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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10319624 No.10319624 [Reply] [Original]

Last Thread:

Post pics and stories here!

>> No.10319630
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Time to let it all out for good

>ALA 2020 Highlights
>ALA 2020 Regrets
>Plans for ALA 2021 or any other upcoming con

>> No.10319632

>another year were I didn't talk to a female at any room parties at all
I did but not really in any way that would've lead to anything, mostly just chatted with girls that were with guys.

>> No.10319636
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Ok but what the fuck was with all those weird signs everywhere?

>> No.10319640

i didnt even have to go to any con to not be able to afford a house

>> No.10319650
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ALA is over, we're back to the real world, work starts again tomorrow, and everything is worse now.

>> No.10319663

had fun, but my friends are all degenerate coomers.

>> No.10319684

So you didn’t get laid then

>> No.10319685

i did not coom

>> No.10319687

>getting laid at any convention


>> No.10319690
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>> No.10319701

Is it just me or does attendance feel down from last year?

>> No.10319707

people said that but the con itself seemed packed

>> No.10319709

It was only packed during Saturday for me. Thursday, friday and Sunday were all chill. It's a blessing.
I got laid, I had to try and not wake my roomates during it though

>> No.10319711


>> No.10319712

Tell me how

>> No.10319714

People from last year remembered my ribbon gimmick; some people who couldn't earn it last year even returned to earn it, and made many people get emotional over it
Didn't gather twitters or instas from people
Was wearing mask and rubber gloves so could barely see and use phone for photos

I think the security was basically told to search for weapons mostly, so they barely even glanced, so line moved fast. Inside the halls seemed more dense on fri/sat but not packed. Plus talking to people, # of cosplays went up it seemed.

As for parties, over the years hotels cracked down on them and the number of undesirables rose so people don't keep their doors open... plus ratchetson was literally falling apart last year so lobbycon died.

What the absolute fuck is wrong with the ribbon adhesive?! I usually only got 1 ribbon that fucked up because it got wet or is a handmade one, but if it weren't for the fact I attach and ducttape em in groups I would've lost all of them immediatly...

>> No.10319715

Girls were trying to host their first con party and one thing lead to another. It's not hard, just don't be autistic.

>> No.10319717

Some chick came onto me really blatantly but she did it in a really weird way and caught me by such surprise that I spaghetti'd. Probably could've coomed had I actually made a move back though.

>> No.10319718
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>It's not hard, just don't be autistic

>> No.10319720

Was she a regular girl or a cosplaying girl?

>> No.10319721

I wish my country had such things.
Not everyone stays in hotels and they often come by public transportation. I hate how the dynamic is here where I live. America has so much more opportunities to get some cosplay sex.

>> No.10319722

i actually got stopped a bunch this time around, which was cool.

>> No.10319726

She was in normal clothes but was clearly a con person. Not really attractive enough to take note of, but decent enough that I wouldn't have rejected her had my brain had time to process things. It was really late (like 5AM last night) and everybody was drunk and it was so bizarre I still don't know what to think of it, we were standing in a small group talking for a few minutes and then out of nowhere (triggered by something I said, I think, but I forget what) she suddenly like snuggles up to me, puts her arm around me and starts like carressing me, and says something about "my husband doesn't let me have boyfriends." I sperged something out about how I keep having a problem with friends' wives coming onto me (which is actually true) and she took it as a rejection I guess and backed off and left with some other people from the group when they went back to their room.

>> No.10319727

Opportunities are a lot less common than you think, I'd be shocked if more than 10% of dudes actively trying to bone at any given con actually manage to do it, and of those 90% of the hookups are with skanky party girls or obnoxious landwhales. I'm a decently attractive and sociable guy and in almost 20 years of cons I've only gotten one girlfriend and three or four hookups, and none of them were one night stands at the con. The only cosplay sex I've ever had was with the girlfriend too, and it was disappointing.

>> No.10319733
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>ALA 2020 Highlights
The guy who vommitted in Salty's singalong or the Fujoshi yaoi paddling incident. It was all amazing to me.
>>ALA 2020 Regrets
Not hanging out with more people. I shoulda slept a ton before con too. I went Thursday with 0 sleep.
>>Plans for ALA 2021 or any other upcoming con

>> No.10319737

>yaoi paddling incident
cause I found an "uke" paddle in one of the rooms I was hanging in and got concerned for my pelvis so I didn't bring it up.

>> No.10319746


We wouldn't have hit you with it, we had to use it for our skit.

>> No.10319756
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>> No.10319760
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>> No.10319775 [DELETED] 
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The yaoi paddle incident was basically the result of my Fujoshis digging a friend of mines and inviting us to their room. They made us drink straight vodka at the door chugging it for five seconds each. Then we drank a ton of 20/20 and awful things. It lead to some opening up and devolved into fujoshi paddling, weird fun and a girl vomitting her guts out causing the party to end. They wanted to do more but we had to end it. My friend kept trying to overplay the gay part by touching me and getting uncomfortably close. Glad they let me give him the whacking

>> No.10319785

Absolute madlads.

But in all honesty, it's what the ratchetson deserves.

>> No.10319789

that con creep who was harassing women and got btfo by security was great. this is why you don't promote anime cons on the radio, you get normie trash visiting.

>> No.10319792
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>Mfw those mix CD niggers got arrested

>> No.10319793

dude was a gull, but now he basically can't show his face anymore.

I fucking wish I saw that...

>> No.10319795

stories ASAP

>> No.10319796

Which gull was thT?
What? When did that happen?

>> No.10319799

>ribbon adhesive
Same, what the fuck. My ribbon chain isn't very long, but it still had like 3 or 4 pieces that just would not fucking stick. I wanted to get it sewn up but the ribbon station was packed. I blame increased number of handmade ribbons with people cheaping out on the double-sided tape.

>> No.10319801
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>my ribbon chain got bent on the one ribbon I liked the most
I am so sorry, Komi-san

>> No.10319803

>people cheapening out on the double-sided tape
I don't have many handmade one but the ordered ones were shoddily held on...
Ribbonsgalore definitely cheaped out a lot more.

>> No.10319805

gulls don't do that shit, that's off the street normie crap.

>> No.10319806

>gulls don't do that shit

They sure as fuck do

>> No.10319807

I do that shit all the time. I just do it subtly so no one ever catches me. I've been secretly stealing panties from gull girl room meetups too, it's so easy to just steal and sniff. Especially when they leave it in the bathroom

>> No.10319808

okay crossboarder go back to v shit head

>> No.10319809
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Trying too hard

>> No.10319811

>if someone browses an anonymous imageboard they automatically cannot be a dunken douche.

Not everyone here is in your group of "oldfags"

>he doesn't agree with me! h-h-he's a crossboarder!

>> No.10319821
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>Staying at Holiday Inn
>Friend just got over being sick so I take this mix-with-water Vitamin C shit to take an extra precaution against con plague
>Day 3, 7:30pm departing hotel to leave for dinner
>Toking assholes outside exit door were blowing their weed smoke directly toward the door.
>I breathe in a lungful of the shit upon exiting, coughed like I breathed in a cloud of pepper because that shit was so condensed in the air
>Still coughing at dinner
>Get home today, 4 hour drive of coughing
>Have work in 2 hours, still coughing

I avoided con plague up until until those few seconds.

>> No.10319823

No car arson this year?

>> No.10319826
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Did anyone get to touch a seagull's boob?

>> No.10319828
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>ALA 2020 Highlights
Ribbon hunting, just a pretty chill con and ended up in a threeway (not a ALA party btw), dipped my toe in the ribbon game for the first time
>ALA 2020 Regrets
Left way too early on Friday night to get laid, should’ve ribbon hunted a bit more (85 this year)
>Plans for ALA 2021 or any other upcoming con
Currently saving up for AX 2020 so completely focusing on that, ALA 2021 for now is 50/50 because I’m planning to quit my job 2 weeks before AX at the earliest or 2 weeks before ALA 2021 at the most due to my current job being a total clusterfuck

>> No.10319829

Are you the Ascian with the Haurchefant ribbon and Emet Selch ribbon? My girlfriend was really happy to get the Haurchefant one and was looking for you to get it.

>> No.10319830

I did, they're soft. Ended up fugging [spoiler] I'm ghosting her in Discord.

>> No.10319837

>ALA 2020 Highlights
It feels a lot more organized compared to last year, which felt like AX Lite.

>ALA 2020 Regrets
Missed a bunch of cosplays I would have liked pictures of and it feels like it's been hard to do now that pro photogs claim them as soon as possible.
Didn't get to do an inappropriate ribbon and this was the only year to do it.

>Plans for ALA 2021 or any other upcoming con
Get it on the ribbon game.

>> No.10319839
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Highlight of ALA was watching my friends get invited to be on stage to dance on the poles. lmaooo
Wasn't expecting much from an 18+ con party but it wasn't as bad as I thought.
I'm making ribbons for sure next year for sure tho.

>> No.10319845

Were they being belligerent?

>> No.10319847

I missed CWF. Was it good?

>> No.10319859

Good. Pushy mother fuckers got all butthurt when I said "no thanks".

Any details on why they got arrested?

>> No.10319860 [DELETED] 

>really hit it off with a girl
>thinking of taking next step and getting to be better friends and possibly date after con since they live a few blocks away from me
>they're lesbian
Life is a cruel mistress

>> No.10319865

They aint that much of a lesbian if they vibed with ya.

Especially if they are under 25, that's still "experimentation" age.

>> No.10319868
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Seriously? Good, because fuck those guys.

>> No.10319874

Is it just me or were there way more attractive congoers this year? Y'all beautiful

>> No.10319875
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>>ALA 2020 Highlights
First real convention at 24. Had a great time going to panels and seeing all the cool cosplays around. I'm also pleased to announce that I'm no longer a kissless virgin, my friend dragged me to a party and I'm now only a virgin who ended up stopping right after my dick was touched, because I felt something genuinely awful inside me when it happened. Not quite sure what happened. Making out was real nice, though.
>>ALA 2020 Regrets
Not meeting more people or doing any ribbon collecting. I also felt very out of place before 8 PM, like I was getting too old for cons. That changed after the 18+ panels and after Cosplay Deviants was in full swing.
>>Plans for ALA 2021 or any other upcoming con
Actually cosplay or go in mori since I really like the look for a con, and make a solid effort to go ribbon hunting, get myself out of my comfort zone and meet some 24+ people to kick it with and not get too plastered. I also want to interact more at panels in an effort to meet interesting folks. In general, I don't want to be as passive. Also, keep lifting because holy shit I've never seen so many out of shape guys wearing nothing but an unzipped leather jacket or general outerwear and some baggy jeans.

>> No.10319880

Yeah, I got mogged constantly as an average-faced manlet. Felt real bad.

>> No.10319889
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>First real convention at 24
God do I know that fucking feeling.

>> No.10319893

At least you're probably capable of a normal social life because of it. I've been going to cons since I'm 14, almost 20 years ago, and I'm completely tainted by it.

>> No.10319897

>implying I have a social life at all
We'll see how capable I am as I put myself out there more in 2020

>> No.10319900

Well, good luck then. For me the problem isn't so much that I can't manage normal socialization, it's just that I have no interest in normies, especially normie girls. They all seem so plain and boring and I hate the way they dress.

>> No.10319901

Better late than never, anon. Though it feels like I missed out, knowing me at 17 or 18, I'd have no shortage of embarrassing memories, so I'm glad I'm a bit more mellow now. There'll always be people your age to meet.

>> No.10319912

>tfw too nice to say no
>lost a dollar to get them to leave me alone
I need to be more assertive.

>> No.10319929

One of my roommates saw them being belligerent to Ontario PD and got arrested because of that after they got called in about them harassing con-goers. I'm not sure if it was OCC staff, security, or ALA staff that called them in. Also, they were going in and out of the Rose Garden area so they were basically loitering also.

>> No.10319932

Come back to me when you see them out of makeup.

>> No.10319934

It had to be since they were turning away people and they didn't want them hanging out in the hallways, but based on the laughter reactions I heard, I would have to say yes.

>> No.10319957

I stayed at the Azure this year and one of my roommates pointed out where the fire happened. You can clearly see the damage on the cement. Crazy...

>> No.10319999

Are any local gulls going to Anime Impulse this coming weekend?

>> No.10320048

wow. i was in a hurry so i didn't stop to listen to him so he was following me as i walked. he gave me a cd for free so i took it. and immediately he was like "wtf dont just take it. give me money." i told him he gave me one for free so what's the big deal. a convention staff was on his side too and i didn't care so i gave it back. pretty shitty when a convention staff is in it on the scam

>> No.10320051
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Has the post con depression hit any of you yet?

>> No.10320074
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it hit me as i got into the 405 this morning to proceed to my wage cage

>> No.10320091

>Actually giving money to these scammers
If you've been around the SoCal con game for so long, you know they prey on idiots at Wondercon, AX, SDCC, and ALA.

>> No.10320092
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>ALA 2020 Highlights
My prop held up surprisingly well even after bumping into a few doors behind me. Also had friends and people I met sign my mini arcade cab.
>ALA 2020 Regrets
Few ribbons missing, not have more friends sign it earlier. Bottom suport of the cab also fell through, so I'll have to build another base for it.
>Plans for ALA 2021 or any other upcoming con
Fanime, not wanting to deal with hotels for AX outside the hotel block. Smaller cons this year and was asked to make a brush from some FGO cosplayer. Seems fun

>> No.10320094

>You'll never have a qt Asian cosplaying gf that will cosplay all your fav waifus
I'm reminded why I hate going to these cons.

>> No.10320098

I found one but she does meth. It's sorta scary

>> No.10320105

>I found one but she does meth
Be one of those shojo main dudes and save her. You can do it anon!

>> No.10320113

Anon, it's difficult but I legitimately do want to help her. Got any advice? I haven't introduced her to any of my friends or told them about her. It's my one con sin.

>> No.10320116

Protip: She doesn't want your help.

She wants to do meth.

>> No.10320118

How do I stop her from doing meth then, anon? Do I let her suffer? She loves being with me and has only ever really done meth alone. Sometimes she does weed which i don't mind and she drinks with me at cons which is good but the occasional meth is what scares me.

>> No.10320119

you can't, don't even go down this road

>> No.10320122

We met a month before ALA and after ALA she asked me out. I accepted but is the road that bad? She's really nice to me and we had a lot of fun together.

>> No.10320123

Protip #2: Never try to save a woman from her own life. Eventually, she'll find someone to save her from you.

Only idea I can think of is keep her mentally engaged so she doesn't need drugs.

>> No.10320126

Thanks, I won't try to save her but I still really enjoy her company. I guess cutting it cold turkey might be for the best. What would you suggest?

>> No.10320127

Anon, I will be genuinely honest with you here because you seem like a cool dude who cares for her. Don't seek advice from here and seek professional help to deal with it.

Good luck!

>> No.10320132

Thanks, I will try my best. Time to resort to google and see what is up.

>> No.10320140

You got to beat her like an abusive boyfriend everytime you catch her doing meth.

>> No.10320142

>Asian girl doing meth
What bizarro world did I wake up to this morning?

>> No.10320155

I'm pretty sure drugs are not limited to race.
Nah, I feel bad hurting people. I couldn't do it if I wanted to in all honesty.

>> No.10320163

I always thought that Asians were good at meth but maybe I misheard

>> No.10320189

>dude shows up to party drunk
>tries to "match others drinking"
>starts fighting or wanting to and leaves/kicked out
>group follows because he is saying he wants to go drive somewhere for shit
>sees some chicks blocks the elevator because he wants their info shit
>people try to get him back to his room but no dice
>security shows up and trying to escort girls away safely
>dude puts his hands on security and is fucking destroyed
>arrested(?) or at least taken away to a hospital since blood fucking everywhere after getting ground pounded

>> No.10320210
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>> No.10320233

>ALA 2020 Highlights
Not sure why but people seemed far nicer/more chill this year than years prior. No clue why, maybe because staff wasn't fucking around after last year or moving most shit out of the radison was a good choice. Dunno enjoyed it a bit more this year.
>ALA 2020 Regrets
Kinda not finding out what panels were hosted/split between the con center and the double tree. Probably my biggest gripe was that it seemed a bit, dunno not promoted well on that front?
>Plans for ALA 2021 or any other upcoming con
Sakura con and a few others, next year ALA def staying in the double tree.

>> No.10320238

What's Roman Reigns doing in the ALA zone?

>> No.10320261

Anon, I would kill just to be in your position.

>> No.10320270

Why would you kill for my position? If you want me to talk more about it over Discord for you feel free to drop it. I don't think Meth is a good addiction.

>> No.10320360

link to discord?

>> No.10320361

Shut the fuck up taz, it's kane!

>> No.10320380

Gulls are stupidly 2faced about what they put up with or don't put up with. Most the cringy and creepy level shit is done almost exclusively from people who post here. I've avoided gulls and my con enjoyment goes up a 10 fold. See shit like >>10320189

>> No.10320383

I just want to make love to a cosplaying asian qt

>> No.10320386

Asian girls have snow fever, it is pretty easy to get one if you are good looking, smell nice, can keep a conversation, and have some money.

>> No.10320407

>Asian girls have snow fever, it is pretty easy to get one if you are good looking, smell nice, can keep a conversation, and have some money.
Does having 1/4 count? I don't smell like shit

>> No.10320409

Go to Asia, you could find one easily. They want that green card.

>> No.10320421

This was a lot funnier when I misread it as "horse"

>> No.10320430


>> No.10320441

>hotel employee discover a room full bodies this morning
>multiple bodies are lay on the floor spell out for hong kong
>police are investigating the suicide
Okay which one of you fag did this? Tired of you fag keep doing this shit at my cons.

>> No.10320442

This could be a short manga..

>> No.10320447

Would you like to start drawing it? I can tell you various things about us hanging out.

>> No.10320454

>fake link for fake news story
>spelling error in fake link
for fucks sake if you want attention that badly just post a wojak

>> No.10320468

>ALA 2020 Highlights
Wore a cute cosplay. Met friends. Had a better weekend than I would normally.

>ALA 2020 Regrets
Felt like I didn’t do much and spent too much. Regret not attending AMV but biggest regret is never managing to hunt down that “I Want That Twink Obliterated” ribbon. Overall just didn’t feel much magic this con like usual.

>Plans for ALA 2021 or any other upcoming con
Getting ready for Katsu and AX. Want to try participating in Masquerade next year too so it’s probably best I start work now.

>> No.10320483


Are you doing ribbons at Katsu?

>> No.10320492

Didn’t know Katsu did ribbons too. I only have about 4 of mine leftover. How is the ribbon game at Katsu compared to ALA?

>> No.10320498

Are there any cosplay photos uploaded somewhere? I was working and didn't have time to take my own pictures

>> No.10320509


It's in its infancy from what I can tell. But the more who participate, the bigger it gets.

>> No.10320562

> All my ideal cosplays require a waifu
Feels bad, man.

>> No.10320566

Convince her meth will fuck up her teeth.

>> No.10320568

Cosplay Wrestling was legendary. Tag match was the highlight.

>> No.10320570

was is Soup?

>> No.10320572

I took a bunch but I'm rather fatigued right now. Got anything specific you're looking for?

I was rooming with some of the members. CWF is that good of an event huh?

>> No.10320588

Popular does not mean good

>> No.10320600

Apparently there was a Mirage from Apex Legends giving out ribbons, I missed getting one lol. Otherwise anything unique or well-done I guess

>> No.10320623

Hit me at work today

>> No.10320626

>>ALA 2020 Highlights
Several of my friends got to experience this con for the first time during an exceptionally relaxed year instead of the horror story farm it tends to be. Lots of ribbons gathered and lots of parties (albeit brief before noise complaints), plus I got to eat like a fucking king since so many bros were making food in their rooms.
>>ALA 2020 Regrets
I was torn very, very regularly between my multiple groups of friends and I felt like I didn't spend enough time with any of them. Now I'm anxious about future cons because I worry that if I devote myself to one group, I won't see my senpai in the others at all, and if I keep splitting time like this, I won't be able to be satisfied with my con experience, and worst among this, I can't associate with any other group or this shit gets extended even tighter. Being an asocial wallflower was so much safer and easier.
>>Plans for ALA 2021 or any other upcoming con
Definitely pulling together a ribbon game, because a good half of the Smash ribbon people were fucking awful this year. Making staff participate means I'm only allowed to approach them when they're off, and when they vanish into the night, they're always irritable and trying to avoid talking to people, some of them straight-up went to their hotel rooms or room parties as soon as they could. Then there were the ones doing it who just had a bad attitude and made me feel off-put and like I was wrong to talk to them (The "Joker" guy especially, he can absolutely go fuck himself). The most frustrating were the ones participating in photo shoots who would shoo me off with "This isn't a good time", because now me and my friends were forced to re-find them on different days, because their schedules aren't clear by any metric. Fortunately, this experience filled me with the fervor and energy to pull together a ribbon game in response and show up all of those pricks for next year.

Overall 8-9/10 con, great experience.

>> No.10320627

Asking here since don't wanna make a new thread but is impulse worth going to if I missed ALA?

Was trying to find attendance figures/numbers but really don't see much in the way of it. Looks fairly cheap, and wouldn't mind just doing a saturday thing to get my fix in.

>> No.10320636
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I just wanted to make a friend with a girl

>> No.10320638

You roomed with CWF and didn't show up?

Big mistake

>> No.10320649

I enjoyed it even if it's for a day. Lots of Chinese food stalls.

>> No.10320650

I'll be there this weekend. My first time, but I heard it's mostly swap meet stuff and lotsa yummy food.

>> No.10320654

I haven't been either and always forget it's a thing, but I might check it out. I'm still not over the con mood after ALA.

>> No.10320657
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I plan on keeping up the quest gimmick and hopefully if my autism is strong enough to set it up, get a quest chain going...

>> No.10320662

I've been there a couple of times. It's not really worth it IMO. The venue is my least favorite of all of the socal area and the con is like people have said here, mostly vendors and stalls. It's more of an open night market with cosplayers than an actual con, so if that's your thing, go for it.

>> No.10320665

The reason you won't find attendance numbers is because it's lumped with two other events in the Asian American Expo and Blush Con. It's a great weekend getaway if you enjoy Chinese fast food and normie Chink families looking at yoi funny based on how bizzare your cosplay can be.

>> No.10320682

I was going to get one but I lost track of you. What was your gimmick?

>> No.10320687

If this is your first time going, go early very, very early. Traffic is going to be horrible, so is parking. If you pay for VIP parking, you can park closing to the front.

>> No.10320834
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>tfw I’m on my way to work now

>> No.10320882
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>mfw the burn marks from last year’s ALA Fire are still there
>one of the trees still has burn marks

>> No.10321073
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>Go to ALA
>No one talks to me

>> No.10321101

Can anyone go see Weathering with You (Tenki no Ko) with me this weekend? I have no one to go with and I’m getting kind of tried going to these movies by myself all the time.

>> No.10321109

Let me be honest here, the event is first and foremost a Lunar Festival (Chinese new year) events. It just so happens that there are lots of Chinese weebs/otaku running the event, so they decided to use the extra space they are renting for their passion projects, which is anime and fashion.

They are already renting the Fairplex space out, so they might as well do something with it.

If you think about Anime Impulse this way, you won't be disappointed. It is not an anime con or an anime festival, but it is a passion project that uses event space they already have on contract. It is light on programming, but a fun hangout con AND food con.

>> No.10321145

I'd talk to you, anon.

>> No.10321147

I'll go see it with you, anon.

>> No.10321151

Cosplay, you will talk to so many people it isn't even funny. Even a crappy, half-assed cosplay will get you more attention than being in regular clothes.

>> No.10321159

>they decided to use the extra space they are renting for their passion projects, which is anime and fashion.
At this point, anime impulse is a huge money maker for them. I am disappointed they don't take over the hotel in fairplex and make it a "legit" anime con.

>> No.10321166

ALA 2020 highlights

>> No.10321214

>I was rooming with some of the members
which ones?

>> No.10321218

Mario and Skeletor.

>> No.10321220

it’s an all-day nightmarket, nothing like ala.

>> No.10321228

based. i assume you're their irl friends then?

>> No.10321230

Story about why they have a makeup expo?

>> No.10321233

>Everybody wants to be a P Diddy now

>> No.10321240

This anon >>10321109 nailed it, it is basically a Lunar Festival with a big Anime Programming track. It's like what the Riverside Lunar Festival used to do, but with an artist's alley, cosplay guests of honor, and industry guests.

>> No.10321270

No, they were looking for roommates after someone dropped.

>> No.10321275

ah ok. what is skelly like out of character?

>> No.10321284

Didn't really get to know them that much but he seems chill. He regretted not getting a haircut because he was struggling to put on the hood.

>> No.10321359

Not him but I'm an irl. Very chill, kinda eccentric but in an endearing way. Doesn't really look or act like how you'd expect from his performances at all. Shows how talented he is. If I were to compare him to someone it'd be James Rolfe.

>> No.10321360

neat. he seems like he would be a super cool guy to hang out with. you also cwf?

>> No.10321456

Purple was right though

>> No.10321471

Yes I was :)

>> No.10321475

this is 100% true. when i was in norman mode nobody talked to me. when I was in CWC mode i got stopped every 5 feet.

>> No.10321477

Cosplay is the easiest way to get laid since women will literally walk up to you

>> No.10321485
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Who went back to their wagecage after ALA?

>> No.10321535


>> No.10321551
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>ALA 2020 Highlights
Playing Melty Blood at the ALA Swapmeet

>>ALA 2020 Regrets
Not playing Melty Blood in the hotel Bathroom

>>Plans for ALA 2021 or any other upcoming con
Play Melty Blood at the Azure hotel lobby

>> No.10321631

lemme guess, senor mustache?

>> No.10321640

>t. purple

>> No.10321644

I hear stories from a friend about cocaine, sexual assault, attempted rape, and another physical assault all happening during the span of one day.

You Californians are retarded.

>> No.10321706

>>ALA 2020 Highlights
>Playing Melty Blood at the ALA Swapmeet
I can't believe I missed that
>Play Melty Blood at the Azure hotel lobby
I'm down for that.

>> No.10321707

t. flyover state cuck

>> No.10321713
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That shit happens at every con in any other state lmao
do you even leave the house

>> No.10321760
File: 25 KB, 300x225, coulditbeoriginalblox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine telling the whole world you're some hillbilly from a flyover


>> No.10321850

>attempted rape and sexual assault
What happened? Was it a gull?

>> No.10322064 [DELETED] 

So how were my fellow Seagulls ALA? I have quite the experience playing with a Hilda cosplayer this con.
We met at the cosplay deviants party, I talked a bit to her to try and get her to come to my room for a drink, ignoring her attempts to weasel out of it by listing off all the plans she had totally been planning to do instead. She eventually gave up and left with me. There, alone in my hotel room after dark, she's smiled sweetly as she asks if I’ve finally fallen for her charms and if that meant I’d be letting her go back to the con. Goodness, punching her right in her smug face felt so incredibly satisfying. Seeing her beautiful features twist in shock and fear, blood trickling from her nose, only made her more attractive than ever. She tried to open her mouth to speak and I hit her again, hard; and she whimpered as she crumped to the ground. That's when I quickly fell to my knees on top of her, straddling her tiny waist and wrapping a strong hand around her throat. She tried to fight back at that point, pretty nails digging into my wrist, desperately trying to free her throat from my crushing grip, madly kicking out her legs. I had to wind back my free arm and as I watched her trembling gaze meet mine, Hilda wordlessly begging for forgiveness. And then I hit her again, and again. Punched her until her gorgeous face is unrecognizable and her hands fell powerlessly to her sides; Hilda sucking in weak, rasping breaths. At that point I was so close to bursting, so I tore apart her dress with bloodied hands, exposing her delicious, pale breasts. Slid my throbbing cock between them, clumsily groping her heaving tits as I thrust against them, shooting my thick cum all over her sobbing, battered face. Once that was over I began to wipe my dirty cock off with her pink wig's twintail.
Anyways that's how I met my current GF.

>> No.10322183


and then you woke up lmao

>> No.10322187

I really couldn't care less about what you think of Cali since I hate it too, but did your friend show proof of what he said or do you just eat everything you hear like a mouth-breather?

>> No.10322203

Cool story nigga

>> No.10322204

Pics or it didn't happen.

>> No.10322215

poorfag lmao

>> No.10322271

To be fair, the sissy grabbing people's genitals is from Virginia.

>> No.10322279

Which one was it? I want to check it out next time.

>> No.10322326

Azure hotel

>> No.10322510

This was my favorite thing at the swapmeet, hands down.

>> No.10322743
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>gender neutral bathrooms

>> No.10322881

Did they ever catch the chick hiding in the handicap stall and propositioning people?

>> No.10322894


>> No.10322901

>can still see the men and women signs

>> No.10322902

Friend went to use the restroom, and the chick was apparently standing behind the door. She asked him if he "wanted to continue," he said no, and she wouldn't leave the stall and apparently wanted to watch him pee.

>> No.10322904

he gay?

>> No.10322907

Is that what I overheard people talking about? Lol what a creep
Not the time or place for that, just having them was nice enough don't ruin it

>> No.10322921

Glad I stayed away from that.

>> No.10323152

>They eat at Denny's over Spires
I was introduced to that place back in 2017, I would never eat at the Denny's up the street after that.

>> No.10323175

based. just ate at spires for the first time this ALA

>2 hours of waiting for table/drinks/food/check because nig nog waitresses stand around looking at their phones instead of doing their job
>food is sub par but still expensive

>based Juan singlehandedly serves every table by himself, ridiculously fast service
>food is cheap but great

>> No.10323197

Why eat there when you have free continental breakfast at the hotel you’re stayinng?

>> No.10323224
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>not ordering room service all weekend

>> No.10323263

>not eating at the bar at dennys for instant service


>> No.10323294
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>doesn’t see the word FREE

>> No.10323407

>free continental breakfast

This usually consists of like a cereal bar and toast.

>> No.10323428

Yeah but I eat lunch and/or dinner at Spires

>> No.10323530

I fucking hate those nigs so goddamn much
>AX last year
>Buddy and I are walking back to our hotel at night, just a few blocks from the con
>Black duo approaches us very friendly and goes "Hey you're the MAN!"
>I volunteered at a couple comedy panels, so I just assumed he saw he there and thought I was funny, so I return his high five and tell him thanks
>"Yo bro, I got this QR code for you to scan"
>Realize what's going on and tell him no thanks, I'm not here to buy anything
>"Nah you don't buy it, you just scan it!"
>Again tell him no thanks and they both get aggressive, one of them asking us "who taught you to be racist"
Those guys are fucking shameless when it comes to trying to scam people

>> No.10323573

Spire's isn't 24/7, otherwise I would have checked it out instead.

>> No.10323574

How does this scam work?

>> No.10323576

No idea. Either they try and make you download some shitty app and convince you it's worth the 99 cents, or it gives you some shitty free app that's just malware

>> No.10323577

I should clarify that just by the way they immediately got hostile when we said no makes me think it's some kind of scam

>> No.10323578

It just occurred to me that I may have stumbled onto another scam. I was on my way back to the Residence when some guy saw my camera and offered free camera stuff. I noped out of there because I felt bloated and because I had a bad feeling about it. I think I should have called the cops on him just to be sure to fuck with him. Anybody had a similar encounter?

>> No.10324491

The Residence Inn and Azure had a decent breakfast menu

>> No.10325395

Anything happened at the Ratchetson this time around?

>> No.10325487

>responding to them
fucked up just keep walking

>> No.10325564

How's the signing up for hotels with this con vs AX?

>> No.10325842

My friend was at the Residence after the horrible realization that he booked the wrong one and by some miracle there was a vacancy.

>> No.10331999

>using waifu as synoym of anime character
What do you even mean by waifu in this sentence?

>> No.10332003

>wanting to do mediocre couple cosplays with an imaginary gf
you absolute dweeb. i've been going to cons with my friends for the past 6 years and doing group cosplays is way better than couple cosplays. spitting on fags as the phantom thieves/chocobros is way more fun than muh kirito and asuna, and I know from experience

>> No.10332012

your level of autism is crazy.

>> No.10332130

Dont be an incel. PEPE

>> No.10333463

>who taught you to be racist

Jesus christ.

>> No.10340888
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> thread barely has any pictures
I know most of you have pretty much moved on but I want to fix this

>> No.10340895

desu most gulls here during the meet probably deleted their pictures of them with the rapist

>> No.10342232

i would love to post pics of my cosplays but the one where i actually have my face showing i look uglier thanks to cameras shooting HIGH DEFINITION quality