's a waste of posts.

>> No.10367839 [DELETED] 

Literally everyone on this thread is a fucking cancerous shitbag. Find something real to worry about.

>> No.10367909 [DELETED] 

wow what cancer lies here jesus fucking christ

>> No.10368593

Is there anything new going on? Releases, groups, streams? Anything?

>> No.10369763

It seems like most of the idols in the community became streamers

>> No.10369938

Paida seems to have entered an audition for an idol group in Japan. It’s on an app and she seems to be doing really well right now.

>> No.10372025

Does anyone have tea on a cosplayer called @raven_wing_cosplay

>> No.10372494

not the place for something like this