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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10173117 No.10173117 [Reply] [Original]

How was everyone's con experience?

Did you see the panels you wanted, get the merch you were after? What would you change for next year?

Previous thread:

>> No.10173123

Panels felt a little flaccid this year. I know ACEN's panel quality has been going down, but this year was really rough. Only attended 3 the whole time-- other ones got cancelled, capped out due to no competition in the time slot, or there just was nothing interesting going on at the time.

>> No.10173129

Roomed with a friend and friends of said friend. Don't quite care to spend time with these people that much. They also can't really stand to spend too much time with each other either. A lot of shit talking goes on whenever someone is not around.
They spent most of the day in the room so I pretty much only went back to sleep, eat, and bathe.
I can't complain too much. It wasn't exactly unbearable and I wouldn't have gone this year if I wasn't splitting the room.

Some of my other friends I usually go with didn't go this year. Hopefully I can room with them next year.

Con itself was totally fine outside of the room situation. I got to do pretty much everything I wanted.

>> No.10173133
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To the dude in the (I think) Misty crossplay in the lobby that wanted to take pics, sorry for saying no, was my first con and crossplay and I was spilling my spaghetti everywhere.

Sincerely, Tomoko crossplayer

P.S. I'm pretty sure I made it into a couple cringe compilations.

>> No.10173136
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Saturday fireworks were amazing.

Overall this entire weekend was just as great as it could have been. All the ACEN stuff with the impressive FGO booth, John Wick 3 conveniently opened this weekend, a great fireworks display happened, tons of nice cosplays from everyone while getting to meet old friends... it was perfect for me. Best convention experience so far and I left in such a great mood.

I look forward to seeing everyone again next year! It was a blast!

>> No.10173140

Lmao get that cunt out of your picture and that might be a decent shot

>> No.10173144

If it wasnt for the AC in the arcade hall, I would’ve passed out on Saturday. I really appreciate that everything is accessible the moment you enter the main entrance (Reg, AA, Entertainment). Keep that for next year.

Other than that, I loved the Friday night concert. Originally came for TRUE, stayed for the Rinbu Revolution and God Knows covers.

>> No.10173145
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Not to worry anon, that person in frame was me holding a video camera! Here are some of the final moments of the fireworks for you!

>> No.10173147

Hot and humid as hell. All my cosplays were heavy and had multiple layers of armor and other pieces So I was constantly roasting

>> No.10173148

Not that anon but thanks!
I missed the fireworks since the group I went with wanted to go back to the hotel (offsite) early.

On an unrelated note, anyone else feeling a sore throat coming on? I'm not sure if I'm just dehydrated or if I caught some con crud.

>> No.10173149
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You looked great

>> No.10173153

Am that Anon. Much better.

>> No.10173157

First time cosplaying, my initial wardrobe fears were quickly dispelled when I had entered the convention center and said "fuck it" and winged it. Got quite a few people taking pictures, and even more noticing where I'm from. The photoshoot was also great, if not painful from the lack of rest my untrained feet had in my boots.

All in all, I'm glad I got the chance to meet you guys, as well as get to see what it's like to be the spectacle, rather than the spectator.

t. an underrated 2hu

>> No.10173162
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Had a pretty good time, but I couldn’t help but feel like something was missing the entire time.

>> No.10173173
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>got to thank ZAQ in person for all those songs I loved over the years while dressed as a character from the latest of those said songs
>Experienced one of the best concerts of my life with an almost front and center view with great performance after great performance and an unforgettable finale
>as well as got to meet and talk to the seiyuu of Rosehip, the seiyuu of the 6th destroyer division, the seiyuu of Rena, among many other things
>and meeting and talking to the singer of Grand Symphony, the singer of Shiny Days, the singer of Another Colony, among many other things
>while also catching the Youjo Senki movie in theaters
>and enjoying all the passion in the Lumina stage
>and spent all other time playing exclusive japanese arcade rhythm games and Initial D

11/10 acen this year even better than last. I hope every year just keeps getting better and better. Only regret is how full the VR booth was always so I didn't get to finally try Beat Saber like I wanted to.

>> No.10173178
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Also I ended up not buying a single thing despite ambling the dealer's floor and Artist Alley multiple times. Who needs to buy things when there are priceless memories of actually having the opportunity to speak one on one with these famous japanese voice actresses and singers and see such an amazing concert with not 1 but 4 superstar singers?

>> No.10173186

Who’s still in this bitch?

>> No.10173190

Went alone this year. I thought it would be awkward and a bunch of ambling around but quite a few people recognized my cosplays and I met a lot of new friends. Even staff and artists started up conversations and I've never had that happen at ACEN.

The Openworld concert and the m-flo set were nice, but that's about the only programming I made it to since I got to hang out with different people the majority of the con.

AA seemed to have a lot of great art this year so I spent most of my money there instead of in the dealer's hall.

Did anyone do the escape rooms? How was that?

>> No.10173191


>> No.10173193


>> No.10173196

Good to hear you made friends anon!

I went with friends but went alone to the sole panel I attended (FGO localization) but I talked in line with two people near me for most of the time. Oddly proud of myself since I'm horribly shy and paranoid around strangers. I never asked for contact info from either but still, I did something I didn't expect to do.

I also spent way too much money on AA/merch. Not enough that it will hurt my savings long-term but more than I really should have.

>> No.10173211
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>Watching all the fallout about staffers giving an artist and ultimatum for posting that an exhibitor was selling bootlegs of her art

>> No.10173213

What happened?

>> No.10173238
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>> No.10173255

I hope the dude that did blackface at the FGO photoshoot chokes. What a scumbag.

>> No.10173280

Only bought a Friday pass. Almost solely for the Made in Abyss premiere, but also to check out the con.

On Saturday I rode down River Rd around noon and back again maybe half an hour later when heading back home. A surprising amount of people kept staring at me despite my bike being fairly quiet. I think they thought I was cosplaying/in bosozoku getup because of my bike and jacket.

>> No.10173289
File: 73 KB, 494x266, Capture d’écran 2019-05-20 à 09.05.02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's dramuh in the facebook group

>> No.10173291
File: 75 KB, 490x362, Capture d’écran 2019-05-20 à 09.05.11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to post a link to the discussion but the spam filter won't let me, just go to the official anime central facebook group

>> No.10173296

>I hope the guy who did blackface gets hurt
>Not complaining about the thousands of weebs of non-japanese ethnicity portraying themselves as japanese for the weekend

>> No.10173309

Game room was the highlight again this year. I miss the outside shoots for the cosplay gatherings, but it was nice having them be really close together and easy to find.

I don't wish harm on him, but he was clearly doing it just to get a rise out of people and be a dick. People like that tend to be shitty to be around anyway.

>> No.10173316

The rep posted on the AA FB group and people are calling him out for trying to boot the artist out instead of the vendor who had a booth full of bootlegged merch.

>> No.10173332

Does anyone have photos of Ben Franklin? That had to be my favorite cosplay this weekend, solid 10/10. Mother fucker was in character and everything

>> No.10173369


No photos, but dude was rad

>> No.10173392

Stop being so upset about cosplay anon, black people can enjoy the hobby too.

>> No.10173416

i liked the layout this year, but i didn’t like how there was no easy access to water in the game room. there was one solitary drinking fountain in a remote corner, but i feel like if you’re a ddr fan or a fan of any other dancing game it could be a shitty situation if you need water and there’s barely any around. other than that the hyatt honestly seemed a bit useless this year. kind of just a hangout place now unless you like tabletop

>> No.10173418

I enjoyed it, I went alone but found more than enough to keep me busy. The panels I went to were all really great except for one, shame about the shitty attendance to most of them but the guests got on with it. Friday concerts were awesome.

My first time going, but I'd go again.

>> No.10173438

>shame about the shitty attendance to most of them but the guests got on with it.
Yeah I'm wondering what's up with that. How did such HUGE names from Japan not even fill up 25% let alone half their rooms? But great kudos to those hardcore true fans who did show up to those panels and support them and their long journey here.

>> No.10173469

I ended up not going to any panels because it was unorganized and they werent listed on the acen website.

>> No.10173475

They were all on the Guidebook app. Acen basically relied on that more than anything else.

>> No.10173477

What does it say about an anime con when the raves gets more attendance than an actual concert with actual anisong singers?

>> No.10173479

I overheard someone asking him for directions in the parking garage and he was acting like he's never heard of a car in his life.

>> No.10173480
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>First con
>Show up before all my friends Friday
>Hands visibly shaking, super anxious for some reason
>Go to bar across street and drink on an empty stomach to calm my nerves
>Come back and wander around drunk with some creepy dude I met at the bar who kept asking every slightly attractive female cosplayer for a picture
>Friends finally show up and I ditch him
>Spend the rest of the con wandering around regretting not cosplaying
>Lost my Gurren Lagann flag at some point
>Missed most of the panels that interested me
>Drunkenly wandered away from a cosplay girl that I think was interested in me without remembering to get her number
>Spent a bunch of money I can't afford to spend
>Got con plague
>Friends left early the second day because they had work in the morning
>Realize all the panels I had an interest in had already happened on Friday
>Friend I was meeting got in a fender bender and had to flake
>Spent most of remainder of con drinking overpriced gin and tonic in the hotel bar and questioning my financial decisions and wondering why I'm such an autistic fuckwit

Werewolf was fun though!

Overall 8/10 going again next year, but this time I'm actually going to put effort into a particular cosplay and not just half ass it with normal clothes and a gurren lagann flag draped around me, hahaha. I really wish I wasn't such a ball of nerves that I need to be drunk to handle cons.

>> No.10173483

Forgot to mention, I did make a new buddy at the bar the second day. We're gonna see about going to Anime Midwest in a month if I can afford it.

>> No.10173485
File: 1.33 MB, 400x260, fuck off.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess all the black cosplayers I saw cosplaying as white characters should choke too, huh? Get over yourself you stupid asshole.

>> No.10173486

I saw that guy, I was so fucking hammered I honestly thought I might've been hallucinating hahaha.

>> No.10173487

>Werewolf was fun though!
Here's a secret for you.

One of the people in the werewolf circle for most of the nights was secretly trolling and griefing every game. They were getting outside intel and using that advantage to fuck things up horribly. I was in the board game room and noted that person's behavior in not only constantly checking their phone but also I noted some other people outside the circle taking pictures of the werewolf group during the sleep phase and then talking to the person in the game no doubt sharing who every role was. I'm amazed no one else noticed but I was playing a relatively slow game with my friends so when it wasn't my turn I was looking at the Werewolf circle and keenly observing.

>> No.10173488

I cosplayed for the first time on Saturday (nothing complex, just Ness) and I wasn't really prepared for getting the attention that I got from it.

One of the staffers who was also Ness did tell me where he got his bat which looked 100% real despite being a stage prop so that will help for the next time I do that, but I feel like my next cosplay should be something more involved.

>> No.10173490
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I put in my vote for most unique creative cosplay this weekend.

>> No.10173492

God why would anyone even do that? It's werewolf, it's supposed to be a fun party game. Who were you by the way? I was there for most of Friday night and until around 11 Saturday night. I was the tall blonde guy with the short beard, I fell backwards and hit my nose with my chair Saturday night, shit still hurts.

>> No.10173495


>> No.10173500


I was just at a table nearby playing some game with friends and happened to be looking right at the werewolf circle and first noticed why someone was walking out of the circle and talking to someone else. I thought it was their friend and they're just discussing friend stuff but then I noticed that person out of the circle was taking pics during the sleep phase and when I kept watching I noticed that person was then speaking a lot/making accusations no doubt using his illbegotten intel to ruin the game. I don't recall how they look like though, generic anime con dudes, probably had a beard of some sort, there's too many people and I was still trying to win my own game.

>> No.10173502

got any screenshots anon?

>> No.10173503

NAYRT but he cosplayed a character whose skin color and backstory has caused a lot of controversy in the fandom, and a lot of edgelords have recently been stirring the pot around him. Not to mention the guy looked like he smeared shoe polish on his face and rolled around in the dirt. He knew exactly what he was doing.

>> No.10173515

Anyone get any pics of the GFL cosplayers?

>> No.10173516

>the guy looked like he smeared shoe polish on his face and rolled around in the dirt
So spot on?

>> No.10173517

I was surprised to not see any UMP cosplays, just a 416 and M200.

>> No.10173520
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>> No.10173525

Well no shit, sherlock. Instead of resolving the issue in person you went passive-aggressive and started Twitter drama. Classic POTUS tactic....did you learn it from him?

>> No.10173531

Yeah, it's kinda sad but it's pretty consistent with every other con I've seen. It's still a little better for anisong singers since they have a following, the animation staff who were there had hardly anyone turn up for their autograph sessions. Their panel attendance wasn't the worst it wasn't great either.

>> No.10173538

I sorely hope this won't put a damper on them coming. One of the biggest reasons Acen has been improving so much over the recent years is more and more actual overseas japanese guests from all over the industry. They truly are the best part of the con now.

>> No.10173553

I've had the intro to Astrosexy stuck in my head since the m-flo set.

>> No.10173555

It's entirely the reason I went and it's the reason I'd go back. I'm still pissed I missed Takeshi Nogami and Mitsuo Iso last year.

The concert guests were top tier.

I think they did a good job balancing popular events like the rave off against guests who were never going to draw a big crowd. Hopefully one paid for the other.

>> No.10173560

Takeshi Nogami was AMAZING
I met him crossplaying as Erwin and he not only signed but DREW me an Erwin too
I regret I wasn't able to do the same with ZAQ and a Sora No Ne CD this year while kind of crossplaying as Kylie

That's a good point at the end. I don't mind the big events at all and if they're the ones paying for the Japanese guests, all the better.

>> No.10173562
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Forgot my image

>> No.10173569

What would you guys say was the most common cosplay this year? I felt like MHA was everywhere especially how it seemed no matter where I went I saw Himikos of varying quality.

>> No.10173575
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This one? He was a cool dude. Sorry for the sideways, still traveling back.

>> No.10173578

I didnt know about that.

>> No.10173581

Definitely MHA again and I can't blame them for it. There were so many student uniforms in the crowds and most of them looked pretty nice. Given how you can just buy a premade student uniform online and only have to worry about styling your hair, its a very easy and convincing cosplay.

>> No.10173584

I saw a lot of Zero Two.

>> No.10173587
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Yeah they probably could have done a better job with that. But the Guidebook app was amazing for keeping updated with panels, being able to favorite and track panels that even give you a reminder they're about to start. It also had more info on the panel/guest as well and covered pretty much everything in the con from guest panels to the concert to board game sessions to video game tournaments. And its so easy and accessible to use. Just pull up the schedule and start tagging things you want to track and it'll all be there handily for you as seen in my screenshot.

It's pretty much a must have to not miss anything you don't want to miss and it's a shame Acen didn't make this more clear.

>> No.10173590
File: 249 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2019-05-20-11-27-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also did a great job with the filters which made organizing everything super easy.

So basically on day 0 or even before acen, open the app, scroll through all the items and see which ones interest you and click in to find out more then simply press the plus button to tag and track them and it'll even send you a reminder based on a time you choose (i.e 30 mims before start). I really will say it's a must have and reiterate what a shame it is that Acen doesn't make this amazingly handy tool more known to people.

>> No.10173603

This guy was awesome

>> No.10173611
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Here's one I took with my shitty phone.

Dude was a fucking champ.

>> No.10173612

MHA, some girl I matched with on tinder over the weekend told me to look for her as bakugo, but there were 30 or so female bakugos on any given day

>> No.10173615

I saw a ton of casual Astolfos (male and female).

>> No.10173618

Another year, another acen of never finding my pics... It's kind of my fault for going as less popular video game characters but some people still took pics. I just wonder where they post them, if at all

>> No.10173620

Synergy lineup was pretty fucking legendary. Seeing m-flo and Moe Shop perform back to back (with m-flo staying on stage for their remix) was probably a once in a lifetime experience even if you travel to see these things. All the sets were pretty good, but those two especially did a good job involving the audience with recognizable transition songs, the crowd lost their shit when Fly Away and Hare Hare Yukai played.

It's gonna take a lot to make a con memory that can surpass it.

>> No.10173623

Definitely MHA. So much goddamn shitty MHA cosplay. I did see a ton of bowzette/boosette/etc cosplayers and the usual yearly stock of love live cosplayers too, though

>> No.10173624
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I went as Nobunaga from Fate and had a shit ton of people take my pics. Way more so than the last 5 conventions i've gone to combined. That's the kind of stuff that keeps me going.

>> No.10173654

>tfw only person to ask for mine was a security guard who was taking everyone's pics

>> No.10173656

I didn't get a single photo ask whatsoever and I wore mine all 3 days. Granted it was a crossplay which I admittedly could have put more effort into but time and budget were tough in the months leading up to the con.

>> No.10173657
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Astolfos and Himiko Togas fucking EVERYWHERE.

Also did anyone else get approached by some cultist dude trying to sell their religious literature?

>> No.10173659

pictures were pretty nice, I was surprised how many people were familiar with danmachi, typically people don't pay much attention to the series unless it's hestia or in about 3-4 months, Haruhime is gonna take over conventions
I had a meme sign saturday that was bitching about gacha pull rates so a lot of FEH and FGO fans kept asking for pictures with it which was nice.

>> No.10173661

Who were you cosplaying as?

>> No.10173664
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Not this year, but in the coming months, expect to see this girl fucking everywhere after her show airs.
A waifubait, huge titty foxgirl who wears a kimono with a ton of cleavage, it's just cosplay bait at that point.

>> No.10173665

Man Asaka was such a great guest. She was so wholesome. Especially when I gave her a gift bag full of snacks she mentioned wanting on twitter

>> No.10173666

I won't be complaining.

>> No.10173667

I look forward to it. Especially the varying degrees of quality

>> No.10173669

>singing when the audio didn't work right

>> No.10173670
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Quit being obtuse, you fucking moron.

>> No.10173675

>cultist dude trying to sell their religious literature?
Ain't a con without one of those. Didn't get bothered this year, but I got hit up by some Buddhist (I think) in AX last year and some other bozo at AM.

>> No.10173676

that is so fucking bad lmao

>> No.10173677

Didn't get a religious pitch but the women in the Florida vacation booth were weirdly aggressive when I didn't want to enter their contest. What the heck was that booth doing in dealer's anyway

>> No.10173678

All he's missing is the red lips.

>> No.10173686

No, I'm having fun. He should have brought a big fucking slice of watermelon too.

>> No.10173688

Yeah I think it was some Buddhist deal, also pretty sure I got singled out because I was obviously drunk and had gotten separated from my friends.

>> No.10173691

lmao yeah, he gave me some book on reincarnation which I promptly lost. fuckign weird and uncomfortable, tried to get me to repeat some lines. I mean I guess he had good intentions, but a con is really not the place for that stuff.

>> No.10173693

man, you couldn't get me to go to florida even if you paid me. That booth was pretty out of place.

>> No.10173697
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Rare Persona 1 cosplay.

>> No.10173704

excellently done to boot! sad I didn't catch her at any point in the con

>> No.10173705

Weird, I didn't get any good vibes from him. He tried to give me a book and then demanded a donation, took the book back when I told him I'd already spent all my money on merch.

>> No.10173719

He was at the CGL meetup. Dude was a champ

>> No.10173721

Kylie from Kouya no Kotobuki Hikoutai

>> No.10173722

Was it some black dude in the tunnels on Sunday?
I saw someone trying to get hassled for some donation or something or another about cheerleaders but that could have been a different thing.

>> No.10173728

back to /pol/ with you.

>> No.10173730

Nah, the dude who approached me was some bald white guy in an orange outfit. Was like a discount Western Buddhist monk.

>> No.10173731
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not gonna lie, saw that Momiji with the maga hat and that shit was straight fucking cringe.
Get your dumb politics out of my cons

>> No.10173733
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>> No.10173738

That was pretty cringey, but so was listening to a gaggle of Tumblristas bitch about transphobia in the gender neutral bathrooms by the board games section.

>> No.10173741

>go into gender neutral bathroom
>see urinals
>see a preop FTM trying to use them
>shrugged it off as "whatever its 2019"

>> No.10173743
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Love u

>> No.10173750

I was looking at some Acen cosplay photoshoot albums and realized a question.

How do determine what you end up cosplaying as?
Looking at some of these albums it seems these people knew there would be a cosplay shoot for that series and were prepared to interact with other cosplayers from that series to either recreate scenes or poses from the source material.

So do you cosplay based on what will be the cosplay photoshoots? Or what will get you more pictures? Or what is popular and instantly recognizable? or just something very complicated/elegant/impressive looking? Or on a budget and have to improvise or be creative? Or just cosplay as whatever you want and not care about anything or anyone else?

>> No.10173751

>Preop FTM
What the fuck does a FTM get? How does that even work? They'd have no fucking nerve endings.

>> No.10173755
File: 55 KB, 500x614, germany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just cosplay characters I look kinda like already and are from franchises I've seen. Next year I'll be going as Germany from Hetalia which is a cosplay I've wanted to do for years but I'm finally in shape enough to really pull it off.

>> No.10173756

yeah he tried to give me a bigger book, which I said I didn't want. still gave me the reincarnation book.
dude who approached me was an Indian guu.

>> No.10173757

Cut it out with the transphobic /pol/tard shit.

>> No.10173759
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I wonder if anyone would recognize him. Is hetalia that big?

On a related note, I saw this also german cosplay which was badass. Hellsing cosplays are great in general.

>> No.10173761
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god those people hassling signed papers and something about junior bulls were so fuckign annoyign along with the religious people trying to sell books. Yeah there's a large amount of people, but that group of people is spending their money on something else. also it's completely the wrong place to do so.

>> No.10173762
File: 41 KB, 510x477, hahaha what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is that transphobic? I'm asking a question, how does that work? How do you pull enough skin and body matter to form a functioning dick? Dick's aren't just simple pieces of meat shaped like a tube, they have thousands of nerve endings.

>> No.10173765

Just like vaginas, and yet...

>> No.10173766

Some would, not too many. It's fairly old at this point but I've always wanted to do it so I'm going to. I might do a super simple cosplay and go as Fred from scooby doo to anime midwest in a month. One of my friends wants to go as Velma.

>> No.10173770
File: 109 KB, 384x384, hahaha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Circumcision alone can wipe out a lot of a guys sexual feeling. If you think that horror show of a surgery is going to create anything even vaguely resembling what an actual dick is like you're delusional. Call me transphobic I don't give a shit, SRS successfully destroys sex organs and not much else. Get fucked.

>> No.10173771
File: 8 KB, 261x146, 16425820_1592160217491893_1114578487940481386_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to anime midwest

>> No.10173772
File: 305 KB, 315x445, dcjs702-06cfc734-ee55-4389-8e0e-02e0134dddf8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10173773

I was agreeing with you, retard. Vaginas also have tons of nerve endings and a mtf "vagina" is nothing like the real thing.

>> No.10173780

What's wrong with Anime Midwest?

>> No.10173784

tiny and shitty, especially compared to acen. The gameroom is downright sad. Also iirc the CEO is a major creep and a supposed kid toucher. The only thing they have on acen is free ramen/rice.

>> No.10173786
File: 25 KB, 403x433, 824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not edgy if it's true.

Sorry I can just never tell with this fucking board.

Is there something I should know? As far as I'm aware it's just smaller ACEN isn't it?

>> No.10173791

They have had better anime industry guests for like 4 years in a row what are you talking about?

>> No.10173792


>> No.10173793

It's really not a smaller ACEN. only similarity is anime and the same venue. If you've only gone to ACEN, you're going to be super disappointed. Imagine the sadness and deadness of a con on late sunday but that's the entire con, for 3 days straight.

>> No.10173794


Midwest and all kopf cons are for profit. Most of the major cons are non-profit.

>> No.10173795
File: 1.25 MB, 4032x1960, 20190517_155324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10173796

I mean sure, but that's really not all there is to a con unless you're super dedicated to industry things. I just really don't think anyone should waste their money on AMW unless I guess they have a burning need to go to the industry guest panels

>> No.10173798

Well thanks for saving me some money anon.

>> No.10173799

>better guests
>steve blum
>yuri lowenthal
>tara platt

>> No.10173801

ACEN has been pretty lacking in industry guests except this year with Kinema Citrus
AMW had Trigger 2 years in a row, the Monogatari artist, Terumi Nishii (JoJo design artist) just from memory
this year they have IA (vocalist that recorded Vocaloid voice banks) and probably have a few more announcements in the next month

>> No.10173803

why do you purposely ignore the japanese industry guests, which is what I was referring to?
they have the same dub actors every year because they're cheap, but AMW consistently gets big name Japanese guests despite being a small con

>> No.10173807

Vofan was at Acen last year as well. And this year had Asaka, Sayaka Sasaki, ZAQ, TRUE, Aya Suzaki, Natsumi Takamori, Mai Nakahara, Miho Okasaki, Atsushi Nakayama, Ryoma Ebata and I'm probably missing some more.

>> No.10173809
File: 775 KB, 2448x3264, 20190518_170416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this posted on the official GFL discord. That G36 is fucking lit.

Also there was a Ballista cosplayer in the previous thread, are you still here? Do you have a picture?

>> No.10173812

How did they get away with no orange tip?

>> No.10173813

Removable for pictures, or somehow stealthily avoiding IRT

>> No.10173814

the weapon policy is not applied equally
used to know a black cosplayer that would use bright blue guns rubber guns and get peace tagged every 5 minutes, other people would bring realistic props and no one even cared, even people bringing working airsoft rifles

>> No.10173823

More lowkey could have its benefits over ACEN if you're looking to meet people, but less people overall doesn't really help that.

>> No.10173825

What stops me from midwest is that its just really tiny and has like no industry vendors. Meanwhile on the exact same weekend, AX the largest anime con in America is happening where literally every company is in attendance.

>> No.10173826

A few R6 cosplayers got their rifle taken even with an orange tip. Their solution was just to avoid that security booth and enter the exhibition hall from the AA.
More than likely some security cared less than others.

>> No.10173830

There’s rumors that Ryan Kopf is trying to bring ScarfingScarves to come to AMW. He’s kept bringing her up a lot lately how she’s a strong woman.

>> No.10173836

Obviously, you should pick someone from something you really like or are passionate about, you'll have a much better time. I'd say match looks/body type then go from there after that. Everyone has different reasons for cosplaying, so don't take my word as gospel or anything, just do what you want. If you want tons of people asking for pictures, dress as Naruto or Bakugo. Obscure stuff also has it's own reward. I saw a girl dressed as someone from Makai Kingdom, and we were both pretty excited that another person knew what that was.

>> No.10173837

Why do you fags bring up the AMW and kopf hate literally every Midwest con thread?
Get something better to do with your time, jesus

>> No.10173849

I only think about cosplaying someone if I REALLY like their show/game, if its feasible for a cosplay to be made, and if I have the body type to make it work. So a few things have to line up for me to want to try.

>> No.10173851

the fact that anyone posts on /cgl/ is proof that none of us have anything better to do with our time anyways, including you

>> No.10173855


>> No.10173863

would be cool to meet her.. but at Midwest?

>> No.10173881

AMW is local to me so it makes more sense if I don't want to travel.

>> No.10173885

>Ballista cosplayer
Oh god, if there is one, I must see it then I can die a happy man.

>> No.10173893

What a fucking chad

>> No.10173894

I wish I wasn't so paranoid of gun prop rules, I'd love to make a GFL cosplay but if the gun gets taken away I'd feel terrible and incomplete.

>> No.10173911

Ax is just an oversized con. It's hot as hell, crowded with lines everywhere, and everything costs twice or three times what other cons do. I don't see why everyone is so attached to it

>> No.10173925

Worst thing is they do is say "hey put that shit away and go back to the hotel room and stash it" Like I had no one even peace tag my gun or knife, Had cops walk by and nothing.

>> No.10173933

people more likely having the chance of inserting pOnOs into vagOO and vice versa.

>> No.10173935

Hot and crowded yes, but hey I'm a sucker for huge crowds. I enjoy the atmosphere of busy and packed cons.

>> No.10173936

They're retarded then. There's better ways to get laid than spending 3k dollars to go out to a convention for a weekend

>> No.10173937

dang, can you post it? I probably would have taken a pic if i saw you. you can block out the face if you want. I'll probably post mine once I get to my computer.

>> No.10173940

It's super inconsistent, just stay away from the security booths and places like the rave and nobody will care.

>> No.10173949
File: 2.89 MB, 4083x2988, 20190519_114954~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait you were also doing Kotobuki? I didn't see anything or anyone there Kotobuki related at all despite ZAQ being a primary guest. Here's a pic of me by literally the only Kotobuki thing I found in the entire con. I couldn't get the coat but i tried to be close. Shoulda got some pancakes or something though.

>> No.10173951

Did anyone see that one dude with a giant Censored Bar or something? That was funny shit.

>> No.10173952

Oh shit just realized while I didn't mind my face, my name is on there. Welp, if you look up, enjoy my steam profile.

>> No.10173958

You spent 3k, What the hell? I spent like $500.

>> No.10173974

Badges are 130 dollars and flights are going to be in the range of 400 dollars so how you managed that j have no clue

>> No.10173986
File: 3.13 MB, 2988x5312, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I wasn't cosplaying Kotobuki, but I really like the anime. I was the Nobunaga cosplayer. I didn't see you at the con but I would have taken a pic if I wasn't busy.

>> No.10173988

Oh nice. I think I did see you at least that very distinctive hat. Unfortunately I don't play Fate GO so I didn't recognize it. Nice to see there are more Kotobuki fans though. When ZAQ started whistling in the concert I almost died from ecstasy.

>> No.10174000

I doubt they are non-profit because that would mean that they return the excess revenue which I'm sure none of them do. If they are not-for-profit then that just means that their annual revenue is equal to expenditures. In real world terms, this means that the higher ups give themselves bonuses with the excess money that would otherwise be considered profit. I'm not sure where this false, common notion of not-for-profits somehow being more charitable than for profit organizations comes from when the opposite is true. Not-for-profits can also own for-profit subsidiaries. I work for a not-for-profit and for average employees there are only draw backs (lower pay, lower job security, lower/small budget for training, less frequently updated facilities, etc.)

>> No.10174002

>There's better ways to get laid than spending 3k dollars to go out to a convention for a weekend
Please share them.

>> No.10174005

Lmao fucking incels man

>> No.10174011

please tell me this is bait

>> No.10174013

Local bar on a weekend and some alcohol!

>> No.10174014
File: 2.21 MB, 4032x3024, D5D39F1B-3DC5-4009-8AB3-170DF51BA1A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha hi that’s me, cosplay wasn’t great tho and I didn’t take any real/good pics ;-; gonna bring this back for daisho tho hopefully it will be better then!

>> No.10174021
File: 444 KB, 1536x2048, 0A5C5670-E910-40B6-A5EA-6AE760876F13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this pic of my friend with my gun was rly good just wanted to share it too

>> No.10174023
File: 260 KB, 999x945, gfls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice I saw you wandering around alot, you were a very common sight. Were you harassed over the prop at all? My friend and I were behind you near the elevators, and we were impressed you got to carry that around with the policy.
>creep shots u

>> No.10174026

LMAO Yee I wandered around all Saturday as her, I actually didn’t have any problems with the prop at all! Cops had no issue with it and like... I think it also helps that nobody is gonna use a huge ass bolt action rifle to go postal lol...

>> No.10174032

I heard the grindr app is free

>> No.10174042

Probably helps that it was white and looks ridiculous too. Irony being that is actually what the Ballista looks like. I wonder if that was a design decision.

>> No.10174047
File: 71 KB, 634x476, 2403589100000578-0-image-a-10_1418490074778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that nobody is gonna use a huge ass bolt action rifle to go postal lol...

>> No.10174048

Trust me, you are already better than most. Shame I didn't see you in person, but perhaps we'll meet one day. Thanks again.

>> No.10174059

Going to a con to hook up is fucking retarded, but people who are already at cons do get horny and fuck.
If you can't reasonably hold a conversation on tinder or at a bar you're not gonna get laid either way bud

>> No.10174061

You need to do some squats, brah.

>> No.10174066

Does anyone have more cosplay photos to dump?

>> No.10174068
File: 582 KB, 1000x1333, P1030354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres one for the most ambitious crossover

>> No.10174069

What's up with all the Sailor Moon cosplayers being really hot? There was a Sailor Jupiter that was extremely attractive in particular. Really tall, long slender legs, and pretty face.

>> No.10174074

Trust me anon I need to do a lot of things lmfao

>> No.10174077

a few sailor moon cosplayers were paid by viz
if you saw them near the Viz Media booth, then they were hired for that exact purpose

>> No.10174078

hnnnng, her legs. She had real life shoujo legs

>> No.10174080
File: 1.89 MB, 4032x1960, 20190517_161735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it this one? Because if so, I'm inclined to agree.

>> No.10174088

ouch, iron your cosplays kids

>> No.10174106
File: 2.73 MB, 4032x1960, 20190518_154018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know the names of their stands? I forgot to ask and it's killing me!

>> No.10174110

oh my GOD

>> No.10174113

Left one is Propane Nightmares


>> No.10174114

They played the opening theme and drank in time with it as well.

>> No.10174118

>Dangit Bobby we're an anime now

>> No.10174138
File: 142 KB, 720x1200, D6zupsGXoAAu3My.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A really good one. Heard this guy was at AX as well.

>> No.10174149

The Sailor Jupiter I had in mind was with two of her friends and wandering around. The other was either Sailor Moon or Venus. I don't remember what the skirt color was, and she was with some fat guy that didn't seem too into the whole thing and was in plain clothes.

Where do these girls hide in real life? All I see day in and day out are womanlets.

Yeah, that's her. I'm 6'2 and she was about as tall as me. Too bad I was too big of a pussy to ask for a pic, but this was my first con so I'm not entirely familiar with the etiquette.

>> No.10174151

MHA but I have no problem with this. It's simple to pull off and cute. I like Ochako so seeing curvier girls cosplay her is really nice.

>> No.10174154

>Too bad I was too big of a pussy to ask for a pic, but this was my first con so I'm not entirely familiar with the etiquette.

Hey (x y z character) Can I get a picture please? or if you dont know. Hey I like your cosplay can I get a picture? You take 1 or 2 and say thank you.

>> No.10174158

I saw a bunch of Spiderman + Jacket combos a la Spiderman Homecoming. None of them were good.

>> No.10174160

I REALLY need to watch King of the Hill

>> No.10174169

Dale's is Enter Sandman

>> No.10174172

What about asking to take pictures with them, or is that frowned upon?

>> No.10174192

NTA but that's perfectly fine. It's more fun to be in the pic with them imo.
To add; If you want to put your arm around them or do a specific pose, it's best to ask first.

>> No.10174193

Depends on the person, but most say yes. It's also pretty common now with selfies being a thing. I understand being nervous to ask people, but the regret will trump it in the long run. A shot or two before you hit the con floor can also help.

>> No.10174195
File: 3.00 MB, 4032x3024, A8DC7B54-C3C1-49C5-98B9-254295E08A43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else for some ungodly reason still in this bitch?

There’s a normie conference of some sort and they’re starting to want to get lit.

>> No.10174201

Jesus Christ how horrifying.

>> No.10174202

no, why would you still be there?
even the people who stayed till the end of the room block should have checked out yesterday and gone home

>> No.10174203

I know of some people who stay and leave Monday morning to ditch the rush and hotel elevator hell.

>> No.10174204


It's now Sunday night tho. Wtf.

>> No.10174205

It's monday night
the people who even stayed all of sunday are checked out
who the hell stays at a con till Tuesday?

>> No.10174206

That must be some strong shit you're on.

Gimme some.

>> No.10174207

The room block technically ends today (Monday) rather than yesterday, so it’s not totally absurd.

>> No.10174211

this has to be someone in the rosemont area who just showed up to meme and take a picture right?
no one stays past monday

>> No.10174224


>He knew exactly what he was doing

I would hope so. Anyway as a black guy, you're a bitch if you care about blackface, especially for cosplay. You could put that con money to UNICEF or something and actually help black people

>> No.10174225

yeah, buy one of those stupid junior bulls signed papers people were trying to shill out to broke con-goers

>> No.10174227


Do you know where you are anon?

>> No.10174259

I’ve been to both ACEN and AMW and I’ve never experienced anything you’re describing. Ive always had a great time and con is always busy. It’s just not a party con like Acen is. Only downside of amw is the weekend of choice and the guy who runs it

>> No.10174261

really? I've gone to both and every time I go to AMW I've left wanting a refund. I'm not even a party goer either, I never drink or anything at cons if that's what you meant by party con. It was always small and kinda dead. I also think for me at least the guy running it is reason enough for me to not want to go, even if the con was better.

>> No.10174273

Its actually Sandstorm
>t. Dale

>> No.10174289


>> No.10174324

this is fucking amazing, cosplays like these really make me miss living in chicago for ACEN.

>> No.10174405
File: 1.86 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20190517_124933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10174476

dammit bobby

>> No.10174535

Strong enough that he cannot rape?

>> No.10174549

Rent free

>> No.10174587
File: 1.34 MB, 2560x1440, 20190518_134656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw I check Facebook and Instagram I never find any pictures of myself. Though I did get posted on the official GFL discord so thats neat.

I just wanna see some good pictures of my wedding dress Boosette. But I did get ALOT of compliments for it. feels good man

>> No.10174595
File: 11 KB, 114x107, 20190521_122018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10174603

>check acen hashtag
WHY iis Everyone so FAT

>> No.10174616
File: 54 KB, 620x420, e081bf5e-d30f-5e25-8316-df0479f4a4ed.image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Chicago

>> No.10174629

Unless they're actually fat/obese, you probably just have warped standards from seeing shopped pictures and girls with eating disorders

>> No.10174645

is that Nahri?

>> No.10174657

Can confirm

>> No.10174689

Thankfully, I didn't look that fat in cosplay. Even lost a ton of weight from outright starving myself because food at and around the convention is goddamn expensive.

>> No.10174696

The man, the myth, THE LEGEND.

>> No.10174745

breh im skinnyfat myself and alot of these cosplayers have cellulite, triple chin or bingo wings

>> No.10174778
File: 168 KB, 518x377, Screen Shot 2017-12-23 at 8.12.11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently some people staying at the Embassy got double/triple charged, so uh, make sure to check your bank accounts...

>> No.10174833

Does anyone have a picture of the KSG suicide boy cosplay?

>> No.10174852

Thanks for the Portillos dog suggestion last thread. I've only had their ribs there whenever I was in Chicago and if you didn't recommend it I wouldn't have googled to realize it was a chain and not just the one location downtown I've always been to.

They make a damn good hot dog.

>> No.10174863

Hell yes anon I'm glad you went. There were quite a few people with ACEN badges at Portillos to the east on Sunday

>> No.10174867

Did anyone go to the maid cafe? How good/bad was it?

>> No.10174874

There was one a few minutes from our hotel in Schaumburg. The people I went with liked it but they seemed to prefer a local hot dog place in Toledo, but imo you can't really compare them. A Chicago dog is in its own category.

>> No.10174875

If you go to Acen next time try Gene & Judes, which is like 2 miles south. Absolutely worth the short detour and is comparable to Portillo's. They only have 1 location to my knowledge.

>> No.10174890

And now you understand

>> No.10174908

t. nahri

>> No.10175039

anyone got any more photos to dump?

>> No.10175044
File: 3.45 MB, 1709x949, acen foxes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10175046
File: 995 KB, 1500x2000, odst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10175058

Damn ryan be movin in.

>> No.10175086
File: 1.47 MB, 2016x1512, 20190518_150916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This was my group, I wish we'd gotten more time down on the floor, but it was a ton of fun. And we did run into the Bobby.

Hank - Propane Nightmare
Dale - Sandstorm
Bill - Motley Crüe
Boomhauer - Blue Kentucky

>> No.10175094

>Motley Crue
hahahahahahahah that's fucking great

>> No.10175105

Weird, had the exact same experience a year ago at ACen multiple times but not once this year.
Back then I just waved it off as some bum kids trying to scrounge up money through their hippie aunt's book collection.

>> No.10175107

Anime Midwest has had Nabeshin and one of the Gainax Founders.

>> No.10175126

I'd never seen this dude before but my brother has been hit up 5 or 6 times by the same dude in the past two years he's gone to cons with us. I'm guessing it's just because he has a kind of hippie look to him but it's both hilarious and upsetting

>> No.10175139


We spent entirely too much (read: the correct amount) time theory crafting this whole nonsense XD. The names and art are all throwbacks to either character features or events in the show.

Also fun fact: I did Hank, and my hair is super thick and almost down to my ass. Getting all that under a wig was a miracle of barrettes and bobby pins XD

>> No.10175161

Did anyone see any DaL cosplayers? Seems odd I didn't see any despite all that hype of the 3rd season having been aired recently?

>> No.10175167

There are fat fucks in droves at EVERY con. Most people weren't overweight.

>> No.10175168

Those chocolate cake shakes and Italian beefs are pretty solid too. There are way better Italian beef places around Chicago, but they're solid for a chain.

>> No.10175175
File: 989 KB, 1711x1141, IMG_6687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based anon

>> No.10175178

I don't think she will attend it, all the Chicago & midwest area lolitas have beef with Kopf, enough to warn her

>> No.10175194

blackface is a non issue unless the cosplayer is being disrespectful

>> No.10175198


Yes, in the dealer's room. I'm Roman Catholic and ignored him completely. I suspect I was targeted because I wasn't with my friends.

>> No.10175225

Blackface is bad in any scenario. What rock have you been under?

>> No.10175230

Somethings are no longer inherently racist. Yes there are shitters doing it, but there's no reason to fault well meaning cosplayers for celebrating black characters by looking like them.

>> No.10175234

Wow, I didn't know that you were the authority on blackface! I didn't know that you could just say it's not racist anymore! I guess history means nothing anymore!
Also, this is the hill you wanna die on? This moron with dirt and shoe polish smeared on his face? Go back to clown school.

>> No.10175239

I really know nothing about this guy and couldn't care less. Actually I'd wager he is doing to get a ruse out of everyone, and fuck him if so.

Dark make up applied to white skin is still not inherently racist just because of history. It's about as dumb as saying white people can't employ african americans to work on their farms because it was the basis of the slave trade over a century ago. If the literal basis of American slavery is no longer inherently racist then neither is dark makeup. Stop witch hunting people who just want to make costumes and celebrate characters.

>> No.10175242
File: 484 KB, 1120x640, Sophie-Applegarth-blackface-1120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>couldn't care less
Then why are you here defending blackface?

Also, I'm not talking about just "dark makeup" I'm talking about blackface. There's a difference. No one's getting pissed at girls doing dark smokey eyes. Blackface is putting on makeup to look like a black person. People are not costumes for you to put on.

>It's about as dumb as saying white people can't employ african americans to work on their farms because it was the basis of the slave trade over a century ago.
>If the literal basis of American slavery is no longer inherently racist
Congrats, these are the dumbest things I've read this month. Nay, this week.

Go read a book or something. Use the two brain cells you're constantly rubbing together to educate yourself. Look, here's an article that took two seconds to google.

>> No.10175252

I couldn't care less about this guy specifically. In general I think the hate for cosplayers who aren't trying to harm anyone is undeserved.

And no one is insinuating that all black people are costumes to put on. Still there are some black characters, and putting on skin tone to match theirs is just plain accuracy. Dying hair or wearing wigs to match is no different, both are parts of the character's body.

Maybe it'll take a hundred years, but I'd bet at some point people will mostly agree that there is nothing evil about putting on makeup to match other races as long as the person doing it is fundamentally respectful.

>> No.10175333

>People are not costumes for you to put on.
You say this in a thread full of cosplayers. Stop being so upset at such tiny things and let people enjoy the hobby.

>> No.10175389
File: 2.80 MB, 4032x3024, 5195D970-3930-4ABB-A220-3BC64FE06E08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10175391
File: 2.59 MB, 4032x3024, 879EF988-8BE8-4ADD-8A4A-819ED50C2316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10175406

Who /conplague/ here?

>> No.10175443

Wash your hands more. Consider carrying around a small bottle of hand sanitizer.
I was in the game room most of the time touching the same shit as everyone else and I'm totally fine.

>> No.10175446

I live less than 5 minutes away from Gene and Jude's and have yet to go there.

>> No.10175468

Holy crap! You guys are legendary! Thanks for answering my question!

Did you guys also think up what powers each of the stands had?

Also, would it be possible for me to get the full res art of the stands? I'd just like to save it for posterity.

>> No.10175480

If he wanted to darken his skin he should have gone father than his face + chin. Stopping there and leaving the ovious lines between dark skin + light makes me think he's a dumbass chud who wanted to be called out like that maga cosplayer

>> No.10175492

Gene & judes is fucking great. Go there instead its hella cheaper and hella better. They do get offended if you ask for ketchup though so be careful.

>> No.10175506

Stop posting all the cool local spots aaaaaaaaa
I don't want them crowded as fuck during con season. It was bad enough trying to get tables at Lou's or Misoya

>> No.10175507

I had some but didn't use it like a dummy.
I also probably got 7 hours of sleep tops over the whole weekend so that might have had more to do with it.

>> No.10175570

Denny's, at the least, wasn't that crowded the few times I had to go to get something cheap and filling to eat.

>> No.10175583

Anyone else go just to see Kenichi Sonada? I was disappointed that the Bean Bandit OVAs weren't finished but it was amazing getting to see him again and at least get a peek at what they've been working on!

>> No.10175642

Slept literally all day yesterday, still mucusy as hell, but it was worth it.

>> No.10175643

I missed him last year but so glad I got to see him this time, I love his stuff. Looking forward to BB so hard.

>> No.10175645
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Dull aching in my upper abdomen for about 5 days afterwards, severe congestion, diarrhea and a headache I finally shrugged off about 2 hours ago. Next year I'm stocking up on medicine and taking a shit ton BEFORE the con, also bringing hand sanitizer. I'm convinced I got the plague from walking through that god awful skyway.

>> No.10175647

I really wish tumblr was still relevant so I could tell you to fuck off back to there.

>> No.10175661

I gave a guy a pity hi-five in the walkway because nobody was hi-fiving him and it was just sad and I regret not immediately washing my hands after that

>> No.10175701

So what's Acen's attendance looking like this year? 2018 was 32.6k up from 2017's 30.1. Do they break 35k yet?

>> No.10175708

I heard it was over 35k, can't confirm though.

>> No.10175711

>meanwhile AX is breaking 120k

>> No.10175715
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>Imagine unironically wanting to go to the most overhyped, overcrowded, expensive con

>> No.10175718

Not that anon but big cons are fun.

>> No.10175735

Shoo incel

>> No.10175738

I got a bunch of pictures in my two lower effort cosplays and only one picture outside of the meet for the cosplay I worked the last three months to make by hand. Granted, I didn't wear my higher effort cosplay very long but it still made me sad.

>> No.10175741

Oh yeah anon, nothing like standing in lines forever and not being able to get into any panels.

>> No.10175746

See thats why I like big cons, I don't care for panels.

>> No.10175748

Yes we've already heard you say you just want to get laid at cons yawn

>> No.10175749

Nah thats not me, cons are for the pure of heart and should not be for lewd.

>> No.10175757
File: 116 KB, 930x1024, shrug 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're both correct, cons are for the pure of heart and the lewd. Go to panels and meet a qt while you're there, everyone wins.

>> No.10175768

Midwest cuck detected.

>> No.10175770

nyart, but yeah, midwest? where the hell do you think acen takes place?

>> No.10175773

That is way too many people. How do you even do or see anything?

>> No.10175774

You don't, you get in line to see maybe 2-3 panels and that's about half the convention
Rest of the time it either spent looking at cosplays or partying

It's not like acen where you can do everything. You are either there for payment else, cosplay, partying, or whatever else, but you can't do all of them

>> No.10175786
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>Someone from the West coast calling literally anyone else a cuck

>> No.10175791

Sounds awful. What exactly is supposed to be so hype about it then?

>> No.10175794

It's BIG wooooooooooo

>> No.10175795


>> No.10175805


>> No.10175871

Just curious when do they usually announce the weekend for next year's con? I've been telling some friends about the fun I had this year and some were wondering when it will be next year

>> No.10175875

Oh the dates were already revealed, I don't have it with me but 2020 dates were in the back of the physical guildebook

>> No.10175877

it's always the 3rd weekend in May

>> No.10175879

http://www.acen.org/ right on the main page

>> No.10175884
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this year was fun but I was super haphazard about it, I'm planning out 2020 well in advance and bringing a small army of friends and acquaintances. See ya next year anon.

>> No.10175905

We didn't go as far as thinking of powers, but here's full res art for all of the stands.


Artist is @ursumajor on insta, might as well plug myself too @caffeinecraft

>> No.10175931


>> No.10176000

The Bean Bandit premiere was cringe. Shit wasn't even remotely finished the hell

>> No.10176030


>> No.10176043

Hentarmageddon guy here.

How'd we do?

>> No.10176055

>You say this in a thread full of cosplayers
REAL PEOPLE ARE NOT COSTUMES. Jesus christ you're both fucking retards. I learned blackface was bad in middle school, and apparently ya'll never got that far. here's hoping you blackface at a con so you can get the shit beat out of you.

>> No.10176058

Okay that doesn't change that event staff was actually just fucking retarded nice one idiot.

>> No.10176060

why would he want to go back to the stormfag containment board where everyone agrees with him so nobody argues k

>> No.10176172

>thing bad
>don't ask questions
>just be angry
>this is what I was taught to think

>> No.10176256

Post hog

>> No.10176287
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>> No.10176312

That made it cool though, like a behind the scenes look at it

>> No.10176809

till next year I guess.

Con depression just smacked me like a ton of bricks.

>> No.10176823

Con plague smacked me like a ton of bricks.

>> No.10176868

Midwest/AX soon. You got your tickets right?

>> No.10177109

I am unfortunately not a space whale when it comes to disposable income. Hopefully one year, my time will come.

>> No.10178076

I remember that guy. I just kind of poked the middle of his hand with one finger and just said boop. He looked at his hand in both a confused and angry way.

>> No.10178984
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See you all next year!