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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10224826 No.10224826 [Reply] [Original]

Have normies ruined cosplay for good?

>> No.10224832

Yes, I hope that Goro gets the fuck out. REEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.10224838

Really cool Mortal Kombat cosplay with a fucking seven foot tall, four armed, jacked Goro is "normies"? Ok.

Two old guys that probably have been dressing up in Star Trek uniforms since 1974 are normies? Ok.

Two bitches in not cosplay being called "cosplay normies? Ok.

I guess the guys as Marge is "normies", but really it's just lazy. Cause it's just a Halloween costume.

>> No.10224840

If other people having fun in a hobby you like "ruins" it for you, regardless of how good or bad they are, then you are weak and should quit anyway.

>> No.10224843


>> No.10224852

>gatekeeping cosplay


>> No.10224899

Anon you’re posting the wrong normies. Post people who put on a bikini and a wig and call it cosplay, which brings in millions of views and is making that be the public image of cosplay. People already call Belle Delphine a cosplayer for example.

>Two bitches in not cosplay being called "cosplay normies? Ok.
They’re cosplaying stranger things. I guess OP thinks cosplaying popular things is ruining it

>> No.10224903

Didnt cosplay start with star trek?

>> No.10224908

/cgl/ is not /r9k/.
At this point it's worse

>> No.10224909

i know what the fuck he has 45 arms

>> No.10224917

I believe so, it was a lot of sci fi fans at first.
Every thread turns into a gender war now and it’s fucking annoying.

>> No.10224927

I have a reproduction photo of some Victorian dude dressing up as Mad Hatter, so costuming famous fictional characters has been a thing for more than a 20th and 21st century minute.

>> No.10224936


That's actually a super cool thought. Pop culture was totally a thing even back then. Like Cladiet.

>> No.10224956
File: 510 KB, 1600x1067, Picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pop culture was totally a thing even back then.

And Venice, Italy was the San Diego Comic Con

>> No.10224961


>> No.10225102

Not Star Trek, it was late 30s/early 40s sci-fi fans. Specifically Myrtle "Morojo" Douglas, she was a very interesting person and one of the pioneers of modern fandom: https://www.tokyopop.com/blog/2016/5/13/meet-the-mother-of-cosplay..
Costumes were a thing long before that, but they were separate from "fandom" until people like Morojo came along.

>> No.10225146

That sounds cool. Can you post it?

>> No.10225168
File: 38 KB, 424x598, Classic Cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They ruined cosplay back in the day at goddamn WorldCon.

But all that does is prove that WorldCon has always sucked.

>> No.10225309

How were we supposed to know that was a cosplay? Looks like they’re just wearing normal clothes

>> No.10225354
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Part of a project on trends and culture...

>> No.10225476
File: 28 KB, 480x479, 1467C851-4CE9-454F-970A-BD0B5CA58873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by watching the goddamn show, normie

>> No.10225481

Not every cosplay is going to be for you.

>> No.10225483

No, none of those are bad at all, OP. Even the marge group is worth a chuckle.

>> No.10225544

My DICK is worth a chuckle.

>> No.10225704

At least you're realistic about it

>> No.10226503

>Calling someone a normie for not watching the most normie show available on Netflix a streaming service for normies

>> No.10226509



>> No.10228420
File: 39 KB, 600x450, snake-medicine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Calling someone a normie for not watching the most normie show available on Netflix a streaming service for normies

We're all normies by this standard

>Watching anything readily available on any electronic or analog device that was designed to be used by anyone with a brain (sorry jellyfish) and cosplaying it


>> No.10228426

Not normies. People who call themselves cosppayers, wear the badge on their sleeve and their insta, and buy all their cosplays.

If you don't make your cosplays, you're not a cosplayer. You're just a c-tier model. You could be a patreonthot for all I care, but if you make your skimpy shit, I'm fine with it.

Obviously, if you're just doing it for shits and gigs once or twice for fun, it's cool, but if youre going to hit those tags and call yourself a legit cosplayer, fuck off.

>> No.10228430

You forgotten to add people who wear fuck all and add a few things to " look like the character" and call it cosplay.

Wearing barely anything and adding a few things isnt cosplay, it's downright lazy

>> No.10228433
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This isnt cosplay. This is being lazy

>> No.10228457

You're a fucking spaz.
This shit was normal and fun for years.
It's sad pathetic pay pigs and degenerates and the thots that exploit them that have ruined cosplay.
See pic related, that's amateurs having fun dressing up as characters they like.
That is what cosplay should be. Not the human crud on this forum

>> No.10228473

No, this is called doing a swimsuit cosplay at colossalcon, a con held at a literal waterpark.

>> No.10228475

Ew, they're so overly shopped they look like skeletons with broken backs.

>> No.10228478

>Swimsuit cosplay
Unless you're cosplaying a character from free or a character who canonically wore a swimsuit on a regular basis, swimsuit cosplay is instantly shit.

>> No.10228479

Oh I'm sorry, should they wear some giant monster hunter armour builds in the wave pool? Let people have fun jfc

>> No.10228538

Why let the shortest one cosplay Jupiter?

>> No.10228566

No this is being top level hawt.

>> No.10228568
File: 160 KB, 1033x1033, 66711692_540878379781590_8355087354038380554_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these cosplayers considered normies?

>> No.10228575

No, whores and people who say they cosplay but buy their costumes from China have ruined it.

Normies cosplaying as Simpsons or South Park characters have been a thing forever and they have never really saw themselves "cosplaying", just dressing up and having fun. Hell I've seen normies being more creative with their budget costumes than coswhores who can't create anything at all.

>> No.10228604

And a con I go to has a water feature but no one go put themselves in the water feature. Once again its lazy cosplaying
>having fun
So youre saying youll accept a bikini cosplay then put on a few pikachu looking things and call your cosplay pikachu? Yeahhhhh thats lazy and thots are trying to normalize this shit in the cosplay community. Worse is when you see fatties doing the same thing. No do it properly or don't do it at all

>> No.10228611

Maybe she just wanted to be Jupiter because she's her favorite? That's typically how that works

>> No.10228650

Cosplaying as pikachu by just putting on ears and a tail is totally different retard.

First of all, pikachu isn't human so it isn't comparable, he isn't even anthro

Secondly, the point of the con is that it's at a water park. These girls got their hands on the right wigs and bikinis to fit the theme. Probably harder than just a normal sailor moon cosplay.

>> No.10228653

You can't get too angry at camwhores no matter how annoying they are. They are where they are because many fans of cosplay are horny lonely men/young boys who want to see their waifus come to life.

>> No.10228657

Exactly this, we wouldn’t have so many thots if there weren’t hordes of horny normies who give them attention

>> No.10229256

no, costhots have ruined cosplay

>> No.10229268

This entire pathetic board is about gatekeeping cosplay and whinging and backbiting about all the other cosplayers. Literally the worst board on the site. /cgl/ should be transferred to reddit lock, stock, and barrel. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

>> No.10229278

If normies do it, it's just a costume. There's such thing as Halloween, OP.

>> No.10229283

The mainstream will ruin EVERYTHING it gets its hands on. The only way to prevent this is to make your hobby/subculture/whatever too unmarketable to homogenize. And that means keeping it weird.

>> No.10229418

"Weird and quirky" are the new in things nowadays so good luck with that.

>> No.10229675

Cosplayers are mostly normies who wear a costume every few months. None of you are remarkable or different for wearing a costume.

>> No.10229676

Fair point, but I don't know if you can really say anyone posting on 4chan and regularly attending anime cons is an actually normie.

>> No.10229687

This is the most pathetically normie reddit tier board of all of the boards on 4chan.

>> No.10229696

I want stephanie from lazy town

>> No.10229963

That sounds like something best kept between you and your therapist

>> No.10229982
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>> No.10230095

Jesus christ please learn how to greentext

>> No.10230206

Why do bitches tattoo themselves if they're gonna cosplay a character that does not have tattoos.

>> No.10230226

I want you

>> No.10230372

Because for most people, cosplay is not a career, it's just a hobby they engage in every now and then?

>> No.10230373

kek, except my stephanie folder was fullof porn

>> No.10230376

I told my therapist to fuck off, he was telling me way too many bullshit stories and I had to study

>> No.10230683


>Martin Wong


>> No.10230703

this is my problem with tattoos in general. They add needless visual clutter and thereby detract from the gestalt of the body. They want to put a thing on their body for the sake of the thing itself, rather than considering how that detail affects the whole. It's missing the forest for the trees.

That being said, who gives a shit. It's their body, let them do what they want. Lots of my friends have tats.

But also, people cosplay characters that don't match their skin/body all the time. You're suggesting that they should or should not modify their skin to better match the character they're portraying for fun? I know your dumbass contrarian meme response to this, but otherwise, that's like black face tier implications my dude. Not a good road to continue down.

>> No.10230705

>It's their body
It was NEVER their body, and
it never will be.

>> No.10230788

You can't tell me that bottom left guy ISN'T William Shatner cosplaying himself

>> No.10230793

halloween has existed for years dipshit

>> No.10231168

lmao that's 4chan for you. This website is defined by elitism, and nothing gets people here more upset than other people knowing about their "obscure" 2cool4u interests. Every board is like this. from /trv/ to /wg/ to /cgl/ and back. Just a bunch of people who define themselves by being different from most people.

>> No.10231171

>Probably harder than just a normal sailor moon cosplay.
You're a fucking idiot LOL

>> No.10231174

Feel free to leave any time

>> No.10231192

no u

>> No.10232018

You are autistic.

>> No.10232264

You're thinking of /s/, but /cgl/, /r9k/ and /v/ come pretty close as normie-infested boards