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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 246 KB, 1411x791, Annotation 2019-11-11 222143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10292541 No.10292541 [Reply] [Original]

The previous thread got deleted due to vendetta posting. Please refrain from continuing or take that shit to PULL.

Previous thread: https://archive.rebeccablacktech.com/cgl/thread/10246671/
>Anon: "Why do people complain but don't help out at cons themselves?"
>Abunai happened. The theming and decorations, LARP and revamped artist alley were well received, but the food court and hotel buffet still needs work.
>Viencon happened. Not a lot about the actual event got mentioned, only how they'll be in Abunai's regular weekend next year.
>Vigilante "justice"
>Aniway forums are kill. RIP decades of weeb comments.
>Anon wants to make new friends in the community.
>Rekindle update: There is no update.
>Weeb clubbing spots
>Anon confuses financial troubles with bankruptcy.
>Anon wants to know where she can buy lolita clothes. No helpful replies so far.

Upcoming major events:
>Heroes DCC (Nov 23rd - Nov 24th, Utrecht UT), the usual comic con experience with guests cancelling.
>Castlefest Winter (Nov 23rd - 24th, Lisse ZH), a smaller Castlefest for winterkin.
>Midwinterfair (Dec 7th - 8th, Alphen a/d Rijn ZH), a fantasy fair that takes in midwinter.
>TomoFair Amsterdam (Jan 4th - Jan 5th, Amsterdam NH), new year, new TomoFair.
>TomoFair Capelle a/d IJssel (Feb 22, Capelle a/d IJssel ZH), new year, new TomoFair. Again.
Full list: https://dutchgulls.nl/en/agenda/

Links and advice:
>If you keep getting defeated, try getting better at the game.
>Our site with a store list, newcomers guide and more: https://dutchgulls.nl/
>Our Discord: https://discord.gg/QAYNyfY

>> No.10292551

>If you keep getting defeated, try getting better at the game.


>> No.10292560

>Anon wants to know where she can buy lolita clothes. No helpful replies so far.
The only physical store in the country is Summer Tales Boutique in Houten. Afaik they sometimes have a stand at cons, too. Otherwise everything is either online from the brands themselves (most ship overseas at this point) or secondhand on various websites like Lacemarket. Sometimes we have swap meets where you can buy and sell stuff IRL. These meets don’t have a dresscode so you can come even if you have zero lolita in your wardrobe atm, but they’re organized through the FB group so you’d need to join that first.

>> No.10292563

>The previous thread got deleted due to vendetta posting. Please refrain from continuing or take that shit to PULL.

This shit again? I was wondering why it suddenly disappeared.

>> No.10292570

Anyone looking forward to animecon in june? I sorta want to stick to the theme and make a flapper dress.
Also people here who have gotten those fancy ass whirlpool rooms before?I wonder if it's worth getting

>> No.10292674

I had the bridal suite once. It was okay, the jacuzzi was neat. But I hope they no longer have the waterbed. It's fun for launching people off it though. I speak from experience.

>> No.10292766
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Damnit OP somebody, somewhere, used LARP. And now this shitty thread will keep hopping up in my searches.

>> No.10292878

Could I get unbanned from the Dutch gulls discord please? I'm a changes man now :))

>> No.10292882

No scrote go away, the administration of that server will never allow a man to enter.

>> No.10292896

Holy crap, more than 600 applications for artist alley at Dokomi? Where do all the artists come from? Will dutch artist alleys ever get that big?

>> No.10293126

The bridal suites are completely renovated with a lack of waterbeds. Also, they are already sold out as Animecon didnt block those 4 rooms. All other rooms are still blocked until further notice from Animecon. There are also rooftop suites with a whirlpool outside.

>> No.10293166

Well damn. At least I managed to get a heads up before the con got announced so I already have a regular one.

>> No.10293783

dutch artist alley, please post your art here

>> No.10294665

>The previous thread got deleted due to vendetta posting.
What did I miss?

>> No.10294741

So how was HDCC? Everyone had a great time? Who won the competitions, how were the cosplay meets and what was this editions mandatory "we fucked up" moment?

Nothing relevant. Check the archive link if you're curious please refrain from continuing

>> No.10294778

It was fun but way too busy. The “cosplay shooting” area was really disappointing as well.

>> No.10294848

It was great! Really crowded though... long lines to the food stands. But the overall vibe was good.

The duo that cosplayed prince charming and fairy godmother won best overall, tiny tina won best costume and bonnie and clyde won best act.

>> No.10294850

Hahaha they couldn't distinguish between the 2 tiny Tina's and gave one of the tiny tina both special mention and first place. I wonder if the so-called winner can show some sportsmanship and acknowledge the fact that at least one of the 2 prizes was.not meant for her (it is obvious which one). However it is not even her responsibility, it is the announcer's/judges

>> No.10294851

I heard them saying they're sisters

>> No.10295067

Thanks. OK yeah I get it. I won't continue talking about said person, but just a note on said topic: always keep up having a healthy BMI people.

>> No.10295154

If it's legit a mistake, then that's just poor professionalism, but what can you do...

>> No.10295191

Its not an honrouable mention, its called judges favorite. Different achievement. Everyone seems to make this mistake though. The person who recevied it, got it wrong too. Yes she posted that on internet incorrectly as well. Small misunderstainding.

>> No.10295444

I really liked the acts on dcc this year. Very different ones which is nice. I love that the Shrek one won best overall.

>> No.10296220
File: 411 KB, 483x891, mia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Heroes is expanding into anime conventions in the Netherlands as well. Any thoughts? How has Made In Asia been in other countries?

>> No.10296225

The same date as Dokomi, huh? I know lots of my con-going friends attend Dokomi so that seems like a stupid move.

>> No.10296550

I wonder if this has anything to do with MIA from Belgium. If it is, I refuse to go. It's a shit event with a shit organization who don't give two fucks. Besides, we already have way more than enough events in NL. Unncessary imho

>> No.10296607

>MIA from Belgium
Yes, I guess, they are also part of Heroes.

>> No.10296636

The organisation of MIA is exactly the same as FACTS.

>> No.10297170

This MIA is done by same groups as DCC. So it will be fine I guess. The masses will go to it because those group have strong promos. Its closer for me than Dokomi, so ill go try this MIA. Surely it will be fine. How is this location?

>> No.10297201

>How is this location?
Fine if you have a car available, however parking is no longer free. And its pretty terrible if you have to rely on public transport.

>> No.10297202

>How is this location?
Small compared to the Jaarbeurs, max 15k visitors.

>> No.10297417

>Same group as DCC

So, 2nd tier actors, don't dead/open inside, and all the Pokémon, Ghibli, Harry potter, and Naruto bootlegs you can buy?

Sign me right the duck up.

>> No.10297426

More likely at best 3rd tier actors, this will be a DCC on a shoestring budget. And it most likely will be a bootleg shit fest.

>> No.10298754

new to all of this, but do you people ITT ever meet-up at cons?

>> No.10298966

Huh, how do you know the budget is lower? And only animecon and Abunai are non bootleg right. DCC has alot of bootleg too. Dont really care about actors btw. And its still closer than Dokomi for me.

>> No.10299049

Budget lower?

Basic economics, DCC in Utrecht is about 30-35k visitors, MIA in Gorinchem will house 15k visitors at max, so just less revenue from visitors, that's one thing.

Savings on operational costs, most likely means even lower grade actors, events and other things that cost money. Which means less of those thing and most likely not (much) at all.

More expensive booths for sellers and artists? Not very likely, because of the lower grade location and building. Also sellers and artists alike have to decide, going to MIA or to Dokomi (where the money really is).

>> No.10299062

>new to all of this, but do you people ITT ever meet-up at cons?
Yes, we've been doing large public meets at Animecon and Abunai since 2016. This years however were a bit more chaotic than usual due to personal reasons. Usually when newcomers or shy folk join I'll try to include into the conversation as I know it can be a bit daunting to try and fit in, especially with a group that knows each other already. Other con meets as well as off-con meets are also often organised on the Discord linked in the OP. Think restaurants, BBQ's, movies, city trips or just about anything someone wants to host.

>> No.10299117

You guys are just fishing. You dont know anything about the event. Just wait till more gets announced.

>> No.10299118
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>> No.10299121
File: 57 KB, 406x432, lagg'n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't trust cons.
You been to jail for a reason.

>> No.10304230

Thread so ded
Is there really no drama to report?

>> No.10304256

The rumour is that something is brewing between cosplayers and DCC.

>> No.10304578

Kinda off season right now. First thing in my schedule is MikuExpo in January.

>> No.10304602

Anyone going to the new 'pink' shop related to Japan this weekend? NISHI. It will be officially opened and saw some newspapers talking about it.

>> No.10304670

Even if it were, we can't drop names or ''personal'' stuff anymore anyways

>> No.10304676

What >>10304670 says. Drama is now such a sensitive thing, the janitors remove entire threads once a name gets mentioned. It's happened several times in the past.

>> No.10305613

Anyone was at the winter Comic Con and maybe has a video of the Cosplay Event with a Dio cosplay? I remember there were technical problems, and didn't see the rest, but the cosplay I saw before and it was amazing.

>> No.10305675

I will be at Miku Expo Amsterdam as well. At Dokomi after that. And holy shit, they got over 1000 artist applications now. Again, why can't we have atrist alley here?

>> No.10306380

Will be at Dokomi as well. They had artist alleys at Animecon and Abunai this year right?

>> No.10306422


Yeah bothe Animecon and Abunai had an artist alley

Heard both mostly good things about the one at Animecon. Abunai predominantly bad things.

>> No.10306436

To be honest, the level of art at Dutch conventions just isn't that high. There is some real gems imo, like vogelvrind who I bought a gorgeous BotW print from, but for every good artist there are at least 10 mediocre to outright bad ones. At Dokomi, there certainly are some bad artists as well, but the ratio is better and because of the sheer volume everyone is bound to find a good artist who suits their tastes. Of course, it's a cycle that keeps itself going. People hear that Dokomi has a good artist alley so people interested in artist alley goods go to Dokomi, which makes artists want to attend to sell their goods to a large audience.

What I've actually found the most lacking in the Dutch artist alleys is the variety. It seems like a lot of artists make fanart of the same things, and are very driven by flavour of the month.

>> No.10307193

There was this german girl who made water color marvel drawings which were great, the chibi art out there is too much of the same.

>> No.10307204 [DELETED] 

Anyone going to Imperial Garden in may?

>> No.10307420

I might be interested in an artist alley table, and reading from your messages Animecon should be the best for a noob like me. Only if I manage to improve my art and produce some nice goods ofcourse... Hope they'll do the one day table thing this year as well.

>> No.10307440 [DELETED] 

>Heard both mostly good things about the one at Animecon. Abunai predominantly bad things.
Funny because I heard it it the other way around. The artist alley section in Animecons dealer room was somewhat small, poorly visited and a bit tucked away. Abunai now had a stand alone artist alley which housed way more artists and constantly had visitors browsing their goods. The only downside there was the lighting in that hall which I assume will be fixed next year. Neither are on Dokomi levels, but I doubt the Dutch convention scene is large enough for that without everyone taking a loss at their stands.

>> No.10307441

>Heard both mostly good things about the one at Animecon. Abunai predominantly bad things.
Funny because I heard it it the other way around. The artist alley section in Animecons dealer room was somewhat small, poorly visited and a bit tucked away. Abunai now had a stand alone artist alley which housed way more artists and constantly had visitors browsing their goods. The only downside there was the lighting in that hall which I assume will be fixed next year. Neither are on Dokomi levels, but I doubt the Dutch convention scene is large enough for that without everyone taking a loss at their stands.

>> No.10307511

I'm going! I know some other Dutch comm girls are going as well.

>> No.10307536

>The artist alley section in Animecons dealer room was somewhat small, poorly visited and a bit tucked away.
It was in the middle of the dealer room, first thing when you go through the entrance, don´t talk shit if you haven´t visit

>> No.10308138 [DELETED] 

I'm in the belgian comm,or well,one of them given how divided it is.
I hope I can make some friends along the way

>> No.10308141

Second this. It was bigger than many other dutch cons.

>> No.10308152

Yeah I thought so as well...
I'm curious what works better. A stand alone artist alley like Abunai's or one centered in the middle of the dealer room like Animecon's. Both seemed well visited to me, as a visitor.

>> No.10309670

I second this, I tabled at Abunai this year and the artist alley was constantly filled with people browsing. The other 2 from my circle tabled at Animecon, they told me it didn’t go as well there. I really liked the seperate AA at Abunai and I’d love to see it at other cons.

>> No.10310085

Happy Holidays, everyone!!

>> No.10310089

Thank youuu

>> No.10311953

Anyone going to tomo amsterdam? I go Sunday afternoon to taste some Japanese crepes and..... Well, that's it really.

>> No.10312282

Okay so i've been wondering, and maybe this has already been a topic here, but why do a lot of Dutch female cosplayers feel the need to pose and make pictures of themselves half naked and post them online?(and call it cosplay)

>> No.10312317

I don't think that's a exclusively Dutch thing?

>> No.10312406

yep. not just a dutch thing.

>> No.10312728

Can anyone explain how hotel bookings for animecon this june works?

Do I need to buy a badge for the con before I'm allowed to join the hotel hunger games?
Will the booking be done via the animecon website or the host hotel?

>> No.10312729

Didn't know about this. Will take a look next year. Sounds interesting.

>> No.10312735

From their FB announcement: "Ticket sales will open January 2020 and hotel bookings will open after the ticket sales."

Keep in mind they initially forgot to lock down reservations for the Theaterhotel so a lot of rooms are already booked. Alternatively you could just book a room at the Huis van Bewaking or Preston Palace right now as they are the only other hotels in Almelo anyway.

>> No.10312736

>Keep in mind they initially forgot to lock down reservations for the Theaterhotel so a lot of rooms are already booked. Alternatively you could just book a room at the Huis van Bewaking or Preston Palace right now as they are the only other hotels in Almelo anyway.
Can you prove this, or is it just hearsay?

Also about hotels, that has always been an issue, THA has only about 200 rooms, with triple beds you could house about 500 guests at the most (they don't have 200 extra beds and some rooms are single, it is that simple) and I am rather sure that staffers and a bunch of stewards and gophers need a room to.

So that's about 20% of the visitors if we recon the last figures from 2012 when they had about 2600 visitors. And that is why Animecon always organised overflow hotels in Hengelo. As Preston may sound like an alternative, Animecon has tried for years to get a deal with them, to no avail.

>> No.10312740

Now I'm second guessing myself, could also had been Nishicon.

>> No.10312750

thanks a lot dude, I just booked thurs-sun at huis with a flexible cancellation, surprisingly cheap hotel.

I can survive the 5 minute walk home.

>> No.10313020 [DELETED] 


They (animecon) did forget to lock down the most expensive suite. Not sure if they forgot to lock down other rooms, but when I checked the most expensive suite was available.

>> No.10313275

>They (animecon) did forget to lock down the most expensive suite. Not sure if they forgot to lock down other rooms, but when I checked the most expensive suite was available.
I have a hard time believing that bothb Animecon and the THA forgot to block the rooms before announcing the date of Anime 2020.

They are not first timers you know.

>> No.10313323 [DELETED] 


The most expensive suite was still available when they announced Animecon Classic. They probably thought weebs wouldn't be able to pay that much. (approx 700 euros for 2 nights)

They are not first timers, but they are still human and humans make mistakes. (and we all know the two biggest cons of the Netherlands sure do keep making mistakes)

>> No.10313766

>They probably thought weebs wouldn't be able to pay that much.
Nah not that type of weebs. Those will still moan about expensive tickets and five minutes later notify everyone that they just spend tenfold in euro´s on merchandise.

>> No.10314213 [DELETED] 

more of a belgium thing but i moved in four years ago and i'm tired of not having a french speaking comm solely because lunie and her other equally two faced (sure,she seems like a sweetheart at first but i came to learn she's VERY two faced from the three times i saw her) only stick together and will shame anyone trying to get out of their group.
she even carefully edited every picture on her blog to make it look like no one but her friends were there at a meetup with a few other girls. not even mentionning them at all and not posting any picture they appeared in ,which i found quite disrespectful, i don't know about you. I even heard through the grapevine that they call themselves "the famous comm" for crying out loud.

Thank fuck dutch comms are more open and i can go to the netherlands easily

>> No.10314226

Happy New Year, all the best for 2020!

>> No.10314252

don't have a video but the cosplayer is called a wild raggy on instagram. I know she posted he videos in one of her story highlights. Her other cosplays are also worth checking out.

>> No.10314338

Wow thanks a lot!

>> No.10314378

as a Belgian lonelita this is why I've never really looked into any Belgian comms... First thing I heard was that there is no real Belgian comm, but smaller groups all splintered. Then it changes into small cliques, then its apparently limited to a friends only thing etc and everyone else just shuffles along to the Dutch comms

quite sad

>> No.10314383 [DELETED] 

>but smaller groups all splintered
yup,can confirm,i'm in one,and you'd be more than welcome coming btw we're pretty small but open and chill. No SJWs or anything,all above 18,there's gothic and sweet and classic and even the noobs are doing alright.
But i do wish i had more french speaking pals to gossip with sigh

>> No.10314384 [DELETED] 

it's honestly depressing to see huge ass countries like murica having a comm or two per state while Belgium is even smaller than some entire states yet can't have one big comm

>> No.10314386

Sadly my French is quite horrible, but I am looking to get it back on track cause it helps with my job hah atm I understand it but my pronunciation is horrible while answering

So far its just been me and two other girls, we try to have a lil meet every other month or so. They're both starting and one's in uni so its not easy to plan things. I mostly wish I knew more people so I could actually go to lolita events in Belgium/Netherlands. Both my friends are too self conscious of their coords to go

>> No.10314391

yup. first thing I did when I got into lolita (around 2011) was check if we had a comm and there's really nothing official, there's like 1 fb page even now that I can find and it is dead. it really seems like its all being kept within certain friend circles which is nice and cozy save for outsiders or newbies who are quite disheartened to find their way in

>> No.10314435 [DELETED] 

...are we in the same comm?

Nayrt but aw i would gladly help you, as a french speaker myself i know that french can be hard for non natives. I'm in uni myself and i'm often absent due to my gigantic amount of work to do (medical field is no joke,not even a doctor or anything but still).
I wish we could all communicate somehow and form a bond that'd make our comms all come together as one

>> No.10315438

Now that the 10's have ended, was there anything this decade you guys look back to between 2010-2019 in terms of Dutch Cosplay and Cons?
Is there something you miss?
Was it better than 2000-2009 or even 1990-1999?
Any achievements you made past decade?
Late happy new year everybody!

>> No.10315441

I still miss Tsunacon.

>> No.10315444

I miss Tsunacon

>> No.10315453

The cosplay community was better before the cosplay thots boom.

>> No.10315530

>Was it better than 2000-2009 or even 1990-1999?
1990-1999 was pretty much non existing, most cosplay related events and festival like Elf Fantasy Fair, Midwinter Fair and Castlefest started in the first half of 2000-20009. To my knowledge only SF conventions and Animecon go back to 1990-1999 and that was still with cosplay at a low level and certainly not in the numbers we see today.

>> No.10317863

They always existed though. But there were less to no social media platforms to use for self-promotion. But I distinctively remember costhots way back in the early 2000's.

>> No.10317870

Costhot discussion is so stupid. Maybe if 99% of female anime and game characters didn't look like whores or pedobait, less women would cosplay characters that look like that.

>> No.10318028

Cosplayers and the parties at cons were shit. Its alot better now imho. Yes, I have different priorities. I have been going on and off to cons since ages. But ok, the only thing thats terrible at cons now is how busy they are. The hot and better cosplayers are nice and populair.

>> No.10318255

>how busy they are
I don't share this opinion at all. Yall haven't even been to Comiket

>> No.10318295

I've going to cons since 2004. And desu 2004-2009 had it's own charm by being a lot more laid back. I kinda miss those days sometimes.

True. Something can definitely said on character design.

>> No.10318296

I have been to Comiket and honestly I like Dutch anime conventions a whole lot better.

>> No.10318598

>I've going to cons since 2004. And desu 2004-2009 had it's own charm by being a lot more laid back. I kinda miss those days sometimes.
Knowing some of their staffers this could be one of the reasons why Animecon is going back to Almelo. Still I have not heard anything about a second Animecon this year, is that still on?

>> No.10318901

No, I am waiting for the announcement.

>> No.10318979

>apolgy for bad english it is my first languagen’t
>where were you when Tsunacon die
>i was at house making cosplay when phone ring
>“tsunacon is kil”

>> No.10318980

I was at home checking Facebook and saw the message. That's it.

>> No.10319045 [DELETED] 

What is there to do in Amsterdam/the Netherlands today if you don't like normie stuff?

>> No.10319048

What is there to do in Amsterdam/the Netherlands tonight if you don't like normie stuff?

>> No.10319052

You are too early for Hatsune Miku.

>> No.10319055

There is a goth/metal bar called the Cave near Leidseplein

>> No.10319065

Do you think hatsune miku live is worth it by yourself?

>> No.10319068

I am not really sure, but I am also not a fan of it (but still interested). One of my friends in the UK is currently at the show in London. I will hear from them if they enjoyed it or not, haha. But I know that there are many people there in London.

>> No.10319069

Afaik it's sold out in almost every country besides the Netherlands but I feel like it would be more fun if you are with someone

>> No.10319128

Making cosplay plans for Dokomi and animecon right now. Nostalgia is hitting hard lately, so it might be from retro animes!

>> No.10320149

Kind of OT but is there some sort of weeb shopping guide for Amsterdam? Not manga but for kawaii crap and fandom stuff

>> No.10320157

Dunno.. But you can visit the Game Over shop for video games and if you want some Japanese music CDs.

>> No.10320799

Heard from lots of people they wanted to go, but the amount of people actually buying tickets is pretty low... Makes me wonder what put people on the fence, maybe because they aren't really clear about what they're selling. I've got VIP, but no idea if the VIP area is actually split off from the regulars' or not. Also no idea if VIP is standing or seated.

>> No.10320820

VIP is standing

>> No.10320832

A space oddity

>> No.10320836

Ah thank you. Well it was marked as seated before, so...
That aside I really hope the Dome gets filled up nicely, would kinda suck if it were to be empty

>> No.10321454

how old is everyone here? also would you bully me if you saw me irl wearing lolita in rotterdam/the hague/amsterdam idk

>> No.10321637

I never get bullied irl if I wear lolita out and about, on my own or in a group. I sometimes do get comments from curious people or the occasional creep. As for fellow gulls, they only tease me and don't bully. Live your dreams, gull!

>> No.10322384

In my experience people in Rotterdam are the worst when it comes to the necessity of making dumb remarks, but like actual bullying is something I have never experienced. People will stare however and probably take photos/videos of you. Some might say things, but it is the best to just ignore them. If you are radiating with confidence and give off an image of not being approachable, people will generally leave you alone.

>> No.10322406

>If you are radiating with confidence and give off an image of not being approachable, people will generally leave you alone.
I agree with this statement.

>> No.10323264

so anime canceled c4. about time if you ask me. way too expensive and unneccessary imo.

If you have that many cospaly contests already, why bother and put so much money into this?

>> No.10323633

bcause it is their own international compo?

>> No.10324720

So there's a new Ahoy comic con? Is it the original one rebranding or is it a different organisation?

>> No.10324747

unsure but it's likely to be the same organisation as Amsterdam comic con and I know that one was shit so ye

>> No.10325159

>People will stare however and probably take photos/videos of you
How sick and low. I'm just an autist who likes (the idea of) wearing lolita.

>> No.10325161

Also (and if any other full timer is reading this) do you wear lolita every single day?

>> No.10325309

Seems that Mojo decided to do a blue monday deal yesterday for Miku Expo (until January 22) where you can get 2 tickets and pay for 1.

>> No.10325358

It's actually 50% off, so for people planning to go alone it would be a little over 30 EUR for a regular ticket

>> No.10325398

People are shit anon, you would be surprised how many people think you owe it to them because you are dressing weirdly. You really need some confidence and spine if you want to wear Lolita in public.

>> No.10325406

Ahoy Comic Con is organised by the same people who organise Amsterdam and (the now renamed) Rotterdam Comic Con. My guess is they changed names after Rotterdam Comic Con got a horrible reputation in the community and got cancelled. I wouldn't be surprised if their Amsterdam edition gets renamed as that too has a bad reputation.

>> No.10325502

About 3 or 4 days a week, depending on my activities for the day. When squished in small lecture hall seats I'll wear something else, but for other mundane activities that won't be inconvenient while wearing lolita (i.e. hiking or grocery shopping) I'll happily wear it.

>> No.10327855

considering going to animecon classic but is there any info known about the prices for tickets?

>> No.10328077

Way late but I can confirm I've booked a room 1 day before the official announcement

>> No.10328078

69 for an early bird weekend ticket.

>> No.10328086

ho ho ho ho ho.... incoming butthurt, no hotel rooms yet, prices through the roof!

AnimeCon Classic's ticket sale will launch 31st of January at 14:00/2pm!

But take note: we're selling the weekend tickets first, so visitors who would like to experience the whole weekend get the chance to order their tickets first.

Hotel rooms at Theaterhotel Almelo will become available two weeks after the ticket launch, but you can't book a room without a ticket. Only want to visit one day? Depending on the availability, day tickets will be sold four weeks after the 31st.

It's bound to be a weekend of reliving the 20's; you don't want to miss anything. Get your weekend ticket early, because the first 500 are just €69.

Mark your calendar for January 31st.

AnimeCon Classic
Theaterhotel Almelo, 5-7 June 2020.
Tickets: 31st of January for €69.

>> No.10328088

I will mark the calendar to just let myself know that the month will end after the 31st.

>> No.10328154

>tfw im abroad and will only have access to phone on the 14th, and will be piss drunk partying

Guess Ill just stay at huis.

>> No.10328163

Anyone want to share their favorite dutch cosplay thot?

>> No.10328166

Sorry, I don't have one.

>> No.10328170

Well, guess I'm just going one day then. Animecon is getting worse and worse.

>> No.10328202

Nah, too expensive and plus don't want to go all the way to almelo.

>> No.10328225

>Get your weekend ticket early, because the first 500 are just €69.
>Tickets: 31st of January for €69.
So the first statement is the first 500 tickets are €69, the second is tickets are €69 on January 31st. Great way to give conflicting information in such a short announcement! Also if €69 is a special offer, what is the regular price? Including that generally helps convincing people to use said deal and give you their money asap.

>Hotel rooms at Theaterhotel Almelo will become available two weeks after the ticket launch, but you can't book a room without a ticket.
Okay but what are the hotel prices and when are you expected to pay? Basic information like that really should be included yet isn't. People (especially students) need to plan ahead financially for themselves and/or with their roomie. Even if you have the total €200~€300 laying around it's nice to know when you'll be spending it. Also the way hotel rooms are handled now means people who draw the short straw are left with an expensive weekend ticket and no place to stay. Why not just open both sales simultaneously or simply allow people to make a reservation without a ticket? Nishicon does the latter and they are at the same venue so we know it's possible to do so.

>It's bound to be a weekend of reliving the 20's; you don't want to miss anything.
The 1620's had the plague, 1720's had the plague part two, 1820's had a yellow fever epidemic, 1920's had a Spanish flu epidemic. I'm pretty sure we're already reliving the 20's with the whole Corona flu thing going on.

>> No.10328566

Why not ask those questions on their Facebook page or through their website, I doubt it that they will answers questions here.

>> No.10328570

>I doubt it that they will answers questions here
Neither are all the similar questions people asked on the Facebook announcements.

>> No.10328937

Animecon: Since we will also be aiming for a lower entrance fee for the regular AnimeCon, we have decided to say goodbye to the Clara Cow’s Cosplay Cup.

Also Animecon: Get your weekend ticket early, because the first 500 are just €69.

No, thank you.

>> No.10329297

There is still the regular AnimeCon that they are planning to do. However my guess is that Ahoy is no longer an option and that looking and negotiations for a new location will take time.

>> No.10329306

With weekend tickets, they mean for the three days? So, twenty something euro per day for the first 500 tickets?

That is something I am curious about as well. I thought that Animecon would use the new building that Ahoy was building? Is the building still not ready?

>> No.10329923

>That is something I am curious about as well. I thought that Animecon would use the new building that Ahoy was building? Is the building still not ready?
It certainly won´t be finished before the Eurovision Song Contest, and by the looks of it maybe finished by the end of the year.

A good guess is that it is to late for Animecon this year, to close to DCC later this year I guess. It is also that other locations are not booked on a whim, it involves serious money and has to planned well in advance, you can´t call a large location and state, hey we want to book this location in four weeks time.

>> No.10329924

But then there might be no second edition this year?

>> No.10329947

Maybe, I don´t know!

>> No.10329968

What happened to Chokelate? Did she vanish? Her shitty store hasn't made updates in almost a year.

>> No.10330069

At first I tought Animecon Classic might be the better choice to go to, but after reading this thread I'm thinking about going to Nishicon... To be honest I've never been to these conventions in Almelo. What do you gulls think would be the best con out of the two?

>> No.10330133


>> No.10330152

Haven't read any drama from her in a while so maybe she found some peace

>> No.10330172

Which is better depends on what you personally find important at a convention, what events you care about (if any), if you want to stay several days and how much you are willing or able to spend in general.

Nishicon is a 2 day event, typically has fewer lectures and workshops and doesn't host any major cosplay competitions. It's also a bit more quiet which can be good for planned photoshoots, but bad for showing off cosplays. Weekend tickets cost nearly half what Animecon charge at €38, hotel costs €130,50 including dinner and breakfast: €168.50 in total.

Animecon Classic lasts 3 days, will likely have more lectures and workshops and hosts several major cosplay competitions. It's also likely it will be more crowded than Nishicon. An early bird weekend ticket costs €69 (normal price is unknown) and while there are no hotel prices made available yet, it will likely be around twice what the Theaterhotel charges during Nishi at €261 including dinner an breakfast: €330 total until hotel prices are made public.

Also both cons have their raves and room parties if that's something you care about. Keep in mind this is Animecon's first try at a downscaled event in 10 years, so no one knows for sure how this edition will turn out.

>> No.10331115

Well, Nishi looks very doable then. I'll wait for Animecon for now until they give us some more information.

>> No.10331131
File: 60 KB, 1080x694, Screenshot_20200131-141221~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These prices
Animecon just went full anta baka!

>> No.10331511

Lol what..

>> No.10331515

She sold her most rare dress for about 800 euro a couple of weeks ago

>> No.10331579

Where? and why?

>> No.10332304

>plans a new downscaled event, with fewer competitions, probably no second event this year and smaller space
>let’s bump up that price yo!

>> No.10332320

Less people to compete with to get in the host hotel.

>> No.10332336

200 rooms max minus the ones booked by Acon staff for staff and guests, 2000-2500 visitors, you do the math.

>> No.10332343

Thats still 1 fool I have to compete with.

>> No.10333437 [DELETED] 

Rip sakuraflor 2020 there goes your
“Professional” cosplay ego

>> No.10333441 [DELETED] 

What happened?

>> No.10333707 [DELETED] 

Something about her being paid by SA to go over there to a con and tell her followers how great it was. “Because SA is such a great country ;D, and the people were so friendly”

>> No.10333761 [DELETED] 

I mean of course people will be friendly to you if you’re being INVITED, they want something from you lol stupid bitch.
“I just wanted to set cosplay in a beter daylight!” Who cares.

She won 10k price money she could’ve atleast donated some to amnesty international or so.

>> No.10333777 [DELETED] 

She was invited by Riot Games to be part of their event not the country itself. Seriously some of you are such assholes for immediately burning a cosplayer for the stupidest shit. I mean you’re hating on her for working with Riot games and entering a competition in a country like that, while on the other hand of you are going to look at it from such point of few, be realistic, competitions in Cosplay in a country like that shows progress right? Doesn’t it show that they are changing and tolerating more?

Shes not a bad person and this is just sad vendetta. Tying a cosplayer to a countries believes because she worked there for a company that works internationally is just a sad way of trying to badmouth someone. If she was really paid to promote SA and did that willingly I get it but she literally speaks of her general experience there connected to Riot Games.

For once maybe cosplayers should try and support eachother instead of bitching and hunting each other down because that is what wrong with this sad community.

>> No.10333791 [DELETED] 

Donate the 10k, or maybe share it with those who actually made the costume...

You know what's sad? The whole act where one claims ignorance and love for the community when called out on the questionable decisions one makes.

>Actively promoting Saudi-Arabia and claiming it to be an awesome and safe country, despite it being notorious for poor womans and LGBT rights. Also known for flying in influencers, giving them an arranged special VIP treatment in exchange for positive "reviews".
>Knowingly promoting a cosplay dropshipper with a heavy markup and a no-returns policy to your followers.
>Promoting "custom" Dva LED masks that came straight from Ali Express. Also blatant art theft and unlicensed use of copyrighted material on the other masks.
>Tracer tracing traces.
How does ANY of this benefit the community? All it puts on the map is one's own wallet which is fine, but at least have the dignity to admit it instead of hiding behind this poorly constructed mask.

>> No.10333792 [DELETED] 

hide behind a poorly constructed led mask? LMAO

>> No.10333795 [DELETED] 

You know me and my gf (we gay) actually wanted to go on holiday to Russia but because we’d probs get killed before even entering the country we didn’t go (it may be less intens then that but I had to give a example of having no human rights in other countries). The same goes for SA ,basic human rights aren’t invented yet over there lol. That’s why people are mad or whatever.

And I totally get that. She probably meant well with going over there (and got paid anyway by that “international company” you claim she works for) but winning 10k, going to a country who is the worst of the worst and saying “everybody was so nice to me :D such a lovely country” doesn’t really make her seem like a intellectual human being hahaha.

>> No.10333796 [DELETED] 

Speaking of ignorance. There’s literally a highlight on her instagram showing step by step how she herself made the costume. Ignorant much?

>> No.10333798 [DELETED] 

You know there is a cool museum in The Netherlands in den Haag called humanity house. She should visit it. It’s a great example why people would run away from countries like that. And donate to amnesty International.

~and maybe adress it instead of posting cringy tiktok videos~

>> No.10333800 [DELETED] 

Correction: share it with those who helped her out. There, I admitted my error and corrected it. Sure feels better than going full Ur JusT HaTErz ANd JeLLy CuZ i cAre fOR tEh cOMMunItY!

>> No.10333801 [DELETED] 

Cringey TikTok video’s that are over the top Gay. Kinda kills your whole point.

>> No.10333802 [DELETED] 

It’s queerbaitig yes.

>> No.10333804 [DELETED] 

Quite the contrary, all it shows is her using LGBT culture for her own fame while clearly not giving a shit about LGBT in general. Pretty much like how every company suddenly goes rainbow during the gay pride purely for marketing reasons.

>> No.10333805 [DELETED] 

Youre basing that on?

>> No.10333814

As if TikTok is very LGBT friendly

>> No.10333816

we're gonna get this thread deleted

>> No.10333819

Quick! Quick! Let's talk about AnimeCon!

>> No.10333822 [DELETED] 

Except that she’s not really a good person though. She blatantly stole and traced sakimi’s art for her patreon page and backpedaled with the excuse that she’s sakimi’s “student” when people found out she’s a fraud lol.

>> No.10333828 [DELETED] 

Get your facts straight before you start an old personal vendetta. So sad that you feel the need to badmouth someone and try so hard.

Im not saying she’s a saint but she’s not a bad person and she clearly had no ill intentions whatsoever. You’re blowing this out of proportion just to satisfy your own need for drama and that is so very pathetic.

>> No.10333829

So... Shinyacon. Anybody heard something about the first edition that should take place this year?

>> No.10333835 [DELETED] 


Haven't heard anything, did it fell off the face of the earth?

Wouldn't be surprised if it did knowing the people behind it.

>> No.10333836

Never heard of it until now...

>> No.10333838 [DELETED] 

>Im not saying she’s a saint but she’s not a bad person and she clearly had no ill intentions whatsoever.
Even if she didn't, she's definitely obliged to somewhat think things through before taking money and sponsorships and not act completely ignorant to the bigger meaning. Isn't the whole deal about being an influencer the obligation to study and give the right example and products, since they're responsible to influencing a lot of people who will follow example. That's the whole job description really.

>> No.10333839

That says a lot. It was announced as new event somewhere last year.

>> No.10333840 [DELETED] 

The fact that a country like that does an event that revolves around cosplay (which is one of the least conservative things ever) should show that it is changing. SA has a cosplay community as well and by boycotting anything that has to do with SA the only thing you do for that community is.. nothing. Exactly.

This whole vendetta and witch hunt is based on your own need for drama because if you are going to be a bitch an connect an individual to a complete country then also look at it from “the bigger picture” like you said yourself and see that and event like that is progress for such a country and should be something that is good instead of bad. Because accepting cosplay in such a conservative country is already a huge step.

Speaking of ignorance..

>> No.10333841

Might take a look if they actually decide to run the event, looks interesting. Location will be the deciding factor though

>> No.10333844 [DELETED] 
File: 209 KB, 216x521, 00214850-74E6-43F2-9657-71A5F5B93516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not vendetta but ok sakimichan

>> No.10333845 [DELETED] 
File: 179 KB, 750x1334, 79791293-BA42-4552-91A0-7250BB13D6F0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great skills!!

>> No.10333846 [DELETED] 

Like i said.. vendetta. Have you heard the whole story or seen the video she made when drawing this art? No exactly.. I was her patreon I saw the video she literally showed how Sakimichan her classes were to draw this character step by step. Her art content was a little extra on her patreon not a source of income. Oh and use her actual art and not a edited art piece when you try to get a point across.

So yes.. this is another sad vendetta.

>> No.10333848

There has been nothing else announced, so let's see!

>> No.10333850 [DELETED] 

How is referring back to something that happened years ago not a vendetta?

This thread is definitely getting deleted..

>> No.10333851

>TomoFair Capelle a/d IJssel (Feb 22, Capelle a/d IJssel ZH), new year, new TomoFair. Again.

Anyone planning to go to this event? Or HDCC or Facts (or should I say Hfacts, since it is also part of Heroes)?

>> No.10333855

Afaik it's just a small weeb-oriented market. I go to Tomocon every year which is more or less the same. Duch Comic Con was in my eyes nothing more but a market as well, but just a lot bigger than most. Lots of weeb merch, not that much western comic merch lol

>> No.10333970

Except Tomo has barely any expossitions. There is only the market and one stage.

>> No.10333988

Definitely nothing happening with that one. Did you really trust that group to run a con? Oh well, better this than selling tickets and then delivering a shitty product.

>> No.10333990

I don't know this group, so I don't know if I should trust or not?

>> No.10334124 [DELETED] 


Your decide

- 1 person likes to call himself a nazi gopher
- His gf.
- 1 person who likes to dress herself as a nazi lolita and is butthurt when she gets backlash for it.
- 1 person has a rich daddy and is probably only part of this group because he is the money supply behind this 'idea'
- 1 person who likes to accuse people of things they didn't do and then makes her bf deal with it.
- Said bf who then death threatens people without proof.

Group is notorious for stirring up shit and drama, alcohol and drug abuse
and often fails to take responsibility for the shit they've done

The only guy who I haven't mentioned is the only decent being of this crew imho.

If this post is deleted by tomorrow, then one of the aforementioned people must be a mod here.
(other posts about this group have been deleted before)

>> No.10334351

I would not hold my breath for it, they have been silent on all channels for the last 5 months.

>> No.10334353

Okay, thanks.

>> No.10334395

shid really be like that sometimes I guess

>> No.10334432

Where do crafty Dutch people hang out online nowadays? I want to be more social and make friends who are into sewing and costuming but have no idea where to look since I haven't been active since the EFF forums. Googling only takes me to years old posts on normie forums which aren't really what I'm looking for.

Is everyone on Facebook and Instagram? (Please say no, I hate Facebook/IG)

>> No.10334434

Forget to mention that I'm not really into anime or video games, more into historical stuff and original/fantasy stuff which is why I mentioned EFF. Is there even still a centralized community for that in the Netherlands?

>> No.10334454

Sounds more like you're looking for a reenactment or LARPing community in that case? There's a ton of them I could point you to, but the open ones I know are pretty much on Facebook.

For the ones that aren't, or are on Discord, they're usually closed for people you know IRL.

>> No.10334478 [DELETED] 

Going to Sweden this summer and will be able to shoot to linkoping for the summer con there. Would it be worth going as someone from the USA? My cosplay is pretty small and easy to carry around with me(touhou), would be nice to do an overseas event.

Tips for an american with basic swedish mannerisms and phrases (this/that, please/thanks, 1-10, etc) ? Not expecting too much from the convention but would like to just say I've done a con in sweden before.

>> No.10335025

Hi guys, I need some help with my homework about maid café in NL. I heard some people saying NNN is a cringe cafe. But can someone elaborate why NNN is cringe? I am talking about service quality :)
And what about Sparkling Potpourri? What is your exp?
Are there more? I only know those two....
fyi I am NOT trying to set those two up against each other.

>> No.10335026

Then you could better do interview the maid cafes and come with a survey. Good luck with your homework.

>> No.10335029

True true, I am planning to do that as well! I was just a bit shocked that people labeled NNN is cringe but not SP. I don't think that is a question I can ask the cafés...? Anyways thought wanted to hear what your guys have to say about it ^^

>> No.10335031

all maid cafés are cringe

>> No.10335033

ok, I guess it wasn't smart to ask for constructive feedback on 4chan. x)

>> No.10335039

So far I know Sparkling Potpourri is (there is also a butler cafe) a very known maid cafe and present cheap food from the supermarket. NNN is a company and they offer food that is made on the spot. I know there were some talks about the owner in the past, but the company worked very seriously. That is what I can say.

There has been more maid/butler cafes, but some just have been active for a short period. Honey Garden was a good one, but also Cherry Pie Maid Café and some others. Last year a new cat themed maid cafe started. And also we had to say by to a cosplay maid/butler cafe.

>> No.10335044

Go to Sparklin Potpourri for the "service". The maid serving you will sit at your table and have a small conversation with you. The food is just overpriced supermarket food that's decorated with some colored icing at best.
Other maid cafes have the girls dressed up but they don't interact that much with the guests besides taking orders.
NNN has better food. They're basicly a food stand but with maids. Sometimes they dress up in school uniforms instead of maid uniforms.
Cherry Pie sells food from van der Valk which is slightly better than supermarket food. At leasts the uniforms look nice.
There is also a ninja cafe who are from Japan. They were at animecon last year but I don't know that much about them.

>> No.10335059

Wasn't NNN the one where you just buy your food at a register from a girl in a maid costume, take it to a seat yourself and eat? If so then I wouldn't even call that a maid cafe. The whole point behind one is providing a "maid/butler and lord" experience to the customer, not being yet another a food stall.

>> No.10335071

That is the take-away. But there is also a maid cafe next to it. Different entrances.

>> No.10335077

My bad, never noticed that. All I saw at Animecon were long benches and tables.

>> No.10335082

Last Animecon the maid cafe was a bit in the dark, there was not much lighting. At World Forum there ware indeed a lot of benches and tables as well, but on the right you saw the maid cafe clearly and later the take-away.

>> No.10337371

>Now that the 10's have ended, was there anything this decade you guys look back to between 2010-2019 in terms of Dutch Cosplay and Cons?
I like how cosplay in general has become way more accessible as a hobby to get into over the past 10 to 15 years and became socially accepted. Pre-made costumes have become a lot easier to find, more affordable and increased in terms of quality. There are now tutorials for specific costumes, props and every technique available online for those who want to get into making their own stuff. Materials have become more affordable and available at multiple stores (no more breaking the bank at old Minque) and the rise of affordable 3D printing is probably the biggest innovation for makers worldwide.

Photographers have also benefitted from the greatly increased online knowledgebase and rise in underlying technology. Affordable gear to get started with is easy to find, second hand DSLR gear even more so and will continue to do so as more people switch to mirrorless. There are plenty of new cosplayers to practise shooting with as they practice posing, so that’s nice.

Community-wise I don’t feel like a lot has changed aside from where communities gather and the increased focus on social media reach rather than just doing what you love doing. But aside from that, the outer core is still a hugbox and the inner core still mostly entitled folk who act nice but can’t stand anyone else having anything.

>Is there something you miss?
All the conventions that went belly up like Chibicon, Tsunacon, DynamicCon, Yaycon(?), Imagicon(?), EpiCon (not you), and all the others I’ve forgotten. Being able to pull alcohol fuelled all-nighters and not being worthless the next day.

>> No.10338803

I think cosplay is getting more and more a popularity contest. Social media is big now and with that come cosplayers with large followings, therefore get invited to stuff, get heaps of attention, money, etc.

Which in turn lures people in who cosplay just for the attention. Not just the thots, but also the gatekeepers.

It seems to me that the silly dressing up as a character you love has changed into a popularity contest with a hunger for likes.

>> No.10338872

I 100% agree to this

>> No.10338878

sad but true and something I notice in my own friends group as well as general cosplay fb groups. Some consider a con day ruined or even a failure if their cosplay didn't get enough attention from strangers. Its no longer about showing love to the character its about putting on a cosplay to feed off of total strangers' love for said character. And if they don't get asked x times for a picture they feel like the cosplay itself wasn't worth it. totally toxic thinking imo but hard to get out of their heads!

>> No.10338908

Bro if i pay 200-300 euros for my china cosplay(which woulda cost 3x more elsewhere) and all that time n money on makeup i sure as hell want some people askin for my pics

>> No.10339412

This is very true... I cosplay because I like the characters, people asking for pictures is nice but for me it's the fun of cosplaying itself

>> No.10339427

What's wrong with paying €300 for something only you enjoy?

>> No.10339428

This is a lolita guaranteed, cosplaying has turned into this hunger games level attention seeking competition. People only cosplay for efame and or pussy nowadays.

>> No.10339946

bro if you're paying that much for a china cosplay you're doing something wrong

>> No.10339987

Must be dropshipping, so sad when people fall for that shit.

>> No.10340013

My friends have this attitude and it’s so annoying, especially when they haven’t even put much work into their costume. Some of them just put on a cheap yukata or seifuku or glue some gears to a top hat and then mope and whine when they don’t get asked for photos. They’ve even guilted me into leaving early some days because they wanted to go home and I was their ride.
Aside from obvious immaturity I also blame social media for making cosplayers think that they can get famous doing the bare minimum as long as they’re attractive. I love my friends but none of us are cute enough to get famous just for wearing a €20 Bodyline seifuku.

>> No.10340034


I see this kind of entitlement more and more, esp like after conventions when people crowd fb event pages to beg for any photos taken of them.

"did anyone take a photo of my cosplay?" "is the album of the parade on Saturday up yet I was in it and want to see the pics!" etc

imo if you want pics of your cosplay just to share on social media to show off that you were there or sth, go to the con with a group of friends and hold you own lil shoot, arrange a shoot with a photog or take some selfies! Either way just chill like its kind of pathetic to have so much riding on the opinion of total strangers...

>> No.10340402

>we dont speak dutch

>> No.10340422

Board rules.

>> No.10340594
File: 36 KB, 1024x576, 1564174674032m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like some good rules
I always hate how dutch threads start speaking native so often. I usually just respond in english

>> No.10340723


How could you fuck this up, our flag is literally in the opening post.

>> No.10340749 [DELETED] 
File: 1.07 MB, 1280x719, 18275476251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck w*men and fuck this board. I'm out

>> No.10340781
File: 813 KB, 231x300, 1566340816526.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didnt make it brosef

>> No.10340945

It's actually the Prince's Flag, used in the Dutch revolt. So not officially Dutch, but somewhat related nonetheless.

>> No.10342701

anyone noticed these first 500 still haven't all been sold yet? i fear the worst...

>> No.10343264

I didn't notice that. How much visitors can theaterhotel handle?

>> No.10343287


I can't say I'm surprised? They haven't announced or said anything that justifies the higher price or sets classic apart from any other convention. So far it's just been the same "classy" and "luxurious" buzzword spam, begging for €10,000 to organise another CCCC and one post with a couple of events you can find at any other convention. Not even the theming content is unique nor worth the increased ticket price. Hotel prices are also still unknown at this point which isn't helping anyone plan.

Speaking of not announcing things that matter, dealers are still completely left in the dark on the dealer room. It's also been confirmed there won't be an artist alley at classic so there's that.

>> No.10343288

You should join their mailinglist. They seem to send out emails from time to time.

>> No.10343294

Frankly I think most people are just waiting for the 'real' Animecon announcement. They've released no real information on Classic and both the location that's further away for most people and the increased prices don't make it that interesting. Since they're allegedly doing a regular Animecon as well, I think most would only go to one of the two.

I care so much more about an artist alley than a dealer room where I can get the same stuff online for cheaper, it's a really bad decision imo.

>> No.10343993

>I care so much more about an artist alley than a dealer room where I can get the same stuff online for cheaper, it's a really bad decision imo.
I guess that their dealerroom will be in the Beethoven zaal again, which would fit in one of the corners of the hall they had at Ahoy, I even think that the floor space of last years dealer room is as big or even bigger then the whole floor space of the THA.

Perhaps they should have gone for the Tomoshit option, just hire a sports hal, chug it full with dealers and artist tables, forget about events, cosplay compo´s and anything else.

>> No.10344241

It's bitter to witness animecon moving downhill so quickly. Not sure how this will play out in the long run.

>> No.10344295


I remember someone saying on their fb page that the reason Animecon moved from world forum to ahoy was due to breach of contract. (too many people in the building/safety issues etc)

The chairman immediately responded that it was not true and chairman would know best right? ;)

Funny thing is that even staff confirmed the move was due to breach of contract. I also heard from staff directly that in recent years, every year there was some sort of contract breach. so yeah.

Lying out of your ass doesn't make you look good either.

+wanting to organize 2 events in one year
+no artist alley on Animecon classic.
+smaller location
+higher prices

Sounds like some people forgot to get off their high horse.

>> No.10344369

>It's bitter to witness animecon moving downhill so quickly. Not sure how this will play out in the long run.
So it looks that there is a gap to fill, who is going to step into the shoes of Acon?

>> No.10344469

No one, all we'll have soon is 10 different Tomos and Comic Cons

>> No.10344477

Heroes Made in Asia in Gorinchem?

>> No.10344480


That depends on what you call Anime Con's shoes.

>> No.10344508

this is what I'm expecting and fearing most.

If that happens, I'll rather check out good conventions in other countries like Germany, Italy or France.

>> No.10344569

>So it looks that there is a gap to fill, who is going to step into the shoes of Acon?
The shoes of largest Dutch anime convention? As much as I hate to say it, Heroes Made In Asia.

Community expectations have change significantly over the past few years. The current wave of visitors mostly just wants a place to socialise with their friends, meet-up with members from their fandoms and buy merch. Having (quality) content is no longer a necessity, nor is including it in the initial ticket price. People are simple less willing to spend large sums of money on an event, not unless it offers a truly unique experience. As it stands MIA, being backed by commercial juggernauts that are Heroes and EasyFairs, fits these demands perfectly and will likely wear those shoes in only a few years.

Now the real question here is which conventions will manage to adapt and which will perish by holding onto their financially unviable or ill-thought plans. Place your bets now!

>> No.10344596

Made in Asia will have it's trouble though if it stays on a date so close to (or even the same as) Dokomi. Many dutch cosplayers visit dokomi on a regular basis and it has become quite the concention behemoth. So I think this might become more in the future.

Apart from that, I think you are right though. Conventions are a place to meet friends and socialise. Who cares about workshops or even guests or cosplay contests? Not the majority of convention goers. And professionally backed conventions tend to run alot smoother than conventions by non-profit organisations who solely rely on volunteers.

>> No.10344618

Getting rid of that overlapping date could help but I doubt it will pose too much of a problem to MIA. After all, it's not just for cosplay but also those with a general interest in weeb culture. So even if every talented/serious cosplayers visit Dokomi, that still leaves a shitload of "for funzies" cosplayers and general weebs for MIA. There's also that €1000 price for first place in their cosplay contest that is bound to change a few minds and Heroes most likely promoting MIA to ~40,000 geeky visitors at DCC in March. If MIA ends up a success I fully expect Heroes to be going for a year-round program with 2 DCC and 2 MIA edtions. Who knows, maybe we'll finally get a wintercon?

>And professionally backed conventions tend to run alot smoother than conventions by non-profit organisations who solely rely on volunteers.
Agreed. There's only so much one can do in their spare time and it will never add up to what a paid full-time professional can do. Of course that won't stop me from trying...

>> No.10344684

>still selling those early bird tickets that are supposedly only 500 in stock
>still no host hotel openings

Dudes, is animecon classic kill?

>> No.10344894

I think some people are waiting until the hotel room sale will be opened. I also feel that there are some questions surrounding the hotel rooms, so hopefully they will make it known soon.

>> No.10344976

Perhaps this is one of the reasons why Acon is scaling down? Competition with a commercial organisation, and that is though business.

After all we talk about Easyfairs who don't give a fuck about anything and swallow up everything that comes along their way. Who don't give a fuck about bootlegs, because just look at DCC, MIA and FACTS. It needs to make a profit, not just a break-even with a small profit to invest in future things, but a substantial profit.

They already lost the Stripdagen & Stripschap, but then that could have been their long term planning after all, and just take the raisins out of the porridge.

If this goes as it is going now we most likely will be left with DCC and MIA which will be turned into a supersized Tomofair rather sooner than later.

Seeing some reactions here that looks like what you actually want in the first place, a place for "for funzies" cosplayers and general weebs.

>> No.10345030

Animecon is downscaling with Classic because they have no other choice. With Ahoy they tried to become a hybrid between a comic con and an old style con which I can get behind. Unfortunately for everyone it was a massive failure on paper that left them broke and demotivated. Pushing a change like that ill-prepared, understaffed and with unrealistic goals and budgets that included asking for additional donations was never a good idea. I hope whoever was in charge of that horrible decision took responsibility and is working his ass off 24/7 to make things right. One more mistake like that and I fear it will be the end of them, so I'm curious if they're actually going for a larger Ahoy-like edition later this year or not.

Heroes/EasyFairs can get away with not giving a fuck because they play the PR game right and know how to do proper damage control. It also helps the fast majority of their visitors don't give a fuck either. Any other convention would had publicly gone through hell for the shit they've pulled. Allowing bootlegs, not crediting cosplayers or photographers in promotional posts, not defending visitors when a photographer sells pictures of them and demands damage compensation if they uses said pictures of themselves without buying, not taking action when someone gets sexually assaulted at your con... Disgusting really.

And that's the dark side of it all. Non-profits have standards while for-profits will allow anything as long as it doesn't affect their profits. Being a non-profit at a massive size is also nearly impossible unless you go for a large and we'll organised crew. At least there will always be a demand for smaller traditional conventions.

>> No.10345099

Still tho, 500 is like, way below high school/college campus anime cons.

And the hotel probably has like triple the early bird ticket capacity too.

>> No.10347279

Have any of you been to Magical Castle (harry potter event) before? Their website looks stupid but I love the idea and it might be fun to have a Lolita meet there

>> No.10347280

What kind of vendors do they have? I can't imagine it's just Harry Potter stuff cause they're looking for vendors on Facebook.

>> No.10347306

Don't bother. Magical Castle Event is a scam by the same guy behind Lemicon and Lemistore. Quick history lesson: Lemicon was a small fantasy event that kept moving dates and kept having all their guests "cancel" last minute. No refunds were ever paid out to anyone foolish enough to buy photo tickets. The cgl archives have a lot of information on this. Lemistore is notorious for selling knockoffs and poor service.

One look at the MC event site is all you need to see this is a glorified scam. There's no way they have the money to fly in the entire main cast of Harry Potter. I'm willing to bet my ass that this event too will have their guests "cancel" or not never having been invited in the first place. Actively hiding your name and KvK is also a HUGE red flag with these things, especially considering their prior reputation.

>> No.10347313

That's what I'm suspecting, that the non-Classic Animecon will actually be cancelled this year. They've been extremely quiet on that front and it doesn't make sense that they're putting on 2 cons in one year if they're supposedly downscaling from losses. If that is the way they're going, better to announce it sooner than later as it will probably boost the ticket sales for Acon Classic at least a little.

>> No.10347874

I wonder if they’re just gonna let everyone sit in the dark until Classic is over. If regular is in November/ December they still have a little less than half a year to promote? Not sure if that’s effective.

>> No.10348508
File: 399 KB, 272x200, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just published on facebook

Get ready on Saturday to book hotel rooms! We are working together with the venue to set up a booking website for AnimeCon Classic 2020.

The booking website will be live on Saturday, the 29th.

People who have ordered a ticket before Friday (i.e. up until Thursday 23:59) and volunteers get early access to the booking website via email. The early access is from 12:00/noon GMT+1.

The regular link will be posted at 13:00/1:00PM GMT+1.

The hotel does not have enough rooms to accommodate for all visitors, which means that we cannot guarantee that everyone, even the early bookers, can book a hotel room. We apologise for the inconvenience. However, we are discussing options with nearby hotels and shuttle bus services. These will be announced on Saturday also.

Thank you for your patience and get ready to book!

>> No.10348534

I wish you all good luck.

>> No.10348595

Will there be an upfront payment for the hotel? really bad timing as I get my monthly pay a week later and I dont like going into overdraft for a few days cause of fees.

>> No.10348601

No rush. I think there will be plenty of hotel rooms. They even haven't sold 500 tickets. There are 200+ rooms. Do the math. This animecon will fail. I hope they dont go bankrupt.

>> No.10348621

Whys it so damn tiny this time around?

>> No.10348652


No funding from the Muncipality. ;)

They're probably trying to rake in some funds to fill this massive gap they've gotten due to lack of funding by moving fom den haag to rotterdam.
I have no idea how to explain these overpriced tickets and small location otherwise.

>> No.10348746

Funny, but if you correct for inflation their prices are right on the money, 69 euro´s now would around 50-55 euro´s in 2012.

So expensive?

>> No.10348749

>No rush. I think there will be plenty of hotel rooms. They even haven't sold 500 tickets. There are 200+ rooms. Do the math. This animecon will fail. I hope they dont go bankrupt.
You're funny, the hotel has indeed 200 rooms, but this is not Nishicon, more staff, dealers, guests, there aren't 200 rooms left.

>> No.10348841

Such a small location doesn't need much staff. Dealer room is small and most of the dealers don't stay there. It is an overpriced event in a small location in a part of the Netherlands where almost no one of the target audience lives.

>> No.10348866

>Such a small location doesn't need much staff. Dealer room is small and most of the dealers don't stay there. It is an overpriced event in a small location in a part of the Netherlands where almost no one of the target audience lives.
I guess you have never been to Animecon before.

>> No.10348933

I come there since 2008. This is the first year I skip. They aim for the audience that want to relive their "nostalgia". But they have to move forward to survive. Not backwards and relive nostalgia that will disappoint.

>> No.10348946

>This is the first year I skip.
Bye Felicia!

>> No.10349144

Same. No Animecon for me this time

>> No.10349383

Got a room \o/

>> No.10349391

>got email
>can book rooms normally for an obscene price
>cant use animecon promotion

WOOOOW, awesome!

>> No.10349401

lol nvm, promotional price went up again and I just cancelled my flexi-500 eu booking to 247.

>> No.10349405
File: 282 KB, 500x498, 1877881569825062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rooms are already sold out

>> No.10349407

>Rooms are already sold out
Color me surprised.... NOT!

>> No.10349416

And that makes it official, I'm skipping this year.

>> No.10349758
File: 711 KB, 972x779, vandervalk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck van der Valk and fuck their overpriced hotel rooms.
>ahaha we accidently gave you the wrong price earlier. You actually have to pay twice the amount of what we asked earlier!
Can't wait for next animecon edition with the Great Depression theme.

>> No.10349760

>Next AnimeCon
>Great Depression theme
What a splendid idea!

>> No.10349950

>Having one of your staff members reply ona complaint with her personal account with a made up story on how she got a room by refreshing and deleting her cookies.
More classy my ass!

>> No.10349959

>oh sorry guys, rooms are actually twice as expensive

This can't be legal right? Something is fishy here..

>> No.10349961

>Animecon never announced any prices beforehand, actively ignores anyone who asked for hotel prices
>Hotel suddenly goes lol we dun goofed and prices are per person, not per room so you have to pay double!
>We were never given a price beforehand so no-one knows if this is correct or not
Extremely fishy

>> No.10349989
File: 43 KB, 640x640, Boze zeemeew tegen groot hotelketen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The current situation.

>> No.10350008
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Anybody know more about this? Which con did he get back from?

>> No.10350011

>hotel fucking scammed the fuck out of you
>it was cheaper for me to book thurs-mon for FOUR fucking days
>I had to cancel that
>now I got jack shit

How do I go refund the actual animecon ticket? do I just tell my bank to chargeback those fuckers?

>> No.10350015

I think you have to be at YourTicketProvider for that?

>> No.10350022

I think fantasy fair rijswijk was this weekend . High change that he came from there seeing the weapon kind he had with him

Also did someone got a official email already that there will be a price correction for animecon. As it normal goes shit also breaks loose on facebook but not have seen anything about it

>> No.10350024

"price correction"

Scam is what I call it.

>> No.10350028

You can't, Animecon tickets are non-refundable. At best you can try to sell it to someone.

>> No.10350058

Yes i can understand the wordt scam but did not want to use it as i did not see an explosion of mad people about the price. But if it is true it is truely scam

I mean what i hear is that the price will then be around 500 for a hotel room of 2 people with breakfast and dinner.

I mean around 20 min around almelo there a quite sone centrepark like parks where you can get a 4 person cabin for around 300 from friday to monday

>> No.10350061

>Scam is what I call it.
Call the police, Kassa, Ombudsman whatever.

>> No.10350150


It is truly a scam because this is against the law.

The hotel says the pricing was wrong
The law states that they are only allowed to change the prices after booking if the show price was an obvious mistake.
The shown price was not an obvious mistake since the rooms are normally the same price (around 250 euros for 2p) And there was no reason to doubt the shown prices.

The hotel has no legal rights to change the prices.

Anyhow; anyone reading this and not willing to pay 500 euros for a 250 euro room, please use this letter and send/mail it to the hotel.


>> No.10350256

Will they cave in and revert prices(or do damage control and make it a 3-4 days stay)?

Seems like they are literally gonna go bankrupt or run away with their ill gains after this one if they dont change anything.

>> No.10350340

>Seems like they are literally gonna go bankrupt or run away with their ill gains after this one if they dont change anything
I guess the chairman needs a new Maybach

>> No.10350555

If I understand correctly, the price doubled for everyone who got a room? Trying to figure out what really went wrong.

>> No.10350629

wow, that q&a was a total shitshow

>> No.10350634

Please elaborate.

>> No.10350642
File: 142 KB, 398x318, acon_vandervalk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Animecon knew staff rooms were around €500, but never announced visitor prices because "hurrr we didn't know if visitors would have the same prices" and never bothered to check.
>Also knew only a few rooms would be available for regular visitors but never mentioned this. The few other nearby hotels were already fully booked.
>Reservations went live with a buggy mess. 404 errors, not being to choose dates. Meanwhile hotel rooms were released in the regular booking system rather than the Animecon arrangement and some people sniped rooms that way. Those rooms also didn't get cancelled either because why keep things fair for those following your instructions?
>At the time Animecon said to be in contact with the hotel to make things right, told everyone to wait while the hotel fixes things.
>Animecon arrangements turned out to have listed the wrong price. Actual room prices are double the amount. Everyone who booked is now expected to pay double.
>Animecon posts how they are powerless on the subject and will be hosting a Q&A.
>During the Q&A Animecon claims this error was caused by one of their IT staff members messing up the van der Valk page while opening up reservations. Weird, considering the hotel handled everything according to their prior message and there being no reason for Animecon IT staff being in van der Valk's own systems.
>Animecon also claims they have nothing to do with any of this and are not to be held responsable, despite admitting their IT staff fucked up the prices.
>Also claims the hotel is within their rights and how they as a convention will NOT be taking any actions against the hotel whatsoever. Basically just giving the middle finger to all their visitors.
>But please understand and be gentle because one of our staff members is sick
>No answers on refund fees, or if tickets can be refunded as people no longer have a need for weekend tickets.
Oh what a tangled web we weave when at first we start to deceive...

>> No.10350648

>Oh what a tangled web we weave when at first we start to deceive...
Oh anon how easy it is to drop serious accusations from behind your keyboard.

>> No.10350661

staff member pls

>> No.10350673

Nah oldtimer!

>> No.10350680
File: 235 KB, 680x779, clown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A serious accusation would be saying things like "Animecon knew hotel prices would be high all along and deliberately withheld this information so people would still buy non-refundable weekend tickets". Sharing what's just said during the Q&A and posted by staff on their Discord during these past few days, not so much.

>> No.10350684

> Animecon knew hotel prices would be high all along and deliberately withheld this information so people would still buy non-refundable weekend tickets.

It sounds this is exactly what they did. Seeing how no one who asked for prices got an answer.
They also said you had to buy a ticket in order to book a hotelroom.

Highly suspicious to say the least.

>> No.10350685

So you are telling that Acon was messing with the van der Valk server? Did they have access to that?

>> No.10350687

They said in the Q&A that someone from their IT team corrected the prices on the hotel site even though they weren't wrong.

(lit. he corrected something that didn't need correcting)

>> No.10350692

>their IT team
Who's IT team, that of Acon (who then should have had access to the van der Valk server) or someone from IT team van der Valk?

That last one sounds more believable, and that is also from what I understood, Acon asked THA to setup the page on their server and flip the switch to go online when the time was there. Somebody from van der Valk headquarters did something stupid without asking for conformation if a mistake was made in Almelo about prices. The page goes online and the fault is spotted and all hell breaks loose.

You tell me?

>> No.10350694

>on their server
And with that I mean the van der Valk server, and not something owned by Acon, see how easy it is to misunderstand.

>> No.10350699


Someone from Acon's IT team did a fuck up on the hotel site.
They confirmed it multiple times, it was a fuck up from Acon.

But you're right, it sounds much more believable if someone from the valk IT team fucked up but that is not wat Acon said in their Q&A.

The hotel itself later saw the fuck up and send out the emails telling people to pay more.

>> No.10350703

Oh dear and now, do you think you have a case and should take it up with the authorities?

>> No.10350704

> Acon did an Q&A
> They said in the Q&A that someone from their IT team [..]

It was Acon's Q&A therefore "their" refers to Acon
Acon's IT team.

Reading is fundamental

>> No.10350897

I like how they held the Q&A over voice, so there's no actual proof of what was said

>> No.10350923

The mob has spoken, Acon is a criminal organisation, rather fitting for their theme of Animecon Classic, the Roaring Twenties, the rise of the maffia.

>> No.10350928

>It was Acon's Q&A therefore "their" refers to Acon
>Acon's IT team.
>Reading is fundamental
That won´t fly and you know that.

>> No.10351005

sure you book a hotel room at v.d.v and for some reason it's hosted on animecon's server?
you realise this makes no sense right.

>> No.10351006

bro learn to listen...

>> No.10351034


Your reading comprehension is the only thing that doesn't fly here

>> No.10351040

Viencon has sold out! Who else is going

>> No.10351250

>Your reading comprehension is the only thing that doesn't fly here
Whatever, see you in Almelo!

>> No.10351264

seems like they are profiting from Acons desaster

>> No.10351287

Thats probably not a major cause.

Viencon sold its cottages out each year now. They get more cottages afterwards though They still dont have the entire park. But probably take a year or 2 more before they do. Abunai and animecon is same old for most folks. Which is the real cause.

>> No.10351616

Pretty sure animecon is gone for most after this year (unless they somehow manage to gather the funds for a second con). Abunai was getting a bit stale ye but they are finally changing things up. Love their new line-up for AMV Competitions loved the international one last year

>> No.10351806

>Pretty sure animecon is gone for most after this year (unless they somehow manage to gather the funds for a second con)
I have news for you, not single con in the Netherlands, and that includes DCC and the :cityname:ComicCons have the funds before they hold their event, even Tomocon who is running the show at very low costs still needs the money from ticket sales and dealer tables.

Having a financial reserve to fund the upcoming event completely beforehand has never really been a thing unless you start very small or are very lucky to find a great sponsor, but those want to see a return of their initial investment eventually.

>> No.10351898

Thanks for the news, I am aware of that but seems I did not phrase my sentence correctly.

Let me rephrase that.
"Will be able to gain the funds from their ticketsales" As from what i'm noticing around me as well a lot of people are losing faith in Animecon and are uncertain they will even be going to the second edition this year.

>> No.10351906

The real issue is how the bills still need to be paid one way or another. Recovering from a bad year is hard, recovering from two or three bad years in a row nearly impossible.

>> No.10351918

Still they are there, it is because of you sad gits that they may finally go under.

>> No.10351920

it's truly from their bad management if they go under. And no other reason.

>> No.10351928
File: 265 KB, 782x793, 38a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter what they do there is no pleasing you, right? AnimeCon has to go?

>> No.10351940



Gotta love the eternal finger pointing, because there is no way the fault could lie with themselves right? Newsflash: /cgl/ barely holds any power over the broader community anymore. We're not the ones to blame for low sales, mismanagement, poor communication and more recently what has to be the worst PR ever seen from Anime Con.

Huge mistakes have been made and are continued to be made. If it wasn't for some large personal sacrifices this edition wouldn't even had been possible. Sacrifices which appear to be in vain as people are still too blind or too stubborn to change things around as they still think they're in the glory days from a few years ago. And that's what’s makes all of this so damned frustrating to me. I don’t want to see Anime Con fall, I don’t think anyone would, but if this keeps up I’m afraid it will be inevitable. I just hope things can salvaged by some of the brighter minds left if that happens.

>> No.10351944

Oh wait you are the one that left Acon with a Temper Tantrum because they would not listen. Still salty much then!

>> No.10351950

>I don’t want to see Anime Con fall, I don’t think anyone would

Yes, I would love to see AnimeCon keep on going with good successes.

>> No.10352063


The only salt here is your inability to take criticism. Ironic how it proves my point don't you think?

>> No.10352172

no, I would like to see it continue. But I still do criticise the horrible management which came from bad decisions.

I'm not fond of watching them in their recent state.

>> No.10352332

I'm an American moving to Antwerp for work around may, are there good cons within a 2-3hr train ride from me? Also I only speak English lol

>> No.10352359

Try Tomocon. It is very easy to make friends there and there is a camp site.

>> No.10352361

31th of May there is a Japan Market in Leiden, not a con, but maybe a nice start of living in Europe?

>> No.10352421

Speaking only English shouldn't really be a problem.
As someone who lives more or less in the same area I have some tips for you
- First things first, don't go to Tomocon. It will be very underwhelming and it's a hassle to get to from Antwerp.
- It seems that Atsusacon will be a thing again this year. They've been gone for a few years afaik but it seems they'll be back in Ghent again. No experiences with this one though
- Dokomi in Dusseldorf would be an interesting visit. There are direct, cheap bus connections provided by DB's IC Bus and Flixbus.
- Abunai in the end of August, which is my favorite. It's near Eindhoven and again easy to get to by IC Bus and Flixbus.
- In fall there should be a edition of Animecon in Rotterdam, worth checking out

All of these are within 2-3h of Antwerp. Also in the OP post there's a calendar somewhere

>> No.10352429

For someone living in Antwerp, is Tomocon pretty easy to reach. There is a free bus from the train station. It is 18th and 19th of April. It isn't huge, but a very friendly atmosphere. Lot of young people over there. The workshops are mostly Dutch, but for the rest it is in English.

>> No.10352446

>moving to Antwerp for work around may
Then TomoCon will probably not be an option :(

>> No.10352522

No indeed. Tomocon is worth visiting. Tomofair isn't. Only if you are looking for a cheap day merch shopping.

>> No.10352526

I agree. If I have to choose between TomoFair and Japanese market Leiden, I choose for the lather.

>> No.10352563

does it have to be an anime con? If regular comic cons are allowed: FACTS in Ghent, antwerp comic con (smallish) in Antwerp, brussels comic con in Brussels, etc.

>> No.10352569

Made in Asia Brussels is postponed to the beginning of September.

>> No.10352588

Yes, and Twitchcon got cancelled. DCC will also be taking additional measures such as actually cleaning the toilets and placing a few alcohol hand sanitizer dispensers.

>> No.10352646

I don't like regular comics, just anime. Also to everyone else, I won't be there until may at the earliest, so Tomocon is off limits

>> No.10352669

MIA and TwitchCon canceled on the same day. That's some big news.

>> No.10353000

they're not really comic specific either (regardless of the name), it's a bit of a hodgepodge of everything

>> No.10353636

Was Comic Con Ahoy any fun this weekend?

>> No.10353741

No. Lack of visitors

>> No.10354805

Like always

>> No.10354943

So will DCC have any new rules for corona?

>> No.10355066

Yes, they are actually going to clean the toilets this time.

>> No.10355134

Do you all think that DCC is going through? With the whole Corona situation going on.

>> No.10355418


>> No.10355424
File: 30 KB, 400x315, Hungarian-Braided-Chain-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is heading to the shadow realm. Please grab your children's card game cards and move to the new thread at

>> No.10356050

That feel when no big assed, qt, ex-anime watching, ex-cgl thot, kind hearted girlfriend ;_; add me on discord Qts...