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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 37 KB, 1000x458, anime-central-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10163797 No.10163797 [Reply] [Original]

Any of you guys going to ACen this year?
Me and a friend are going and are looking for a hotel room if anyone is down to split the cost.

>> No.10165177

I'm not going anymore, after I got shot at I decided it wasn't worth it to risk my life for a con. Anime midwest is way safer and a better con anyways.

>> No.10165183

Damn, did the other thread sage already?

>> No.10165223

It hit the bump limit, but /cgl/ is pretty slow so the thread will stick around for another few days to a week. No need to really use this thread yet since the old thread is only on page 4 at the moment. >>10121821

>> No.10166875

Are you ready for acen! I know I am

>> No.10166901
File: 25 KB, 370x370, i_hate_you_so_much.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Country bumpkin goes to the big city, hears a car backfire and thinks the crips are after him

>> No.10166993

No one believes your larp in this thread or the previous one and multiple have called you out on it saying the same thing.

>> No.10167170


This seems like a likely thing to confuse for a gunshot.

>> No.10167210

It's been ten years, but I'm finally coming back.
Anything different to expect?
I'm also a bit behind on anime. Any recommendations from current times?

>> No.10167227

>Anything different to expect?
Expect a lot more people.
Attendance numbers are about twice as high as they were ten years ago.

>> No.10167595


Acen discord

>> No.10167631

nice, epic, i like it.

>> No.10167642

Hair styling is haaaaard

>> No.10167664

Non dead and well established ACEN / Midwest con discord.

Gull meet is in the basement level of the Hyatt next to the escalators at 8:15p on Friday and Saturday. There will be a sign with the seagull standing on a no birds sign. We’ll also be going to Mitsuwa on Sunday after the con, though time tbd.

>> No.10167670

There can be more than one discord server. You don't have to shill this one in every Midwest convention thread

>> No.10167674

It's all the same pretentious shit, regardless of location. West Coast gull discord has fragmented at least three times that I know of. It all comes down is that they are all cancerous, and it's all a matter of how much you can stomach the drama.

>> No.10167684

> West Coast gull discord has fragmented at least three times
Why so much? What happened over there?

>> No.10167698

Pretentious individuals instigating drama

>> No.10167716
File: 18 KB, 274x228, Hides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if I can cosplay, guys. This is scary. Part of me wants to just go in normal clothes

>> No.10167727

You learn from mistakes. No one is perfect. That includes you. And anyone that gives you shit has insecurities and should be promptly be made fun of.

t. cosplaying for the first time at acen in a few days

>> No.10167731

Don’t be scared! You’ll get one person to ask to take your picture and all your confidence and hype will flow through you. Cosplay is all for fun, so enjoy yourself!

>> No.10167736

And then said picture will forever be in the bad cosplay hall of fame.

I can't wait

>> No.10167737

Don’t let /cgl/ ruin things for you, the bitterness is only online. Everyone has to start somewhere, they all did too.

>> No.10167810

What are you going as anon?

>> No.10167838
File: 102 KB, 750x1000, ra,unisex_tshirt,x2200,heather_grey,front-c,392,146,750,1000-bg,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you see someone in this shirt, say hi

>> No.10167851

Also first time cosplaying. I already have a ton of issues I know I'll face, but I have solutions for all but two that I seem to be having. Essentially, this anon is right: You aren't going to be perfect the first time around, nobody was. If you have fun, and a great time with what you pull together, you'll pull through just fine.

t. cosplaying for the first time at ACEN, as Hina Kagiyama.. with a face-devouring wig and a headdress that simply won't stand up for itself.

>> No.10167879

Gib me ACen date gf pls

>> No.10167886

I admire your confidence. I nitpick over tiny details. I feel unless the cosplay is perfect and I'm 100% happy with it, it needs work and isn't ready.

>> No.10167887

The best way I can go about it is: Don't nitpick over the tiniest details. 99% of people aren't going to notice it walking by you, and even if you turn heads while you're getting somewhere, they won't notice that itty bitty flaw you're staring at, probably right now. Mistakes build character, and you can easily find some more experienced people who'd help you with better materials, advice, and other boons. Keep your head up, Anon, we're all gonna make it.

>> No.10167897


Someone told me this is the one with the touhou orgy

>> No.10167899


>Touhou orgy

It's all girls(male) isn't it

>> No.10167908
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I’m ready to cosplay god himself.

>> No.10167918

/mu/ plz go

>> No.10167948

As long as you're in the area for Mitsuwa, you may wanna go to Tensuke, too; better hot food, little Daiso section in the back, buncha DVDs of dubious legality for cheap.

>> No.10167975

Any good Discords (/cgl/ or not) for Acen??

>> No.10167992

Link invalid/expired

>> No.10167996

Sozai Banzai is also a really good place in the area too. It's only a few minutes away from Mitsuwa and the food is great.

>> No.10168041

I wish the ACEN 21+ fb page had a discord. Unless it does. If not someone should have the mods make one.

>> No.10168050

And you this is enforced, how? It's pretty easy to lie about age.

>> No.10168066

You ask for ID with just dob and pics of face.
Time stamp too.

>> No.10168071


never in a million damn years would i submit to this lmao

>> No.10168076

Ech i've seen been done in discords and people comply rather easily. Tend to be bunch of normlfags though.
I've never put my shit up and never cared about "verification"

>> No.10168078

Please tell me the street you grew up on and the name of your first pet.

>> No.10168081

How do you guys enjoy your cons?
I usually get blasted or high and crossdress.
I'm not going this year though in a costume. I wish there was to come into contact with other cosplayers.
Anyone here interested in bakemonogatari/zetsubou sensei cos?

>> No.10168085

again i'm not one to do this kind of shit. I've only seen in done in discords and not everyone does it. Just saying if you want a verification process this would be the extent to do it.

>> No.10168091

Begone arblarg

>> No.10168094

I'd be down for zetsubou sensei at a future con.

pls don't bully Arby :(

>> No.10168126

you git a discord

>> No.10168133

I’m in a lot of porn discords actually. It’s not that hard to get verified. But in reality just a place where people know it’s a free for all and less rules is really what I meant.

>> No.10168217

I'm going to need your favorite teacher, mother's maiden name, and favorite 90's Nickelodeon show.

>> No.10168242

Anon is just a retard. Anyone who lives in the country knows what a gunshot sounds like. I live in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and my neighbors are constantly shooting in their back yards.

>> No.10168327

Did they post the schedule anywhere yet?

>> No.10168334

fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it fix it

>> No.10168338

Nope. I really hope we get it before con time, I don't want my only reference to be the book they hand out in person.

>> No.10168361

They posted it on their guidebook app, but that's subject to changing.

>> No.10168407

newfag.... lul

>> No.10168682

It works fine though? People have been joining today.

>> No.10168688

I didn't get a hotel this year so I'm just planning on ubering since I live 10 mins away from the con, Is this a bad idea? Worried about not being able to drink in my room/relying on others for alcohol xD

>> No.10168718

Be careful drinking if you are relying on a service to take you home.

>> No.10168728 [DELETED] 

Can someone please give me a link on where to buy my ticket please?

>> No.10168732 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 797x248, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can i just show up to this or do i need to buy something extra?

What time will this be at?

>> No.10168734
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Can i just show up to this or do i need to buy something extra?

What time will this be at?

Do I go friday or saturday?

>> No.10168749
File: 2.25 MB, 4096x4096, IMG_20190513_193222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have a convention badge then you're good. You don't need anything else.

Start time is 10 PM.

I've always preferred synergy to the Soap Bubble. That's mostly because I'm familiar with a lot of the DJs who perform during synergy.
If you're just looking for a "rave" you would probably be happy with either night.

>> No.10168776


If, lets say, im going saturday, can i pick up my ticket on friday at 9 and enter the friday rave even tho my ticket is on saturday?

also where can i see which times the con will be for fri sat and sun?

>> No.10168777

wdym by this?

>> No.10168778

You need to either have a weekend badge or a badge for that day.
You might be able to enter Synergy after midnight if you only have a Saturday badge.

The con itself runs constantly from 10 AM Friday to 4 PM Sunday. If you want a schedule then it's up on guidebook.
Or you can use the guidebook app.

>> No.10168785
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing this but it's my first cosplay so it's not going to be that good, say hi if y'all see me.

>> No.10168790

I'm bringing around a dab pen and flask and just getting absolutely wrecked, then going back to the hotel and getting more wrecked

>> No.10168807


>> No.10168820

I'll also have flask(s) but please share dab pen.

>> No.10168822


>> No.10168836

I'll be sure to blast eurobeat if I see ya

>> No.10168875

I've been so worried about getting shit ready but everything is finally starting to come together.
Definitely feeling the hype now.

>> No.10168885

I want to make a little speaker compartment that I can put a Bluetooth speaker in and blast music from.

>> No.10168886

eurodance > eurobeat

>> No.10168898

What's the difference

>> No.10168940

Nah, the orgy this year is Caillou

>> No.10168995

>cosplay not done
>wig not styled
>still need to hit up joaan or micheal's for things
not feeling the hype yet but I'm very much feeling the STRESS

>> No.10168997

canuck spies get out reeeee

>> No.10169093

Are there any car/itasha meetups at acen?

>> No.10169123

they're in the same spot you dumb dumb. try harder, ryan

>> No.10169186

Nothing official at least. They used to have a car show like ten years ago though.

Almost all of the parking nearby is paid. Leaving the Hyatt garage to go somewhere during the con is a bad idea since you're almost guaranteed to lose your spot. It can also just be a massive pain to even find a spot at all when you come back.

>> No.10169191

Anyone know how late the Comfort Inn shuttle runs til ?

>> No.10169243

Where can i find free parking? I believe i saw online somewhere near the mall and just walk?

>> No.10169247

Nowhere is free unless you validate, but you would have to validate parking multiple times per day

>> No.10169260

Free parking at Motel 6. Gotta walk a mile though.

>> No.10169270


>> No.10169279
File: 1018 KB, 2306x2151, 44A2E1D3-FD44-449C-86DA-BEE6C999DE29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting so excited but very nervous.
This is the first time I’ve cosplayed in over 5 years and I think it’s coming out nice but I’m scared I’ll just look like a bloated whale when it’s all out together. Afraid I’ll feel stupid when I get ready at the con and just wear casual cloths instead

I just remember so many awesome costumes I saw last year and don’t wanna feel like an gross ancient trash panda

>> No.10169285

mall parking garage

>> No.10169299

I hate cosplay and crafting so much.

>> No.10169346
File: 909 KB, 1632x3046, Snapchat-23164156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post badge names

>> No.10169397

I'm 36 and I'm cosplaying, idgaf. You can do it anon

>> No.10169453

I've just been watching the ACen 21+ new discord. All I can say is MonkaS

>> No.10169456

Whats that mean

>> No.10169457

It means it’s full of yikes. The Facebook group isn’t any better.

>> No.10169466
File: 62 KB, 297x325, Gthas+wrong+opinion+gtprofile+pic+is+mlp+related+_5ee03173c060e5374cb2bd4d1dfaa6a5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw i make a server for yall weebs and yall already roasting it

>> No.10169479

lemme guess. One hambeast of a girl and 50 incels? sounds about rite

>> No.10169485

It'll be my first time cosplaying, period. My body's nowhere near perfect shape (though, I did lose about 20 lbs between ordering the cosplay and now, so that's something.) As long as you have fun, it doesn't matter what you go with, or how you do Anon. You're gonna make it just fine.

>> No.10169494

Don't expect to be able to park overnight there though.

>> No.10169512

theyre talking about finding meth and acid at acen? This is why people hate con goers....

>> No.10169513

Are you new here ? Acen has always been a party con.

>> No.10169516

No, 5 year this year. People can party but shiz is illegal and it’s always this stuff that causes issues for the majority.

>> No.10169526

why would you fucking use discord?
discord is for playing games and autistic guys to rant about no gf.

90% of cosplayers use instagram or facebook for social media.

>> No.10169528

Not really. Discord is the new skype. A lot of people use it. Everyone uses it for everything. I use for school even. Get with the times. Tons of cosplay groups too.

>> No.10169529

What do you use to talk to your group of friends ? Or do you not have any?

>> No.10169531
File: 83 KB, 673x747, 1556561974499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Acen 2018
>Smoking a blunt at the party area near the Hyatt entrance
>Good vibes
>See cop walking towards my area
>Give the blunt to my friend and run into the Hyatt
>Don't get caught thankfully
Remember to be careful

>> No.10169537
File: 180 KB, 701x934, 1446143838529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come find me if you want to play some games/mtg snapchat is basedbaroli

>> No.10169540

Group texts, Instagram DMs, Facebook DMs, Discord DMs sometimes when it involves games or voice chat

>> No.10169549

To the one's only going for a single day.

Which day are you going.

>> No.10169553

This day and age most people don’t text but use messengers like fb, especially if it’s people you met online. You think everyone wants to add eachother just to talk? But a lot of people are also getting off fb so discord is popular, also because of the setup. You seem like an old man that doesn’t understand kids these days. And insta group chats can only hold so much people and the data is uses oof. Lol let’s make a group chat insta said no one ever. Discord is the superior chat and video service rn.

>> No.10169622


>> No.10169664

Whats a good time to show up? Opening is at 10AM, but I'm thinking 8 AM to hang out and chat beforehand

>> No.10169670

can you unban me pls? Kweezd#1799

i got banned for excessive shitposting but that was awhile ago.

>> No.10169684

If you have a badge and need to get into linecon I would definitely be there by 8 to queue up. If you already have yours, mosy in at any time closer to 10. Get in some good sleep for the first day!

>> No.10169726

Yikes, imagine begging to be let in there.

>> No.10169787

Anyone showing up tomorrow for day 0 shenanigans?

>> No.10169790

As party heavy as collossal?
This is my first year going to acen

>> No.10169795

The most common site after 9pm is underage kids getting carted off by EMTs crying because they either got knocked out or drank so much they have to get their stomach pumped

>> No.10169801

zoomers btfo

>> No.10169805

I would say it's more party heavy than colossal but it's a different atmosphere. Colossal shuts down the convention center pretty early, there's no 24h stuff open, a lot of people stay off site and have to leave before the shuttles stop, and the resort shuts down anything noisy aside from the villas. ACEN goes all night, in the public areas, hotels, room parties etc but there's less day drinking

>> No.10169841
File: 800 KB, 2995x2246, IMG_20180519_152711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We mooning this weekend, lads.

>> No.10169855

Very nice

>> No.10169857

Now you just need bogdanoff

>> No.10169859

Wow, just in time for Bitcoin to still not be relevant

>> No.10169861

Ty. Gotta have some /biz/ presence at the con...

>> No.10169864
File: 27 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I know you guys. Will you both be returning this year?

/smg/ report in!

>> No.10169869

Cope, nocoiner!

>> No.10169873
File: 47 KB, 789x522, TO THE MOON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10169910


>Not Cosplaying as Sergey

>> No.10169923

windows update pushed out yesterday people, update your computers

>> No.10169931

Nice try NSA, I have them disabled

>> No.10170055

Any fellow lolita going ? Not part of the Chicago comm so idk. Wanna meet some peeps maybe

>> No.10170066

It's looking like it.


>> No.10170078
File: 15 KB, 773x146, D6pUWHWWkAARgRo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So i just saw this under policies, and I'm cosplaying fn ballista from gfl with a pretty realistic prop... how fucked am I?? Will they not care as long as i'm not being a dickhead? My gun has an orange tip on it but also it's like a huge sniper rifle, not like an AR or something...

>> No.10170081

Just go for it lol

>> No.10170082

Post the prop

>> No.10170085

still painting but imma post it when I'm done lol

>> No.10170091

Working to the last minute anon, I understand. I'm still styling a wig

>> No.10170144

tactical/military/airsoft fags btfo

>> No.10170155
File: 58 KB, 1024x1024, 7e912af6f622e77bb4a7ada1460b2908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanna be cool animu girl ;-;

>> No.10170157

Lolita collective will be there, so you will def find other lolitas at their booth. There’s probably a meet up or something too

>> No.10170159

That will be an amazing cosplay if you can pull it off anon.

>> No.10170177

Be careful to put a orange tip on your bird too, they frown on assault birds.

>> No.10170183

yeah that one is definitely gonna get you fucked over by security lmao
they were getting mad about and tagging blueguns, which are rubber and bright blue.

>> No.10170190


>> No.10170191

that shit rekt my car.

>> No.10170193

fugg why is acen like this :/ i remember last year seeing tactical kiddos everywhere tho, did they have the same policy then or did they change it??

>> No.10170208
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Pretty sure it's a brand new thing due to more and more people going completely apeshit

>> No.10170214

fucking incels ruining my anime meetup :/

>> No.10170217

What happens on day 0?

>> No.10170224

Even if no one recognizes your cosplay, I guarantee you will have so much more fun cosplaying than wearing normal clothes

>> No.10170233
File: 313 KB, 1200x1200, 10585571a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Kylie and Kotobuki Hikoutai.

But I'm a guy, so rather than try to crossplay unsuccessfully, I'm just going to make an homage to her with her aviator hat goggle and scarf.

Probably no one'll get it. But I guess we'll see.

>> No.10170242
File: 55 KB, 700x772, aa0566c7035c73af1864f0a6b8da4b6b--made-in-heaven-sonic-boom[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally nothing
I think they're actually putting together an official acen pajama party thing for day 0 people

>> No.10170245

is anyone actually going to that?

>> No.10170248

That remains to be seen. I know some of my friends expressed interest but I'll probably just stay in the room.

>> No.10170297



>> No.10170309

Fuck that. I'll probably just catch up on some anime or reading. I feel too old to just go get fucked up all weekend.

>> No.10170352


>> No.10170359

What are some events and/or panels I should go to this year? i usually just go to the game room and the ff concert on sunday morning and thats it.

>> No.10170415

Aww you should go all out and get the coat too!

>> No.10170416

No thats Friday.

>> No.10170455

For casuals

>> No.10170480

Ah alas I tried but couldn't find a good one that was also affordable in time. Both of these looked passable but they both cost like 200 bucks. Jesus. And if I went to like aliali or something, it wouldn't have shipped on time and also still quite pricey. So I'll work with what I have.

>> No.10170533

4 u

>> No.10170564
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>> No.10170621

no NO NO its gonna rain this weekend nooooo

>> No.10170623


>> No.10170630

I wear Lolita! I'll be cosplaying tomorrow but I'll wear Lolita on Saturday and Sunday. I'm not from Chicago either so I only have one Lolita friend around the area.

>> No.10170645

Shit it's raining hard now already

>> No.10170664

Not official Day 0 event, but the movie theater near (walking distance) to the con has the movie for Saga of Tanya the Evil tonight. Earlier in the week seats were about half sold, so that may be an option.

>> No.10170742
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>> No.10170775
File: 1.20 MB, 2160x3840, 857EEB59-5736-40FA-9E9D-FD0209C586FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea me and my friend bought our tickets and decided to go yesterday. It’s been awhile since I’ve been to an anime con, I’ve needed to go.

>> No.10170827

>why would you fucking use discord?
Because it's a decent enough platform to actually get shit across that isn't fucking KIK or some obscure garbage. Works well enough for organizing shit around the con that isn't just photoshoots

>> No.10170830

First timer here
What are good places to eat around the con?
I'd like to avoid driving and losing parking if possible

>> No.10170846


>> No.10170851

>What are good places to eat around the con?
Right near The Embassy suites there is a shit load of food places, there is also a mall to the south and always dennys.

There is a pub that always has drink and food specials during the con too, like 3-5 dollar mixed well drinks like "the goku" or something with like half size fish n chips around the 5-6 dollar mark

>> No.10170853

McDonalds is so funny when ACEN is in town. There are so many people you will barely be able to find a seat, and they need to use the megaphone to call out orders. It becomes Portillos.

>> No.10170872

What's Portilos?

>> No.10170875

You are culturally deprived. While visiting for ACEN please go visit one and get some hot dogs, its an iconic restaurant chain.

>> No.10170878

Culturally deprived? I never heard of one before. Is it better or worse than In and Out?

>> No.10170879

West of the convention center, on the other side of the parking garages there is a plaza with a good german place as well as an Irish pub. Both have decent food. The plaza also has a Brazilian steakhouse. There's a nice Italian place about .7 miles north of the con attached to the closer Marriot that is very good as well.

>> No.10170881

>Is it better or worse than In and Out?

Its the equivalent beloved chicagoland burger joint. So, uh, tread carefully with your comparisons.

>> No.10170884
File: 313 KB, 720x699, worried atsuko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it better or worse than In and Out?

>> No.10170886

>Is it better or worse than In and Out?
as someone from the west coast going who does not like fanime for the BS there, in-n-out is legit overrated once you have it in close proximity. For Chicago get a deep dish at, Giordanos, Eat at Portilos, have a drunken time at Adobe Gilas.

>> No.10170899

Their ribs are insanely good too.

>> No.10170903

Imagine a midwesterner going to your Expo and asking if in and out is as good as Portillo's. That's you.

>> No.10170926

Over 30 meetup still happening?

I can't stay late on Saturday anymore but would still be up for a drink.

>> No.10170929

Missing Anime Hell again. I think that makes it six or seven years now.

What else is worth seeing past 12:30? Is Midnight Madness still just old Studio Sokodei dubs and This is Otakudom?

>> No.10170934

My friends I was going with all had to pull out last second but I'm still going. Real talk how hard is it to meet people at cons? It kind of seems like a situation where everyone is there with their friend groups

>> No.10170935

>Over 30 meetup still happening?
Nigga just go to the meetup in the discord in this thread. no one cares if you're over 30, just be over 21 and chill if you want to drink. Don't be like those morons who show up and are obviously underage asking people if they can buy beer

>> No.10170948


I'm over 30, anon, I barely know what the fuck discord is.

But noted.

>> No.10170952
File: 258 KB, 479x347, artie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm still up for it. Any of the oldfags know anywhere around there that would be a good place for a drink? And time?


Its more about not being surrounded by cliquey motherfuckers who are a decade younger than you. You'll understand eventually.

>> No.10170962

>Its more about not being surrounded by cliquey motherfuckers who are a decade younger than you. You'll understand eventually.

Most the people at the cgl meetup are mid 20's, just like a lot of the con actually. So maybe a few years but not that big. Most everyone just wants to chill drink some beer and shitpost irl. For reference I am 29 and still do the cgl meetups but I always walk by first to make sure it's not filled with college age brats who want to tell me about how the world works

>> No.10171002

>be assured by makeup savvy friend that the eye pencils will work for matching my eyebrows to the wig
>try them just now before bed
>brows still black as they can be
welp, I suppose I should've tested that earlier

>> No.10171016

>working on panel till last minute
>have honest-to-god spent the last hour looking for a hentai clip with "enough" pooping

I'm getting too old for this shit

>> No.10171017

Euphoria poop ring, I think it's episode 4

There you go

>> No.10171030


I already used it last year.

I'm not sure if I can top it. But if I keep trying to it might kill me.

>> No.10171033

"how can you say you love her if you can't even eat her poop" is a classic

Just ready for the porn overdub, though I was really drunk last year doing it. Only line I recall is something like "aw crap I'm injuries and the only prescription I need is dick"

>> No.10171036

I'm still interested. It's my first time going so I don't know the area at all though.

>> No.10171041
File: 3.01 MB, 927x2511, 1474430508694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ain't caught up currently with Ron situate, have an offer or two, but I still wanna see what people have, fire backup reasons. I'll be trying to come tomorrow. Whos got space in a room?

And is anyone driving up from Wisconsin? Gonna drop by Racine/ Kenosha in the way there?

I know I know I know I fucked up. Thought ACEN was next week.

>> No.10171055

I’ll be wearing it on Saturday! Hope to see you ! I’ll be wearing day dream carnival .

>> No.10171076

All these >>10170879 and I'd also add there's a mexican place called Maria's not too far away. It used to be a place not many people knew about, so it was easy to get tables, but I think the secret it out as of a year or two ago.

>> No.10171104

Lighten them with white eyeliner first

>> No.10171113

Wonder if Midway is captcha blocked

>> No.10171203


>Walk by and make sure it's not filled with college age brats who want to tell me about how the world works.

Best way to go to any kind of publicly visible meetup. Sosmart.

>> No.10171209

Speaking of acid I'll be there with some today lol. Look for a buff person with a fresh haircut in a nozomi shirt ;)

>> No.10171230
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>> No.10171240

Just to clarify spelling errors, tldr I'm trying to say if you got an offer for a room spot, hit me up >>10171041

Got that off the ACEN FB page?

>> No.10171299

Ayy, who tryna run me their badge for da low real quick? Got cash in hand. This shit ain’t worth $70.

>> No.10171372

>my group are the only con goers at the park tavern
This is awkward

>> No.10171380

Acen seems very slow and low-key this year

>> No.10171384

Pidgeon Blood.

>> No.10171390
File: 1.02 MB, 470x360, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the Instagram posts.
It looks dead as fuck and it feels of onions and lgbt

>> No.10171392

It is 2019 after all. Anyone notice all the blue hair and purple hair?

>> No.10171393

who the fuck is dressed as that one shotgun suicide trap?

>> No.10171404

Hey Fuck Off

>> No.10171413

Heard something about an unofficial Resident Evil photoshoot? Anybody know any info?

>> No.10171422

I heard about it too, I wanna say there's one at like 5 today and 6 tomorrow at the loading docks, I don't remember which specifically

>> No.10171432

Somebody told me 2:30 today but didn’t know location

>> No.10171440

Found the scrawny onions drinker who is cosplaying a girl

>> No.10171544

>unironically using any, filtered or unfiltered
Shit dude you only have 1 int

>> No.10171570

Wt snacks sucks dick

>> No.10171574
File: 13 KB, 296x394, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gull meet at 8:15 tonight! Will be in the basement of the Hyatt, there will be pulled pork sandwiches! Pic related is the sign we’ll be holding.

>> No.10171575

Shut the fuck up arblarg

>> No.10171599

Gonna have to agree with this guy.

>> No.10171636

Is there a Girls Frontline Meetup unofficially?

>> No.10171659

If there is I’m doing ballista tommorow! (Saturday)

>> No.10171667

12/10 concert

>> No.10171676

Just figured out where the Hyatt is. I feel like I missed so much last year

>> No.10171697
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I think I died or orgasmed or both when ZAQ called out and performed the Kotobuki OP. What a glorious night.

>> No.10171719

Yeah I feel like every 5th [INSERT PRONOUN HERE] was a blue hair or some dude my 9yo kid beat up

>> No.10171720

For tomorrow where do i park for free?

>> No.10171728

Adurna Nagra

>> No.10171782

The mall

>> No.10171789
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I saw this dude at my local con in St. Louis a few years ago. He had a body pillow up front too.

>> No.10171790

clog your arteries and gut with a thicc chicago pizza

>> No.10171792

Great concert. Nearly lost my shit over Rinbu Revolution and God Knows.

>> No.10171794

The locals I go with always take our group to either Lou Malnaltis or Pequads, so if that helps your itinerary

>> No.10171815

Holy shit, Chuunithm is brutal on your fingers.

>> No.10171827 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 640x604, photo_2019-05-06_19-38-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no greater gift than to see Leddison feel the joy of two black bulls.

The thought of me Prepping her for the bulls makes life worth living.

.t Ivan

>> No.10171841

anyone know when dealers opens today? the website is fucking useless and i don’t want to download an app for it. much appreciated.

>> No.10171852

Are these both takeout places? I tried to go to a Lou Malnatis last night thinking it was a sit in restaurant and it turned out to just be a takeout place and we really just wanted to sit somewhere so we went somewhere else but I really want Chicago style pizza while I'm here

>> No.10171866

Guys what is there to do to kill time between the con and the Hyatt concert?

Should I go home and come back?

>> No.10171873

We've sat on every time, but we always had reservations too. It would also be the location you were at, too.

>> No.10171874


>> No.10171889

Which mall

>> No.10171893

Is there any fast food or otherwise super cheap food within walking distance of the convention center?
We don't want to need to pay for parking again and at the same time I don't really want to do some sketchy food safety practices.

>> No.10171897

There’s McDonald’s down the street

>> No.10171899

Dude woke up so I got a bit more info, the one in Elk Grove is the one we go to, it's a bit away from the con but it's totally worth it.

>> No.10171901

Don't know the name, but it just south of Balmoral Ave. Fashion something or other.

>> No.10171907

Fashion outlet of Chicago or w/e. It's to the left of the con center (when facing the doors) and a bit back. Find out when it closes tho

>> No.10171909

Closest one I saw was a 20 min walk unless Google is retarded

>> No.10171913

It's a 10 min walk or a 2-3 minute uber, around the corner of North River and Glenlake

>> No.10171922

The autograph line is almost comically long.

>> No.10171929

For Nakahara?

>> No.10171941

Cheapest food hyatt and their food trucks. Similar food to con but half the prices and better seating. Check it out in 1 level

>> No.10171942

It’s long but they have a lot of tix. The real line is making sure u are one of 45 in real autograph line before they cap

>> No.10171956

>men dressing as women for le epic Reddit joke

Anyone reading this please report them for harrassment to people. It's not funny is harmful to trans and not cool or funny

>> No.10171963

I'm cosplaying as a tranny fuck off I'm a straight male and I can dress as a female

>> No.10171977

>panel is huge success
>end up hanging out with and eventually consoling some too drunk friends afterwards, miss most of Midnight Madness
>wander into video rooms, watch AMVs, soak in con energy
>stagger into a Lyft at 3 AM and end up chatting with driver about anime and D&D the whole way home

10/10, would Friday again

>> No.10171978


Confused. Are you mad about crossplaying in general or is there some kinda let's trigger the trans people thing going on?

>> No.10171983

Whomst went to Synergy? Shit was legendary. Ducked out partway through the last act but m-flo and Moe Shop were amazing.

>> No.10171991

Anyone know where prop check is located?

>> No.10172005
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>> No.10172008

K what do you want tranny?

>> No.10172085
File: 2.24 MB, 4032x3024, image-29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So where is this 30+ meetup? Old farts, report in!

>> No.10172088

m-flo definitely was definitely a good fit for the crowd. Taku is great on his own but Verbal brought a ton of energy into the set.
He also misgendered Moe Shop like at least 3 times in their intro. I'm sure they weren't exactly feeling that cool about it.

>> No.10172095

Ay when's the meet up in the Hyatt tonight

>> No.10172096

>No realistic gun props they said
>Literally everyone has an airsoft or prop replica

Take that acen rule makers!

>> No.10172101

I'm more interested in that Sakura with 2 phones.

>> No.10172103
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>> No.10172111

What time is the Hyatt bubble dj thing?
Is it worth going?

>> No.10172113


How about the hyatt bar at 8:45pm until we all get drunk and wander off to bed.

>> No.10172123


Works for me

>> No.10172125
File: 9 KB, 224x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds legit.

>> No.10172128

Gfl meetup yes/no??

>> No.10172172

Bar in the main concourse aka to the left of the skyway when you get to the Hyatt?

>> No.10172174

Gull meet again tonight in the hyatt basement by the escalators, 8:15p. Hope to see you there!

>> No.10172175


Figured we can just drink and relax. Will post where we're at exactly around 8:30

>> No.10172180 [DELETED] 


>> No.10172194



>> No.10172201

Dropping molly and going to the rave yeye

>> No.10172202


Can't go after all. :( Family stuff. Rage twice as hard for this oldfag!

>> No.10172204

RIP. Will pour one out for you.

>> No.10172211

They're reinforcing them really sporadically for some reason, I got hassled twice when I was trying to go to photoshoot stuff, but then I saw someone cosplaying that kid that blew his head off on Livestream and they left him alone

>> No.10172221


At Giordano's now, will head that way after dinner. I'm a big dud wearing a hiwian shirt

>> No.10172227

1 hr to pizza fml

>> No.10172238

Its cool, will prolly be there for a while. Take your time and enjoy being a bigger guy in a hawaiian shirt.

>> No.10172242
File: 110 KB, 630x335, spacedandy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah

>> No.10172250
File: 1.28 MB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20190518-194611_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ACEN is full of racist people

>> No.10172253

Is it worth going to the mahjong room to learn? I want to be cool kid on /v/

>> No.10172255

What where is the mahjong room

>> No.10172259

It's in the basement of the Hyatt with all the tabletop games

>> No.10172271

How’d you get that picture of SIN?

>> No.10172278

I wore a Hawaiian shirt as a bigger guy yesterday, people were much more conversational then than today where I didn't. Do people just see Hawaiian shirts and assume the person wearing it is friendlier than normal?

>> No.10172282

are really you asking if a person's clothing choices affect how people see them?

>> No.10172288

A man wearing a Hawaiian shirt in Chicago is unencumbered with sociatal expectations and knows how to have a good time

>> No.10172340

Waiting in the line by the bar. Apologies for the lateness, planning on sitting near one of the large orange seats.

>> No.10172341

The smoking area at the Hyatt is lit

>> No.10172345

Sitting with some people on the orange chairs by the fireplace. Just come on over if you can.

>> No.10172349

Giordano's is slow af, at least a half he away, what do you look like?

>> No.10172352

Remember if you aren't in the lowest level of the Hyatt right now, go there.

>> No.10172356

yeah that would never be a thing....newfag

>> No.10172360

fuck discord, arblarg!

>> No.10172363

Fuck the discord clique bullshit

>> No.10172366

On our way!

>> No.10172368

Don't listen to this guy, the meetup is actually on the 4th floor.

>> No.10172373

Don't listen to them, the Meetup is in the smoking area

>> No.10172403

Yo where's anon?

>> No.10172404

Boys where you at? The orgy is about to start on the 3rd floor

>> No.10172407 [DELETED] 

Of it’s the room where the thicc black girl cosplaying as Revy is giving people turns to slap her ass, then count me out.

>> No.10172411

At the red bar, sitting in a couch overlooking the foyer. Big dude wearing Hawaiian shirt

>> No.10172412

>>10172404 #
If it’s the room where the thicc black girl cosplaying as Revy is giving people turns to slap her ass, then count me out.

>> No.10172441

THOSE FIREWORKS WERE AWESOME. I just happened to be at the top of the parking lot where they were launched, front and center view. God I love anime

>> No.10172445


>> No.10172456 [DELETED] 

What's beans' discord tag, fellow anonymous posters?

>> No.10172459

tfw gf made me leave early and i cried the whole uber home ;-; why am I like thiis y'all

>> No.10172461

also someone walked into me outside and burned with with their cigarette and burned a hole in my tights fuck you

>> No.10172473

Sucks. Sorry anon. Hope you had a good con outside of that.

>> No.10172485
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Met anon and it was rad. + 1 to gulls

>> No.10172490

Man I felt bad for the mdmz cosplayers, they all looked so good but no one recognized them. Keep up the good fight

t. Thunderbolt Fantasy fan

>> No.10172496

Where is Yuki

>> No.10172542

Kinda feeling the same. Came here with my wife and despite us agreeing to go to late night stuff she just crashes out before 9pm. Then everytime I tried to go out to just get pics at the Hyatt she wakes up and guilt trips me staying even though she falls back asleep 5 minutes later. Felt like I've missed out on so much con even though both of us were looking forward to this trip.

>> No.10172544

The alternative is you go on your own and spend the entire weekend standing and walking around by yourself. Grass is always greener on the other side.

>> No.10172548

It's not even a "grass is greener" thing, I just want to get out and do something but if I attempt to leave I get guilted.

And I really cant do the cons by myself and all my other con friends have pretty much stopped going to conventions do cant go with them.

>> No.10172551


Trust you me. I went alone today and it was so boring. I tried to lie to myself that it was fun but it wasn't.

Wish I had invited my friend.

>> No.10172589

anyone walked through that shit hallway?

>> No.10172591

Which shit hallway?

>> No.10172614

The one that had some shit in it.

>> No.10172630

Anyone have the location for all of the Fate stamps?

>> No.10172707

What do you get for doing all of them anyway?

>> No.10172721

>people still wearing a maga hat without cosplay

Yup that's a yikes from me

>> No.10172734

A sticker sheet

>> No.10172735

They all around entrances by the halls. ( reg to exhibit, exhibit to AA, AA to cosplay area, etc)

>> No.10172753

Your NSUs aren't a cosplay. Put your boot ass into civvies.

>> No.10172758

ACEN was fun but it was my first con and I think I caught the plague. Definitely going to cosplay next year, feels like I was missing out just walking around with a gurren lagann flag on my back.

>> No.10172759
File: 915 KB, 245x285, okay.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I got shot at 10 minutes from one of the biggest airports in the country with a constant heavy police presence in and around the con

>> No.10172762

Anons outfit will work fine enough, even if it's technically not a cosplay since that's his real stuff. No booli

>> No.10172763

Imagine being such a petty bitch you go out of your way at a con to ruin some strangers time. Meanwhile I saw multiple Black Ryukos... the fuck is this negress's problem?

>> No.10172767

>wearing a maga hat to an anime con
>with or without cosplay

>> No.10172770

I saw that guy, not really sure what he was going for. He should've known he'd be surrounded by peak Tumblr. Why spend money to go put yourself in an overtly hostile environment? Rule 101 of /pol/ is always hide your power level.

>> No.10172777

they get off on making other people upset

>> No.10172779 [DELETED] 

Which of you heckers is poo posting on ck

>> No.10172782

>lots of signs saying to pay for parking before returning to your vehicle in the garage
>Paying as you drive away works just fine at the gates
I don't understand

>> No.10172857

There are also signs that say you can pay with a credit card at the gate.

>> No.10172896

It saves time for cars and doesn’t back up a line at the gate. Go get your parking validated at one of the restaurants and you can park for free. No reason to pay at all.

>> No.10172898


What a massive fucking cunt

>> No.10172905

Retards paying at the gate slows everything down

>> No.10172923

I'm now so broke

>> No.10172977

My friend dropped about $1000 on a bunch of shit. The only thing I bought was a $6 sticker.
It's just cheaper to get the stuff I want online.

>> No.10172978
File: 1.78 MB, 1112x2208, 892F1F2A-FC14-43D2-A13F-B40AF00F3FB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cursed image

>> No.10172981


>> No.10172982


I only bought a Marisia fig as far as stuff goes, but the eating out, the drinks, and hotel charge just hitting wiped out my bank account.

Lots of pending charges from the hotel too, but I imagine they will clear up in a day or two.

Can't really justify buying shit online, but if I'm at an anime con, the mindset kinda changes, ya know?

>> No.10172983

For doujins and stuff yeah. Even doujinrepublic is cheaper than at the con.
I spent way too much on artist alley stuff and a few figures that were below market value.

>> No.10172997


I try to pick up stuff I want that I can get at about 5 or 10 bucks more than the cost online, that way I don't feel too bad about it.
Picked up the 25th anniversary figures of Heie and Kurama from YuYu.

>> No.10172998



I paid 35, so surprisingly enough I came out ahead.

>> No.10173000

>My friend dropped about $1000 on a bunch of shit.
I can smell them from here.

>> No.10173045

They're hygenic.
They make more than enough money to afford to blow it on dumb shit.

>> No.10173052

Is that a yumemi? Pretty sure I took a photo of that cosplayer. Also pretty sure i called them by the wrong name when I asked for the pic

>> No.10173083

Anyone have pictures of the Marvel meetup or any Spider-Man Noir cosplays?

>> No.10173104

Anyone got laid?
I made out with some girls at the Saturday rave.

>> No.10173118

New thread for the post-con discussion


>> No.10173138

Decided to skip this year. Gf left me for another guy around Thanksgiving and Acen was kind of our thing. Still hurt over it.

inb4 get over it faggot

>> No.10173141

Thats rough.

>> No.10173294

Get over it faggot.
Jk get better anon

>> No.10173303

Not that hard to do with the current Acen crowd. I personally witnessed at least a dozen triggered meltdowns over asian dealers "misgendering" the blue hairs over the weekened.

>> No.10173305

It's like people forget that in 2016 a large group brought a couple pinatas made to look like Trump to the fountain garden area, strung them up and destroyed them all the while chanting "fuck/kill Trump". If you want to destroy an effigy and not give 2 shits over it fine, but at that point you have 0 room to complain if someone wears a MAGA hat/shirt.

>> No.10173465
File: 806 KB, 1001x823, m1vtxeh2ivr11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Th-thanks guys

>> No.10173614

Should've come and got shitfaced with your fellow anonymous imageboard posters. No point sulking over relationships, nothing lasts forever.

>> No.10173621

You're right, Anon. Raincheck for next year?

>> No.10174135

Never let an old flame extinguish your passions, bruh.

>> No.10175165
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>> No.10175921
File: 72 KB, 1257x315, hentarmageddon-saved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hentarmageddon guy here.

Did anybody make it? How'd we do? I tried not to crack up reading this old cgl ACEN post and failed miserably.

>> No.10178925

The show was awesome! First acen in and out. Will definitely be back next year.