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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10229705 No.10229705 [Reply] [Original]

Continuing the flow of salt from >>10227261

>> No.10229711

People just quietly dropping out when bad examples join comms is leaving more and more comms filled with more and more itas, people without full coords and ugly brolitas (regardless of their gender status, let's leave that out even) .
Has this happened in your comm or in one you visit?

>> No.10229717

I feel bad because I did this with my comm. My city is a bit on the smallish side so I was really excited when I saw a comm had formed. I tried really hard to go to every meet, encourage newbies, and get along with everyone.
But I just couldn't hack it, most of them were cold and self-interested. They only wanted to talk about their own interests or beliefs instead of trying to make conversation. What little lolita-related conversations we had were mostly people trying to justify replicas or complain about the prices of brand. I even had a girl ask me every single meet, "How can you AFFORD that?!" in regards to my coord.
Ultimately I couldn't justify spending money and time with people I knew I'd never get along with or like. I wish I had the fortitude to just stick with it and work to make the comm a better, more welcoming place.

>> No.10229722

>I was really excited when I saw a comm had formed
Where do comms come from anyway?
The sky?

Do they form from microbes on the ground, pooling themselves into a single, larger mass?

>> No.10229798

How do you even form a comm... do you just house mother it or

>> No.10229800

Wherever and whenever 2 or more lolitas gather in Mana’s holy name and ingest sweets and hot leaf water together, a comm seed is born.

>> No.10229801

Forest Green is an underrated colour for lolita.

>> No.10229810

If you are able to lose weight, DO IT, put in the effort. If you are unable to lose weight, then just fucking pay more to get custom dresses. Shut the fuck up about fat and not fitting into brand and hating skinny girls, holy shit no one but other fatties care

>> No.10229813 [DELETED] 

In reference to the AP Honey Cane dress, It’s stupid of people to get upset about Japanese lolita brands not making more sizes. Most people in Japan fit in the “one size” hence why they make it one fucking size. Why should they have to accommodate everyone else? People act like the world owes them something and it’s idiotic. Stop bitching and wear something else if the dress doesn’t fit. (Whether it be too big or too small)

>> No.10229814

In reference to the AP Honey Cake dress, It’s stupid of people to get upset about Japanese lolita brands not making more sizes. Most people in Japan fit in the “one size” hence why they make it one fucking size. Why should they have to accommodate everyone else? People act like the world owes them something and it’s idiotic. Stop bitching and wear something else if the dress doesn’t fit. (Whether it be too big or too small)

>> No.10229815

Big mood.

>> No.10229816

I agree. People in this community act like they're entitled to so much under the excuse of "inclusiveness."
I was stunned when Tyler made that video saying that women message her or comment feeling they can't wear the fashion, and that's because Japanese brands use mostly Japanese models. Sorry, if you feel like you can't wear clothing because its advertisement shows a person of a different race, then you are probably just too stupid to function. Are the clothes exclusively for mannequins too since most stock photos are taken on those?
Where do these westerners get off feeling like they can boss around people of different races and countries, and that it's somehow socially acceptable and progressive?

>> No.10229819

Most people in Japan and China fit the one size. People might say Japanese still don't like Chinese but I'm sure the clothing designers appreciate the size not being any issue in a large and growing market vs trying to make things for the west.

My unpopular opinion is that I suspect that lots of the ’original design’ Taobao lolita brands also crank out print and design replicas in separate storefronts.

>> No.10229820

Japanese brands normalising American body sizes is bad

>> No.10229821

Chinese fast fashion makes 6-8XL, telling you to check the measurements, no fucks given. Equal to US size M-L. It's good for fat girls to see this and learn something.

>> No.10229823
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You're probably not that far off.
Surface Spell and KidsYoyo have both been proven to have started off as replica-makers. I'm sure there's many more TB brands that did the exact same thing that weren't archived or noticed at the time.

>> No.10229826

The people who complain about fatties the most are cgl autists who ruin every thread with their regularly scheduled wanking sessions anytime someone dares to be fat. see this thread.

>> No.10229835
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>> No.10229837

You're right anon, 8 out of the 16 posts in thread are already either complaining about fatties being entitled or about being glad that brands don't cater to fatties.
How brave of you to state your "unpopular" opinion...

>> No.10229838

There's also the fact that they call women of a normal weight "fat" and think skeleton girls have a "perfect body." It's disturbing.

>> No.10229841

It may not be unpopular here, but to express any frustration about sizes getting bigger gets you a barrage of fat girls calling you whiny. I don't care about another person's size. They have all the capability to dress themselves well. There are brands that cater to them, and custom sized dresses are available to everyone. But complaining about clothes getting bigger and bigger is for some reason fat shaming?

>> No.10229843 [DELETED] 

Not sure anyone is really complaining, just stating an observation. It doesn’t directly affect anyone. This is an unpopular opinion thread, where you express your knowingly salty opinions. So, if the shoe fits I guess?

And no one said they are “glad” brands don't cater to larger sizing...think you need to re-read.

>> No.10229844

People complain about what they don’t have but don’t do anything about it themselves. They believe it’s up to the rest of the world to accommodate...

>> No.10229845

To the person looking for the origin of the Japanese spelling ロリィタ, the best I could find for now is the lolita fashion Wikipedia article in Japanese. At the end of the first paragraph they mention it is also spelled as ロリィタ and the citation is a Novala book, but I don't have an excerpt from the book to reference

>> No.10229847

It’s a simple behavioral observation. And this is an unpopular opinion thread, where you express your knowingly salty opinions. So, if the shoe fits I guess?

And no one said they are “glad” brands don't cater to larger sizing...think you need to re-read.

>> No.10229852

As somebody who works in a convenience store in a particularly ghetto area, where loads of people come in half naked in summer: skinny people are just as gross as fat people. And as soon as they reach around their mid 30s their faces are starting to look haggard and too sunken in too. Don't do that gulls, stay normal.

>> No.10229853


>As somebody who works in a convenience store in a particularly ghetto area

more like don't do drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes, and wear sunblock.

>> No.10229854

No amount of sunscreen can even out hollow cheeks.

>> No.10229855

My point was that I'm forced to see many naked bodies and that - contrary to what many female posters on cgl like to claim - thin is not better than fat. It looks equally ugly.

>> No.10229856

That's why you don't do drugs. You don't care about eating good food, or food at all, so you become emaciated.

If you're malnourished yeah it will look bad.

>> No.10229862

Chiffon main pieces should burn in hell

>> No.10229869


>> No.10229872


>> No.10229877

You've never seen a fat junkie then. They exist, and they're usually REALLY fat

>> No.10229884


yes, they can also be fat. i never said they can't.

>> No.10229887

Brand tote bags look hideous and ruin every coord. Use them to lolify your grocery shopping experience.

Hard agree. I also think grey is underrepresented, but it’s notoriously hard to coord.

>> No.10229896

Tall and/or mature looking girls shouldn't wear lolita.
Most people are not afraid to say that fatties obviously look like shit in it, but it's the same for them. It was made for japanese girls, so if you're the opposite, it naturally just doesn't suit you at all. What makes you think you can wear stuff made for girls who are nearly a foot shorter than you?
There are other options for you, that suits types like you better (for example, like 99% of all western fashion...), so there's no need for you to go for jfashion. People often mistaking bigger women in lolita for trannies or men happens for a reason. It nearly always looks like ageplay.

>> No.10229900

I'm tired of every ita thread getting derailed by screeching about ddlgers and fatties.

If the only thing you have to hate about a coord is that they're fat there ain't even a point in posting it. If it looks ugly yeah go for it but if a coord looks good and the only bad thing about it is the person wearing it is fat, just leave it alone because it just derails the thread into "every coord I don't like". I miss when it was actually about itas.

That and everyone is a ddlger or roleplayer

>Ankle socks
>Any type of heart choker or lock type choker. Hell even spiked chokers
>"Will you shut up about calling someone a ddlger already?"
>literally anything they don't like

I'm tired of hearing about it. I wish there could be an ita thread that wasn't just complaining about people wearing stuff they don't like and the thread getting derailed by nitpicks and random bullshit accusations. And yes, this is in reference to someone wearing a heart choker from a larme brand getting called a ddlger. I've heard that fucking term more here than I have anywhere else and I'm metaphorically ready to shoot the next anon who says it. so many things have been called ddlg at this point I'm just waiting for what's gunna be considered ddlg next. I'm waiting for mary janes to get considered "ddlg heels"

>> No.10229907

I've one hundred percent heard teaparties called ddlg/ageplay so you're not far off.

>> No.10229909

Make a Facebook group called "country X egl community" and when there's a bit of activity you suggest to meet up with the members somewhere nice. If your country /city already has a group of Facebook, you can make a new one on discord or somewhere else.

>> No.10229911

I would rather have autism or another disorder than be fat desu

>> No.10229912

Novala is also the one that called lolitas otome. He tried to change the name but normies didn't listen.

>> No.10229917

I really like that brand mostly comes in one size. If you really like the fashion why wouldn't you bother to lose weight and fit the clothes instead of deluding yourself and ordering a custom size dress from an indie brand or squeezing yourself uncomfortably into brand?

I know a lot of people need a lot of support for weight loss but unless you have an actual mental or physical issue that limits your ability to diet, losing weight is not horrifically difficult.

>> No.10229920

>tfw you have a mental issue that makes it extremely difficult to eat healthy

>> No.10229925

Girls with mature faces/RBF syndrome look amazing in gothic, classic and old school. A lot of shorter babyfaced women look stumpy and awkward in more elegant clothes, but they do fit sweet better.

>> No.10229926 [DELETED] 

>tfw anon doesn't understand their own impending morality will doom them to the same fate

Yes and jeans should only be worn by coal miners.

>> No.10229931

>tfw anon doesn't understand thier own impending mortality will doom them to the same fate

Yes and jeans should only be worn by coal miners

>> No.10229933

My main point was more about tall women than about the ones who look old. But thise two features usually go together.
Misako is nearly 40 too, but still looks good in lolita her short and petite body makes up for her wrinkles. If you start out already looking like somebody wearing a way too small kids dress, then how will you look once you're really no longer young? Huge + haggard = like a men...

>> No.10229942

Semi related feel, I lost a lot of weight and now I regret buying my favourite IW piece because it's too loose.

My unpopular opinion is that people need to stop focusing on the face of a person. Focus on the coord - yes it's an aesthetic fashion, if their makeup is shit, fair game, but constantly ragging on lor for manface is silly when you could actually critique her coords.

>> No.10229943

Fatphobic is my favourite thing to be. Fuck entitled people.

>> No.10229944

Don't you have a jewel mine that needs tending, dwarf?

>> No.10229947

Its freaking fine to me if a person is fat and wears lolita. I do not care whatsoever what kind of people wear lolita. It’s complaining that they are fat and not being accommodated that boggles my mind. I personally am not bothered by ‘Itas’ or ‘Fatty Chans’ or whatever else is not socially acceptable by this comm. People looking bad doesn’t affect me, therefore I don’t care.

But like why complain about something like that? Why demand that you be accommodated with a larger size??? Either lose weight or wear a different brand. The end.

>> No.10229965

Lately there seem to be lots of triggered giants on cgl kek

>> No.10229974

Nah, tall lolitas look like they're actually wearing a fashion. That's why models around the world are generally taller, because they look better, regardless of how short the skirts are.
Every girl under 5'5 looks like a child in sweet, no exception. And girls under 5"5 just look silly in classic and gothic to begin with.

>> No.10229978

I really don’t say this out loud but...I only like lolita on myself, the models (no matter what race, I don’t care about azns because normal japs look fat and ugly in those clothes too) and some non-famous super good looking people but they actually never wear it. I’ve never seen a good looking lolita in comms or online. As for cgl it seems to me since none of you have a taste it’s all about passing for lolita but never wearing it aesthetically, which is odd since the websites of burando do show wearing advice. Even for a fucking bag. Nobody here dresses properly that’s for sure. I don’t care about ita or what passes for lolita, but I just don’t find any of the people’s tastes here nice. I’m not experienced myself compared to mana and I don’t think since most spergs can’t handle criticism would agree but this is what I think. I think this with normie fashion too actually but lolita will always be “OTT” so it’s more annoying. At the same time this is good because it makes me feel better but I am getting older so no longer am I petty I just want you all to dress better.

>> No.10229979

waah waah fat ew fat reee

Im so sick of this board doing this shit, my unpopular opinion is who fucking cares. I hate people shitting up entirely unrelated threads with REEE FAT PEOPLE SUCK DIE!1!!!

We get it. Go outside.

>> No.10229980

At this point i think the people saying it are fat dudes themselves

>> No.10229993

My comm is fucking giant because my city is fucking giant, so not really.

>> No.10229997

Wearing ankle socks over tights makes you look like a dumbass

>> No.10230007

sounds like these people are skinny from drugs and malnourishment, not from making good food and fitness choices

>> No.10230009

there's a difference between being healthy skinny and emaciated. If you're emaciated, you're not making good food choices.

>> No.10230011
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That's only wishful thinking lol Lolita models are short and look good. Western models would looks like ridiculous in lolita.
Imagine their clothes were reversed - it would look like shit.

>> No.10230014

I think brand totes are ok for your day bag/secondary bag if you want something lolita and don't want your purse to be giant. But people shouldn't use a brand tote AS the main bag except in a casual skirt + cutsew coord.

My unpopular opinion 1 is that despite all the styling guides, street snaps and older magazines as well as so much new content, half the lolitas in almost any given group shot are a sloppy mess. People your look and your grooming still need to meet basic standards, ironed clothes, good make up, we'll-styled hair(wig), neat nails, polished shoes etc.

Unpopular opinion 2 is that Lor is not a good lolita to learn from and never has been. Her ’shit lolitas say’ series was funny but I can't take her seriously as someone giving lolita advice because her own lolita aesthetic is subpar and she has really bad taste in general.

>> No.10230023

Shorty be jelly
>t. a fellow shorty

>> No.10230026

My clothes get wrinkled sometimes from sitting down. My hair gets messed up from spending time outside. My nail polish gets damaged from using my hands. I don't feel like touching up my make-up in the middle of something. I frankly don't care if I look bad in group pictures, but do you go to the bathroom to fix everything before someone wants to take your picture?

>> No.10230030

My unpopular opinion is that gulls need a reality check on how humans look. Maybe you should follow some of those instagram accounts where they compare pictures of what celebs look like in their own pictures versus what they look like in other pictures. It's just a fact that most humans are ugly. Having such high standards of what lolitas should look like is boring and unnecessary. The people you're criticising aren't models, they're normal people. And like normal people, they look more gross as the day progresses.

>> No.10230031

Jealous of what? Not fitting into lolita? Being mistaken for a tranny? Looking old?
Why is this so controversial? In the end both fatties and tall women don't fit lolita dresses properly. Doesn't really matter whether it's because the dress is too tight or too short (or both), it's just not a good look.

Tall girls can look nice in basic western fashion (think insta baddie), so why would they go for lolita if it's so difficult to find clothes that fit or look good on them anyway?

>> No.10230035
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>> No.10230038

Nayrt but I usually go to the bathroom as soon as I reach my destination to check that everything is tidy and presentable, so I'm ready for photos from that point on. Plus it's good practice to wash your hands when you arrive anywhere, so bathroom trips are a must.

>> No.10230039

Tell that to VM’s western models who look amazing.

>> No.10230043

i'd rather see ugly people and old people in lolita or another attractive fashion than in boring normie clothes. that way something on them is appealing

>> No.10230045

They're likely short too.

>> No.10230046

Women wear lolita for themselves, not for what other people think. But here are some stats: Average height of Japanese women at 5’1 is only 3 inches shorter than average American women’s height of 5’4. AP and JetJ both show on taller western women. Also remember IW Model-san? So skill in styling yourself has a lot to do with how you end up looking and I think many western women don't pay enough attention to this in lolita.

That said, my unpopular opinion is that tall, fat or maturing women who wish to look their best in lolita need to dress for their bodies, height and faces, and in most cases, adjust their coordinates to leave out the most juvenile looks. But since many people who wear lolita don't care about that and just wear what they like, their style is often is not chosen for what will make them look their very best. What if your dream print only comes in unflattering cuts? You make the best of it. What if you love sweet but you are getting older? Wear it anyway. What if you are fat and dumpy shape but love elegant gothic? Its harder to make it look good, so you settle for just ok.
But that's true in a lot of normie western fashion looks too, people choose what they like best over what would actually make them look best.

>> No.10230048

I wish he would come back and write about lolita again in the present. No one is writing essays or poetry about it anymore and for many of us, that gave it a lot more soul and heart back then.

>> No.10230049

They would be posted in the ita thread for flat hair

>> No.10230050

He's working on a book about lolita but prison pretty much ruined his career.

>> No.10230051

I have not seen one tall western woman who was able to do that tho. They always dress themselves in the most unflattering ways, leaving them to look shitty.
Plus, the western models used for lolita are still not as tall as many gulls. What might still somehow work on somebody who's 5'7, already looks horrible on girls who are 5'10.
When Girls of normal height have to be slim to fit into it, then tall girls have basically no choice other than to go full ana - sticking to western fashion would be a lot easier (and healthier).

>> No.10230055

You sound really sloppy. I tuck my skirts and know how to sit, my hair stays in place or I re-comb it back into place after wind and I wear gel polish so no chips. I know when I need to touch up my makeup and I check my look before photos, yes absolutely. If you don't care, why are you replying?

>> No.10230059

Man, it's weird to think about how in Japan, less than a gram of weed can ruin your career more than ten years later.

>> No.10230060

What if I'm sloppy? I'm still going to wear lolita and ruin your group photos.

>> No.10230063

Well, being 5’7, and older than 30, I can't really speak for taller or older but I really try to dress for my height and age. I use underskirts where they will work, choose longer waisted cuts so the waist doesn't look weirdly high and I wear lower-heeled shoes but rarely flats. I do not wear sweet or anything OTT, and I do my hair and makeup in a youthful but not overdone way, keeping everything neat and more subtle. I get compliments and people ask me for tips so I think I'm doing ok.

>> No.10230067

I don't need to go to the bathroom and fix anything other than to touch up my lips after I ea. My look stays together because I know how to dress and style myself. Stop being a slob, maybe?

Most people who have a full-time job can manage to keep themselves looking decent through a day, every day. Why should we expect anything less of lolitas when looking amazing in a unique style is one of the basic reasons for even wearing the fashion? I'm not talking staying picture-perfect, but I see so many hot messes. And that's just not caring.

>> No.10230071
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Lolita designers seem to have a different opinion. They visit and market to the west more and more. I think I'll go with their opinion since they base a lot of lolita concepts and designs on western Rococo and Victorian styles to begin with. But have a funny pic anyway.

>> No.10230072

Fatphobic isn't a thing. I swear folks just make up words because they don't want to be honest with themselves

>> No.10230097 [DELETED] 

>girls under 5'5 look silly in classic and gothic

Is it painful to be this wrong

>> No.10230100

The word “fatphobic” is hilarious, because human beings are naturally programmed to be repulsed by sickness/disease/harmful things and obesity is a disease. “Fatphobic” is essentially the same of some retard saying anyone who doesn’t want to get cancer is being “cancerphobic.” They don’t want to face the reality that they are undesirable because they are killing themselves, so they make up words to try and shame people for the natural reaction of not wanting to fucking die. You don’t see someone with the chickenpox and say “wow what a healthy individual, so attractive!”

>> No.10230101
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Social Media Popularity is going to Kill Lolita Eventually

Social media allows people who share an interest to share information with each other en mass, which is a positive. But what it also does is create a warped understanding of who is a general "fan" and who is a paying consumer of that content. Without diving too deep into modern pop culture, this kinda thing in other circles is being called "Get Woke, Go Broke", where a movie studio, comic publisher or video game company mis-identifies who their actual paying customers are and mistakenly markets towards the fans who do not actually buy their products. It usually results in losses and the core cause of the problem is that general "fans" tend to have louder voices then the actual consumers, who are often much quieter or less into interacting with (but do read) social media stuff.
Getting back to Lolita, I'm really worried about this pattern taking hold at some point and stirring the market astray right into a frilly crash. Part of what makes me think Lolita is at risk is that there is a heavy push-back from the people who do not directly support brand, but who want brands to listen to them.

>> No.10230104

The polyester AP releases aren't bad, y'all are just spoiled by older AP.

>> No.10230111
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disregard the styling, but the fit... you keep telling yourself whatever helps you sleep at night

>> No.10230112
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>> No.10230113

this exactly

>> No.10230114

Idk if you ever look at those threads here but "looking decent" still gets you criticised

>> No.10230129

This is true. I actually really like the clarity of print the poly lends. It's really nice.

>> No.10230133

I don't want to pry, but is like sensory stuff? I can't think of anything like this lol

>> No.10230134

Hard agree. I call these fans ’cuckoos’ because that's the behavior pattern.
I take it further and into the community dynamic too though. In western comms, many of the good lolitas aren't going to comm meets or participating as much in group online spaces anymore because of the effect of various loud fan types and small interest groups within the fashion (itas, SJW, brolitas, TiMs, Hons, etc). I think more groups should require people to already be wearing the fashion, then be allowed to join the groups, not the other way around. Have some general info groups for new lolitas instead until they actually make their first coord.
Yet people here cried ’Elitist!’ and ”BrandWhore” when suggested a burando-centric FB group for posting coords with the main piece being Japanese brand. Like it's a bad thing to be visibly supportive of the Japanese brands? WTF.
I also think brand teas should keep their dress code tight, look at what happened at Tokyo in Tulsa when they relaxed the dress code at the JetJ tea. Most embarrassing behavior.

>> No.10230138

Inattentive ADHD. I didn't even remember to eat until I read that comment, and often skip meals accidentally. It also makes you very impulsive about everything, so that includes food, drugs and drinks.

>> No.10230145

Sounds more like BPD anon

>> No.10230146

>>10230101 >>10230134
I once helped start a comm and then promptly bailed as it was overrun by "girl weebs who support Lolita". Basically they joined the comm because they thought since Lolitas usually own more then one main piece that the Lolitas could then dress everyone for each meet. I pointed out pretty quickly that my collection was geared towards someone of my own size (not smaller or bigger then myself) so expecting me to dress 10+ people ranging between size 0-24 would be a little... Unrealistic? These people were incredibly opinionated on what the brands were doing and though I tried to encourage them towards become customers, none of them wanted to directly interact with the companies... While moaning about the companies not catering towards them.

And by "get them to buy" I mean encouraging the size 14 girl to buy brand socks so then take to the fabric story and find fabric to match back to it to then make a main piece. I was literally talking about invest under $50 per person into brando and then winging the rest.. And they refused... While wanting to then attend the brand's tea parties.

>> No.10230156
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isn't chokelate like 5'10 or something? and she got picked to be in the JetJ fashion show & at least one of their in-print advertisements. I think she looks fine here.

>> No.10230157

absolutely cringe the pic of the dude of the dudette in the front, ruining a good dress

>> No.10230158

im wheezing she looks normal at the upper half but below the hem it's like someone cut off a third of her leg

>> No.10230160


>> No.10230161


>First pic: girl is posing, angle is clearly thought out and from below
>2nd pic: candid picture, girls looking at her phone and clearly not posing, angle is unflattering

What I'm getting from this picture is that angles are extremely important.

>> No.10230163

the picture is absolutely ruining everything

>> No.10230164

That's the thing with proportions though. Not all height is created equal. Western models usually have long legs, and not necessarily much longer or wider torsos. The only difference in fit at that point is leg length, and I'm sorry, but longer legs look better than shorter legs.

>> No.10230165

The portrait is rather... strangely placed

>> No.10230166

it's completely ruining the le coord 4 me 2bh grills

>> No.10230167

It's not nearly at a drastically different angle that would excuse the fit or make the point moot. The girl on the right isn't wearing that dress, it's wearing her.

>> No.10230168

Is that girl on the very right wearing those boots without socks

>> No.10230169

hard agree on the "if you like the fashion you should put in effort to lose weight", hard pass on "losing weight isn't horrificly difficult". Losing 5 pounds to get that new brand to zip is not the same as losing half your weight or more.

sause: lost 90 pounds to start lolita, happy to wear, not so much about the bulimia

>> No.10230170

Nvmd, I thought those crosses were tattoos for a second

>> No.10230172
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How about, instead of whining, you actually report off-topic posts and bait?
Istg sometimes I feel like I'm the only person who even does that anymore.

>> No.10230176

The usual custodial volunteer here lets most of the fatty hate posts stay unless the posts just derail the thread. Ditto on posts about TiMs.

My theory is that in the last round of applications, we may have finally lucked into acquiring a custodian here that is a good lolita. I assume that moderating this board still has a medium-high burnout rate though even though it’s slower than it used to be, so enjoy the respite while it lasts, gulls

>> No.10230178

she's letting me be a horny sexual weirdo in here, as long as I put some lolita related content along with it

>> No.10230182
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No one is responding to any horny sexual weirdness though. Because we can’t care less. Though if I see some I will report it or just reply with a dumb lolita shit post to knock you off your groove. So here’s your (you), with a lolita blast from the past. You’re welcome.

>> No.10230184

What are you even talking about? Many mental illnesses have impulsivity as a symptom.

>> No.10230185 [DELETED] 

you're soooo cool, like omg!

>> No.10230198

A lot of these things posted over the last 2 threads here are not unpopular opinions, they are either things the community is divided over or even common things we all dislike. Maybe go post some of this in Grinds my Gears. I made a new one.

Unpopular opinion: larger sizes don’t always mean people will look much better. Recent larger releases aren’t producing amazing coords on fatties, just more fatties in lolita. Also I’m glad Haenuli and Dollbe are closing. Why unpopular? Because I believe the tide has turned and there are now more active combined numbers of sjw and fatty-chans in western lolita than good lolitas.

>> No.10230238

Both of those girls are short though? Househaunter only looks tall in pictures because of angles, she's like 5'2 or something

>> No.10230302

>Because I believe the tide has turned and there are now more active combined numbers of sjw and fatty-chans in western lolita than good lolitas.
based on the threads in here doesn't look like it, but if that is the case I feel sorry for you grills, RIP.

>> No.10230303

juliette et justine went through a weird period of experimenting with painting prints on bodices but since it was an official brand show i don't think the models got to choose how they were styled.
idk i think it's good that they were at least experimenting at the time but i remember sentiments similar to your from the international community

>> No.10230305


I know the other girl is on the shorter side, so I disagree hugely. You chose an unflattering picture on the other girl.

>> No.10230307


Same anon, and just to add, I'm 5'3 and I noticed angles play a huge role in how much the dress will looks flattering or stuffy on me. The only issue is that I also have is that my face because it's full will often start looking rather unflattering from that angle. I can't win lol.

>> No.10230356

I mean, ngl i get you when you get irritated abotu people complaining that they're fat and not being accommodated, especially when many japanese brands only produce one - three sizes and their sizes are vastly smaller than western ones because not everyone is overweight.

i'm just tired of people reeeeee that someone is fat and wearing lolita.

>tea parties getting called ddlg/ageplay

I'm screaming. that was meant to be sarcastic on the mary janes getting called ddlg heels not a premonition of the future. lord i can't wait till people just kill off staples of this fashion by screaming random thing is ddlg. esp if the screaming gets popular enough other lolitas stop doing it en masse

>> No.10230434

That's not weird at all. Being a nasty druggie SHOULD ruin a person's career. He's gross.

>> No.10230437

Why are you so strict on people. Let them live..

>> No.10230438

No it doesn't, it's literally one of the main symptoms of adhd

>> No.10230445

Believing that only Japanese brands are relevant does indeed make you a brandwhore. You can show visible support without a special "elite" group.

>> No.10230451

You were raised badly.

>> No.10230482

I could literally starve myself to death and not fit most OPs or unshirred pieces because of my viking woman shoulders. Went into the fashion with anorexic BMI and still didn't fit. Happy about it since the shirred pieces i had to get still fit me after getting back to a healthy lifestyle. Big boobied ladies have similar problems. Not only chubby people need bigger/fully shirred sizes. Although I think chubby lolitas look dang cute as well, and would love to see them coorded in quality brand more.

>> No.10230483

occassional druggie here, I agree with you, but how were you raised? extremely curious, wanna raise my kids like this

>> No.10230506

another viking linebacker reporting in, JSKs are great, cutsews are great, if you are normal-sized otherwise you shouldn't have an issue beyond OPs and blouses

>> No.10230508
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Unpopular opinion: correctly done, Wa lolita doesn't look bad, people are just too lazy to learn enough about dressing in kimono and too cheap to get pretty kimono and obi to actually make it work. Bonus: skirts in pic related are Bodyline and the kimono and obi are vintage.

>> No.10230528

You obviously do not know how bad Japanese prisons are.
Weed harms no one, not even the user, and there are some people that say even the kyoani arsonist doesn't derserve the treatment they do.

>> No.10230555

It depends on how tall and how mature. Skinny and going up to 5'8 like Tyler shouldn't be a problem even in brand. If you're playing at being a *girl* with a scary ugly face like Hondr*a and look about 60 to 70, that's indeed too mature not to mention uncanny valley creepy and you should desist. The disney shit has autopedophilia written all over it. Safiya is 5'10 and as we saw in the vid, pushing the limits because she's fat for Japanese standards. She'd be fine in most burger coms.

On the other hand, there's a difference between being short and dainty and cute like Misako, and short and squat and unfortunately looking like a troll doll or Tiffy. Short rotund matrons should also desist. An apple body, where your beergut sticks out beyond your tits, is never going to fit the silhouette and all of the real pearls in the world aren't going to change that.

>> No.10230558


I think most people agree, but it's a breath of fresh air to see someone else other than Kagome (RIP I loved your coords). I think that might be one of the few coords I like of that person since she's usually a huge swing and miss.

>> No.10230560

>letting others wear my dresses
>have invested over $15,000 so far
>clean, wash or steam and otherwise do maintenance every couple of wears
>after every wear on summer days
>check buttons aren't loose, ribbons aren't gone etc.
I would assume they were actually joking, and then bail from that com like the roadrunner. My friends who are the same size don't get to borrow my dresses, my sisters don't either, literally no one. I'd kill a weeb before letting it near my wardrobe, let alone sweat and eat in my stuff for an entire day. That is MADNESS.

>> No.10230562

Stop raiding my closet, mom!

>> No.10230565

>weed harms no one
>mfw just saw a thread about a psych ward full of dudes with cannabis induced psychosis
>Physically punishing and abusing children is 50% more common among parents that smoke weed - most of whom also drink - than among those who abstain, a new study finds

>> No.10230575

schizo here, can confirm, there is always at least 4 of us due to weed, but have to specify here, apparently weed only fucks you up.if you have direct ancestors (at least counting your grandpa, not sure if further than this applies) who also had schizophrenia

>> No.10230580

>ruining a good dress
Don't be silly, JetJ haven't made a good dress in years

>> No.10230581

I hope he can get some momentum going again. I'd love to read some more essays. I reread SoPretty/VeryRotten and it got me inspired all over again in a way that just FRUiTS doesn't. Too bad he can't just shave his hair and start over like that one idol did.

>> No.10230585

This is veering into very unpopular opinion territory but I'm a little creeped out by Novala Takemoto. I like KG a lot but anything else I've read by him is like he's playing out a fantasy of being a young girl and it sits weirdly with me. The old photos of him wearing mismatched brand clothing are really jarring.

I feel like a traitor because I remember reading some essays about 13 years ago when I was falling in love with the fashion but I just get such a weird vibe looking back now.

>> No.10230595

Have you heard about "Geeks, MOPs, and sociopaths in subculture" by David Chapman?
He calls the flighty fans "mops," coming around to a New Thing to soak up as much of the easy, surface level stuff as they can before moving on to the next New Thing. It's been a visible problem in lolita since the dawn of social media platforms. I recommend reading the whole article.

>> No.10230612

I think everyone likes him because he is creepy. You're entitled to not like that about him.

>> No.10230636

>Weed harms no one, not even the user
Have a look at the studies proving it kills brain cells and causes memory loss. Also it causes harm to your family by making them deeply ashamed of raising someone like you.

>> No.10230639

Oh boy I love weed arguments in my lolita threads.

>> No.10230655

this but unironically

>> No.10230665


This is unpopular. Have a donut on me, anon. Or a joint.

>> No.10230675

gonna be 3 cookies and going to sleep

>> No.10230680

Hard fact: Dudes that are not trans but are into Lolita all have weirdness attached to them. Is it harmful? Usually not. Out of all the brolitas I've met I've never met a dangerous one. And that's not to say all trans people are harmless, but usually all their issues are about their gender identity journey and Lolita is a hobby they took up that's not woven directly into their hang-ups. Sissies are a good example of this; most of them are CIS male so their interest in "fluffy dresses" is part of a messed up mental disaster. Even look at Mana; he's "cool" because he is very composed publicly, but seriously we probably don't want to hear his deepest thoughts on why he started wearing Lolita.

Thank you for the recommendation, I'll check it out. It's a topic that's often hard to bring it up because it gets confused with a political correctness argument when it's really a separate issue just about consumerism and feedback between customers and product makers.

Lastly, just a comment on weed; Nothing that alters your perception, mood and physical body that much can't exist without side effects of some measurable kind. There is no such thing as a "perfectly safe" substance. As an example; Lavender is great for aroma therapy, digestion and such... But it is bad as a topical agent placed on the skin / rubbed into the skin. Is it dangerous? Not super. But it is not absolutely safe without any negative aspects.

>> No.10230681

What is your shoulder width?

>> No.10230682

What about stuff you don't wear anymore and doesn't sell well?

>> No.10230686

Some more details to trigger you;
>Sad that the colors of my wardrobe aren't more "diverse" and able to suit a wide range of skin colors.
>Confused as to why I only have pieces that reach a certain length and that aren't shorter or longer for people of different heights.
>Large girls still insisting they could fit my stuff and then getting offended that I say; "Um, okay, only if we leave the side-zipper open and hide it with a bolero."

I also lent out homemade foundation pieces (petticoats, bodyline bloomers, thrift store blouses) that never got returned... The whole thing was a mess.

>> No.10230691


>> No.10230693

Tfw same, that and my huge mountain woman ribcage. For some reason nobody notice, even on the CoF thread.

>> No.10230698

Nice avoidance technique, you're a waste of talent.

>> No.10230700

Anon, those people are leeches and thieves on top of being whiny, entitled millennials. Don't ever indulge anyone remotely like that again.

>> No.10230707

This used to be a popular opinion in lj days.

>> No.10230711

Fat girls look good in goth.
Tall girls look good in classic.
Neither one looks good in sweet.

>> No.10230713

t. Tall girl who looks objectively good in sweet because she knows how to dress for her height

>> No.10230715

that wasn't general opinion. there was just a couple of loud people trying to be edgy.

>> No.10230716

Just mega curious, any lolitas that listen to 90's rap? Nate Dogg, Big L, Nas? Would be fucking badass if some did.

>> No.10230755

Yes i do! I listen to Eazy E, Tupac, Dre especially. But i listen to this among a whole variety of music genres.

>> No.10230762

daamn, tell me what other degenerate music you listen to, I listen to reggae, and some normie shit, but some times I get months without listening to shit
my e-gf got me listening to nate dogg, need that gangsta of love touch some times, can't stand being fucked with sentimentally

>> No.10230772
File: 30 KB, 640x640, 57267833_607242446462831_4394011053272157991_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and i'm only 5'2"

>> No.10230778

Nah, I like trap better.

>> No.10230785

this inspired me a crazy wave of yikes, cringe and similar replies, including droped. I'll just say that I don't like trap at all. But if you like it better it means you sort of like it, wich is something.

>> No.10230826

Shoulder 45cm (18'')
Bust 97cm (38'')
Underbust 82cm (32'')

My mom have similar proportions and refers to us as "barn doors" (thanks mom). But at least she was lucky enough to spend her late teens/early twenties in the 80s when shoulder pads was the shit.

My ribs/underbust is a problem for any unshirred jsk, especially since the dress waist often hit my ribs. (I'm 5'8''). I do really like cutsews, but I'm limited to half- or 3/4 sleeves since short puff sleeves make my wide shoulders look enormous, and long sleeves hit that awkward 4/5 sleeve length on me. I've been forced to resell all brand cutsews I've tried because it just looks awkward on me. Cardigans and boleros are my to-go.

I dream of owning an op that fits me one day - it has an effortless elegance I wish to pull off. IW had an otome one that fit me just right when I was anorexic. If they would offer just one size larger I would be so, so happy. Or if an indie brand with similar style/quality would do custom size, really.

>> No.10230836

The rounded face of chubby girls make them suitable for sweet imo. Especially as the fat layer under the skin fills out early set wrinkles. I'm skinny and sometimes jelly since my face looks sharp and masculine for wearing cutesy prints and expect to have fine lines within a few years.

I have recently come to the conclusion that classic sweet is a better fit for my height than plain sweet though, so semi-agree.

>> No.10230849

I don't disagree because some cords should be polished if they're elegant/decadent. But my unpopular opinion is that the roots of the fashion have been cast aside to look like pristine dolls. The fashion has morphed from something you wear in real life to something you put on for 2 hours in your room for selfies to post online. That general street style feel and wearability is what made me love this fashion

>> No.10230860

Somebody doesn't know how to dress themselves. Kek.

>> No.10230878

I can agree to this, and the people who just take room selfies (or only wear it for YouTube filming) aren't really wearing it as fashion, more like a costume. But even in street fashion, you have to be able to wear something (and wear it well) for at least half a day in order to go out. I can wear an elegant coord all day without stress because my clothes fit, my pouf is ok without 3 pettis bunching at my waist, my shoes don't pinch and I'm used to lashes because I don't dress like a hobo in my daily life. You ned to reach a certain level to look ok in any fashion though or it just looks like messy and try-hard dress-up when part of being fashionable is to be practiced enough to pull it off in an effortless way, not with visible struggle and turmoil. So many lolitas look and act like uncomfortable and grumpy children dressed for Sunday church against their will.

>> No.10230894

This is my literal size and I fit into all big brands if we're excluding OPs. You might want to see someone about your self image issues because you're not actually that big. This fashion is all about proportions, get a wider petti and a bigger headpiece to balance you out and call it a day.

>> No.10230895

I don't think its a good idea to encourage badly dressed weebs to get into lolita fashion. If someone can't dress themselves well already then they will just become another badly dressed lolIta unless they come to the fashion motivated, have the funds and then are willing to do the research to learn to dress themselves. There are exceptions who go on to learn to be good lolitas but they are just that, exceptions...and they are damn few.
There is nothing wrong with small comms or even no comm if the alternative is to have a bunch of badly dressed people as a comm.
Quality > quantity.

>> No.10230896

Same Anon, I'm 5'8"with big ribs too, another tip never buy high waist for both of these 'issues' we will never fit into unshirred brand, and that's okay. I'd rather have an inch it wiggle room for the monthly fluctuations.

>> No.10230899

Lumping tall girls together with fat girls is cruel.
Why is everybody always doing that?

My unpopular opinion is that I disagree with the "just lose weight if you don't fit into lolita"-notion.
Whenever I read this I suspect that it comes from a short girl.
If you're short enough, you'll fit into anything, even if you're chubby, so the amount of dieting you have to do is very likely a lot less. When a tall girl is not naturally slim and wants to wear lolita she has to put in a lot of effort to get to that point.
t. tall girl who's tired of chubby short girls thinking theyr'e skinnier than her, just because they're lighter and are able to wear smaller sizes - that's not an accomplishment

>> No.10230905

I challenge your bemoaning;
Shoulder 18"
Bust 32"
Waist 26"
Hip 44"

>> No.10230908

Yours is actually better for lolita, everything over the head and your hips always hidden. Where's the problem?

>> No.10230913
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Absolutely every argument on the subject of fat people is retarded and unnecessary. Nobody is going to change their opinion one way or the other because they saw some idiot bitching about it on an anonymous Thai shadow-puppetry board.

>> No.10230925

Sailor moon was trash and it doesn’t belong in lolita fashion no matter how nostalgic it makes you feel.

>> No.10230941 [DELETED] 

spotted the fatty

>> No.10230945

I do own pieces from most of the major brands; but again - always back shirred and never found a good brand blouse that can be worn under jsk as well as by itself with a skirt. I suspect my rib cage might be longer/wider than yours since it is actually the area below the underbust which is my main concern for jsks . It's not that I struggle too much with body image anymore, it's more a frustration over that I literally can't close the zipper or avoid button gaps on so many pieces I would like to wear. If it fits well, I don't feel large.

Drop waist is my favorite, since it's like a regular waist for me! I've given up on most Angelic Pretty since they (generally) favor higher waists compared to BTSSB.

Considering your bust is like my underbust I assume your ribs fit in dresses more easily. Inverted triangle is also way easier to make into a hourglass shape than a rectangle shape!

>> No.10231020

(truly) retarded lolitas shouldn't be allowed in the fashion even "just for their fun".
They might as well wear cheap princess dresses instead of ruining or fashion.

>> No.10231077
File: 32 KB, 645x729, 268zj7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sailor moon was trash
>a dearly beloved and revolutionary to the magical girl genre anime is trash

>> No.10231080

Diffrent anon, but not everyone gives a fuck about sailor moon. I'd admit a lot of sailor moon merch is cute, i've never personally given a shit about that anime either.

>> No.10231083

Yeah sure but even objectively it isn't trash.
Obsessed moonies are annoying as fuck though and some coords are tacky i gotta give it to ya

>> No.10231111

>even objectively it isn't trash
yeah that's not what that word means. art can't objectively be anything. you can't even objectively define art, let alone define if it's "good" or "trash"

>> No.10231764

As long as someone states their shipping terms and follows them, you should not cry about ’slow shipping’. If I say I ship once a week on Saturday morning, and you buy a dress Saturday night, expect a week’s wait and don't fucking bug me about ’when will you -actually- ship’, ’when do I get my tracking’, ’can you ship a bit sooner’ etc.
I'm tempted to add a ’bitching fee’ for people who do this and call it a ’packing and handling fee’, or adding it invisibly into the price then discounting by that much for polite people who follow the stated policy.

>> No.10231766

I like Sailor Moon regardless of if it's trash or not, but I also think it doesn't belong in lolita, it always looks cheap and like cosplay (or both) with very few exceptions. I've never felt the desire to add anything SM to my lolita coords.

>> No.10231799

I think I’m the only lolita in my comm who has never seen or cares about the franchise. Like going to meets I’m sitting there with that look on my face that says I know nothing but I’m here anyway having to listen to it. It’s kinda annoying when all your comm wants to talk sailor moon and you would like to talk about something else.

>> No.10231815

Same here. I just remember the pop culture things about it, like tuxedo mask, that one cat, the loli version, and how I sometimes mix up sailor moon and card captor sakura in my head...

>> No.10231817

Lady Sloth does not have nice blouses and people need to stop recommending them as good plus size options. There is little design, the material is cheap and thin, and you can get much better quality on Taobao. It's not even cheap when you factor in the shipping.

>> No.10231819

I've never had this happen to me with Sailor Moon but I have with literally every other flavor of the month anime, kpop bands and convention talk. I'm weeb lite but ffs can there be any other conversations?

The con scene makes me western lolita community a cringey joke.

>> No.10231821

I'd recommend Floral Notebook, but she shuttered didn't she?

>> No.10231829

Anons on cgl are just as ugly, fat and tasteless as the people they mock on here daily.

>> No.10231950 [DELETED] 

Nice way to talk about yourself fatty
Now go play with the other retards over in your home social, I'm sure they miss you <3

>> No.10231954

Yeah that’s another issue I run into with my community. If it’s not sailor moon, it’s Kpoop and some weeb flavor anime. I mean, I play videogames but I’m not always talking about it with a bunch of random people at a lolita meet. If someone mentions it I’ll make light conversation. But I won’t like go into detail what my rank is in PvP or what I loved about the plot of another game in length. I’ll just say “ oh I Main this role” or “ Oh I really enjoyed that game”. After that I will give my ign if someone wants to play with or add them on my friends list to talk when out of the meet then bring the conversation around to something everyone can enjoy like “ what do you think will be the theme for this halloween’s prints?” Or something like that. But I can’t extensively talk about something that wouldn’t be fair to someone who isn’t into the same hobbies as myself at a meet for a certain kind of hobby.

>> No.10231957

Lol, stay pressed.

>> No.10231959

Imo lolitas should strictly talk about books, romance or gossiping, fashion too, off course

>> No.10231962

>something everyone can enjoy like “ what do you think will be the theme for this halloween’s prints?”
Not everyone cares about burando prints.

>> No.10231964

also horses, but NEVER horse cock or horse fucking ;_;... my pure lolitas... in my mind

>> No.10231983

Well when I was a normie I did a lot of pony and horse riding, but no one ever discussed horse cocks and bestiality. Why should this be different in lolita? Care to elaborate?

>> No.10232038

>Lady Sloth
Literally everything they sell is fucking hideous. Cannot fathom why anyone would spend their money on this crap.

>> No.10232039

kys scrote

>> No.10232040

Well you are posting this as an anon on cgl.

>> No.10232056

Difference is, I'm not the kind of anon I was talking about.

>> No.10232059

Sure Ihop chan~

>> No.10232061

Denny's chan is my personal favorite.

>> No.10232066

Stay mad, you only further prove my point.

>> No.10232126

Shocker, people talk a lot about common interests... stop the presses.

>> No.10232127

This. What do you want people to talk about instead? Brand releases and classical music exclusively? Come on, people have interests. At least it's not my comm where everyone is competing against each other for the title of Most Disabled

>> No.10232208

I don’t think that’s what anons are talking about. It seems more like their comms only talk about fandoms and stuff that isn’t inclusive of the others making them feel like they can’t contribute any thing. I mean I have had times where I was at a meet and all any one talked about was the last episode of Steven universe. I don’t watch the show so I kinda sat there bored at the table playing love Nikki on my phone since I couldn’t associate with the conversation. I wasn’t even the only one that was bored. Another girl was doing the same thing. We looked at one another with a look of “ why did I come here?”.

>> No.10232219

Why didn't you talk with her or change the subject?

>> No.10232220

Then you two strike up a conversation with each other? It's rare that everyone at the table share the same topic at all times. I usually join a cluster where I relate to the topic, or redirect the conversation. Learn to seauge instead of fiddling with your phone, which is way ruder than getting into a hobby convo. Fix your makeup and wait for a seague opportunity instead.

>> No.10232223

I did talk with her. We just didn’t have much in common to talk about. And it sounds like you have large comms. I don’t and many others don’t. Our meets are maybe 8-10 people at most. While our community page has about 30 members. So it could be possible that a comm as small as mine would have people who are all into the same thing. You can’t easily make a topic change when everyone is soo immersed in the current conversation. The other girl and I literally only had one thing in common that wasn’t lolita. The rest was kinda “ oh yeah that’s cool. I like your blouse where’s it from?” “ oh meta lucky pack” “oh that’s nice. I always miss those”.

>> No.10232233

Nyart but sometimes it's so difficult to change the subject when like 4 girls around you are fangirling hard about something and are deep into it, and you're just kind of stuck there in the middle (sitting at a table). It is a tad rude to interrupt their enjoyable convo so you just kinda sit there wait for an opening. Of course 99% of the time they are oblivious to your silence because lolitas are vain and always make their conversations something about themselves.

>> No.10232240

anime-esque/gyaru eye makeup on westerners, with the extremely thick cartoonish falsies and white waterline pencil, looks like garbage more often than not. normie instagram makeup looks even worse, and that's what i see more of more often now. soft, glowy, minimal makeup is way more flattering for most lolita

>> No.10232241

idk, to me girls that are into horses are suspected to walk that extra mile, just my natural assumption, never seen it happen 2bh

>> No.10232245
File: 1.31 MB, 1575x1794, 19-07-30-08-07-02-534_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your staw hat does not go with every single dress just because it's summer. Please just stop using them with irrelevant dresses like sweet prints. Nothing against the girl in the pic but this is the perfect example of shit I've been seeing all summer. Just put on a freaking pink or sax bow or literally anything. This straw hat goes with the coord as much as a gothic bonnet.

>> No.10232249

I live in a small country. Last meet I went to there was about 6 people at a time. They spoke about something I didn't care about (like GoT or some anime) for a while and honestly it's not that hard to redirect the convo once they've had their in-depth convo for like 15 minutes. Sometimes you just got to grin and bear it for a while, it's hard to find a topic beyond lolita that absolutely everyone is invested in.

Neglecting someone trying to open up a convo about a new topic after being quiet for a while is quite rude. If someone is unable to join after 10-20 minutes or so it's time to move on, especially in a small group. I can get real passionate about a subject with some people, but as long as I'm not cut off mid-sentence I never find a change of topic rude. Then there are of course people with poor social skills - but that's unrelated to the concept of talking about a hobby.

Anyway, changing subject is a skill that can be practiced, and if you struggle with topics it's good to learn it. Talking about fashion ONLY gets tedious after hours, and there's no such things as universal lolita topics beyond the fashion itself.

>> No.10232253

I dont pity broke people that complain about con costs. Either save money up or make more money. A lot of these fuckers are in their late 20s to mid 30s crying about their broke tales because their financial discipline is shit.

>> No.10232268

So what are some great lolita conversation starters? I usually go for complementing someone's coord, asking about items, etc and then we segue into talking about the brand. But beyond that I am actually lost.

Is it rude to ask what they do for work?

>> No.10232271

ask people about their hobbies (outside of lolita) or pets. everyone wants to talk about those two topics. or ask them about their dream dresses and whether they've got them

>> No.10232277

Sometimes we talk about upcoming events, releases we are interested in, possible places we could do another meet, what type of prints we want more of, etc. if you want to talk about their personal life due to curiosity, just ask politely like “ you don’t have to answer if it makes your incomfertable, but what do you do for a living to afford brand?” Some people even talk about what their studying in college for those still in school. I work the medical field and get questions about how I got into it which in turn we ask the other members. If I’m in a conversation with other people of a certain topic like a fandom or something and notice someone’s been quiet, I try to pull them into the conversation so they don’t feel left out. Ask them what their feelings are on what ever it is. If they say they are not into it that’s when I will ask what they enjoy. Usually that opens the conversation allowing them to be included into the conversation and shows I’m mindful to their existence and trying to include them in the conversation.

>> No.10232280

I like to share cool things I've found or ask around what people really like about lolita/ what they miss/ what things outside the fashion they're excited about.
We also talk about future events and help people make plans, especially if they don't host often.
Also seconding
And roping quiet people in is definitely recommended, if yoy get the convo on the right topic they open right up sometimes.

>> No.10232292

Women with big breasts should quit and stop trying to wear little girl fashion. Western women look especially bad. They don't take care of their skin and have old faces.

>> No.10232297

This thread is for lolita opinions, meaning the opinions of lolitas. Not some rando's opinion about lolita.

>> No.10232302

Look at the COF thread, it's self explanatory. Stop being delusional.

>> No.10232303

Unpopular Opinion: Gemgem is one of the best buyers i've worked with on LM
She's considered a scalper by a lot of people, but whenever I've bought stuff from her she's been the easiest person to work with with the least amount of hassle. When I first started buying off of LM I bought from a lot of people that are now considers scalpers and as I leanred more about Lolita fashion I moved away from those types and bought from others... And though other people offer better prices, their customer service has been terrible.

So when people bash on people like gemgem I feel really conflicted because I agree they price high but on the other hand I hate how irresponsible and lazy other people are.

>> No.10232304

*best Sellers, damnit. sorry.

>> No.10232310

okay gemgem

>> No.10232311

Confession time: She sent me something that arrived with an awful smell and I still haven't left feedback for her yet. Now it's too late but what's 1 negative feedback from months ago against hundreds of positive ones....

>> No.10232312

lolita was created by adult outcasts. if you want a fashion in which people dress for their age and have a nice face, lolita is not for you.

>> No.10232313

why is it to late? i've left someone feedback after 3 years because i forgot

>> No.10232315
File: 281 KB, 835x1369, IMG_20190730_193155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>little girl fashion
Oh boy

>> No.10232316

It’s gem gem she’s got bad feedback no matter what.

>> No.10232317

nearly my entire wardrobe is based on alice in wonderland. so when people call lolita little girls fashion or ageplay my only reaction is: what of it?

>> No.10232323

It's because of Lor and her shit advice. She puts a straw hat on everything

>> No.10232330

Oh that does make me feel better though I guess anons here will be looking for my feedback now lol

>> No.10232333

nah, anons don't like that much reading

>> No.10232346

If you're buying cheap garbage from garbage people, yeah gemgem will look like an improvement.

>> No.10232445

that bitch scarfingscarves/tyler willis has the most annoying and cringe personality I’ve ever seen. Holy shit, why did she think it was a good idea to sound like an autist /b/tard irl?
>thousands of followers
Kinda was a good idea I guess.

>> No.10232456

Found the ageplayer

>> No.10232462

nayrt and I don't buy from gemgem because I don't like her prices or practices as a scalper, especially with high resales on small-time indie designer stuff. That pisses me right the fuck off.


I've purchased from sellers who have:
> NWOT: big old stains, bleach spots, smelling like BO
> Packaged up badly just tossed in the mailer/box. Sometimes box arrived busted from overseas with dress literally hanging out
> Takes forever to ship out.
> Takes forever to invoice
> Surprise paypal fees
> Never actually send tracking. Surprise arrival.
> Never leave feedback after I left them feedback.

I don't sell often because I'm a filthy hoarder, but I feel like it's common sense to at least:
> Communicate properly, include all costs including paypal feels (hide them in your cost, don't tack it on at the end)
> If you can't ship out your item quickly, communicate that, or be upfront in your sales terms / item desc.
> Take the time to wash or dry clean your items before sending, steam/iron, LINT ROLL and package them up nicely before shipping.
> Package up your items in protective layers of plastic. Just keep plastic packaging and bags on hand for this. It's a nice gesture to send in a brand bag if you have excess or buy direct frequently. This helps waterproof your items.
> Always package it yourself, and check for fucking whole ass oranges.
> Write a nice thank you note.
> Leave feedback.

Gemgem may be a filthy scalper, but she's at least quick and communicative, honest in descriptions, packages well and ships quickly. I wish more people would follow suit.

>> No.10232463

she was entertaining at first, but the newscaster voice and overly verbose speech got pretty old. i wish she'd drop the act because she really does seem enthusiastic about the fashion.

>> No.10232465


she's way better out of newscaster mode. wish she could just talk in a video, sarcasm included but not over the top.

>> No.10232467


I am a filthy hoarder for hoarding brand bags (I'm moving and I'm in excess of 20) but damn if they're not nice to package brand in.

>> No.10232470

I literally have a giant AP bag full of AP bags, with a few of other brands. I buy most often from AP, but they're nice, thick, and sturdy. If it goes in a box, I'll usually wrap it all a 2nd time in something else (like t-shirt bags) and then add cardboard so nothing gets cut. If it's going overseas, I typically protect it further with more cardboard/packing/newspaper because customs agents can be awful about slicing through shit carelessly.

>> No.10232607
File: 905 KB, 2048x2048, 723F4343-2016-4170-B158-43F0B5E1D134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to hate the term “bittersweet” lolita back when you’d have girls just wearing sweet prints in the black color way in really tacky ways. It was always either just a normal sweet coord or Girls that came from being scene kids or rave girls trying to mix that into lolita. However, in recent years I’ve really seen a change with prints like horror Candy shop, holy lantern, horror garden, and so many more. I feel like with these sweet cuts with gothic prints and elements bittersweet is definitely becoming a thing.

I know these prints are mostly for Halloween time but I see a lot of both sweet Lolita’s and gothic wearing them year round.
(Sorry for any miss spellings English is my second language. )

>> No.10232608

She keeps leaning this way and that for the camera. This drives me nuts Just sit at a cute desk with a fake news report in front of you, Commit to the bit if you're going to do it like that.

>> No.10232611

Gemgem resold an OP with literally cut off sleeves as very good condition.

>> No.10232613

>it’s made for Japanese girls
And it’s based on rococo and Victorian fashion which isn’t Japanese at all retard. It’s not even like Japanese girls can’t have long faces anyway.

>> No.10232631


I'm leaning towards using the term spoopy sweet for them. Previously just used to call them sweet Halloween.

I'm in love with this idea, too, I love spooky stuff even though I'm pretty much sweet lolita to the core. I just want to avoid using the term bittersweet, drama aside, there's still old sempais who remember it was first defined as "any sweet print in black", so that causes confusion. If you simply say "sweet lolita Halloween dress" though, almost everyone seems to understand what style you're getting at.

>> No.10232814

cranky because you can't reach the top shelf aren't you

>> No.10232852

humanlet rage will never not be funny to me

>> No.10232865

I never disliked the term. I don't like when people try to police how someone calls her own style.

>> No.10233035

I understand why it's just called "bittersweet" rather than "Spooky sweet" or "Sweet Lolita Halloween"

Good hashtags are short and to the point. "Bittersweet" was already sweet but in black, and now is just gaining more refined elements. All tags start that way.

"Spooky sweet" or "Halloween sweet" is too holiday oriented for an overall tag. I understand why it would be called "bittersweet" because sweet prints but in black carry a different aesthetic compared to the usual mint, sax, etc. colorways. Just like how "milk chocolate" is different from "dark chocolate" even though they're both still chocolate and someone may actually like one over the other. I never understood the whole reeing about it just being sweet in black for that reason so "bittersweet" being a useless term and to "just call it sweet".

Personally, I'm goth and I don't like sweet, but I like the black colorways of sweet and for the most part only the black ones in terms of modern sweet. I equate it to how I like milk chocolate but I don't like dark chocolate because it tastes bitter.

Now that I think about it, that's may be how they came up with the term "bittersweet" because bittersweet lolita is more like the dark chocolate of sweet lolita rather than the usual milk chocolate.

>> No.10233046

I don't understand why people don't just say "goth-sweet"? Like "classic-sweet" is already a thing...

>> No.10233101

It doesn't roll off the tongue that well.

>> No.10233158

I kinda agree. Never bought from gemgem but I’ve bought from cherry_sp and Raines and I received a proper invoice very quickly, everything was clean, well packed, etc. The last item I bought at a “good” price from a rando was filthy & smelly (she didn’t even bother to untie her waist ties), was crammed in a box, and she sent me a weird blank money request which I find sketchy. I want a proper itemized invoice with mentions of the listing and/or the seller’s terms. Plus the shipping cost was way more because she (like a lot of individual sellers) was too lazy to do anything but use a priority box. It doubled what I know the cost would have been. After the extra shipping cost and dry cleaning fees it was only an extra like $30 for standard reseller prices, which I would have gladly paid for the peace of mind that I get from a smooth, professional transaction

>> No.10233159

>Always package it yourself, and check for fucking whole ass oranges.

Oh boy, this sure does take me back.


>> No.10233167

Honestly sorry you encountered shit sellers, but what you list is the bare minimum. I don't know which individual sellers you guys are buying from that are so bad. The only problem I ever had was bad packaging but it seems like it's just a matter of luck, both with resellers and individualls.

>> No.10233189

I've bought from gemgem and cherry_sp and both were easy to communicate with and both invoiced and shipped fast. Bought an AP dress from a rando and had a weird experience, came wadded up and crammed into a too small package, missing pieces, weird condition, and it took like weeks for them to ship it out
Gemgem and cherry_sp ship with the brand bags too

>> No.10233197

not in my experience they don't. I have got a bodyline thing from cherry, and it was in a bodyline bag, but I have also purchased brand items from both gemgem and cherry and they were not in brand bags.

>> No.10233298

I'd rather have you ask me what I do for a living than "how do you afford brand?" The second sounds ruder and more invasive and would make me want to give a stupid comeback like "prostitution".

>> No.10233315

There's a good amount of people that should never preoccupy themselves with fashion and their looks and are better off putting their focus in improving themselves in a mental/carreer/hobby/whatever way instead.

That is because they re never going to be significant in the looks department due to aesthetics and hence never satisfied so this is a very cruel road to walk.

Nobody ever speaks about this because its a horrible thought but most of us know its true.

>> No.10233331

lots of ugly people are fine with the way that they look

also ugly people who do put effort into their appearance look miles better than ugly people who don't

pretty sure this is a you problem

>> No.10233339


lots sure. but most aren't and they go through this struggle for years on end until eventually they give up. only problem is they ve wasted effort money and a lot of pain in the process.

would have been better off focusing elsewhere

>> No.10233348

For some reason I hate animal prints and I also can't understand people's obsession with cats.

>> No.10233382

As in, prints with animals on them or leopard and zebra prints?

>> No.10233385

I'm an average girl with a passion for hair and skincare, but would probably have went into lolita even if I looked like shit. I love owning the clothes and the experience of wearing them no matter how I look in them. It's about surrounding myself with my definition of beauty, rather than being beautiful to others. That's why I don't give a shit when people talk about people my height being "too tall" for lolita.

>> No.10233398

>never actually send tracking
This angers me so much and have had it happen multiple times, once resulting in an item never arriving. I don't even get it either because doesn't it negate Paypals seller protection if you can't prove anything with tracking? Would be a huge gamble for the seller as well.
I've also gotten a dress that was absolutely covered in cat hair before. Like, multiple times lint rolling and it was still everywhere. Undisclosed of course and sucks because I'm actually allergic to cat hair.

Getting little notes and other small things with my items always makes my day, I've even gotten btssb buttons and postcards before from sellers. Because of this I always write a thank you note with a little drawing on it when selling stuff.

>> No.10233401

Unpopular opinion: I secretly love Denny’s

>> No.10233409

>chestlet rage

>> No.10233410


Man I'm just glad I'm old and don't have to deal with this social media shit body image shit.

>> No.10233425

Just because a dress is black doesn’t mean it’s goth! Goth sweet wouldn’t make sense because there’s absolutely nothing gothic about bittersweet

>> No.10233431 [DELETED] 

Is there such thing as pr0nzlita? I wanna se some of that.

>> No.10233434

People would rather complain and blame the world for their problems than accept that it's their own fault and only they can change it. But they would rather not take charge of their own life

>> No.10233435

Define normal weight. If BMI is above 25, it's fat. Alternatively, BMI shouldn't go lower than about 17 or 18

>> No.10233454


yeah its over now. you can rest : )

>> No.10233488

Holy lantern and Horror Garden are definitely what would be considered sweet goth. Bittersweet is not a thing but even if it was that only applied to sweet dresses in black colors. Lavender Horror Garden is still sweet gothic. Something like black sugary carnival is bitter sweet.

>> No.10233491

if people call their style bittersweet it is a thing. i don't understand why some people act so anal about naming new substyles. if i made a recipe and call it poopy macaroni, nobody would come at me and scream poopy macaroni is not a thing and i'm not allowed to make it.

>> No.10233492

Bittersweet is not a thing

>> No.10233493

you are not a thing

>> No.10233494

gothic lolita is not a thing desu. it's just lolita mixed with goth.

>> No.10233496

I mean, I'm willing to fork over money if they add more sizing. But if it's not viable or profitable then that's for the company to decide. I expect my normie clothes to have a variety of sizes because I actually need to wear clothes to go outside. Lolita is not everyday clothes so we shouldn't hold it to the same standard.

>> No.10233501

We need another vintage ita thread. If I bothered to save any I'd make them.mtself but oh well.

>> No.10233508

There's no rule saying sweet lolitas can't wear black though, so there aren't any distinguishing features from regular sweet.

>> No.10233512

I love shitty sack cuts, they are peak lolita to me. If you ever wonder "Why does AP keep releasing them? Who still buys them?": It's me. I do. I buy them all.

>> No.10233520

Prints with animals on them, even when it isn't the main focus I somehow can't stand them. I love leopard prints, though.

>> No.10233605

Absolutely underrated post.
And I don’t even like sack cuts

>> No.10233634

Same anon. I have like 3 of them. I only like when I can force a waist on them however. Some are too short for that on my unfortunately.

>> No.10233657

Good for you for being able to pull off sack cuts.

>> No.10233786

>crosses and coffins motifs
>not goth

>> No.10233814

half of ap’s shopgirls look like shit because they’re so fucking short. stupid dwarf chinks make me laugh every time because there’s nothing elegant about them

>> No.10233817
File: 414 KB, 958x1475, 77106CB3-D997-4F3C-B16E-4D1D69B04944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

case in point. mid to taller girls look better in lolita than knobby knees hobbit

>> No.10233821

lol @ you thinking this awkward giraffe looks good at all

>> No.10233824

She needs to moisturize her legs oof

>> No.10233825


I can't even tell if trolling, because on the taller girl her bodice looks wonky, and then she tried to hide it with her hair. I think the dress really only "fits" because this is the halter tie jsk so the dress can be tied lower.

Short girl technically doesn't fit into her dress either, pretty sure drinkme jsk is supposed to be somewhat high-waisted. At least it just looks loose on her and not like it doesn't fit, though.

It's not about tall/short girls """look""" better high fashion uwu anyway. The clothes are mass-marketed towards their most major clientele market of either Japanese or Chinese girls who freely throw money buying dresses firsthand, while westerners usually buy secondhand instead and are a less lucrative market. So it makes sense that they cater to shorter asian girls by making dresses that cater to shorter bodies, while also making dresses with adjustable shoulder straps and shirring (including elasticated mini sleeve OPs) to also allow for the western secondhand market. It's not too bad, actually.

re: multiple sizing. It's been tried. One year btssb released half their releases in 3 sizes. The experiment flopped so badly the L size was marked down to half price before it sold. You can still find these pieces secondhand, inside the clothes will be another label marked with 1, 2 or 3 hearts (respectively S, M or L size). I'm not sure the brands want to try again after that massive dissappointment of learning that western lolitas just don't pay good money for multiple sizing.

As an aside, IW still does multiple sizing. The different brands actually all have different "standard body" that they cater to, so it makes more sense to switch brands rather than switch sizes. If you're a tall westerner, try Triple Fortune, their clothes regularly dwarf the tiny Japanese lolita models but look halfway decent on taller Western girls.

>> No.10233826

die mad about the fact you need $200 dresses to feel good about your body type

>> No.10233840 [DELETED] 

How can it be an underrated post if and only just posted it

>> No.10233843

Now if only Triple Fortune wasn't ugly as sin.

>> No.10233844

if this isn't a troll post, then you should have used a different picture. That taller girl looks gross since you can see her flabby thighs.

>> No.10233846


Nayrt but damn, are you ok anon?

>> No.10233940


Yeah, the only drawback, unfortunately.

>> No.10233961

So many western lolitas wear the fashion horribly, no matter how much brand they wear it always looks silly or like a costume, and I’m not talking about itas but about lolitas in general. It’s not a race thing, I’ve seen western lolitas with amazing fashion sense, most of you guys just have no taste

>> No.10233968

The projection is strong here yikes

>> No.10233971


>> No.10233980

What are your go-to brands or shops for blouses anon?

>> No.10234004
File: 179 KB, 1198x1000, 1560789186769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolitas with christian crosses are cringe and bluepilled.

>> No.10234005

Nyart but I just read it, thanks for the recommendation. At first I couldn't take it seriously because he kept using the word muggles but actually it nails a lot of nails on the head, especially why I dislike famewhore lolitas, like K8 and Claire. They are purely consuming the fashion to get something out for themselves. Mops adore them while they should be adoring the creators rather than shallow people with too much money. Then there are people like organizers of lolita events, comms or indie brands that actually love the the subculture and want to contribute to it. A lot of people dislike Haenuli but she is a lot more respectable than some insta lolita, because she creates, and has passion for lolita.

>> No.10234007

This is so dumb. Both of these girls look equally good on their own, but should never be in a photo together. It doesn't make one or the other look worse, it just looks bizzare to see such a stark difference in human bodies.

>> No.10234009

I agree. A lot of Western lolitas just turn it into such a costume. I think it's because they add in too many random and "unique" element while Japanese girls wear all of one brand when they go OTT so it looks cohesive and its own style.

>> No.10234018

I find waist ties to be one of the most useless items in Lolita. They are uncomfortable when sitting in a chair and most of the time people don’t tie them beautifully enough to make them good for decoration. Waistties are only a little functional for non-shirred/non-corset lacing pieces to emphasize the waist, but since the buttons are always sewed on so lightly they will easily pop off when you do that.

>> No.10234019

This is me with Drag Race. People talk about Drag Race for ages at every single meet while I’m left to awkwardly look around the table in the hopes that I’ll make eye contact with someone who looks just as confused/uninterested as I do. The one time I found someone and she shrugged back at me, she was located way at the other end of the table so we would’ve had to shout at each other to have a conversation at all, and shout even harder to be heard over all the girls screaming about fish and shade in effeminate gay accents. I love my comm, but yeesh.

>> No.10234020

Reinforce the buttons dumbass. Without waistties 90% of my pieces would look ridiculously loose on me. Just because you’re fat and have no need for them doesn’t make them “useless” to everyone else.

>> No.10234024

The first thing I do when I receive a dress is strengthening all the buttons. When a dress is loose on me I just tie the corset lacing, if I want to empathize my waist I add extra lacing around the waist. Looks more beautiful than when you try to use some decorative waistties.

>> No.10234026

If they function they aren’t “decorative”, and if you strengthen the buttons why are you complaining about them being sewed on lightly and popping off? Larper detected.

>> No.10234030

Do not respond to infighting attempts. They just want to shitpost in this case.

>> No.10234031

No, nice projection.

>> No.10234059

A back bow is an essential in lolita aesthetic. I hate when AATP especially releases dresses without the most important part of the whole look (after the shape of the dress).

>> No.10234286

imagine being upset about the quality of the ita thread

>> No.10234358

Strong disagree. My waist is small in comparison to my torso, so western clothing my size always looks too lose on my waist. Waist ties in Lolita fashion help me fix it, if you tie them properly you shouldn’t even notice they’re here. Plus they’re cute.

>> No.10234394

I honestly have none, it's a struggle. I have a few decent Chinese blouses. Anna House have(had?) a few ok ones but it looks like it's pretty hit and miss. Others I have are tight enough to only be worn under a jsk. 95% of the time I go with a bolero/cardigan. I'm keeping my eyes out for a meta blouse currently, I feel like it might work - im just really picky with necklines and sleeve shape.

>> No.10234590

"gothic" lolitas who aren't actually goth/don't listen to goth music are annoying posers.

>> No.10235164
File: 99 KB, 994x1200, 1560711842978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna rape a sweet lolita, but make her enjoy it, I say rape, because I'm realistically not getting laid with one.

>> No.10235240

please kill yourself

>> No.10236037

I want a cute virgin sweet lolita gf

>> No.10236160

Get in line

>> No.10236163

Fuck off Muhammad

>> No.10239446

Sweet lolita is yikes.

>> No.10239452

Meta blouses are really cheap on mercari

>> No.10239453

Just start talking about a different show you watched that week

>> No.10239454

Haenuli was removed from her comm for scalping lol. She bought things from comm members and sold them to foreigners for more.

>> No.10239462

- Not gonna listen to shitty emo music and/or the abuse of the guitar
- Not gonna join this shitty subculture, I don’t wear it for attention and friendbegging, I genuinely just like the style.

>> No.10239506

>confusing goth music with emo

Fuck outta here with this b8.
Or maybe you're actually that dumb, in which case you probably just wear sweet lolita in black and call it goth.

>> No.10239747

Maybe it's because I have freakishly tiny baby feet but shoes are a fucking nightmare to buy online and I hate how difficult it is to find loliable shoes irl.

>> No.10239809

:) i listen to classical music and I won’t listen to nip music because it’s bad and I won’t listen to emo music because it’s bad. Stick to your paramore or amy lee or whatever.

>> No.10239821

You apparently ARE that dumb. Good luck with that.

>> No.10239857

What is your shoe size? Are you a dwarf?

>> No.10239950

No I am not, classical music raised my iq haha
Post a source that shows you’re correct btw?