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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 94 KB, 719x960, 1498320861621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10136704 No.10136704 [Reply] [Original]

I know bodyline usually tends to attract newbs and itas, but there are some pretty decent pieces, and I have seen quite a few nice bodyline coords in the past.

Let's post our favorites so others can see that just because it's bodyline, doesn't mean it's ita. Also, feel free to discuss good bodyline pieces.

>> No.10136706

You first

>> No.10136707
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>> No.10136708
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>> No.10136710
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>> No.10136713
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>> No.10136724

why did you pick the most ita possible coord to start off with

>> No.10136727


If you think this is ita, you haven't been on this board very long. Lurk more.

>> No.10136729

This looks like poorly done old school

>> No.10136730

Refine your tastes. It’s bad.

>> No.10136731

I hope that LARPer who wanted to join her local comm without wearing lolita will see this thread and finally fucking buy some

>> No.10136733

I actually like this

>> No.10136735

She won’t though, she just wants to bitch about muh elitist lolita cunts

>> No.10136737

"lolita at heart" uwu

>> No.10136740

But anon! She just wants to look at other lolitas irl. Why should she have to stay at him just because she isn’t actually in the fashion? Staring at people is fine!!!

>> No.10136741

she just wants FRIENDS you BITCHES

>> No.10136744
File: 8 KB, 229x251, D60256AA-998F-48DC-9369-C1ED9E0E76E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked you bitches to cap me where I said I was going to join a lolita comm and no one replied. You just make stuff up kek

>> No.10136747
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>> No.10136749

>caring this much about anonymous comments

>> No.10136750

You said several times you were attempting/going to. Backtrack harder you poorfag friendless entitled freak

>> No.10136751
File: 720 KB, 1280x1748, tumblr_o76k4oaOlu1udxyvfo1_1280 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10136752

I love this

>> No.10136753


>> No.10136754
File: 454 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_oplvsdr84x1v44jcro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woops dropped pic

>> No.10136756
File: 43 KB, 500x375, CF4BB94D-BB88-45B2-AAB4-474A89084C82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad you can’t cap it, because I was saying “why not” not “I’m disregarding that and going”
Also nowhere did I say elitist either

>> No.10136758
File: 106 KB, 467x810, tumblr_p62rbe5gIq1ulg4izo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skirt is BL in this

>> No.10136759

>still backtracking this hard

At least I didn’t massively embarrass myself to the point of becoming a meme

>> No.10136760

\still here and not wearing the fashion? i bet youre shitting up the threads with your terrible inexperienced opinions

>> No.10136761

I wish bodyline would restock this jsk in pink

>> No.10136762
File: 90 KB, 700x810, 1508707084272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you literally just shut the fuck up? No one wants you in their com because you aren't a lolita and you're annoying as fuck.

>> No.10136763

no one here said you were going to go. we're making fun of you for not being able to.

>> No.10136765 [DELETED] 
File: 282 KB, 750x1079, ABF32FDD-07AC-4D4F-8597-EFD286DBBC4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you I like looking at lolita, why wouldn’t I still be here?

>> No.10136767

i feel like her accessories really make it

>> No.10136768
File: 74 KB, 400x686, casuallolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10136771 [DELETED] 



>> No.10136772

Minus her very simple hair, I can't see anything wrong with the coordinate itself.

>> No.10136773
File: 288 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_p4h3bk3wLo1wh4mcbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10136774

Fucking creep. Why are you too poor to afford bodyline?

>> No.10136776

Usually I don't care about piercings in coords but these really look tacky. There's way prettier jewelry out there than just a black nose ring and lip stud

>> No.10136777
File: 328 KB, 750x1244, 7B9105A7-16A0-40B5-8F6A-7FDE417148A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops cap didn’t show the lack of (you) in reply to the gatekeeping poster

>>10136760 #
I told you I like looking at lolita, why wouldn’t I still be here?

>> No.10136780

Answer >>10136774

>> No.10136784

I’ve already said this but I’m too ugly for lolita along with being a poorfag, so I said I’d settle for the inactive jfash comm soon after asking about lolita comms but no one reads I guess. Once I clear my backlog I’m going to try and activate it some.

>> No.10136785

If you’re really that ugly you should probably just kys

>> No.10136788 [DELETED] 

Black+White makes it look like Baby's First Lolita Maid Costume. Those ballerina platform shoes absolutely don't go with anything. Hair minimal effort. No makeup. Dress above the knees. Wrinkly JSK. Shit quality socks. Each of those things on its own isn't the worst but added together it looks like trash.

>> No.10136790

I would give up on that if I were you. You’ve given us enough information about yourself to be on the lookout for who you are in the future.

>> No.10136791
File: 82 KB, 750x725, AE74F859-DC5B-451C-A5F5-E1C1684C0770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already said I’d do that too, don’t worry.

I do have this though, in wine, just not a petti. If anyone’s got some coords I’d like to see em since I never have.

>> No.10136792

No, you won’t stop me from trying to be happy. I don’t care if they reject me down the line, I’m going to try.

>> No.10136794

>talking like your life is an anime
this is why you have no friends

>> No.10136795

Hurry up and do it already. That isn’t even a lolita piece, why are you telling us you own it?

>> No.10136798

>I own a costume from bodyline

And? You don’t own any lolita still.

>> No.10136803

this has to be bait. she even included "costume" in the screencap

>> No.10136809

To be fair, this is an IW design replica.

>> No.10136811 [DELETED] 

IW is barely lolita anyway nowdays

>> No.10136812

Ok, in my defense the picture doesn’t show it but the skirt would have a lolita silhouette with a bigger petti.

>> No.10136813

No, it is literally a costume.

>> No.10136814
File: 326 KB, 431x569, petticoat too big.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no you dipshit, it'll wind up looking like this

>> No.10136815

So many idiots ruining what could have been a good thread. Guess Bodyline is just cursed.

>> No.10136817
File: 57 KB, 450x570, 5053BDB9-B8FF-4535-AC45-0ED6422B0CB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes something a costume? Just because it’s labelled as one? In that case the bodyline pleated skirts are “literally costumes” and I have a lot of those. They are like any you’d buy in a uniform store. They’re clothes.

>> No.10136820 [DELETED] 

Stay mad poorfag

>> No.10136823
File: 149 KB, 783x1200, 1507199949444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously. I reported some of the BS but desu I think it's too late.

>> No.10136824
File: 62 KB, 540x671, tumblr_lsxjz6wGLy1qc49wzo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(btw sorry most of these are black, I'm the OP and have posted all of the bodyline coords and it's rare I come across coords I like that aren't kuro or goth ot old school. Forgive me sweet/classical lolitas)

>> No.10136825
File: 127 KB, 600x800, tumblr_outydf4yUt1thn85xo1_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10136831

Just attend a meet at a convention to meet local lolitas.

>> No.10136836
File: 387 KB, 674x337, anonpls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nayrt I just want you to know that in spite of all your tryhard spacewasting, you do not know much about the fashion at all. you're inexperienced and will only spew uninformed opinions until you become self aware.
It's painfully obvious how new you are. good luck growing out of your ita phase.

>> No.10136838
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>> No.10136840
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>> No.10136844
File: 320 KB, 410x650, 995571CE-0DF8-46BE-8867-CBD73A9E0969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not them but I think it’s a little ita too. It can’t help it but it’s always gonna be in them 2000’s anime con vibe. Obviously not nearly as bad as pic related but.

>> No.10136848

offering no counterpoints? sorry about your taste

>> No.10136851

Black and white used to be the default lolita coordinate colors. It seriously look fine. You'd be shocked how many genuine old school coordinates and unpolished and imperfect.

>> No.10136853

Black and white =/= automatically ita

Also > ballerina platform shoes
Girl, google rocking horse shoes please.

>> No.10136854

still looks like shit. there's a reason lolita evolved away from it

>> No.10136856

Just ignore the anon with shit taste. They’re either a newfag or a conlita that treats lolita like a formulaic costume.

>> No.10136857

3 people said it looks shit but ok, you two are clearly the majority here.

>> No.10136858

You cannot deny the socks are hella bad.

>> No.10136863

this looks ok here but i used to own this dress and it is honestly one of bodylines shittiest pieces. actual garbage, couldnt be fixed, the fabric, lace, and even construction are all really bad in person

>> No.10136866
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>> No.10136868
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>> No.10136871

I really love this omg. What's that bolero she's wearing?

>> No.10136897

It's Baby iirc.

>> No.10136922
File: 127 KB, 683x1170, 1522373403873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10136932

Troll? How do you not know what rocking horse shoes are?

>> No.10136951

Damn, is it really that bad? makes me sad, as it looks cute here.

>> No.10136955

any pics?

>> No.10137008
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>> No.10137009
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>> No.10137010

They are standard lace topped utk's. Stop larping and gtfo

>thinks black and white is ita
more proof cgl is filled with larpers and itas

>> No.10137013

Look at that nasty lace on em. You’re blind

>> No.10137020

You are delusional. Lace MAY BE bad but you can't really tell because it's white on white and picture is low quality. If they are Bodyline socks I have them in black and while they are not brand quality lace is passable, not scratchy rascel lace or anything.

>> No.10137025

This is precious

>> No.10137028
File: 2.02 MB, 750x1334, A38E4CE9-AACB-4A60-BD45-166ADBCB2C15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard mode: post good clocks
Lunatic mode: post good wa
BL puts cheapass limp maid shit in the lolita section lol, it really is arbitrary.
It looks like the lace they used on the lingerie I bought for shits and giggles for $1.

>> No.10137044

I actually have them and the lace is bad, be honest. It isn't scratchy but it looks so cheap and sad in pictures. There just isn't enough so it makes the poor quality obvious. Compare it to the Metamorphose raschel socks where you get a mountain of nicely gathered lace

>> No.10137051

Maybe their socks are hit or miss too because mines are pretty nice. I can post pics when I get home.

>> No.10137053
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>> No.10137055
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>> No.10137056
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>> No.10137058
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>> No.10137059
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>> No.10137061
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>> No.10137062
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>> No.10137063
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That's all I got for now.

>> No.10137066

What do you do in this situation to prevent that?

>> No.10137068

Get an actual lolita piece that will fit a petti? Stop shitting up the thread

>> No.10137124

Haha ballerina shoes im dead

>> No.10137126

Don't argue with lolitas about lolita if you aren't a lolita. Fucking boring normies need attention any way they can

>> No.10137127

pick one

>> No.10137150

Looks like a terrible replica of IW, to be fair.

>> No.10137162

That was another anon

>> No.10137165

Damn this dress is ugly.
This is awesome. The photos on the website make it look so costumey iirc. Looks great.

>> No.10137205
File: 2.75 MB, 1200x1800, D42A6454-39B8-4628-944D-C9B75C00ED63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10137213

I'm the girl in the pic and I probably wouldn't pay for that dress but I got it for free from a friend so I just made it work. It's pretty short and the material is stretchy. Making the rectangle headdress was a struggle. I don't have any complaints about the lace or construction. I thought it was on par with my other Bodyline pieces.

>> No.10137316
File: 153 KB, 960x960, bodyline OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hope poorfag tourist-chan never leaves, she's so funny, i get a huge kick out of the fact she WILL NOT SHUT UP and is constantly kicking and screaming about wanting to go to a local community without buying any lolita, but owning a bodyline costume
have some cute bodyline

>> No.10137330


>> No.10137536

While not my thing, this would be cuter without the icky red socks

>> No.10137537

I love the coord at least, it's really cute! You did a good job at making me want it. Maybe if they restock the sax and have a good sale I'll pick it up for casual around the house type stuff.

>> No.10139129

when tf are bodyline going to restock anything, i just want a black jsk.

>> No.10139131
File: 326 KB, 900x1300, 1554032720872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is modified bodyline

>> No.10139134


good to know this dress is at least slightly nicer looking irl, it's dirt cheap right now

>> No.10139143

I have it, but you have to be careful.. it can look baggy at the waist but weird at the shirred heart bust if you're not close to measurements.

>> No.10139147


Looks like it.

>> No.10139156

This dress always looked like a childs dress from the 1950's in the stock pics, I'm amazed someone managed to coord it so well

>> No.10139164


>> No.10139165


What? It's a bodyline thread.

>> No.10139174

How is it modified?

>> No.10139178

Did she get run over by that train?

>> No.10139215

I know this print is generic strawberries and chocolate but I am such a sucker for strawberries and chocolate.

>> No.10139222
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>> No.10139223
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>> No.10139224
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>> No.10139225
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>> No.10139226
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>> No.10139227
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>> No.10139228
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>> No.10139229
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>> No.10139506 [DELETED] 

LARPer? Like, she wanted to larp at meets or wear her larp outfit? I can't decide which sounds worse.

>> No.10139507

She wanted to join a lolita comm and wasn't a lolita

>> No.10139513
File: 232 KB, 1440x1440, 1553962564795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10139520

ngl, this is a pretty bad coord, but that bodyline dress is definitely one of their nicer ones. wearing a better quality blouse and some bloomers and lace topped socks would make this much better. Nice-ish for a first coord though

>> No.10139566

That petticoat is too big and also the wrong shape. A-line petticoats are for a-line or box pleated dresses. Gathered skirts need a cupcake shaped petti or a low poof aline (though some skirts have too much material for this to look good).

>> No.10139574
File: 135 KB, 1280x1707, 6c2c8fca1a55177198944c8e02672671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That IW knockoff is A-line box pleat though. I don't think that would happen with the petti in the pic, since that pic shows an A-line petti with a cupcake dress, innit? More like pic related.

>> No.10139575

Same, I always wanted the chocoberry print. As far as I'm aware, there was also a taobao brand who made a dress with that fabric so you might still stumble into it?

>> No.10139871
File: 1.86 MB, 1000x1000, tumblr_nwzfjagmX91qdbvqho1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10139872
File: 345 KB, 712x890, tumblr_nk6cwi4lCo1r64vgbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10140005

So cute! I’m kind of fond of this print and have the tote bag, so I’m glad someone in the world looks good in it.

>> No.10140006

Come on, pretty much all lolita looks like children’s dresses from the 1950s.

>> No.10140007

Pretty girl, but this is not a good coordinate. Especially not that 80s secretary blouse with the shoulder pads cut out.

>> No.10140010
File: 533 KB, 1280x1707, A7F46CF1-7634-4A33-AD41-34E81EF9BDB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this dress because of that image but the fit is really unflattering irl. No waist shaping and nothing but a sash to pull it in, like a bathrobe. You’d have to be built like a fridge to fill it out, which is probably why this girl (who makes some of the best Bodyline coords in my opinion) is posing like this for the photo.

>> No.10140103

This is legitimately gorgeous. I love how soft everything looks when paired together.

>> No.10140108

All BL pettis are shit, right?

>> No.10140118

Really? I am reasonably curvy (90 cm bust, 66 cm waist) and I find it extremely flattering on me. I kinda hate that yoke is also made of velvet but I can't bring myself to get rid of the dress because how good it fits.

>> No.10140119

Must add I don't use the sash as I find it adds bulk to waist. Instead I sewed some buttons on the dress and turned the sash into removable waist ties.

>> No.10140121

I have one of the really thin ones that I use for everyday wear under my ETC dresses.
For that it works pretty well

>> No.10140124

Yep, that red dress is cupcake. And the IW set it's based off of was styled with a low-poof a-line it seems.

With that bodyline piece, more so than the silhouette I'd be concerned with it looking costumey just because it isn't as nicely made as the IW set. The IW set has the fine finishing and construction to make it look nice despite the concept being a little more costumey than the average JSK but the Bodyline one perhaps not so much.

I actually do like it, but I don't think I'd recommend it as a starter piece for a newbie. And if I were to ever buy it I'd get rid of that bow for sure. Maybe resew the buttons case they look a bit wonky.

>> No.10140125

I’m retarded. What’s ETC? And oooooh which petti is it, do you know? I want low to medium poof for a nonlolita dress I have.

>> No.10140128 [DELETED] 

Yes, you are retarded. Please go away.

>> No.10140130

Sorry, my bad, it's Emily Temple Cute! It also works well with some casual taobao dresses.
I can't find it on their website sadly, but it's very similar to their pan065!

>> No.10140134

Oh yeah the bow is total shit. Im that anon who has it and I replaced it for the single time I wore it. The length of the top is also pretty weird too, but I like the skirt a lot even if it’s pretty heavy with all the material. If someone really wanted to make it more lolita-presentable they could replace the trim and I think it’d be ok.

>> No.10140137
File: 678 B, 80x80, FC21C646-3795-475B-92A2-D3E65B743FB5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool thanks, I’ll go check it out.

>> No.10140149

Same. I'm pretty curvy and the large one fit me just fine.

>> No.10140158

No problem, hope you find something that works!

>> No.10140297

Hold up..... Now I saw this dress on someone back in Feb, albeit a bit differently coorded, and some of y'all ripped into her.... What's the difference between this one and that one?

>> No.10140301

a bunch of people here *did* rip into her. OP just got defensive

>> No.10140318

I don't know what are you talking about but that's one of Bodyline's best dresses. I wish I bought it when it was in stock in this colorway.

>> No.10140350

hers looks awfully wrinkled and poor quality

>> No.10140508

same here, 90cm bust 60cm waist and it looks great. i wear the size M and with the waist sash i don't feel like it adds bulk, but it might on someone with less of a b/w ratio

>> No.10140534
File: 3.06 MB, 1440x1723, 20190403_064647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too ugly for lolita
Translation: it's a dude

Pic related: not bad for clocks.

>> No.10140560

How is that a good coord? All she did was throw white with it. Didn’t even bother with headwear

>> No.10140563

Thats shit, not even decent for clocks. Did you hurriedly find any bodyline coord just so you could post that first thing under the guise of contributing?

>> No.10140573


There’s nothing wrong or remarkable about this coord, get the sand out of your vag.

>> No.10140628


>> No.10140676

There’s waaay too much white. It’s off balance. And her head just looks too plain, she needs ponytail elastic accessories or bows or a hat or something. And personal opinion but that collar is hideous.

>> No.10140684

Exactly, it’s bland as hell. Not remarkable at all. Why did anyone post this as a “good coord” when it’s less than the minimum required

>> No.10140699


>> No.10140704

Bland =/= ita. And as far as clocks goes, this is one of the least offensive coords I've ever seen. Granted, ivory or pink instead of white would be better, but it's not bad.

>> No.10140737
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>> No.10140739
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>> No.10140742
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>> No.10140800

Im OP and I didn't get defensive. I only posted BL coords.

>> No.10140803


A few nitpicks like getting cuter shoes, replacing the cheap flower crown with a more refined comb, and possibly a more loliable coat, but that poof is amazing. I also appreciate how everything at least is color matched really well.

>> No.10141486
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>> No.10141487
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>> No.10141488
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>> No.10141490
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>> No.10141492
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>> No.10141493

This is actual lolita goals. Everyone should own a Millefeuille bolero

>> No.10141495
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>> No.10141496
File: 388 KB, 700x1024, bodyline-L305-antique-clock-skirt-pink-brown-classic-lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finishing with a new antique clock coordinate for you guys to fight over

>> No.10141498

that looks far more cohesive than the lazy all-white one posted before

>> No.10141499


Pretty girl but you need smaller/high set boobs to wear high-waisted skirts like that

>> No.10141502 [DELETED] 

Looks terrible and makes her tits look grandma levels of saggy

>> No.10141512

is she just not wearing a bra or something?

>> No.10141576

It's fine, I just genuinely do not like this print, which is my issue with most printed BL.

>> No.10141608

agreeing with the bra thing. I wish i had legs like hers.

>> No.10142899
File: 2.71 MB, 2132x2132, i got a focken doily on me noggin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread was missing some shiro (from yours truly)
the jsk is probably the highest quality thing i've ever got from bodyline and it was 1999 yen so that's a big fucking win

>> No.10142901

'tis a full bodyline coord btw, minus cuffs & socks ofc but they're off brand too (etsy & primark respectively)

>> No.10142913

leg so hot, hot hot leg
leg so hot, you fry a egg

>> No.10142926

Sad pic she was so beautiful

>> No.10142929

I used to have this dress and it is quite a challenge to coord because it's extremely heavy. I used to have to wear 2-3 pettis underneath and it would still look droopy

it's a pretty ok dress; some steam would smooth out the wrinkles. but in the end i let it go because i didnt care for the scratchy lace - brand has spoiled me x_x

>> No.10142989
File: 20 KB, 250x210, F90A175A-0470-4D26-9255-6930E2AB7428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this dress in red and I’m kicking myself for not getting it in sac too.

>> No.10143033

who is this

>> No.10143044

She went by Opaline Rose, she passed away after an illness but the family didn't release many details.

>> No.10143071
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>> No.10143072

Man, my coords are nice but I feel like no one will say this about me when I die. Did people say this about her when she was alive too? Did she know she was this beloved?

>> No.10143073
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>> No.10143075
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>> No.10143076
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>> No.10143080
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>> No.10143092

I don't know for sure, but whenever people wanted a good example of wa lolita this one pic of her inevitably got posted.

>> No.10143122

She was well received when she was alive, yes. I think she was popular on tumblr and got many likes on fb if that means anything. The wa Lolita outfit was likely her best

>> No.10143140

I have this BL skirt and it is so nice! Such a great quality skirt. Not brand quality, but honestly closer than most bodyline to brand. It's lined and has a built-in petti and the lace is really nice. Lots of details.

>> No.10143142

She is impossibly long. My Meitu senses are tingling

>> No.10143144

that's really pretty anon! that blouse is one of the nice BL blouses too. Good eye. Do you recall which dress that is? It looks pretty nice.

>> No.10143145

thats called being tall

>> No.10143146

I have this dress in 2 colorways and neither have scratchy lace. It's typical, albeit a bit lower quality, torchon lace.

>> No.10143149


>> No.10143400

> filename
very cute, anon! Shiro coords are lovely

>> No.10143494

thank you kind anons! it's this dress: https://www.bodylinetokyo.co.jp/products/detail.php?product_id=25119
they upped the price by a little but i'd say it's worth it!

>> No.10143573

Soft cream is probably one of bodyline's best prints especially in mint. It's too bad we don't see people really post it anymore

>> No.10143659

why would you use the same reaction you did in the thread where you cried no one will let you in their comm because you dont own a dress kek

>> No.10143661

but you said you owned many pieces, anon!

>> No.10143666

it looks nice but id switch that petti. that one looks a bit awkward

>> No.10143687

What? I literally never said that. The telephone game is too strong

>> No.10143693

you even posted one of your pieces which was just a fucking costume kek

>> No.10143792
File: 125 KB, 750x847, 43865A1B-1067-4F8C-8770-3666804A8B98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) category means nothing
2) this thread didn’t say “lolita coords” it said “coords”, could be any outfit.

>> No.10143795

Just fucking stop, holy shit you are retarded.

>> No.10143800
File: 132 KB, 750x815, E9E1A4CE-17A5-4A3B-911D-1F4779A9A991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, nice counter

>> No.10143821

Well they labeled it lolita, so it must be lolita, right? You should totally buy those pieces and wear them to a meet with that comm you've wanted to join. They'll love it.

>> No.10143881
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Another antique clock for the road.

>> No.10143882

This would be cuter with some OTKs, but it's not bad for that AC skirt.

>> No.10144083

nayrt but holy shit youre embarrassing yourself further
you just posted something that was labeled as a costume, not even something labeled as lolita
you claim youre too poor for lolita yet bodyline has $26 dresses as we speak. theres some even for $35 because of their sales
why dont you just buy one of those? or get a fucking job and buy brand since bodyline is too poorfag for you even though you are one?
if youre ugly, wear makeup, do something about your fucking appearance
all you have been doing is saying you own pieces when theyre costumes from BL and that you want to kill yourself

>> No.10144096

Whoosh, I’ll say it again for you: Labels mean shit. If you think those two pics are more lolita than the IW knockoff “costume” I want to see your disaster coords.
I NEVER said I own pieces. You are so creepily obsessed with this you make stuff up over it

>> No.10144112

im talking about the idiot who posted this >>10136791 and said
> If anyone’s got some coords I’d like to see em since I never have.
disaster coords? i just wear decent, sweet coords, sorry you dont own any lolita poorfag. maybe you should reconsider calling someone's coords disasters when uh how many pieces do you fucking own, dipshit?

>> No.10144131

A piece. A single jfashion-possible piece. Wow so “many” and repeated so many times
Lol you sound touched. Whatever you say, person who thinks a shitty maid outfit is more lolita than an IW knockoff because it’s in the lolita section. I’m sure you look great.

>> No.10144135

>Whatever you say, person who thinks a shitty maid outfit is more lolita than an IW knockoff because it’s in the lolita section. I’m sure you look great.

yikes that wasnt even me you fucking idiot

>> No.10144814
File: 99 KB, 1080x1080, 51687489_2271632706427133_3589826631493781081_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to get the green sailor jsk, does anyone have any coord insp? I could only find this one.

>> No.10144907
File: 103 KB, 528x960, 10 16 15 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl always had such cute BL coords.

I just picked up this dress in pink since it's in stock again (finally!!) I have it in b/w, black, sax, and now pink. It's one of their nicer dresses.

>> No.10144908
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>> No.10144910
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>> No.10144912
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>> No.10144918
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>> No.10144920

>that old in-shop clothing rack
I dream of one day finding a department store going out of business so I could get neat things like that
Also she's very cute

>> No.10145128

own both of these in these colourways and had no idea how to coord them

>> No.10145133

For the second one, how can you not think of a coord for it? It’s just a OP...that girls coord is as basic as they come.

>> No.10145230

exactly, it's barely a coord

>> No.10146428
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>> No.10146492

What blouse is that anon? Is it still available?

>> No.10146510

here you go: https://www.bodylinetokyo.co.jp/products/detail.php?product_id=25829
it's definitely one of the better blouses : )

>> No.10146511

damn, i posted in a hurry,

>> No.10146512

damn, i posted in a hurry. didn't realise i was out of stock :(

>> No.10147320

Of course she's a johnlock shipper. fucking degenerate

>> No.10147702
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>> No.10147772
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I'll dump some. Apologies in advance if any have already been posted.

>> No.10147774
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>> No.10147776
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>> No.10147777
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>> No.10147778
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>> No.10147779
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I believe this is hand embroidery on a BL dress??

>> No.10147780
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>> No.10147782
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>> No.10147783
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>> No.10147784
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>> No.10147785
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>> No.10147787
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>> No.10147788
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>> No.10147790
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End dump. Cant be fucked with the countdown timer.

>> No.10147957

thanks for dumping!

>> No.10148296

I never know what to think about this skirt. In this photo and >>10136922 the fabric looks so nice and matte, but in the shop and >>10140742 it looks so shiny and almost satin-y.

>> No.10150500
File: 531 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_p69cq6kqzi1v43wn3o7_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if only they FUCKING restocked their SHIT altogether

>> No.10150505

it's not shiny. Might just be lighting.

>> No.10150506

It is matte, but it is smooth, kind of like sateen. Too bad I don't see it in the shop anymore. I have it in brown and I would have loved it in black and wine red.

>> No.10153864

And it's be lovely if they made it more obvious, too.

>> No.10153903
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It wasn't even a planned restock, just a few leftovers they found in the back of their storage after spring cleaning.

>> No.10153912

This makes me even happier that I nabbed those RHS for $5.
Now they're out of stock entirely.