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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10332513 No.10332513 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>10312331

/cgl/ Idol Spreadsheet (Recently updated, under new management!) - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WtgRe5cjKIR0BYGhw9N8ahxChLqEFLbZIRbAazooh-o/edit?usp=sharing

Original Music Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfmgukQM2isUtJJZz1MY4Jn4zPcbl0wDU

-Meotashi announces plans to start new idol group when she moves to Florida
-TIF happens again with pretty good lineup, mild drama about groups that didn't get in holding their own hallway live
-A little bit of ARG discussion with Squeeze and Mondai society
-Lots and lots of drama about Cure and the idea of using a noose as a stage prop
-Anime Boston idol showcase applications open, no singing allowed

Starter topic: piggybacking off a question from the last thread, what are some tie-ins you'd like to see different groups try? Games, comics, puzzles, lifestyle videos, volunteer work, etc?

Featured Group: Ice Qream

>> No.10332550

I'm trying to understand wtf this shit is. Is it basically white girls skinwalking as Japanese anime idols?

>> No.10332585


>> No.10332600

i dont really get why these threads are on this board.

isnt this topic more appropriate for /jp/ ?

>> No.10332612

If you’re gonna samefag at least make it less obvious.

>> No.10332614

I only posted >>10332600 as a legit question, shouldn't a general that talks about idols be on, yknow, the board where people regularly discuss idols and not on the cosplay/lolita board?

>> No.10332628

This literally comes up every thread and it's the same person complaining about it each time. The topic seems to fit here the best, because most of the people in this hobby perform at anime conventions and a lot of them cosplay, either in their groups or as a side hobby. It would be more appropriate for /jp/ if it was solely about Japanese idols, but most of the people in this hobby aren't in japan and it's more closely related to "stuff you see at conventions". Janitors have allowed this thread to remain up through most of its iterations, so it's clear that it's welcome on this board. There's no reason to keep coming here to stir up trouble when you have no intention of participating in the actual thread topic. It's getting tiresome. Literally just hide the thread and move on with your life.

>> No.10332633

this is the first time I've ever looked at/posted in these threads but I see it struck a nerve.

>> No.10332655

Something about this being a minstrel show or yellowface or whatever comes up every thread. It's just weebs doing weeb shit in cosplay.

Has there been any news about Meotashi's new group? Florida is already a pretty messy community. I hope she doesn't get shit from anyone. She seems like a nice kid.

>> No.10332658

She's been busy in the moving stages right now so I don't think she will progress further until she gets down to Florida.

>> No.10332669


No news yet! She changed the name and made an instagram account for the new group, but sounds like she's not going to start taking applications until after Katsucon cause there's a lot going on for that right now.

>> No.10332671
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forgot to drop screenshot

>> No.10332848

Florida is not that bad of a community, especially with how active it is.
Everyone seems to get along well

>> No.10332940

I do feel like the Florida community is getting better. There's still some rough spots about it if course but things seem to be headed in a better direction.

>> No.10332972

We get along and we don't need meotashi's toxicity to ruin it

>> No.10332978

I love you anon.

>> No.10332985

Y'know what I find funny? The people I've seen calling other people toxic are usually the toxic ones themselves. If you don't like someone, don't fuck with them.

>> No.10332999

She changed the name? I'm excited to see the lineup for the group, though it will probably be the same people as usual.

Florida community is always a hot mess. Don't let people in the holiday spirit fool you, the community on it's own is probably more toxic than she is.

>> No.10333022

Same people? She's moving to a different state how could it be the same people? Lol

>> No.10333029

"The same people" as in the same people in the state who hop between groups for clout, anon.

>> No.10333054


>> No.10333086

Not the anon you replied to, but if you follow Florida groups, there's a lot of people who are in multiple groups at once. I can't think of all the groups and people off the top of my head, but if you look into it you'll see a lot of the same names in multiple groups, and some anons here have a suspicion that they do it more for the sake of being involved in everything than just to have more fun with more groups.

>> No.10333256

Being in multiple groups is clout chasing now?
In a community like this where nobody cares unless you're in it?
Why can't people just enjoy things?

>> No.10333307

I don’t think it’s so much being in multiple groups as it is the reason. I’m not in the community but I’ve seen and had people join groups just because they wanted their name on more stuff, and not because they actually want to be in more groups. A lot of time it causes issues if they don’t actually care.

>> No.10333328

That makes sense and I agree that having someone be in too many things at once can be problematic.
As long as they're responsible and not hurting any of the groups they're in with poor time management though, I really don't care.
I also can't think of any Florida idols that fit this example of being in too many groups because they want "clout"

>> No.10333399

I think the problem with people who are in multiple groups is those are typically the people who enjoy the idea of being an idol rather than putting in the time and dedication to actually doing it. Usually it would be more difficult to actually contribute and practice effectively if you try to spread yourself out between more than one group, right?

>> No.10333452

Most people I know are in several groups at once. They're all dedicated individuals and they work hard.
I really think these people you are describing are more the exception than the rule.

>> No.10333467

I think the 'clout chaser' claims are honestly indicative of jealousy if anything. Lol

>> No.10333503

Legit tho. There's no clout in this small niche lol I'm curious to know though, on that topic, what groups or individual idols you think have the most 'clout' or are high up in the overseas idol community.

>> No.10333531


>> No.10333601

Seconding them.
They're the most known currently.

Phoebe is rising in ranks though, and so are Auracle

>> No.10333608

If you were white and drew yourself as a black panther character, or dressed up in tribal outfits and sung songs in Swahili, everyone would rightfully call you weird as fuck at best, racist on average

But change that to Japanese and suddenly its okay

Wait actually everything things its fucking weird except the idols and their friends (the only ones that go to these things)

>> No.10333612

Message music video by Seishun Youth Academy https://youtu.be/F8mOsGDGvZk

>> No.10333613

>comparing cultural tribal ritual outfits to pop music performance outfits

Damn, anon, you're so woke

>> No.10333615

They’d only call you racist if you painted your face black. Nice job equating actual cultural wear to entertainment though. Really drove your point home though man. Good job.

>> No.10333619

I mean there are correlations there that would actually be problematic, like if they girls were wearing kimono and doing geisha performances without knowing shit about the significance. But we're talking about pop. It's pretty universal. And there is nothing culturally appropriative about learning songs in other languages.

>> No.10333620

Do me a favor, okay? Go to Japan; show, ask and record what they think about LL groups and idol groups. Go to any non-Asian country. Repeat the process to others. Share the responses. I guarantee, 99% of people don't give a shit. This is the same vein of foreigners shouldn’t wear kimono. Japanese don’t give a fuck if you’re not wearing it just to destroy its meaning.

>> No.10333623

Mildly disappointed by this actually. You'd think a group that's being actually produced would have a bit better quality? No shade to the girls but it was more of a dance shot then a music video. The focus was pretty much only on the middle two girls or their legs lol

>> No.10333637

I feel like the director/videographer they chose had no knowledge on idol style music videos. Don't know of any professional videogrpahers that have knowledge in idol mvs and they really only can work with what they got in Canada.

>> No.10333642

mate if you went to japan and asked if wearing fake buck teeth and saying "ching chang chong" was racist they would say no

Asian americans are the ones with an actual understanding how histories of cultural appropriation and belittling of their culture has actually marginalized them, native Asians don't have the same understanding BECAUSE THEY DON"T LIVE AROUND WHITE PEOPLE

>> No.10333652

My dude, singing and dancing to pop music is not cultural appropriation. Get off your high ass and out of this thread if you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about in relation to the actual topic of dance and vocal covers.

>> No.10333683

I didn't really like it as much as I thought I would.....

>> No.10333686

I would definitely like a Japanese version more since the melody is very Japanese catered. And the area they danced in and videography didn't do the song and dance enough justice.

>> No.10333694

As someone who believes that only catering to a weeb audience is not the way to go.... I emjoyed it. They are clearly trying to appeal to all types of fans. I do agree some other shots would have been cool

>> No.10333696

I think people give Seishun Youth Academy to much credit being "professional". The girls are clearly self produced, its really obvious if you meet them irl or watch their livestreams

>> No.10333734

I don’t think they’re self produced in the same way other groups are, though, but they do a lot for themselves just like most chika, underground, or smaller idol groups tend to do. They have a lot more resources than the average person who’d start this hobby but they aren’t polished perfect professionals. (I don’t think anyone thinks they are.)

>> No.10333793

Yeah they would actually. You seem to have this idea that they’re always going to be polite but the truth is they have no issue calling out something that is wrong, especially younger generations. And again, most Asian Americans would not care. How do I know? Well for one there’s plenty in the idol scene. Two, they just don’t give a fuck if they’re not in it. The more you talk the more you sound like a SJW neckbeard. Nobody is wearing Japanese clothing or using Japanese instruments let alone claiming it as their own. You might as well say that cosplay is appropriation and ban all cosplay.

>> No.10333834

The video is ok but the song is really good! Im pleasantly surprised

>> No.10333910

Katsucon finally sent out masquerade acceptance emails. Sounds like it's going to be another Love Live fest.

>> No.10333913

You don't need experience in idols to create a music video that isn't just girls dancing in a studio room. If anything, that's more idol than not. It's just a bummer because there's no concept, no head shots, no cute filler even, just multiple angled shots of one or two dance takes. It's going to be hard for them to break a jpop group in the west if there's nothing interesting for the occasional passerby to watch.

>> No.10333935

I'm new to the community and I want to know more groups that cover more than just love live. I'm not super interested in OC idol groups because I'm more in it for the cosplay and character connection.What are some non love live cover groups?

>> No.10333952


Ice Qream, Auracle, Parfait Party, Project STARLight, ChiRi Girls, and Peachy Parade are good places to start for cover groups!

>> No.10333959

And if you want other cosplay groups that just aren't love live, there's Idols a La Carte, Triad Regality, Re-Star, Sweet Supernova and Love Notes.

>> No.10333981



>> No.10334023

OC idol groups actually fall under cosplay & character. The connection all depends on how well the people convey said characters (which isn’t much). Non-OC or even “original” idol groups may be the actual thing you dislike.

>> No.10334039

I think this is less of a music video and more of a dance video. Even some shots of the girls lip syncing into the camera would’ve been good. I would have also loved to see more of the other members.

If you go on Spotify, the Japanese version is included on a Seishun Gakuen album. It’s not these girls but Ally&Sally are in the song. Funnily enough the Japanese version sounds a bit strange too.

>> No.10334060


[Auracle] Idol Fest Performance (Holiday Matsuri 2019)

[Mystiq Wish - Bambi] Ashita mata aeru yo ne

>> No.10334128

Aww that's a shame. It's a song I feel like I could put on a music playlist with any other artist. Which is a standard I hope more overseas idols can reach eventually.

>> No.10334151

Love Notes (WakeUp Girls), Start Splash (Revue Starlight) and Kousei (22/7) are some Texas groups that might be up your alley. I don’t pay attention to other state’s groups but there are some.

>> No.10334242

apparently ia idols and aos idols both got into katsu masquerade with the same cosplay and song while lots of people are waitlisted including an original idol group (hamako idols?)

>> No.10334280

Astreal and DarlingIdols seem to be prepping things for KatsuCon aswell. Meotashi said she was doing something too. No official announcements yet though that I saw.

>> No.10334352

Man, say what you want about Auracle, but they have their visuals down-pat. Those costumes are so cute.

>> No.10334356
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Based on their Instagram responses, I kind of have a feeling Darling is doing this set.

>> No.10334370

God I want this to be true

>> No.10334401

>same cosplay and song
That's awkward

>> No.10334443

Oh my God yes pleeeaassseeee let me see it

>> No.10334462

This is gonna be so strange to see but I'm looking forward to see how they execute it. Hopefully it wont be a shitshow

>> No.10334509

Is hamako even an original idol group, or are they a cover group with OCs?

>> No.10334583

Cover group with OCs

>> No.10334592

I wish there was a better setup for idols who both sing and dance. maybe they could cut the mics during dance sections and turn it back on after? I know a lot of idol fests don't get a ton of setup time, though. Are wireless headsets particularly expensive? I know wired mics are the most common for these things.

>> No.10334602

Wireless mic headsets are relatively expensive. And not all cons will allow you to hook up personal equipment to theirs. Plus, if you have a lot of members, you run into the problem of the sound board not being big enough to allow for all the microphone connections. And on top of that, they can be difficult to get to work from what I have witnessed (I guess if the tech crew doesn't know what they're doing.). It's just better to always be prepared to use handheld mics. Also, you don't always know how good a con's tech crew is going to be. Sometimes they good and sometimes they suck. I don't know how much control participants have when it comes to how they decide to run things.

>> No.10334641

What song would go with this though? I unironically love the idea of someone doing these cosplays, but this was a short gag scene in the Dancing Stars on Me episode.

>> No.10334641,1 [INTERNAL] 

Hamako says they are doing original music and has had three songs produced so we will see I guess. We all know how groups like to say one thing but do another

>> No.10334655

Maybe Loveless World? Lol

>> No.10334697

Not to mention, wireless mic headsets are hard to control when it comes to hearing extra sounds like breathing, swallowing and general mouth noises.

It’s best to just use the wireless mic and deal with the occasional bump or brushing of fabric.

>> No.10335024

Wild Stars?

>> No.10335210

I really hope this happens. I love this set. Wild Stars, Loveless World, maybe After School Navigators would work for this too.

Protect shooting stars is a group that isn't talked about here often, but has anyone seen their Persona posts on Instagram?
It looks interesting, but I won't be going to Swampcon so I won't get to see the performance unfortunately.

>> No.10335229

I'm seriously obsessed with Project Shooting Stars's Persona posts. I started following them because of it, actually. It just looks super neat, but I'm also not going to Swampcon, so I hope they record their performance.

>> No.10335286

I like their persona posts. They seem like they put a lot of work into their performances, but they're barely in anything. That's probably why nobody talks about them.

>> No.10335701

I'm doing a character's solo dance but the choreography is both awkward looking and boring. I can't say it really suits the character either. Would it be alright to change some of the movements to make them less awkward, and mix up the footwork a bit to make look better? The dance isn't that well known so I'm hoping noone will nitpick my accuracy.

>> No.10335703

You might as well pick a completely different song. If your learning it because it's easy and your short on time, you played yourself.

>> No.10335852

It depends on why you want to learn the song. If you're doing it cause you like the song and character, then it doesn't really matter what you do for the dance. Some people make up their own choreo if there is none available or what is there looks bad, so it wouldn't be inappropriate to spruce it up. But if you're doing it for anything that requires accuracy then it'd be best to learn the real choreo and use it as a challenge to make weird movements look natural. If you're not really invested in the song or character then you should pick another song.

>> No.10336365

god the crowd looks so dead

>> No.10336416

Turns out Darling Idols is doing a Five Nights at Freddy’s/Love Live crossover at Katsu, one of their members leaked it on her story. I don’t know why they would choose that of all things but that is about what i’d expect from a mediocre cosplay group.

>> No.10336436

That's a really cringe crossover. Worst than love live cosplayers covering kpop.
>inb4 cringe culture is dead

>> No.10336467

Do you really believe that? I saw that and thought it was a joke

>> No.10336692

Squeeze is posting again leading to something, their images are nice so far as usual with them. I wonder if they get their graphics commissioned or do it themselves. It’s been my main reason for paying attention to them. A lot of idol groups don’t have nice graphics, most even have ugly ones. Besides Squeeze, I would say Auracle and DZD have the most memorable and pleasing graphic design in my opinion. There’s probably some others.

Do graphics and video editing matter when it comes to the groups you support? Do you even notice or care?

>> No.10336701

What do people think of the London Idol Festival this year? Which overseas idols would you like from the UK or Europe to perform there?

>> No.10336862

Again, Squeeze is doing stuff but we don't see any actual content so I'll wait.

I also don't... really agree with that statement. I love Auracle and they're very talented but their graphic design isn't that great.
Looking on their Instagram there is nothing cohesive, and any posts with design on them are not exciting. Personally it's also not my cup of tea.

Mystic Wish is a group that has consistently great design, and for that brief moment where Citrus was revived, their new logo was very cute.
When it was active, Stellure had Mimi's beautiful art. Maybe not any design that stood out, but the art did. Some groups don't use design but just make their Instagram look cohesive and that gives them a more polished look.

>do graphics and video editing matter when it comes to groups you support?

I think an example of this is just a few replies above. Project Shooting Stars is a group pretty much under the radar, but with just a few drawings and a video they've managed to get people interested in their swampcon performance like >>10335229

>> No.10336868


I didn't know there was one. The UK scene is pretty quiet and dead at the moment, probably because con season hasn't started yet so I'm interested to know in who will be in attendance.

>> No.10336888

The account popped up a while ago and said information was coming in February. It updated at the beginning of the month to say “this month” rather than feb and there’s a profile picture now?

>> No.10337027

SYA CBC Searchlight

Quebec Idol Fest - Julily x Coco - Kiss Me

ChiRi Girls - Sunny Days

Ice Qream Vicky - Solo Sundae

>> No.10337061

>Do graphics and video editing matter when it comes to the groups you support?
I'd rather see a group with nice graphics and social media layouts than churned out garbage so yes, definitely.

The Swampcon posts are pretty creative. I wasn't a fan of pss before, but they've been doing a good job of putting out nice looking content recently.

>> No.10337125

Selene's new song it out! I quite like it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BT2KT6dbYU

>> No.10337222
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What would you guys think if you saw self harm scars on an idol? Asking for a friend.

>> No.10337248


It might not end up being an issue depending on severity and location. In most cases if they're performing you might not ever be close enough to see - likewise in videos.

What it comes down to is the person who has them, do they care if they're visible or would they like to hide them? If there is scarring on the legs then dance tights can help, and if they're on the arms they can work around that with outfits and accessories.

No one has the right to judge and I think most older viewers are mature enough to understand that they've been through some shit and know not to bring it up. Younger ones may be curious but I doubt it would ever come up.

>> No.10337253

> Do graphics and video editing matter when it comes to the groups you support? Do you even notice or care?
Graphics and video editing matter a lot, but I could not care less if someone had theme on their Instagram. I quite dislike it because while yes you should put effort into your posts, I don’t really get the whole planned layout concept. It’s fine if you’re promoting something (honey hime for example) but outside of that I see no use in it, especially when it comes to blank spacers.

>> No.10337340

Hi, idol here.
My scars are always out during performances but no one is ever close enough to see them.
No one has ever said anything even if they do see them, so don’t be too worried.
Tell your friend they should be fine. If anyone is childish enough to point them out, that’s on that jerk, not your friend, and that’s a risk you’re gonna always have to take when your scars are on display.

>> No.10337344

Agree with this. I had scars that used to be quite visible but nobody ever commented on it, either online or in person.

>> No.10337346

As an idol with scars, it’s difficult when people come up to you and point them out to you. But they’re dicks for doing so. Keep smiling and shining bright, your scars are beautiful <3

>> No.10337365

I hate blank spacers

>> No.10337395

Graphics and an cohesive looking page is nice and all but I could care less. As long as the posts themselves look good and have a good purpose it doesn't matter to me. I'm there for the content. Maybe a nice looking page will draw new people in but also as a follower I'm just going to see the individual posts so it doesn't matter to me.
And I agree with other anons that blank spacers are annoying. And organizing posts in a unique way is best for advertising.

>> No.10337425

They have severe scarring on their thighs just where a skirt ends. They're mostly worried about kids and their parents, that and as soon as somebody notices them it'll be a topic of discussion and theyll only focus on the scars and it'll ruin her image. Dance tights don't cover them enough, should she layer multiple pairs?

>> No.10337458


If there wasn't attention being intentionally drawn to them, then I wouldn't think anything of it at all. It'd be like any other scar or wound, a sign that you'd been through something painful. Similar to the "using a noose as a prop" discussion from last thread, I wouldn't find it appropriate to put them on display and use them as a sort of prop, but there's no shame in having them and you shouldn't feel like you have to hide them.

>> No.10337563 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10337572

Agreed with >>10337458, no reason to hide them.

>> No.10337741


>> No.10337809
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You guys hit the nail on the head!

>> No.10337812

Booyeah where's my prize

>> No.10338029
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There are idol threads on /jp/ and i wish these idolfags would move there Everyone here just talks shit about each other because most Americans jidols are toxic and bully each other and cry when they are called out

>> No.10338048

I wish you’d go hug a plushie and figure out why you’re so angry at a thread.

If you don’t like it, don’t look and don’t bump the thread to the top. We aren’t on /jp/ because none of use are Japanese. Just Japanese inspired.

>> No.10338052

I just went to a /jp/ thread discussing all former and current H!P members.
They were literally shitting on Ishikawa Rika for being a former member, and shat on Manaka for having a similar gimmick to Momoko and Sayumi.

That’s why we aren’t over there.

>> No.10338068

why, sounds like how y'all act here too

>> No.10338073

It's probably just a troll.

Anyone with half a brain knows that /jp/ isn't going to want threads about love live cosplay groups dancing at anime cons, which is 75-80% of this thread.

>> No.10338079

You’re right anon. This is why I shouldn’t check cgl before I fully wake up. I take bait way too easily.

>> No.10338379

I love how you two ignore the last part

>> No.10338380

Shit talking each other? Exactly my point and they even proved it themselves

>> No.10338384

Honestly speaking are there any other sites where net idols are discussed? Cgl isn't too active

>> No.10338472

lolcow does have the Net Idol thread on /w but it's just gossiping about groups or specific people in them. it's not particularly active either though.

>> No.10338482

If we go to jp they'd just tell us to fuck off back here, so what exactly does anon want to see here? If the intent is to just make the threads disappear completely, that's unlikely to happen until the convention-idol/love live trend dies lol

>> No.10338494 [DELETED] 
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Astreal Idols just posted this as their KatsuCon performance lead in, looks like they just added backup dancers instead of new members.

Also, what is this concept? I don’t think it really suits their overall group theme. This is the third time they’ve tried a dark concept but they have only cutsie characters. I don’t understand. Hopefully its not another train wreck.

>> No.10338574

StarStruck - Suki! Yuki! Maji Magic


>> No.10338605

What.... what even is this? Were they trying? Who mixed it? Who filmed this and thought it was a good idea? I have questions.

Honestly this.

>> No.10338620

The fact that the janitors have been fine with this thread existing for years and have only shut it down when it gets derailed too hard should be enough to make the anti-idol trolls shut up. I'm so tired of seeing this meta discussion in each thread when it's clearly just a few people with a personal grudge.

>> No.10338773

holy FUCK this is awful. Who in their right mind thought this was alright in any way? I feel entitled to financial compensation after listening/watching this. The mixing, the dancing, the singing, and the outfits are the definition of a tragedy. If you told me Starstruck was an experiment to see how bad content could be before a riot happened I would believe you. I can’t believe they released this in 2020.

>> No.10338789

HoneyHime released a small teaser of their new song on their Instagram just now. It’s 80s inspired & still in Japanese. I want to hear the whole thing but right now I’m not a fan of it. But I may still find myself listening to it.

>> No.10338798


Yikes. Just yikes.

>> No.10338825

I like the look they went for, but I don’t like the song itself desu.... maybe it’ll sound better when it releases in full. For now, I can’t say I’m excited

>> No.10338860

Yeah I'm...not a fan of the song. Kinda disappointed.

>> No.10338983

I liked their older songs but this one seems too typical cutesy idol for me. I dont like the vocals.

>> No.10338984

holy shit that was so bad

>> No.10339164

Do you think StarStruck is aware of how bad they are? They keep posting videos but I’ve yet to see them improve.... singing or dancing....

>> No.10339169

I feel like none of them were on the same page, but I especially kept getting distracted with how lost the one in green looked.

>> No.10339189

The right side was out of sync but would have been passable, but the left side was a lost cause

>> No.10339199

I think a lot of idols fall victim to “I’m fine as I am” so any criticism (good or bad) kind of just falls through. And there’s blind praise most of the time which doesn’t help. So unless someone comes out and says how they see it, I doubt they’ll advance any.

>> No.10339245

Honestly this could have been a lot worse, but it’s already pretty bad.

The camera cuts are really bad angles, were multiple people filming at once? Was this one to two takes? During some side positioned cuts some people aren’t looking into the camera, and when it cuts back to a front view some are still looking to the side. I hate multi angle MV’s like this, they look so half assed and make it look worse than what it could’ve been. This absolutely should’ve just been a front angle cover.
Also, why black as their matching color? This is a song about snow. In winter. It is a winter cover. Use white? I don’t understand the choice behind this one.

Also I wish some of these girls would start showing a bit of confidence. They could actually look better dancing if they just smiled and stopped looking so fucking lost. And mixing aside, their voices sound shakey because of this lack of confidence. Overall they just look and feel like they don’t wanna be in this community, or they do and just don’t wanna try hard at it. Kind of disappointing every time they release something and they still haven’t realized that such very basic things can make them better.

>> No.10339283

I think the last point you made is an excellent one, it seemed like some of them don’t want to actually put in the work and don’t try.

I was trying to pinpoint what it is that bothered me most, and my knee jerk reaction is that it looks like if they just practiced together for even 2 hours they would have looked much more cohesive and confident on the dance. While I still think that’s true I don’t think that would fix someone who clearly isn’t enjoying what they’re doing and doesn’t care, and that mindset is holding back the group from improving.
What might be more annoying is that some of the group has to care, or there’s no way they would keep pushing out this type of content when it’s consistently bad. You’re telling me if you put in the work to learn a song and a dance you’re not going to be upset if members of your group don’t? What’s going on that no one can speak up and have that talk?

Think about if you even want to be an idol. If you do, you need to work and take it seriously. If you can’t, then you need to stop. If you’re falling behind your group you need to work harder. If you see someone falling behind you need to work with them. You need to practice together before you film, especially with members with big height differences. You need to have someone film who knows what they’re doing. You need to make sure you arrange the music and know how it will sound together before you record. This is so basic, and out of 6 people none of them know this or want to say anything?

Someone needs to tell them no one is going to support them if they keep making content like this. Many people on here would like to see an improvement, but no one is going to care if you don’t even care yourself.

>> No.10339389

two threads ago someone from the group was reporting any criticism and posts about them were getting deleted left and right, so to be honest i don’t think they care.

>> No.10339557

I have a sneaking suspicion that some of them do realize this and it's frustrating. I know what it's like to be in a group where everyone has different views and motivations and it's difficult because you want it to work so bad. And really, you might not know that there is better. But please, do not put up with this bullshit. If you are aware of how bad the group as a whole looks, realize that this group makes YOU look just as bad for being in it. And if they aren't willing to respect your criticism or advice and you feel like it could be better, it's time to LEAVE. Go on your own. Yeah, being solo isn't as much fun sometimes, but it sure as hell is a lot better than being part of an infamous group that will destroy your image. Just do yourself a favor and get out of there. It isn't fair to you and this shitty group doesn't deserve your talent and dedication if they aren't willing to honor/ meet with it.

>> No.10340038

Mystix~ "Endless ∞ Sky" Original Song~ Music Video

The vidoegraphy is such a huge improvement even if we won't see this quality again. I can tell they referenced real idol music videos instead of love live pvs. The only thing bothering me is the mixing and monotone vocals.

>> No.10340043

Any time any idol gets criticized here their replies get reported and deleted for vendetta only proves that idols are whiny cunts who can’t take any sort of criticism

>> No.10340070

I loved watching this. The song itself has so much potential to be good had it been a better composer and some better vocals. I do like the melody and idea of it. The video and energy is SUCH a step up from the Stellure days and there was some pleasing cinematography shots as well. It was very anime-esque of a video and I think fitting for them being characters. It was cute!!

>> No.10340082

Hey woah now, not all idols report and delete it.
I figure since some idols won’t say it to the other idol’s face, they’ll come here. Since some actually want to improve, I bet they come here and take the valid criticisms they get.

>> No.10340099

Nobody reported the noose conversation even though people were tearing into cure pretty hard. The only group that seems to actually report anyone is Starstruck.

>> No.10340119

iirc even though they were getting personal attacks the comments that were deleted were the constructive ones. With that and someone pretending to self post last thread as them I have doubts it was them, or I would imagine the personal attacks would be the first to go.
If people keep giving unrelated insults to them/anyone on here, it only waters down the actual concrit and no one will take it seriously.

>> No.10340141

Mm mahou bunni, milky kitty, and pretty much anyone from TIF?

>> No.10340145

What noose conversation

>> No.10340188

I don’t think I’ve ever seen them do that, buuuuttttt I don’t pay attention much. That’s really sad if people do that.

Constructive criticism is a great thing, and as salty as these threads are, I think some of the criticism given here can be and really is good sometimes.

>> No.10340190

Cure did a live recently and had a noose in her act. She gently tightened it around an audience member’s neck (it looks like it was planned honestly, but we never know) and it sparked a big debate about what’s appropriate for a live and whether menhera themed items like nooses are appropriate for con lives

>> No.10340198

starstruck and julily / ambiflora are the only groups i’ve seen report stuff about them, but i know more idols have and i just haven’t noticed. i really wonder what goes through people’s heads when they come to report discussion or critique about them, it seems like telling people to never help me improve or point out my mistakes would only hurt me logically. why don’t you want people to talk about your work? what’s the point of it if you can’t discuss this way?

>> No.10340199

look at the previous thread linked up top. cure syndrome did a big old cringe moment and acted like a moron after. best example of how not to do things this comm has ever seen.

>> No.10340207

Valentine's Day covers:

Peachy Parade



Prism idols

Ari Ki

>> No.10340208

Danzoo Dash’s new photos are very cute but I can’t help but think of Auracle

Also Valentines content
Peachy Parade - te-yut-te

Cherry Wallflower - 17

Alex Pinku - Let’s Fall In Love

Jazi Cat - Valentine’s Day Chocolate

>> No.10340210

Mahou Kiss - Galaxy Hide and Seek

>> No.10340224

A few discussions about some idols is complete hearsay. It's one thing to discuss and give criticism but another to spread rumors without proof to back up. That's what /cgl/ mods delete because it falls under community vendetta.

>> No.10340232

New Mosuri member revealed

>> No.10340233

This. All of these people regularly had bullying remarks/rumors said about them that had nothing to do with their content. It’s easy to assume that it’s them reporting, but for all we know it’s a bystander or a mod. Either way I’m sick of seeing these threads derailed and am happy to see that shit go

>> No.10340237

This is great! It's a testament to how much they've all grown, that the instrumental is somehow the weakest part of this. The videography was great, their dancing was in sync, and their voices were easy on the ears and well mixed. They also all looked like they were genuinely having fun, and the outfits are incredibly cute. I think it's a great video to show how much they've learned in their time as Stellure, and it gives me a lot of hope for whatever idol group Julia creates after she moves to Florida.

>> No.10340248

Just want to clarify, the only time I reported comments were only due to vendetta or false rumors. I'm always open to any critique and willing to answer questions pertaining to me.

>> No.10340254

I miss Calina desu

>> No.10340342

What are thoughts on Endless Sky?

>> No.10340345

Is anyone else excited for this? I think this one may actually come out to be actually good.

>> No.10340346

It's a good video, but the singing is very monotone, and the video editing isn't synced..... Fix that, and you may have something.

>> No.10340375

I like the energy in this! Kuro Hime's composition skills seem to be improving with each new song.

>> No.10340461

Happy to see valentines content! What is everyone’s favorite video that’s come out this valentines season?
I like Alex Pinku a lot, honestly. I know not everyone does but I like seeing her work hard!

>> No.10340532

me every time i see the sun: i miss calina in mosuri

>> No.10340533

Mystiq Wish - Kiss of Death - Darling in the Franxx - Bambi & San

>> No.10340535

Calina - Do You Remember Love

It is public on patreon so it can be viewed by all.

>> No.10340536

Unmei Idols - Magnet - Vocaloid cover
How do you feel about the use of the LoveLive cosplays?

>> No.10340555 [DELETED] 

A recap: mahou bunni got mad criticism that she was picked for a TIF event at a con because mk and the other judges pick the same 6 friends and a couple groups. A bunch of anons were questioning it and boom all those anons and their replies were cleaned by jannies. I was surprised someone even criticized someone from TIF because as i said the anons always get banned and cleaned out. MK got attacked last time and for once she let it happen to her and she’s stopped posting since an anon shared deets on her two timing her exes who have a lot of money

>> No.10340563

Yo! Kuro here!
I see someone posted it here. I’m really glad you like it!

Yes I’ve been really studying and experimenting with my music editor, learning what sounds good and what doesn’t. After “Go Our Way” I really wanted to try making my own instrumental again.
Please if anyone has any tips or critique, I’m very much open to what you have to say. I can’t improve if I don’t take artistic opinion!

>> No.10340566

As if the last 2 anons weren't also self posts

>> No.10340568

They weren’t? If I post, I always use my name. Always have.

But I’ve also learned there is no arguing with people on this site, so I know you won’t believe me. It’s ok.

>> No.10340584

Thoughts on Peachy Parade's trainees? The two in the middle have good potential imo but the other two not so much. Either way the dance is cute.

>> No.10340585

It's a good first dance to try out with the newbies but also wow I found the song itself so annoying. Lol

>> No.10340598

Julily - Kiss Me

>> No.10340675

can the tall one please graduate and be solo so I can just watch her, thanks

>> No.10340692

Is this a self post anon? She’s terrible. Didn’t follow this dance and looked lost during the live video with her too

>> No.10340705

She's already a soloist lol

>> No.10341112
File: 2.69 MB, 640x1136, 9B6582ED-B523-4FC7-81BB-60499951D2B0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After the whole sob story about being more considerate and taking to heart peoples concerns, cure has posted this on her story. Nice to know she didn’t mean anything she said and was just trying to get people off her back with a bullshit apology.

>> No.10341118

If you know her irl (not her Cure persona) she is a very manipulative and toxic person. Not suprised to see this behavior from her yet again in a different community.

>> No.10341143

She is probably doing a "shock" factor to make up for lost talent! From what I saw on her Instagram when she performed a while ago all she did is headbang and scream accompanied with less than amateur dancing!

>> No.10341145

Shes probably doing "shock" factor to make up for a lack of talent. From her performances all I saw was head banging and screaming and less than amateur dancing.

>> No.10341261

Dammit Cure didn’t you learn..... I was so hoping she wouldn’t bring out the noose again yet here we are.

It saddens me to know that >>10341118
might not be lying about her, based on her attitude toward this very serious problem.

>> No.10341290

It’s a shame to say this but it sounds like she and Samii are a good pair. I haven’t kept up with her lately but she also has a track record of manipulative behavior

>> No.10341395

does anyone know why Calina left?

>> No.10341405

She is moving states for her job

>> No.10341415

this board really is getting paranoid, haha i'm not even female or american or tall so that rules me out completely

link link

>> No.10341420

Is it really that hard to label your performance as 18+ or put content warnings?

>> No.10341427

Give it a rest, no one watched that, locked on her, and thought, yeah she’s the one who really should get out. Guess we know who in the group keeps posting here

>> No.10341449
File: 67 KB, 762x1048, FB_IMG_1581903087506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh another star struck lol

>> No.10341488

Ice Qream - Valentine’s Live @ Idol Revolution 2019

>> No.10341491

There was apparently a trigger warning sign. It's in the background here:

Looks like it was part of a "menhera" showcase featuring cure. Maybe it was for her part specifically? Or for the entire show?

>> No.10341496

They also gave out wristbands for audience members to wear to show they were okay with being interacted with. I think the trigger warning was mainly for Cure since it mentioned blood.

>> No.10341516

Did they have any warnings before entering the room? The distance from the door to the stage would make it hard to see that small sign. I get wanting to stay within their ~a e s t h e t i c~ but the pink writing makes it harder to read as well. A for effort I guess..

>> No.10341518

Samefag too but the sign is also hidden behind the performer most of the time. The whole setup hust screams "I dont really care about trigger warnings and I will put minimal effort so im not held responsible"

>> No.10341523

Was the show any good?

>> No.10341525

I want to know too. There's no video anywhere it seems. However, to do something so overtly controversial is just tacky in my opinion. Shock value is great, but if not done with taste it just screams edgy attention whore. I like that what Cure did was in a sense different than normal and got people talking, but at the same time, she should think about her argument for "art" if it really was for "art." If she wanted to just shock people and get people upset, she should just admit it. That I think is the truly anti-idol thing to do.

>> No.10341534

I hate the western perspective that anti-idol is themed only around mental health. Anti-idol started as a movement that goes against the stereotypical norms of idol culture like dating, drinking, smoking, and sex among the mental health, gore, and suicide themes. Original BiS really encompsssed what it meant to be anti-idol and westerners have watered it down to be pathetic.

>> No.10341824

I was there so I can tell you.

The dance room staff gave a warning to anyone in the room and had the sign at the front of the stage before the performance started. The sign only ended up "hidden" after Cure stepped off stage to rub blood on people and continued the rest of the performance in front of it.

I had never seen any if them perform before but I liked Samii and she did a great job. Cure and Kye were okay. Overall they definitely weren't bad and they were the only thing that really made it worth attending Katsu on Sunday in my opinion.

>> No.10341825

I forgot the mention after Cure performed, Nye took the stage so the sign was clearly visible. It was pretty much visible 90% of the performance.

>> No.10341949

My main issue is even if there were warnings in the venue, which is fantastic by the way, she’s posting this kind of thing on her public story/profile, with absolutely no warning. She either should just drop this, or warn before posting, but i guess that would ruin her ~*aesthetic*~. Personally I think this whole thing is very tacky at best and very triggering and offensive at worst.

>> No.10341974

Literally if you search star struck idols on Instagram there’s already THREE accounts that pop up. Hopefully they realise and change the name, because it’s confusing and the only person it’s going to affect is themselves..

>> No.10342085

...You realize plenty of people post offensive content on Instagram with no warning right? I see plenty of suggestive photos from costhots or idols I don't want to see but I just make a mental note that account posts that sort of content and avoid them.
It feels like even though Cure did what she could to warn people about her content everyone still wants to criticize her anyway. All these posts reek of vendetta.

>> No.10342109

While costhots aren't great, there is a difference between half naked lady and very obvious suicide/death references, fake blood and noose and all.

>> No.10342180

it'd be cuter if they didn't sing.

>> No.10342256

Don’t lie like that.... the singing was bad but not singing even good singing wouldn’t have saved them.

>> No.10342337

This so much honestly. Why does all the anti-idol themed shit HAVE to be a mental health topic? Honestly, it's getting fucking boring. BiS and BiSH are great examples (BiSH had an entire MV revolve around scat fetish) of anti-idol shit without it being "hehe lets make people talk about depression uwu". Kinda tired of the notion that the only anti-idol topic you can pursue has to revolve around mental health. You don't look woke or edgy or cool. It's just tired at this point.

>> No.10342403

I also think it's hard for anti idol to exist here while idol barely exists. There are no real idols yet, and the people that are trying to be real idols arent following the traditional route of idol (being backed by an agency, having a very clean and well managed pressence) so how can we even have anti idol when theres no real idol

>> No.10342430

Why do Astreal Idols never upload their songs? Out of the 4 they've released so far, 1 is avaliable on their channel (including the one they just released)

>> No.10342511

Who are you to decide what's triggering and what isn't? Just because you find suicide and blood uncomfortable doesn't mean everyone else has to. Just block her account and move on if it bothers you so much.

>> No.10342533

Shut up Cure. You also dont get to decide if something isn't or is triggering for everyone. Don't contradict yourself.

>> No.10342551

this is such a stupid take on the situation i’m kind of speechless.

>> No.10342612

This CURE drama is so repetitive and childish. If you don't like what CURE does, than just block her. And if you weren't actually at her show, don't speak as if you were. The sign that contained the trigger warnings was by the stage the entire show. Even before they started their performances. And Sami even went over the mic and mentioned the sign and made sure people were aware of it. And the wristbands! The performers never interacted with the audience member sitting in the back and only interacted with a select few out of the ones that WILLINGLY chose to sit in the front and wear the wristbands. Everyone was having a good time. Yes, there were controversial topics covered, especially in CURE's performance, but it was handled professionally and it's art, folks. The pieces and skits between songs told a story. The noose never touched anyone but CURE. And, Sami's first performance showed abuse and fighting but no one bats an eye? Just say you don't like CURE and move on. CURE is an adult and most of her audience are as well. Triggering content is dangerous, but if an adult can't handle their own life and what content they consume that might harm them, then that's not CURE's fault. She puts content warnings and it's obvious what her page and aesthetic is, so it shouldn't be a surprise to people at this point. TL;DR, JUST BLOCK CURE IF YOU DON'T LIKE HER STUFF! IT'S THAT SIMPLE!!

>> No.10342622 [DELETED] 

Darling did not deserve those two awards at katsu. When I was there some of the other groups were much better

>> No.10342631


>> No.10342634

I'm no even Cure but go off.

>> No.10342639

Thats a damn good question. Its as if they haven’t made any more songs than the first one. They don't even post photos of their costumes.
Ignoring the fact that they recycle Stellure concepts, it’s even more disappointing that they don’t share any of their work. I’d like to actually see the shows they do since I can’t get to the conventions they attend.

>> No.10342641

Darling won a judges award for craftsmanship, and a spirit award for their concept. The awards had nothing to do with performance, and they deserved those just fine.
The MC at the show said that a staff member who passed away recently would have wanted them to win the second one.
Tired of seeing people get mad at groups for being successful after working harder than they have before.

>> No.10342665

I think everyone's point is that they could have given one of their awards to another group, idol or not.

>> No.10342696

I agree. Darling works hard and deserves their wins, BUT! Only one... I mean, the only thing that was different about their performance was the costumes. Thats it. They still did a Love Live song (a boring one at that) with a Love Live dance, wearing Love Live outfits. Exactly what every other idol group did in the show. Not sure why they had to win two awards when one if them could have gone to another idol group or another contestant in general.

>> No.10342704

What a silly thing to gripe about though. Do you think Darling should have turned down one of the awards? Do you think the asked for two? This seems like a gripe that should be brought up to Katsu staff so they can change their policies, not directed at Darling like they had any control over it.

>> No.10342720

Darling didn't win an award for craftsmanship. The judge's award was for "best idol group." An Aikatsu duo won a judge's award for craftsmanship.

>> No.10342729

This. Whether they should have won either award is subjective but it's not like they were given a choice about what they would receive - responsibility for fair award distribution lies with the organizers.

Dumping some random international content including new Honey Hime MV. I'm kind of digging the retro sound.

Honey Hime - Made for you Made for me MV

Katie Pyon - Japan Day Highlights

NIIA LIVE - 1st Idol Festival

>> No.10342740

This is what everyone is mainly griping about anyway. The people who are mad at Darling are most likely other idols who competed in the masquerade and are mad they didn't get an award. Heck, I competed in the masquerade as well but my beef is with the staff.

My group had a really shitty experience at craftsmanship judging that I mentioned in the Katsucon thread that I'll repost here: "Katsucon Masquerade sucked. Went in for craftsmanship judging and the judges told me they were too tired to get up and look at my costume. Then one of them kept trying to kick me out the room everytime I finished explaining an element of my cosplay. They were super uninterested and I ended up not getting to point out a lot of the details and work I put in. Honestly was the worst masquerade experience I've ever had."

Katsu has had a reputation for not being an idol friendly convention and I think this year really solidifies it. They even gave an award to a skit that made fun of Love Live groups(not that I don't think you can't joke about it, but come on, the skit wasn't even that good). If Katsu really doesn't idols in their masquerade they should put together another event and deal with the problem. All the idol groups are being punished just because they want to be able to perform and/or compete for a bigger audience than they'd get in the dance room. (I might also add the dance room was pretty strict on what acts they allowed in this year.)

>> No.10342742

Anyone have a link to the katsu performances?

>> No.10342745

There should be a video up by the end of the week since the guy that normally records the masquerade was there this year. Theres a few performances posted here and there though.

>> No.10342759

If thats the case than hate on the judges, not Darling. They cant control what they win.

>> No.10342787

I missed part of the show but I was there. I felt like a lot of it was done as a gimmick to make up for lack of talent. None of the girls there knew how to sing properly. Cure has some control with her stomach muscles but the other two did not and resulted in a very breathy performances. Everyone seems so busy discussing the blood and warning signs, you’re forgetting the girls were supposedly there to sing and dance, but it didn’t seem that a lot of effort was put into either. I think they could get away with an anti idol act if they actually worked on bringing the talent to back it up.

>> No.10342789

katie pyon was hard to get through, but I loved the background screen so much it made things more tolerable.

>> No.10342793

I can't really call her singing stable or having good technique but as a performance I think this is pretty enjoyable.

Googled the event and turns out this is in New Zealand? I've always considered Australia to have a strong idol/coverist scene for their size, does anyone know if they have idol related events or conventions in those countries?

Also hmm >>10342729 contributing to my theory about American accents/pronunciation making Japanese singing sound a certain way that I'm not a fan of, this girl and most of the European idols I've heard don't have it.

>> No.10342813

I never said my hate was towards Darling. It is very much so towards staff. This year was super unorganized, and I agree with an above post. It's so obvious judges/staff aren't interested in idols AT ALL! Again, Darling deserve their wins, it's just not fair to the other groups that staff decided to give them two rewards. Also, naming the award "Best Idol Group" already sparks drama in itself.

>> No.10342822

I agree entirely. It's not Darling's fault they got the awards and they shouldnt have to do something stupid like apologize.
I realized with Katsu since it's a very high tier con they just really like original skits, so even though Darlings performance was in no way original they had a gimmick so that was enough for them, whereas the literal original idol groups didnt get awards because original characters aren't applicable I guess. I think if idols want to compete at katsu they just need to be more creative but not too creative?

>> No.10342844

I know everyone and their moms hate this idea, but Katsu should have it's own idol friendly masq type of performance. Something like the masq, but exclusively for idol groups and og idols etc. And I mean like an actual main events...event. Not just something thrown on the schedule and tossed in a small cramped room. But, I doubt nothing like that will happen because folks hate competition in the idol world (which honestly is what drives me) and Katsu hates idol groups

>> No.10342860

I dont think its that people dislike the idea of competition. Its probably because none wants to deal with the drama that will come with competition. Look how Darling is being attacked for winning two awards. There will probably be accusations of bias against whoever judges or runs the event. The idol community is so catty and immature that they cannot handle competition. Running a physical competition at an event is just not worth the stress that comes with it.

>> No.10342865

I agree, but who would be qualified to judge that?

>> No.10342867

Whether or not Katsu makes something specifically for idols (judged or not), this is my last time performing in the Masq. It's just....a huge mess. The staff are just lazy and super biased when it comes to idols and I'm tired of it at this point.

>> No.10342909

That's another issue is that idols are stuck up and think no one is qualified to judge a contest.

>> No.10342921

The idol community is already catty anyway about competing in masquerades. How much worse would a specific idol competition make it? After Katsu's masq I overheard a group shit talking a bunch of other groups including my own just to make themselves feel better, even though none of us won awards. I'd say maybe the competition could ban groups with reputations for being sore losers but then like no one would be able to participate :P

This is always the problem anytime someone wants to make any kind of idol competition. If I recall the same thing came up when the AUSA showcase staff asked the idols how they'd feel if the showcase became competitive. I understand not wanting to have someone unqualified as a judge, but it's also kind of irritating because no matter what, salty bitches will get salty and claim 1.) The judge is biased and/or 2.) The judge has no idea what they're talking about. This is why we can't have nice things.

I'm surprised someone mirrors my sentiment. I've been to Katsu three times and I've come to realize I really just don't like it as a convention and the masquerade this year was the final nail in the coffin. I'm already trying to find other cons I can attend in its stead.

>> No.10342926 [DELETED] 

Can I ask which group it was? There was another group that was talking shit about my group, and they shut up when I walked over in their direction.

>> No.10342936

AOS Idols. The Dia specifically was who I heard.

>> No.10342949

Yeesh— it was an omoi group talking about my group but I don’t know if it was AOS or IA Idols. It could’ve been either since they had the same outfits (it wasn’t the Waku Waku Week group I know because there was a second year).

>> No.10342950

We're literally asking who would be qualified

>> No.10342952

IA idols was shit talking my group. Especially their chika. Doesnt she run an idol promo account and always claims about how accepting she is of all idols?

>> No.10342956

Yeah she runs idol__appreciation.

>> No.10342962

I also heard Aquamarine doing a bit of shit talking, though I think it was mostly the Riko.

>> No.10342963 [DELETED] 

Yikes never thought I'd see this pop up but glad she is being called out. Please be careful of @kuro_senpie_cosplay aka @idol_appreciation. There very two faced towards a lot of idols and is sourced to a lot of idol group drama.

>> No.10342964

Funny all the Omoi groups are toxic. Negative Feelings Become One <3

I've a pretty negative run in with her where she was very dismissive and rude towards me through her promo page so I'm not surprised she's a hypocrite.

I also heard the Riko from Aquamarine shit talking in the greenroom about someone.

>> No.10342970

Post screenshots. So many people think she is some idol saint because of her huge following.

>> No.10342977

Unfortunately I had deleted the conversation but I sent IG a data request so I'll see if I can recover it that way.

>> No.10342991

Thats stellures old composer cosnemu. Dude is always talking shit and being fake weaseling his way in for clout.

>> No.10342992

She intentionally ignores certain idol accounts by claiming she never sees their posts due to "shadowbanning." The reality of it is she is highly biased and has been vocal about it in person to her idol group.

She is not the caring, all-welcoming persona she puts out online. People really need to open their eyes about @idol__appreciation and stop supporting them.

>> No.10342996

That is true. I was in the greenroom and saw some shit going around aswell.
But on a lighter note, Astreal’s green haired idol (i don't know her character name off the top of my head) was crying for some reason, and I saw Mimi and Faye comforting her along with Polaris and the pink hair one. Nice to see at least some decency back there.

>> No.10343009

Hold on. Aquamarine's Riko wasn't talking shit. She's actually very caring and would never do anything like that (Also I was sitting with them soooo). You probably heard her talking about a specific Omoi costume that was previously owned by Aquamarine's Yohane. They were talking bad about the costume because when the Yohane originally ordered it, it wasn't at all what they ordered and so they resold it. They were talking about how the costume looked good on the new owner, but it's unfortunate beginnings. There was no bad mouthing anyone from Aquamarine's Riko

>> No.10343013

Mel from Starry Eye was also very nice. She was going to all the idols and talking to them and making sure everyone was doing well.

>> No.10343021

That sounds extreamly sus

>> No.10343032

How so? They were just talking about a costume they previously owned? They could tell it was theirs because of the little changes they made to it before selling it. They weren't talking bad about the cosplayer, they even said it looked better on them than it did on them when they owned it

>> No.10343041

It sounds suspicious because someone had just made a blanket statement that they thought they heard her shit talking, and then someone comes in mentioning a specific instance of shit talking. if it wasnt shit talking then why would you call attention to it?

>> No.10343044

Because I was there? I'm trying to clear any confusion about what someone might have misunderstood as shit talking. Thats all

>> No.10343073

It’s not letting me reply but I talked to Aquamarine’s Chika. She was really funny and sweet, and she was telling me about the Yoshiko cosplay.
Apparently the commissioner they got it from did a bad job and they were laughing at the fact that the cosplay resurfaced after they got rid of it. They never said anything mean about the performers or the cosplayer—their Chika said something like “it looks good on her!”

>> No.10343084

This is starting to sound more suspicious. Only the Riko was called out and now not only the Riko has been defended, but the Chika as well even though she wasn't mentioned at all?

>> No.10343090


Literally all of this is vendetta and petty cosplay idol drama. Can we not derail the thread with this garbage? No one cares. Let’s get back to the actual overseas idols.

Did anyone see the fairy tale group in the Katsu masquerade? They did SUCH a good job, especially with the transforming costumes!

>> No.10343091

I was just mentioning that I can confirm the Yoshiko story—idk if Aquamarine’s Riko talked shit, not do I care, but there was a cursed cosplay. It could’ve been that or she could’ve been talking shit. I just know that the Chika did say something about it.

>> No.10343092

I was just saying that to say “yea the Yoshiko story was true.” Idk if the Riko said shit, talked shit or whatever but I know the Chika did mention what happened to me.

They were sick! There was some amazing acts this year. I’m sad the masq has poor management, it means we lost a lot of talent.

>> No.10343096

Not that there were a lot of original idols in the masquerade to begin with but they really impressed me. Did you happen to get the fairy tale group’s handle? I missed it, the emcee wasn’t the best.

>> No.10343097

No sadly :( I was struggling to hear the MC myself. They were extremely impressive though and I wish I could’ve heard it! I might snoop around on Instagram later and look for them.

>> No.10343099

Please post them here if you find them.

I also wasn’t sure, do original idols “count” towards winning the masquerade? Or do they only get to perform? It’s definitely a robbery if original idols are allowed to perform but not compete. If not, this is why everyone needs a separate idol showcase—even if it will be dominated by love live inevitably. I can think of a few good judges.

>> No.10343100

Stellure, when they were still a thing, won an award in 2018 so I don’t think it is impossible to win anything, it just seems like no original group has won anything in the past two years.
I would love an idol showcase, but I’m worried about the drama in the community following it. If it was treated less as a competition and more like an actual showcase I’d love it!

>> No.10343102

Stellure did perform as the halftime show last year so original idol groups got SOME recognition

>> No.10343104

That’s why this year I was hoping to see more. Even the dance lounge was full of cosplay idols and k-pop for the most part. Next year I’m definitely headed to AWA to see some real talent.

>> No.10343113

Well I wouldn't say cover groups have no talent but okay

>> No.10343117

What do you think of pre recording some of your songs for lives so you can focus more on dancing? I know a lot of people have trouble dancing while holding wired mics so it would make sense to me in situations like that.

>> No.10343129

Depends on the difficulty of the song dance-wise. I think if it’s something easy the singing should definitely be live if possible

>> No.10343136

Depends on which parts of the song. For parts where lines are close together (hard to sing live) or where voices in the original song are layered (usually in the chorus) it's fine and makes the song sound better. But I often like hearing the person's natural voice during verses.

Then again it's my personal preference that idols who sing should focus on having good vocals and tone down their dance a bit, but I understand some feel the other way.

>> No.10343200


Which is why you need an outside party to judge them. People who has experience with performing professionally and views being part of the competition being it's own reward.


Performers who are outside the community and can provide critical feedback without being part of the local groups there. Start with a cosplay guest who does dance covers as part of their portfolio


Why does Katsu hate idols anyway?

>> No.10343275

Idk why people hate competition. It’s nerve wracking but I love seeing talent compete to level up and work toward a goal. As an American, American net idols get on my nerves with this whole ass patting outwardly, shit talking internally mentality going on.
I love showcases, but more cons need idol friendly competitions too

>> No.10343277

Well knowing the info >>10342956 just posted, it makes total sense why a lot of idols don’t get posted. Just a salty little cosidol who can’t take a defeat. Sad.

>> No.10343280

I mean I sing to my pre-recorded tracks, so I say go for it. It helps when you need to sneak in a break to catch your breath

>> No.10343341

It's disappointing indeed - I don't know why one would go to all the trouble of making music, costumes, dances etc only to never show them especially when there is an audience expecting it. Only Renaissance is on their channel, Circo De La Luna is on youtube (not on their channel), Start The Party was once avaliable on youtube but I think it got deleted or unlisted, Unhinged is currently unlisted but it's unknown if it's ever going to be released, seeing the state of their other songs... At least Stellure uploaded their content.

>> No.10343421

Here's the IG profile of the Fairy tale group! https://instagram.com/prose.idols?igshid=1d7x7vrlleumk

>> No.10343556

Actually if you look up Astreal Start the Party on Google you find this.


>> No.10343572

That was when DizzyLizzy ran the masquerade. She respects idolgroups and runs cons like Animenext and Otakon. Katsu went downhill this year because she was fired because the con chairman wants the masquerade to cease to exist.

>> No.10343639

I don't know why exactly Katsu hates idols so maybe someone else can step in on that, but I do know Katsu's war against idols started some years ago when some people managed to put together a small idol event, like a showcase. They got it approved by the con and everything was good to go. Then halfway through the event, the staff showed up to shut it down. I think the reason was because they wanted to start preparing for an event happening in the same room after the idol one, even though the idol event wasn't near over yet. They started playing "Bye Bye Bye" by NSYNC as they threw everyone out the room.

>> No.10343688

Other English accents don’t muddle vowels as much, which is why they tend to sound better!

>> No.10343809

I'm not from NZ so I can't speak with 100% sureness, but I have a friend of mine who recently joined my group as an understudy who is. She used to be in a LoveLive group back there, I believe with Katie Pyon as well, and according to her stories the idolcommunity in New Zealand is mostly LoveLive groups with the normal amount of healthy rivalry, and it's more so the cons and constaff who look down at (cosplay) idols

>> No.10343819

On that note, How big is everyone's idolscene in their respective country/state and how do cons include them? I know Texas, Florida and new york has a pretty big idolscene if I have to believe the thread here. But I wonder if anyone on this thread has some inside on lesser discussed countries/states, like the european country scene or the Ohio idol scene (european here, I don't know how states work)

>> No.10343864

As someone from New York it’s dead up here theres no idols maybe in NYC but Massachusetts is big and so is NJ

>> No.10343885

Since AOS apologized, we can safely assume it was IA Idols who were shit talking.

>> No.10343908

Who. Cares. All of this is certainly not true because no one would be dumb enough to shit talk in the green room of a masquerade where everyone’s packed in together. Just stop. It’s all vendetta and people who hate each other for one reason or another being pathetic and posting on this thread for no reason. Get a life and start supporting other groups instead of tearing them down.

I live in Maryland so there’s a lot of idols in the DMV! It’s awesome.

>> No.10343911

Ok we get it idol appreciation is guilty and won't own up to their fuck up.

>> No.10343914

We actually have a lot of idols in upstate New York. Doki Doki Rush, Tsubasa Stars, Otonoki Stars, and some other ones. There’s a whole discord and Instagram for it.

>> No.10343930

I feel bad that the Riko is taking responsibility. She shouldn't have to apologize when she wasn't at fault.

If you learn how to read you can see it was literally said that AOS (DIA SPECIFICALLY), was heard shit talking people AFTER the masquerade.

But really I'd rather we not talk about Katsu drama anymore because someone has already cried about it. We don't need other people getting hurt, especially when the actual shitheads don't care.

>> No.10343967

My point still stands—get a life and start supporting other groups instead of tearing them down on here. So pathetic. It is SO EASY to misconstrue what someone is saying or to think you heard something different than what was actually said. Especially if you’re not in the conversation and only getting bits and pieces in context.

If you’re not willing to confront them in person about it, make a mental note to avoid that person and MOVE ON.

Or, more likely, all the groups and people that have been brought up are just victims of ongoing feuds, vendettas or personal grudges and none of this is true and the OPs know it, so nothing I say matters anyway.

I caution everyone in this community to make your own judgements about people and not take what is said on an anonymous forum as gospel. Maybe try talking to some of the people mentioned here and you’ll make a friend? Or they’ll genuinely be shitty people, who knows. If they are you’ll probably learn pretty quickly. Either way it’ll be the truth and not gossip.

>> No.10343972

My state has none. Zero.
I’m alone here lmao, but I try to travel so I can get more experience.

>> No.10344001

I'd like to add that the same should go for gossip you hear anywhere online or in person. No matter how reliable the source seems, you never know if a person might have a bad reputation because no one bothered to hear their side, or because they didn't get along with someone for valid reasons. Gossip changes as it gets passed along so by the time you hear it, it could have changed to be completely different from what happened originally.

In other words, all gossip bad. Form your own opinions from first hand accounts and get your facts straight.

>> No.10344044

If that's the case some of you owe apologizes to certain people.

>> No.10344085

Bad idea. You should always practice dancing to the song

>> No.10344119

They really need to work on eunicating...
Where's the video?

>> No.10344199

Kuro need stop acting like hero lol

>> No.10344200

We know Kuro did this mess due treated old members like shit in past

>> No.10344204 [DELETED] 
File: 179 KB, 750x1334, FE7F06A1-3C87-4C2D-A4F8-A75F42CF0C9C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so funny.
> “hurting idols for your own gain is wrong”
This page/person/group literally slandered a group despite being “idol appreciation” idols
And there’s like 10 other people who dealt with this crap
IA idols is a garbage filled shit fest
Idol bitches are a different breed.

>> No.10344206 [DELETED] 

Apparently the leader of IA Idols is known for theft and threats towards other idols

>> No.10344221
File: 395 KB, 750x1334, 27D12A17-FB37-4536-9D64-37BD0926074A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kuro really pay attention to her followers number not her actual actions lmao

>> No.10344233 [DELETED] 
File: 2.27 MB, 1242x2208, 0CBDE2C4-378F-4E6B-AD1D-847310F2F2C7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a self conceited freak. Just because you’re a “queen” doesn’t mean you can get away with what you did. Ppl have proof LMAO WE HEARD YOU IN THE GREENROOM

>> No.10344266

It was the Dia. Im the person who brought it up that I was in the room and heard him. The Riko, as far as I know, didn’t say anything bad. I feel bad they are apologizing when the person who specifically said “Fuck this group” and said specific insults. (I was in the audience near him during the later parts of the show. He shit talked them while they were on stage.)

>> No.10344270

Thats true. I mean they copied/pasted darling idols’s entire application/rule document thing for their group with no credit. (I noticed it while checking group’s requirements to join not too long ago)

>> No.10344294

> Says she's going to ignore what people are saying
> Makes posts about what people are saying on Idol Appreciation and her personal account
My queen

>> No.10344320

Next time reply to who you're talking to.....

>> No.10344322 [DELETED] 

>>10344320 #
Do u know what she did? She did a lot shit to ex members including me too lmfao

>> No.10344351

What group was he insulting?

>> No.10344444

Likely Darling or IA since I know he has issues with both. Not sure what they are, however, since I stay in my damn lane.

>> No.10344454

I don’t even know who she is comrade, calm down. Start from the beginning. How did she hurt you?

>> No.10344472

>> 10344454#
She stole some members money for commission. (commissioner told us that Kuro didnt pay for them) She sent death threats to someone who is actually minor. She kicked someone who is plus size and has bad knee. Which it actually fucked up.

>> No.10344580 [DELETED] 

She didn’t steal money. If you don’t know the whole story then you need to not talk about it. Things went wrong with the commission, the money was already bought for the cosplays, nobody was getting there cosplays because of issues, THEN she worked OVERTIME at her job and paid everyone back! Everyone got there money back! I know her personally and she would not waste her time sending death threats to anyone. Kicking someone out because there plus size and have a bad knee?? Like who made that up

>> No.10344687 [DELETED] 

>plus size
you mean fat anon

>> No.10344732

This is why Love Live dance groups are a scourge lmao.

>> No.10344740

How much drama gets posted about Julily or Cure or literally anyone else? It's no different.

>> No.10344744

I saw him walk up to two of darling’s leaders after they won their award and talk to them but I was being pushed out of the room by staff and couldn’t see what they were talkin about, if he was talking shit about them, that’s fucking disgusting.

>> No.10344764

Learn how to reply for the love of God.

>> No.10344789

If they are overweight and can't move properly I don't see the issue with telling them they can no longer participate.

>> No.10344796


Fuck that's harsh. I know there are people that dont like idols but a con actively sabotaging the scene pisses me off. All while they endorse some kpop dance studio.


This is why the Asian odottemita scene has more talented dancers. They have competitions for cover groups with actual cash prizes.


Vancouver has a matured scene although we are seeing fewer Love Live Groups outside of Victoria. Still there is a shift from LL! to standard odottemita and there is quite a few male idol cover groups done by female performers

>> No.10344820

Professionals use pre recorded audio all the time, though? Especially kpop groups. Some dances are simply too complicated to do while singing, and if your only option is a wired microphone, you're going to trip.

>> No.10344825

Yeah he shit talks behind their backs than tries to be buddy-buddy to their faces. The only problem is he’s got such a bug mouth everybody knows about it, he practically rats himself out.

>> No.10344867

Most music professionals will always suggest to have a backing track. to sing purely with no backing on the instrumental while dancing will lead to off key/off pitch/off everything. yeah some people can pull it off. but like anon said, kpop groups do it too, and kpop is all about perfection. but I think pure lip syncing is just as bad as pure singing with no back up. A balance of both sounds better to the audience and helps the performer do better, so it's a win win. more performers should put in that effort for preparation in their live

>> No.10344919

I mean, it's just bad when we can't hear the real voice of a performer because they pushed their backtrack to the max and lower the volume of their mic. I feel like this is just all a lie. What I like about idols is seeing them work hard and give all their energy to the stage. A proof of that will be how out of breathe they will sound, but I don't care. They work hard and give their 100% for their crowd. I hate K-pop and AKB48 because of the obvious lipsynch. I'm also a bit mad when groups in my community push their backtracks to the max and you can't hear them sing at all and still get more recognition that those who obviously give all they can in real life.

>> No.10344938

I honestly agree with you both.
A good live/ backtrack mix is great, and as a performer, there are just some dances you can't sing all the way through. Having that backing just so you can have a break and catch your breath is wonderous.
On the other hand, lip syncing an entire song is weak, the idol that does it is weak, and shouldn't be performing until they can at least do 3/4 of the song live.

>> No.10344944

Cure was never mentioned on these threads until the previous one, and Julily has had a few bouts of drama but it's rarely actually prompted by something she did. I'm not saying that drama with other people doesn't happen but the pettiness of the Love Live groups who do nothing but shit talk and tear each other down like it'll make them more important is wild

>> No.10344983

There is definitely an issue with that. It mostly seems to be smaller groups too I’ve noticed. The big groups in my area (Darling, Aquamarine, etc) are known for being really nice and supportive of other idols. It’s always the small groups that try to start drama. I just want to know if it is out of jealousy or pure spite.

>> No.10345088

Probably a bit of both, but the biggest contributing factors seem to be that Love Live groups inherently have to be at least nine people, and that ends up with a lot of people problems. Most Love Live fans tend to be young too, with little exposure of other idol franchises. It's a combination of factors that results in almost Every love Live group being full of high school drama.

>> No.10345223

A good balance is best. Some kpop groups you can hear the live vocal well at certain parts and obvious lip sync at heavy dance parts. Just gotta do it where it makes sense. I agree that not hearing any voice at all is boring. Breathiness, but not too much, makes it more entertaining

>> No.10345759

Ia idols shouldnt be allowed to perform at katsu ever again...

>> No.10345795

Why tho?

>> No.10345831

The whole group shouldn't be punished because of one person. Besides, there's plenty of toxic people in the masquerade outside the idol community.

>> No.10345917

The group shouldn’t be punished for the actions of few. I feel bad for them—there is some nice people in IA Idols who don’t deserve the slack. The ones who do should be kicked.

>> No.10346001

Any tips on how to make an existing video get more views? I did a dance cover but it’s hardly getting any attention, which sucks after I worked so hard on it. Any suggestions?

>> No.10346006

When you find out, let me know.... But I kind of spam mine every two days.

>> No.10346042

I miss Stellure

>> No.10346158


Masquerades can be one of the only outlets for some cosplay idols in an original idol dominated community.

>> No.10346174

Maybe they should stop cosplaying and come up with some original stuff then

>> No.10346469

Uh oh. Fun police.

>> No.10346525

You’ve got two spectrums of it to look at still, Mystix just released a song and Astreal seems to have been active, A la melody exists but they are just a pathetic joke at this point

>> No.10346545

Thats true, Astreal is at least fun to watch though I wish they’d actually upload their content.
Mystix’s song was actually pretty good, and considering its pretty obvious Meotashi spearheaded both that and Stellure, i’m excited to see what she does with that future group shes starting. If she does it right this time it might actually be among the best we’ve seen in the original idol community. Might.

>> No.10346556

2020 Katsucon Masquerade
3:40 - Pokemon skit
6:50 - “It’s time to Duel” Yugioh
8: 17 - Aquamarine idol group – Love Live Miracle Wave
10:41 - Greatest Melody
13:18 - “The Other Side”
16: 12 - Love Live Group - AUSA Idols? (Difficult to get over screaming) - Omoi yo Hitotsu ni Nare
19:44 - “Your friend and mine” Kermit the frog
21: 59 - Equinox Idols – Love Live – Muse
25: 13 - ?
26:50 - Mel - Starry Idols
28:57 - Sailor Moon - Three Guardians Performance
32:00 - Idolish 7 Duet– Could not catch name
34:10 - ?
35:33 - Idol cover dance soloist – Lily
38:02 - Original Idol Group Astreal Idols
40: 57 - “Mika - Me Me Me”
43:25 - “No need for malfunctions”
47:30 - ?
48:49 - First Star Idols – Dance Cover
50:55 - ?
55:30 – Love Live Idol Group - Omoi yo Hitotsu ni Nare
58:23 - ???
59:15: Wiles Cosplay
1:01:30 - ?
1:02:36 - ?
1:04:2 - Love Live Cover – Muse – Wonderful Rush
1:08:00 - Clementine idols – Love Live Cover
1:10:44 - Waku Waku Week – something idols I didn’t catch the name of – Love Live Trio
1:13:00 - ?
1:15:30 – Vocaloid
1:18:58 – Scooby Doo Skit
1:22:36 - Love Live Skit that is a cross over with Minecraft
1:25:07 – Sailor Mercury with a bubble blower gun
1:26:13 – ? ? Melody – Pure Girls Project – Love Live Trio
1:29:30 - ?
1:30:51 – Love Live Duo
1:34:55 - Zombie Land Saga – Last minute cosplay
1:38:00 – Revue starlight Duo
1:40:43 – Joker – Crown Price Entertainment
1:42:32 – Love Hate – Vocaloid
1:45:03 - ?
1:47:00 – Dance Performance
1:50:05 - Idol performance – Duo – Love Live – Kill this Love
1:53:00 – Loveless World - Darling Idols
1:56:21 – Original Idol Group – Prose Idols??? No idea couldn’t hear it
1:59:48 - ?

This is the first time I've given up half way when doing one of these. Nothing was really that bad, but everything was really mediocre. Mediocre gets boring

>> No.10346632

Can confirm 1:56:21 is Prose Idols


>> No.10347059

did tambourine disband? they’ve been on hiatus for forever and both members took it out of their bios i think.

>> No.10347064

oof two different groups did Omoi? How awkward...
Especially when one of them was significantly better....

>> No.10347066

nothing was lost if they did

>> No.10347087

Yeah pretty much.

>> No.10347288

They are on hiatus as one of the members moved I believe

>> No.10347297

This, but then I believe poppy too is having some issues with bodily pain and I heard she's retiring from idol work to focus on her photography.

>> No.10347550

This makes me so sad. I loved tambourine a lot, they had amazing energy

>> No.10347568

She just joined a burlesque group so I doubt she’s leaving idol work for back pain. Probably just change in pace since her goals are more adult orientated.

>> No.10348377

They did.
Good for poppy too, she’s got a crazy amount of legs that’s just wasted on idol stuff. Burlesque is so much more her pace.

>> No.10348732

Anyone gonna make a new thread or should I take a shot and make it myself?

>> No.10348777

Both Omoi groups did great. Blame Katsu con staff for not catching it and not the idol groups.

>> No.10348847

Dropping my trash but positive opinions because the thread is ded anyway

They are always so quality, stable and with great energy, and I will never tire of those adorable outfits. I do wish for footage with audio from the audience rather than soundboard so I can hear the crowd's cheers and hear their resonance in the room.

>Julily x Coco
They are such confident performers, they really nail the dramatic mood of the song and have both strong vocals and dance. Also keeping the energy up for a full song takes stamina. Would love to see them perform together again.

>ChiRi Girls
This is so simple but really nice, it's refreshing to see idols who work on facial expressions and gestures so that they are engaging in basic covers like this.

Agreed with above anon that the simple instrumental is the weakest part of this. The videography shows off their dancing and characters well, I do think some mixing could make their vocals blend together better though.

>Ari Ki
Impeccable dancing with great expressions, ooking at their channel they do a lot of K-pop so have some really tidy moves.

I'm really impressed with the production value on this. Just having some original art and a little bit of animation helps to connect them to the song. Also mixed well so you can hear their sweet vocals clearly. A+.

>Ice Qream
So cool how overseas idols can reach this level, hearing the loud wota cheers is sending me. Also appreciate the distribution of center time to let each member shine.

>Katie Pyon
Voice is a bit feeble (not sure if underdeveloped or headset mic problems) but her dancing and energy are mostly nice and this is actually pretty cute? Maybe I am blinded by visuals but that costume is really good.

I will also just say that some groups here have a lot of potential but just need to practice together more. Even mediocre dancers, when in sync, can look polished as a group.

>> No.10348909
File: 593 KB, 3840x1040, ES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah let's just say the production for this song was... interesting.

I do want to agree and say that this is definitely the weakest written song I've worked on. His newer work with Astreal is way more fun to work on than this song was. It was an early scrapped Stellure song (Wish's Promise) and was basically left like that minus a few changes in 2019. The version that appears on the Off-Vocal is way better imo, and I wish I got that version of the song instead of the one I did receive.

The biggest missing key I feel that makes the Off-Vocal more exciting is the missing bright synth in the chorus. It's kind of bland without that, but it was not there.

Vocals are fine. This was probably the biggest thing that kept the song from releasing earlier. This song was supposed to be done sometime in September, but neither I or Mystix were happy with the vocals in the song, and after a while it came to what you hear now. It was mostly timing issues and pitch guides we just couldn't decide on.

On the side of instrumental mixing, listening back I def could have improved. The original mixing that happened in August is the same instrumental mix you hear on the final, but I def could have made the guitars a little louder (and maybe recreate that missing synth) and I could have made the mastering a bit better since this song was still using my old mastering tech (Just throwing a limiter on, hitting around -11 LUFS and calling it a day)

I'm always open to hearing ideas from others and implementing it into my future work. You can't make yourself better without finding out your mistakes and how to improve upon it!

>> No.10349015

It seems like this is an updated version of the instrumental too, since mimi did the old one at that panel they did two years ago. It has the same melody almost but the rest is pretty much totally different. Sucks that he’s giving the better songs to Astreal when they dont even post them. I hope Mystix can find a better composer.

>> No.10349020

Also buddy I suggest you try to avoid basically name dropping yourself on threads like this in the future, you could unintentionally make yourself and the groups you work for look bad. Especially if they pay you to do it and than you come in and say you didn’t do it all correctly after you get critique imo. It’s generally better to stay anon.
Not that I really care to be honest, you aren’t exactly trashing anyone or anything bad. Just for future reference.

>> No.10349023

I think I phrased myself wrong. The version on the final mix is the updated version, the version on the Off-Vocal is the original or at least closer to original.

Eh, I knew what I was doing before posting this. If anything happens somehow as a result of this, it's all me. I'll never purposely be out here like "person/group sucks" because if they really did suck I would have refused the job in the first place, but I will say where some faults happen.

>> No.10349091

Imo I think it's best to just not try and defend or explain your mistakes and just focus on improving in the future.

>> No.10351338

New thread?