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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10222191 No.10222191 [Reply] [Original]

Whats your consensus on self harm scars in cosplay? Should they be covered up? What about scars that can't be fully concealed?

>> No.10222192

My opinion is that if you focus on them other people will too, and to just enjoy the craft and hobby regardless of how many scars you have. Tell yourself that you love yourself anyway and have fun cosplaying.

>> No.10222297
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You can, or you can not. It's up to you and your comfort and your psyche.

Call me a sjw triggetrd tumblrita or whatever, but I feel like people going out of their way to make fun/bluntly ask out loud about whether it's some cosplayer's scars or a missing limb, a lazy eye, a crutch, or whatever, is a pretty fucking asshole thing to do.
there's asking politely out of curiosity and concern (even then it's kind of eh), there's people accidentally staring too long or something, okay, but then there's downright
>what's up with the scar/eye/crutch/your leg? (character) isn't like that/doesn't have that LOL
>omg i love your wheelchair version of (character)!!!
Eat shit, asshole. Fall off your horse.

>> No.10222480

Better to cover them up but what they do isnt my problem. For me as a photographer, I don't shoot with people who have visible self harm scars even if i can edit them out. It ends up being troublesome in the long run especially if the cosplayer is damaged mentally

>> No.10222529

It’s your body so do what you want. But, unfortunately very noticeable scars can be distracting. I would want people to notice my costume, not my scars.

>> No.10222559

I'll take the bait.

Scars are fine. I'm pro-dance tights for cosplays that show off thighs, and if someone wants to show off their arm or stomach scars that's their prerogative.

>>10222297 is right. It's a personal aesthetic decision, and it doesn't make someone "uwu so brave" to show them. The important part is the cosplay, wig, and makeup.

>> No.10222561

I cover mine. They are old, healed, part of my past. I have 2 that are always visible no matter what I wear. I lightly blur them out with dermablend every day, just like a part of my makeup routine. I want people to see me, not my scars.

>> No.10222723

man middle school sucked ass lol

>> No.10223415

I agree, that's just being a cunt.

>> No.10223544
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>eat shit, asshole. Fall off your horse.

based anon

>> No.10223574

I honestly appreciate when photographers edit my SI scars out, but I don’t cover them. I have numerous noticeable scars, both self-induced and d/t surgery, and while I might be tempted to cover the SI ones, I don’t like to do so with my surgery ones because I like that I made it through such a rough time and don’t want to hide that.

>> No.10223592


scars or not, everybody should wear dance tights. hardly anybody has perfect thighs, dance tights smooth and even everything out. I have no scars and always wear tights if my legs are showing, it just looks better.

>> No.10223595

I forget I have them desu.
Whatever's healthy for you anon, just do that.

>> No.10223931

I have never understood why people (mostly teenage girls) cut themselves like this? What will they gain? Do they get sexually aroused byt it along with being "depressed"? Or are they just seeking attention? Very shitty way of doing so.

>> No.10223935

Is this bait?

>> No.10223941

How is it bait? Tell me, O wise one, Why do you cut yourself?

>> No.10223989

self harm scars are part of your story, don’t worry about what other people think! you’re beautiful all the same!

>> No.10223991

personally my self harm was a way to deal with the overwhelming lack of control i had, because my body was one thing i could control.
as time went on it became an addiction

>> No.10224017

Mental illness. Granted in some cultures, scars are no stranger than tattoos. But speaking for myself, my brain isn't wired right. It's volatile and unpredictable.

>> No.10224018

>Hurr rdurrr??? Is it arousing for teenage girls to cut themselves??? idk gaizz

>> No.10224020

I agree with ‘dance tights for everyone’, it’s a merciful thing, lol. But unfortunately, my own scars are on my wrists from a failed suicide attempt and even with scar reduction therapy and laser treatment, they are visible, and will always be. Since they finally faded paler than my skin, I use light cosmetic on them every day as I put on my face makeup but otherwise don’t always cover them with clothing anymore. I used to and it was exhausting and made me even more conscious of them. Sometimes people do notice them, but most people are kind and tactful enough to just quickly pretend they do NOT notice. The few times that someone has been rude enough to mention them, I have looked them dead in the eye and said ‘when I was 19, I slashed my wrists’. Then they are the ones who get to be uncomfortable and wish they did not ask rude questions.

>> No.10224028

Personally I'd be embarrassed and choose cosplays that covered them (long sleeves). But it's dumb to say there is a "should." If someone is comfortable showing their scars, that's fine. Doesn't affect me.

>Do they get sexually aroused byt it along with being "depressed"?
lol, this post couldn't be more male. You look at too much guro porn. I've heard the physical pain distracts from mental pain, or that they feel like they deserve it.

>> No.10224181

Dont hide them. Because then I cant tell if your fake ass is bat shit insane

>> No.10224205

Because they have an illness that compels them to hurt themselves, you utter dumbass.

>> No.10224213

I'll take the bait....

It feels good.
It feels very good.
When shit in my head is screaming and in serious turmoil, a cut across the skin breaks all that up. I can't pinpoint emotional pain, but I sure as hell can pinpoint physical pain....
It gives me a second to breathe amid the mental chaos.

It's twisted.... But remember you asked.

>> No.10224560 [DELETED] 

This. Dont hide it. When I'm talking with a girl I want to know if they are damaged goods before I put in the extra effort of flirting, buying drinks or just talking to them in general. You dont want to buy food with a torn up wrapper, why would you want a person with one?

>> No.10224601

I disagree, someone who doesn't understand a certain behavior and takes the time to ask about it should be commended.

We have to explain mental illness, tell people what it's like living with it, and let them know we're just flawed people with some irregular neurons and synapses in our brains.

>> No.10224603

"Damaged goods?" Ah so you must be a perfectly stable, physically and mentally healthy individual, who NEVER has had a strange thought or deranged thought or vengeful thought!

We already can tell you suffer from narcissism based just on one, singular post. Congratulations, you're human. And apparently a self-centered egotist. Pobody's Nerfect!

>> No.10224630

>thinking that you can able to tell someone’s current mental state based on old scars

Okaaay but sometimes people heal from the past and are medicated.

>why would you want a person with one?

Just because you aren’t capable of loving someone with self inflicted scars doesn’t mean anyone else isn’t/ won’t.

And what about the crazy people who don’t have scars? Just wondering.

>> No.10224633

For me it was borderline sexual, but then again, I also wasn't depressed.

>> No.10224634


It can become addictive.

So easily addictive. Your brain releases dopamine when it happens and if you’re depressed, you will do anything to get the smallest bit of happiness.

And sometimes you don’t realize how deep/ hard you cut and end up with huge scars. Some people like their scars and some don’t but they sure as hell don’t have to hide them from people.

>> No.10224635

Also, will be saying a lot about me, but it beats being bored.

>> No.10224825

Essentially: If the person you're speaking to can't fix it in 10 minutes, don't say anything.

>> No.10224835

Fix your gimpy leg in 10 mins or you're out.

>> No.10224847


Yup, this was kinda it for me too. I wouldn't say it felt good, it fucking HURT to cut. But it was a physical pain, something that my entire brain focused on which meant that it wasn't screaming at me for one second about how useless and unwanted I was. I used it as an escape during the most depressed parts of my life.

>> No.10224858

You need to keep trying. Quitters never win.

>> No.10224867

Why don't you go down the lane first and tell us all how it is?

>> No.10224868

I’m a nice Midwesterner and I’ll let you go first.

>> No.10224871


>> No.10224873


>> No.10224878

Cut it out

>> No.10224883
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>> No.10224884
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>> No.10224890
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Self-harm is a weird thing chicks and birds do.
I don't understand it myself.
I just understand it is a common behaviour that you need to figure out a way to be compassionate to or else you will miss out on lots of opportunities in life to be kind and caring to others.

>> No.10224891

What is this cryptic shit you bitch

>> No.10224892 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10224894 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10224900 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10224902

Suck mcawk

>> No.10224905 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10224906 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10224907
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>> No.10224910 [DELETED] 

Have you heard the word?

>> No.10224911 [DELETED] 


>> No.10224912 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10224916 [DELETED] 


>> No.10224920 [DELETED] 

Play with your bird anon, boredom kills.

>> No.10224928 [DELETED] 

Sounds like you wanna play with my bird amirite

>> No.10224930 [DELETED] 

The only bird I like would rather bite my figers off, so no.

>> No.10224934 [DELETED] 

There's meant to be an n somewhere in there

>> No.10224943 [DELETED] 

Suck my cockatoo

>> No.10224947 [DELETED] 

Niggers or fingers?

>> No.10224951

Tfw I've never been able to find dancer tights in my skintone.

>> No.10224954 [DELETED] 

Figger it out.

>> No.10224958

Dye them. That’s what dancers have always done when they can’t find the right tone.

>> No.10224962 [DELETED] 

Ope, you’re missing an n

>> No.10224963 [DELETED] 

It isn’t always boredom with birds, I inherited a feather plucker from a lady who was at her wits end with this bird. He settled right down with me and stopped plucking. I honestly think it was her horrible voice tone that bothered him, she was loud and shrill and talked on the phone constantly he was a pretty sweet shy little guy.

>> No.10224965 [DELETED] 

Aw, what a sad boi
I'm glad he calmed down

>> No.10224966 [DELETED] 
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Dropped image

>> No.10224974 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10224976 [DELETED] 

Bird seed....

>> No.10224977 [DELETED] 

It’s apparrot he needed help

>> No.10224979 [DELETED] 

Fuckin unnecessary

>> No.10224982 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10226380 [DELETED] 

where do I get a gf like this? especially the last one.

>> No.10226382

Go to therapy you freak

>> No.10226539 [DELETED] 

In my experience, in hs the rich and pampered girls did it mostly because muh attention. I was the wallflower in my year with shitty abusove parents/low income household but i always thought of self harm as pathetic and weak.
Frankly if you had a normal upbringing and harmed yourself as part of your emo phase, i'm only dissapointed because you didnt have the courage to actually neck yourself.

>> No.10226544 [DELETED] 

Bet it must feel good to hide the self inflicted scars because your attention seeking ass couldnt help yourself but to do this instead of following any worthwhile interest that requires actual effort to do. BUT NOO CUT YOURSELVES BECAUSE IM AN EMO TEEHE. BUT WHEN SOMEONE HAS TO HIDE THEIR BLACK EYE FROM YESTERDAYS FALLING DOWN THE STAIRS WITH MAKE UP THATS UNNOTICEABLE BECAUSE YEAH SHES THE NERDY CHICK WHOS GOOD BULLYING MATERIAL.

Yall are fake bitches who fake mental ilness to justify your attention whoring and a hate all of you with a passion

>> No.10226835 [DELETED] 

I don't cut myself of anything, I just want a girl like this to love

>> No.10226843

You might wanna unpack some of that before you shoot up a school, friend

>> No.10226851 [DELETED] 

I was in a fairly well off school back in the day, I was one of the poor kids. I can't recall a single rich preppy girl that got off on muh scars for attention, are you really sure you don't just have the wrong idea?
Yeah every class had at least one weird cute scene chick, but bringing in the class thing is an odd factor.
All the rich girls I knew had enough chump change and druggie parents to blast themselves on opiates to be cool.

>> No.10226929

>fake mental ilness
But real mental illness means yo do drastic things like self injury for attention. Not all mental illness is cutesy sad and emo.
You also sound like you're projecting majorly.

>> No.10227087 [DELETED] 

If this is true and you're not trolling, what attracts you to a girl who self-harms? What makes you want to date a girl with this specific issue?

>> No.10227098 [DELETED] 

Not an illness, fucktard

>> No.10227283

hide that shit. no one wants to see that.

>> No.10227336

Tons of scars on my legs, whenever I wear short skirts I would wear dance tights or more opaque nude tights. I’m actually more self conscious of my hyperpigmented knees and that’s more of a reason why I wear tights though. Outside of Cosplay I don’t really care, sometimes I forget I even have them.

>> No.10227430

When I was about 15 I cut a lot. It wasn't for attention or punishing myself or anything like that, it just calmed me down. my upper thighs and stomach are covered in scars but I'm in my early 20's now and they've faded to my skin tone, however they are raised so it's possible to see them up close. I do avoid cosplays that show a lot of skin because of this but they are hidden enough that it's almost never a problem. I am going to colossal east this year though and I think I'm not gonna bother trying to cover them there. For the most part I really don't care if other people have them visible but really fresh cuts make me uncomfortable.

>> No.10227488

If it makes you feel any more comfortable, I have the same kind of scars and I’ve gone to CCE and done swimsuit cosplays without people noticing at all (or at least, I’ve never once had anyone say anything).

>> No.10227571

>it just calmed me down
Yeah I don't know what wires twisted in my head but it helped me calm down and take my mind off things far quicker than drugs. Fortunately for me I only ever did it in one spot on my upper thigh where even wearing short shorts it'd still be hidden but it will never fade because I cut so deep every time. But that was 6 years ago
Honestly if I had scars in viewable places I'd either put makeup to hide it or just not show that bit of skin. There's no other explanation for self harm scars, it's like broadcasting that you are or have been mentally fucked

>> No.10227599

I don't have self-harm scars.

I do have a shit ton of scars from other stupid things. I don't give a fuck about scars, and neither should you.

>> No.10228122

that does make me more comfortable, thanks!
yeah, it's weird and hard to explain. The closest sensation for me is a runners high I guess. Having them visible feels like telling everyone something personal about yourself.

>> No.10228317

would appreciate my comfort, has strong emotions to help our love grow strong.

>> No.10231063
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The big-brain move would be to cosplay a character that has that scar/missing limb/etc.

>> No.10232380
File: 57 KB, 500x500, 12b600f76befac306183a3f8bfaa54efa1dc7bc1_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to first cosplay gathering in public park
>notice how the photographer has both of her WHOLE forearms full of deep cuts.
>notice how the second one has also his forearms fucked up
>both chill
>small talk with one of the cosplayers
>has also some scars but whatever
>turns around
>her fucking back has whipping marks
I love this community

>> No.10232384
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>> No.10232385

is this a guy cosplaying Jared cosplaying the guy from Atlantis ?

>> No.10232416

Cathartic physical release. It's self destructive without the permanence of the final black pill. Same thing as when you get really drunk at 2am, go outside, and punch cement until your knuckles bleed or you break something. Ladies just don't seem to like punching things as much.

>> No.10233008

I'm going to take a guess that tens of thousands of years ago, our more ape-like ancestors had no problem beating the shit out of each other to display dominance and males doing this to females was not that uncommon.
But then over time intelligence became more of a survival factor than violence and sexual dimorphism was making female bodies less resistant to damage so men started doing it less. However, the expectation of pain was still instinctively present, resulting in some women harming themselves to fill the void.
Probably the same reason some women like being choked in bed.

>> No.10233013 [DELETED] 

Self harm scars deserve to be mocked. You have to shit on women or else they run rampant.

>> No.10233215

Show belly button and go to bed.

>> No.10233631

Exactly why I only cut my legs and never my arms, super easy to hide them under dance tights or trousers. Arms cutting is for attention seekers and that's exactly what you're gonna get so suck up and deal with it

>> No.10235083

>Whats your consensus on self harm scars in cosplay?
That the cosplayer should finish the job they started.

>> No.10235467

This is fucking retarded.