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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10098982 No.10098982 [Reply] [Original]

What is your verdict? Guilty or innocent?

>> No.10099003


>> No.10099005

Innocent until proven guilty

>> No.10099009


Feed him to the Sharkticons

>> No.10099016

I hope he goes on hiatus and reflect long and hard for at least the remainder of this year and come back without the handsy-ness or creep-o-meter. Dunno if therapy would help this guy, he's likely to find a Christian counselor to be an echo chamber with or attempt to press his total innocence onto them.

>> No.10099019


>> No.10099024

Guilty until he pays off the girls (and boys) he molests who have proof he did it, like video, audio recordings, text messages.

>> No.10099025

Guilty of some things, innocent of others (such as allegations of molestation and shit).

Don't bring him to any cons for a while, sure. But I don't think he deserves to have his VA career destroyed.

>> No.10099027

Guilty. First hand experience. As in his hands on me. Gross asshole old enough to be my grandfather.

>> No.10099033

Guilty, stop riding the Vic dick faggot

>> No.10099040

At least guilty of being creepy and an asshole. Probably also of feeling people up.

>> No.10099047


>> No.10099050

Y'all are willing to ruin a man's career over him being an akward, overbearing hugger.

>> No.10099053
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See ya McNugget~

>> No.10099061

Does it matter? Him and his accusers are all an embarrassment to the culture. This is why I don't buy anime with english dubs and attend conventions in North America.

>> No.10099068

>embarrassment to the culture
Anime by itself already has enough embarrassment as it is.

>> No.10099072

>Him and his accusers are all an embarrassment to the culture.

As if the anime community doesn't already embarrass itself enough

>> No.10099079

>Uggos and fagots upset Vic won't even give him a hug.
>Accuse him of rape and homophobia.

>> No.10099082

it’s because he’s in the new dragon ball
Cant you see it’s all a conspiracy

>> No.10099089

Newfags spotted

>> No.10099090

What are the chances that Vic writes a tell-all book when this whole ordeal blows over so that he can make some more quick bucks off his remaining stalwart fans?

>> No.10099101

If he was smart, yeah. He knows his VA gigs are dried up, and he could sell it on the novelty alone.

>> No.10099112

Hasn't everyone already known he's a creep for the last 10+ years? I can't believe some people are actually surprised by this.

>> No.10099118

I wish the ferocity at which people spread this and reaction from higher ups was done for every sexual assault case but life isn’t fair is it

>> No.10099139

Most sexual assault cases haven't been brewing for more than a decade. People are really tired of Vic's shit so he's getting dogpiled from every angle.

>> No.10099157

Guilty of being a diva and a creep
Innocent of actually having broken any law

>> No.10099172

You have to be 18 to use this website

>> No.10099178

Been hearing about the guy being a creep since I got into this sordid convention affair ten years ago. There's probably not enough evidence to actually convict him but removing him from the convention circuit, where he has influence over his fangirls is the best move for all parties.
Vic Mignogna Rating: 2/5 Harveys

>> No.10099213

B-b-But.... there's no evidence and the people in those photos consented! It's all just SJWs and fujosjit trying to ruin a super nice man's life~!

>> No.10099222

Guilty until proven innocent.

>> No.10099230

Guilty as fuck. Industry people are sharing their stories now, and it’s stuff far more harmful than just creeping fangirls.

>> No.10099242

Or being an asshole to conventions and other voice actors.

>> No.10099248

come on, its much more likely that dozens of young teen girls over the course of over a decade all teamed up to make up lies about Vic for years for no personal gain.

>> No.10099257

Why does everyone keep saying coming out with some story has no personal gain for the "victim"

There's momentum now, girls saying stuff are getting called brave and hero and so courageous. The girl that started the whole thing is proud of getting the guy fired like she did the world a service and demanding praise for it. Cons were offering guest invited to Pridemore in the comments of her rape story. Bullshit there is no gain.

>> No.10099328

ELectric chair

four horses

>> No.10099339


>Teen girls.
>Weeb girls.
>Teen weeb girls
>Not the most vain people on the planet.

It's even worse when they are horny as fuck. Thanks to feminisim everyone always just assumes it's guys who are creepy rapists trying to cokes girls in to sleeping with them but girls are just as likely, if not more likely in the con scene to pull the same and worse shit.

>> No.10099344


>> No.10099353
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You know, if voice actress Tara Strong started kissing and touching me when I was 14 I wouldn't have minded.

So I don't see what the big deal is when the sexes are reversed.

>> No.10099355

>I wouldn't have minded.
they did mind, thats literally the problem.

>> No.10099360

God you're a Dumb Nigger

>> No.10099380
File: 351 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190207-132718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amanda Winn Lee with zero chill

>> No.10099397

People are just mad that he wouldn't sign for faggots.

Innocent, 100% guaranteed. Either way, I'll look back on this a year later and laugh. Fuck VAs.

>> No.10099406

This was one of the guests known for being inappropriate. We actually assigned staff to make sure no underage guests were taken to the hotel room. He's guilty. Got away with doing as much as he could just because fangirls forgive, and think he's literally Edward Elric.

>> No.10099412

This. Much of the reason that all of this is "coming up now" is because people didn't fucking handle it back then. No one wanted to from a con standpoint because he brought in money. I say this as a con chair. I don't know why people still assume he's innocent. He's been toxic to the con community and it's really mostly the cons' fault for not shutting this shit down when it happened. No one wanted to stand up to a "popular guest" in fear that they'd never have another high end guest. Negative word travels quickly. It's absolutely shitty. I wasn't a con chair when we had him but oh, sweet baby jesus, did I hear so much shit. I was an attendee when we had him prior to me being staff/con chair. I definitely knew shit was off when he would run into panel rooms (of other guests mind you) and pull people out of the room for his autograph. He'd show up to panels late being of his hair needing to be fixed. He'd expect the con to hand him everything because he was important. Don't get me wrong, they're a guest and you need to treat them as such, but what they do, and what they're paid to do at con is a job. I had another guest approach me about this and say the same thing: Being at a con is a job. Be respectful to the staff, attendees, and everyone there.
We never ended up inviting him back, even between when I was just going as an attendee and when I became staff, which was 4 years or so. He should've been held accountable right away but the supply/demand aspect was held over cons by him.

>> No.10099437

Yep, we too never invited him back after we confirmed the rumors were right. We were actively trying to catch underage people heading to the room, and we did. But it was all handled internally and softly. We are too afraid of being black listed as conventions, and as people. I want to say stuff on twitter so bad, but it's obvious what con I work for and I could be fired from the con.

>> No.10099456

Because regardless of the sex it's still illegal to touch a minor in a sexual way. Doesn't matter if the child liked it or not.

God I'm so fucking tired of pedophiles trying to say this is fine

>> No.10099479

I dont know anything about him or what he did, but I know about Funimation and Roosterteeth being huge cucks

>> No.10099482

Oh if it's about stuff being said about them I can tell you from experience I am getting called way more bad things by girls that wish Vic had touched them than I am getting in support.
I can never work cor my con ever again now because I was guest relations. I've gotten two death threats. One of my DBA voice actor friends suddenly won't speak to me anymore.

Yeah...soooooooo much to gain.

>> No.10099485

If you know nothing about him then you don't know shit about why he's been getting fired. Shut the fuck up

>> No.10099491

Go back to /a/, faggot

>> No.10099498

But you get to brag about it on 4chan.

>> No.10099500

Yeah he's guilty af

>> No.10099503

>thinking being called "brave" by internet randos is personal gain
How sad is your life, anon. I legit feel bad for you if you think that's anything to strive for.

>> No.10099510

Informing is not bragging unless your life is such a lack luster dumpster fire that you think that's impressive.

>> No.10099515

If he's innocent then so is Joe Biden
All he did was just hug and kiss underage girls right? And whisper some seductive lines in their ears. Even if he asks a 5-year old what she's doing after the show, that's normal especially if she's dressed as Wonder Woman. She was asking for it. Totally normal and totally innocent.

>> No.10099517

Nayrt but it absolutely is a personal gain for con-going drama queens and people that seethe at the mention of Vic.

>> No.10099519

Post caps

>> No.10099522

When I was 12 I went to a Vic panel on accident and he showed off his anime pants and said the mini skirt thing. I thought he was really cool and charismatic. When I got an autograph right after he hugged me and my mom took a picture. I didn’t feel creeped out at the time and honestly it made my day as a small kid who loved anime.

As an adult today I can’t say I feel violated but that’s only my experience. I don’t know how others feel

>> No.10099542

Anon, I don't think it's anything to strive for. I'm saying these people think it's something to strive for.

>> No.10099647
File: 90 KB, 840x840, believe all victims.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a hug and kiss on the cheek is sexual assault

>> No.10099673
File: 485 KB, 1097x702, in HER bed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read the 3rd paragraph
hes getting no support from VAs cuz he railed their friends and never called them.

>> No.10099674

>gets warned specifically about a guy
>guy approaches her
>girl ignores the warnings completely
>she has sex with him

>> No.10099675
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>Mfw Vic is finally getting kicked and all these random nobodies feel personally attacked

>> No.10099677
File: 553 KB, 1043x446, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Innocent until proven guilty. In a court of law, not by ANN and VAs with an axe to grind. If Monica Rial was indeed molested by Vic, why didn't she go to the police? Why haven't any of Vic's accusers gone to the police? Really makes you wonder.

>> No.10099683

That's because the con scene is full of creeps lmao

>> No.10099685

Also had experience going back to 08 can confirm he is pretty handsy.

>> No.10099687

This is hilariously bad evidence, I don’t feel sorry for her

>> No.10099711

Innocent until proven guilty. Until then, keep sobbing, fatties.

>> No.10099712


She said she thought it was an isolated incident directed towards her, however if something like that happened to me I'd throw the book at them so they wouldn't feel like they could get away with it again with somebody else.

It's one thing to say that they don't owe anyone their experiences, but I beg to differ. Sharing incidents helps to make other women more aware and strengthens the case more than saying something vaguely happened. It can also educate others on signs to look for in a dangerous person or situation.

>> No.10099720

Monica only described it as "abuse"
so we don't know what the abuse was
he could have slept with her and said "yea we can be a couple" but then ignored her right after just like here >>10099673

>> No.10099727

Absolutely seething

>> No.10099745

Innocent until proven guilty

>> No.10099760

Don’t need a court to get a kiddy diddler with a 15 year history to lose his job.

>> No.10099769


just because you might have liked it as a kid doesn't mean every other kid would've liked it

>> No.10099773

>Literal who's on the internet trying to discredit every single person coming forward because like two people wanted some of the sweet $40 or whatever that Vic makes
I mean there won't be any real legal action taken, but assuming he's completely innocent because he said so and because one douchey person out there is kinda nuts.

>> No.10099779 [DELETED] 

I think you got that one wrong there mate.

Vic only goes for the cute ones. Sorry all the uglies are mad they didn't get felt up by the only person who might've touched them.

>> No.10099784
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so a hug and a kiss on the cheek is the same as rape now?

holy shit, what a crazy world we live in.

>> No.10099803

if you think kissing underage girls that you don't know and aren't related to in any way is normal, fuck off. is it really that hard not to be a creep to kids?

>> No.10099808

Does he kiss them on the lips? Anywhere else is fucking weird but doesn’t warrant court. I got scared of the guy at the end of the medieval torture museum castle thing at the Renaissance fair kissing my hand but like

>> No.10099809

I heard he kisses them on the anus.

>> No.10099812

cons use to be all touchy feely and nobody gave a fuck, why have the animu community gone full retard sjw these days

>> No.10099813


>> No.10099819

This is a good point actually, hugs from strangers were everywhere.

>> No.10099838

People realized the were a fuckton of creeper predators using it as an opportunity to feel people up under the guise of convention hijinks.

>> No.10099842

Usually when I get hugged at a con, I'm in a position of power over the person asking for it (a fan). Only time I had to force someone to hug me was when I was their fan and begged and buttered them up for it…I still wonder if they're creeped out by me.

>> No.10099852

How the Fuck do you jump from "He was rude to the staff" to "He's a Rapist." ???

>> No.10099856

I'm gotten hugged/kissed by chicks dozens of times when I've cosplayed.

Apparently I'm some traumatized sexually assault survivor now.

>> No.10099860

They did give a fuck, why do you think glomping, the yaoi paddle, and free hugs signs were banned at most cons?

>> No.10099862

Even the shit momokun has done isn't even that bad. Dis shit be some silly witch hunts and hatin just to hat

vocal minority, people truly didn't care about being hugged or kissed

>> No.10099867

>2 consenting adults have sex on MY bed
>Sexual assault

Get over the fact someone other than you got fucked.

>> No.10099882

Who the hell are you

>> No.10099885

Samantha needs to get a new friend. Like what did you do to her to make this person go against your advice, be okay with having sex in your shared hotel room (never mind on YOUR bed), and then assumes after a one night stand that she's in a mutual, long standing relationship?

Like what Vic did is shitty, but her friend is a dolt.

>> No.10099888

>vocal minority, people truly didn't care about being hugged or kissed

Get better bait pls

>> No.10099920

Yeah I'm surprised that she continues to call her a friend.

>> No.10099924

This, this is why many cons i know banned "free hugs" shirts and signs, because they realized they were creeps using it to feel kids up.

I keep seeing "Vic fired from Funimation" because of that one role that was given to Ian but is there any more info on that? I'm want something more solid before I open the champagne.

>> No.10099925

As mentioned in the previous thread, voice work is usually contract or freelance gigs, so there isn't so much as firing Vic as a company simply choosing not to work with a VA again and recasting their roles. The best you can hope for is Funimation releasing a statement saying they're parting ways from Vic.

>> No.10099926

If you knew what I meant then you knew what I meant. SO I'm taking that as no statement from Funimation yet?

>> No.10099931

I'm out of the loop--where can I find caps of what's happening?

>> No.10099933

Here's a compilation

>> No.10099934

I went to YouTube to find this video I watched earlier not knowing so many more would pop up with a search. I wanna watch them all now. Anyway this one and the sequel ones have a summary. https://youtu.be/7hArT9JNAEw

>> No.10099936

Holy shit ANN is scummy.

>> No.10099941

The Vic situation is a dumpster fire, but ANN was really quick to tap into their inner TMZ and go at him like vultures. Especially after one of their own was revealed to be a rapist shortly before everyone was talking about Vic.

>> No.10099944 [DELETED] 

the editor used to run a hentai blog and would review hentai with "college aged" characters
he also got mad at youtubers for not automatically trashing vic, so he tweeted at youtube that the youtubers where nazis

>> No.10099945

most of the tweets in that google doc are vauge bullshit.
i saw him hug this chick and felt uncomfortable
i hugged him and he kissed me on the cheek years ago, now im older and i realize it was sexual assault.
even the section with other VAs is scummy because they dont really accuse him they just say "believe all victims" and "everyone should speak out against abuse".

>> No.10099948

One is literally a crime where the other isn't, really how stupid are you?

>> No.10099949

Monica rial and Chris sabat are retards.

>> No.10099952

Out of all the VAs talking about Vic on Twitter, I notice Aaron Dismuke hasn't said or liked anything involving this whole fiasco. Not even vague tweets asking to forgive Vic like Caitlin Glass did. I guess he's taking this hard, seeing as he's been at con panels with Vic since he was a kid.

>> No.10099955

Cuz he’s a smart nigga who knows to wait

>> No.10099956

Anon, come on. When dozens of voice actors and convention organizers say that Vic Mignogna's an asshole, maybe it turns out that Vic might actually be an asshole? And it's not some huge conspiracy that hundreds of people are apparently in on?

>> No.10099957

You can't even say it's a "persecute the Christians" thing when the guy who plays Babidi in DBZ is a hardcore Christian, and he still gets roles at Funi.

>> No.10099959

>Vic might actually be an asshole
who cares
people are calling him a sexual predator/abuser
Funimation dropped him and so did RT
does being a rude and obnoxious to con staff really merit being blacklisted from an industry?
Monica said he "abused" her, yet she doesn't explain what she means by that, did he rape her? lie to her? or more hugging without consent?

he admitted that he didn't always ask if every fan wanted a hug and kiss on the cheek, hes apologized and said he wont do it to anyone.
unless there's evidence that hes fucking kids hes really not the danger to society everyone is trying to paint him as.

>> No.10099960

>who cares
Companies usually don't like working with assholes, anon. Same reason Funi dropped Stephanie Nadolny for Kai. Because she was a drunk asshole that few of the producers at Funi liked and was kicked out as soon as those producers left the company.

>> No.10099961

but hes not being dropped for being an asshole
if hes such an asshole to the point that they dont want to work with him then why was he getting so much work for so long.
They are talking about him like hes Harvey Weinstein its ridiculous.

i mostly watch subs so i dont give a shit about western VAs,

>> No.10099962

>if hes such an asshole to the point that they dont want to work with him then why was he getting so much work for so long.
Because he played Edward Elric, Tamaki, and Broly. People would notice and ask questions if any of these characters were recast.

>> No.10099964

You can’t fire someone for slander against them, so until the companies say WHY they let him go, and say that it was because he’s an asshole and not because they baleeb awl wimmin, I will continue to think they are weak scumbags.
No YOU come on. Posting “i stand with survivors” bullshit? This isn’t about him being an asshole upfront. It totally is there behind the metoo veil, but these coworkers are using that sexual harassment and pedophilia slander to get rid of him. Just wrong.

>> No.10099965
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>it's still illegal to touch a minor in a sexual way

>> No.10099966
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thats a good point
seems like most of the VAs might have some sort of personal grudge maybe thats why they dont want to defend him

Neil Kaplan got "exposed" after posting tweet after tweet shit talkin vic and saying we should believe all women.

>> No.10099970

>I will continue to think they are weak scumbags.
Who cares if you think they're weak scumbags? You're clearly going to refuse to believe anything other VAs say about Vic no matter what, so why should anyone try to convince you? Some anon on 4chan?

>> No.10099971

>You can’t fire someone for slander against them
You know he's a freelance actor who just happens to take gigs at Funi, right? He's not getting fired because he doesn't consistently work there in the first place. They're just choosing not to hire him for gigs anymore.

>> No.10099972

I guess you can tell the future and read my mind, huh. Gimme some fucking receipts and I’ll believe it.

>> No.10099973


>> No.10099974

I know that but it’s easier to just say “fired”. It’s basically the same thing. Dont get all semantically retarded here and try to distract from the point

>> No.10099975

Why would I care what you're gonna believe? I don't know you. You're just some random anon. It's not like convincing you is somehow going to blow this whole situation wide open.

>> No.10099977

You cared enough to reply in the first place, didn’t you? On a comment that was a “random anon”s thoughts that didn’t involve you at all? That’s funny.

>> No.10099978

You think anybody who replies to you cares about what you believe? The ego on your head. Almost as big as Vic's.

>> No.10099980


So you liked it until society told you it was wrong
If no one ever told you you had been "violated" you would still look at it as a fond memory

>> No.10099982

Anon said they CAN’T say they feel violated.
Keep telling yourself that

>> No.10099988

>Keep telling yourself that
But it's true. Unless you actually think the word of some anons are worth more than people who've known and worked alongside Vic.

>> No.10100004

if saying something happened is evidence, then i'm saying it didn't happen and that is evidence too. looks like i just shut the whole case down. you're welcome

>> No.10100009

>thinking your word matters as much as those of people who know Vic
That is some weapons grade false equivalency.

>> No.10100013

This made me go catch up on Neil Kaplan's twitter and hoooooo boy, is that juicy. I find it hilarious that it's Neil and D.C. Douglas that went hard and they have stories miles long as well.

>> No.10100034

>Look at my black friend, I can't be racist!!!

>> No.10100094

All these anons defending Vic, while saying they aren't even his fan, aren't doing it in the name of "justice". They're doing it because they're guilty of the same behaviour. Just give it a break already guys and maybe try to learn something from this whole debacle.

>> No.10100102
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2nd post best post. Anyone who says otherwise is a queer.

>> No.10100109

When is the trying to shame people from defending themselves and others meme going to end.

>> No.10100154

The only thing they've said is #believeWamen or "I saw him be mean to someone one time"

Ya, that's so damning.....

>> No.10100161

Defending yourself against accusations now means you're part of the Evil Patriarchy.

>> No.10100189

Friend sounds like a dumb whore.

>> No.10100195

Momo is worse than Vic.

>> No.10100223

I hate agreeing with incels but womens rights were a huge mistake

>oh no i felt a bit awkward around him, better call him a rapist!!1

Keep going and your whole metoo movement is going to be as valid as the boy thst cried wolf

>> No.10100241

>an incel agreeing with other incels
imagine my surprise

>> No.10100245

>Be approaching 30yrs old
>Remember all the allegations and accusations about Vic from back in the day.
>He finally gets got due to the current political climate and people being fed up with shit.
>See retards coming out the woodwork to defend him.

I imagine this is what it feels like to be a WW2 vet and see your granchildren in the news doing Nazi salutes at a Alt-right rally.

>> No.10100249

The guy is nearly 60 wtf are you talking about

>> No.10100251

Godwin's Law showing up much earlier than I expected.

>> No.10100275

It's funny because most of them didn't give two shits about fujo bait voice actor Vic before all of this and now they suddenly care? lmao
All these bitches are fake and wanna be victims too

>> No.10100280
File: 416 KB, 862x1177, they arent even politcal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost all of the complaints are "years ago he hugged me without consent" with a few saying "he kissed me on the cheek without consent".

the rest of the complaints are from tumblr or tweets compiled in a google doc-
-he was rude to con volunteers.
-would go over panel time at cons.
-anti-semitic because once he referred to the loud room next to his as a "holocaust" keep in mind that "a holocaust" is a term that does not always refer to "the holocaust".
-told a VA that he wanted to be a couple only to fuck her and never call her back.
-called a cosplayer that hated him a "con slut" for getting drunk and banging his friend (she claims rape, friend claims she wanted to be fuck buddies after)
-homophobic because he wouldn't sign yaoi fanart.
-homophobic because hes an annoying christian (there's a vid of him confronting anti-gay protesters).
-once he asked everyone in a room to pray.

original complaints can be traced back to an old Tumblr page dedicated to hating vic, all anonymous and started during the time he refused to sign yaoi.
the oldest complaints on 4chan are-
-dick to con staff
-people felt uncomfortable watching him hug and kiss fans while they made weird fangirl noises.

the whole thing is retarded
every other VA is saying "believe victims" but are not directly addressing vic
vics discord is private with only fanclub having access, leak shows he is talking to a lawyer to see his options.
right wingers on youtube have come to vics defense because they see him as a victim of a #MeToo witch hunt.
Anime News Network editor alluded in a tweet that vic might have fucked underage girls in a fan meeting in his hotel room. (offered no evidence and has no witnesses)
the ANN editor also got angry youtubers called his work shit and tweeted at youtube that the channels are run by Nazis. (he deleted the tweet after)
rival hashtags on twitter #kickvic, #standwithvic, #istandwithvic
theres more cancer aids from twitter if you want to hear about it.

>> No.10100284
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>someone with the last name Toole is an actual tool

>> No.10100310

Well yeah. Anime,video games , and the majority of geek culture is covered with autism, aspergers, depression, mental disorders, and suicidal tendencies.

>> No.10100312

And you embody all of those.

>> No.10100323

Don’t forget ANN using a girls pic of her getting kissed on the cheek as non consensual when it was consensual and was in fact during a fan club meetup organized by said girl, and the girl tried to contact ANN to explain all this but they haven’t responded.

>> No.10100332

This is what actual pedophiles say. I'm not even joking, this is one of many pedo talking points when they shit up threads on other boards.
Unironically kys. Vic may not be a rapist ("may" is the key word here), but he is known as a creep. Tired of you freaks gaslighting people and taking up for each other. Stay away from kids.

>> No.10100334

The "NO EVIDENCE" wailers give me a headache. This isn't a court of law. He has not been jailed or sent to a gulag. A creepy guy is finally being dropped from some projects and losing the status he never should've had, because companies don't want his bullshittery following them.

No one cared before, but the #MeToo thing has made it so caping for creeps is actually a bad look. Deal with it. If you're not rubbing your greasy hands on young girls, kissing them randomly and doing other things without consent, I promise you won't be blacklisted. If you just can't help yourself, however, you will be taught through social repercussions. This is how it always should've been.

>> No.10100337

I think he's guilty of being creepy but not guilty of any crimes. I do however hope that just because Christopher Sabat and Neil Kaplan are against Vic doesn't make them immune to this too. It seems since the Vic controversy came to a head there's been some shit about Sabat and Kaplan coming to light.

>> No.10100338

Without proof it’s ALL bunk.

>> No.10100341

See >>10100334 and >>10099515. We're not in court and he isn't going to jail. He's rightfully being cut out of things because he's a creep who will dirty establishment's names.
Tell your Uncle Vic to keep his hands off people. He wouldn't listen for the past 30 years, but maybe your "logical" selves can convince him!

>> No.10100347


>> No.10100356
File: 160 KB, 866x583, oh noooos alt right nazis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rubbing your greasy hands on young girls, kissing them randomly and doing other things without consent
but the majority of the girls gave consent even most of the complaints about it are from people who saw him do this to other girls WITH consent.

>dirty establishment's names
do you even watch anime?

>> No.10100361
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>> No.10100366

You’re retarded. There’s video evidence of Joe Biden being a creep. All we have to go on on Vic is hearsay on the internet from cosplayers and VAs who hate him. Wow.
>you disagree so you must love Vic!
Nice maturity

>> No.10100370

>the majority of the girls
Source? Figures? Facts? Even if many girls did not care or were not non-consensually touched, many others did and have been talking about it since 2008. He is known for this, even co-workers and con people complain about him, not just for being touchy-feely, but for being an asshole.

This same guy:
8:50, 29:10
>To the 5 year old:
>"Hey what're you doing after the show?"
>To the teenage girl:
>"You're not a (something) slave girl are you?"
>Her: No
>"Would you like to be?"
But some people are determined to die on this "poor innocent Vic ;_;" hill. Pathetic.

>do you even watch anime?
Anime is fiction. Real life has different rules. If you learnt all your social cues from anime, I can understand why you think certain behaviors are okay, but you need to grow out of that cringy, handsy otaku phase. It should've stopped at like 12, really. Vic has even less of an excuse, this man is nearly 60 and still refused to stop. It's time to live in reality.

>> No.10100373

>no video evidence
You clearly haven't been looking very hard, which means you don't know shit about shit, and only came to bitch and defend someone you know nothing about because
>m-m-muh feminazis

>> No.10100377

Who said ANYTHING about feminazis, you walnut
Those jokes are sick especially the Wonder 5 Year Old but jokes aren’t proof of guilt.

>> No.10100382

It and all the complaints from literal decades ago is proof he is a creep. He isn't going to jail, but people are finally sick of his shit and don't want to work with him anymore. He is owed nothing, and this is fair, considering his track record. That's that.

>> No.10100391

Ok but you can’t slander a guy with pedo and sexual harassment claims like some of these accusers are doing without proof. Creep is one thing, dangerous is another.

>> No.10100396

Who else but a pedophile even thinks to ask a 5 year old in a Wonder Woman cosplay "Hey what're you doing after the show"?

>> No.10100401

>Source? Figures? Facts?
before all this happened there where plenty of youtube vids by fangirls asking for a hug n kiss (buried by algorithm because of news vids by youtubers)
check the google doc for complaints
some of the links are now dead or the twitter account has protected the tweets
if you actually read through most of the tweets and tumblr posts its pretty dumb with a lot of "i heard" or "people have been talking about"
there are a few 1st hand posts with a kiss on the cheek

>many others did and have been talking about it since 2008
Source? Figures? Facts?

>even co-workers and con people complain about him
that just means hes an asshole to coworkers not a danger to society.

>some people are determined to die on this "poor innocent Vic
an intentionally cringey joke and being handsy does not make someone a danger to underage con attendees or homophobic

>> No.10100412

No action done, no pictures owned, no conviction.

>> No.10100413 [DELETED] 

>before all this happened there where plenty of youtube vids by fangirls asking for a hug n kiss (buried by algorithm because of news vids by youtubers)
How do they actually dwarf the amount of girls who had uncomfortable experiences?
>if you actually read through most of the tweets and tumblr posts its pretty dumb with a lot of "i heard" or "people have been talking about" there are a few 1st hand posts with a kiss on the cheek
Before making this claim, please compile evidence that it really is more hearsay than actual accounts.
if you actually read through most of the tweets and tumblr posts its pretty dumb with a lot of "i heard" or "people have been talking about"
there are a few 1st hand posts with a kiss on the cheek
>Source? Figures? Facts?
Read the allegations. They're everywhere, and they've existed for years. If you don't, or haven't already, you are willfully blind and already know you're in the wrong.
>that just means hes an asshole to coworkers not a danger to society.
Who called him a "danger to society"? He's a creep and an asshole. It's fair that corporations and individuals refuse to work with him. Nobody owes him anything.
>an intentionally cringey joke and being handsy does not make someone a danger to underage con attendees or homophobic
Explain how you know it's "intentionally cringey", and not just, you know, a known creep being himself and thinking it'll fly, since all his other actions were forgiven up til that point? And being a grown man who's handsy to underage people to the point where they complain does, in fact, make you a risk. Sorry.

>> No.10100416

Most pedophiles are non-offending. That doesn't mean we need to employ them or let kids be around them.
>no conviction
Again, this isn't court, this is just life. He hasn't been arrested or imprisoned. This person is a creep, we all know it, and you're also a creep if you act like him. Cope.

>> No.10100420

>before all this happened there where plenty of youtube vids by fangirls asking for a hug n kiss (buried by algorithm because of news vids by youtubers)
How do they actually dwarf the amount of girls who had uncomfortable experiences?
>if you actually read through most of the tweets and tumblr posts its pretty dumb with a lot of "i heard" or "people have been talking about" there are a few 1st hand posts with a kiss on the cheek
Before making this claim, please compile evidence that it really is more hearsay than actual accounts.
>Source? Figures? Facts?
Read the allegations. They're everywhere, and they've existed for years. If you don't, or haven't already, you are willfully blind and already know you're in the wrong.
>that just means hes an asshole to coworkers not a danger to society.
Who called him a "danger to society"? He's a creep and an asshole. It's fair that corporations and individuals refuse to work with him. Nobody owes him anything.
>an intentionally cringey joke and being handsy does not make someone a danger to underage con attendees or homophobic
Explain how you know it's "intentionally cringey", and not just, you know, a known creep being himself and thinking it'll fly, since all his other actions were forgiven up til that point? And being a grown man who's handsy to underage people to the point where they complain does, in fact, make you a risk. Sorry.

>> No.10100429

>people felt uncomfortable watching him hug and kiss fans while they made weird fangirl noises.

This shit riiiggghhhttt here. There is a metric FUCKTON of conflation going on.
>Vic kisses a fan-girl on the cheek
>most likely only because they seem to like it
>making fans squeal at cons is literally part of the nigga's business
>other people see it
>but she's underage! Oh no!
>this can't possibly be an innocent, friendly gesture!
>Vic must be a pedo!
>and I bet he tries to fuck them too!

This is happening because of pedo paranoia and moral hysteria. If you're a grown man and you fucking BREATH too hard in a young girl's direction, why, you MUST be a pedo!
Fuck this society and culture.

>> No.10100434
File: 324 KB, 978x564, not his fault.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the amount of girls
gotta number for that?
>They're everywhere, and they've existed for years.
i even looked through 4chan archives its the same old "i saw" or "heard" kind of stuff filled with petty bullshit, 1st hand accounts are few and far between and most of them are "he hugged me" or was rude.
>Who called him a "danger to society"
weirdos on twitter with a hate boner for him
>He's a creep and an asshole.
nobody disputes this, whats being debated is the punishment for such a thing and how severe was his behavior.
>to the point where they complain
in all the 1st hand accounts nobody complained to him so how was he supposed to know he was making them uncomfortable.

>> No.10100442

Believe me I’m all about the free market and employers being able to hire whoever they want but “pedophile” is America’s biggest trigger word and really shouldn’t be thrown around at people where the worst things on their records are very tasteless jokes and kisses on the cheek. Latent crimes are only a thing in PsychoPass
This. Unless you’re a drag queen taking nude photos with a drag queen child. Then it’s ok.

>> No.10100445

>Latent crimes are only a thing in PsychoPass
Again, this isn't jail. This is "We've seen the things you do, and heard accounts of your behavior, and we don't want you on our team. So long". His life has not been ruined, and he's no victim.

>> No.10100451

Holy shit enough with the jail talk. Are you blind to how these accusations affect people’s lives? people still think justice Kavanaugh is a rapist.

>> No.10100452

Have you been to any communist parties?

>> No.10100458

>Are you blind to how these accusations affect people’s lives?
How has his life been affected? Who tried to kill him? All I see is crying that he dindu nuffin and people should work with him by force until we see him rape someone with our own eyes. He doesn't deserve shit, they can drop who they want to and think what they want.

>it's the dang communists

>> No.10100467
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>> No.10100480

You're right, anon! I mean, it's not like his livelihood is being slowly taken away from him piece by piece, and his reputation dragged through the mud so that he'll probably never work in his chosen field again. Nothing like that is going on at all!

...oh, wait.

>> No.10100491

Voice work is a side gig for him. He makes more off of con appearance and selling his fanclub merch, he'll be fine.
Though unfortunately he doesn't seem to be the fiscally conservative type or know how to save. His mom probably helps him pays his bills and taxes.

>> No.10100497

>he makes off of con appearances
Uhhhh yeah, that's one of the pieces I was referring to. He can't make money at a con if he can't go to a con. There's only one con left this year (as far as I'm aware) that still has him on the guest list.
And if the vast majority of cons out there just straight-up ban him going forward, then he's fucked.

>> No.10100505

It's not too late for him to fall back to previous jobs or learn something new. Retail work isn't below him.

>> No.10100520

This is why women pedophiles never get punished. Because men like you are fucking creeps

>> No.10100522

It's about time he humbled his head to get it out of his ass. He deserves all this hatred

>> No.10100527

Thank god they're not.
Who wants strangers hugging and kissing them? JFC, how hard is it to keep your hands to yourself?

>> No.10100554

I get it's probably at least partially down to the whole #MeToo thing, but why's it taken so long for there to be any substantial outcry about ol m8 Vic's antics? I remember reading people complaining about him being a skeeze on the old anime forum I used to post on back around 2007 or so. I would've thought he'd have stopped getting con gigs years ago if it's been that much of an open secret for so long; especially coupled with the fact that people on the organizational side have said for years that he's an absolute nightmare to work with.

>> No.10100564

This. The only people who want strangers to hug and kiss them are the people who think getting catcalled is a compliment.

>> No.10100572

Pointing out again that several smaller cons for years would not host Vic because they cared more about their staff's sanity and attendees than money. It's not new its just wide spread now.

>> No.10100594

Funimation is pretty corrupt

>> No.10100614

I don’t want to be hugged and kissed by strangers because I’m not a touchy person but catcalling is absolutely a compliment whether the person likes it or not.

>> No.10100627

What's your evidence of their corruption? Innocent until proven guilty. Kek.

>> No.10100661

So supposedly something was photoshopped (didn't see the video but am gathering from the comments online) and that now debunks the entirety of what the allegations against Vic are and people are trying to die on that hill?

Where the shit have these losers been all this time trying to defend Vic from before? Who the actual fuck gets off on discounting nearly two decades of people calling him a piece of shit and has the balls to say "Nah nothing you said about him is real that shit's fake"?

I don't get it.

What do the growing numbers of people gain from having to say NOTHING is legitimate against him? Fuck sake I don't want some of this to be true either but I also have my own accounts: used to staff several conventions for years on end and some friends of mine still do. Their opinions changed entirely about him after several visits to cons by him, so am I supposed to suddenly call my own friends liars and slanderers too?

>> No.10100665

It's not really anything to do with Vic specifically more as it's primarily coming from reactionaries who see it as part of some systematic plot against the anime industry. I get the impression most people complaining about it don't have a background in con scenes or have any history on anime/videogame forums during the '00s.

>> No.10100666

You retards can’t read. You’re the ones who don’t get it. NO ONE denies he’s an asshole. MOST people believe he’s a creep. But the thing is “pedophile” and “molester” are STRONG terms with life-altering consequences, so until someone is a confirmed pedophile or molester with evidence, not girls saying they felt uncomfortable with him, it’s not fair or justifiable to slander him as those.

>> No.10100667

Where is the proof that a pro-Vic didn't doctor a picture so that it could be found out to be doctored so they could discredit others.

Oh hey look, we can make up conspiracy theories too. Neato

>> No.10100669

No one is really doubting that he's an asshole who has never done anything inappropriate
but with what's been presented so far, it's an exaggeration to call him a child molester or a rapist

>> No.10100673

It was one single troll who made a fake account, and tried to have criticisms of Vic discredited by telling people to edit photos of him.

Pity they’ve all jumped on it as an excuse to disregard all the other shitty stuff too.

>> No.10100674

So if other people in the VA community knew Vic was doing this sort of thing, as many now claim to have, why did they still work with him?

Why did they still appear on panels with him?

Even if Vic is found to be guilty, why do they get a free pass for not speaking up until it was socially convenient to do so? Unless they have something against him and are using this as an opportunity to exile him from the industry.

>> No.10100676

Holy shit I was joking wtf

>> No.10100677

he's been creepy since 2004, so I am like "God damn normies"

>> No.10100678

Low-level and new ones don’t speak up since they know they’ll be blacklisted if they do. Veterans like Sean Schemmel who are now claiming they’ve known for years though have no excuse.

>> No.10100683

They do have something to gain. Not having to be around Vic anymore. Before it wasn't a united front and his fan club would steam roll any one person the tried to speak up alone. They are trying to do it now but there are just too many and too much support to make it stop.

>> No.10100688

Let me put it this way.. Imagine the ugliest, fattest, hambeast of a woman saying "hey bro, want to hit that," times a hundred every day. Would you want that?

>> No.10100689

I was in the miilitary anon. In small industries and circles people will shut the fuck up because they want their bills to be paid, and doubly so when someone with seniority like Vic is doing shit. How do you think senor officers, fuck Bill Clinton got away with this shit.

>> No.10100694

Because most of it is simply "he was creepy" not anything that really crossed a line big time and a lot of it can't be proven anyway.

>> No.10100698

100% this. you talk about them with people you trust behind closed doors. you ignore it because you don't want to rock the boat and know that staying in your lane is the smarter thing to do. cowardice? self-preservation? take your pick. now that there are so many others talking about it at the same time it's easier to talk publicly about it.

>> No.10100701

So only big stuff matters? And you get to be the person to decide the line of what's big enough and what isn't. Do you own all Cons and anime licensing in America? If not you don't get to decide.

Small creepy uncle behavior makes you look back years later and suddenly you feel slimy. Dozens soon dozens of those start to add up to be a big creepy uncle vibe. That's not a good image to stick with for a company.

>> No.10100704

I wouldn't want that even if it was a chad.

>> No.10100712
File: 149 KB, 762x322, flater than day old soda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hes guilty of hugging and kissing on the cheek everything else is all overblown
dubfags on /a/ hate him for his voice.
the landwhales here on /cgl/ hate him because hes a chad.
/co/ leans towards hating him because of Rwby.
Fujoshi on tumblr have been after him for over 10 years because he said two hetero characters are not gay.

this is why god ignores us.

>> No.10100715

More like once a week, you nutter

>> No.10100727
File: 32 KB, 240x240, 037D2B5F-845A-4675-BFB9-263CCC7957FA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a chad

>> No.10100729

chick tried to cock block him, so he had sex with her friend in the chicks hotel bed >>10099673

>> No.10100732 [DELETED] 

Only in his uncanny valley shoops. He's a crusty old bag. Which makes the touching people even more gag-worthy.

>> No.10100736
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>Calling Vic a chad

I see the incels are getting really desperate
At this point you might as well suck his dick while you're at it

>> No.10100738

desu I don't give a shit if any of the sexual stuff about vic is true.
the man has been a plague to conventions and the voice acting industry for far too long. whatever gets him "#cancelled" is fine by me.

>> No.10100774

The only thing I've learned from this is getting involved with women gets you fucked up. I've been telling my male friends to stop being so compelled to get a girlfriend over and over again because so many women act like it's a fad to be a victim. blBut no matter how many times this happens men foolishly keep getting involved with you all like moths to a flame.

>> No.10100776

I mean, lots of VAs already hated the dude and his reputation among many cons was already in the shitter. The bill is just finally coming due.

It's been mentioned many times in these threads: these stories have been going around for over ten years. It is a reputation he has cultivated himself.

>> No.10100777
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>> No.10100779

Yes please just call it bait instead of having a sensible reply, that destroys my entire post right?

>> No.10100781

I mean when you make posts like that they destroy themselves.

>> No.10100785

Does anyone have the screenshot of a former employee that left a review on the workplace from a few years ago? I can't confirm if it was real or not, but it was scathing, talked about how anyone with a big name was prioritized and lower level employees were treated like trash. Even if that account was fake, if you've ever been to a voice acting industry panel, you'd hear about how they just recycle their most famous actors ad infinitum no matter what, and Vic is one of their posterboys.

Semi related, I went to Vic's panel at A-kon 2017 and it was an experience. A teenage girl asked him to do a racy line from Ouran ("Why don't you drink it from my mouth?") and he performed very intimately towards her (up close and in her ear), then went off for the next hour about how cyberbullying was bad and that he's not a pedophile, then he told a story about how he killed a shark when he was a kid. Regardless of if the allegations are true or not, the guy is definitely weird as fuck and uncomfortable to be around irl.

>> No.10100793

>wahhh anon is not falling for my bait

>> No.10100799


What a fucking creeper, people literally just defend him because he voice acts anime characters and made a video of himself crying and want a reason to hate on women and 'DA ESS JAY DOUBLE UUUSSSS'

>> No.10100801


I've read so many Con worker stories and con goer stories that he creeped on girls and was a diva. (I mean the guy was in theater for a while, I'm not surprised) and this was 10+ years ago when FMA was a big hit.

I was a big fan until I started hearing about these stories, well before this big "reveal". Let's be honest, what underage weeb girl wouldn't feel honored to cash that v-card on THE EDWARD ELRIC??? Even if they were only 14 or a similar age and only to realize how fucked up it was for him to bag on it when they were older.

Yeah, it's not surprising that this is coming out now nor am I surprised at people willing to discredit the years of complaints about his conduct. The acting industry is shady as fuck, with people in power baring positions taking advantage of what they can.

I don't really care that he is a diva, he knows he is popular and can get away with his eccentric behavior...but you can't with a straight face say that this acceptable.

>> No.10100802

This. Child groomers are well aware that they can use their popularity as an actor, singer, etc to fuck /kiss teenage girls.

>> No.10100808


Pretty much this. Vic has a huge ego (like all actors) and is a jerk. He's a drama queen and hard to deal with. That's why there's so much push back. His career is over and it's mostly due to concerns involving safety as if he's a convicted sexual predator and/or offender.

>> No.10100809

You really have no idea what goes through the minds of sexual assault victims huh

You’re the reason people wait years to come out about their assaults

>> No.10100813

Think whatever you like, but you're still a danger as any man would be.

>> No.10100814
File: 2.96 MB, 1320x3376, welp hes fucked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vic is over party starts now
you can excuse dumb cringe behavior with fans and even being a dick to staff but this post is straight lawsuit material.

>> No.10100817


People are 'defending' Vic because the idea the guy can be crucified as a pedo molester like this is offputting to a lot of people, probably mostly men desu.

If people were excommunicating him for being a general asshole then sure, w\e, but twitter spam? ehhh

>> No.10100819
File: 433 KB, 350x343, TtFR1zN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god, I can't wait for Vic to go to prison and for his fanboys and girls to cry about how 'HE DINDU NUFFIN' while ignoring every single piece of evidence till they move onto some other shitty shounen voice actor.

>> No.10100826

“Co-worker”? Huh? How old was she btw

>> No.10100827

Mostly men? You know the court of public opinion ruling people’s lives disturbs anyone with a sense of justice and empathy, right?

>> No.10100831

Swear to fuck, people that are still trying to defend Vic after so many in the VA community came out against him are either legitimately retarded children or trolls. Fucking trash people.

>> No.10100832

Age doesn't matter when it's assault. Or are you saying you think it is ok to do this as long as it's not to kids?

>> No.10100833

Assault on adults isnt as bad as assault on minors, nowhere did anyone imply it wasn’t bad at all

>> No.10100834

i dunno but according to wikipedia shes 41 now

all the rumors where over dramatic
but if you mess with coworkers then you getting fired is your own damn fault.
i feel better about him getting fired now
before it was a hate mob about dumbshit that was loosely tied to his job putting pressure and making him a financial liability.
now its the fact that he brought it to the workplace himself that made him a financial liability.


>> No.10100835

This, I still don’t believe the lol pedo shit but if this is true and it’s in the workplace then bye dude.

>> No.10100840

>Companies usually don't like working with assholes, anon.

this is ostensibly not true. At best, companies are indifferent to working with assholes.

Its like Neil Gaiman said, Punctual with Deadlines, Quality Work, Pleasant to Deal with.... If you're 2 out of three, you'll usually keep getting work.


I've seen Kaplan stuff floating, but what is on Sabat?

>> No.10100844

its all about how much money that A-hole can bring in.
is he worth the cost/reward

>> No.10100852

I think they're underage and haven't heard nearly a decade of this shit.

>> No.10100858
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>> No.10100860

>being this entitled
Play stupid games (like being a douchebag who touches people without consent for years), win stupid prizes.
I think McDonald's and Wal-Mart are still hiring. Hell, let him become a preacher, since he loved shilling Christianity. Just hope parents have sense to keep him away from kids.

>> No.10100865

What “proof” will I see if I take the blindfold off? There’s evidence, not proof.

>> No.10100867

>My roommate is still alive, so I can't be a serial killer!

>> No.10100884
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>> No.10100888

>implying 100% of women get sexually harassed

>> No.10100894
File: 471 KB, 405x608, 1456113073225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sift through /co/ thread and this
>mfw can't make any sense of the chimping out and shit flinging
>people acting like he's going to get the electric chair
>every "discussion" is a buzzword screaming match
OK, so everyone knows he's a creep. He's smooched on and hugged teen girls- we know this to be true. And he brings a bad reputation for all the obnoxious things he's done. Yes- that certainly warrants blacklisting from cons (Except from Ryan Kompf I guess) and the industry.

What's all this prison talk now? Because without proof he isn't going to any kind of jail unless his lawyer is that bad.

>> No.10100896

>What's all this prison talk now
thats being brought up by retards who come from youtube.
all the culture war whores are talking about it and saying "if hes guilty then they should go to the police!"
the problem is some female VAs are being vague with terms like "abuse" and idiots on twitter are saying things like "sexual assault"
thats where the jail talk is coming from.

>> No.10100897

The only "abuse" with Vic is abusing his roles for attention to his religious ranting and doing what he wants at cons. Like hogging a panel room long past its intended duration.

>> No.10100898

did you make this? if so I love you

>> No.10100900
File: 413 KB, 750x1075, 4D3BFAB1-5FB7-4D95-BCBD-8612DC190AC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the woman responsible for the infamous patriarchy line and gamergate jab in Dragon Maid and Prison School, respectively
Who knew people who worked in entertainment and foreign cartoon entertainment at that would be immature divas and dramawhores (Vic included in that)?

>> No.10100901

What ANN did was literally libel, though

>> No.10100904

>mfw can't make any sense of the chimping out and shit flinging
/co/'s one of those shitty boards that always thinks in extremes. One extra black character in a comic is SJW propaganda. Some shitty looking cartoon nobody watches is a sign that western animation is devoured by CalArts. And people wanting Vic to stop being a creep immediately translates to all of the dub industry wanting to hang him.
Shoving a gamergate line in Prison School was retarded, yeah. But still getting mad at that years after the fact is pretty immature itself. I'm pretty sure they even cut it out in the blu-ray dub anyway.

>> No.10100906

>Literal Free! square
I love you anon

>> No.10100913

I mean a girl told her friend up avoid vic. Vic not only convinced the friend to have sex with him but did it on the girls bed. That's chad as fuck lol

>> No.10100917

No one’s mad

>> No.10100918

Not really, unless you quantify anything sleazy as “chad”.

>> No.10100919

Good news, public figures can't sue for defamation unless malicious intent can be proven.

>> No.10100920

nope i proved you wrong because i said none of it happened and saying something makes it a fact. you can't disagree with me because you believe that saying something means it is true. i win and there's nothing you can say to argue against that because it is your belief that i am right because i said i am. i win.

>> No.10100922
File: 46 KB, 652x815, 66d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently consenting adults having sex is sleazing

>> No.10100924

"I was 14, totally old enough to consent."

>> No.10100925

Literally who and what?

>> No.10100927

If that's the reason why you stay away from shitty english dubs then you should slit your throat.

>> No.10100931

I was responding to the commenter that described a specific situation as him being chad-like. It wasn’t just “two adults had sex” that was being called chad.

>> No.10100932

You need to be 18 to post on 4chan, kid.

>> No.10100933
File: 1.20 MB, 298x300, 1549498237004.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you're being dishonest. We were talking about this >>10099673 with the consenting adults

>> No.10100934

This. Unless that anon thinks all seiyu are squeaky clean. Like when those two seiyu bullied and made fun of that one guy auditioning for Kokoro Complex.

>> No.10100935

>Kokoro Connect

>> No.10100938

>No one's mad
Vic is literally telling his fans to chill out.

>> No.10100943

You guys are crucifying him for being christian. I'm not even religious and it's obvious. There's no evidence of any misconduct and no one is willing to bring charges. Says all i need to know.

>> No.10100944

Thanks for the chuckle, anon.

>> No.10100956

Why are you so entitled?

>> No.10100957

I mean, I guess if you think his religion is a driving factor in his abuse of power?

>> No.10100959

One time I accidently touched side boob of a chick when she wanted to get a photo with me, I caught myself half way through and kind of pulled away awkwardly. I didn't mean to and felt pretty bad about it, it was never my intention.

>> No.10100961
File: 49 KB, 680x631, 13151438_175930966138816_649259204901504450_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are people right now saying that every single VA is supposedly lying, and are getting likes/whatever reacts on Facebook threads that Funimation posts in...and it's infuriating.

I legitimately don't know what these people are seeing: conveniently you want me to believe Monica Rial and every single person, industry and otherwise, is just lying about what's been happening?

Fuck the fuck off. I fucking hate this #istandwithVic movement.

>> No.10100963

It's one thing to not believe random guys on the internet about Vic, but these are fellow actors who have known Vic for over a decade. These people actually think Chris Sabat, Monica Rial, and all these other VAs just up and decided to fuck with Vic Mignogna for no reason? If you really think all these guys are in on some huge conspiracy to kick Vic out of the industry just because, you have mental problems.

>> No.10100964

i was able to prove you wrong with your own logic so you are resorting to insults that are not relevant to the conversation. in the situation you have created, you are the kid

>> No.10100970

Have you actually stayed this mad at a post for an entire day? That's rich. Also
>with your own logic
Kek. The guy who thinks anonymous accusations and stories from long-time co-workers means the same thing thinks he knows logic.

>> No.10100971

I assume this is you:

Accusing people who disagree with you of having mental problems isn't going to lead to civil discourse.

>> No.10100973

I'm not >>10100964.

>> No.10100977
File: 35 KB, 700x509, wheredoyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>civil discourse.

>> No.10100980

im not mad lol and now its a fact because i said it. you are mad though because you are insulting me when i never insulted you. i win
no thats not me

>> No.10100983

>i win
Yeah, I'm sure that win is definitely going to quash this whole Vic Mignogna controversy.

>> No.10100984

uh, i just disproved it with facts... soo obviously. you're welcome

>> No.10100985
File: 38 KB, 512x341, sdut-final-score-on-jeopardy-computer-1-humans-0-2011feb16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im not mad lol
What are things people say when they're mad?

>> No.10100987

all you're doing is trying to deflect from the fact that i proved you wrong and i win

>> No.10100988
File: 647 KB, 678x618, danger, giving a you like this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i proved you wrong
Who are you even talking to because I'm not that anon.

>> No.10100989

I don't care. If you are going to go around personally insulting people just because their opinion differs don't expect a ton of support.

If you believe somebody did something illegal, take it to the police, not to Facebook. I do believe there is a chance these allegations are real, but the way they were brought to the public doesn't help the accusers credibility.

>> No.10100990

a general "you" to the people i have proven wrong. that includes you specifically

>> No.10100991

>don't expect a ton of support.
...you know this is 4chan, right? You're mentally ill if you're expecting basic chivalry here. I didn't even say anything about facebook either.

>> No.10100992

If this is what the #istandwithvic crowd looks like, no wonder there hasn't been a VA supporting Vic yet.

>> No.10100997

you're just mad that i proved you wrong

>> No.10101004

>i proved you wrong
I'm not that anon either, you retard. This Vic shit scrambled your brain.

>> No.10101007

i already explained that it is a general "you". clearly you are mad because you are insulting me for no reason and you are skimming through posts so quickly before replying to them that you don't grasp all of the information held in said posts. in the situation you have just created, that would make you the "retard" as you put it. i win

>> No.10101008
File: 339 KB, 960x830, 5qjw03Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody else think that's sexual allegations should be handled by police and not a community?

>> No.10101010

well now that i've proven all of you accusers wrong with factual evidence and the only thing you're all doing is angrily posting baseless insults (as usual lol) i am done posting. go ahead and reply and keep raging because i won't see it. i win

>> No.10101011

It took 15 years after police intervention for R Kelly to face repercussions for peeing on a girl, and that was all because of a documentary. Police don't work as well as you think they do.

>> No.10101013

Take your medication, Vic.

>> No.10101019

Sexual harassment and sexual assault are not the same.
Definitions of what constitutes sexual assault vary widely state to state.
Sexual harassment is a civil and not criminal offense. I'm not sure why you expect dozens of minors at anime conventions and unmoneyed independent contractors to bear the burden of civil suits for something that convention organizers should have put their foot down on a decade ago.

>> No.10101021

Like in a world where con organizers weren't scuttling around licking Funimation's boots Vic would have been disinvited YEARS ago. Cons don't want to work with him, the majority of attendees object to their badge money being put forth to invite him back, presumably directors don't like working with him either. You can be detestable and not a criminal. Going to cons and working as an independent contractor at one particular gig are not human rights.

>> No.10101023

Well they won't spread for Pepsi.

>> No.10101048

>mom was literally right next to them
>anon is too retarded to read

>> No.10101069

>implying women know anything about justice or empathy

>> No.10101071

It's egregious at best, but i find it fascinating that Vic is "innocent until proven guilty" when the court of public opinion is not a court of law. He's basically an independent contractor and companies can drop him like a bad habit. Hell i wouldn't be a bit surprised if some are just using this as a chance to drop him because even if he's innocent he's still a grade-A douche. When it's one persons word against another things never happen. If he was as serious as he claims about his innocence he would have called for an investigation. Not like it matters when a simple "Yeah i didn't do it senpai" seems to suffice for the pity party that is his Discord.

>> No.10101109

You must be over 18 to use 4chan, and your teacher would be sad if you can't even remember to capitalize properly.

>> No.10101116

This truly amazing, we have actual full blow rapist running around the world raping little boys and girls, but people decide to focus on hunting down and destroying a man who is somewhat an asshole and likes to hug and kiss people a little too much. The world has it's priorities all messed up.

>> No.10101142
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>> No.10101143

Who the fuck is hunting? We're setting a boundary as the community of people-who-attend-conventions, if we're not going to tolerate creeps circulating among our events anymore we're certainly not going to tolerate known child rapists either.

>> No.10101144

Ouran is almost 13 years old, he's not doing jack shit for that series anymore.

>> No.10101171

People are hunting. All this mess about "oh now that I think about the time I meet him, what he did was actually not okay and now I'm outraged" years later is ridiculous. If people were really bothered by his actions then they would have said something immediately. But since this has been going on for apparently years and years he is apparently not all that predatory. It always seems to me people like to pick and choose when they want to be angry by something but let other more worse things slide.

>> No.10101193
File: 64 KB, 960x960, 31964122_1716128201796219_5604321181793517568_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So...Someone in the previous thread was talking about Ryzen Xia, and the posts got deleted. I also notice he's been taken off the Broken Staircase list. Anyone got details?
having just taken a look...
"That zucc site" /meisiansensation/posts/10214303573443731
fucking hell, This one there's proper dirt on, except for the claim of "statute of limitations had passed." Pretty sure there ain't one on fucking a minor, and if there is, it's like 30+yrs.

>fucking spam filter

>> No.10101198

They were stupid teenagers, dude! A lot of adults did fucked up shit to me as a kid and teen that I thought made me ~special~ to them, and that I didn't realize was exploitative until decades later. That's just how it is. Don't you think that anyone who'd travel and wait in line for hours for a chance to meet him would want to believe that him touching them or giving them his number meant they were personally special to him? That's how abuse of power works, you value and trust the person so you rationalize the interaction as meaning something positive (he loves and cares about you!) as opposed to interpreting it objectively (a 50-year-old man kissed your face without asking because he knows no one will stop him even if you don't like it).

>> No.10101199

It depends on where you frequented online. I never heard about this until it blew up.

>> No.10101205

literally this whole thing with Vic started with a bang after the hazunari thing happened - he was apparently some American dude from anitwitter who was a sexual predator

>> No.10101218

I understand what you're saying, and what he did was wrong, but I personally feel it shouldn't have come to this. If it had been addressed sooner then so many people wouldn't have felt they were taken advantage of. Any adult who saw him could have pulled him to the side and warned him about this long ago. Perhaps he would have gotten the message then and there, maybe someone did, I don't know.

>> No.10101224

But the people going are the kids, young teenagers go to anime conventions all the time on their own. Vic used to go to my local con every year and when I was like 14 I begged my parents to buy me a photo op ticket, but being overprotective they googled him and found all the dirt, and wouldn't. This was like, 10 years ago. Parents generally would have no way of knowing though. You can't blame kids for not knowing well enough in an environment where someone like Vic is supposed to be the mature adult.

And if something does happen, what kid is going to go tell their parents and risk not being allowed back in the future? It's not as black and white as "if something happened, it should have been addressed"

>> No.10101231

Hard agree that it should have been addressed years ago and that bystander effect is a massive problem at conventions.
It's a structural problem too, though. People have been reporting problems with guests and having them brushed under the rug because conventions have to protect themselves as corporations, which generally involves avoiding conflict rather than putting in the work of routing it appropriately (zero-tolerance harassment policies applied equally to attendees/staff/guests, making sure contracted venue security knows they need to police behavior as well as access control/loss prevention, connecting attendees to local law enforcement even if stuff is happening at hotels and not AT the con, etc)

>> No.10101232

I meant the event is run by adult and adults monitor the autographing events and keep all other events everything on schedule. If even one of them had stood up to him things might be different now.

>> No.10101233

I can understand that viewpoint as well to a degree. It's almost like the old saying "bad money can still make good hospitals."

>> No.10101246
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that pic doesn't look that bad once you include more
shes pissed at someone for tweeting at monica.

>about what's been happening
people are angry because they don't have details
its hard to jump onboard when monica only describes it as "abuse"
these days lying to sleep with a chick is considered abuse
telling a chick she looks fat can be considered abuse.
its really hard to get behind someone using that word without more details

>> No.10101248

Was literally referring to you implying I was “mad” at the sjw changes that crazy lady made to the anime dubs but ok

>> No.10101255

You shitpost, but if he really is as religious as he claims, he should hold himself to a higher personal standard.

>> No.10101257

thread reached bump limit.
>new thread when?

>> No.10101271

hopefully never

>> No.10101279

maybe in /trash/
theres no new info and youtube and twitter are making it absolute aids to talk about
>muh sexual assault
>muh no police report
they act like the idea that vic fucked up but didn't do anything jail worthy is impossible.

>> No.10101282

Does she seriously have to spell it out? He’s on camera touching/hugging/kissing strangers without checking to see if they are on board before he does so. An earlier story describes him grabbing a coworker’s hair.

>these days lying to sleep with a chick is considered abuse
Actually depending on the lie it can be considered assault or rape. If you’re lying about using protection or your STD status, for instance. Lying to someone about things like your intent to be in a relationship with them (if they would not consent to a one night stand) can be considered a form of sexual assault, not abuse, as abuse is specifically a pattern of behavior, not a one time thing.

>> No.10101312

Hot, no wonder he fucks everyone and you can't stop him.

>> No.10101320

Sorry about your taste.

>> No.10101328
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>He’s on camera touching/hugging/kissing strangers without checking to see if they are on board before he does so.
Not Vic- but this happened when I paid for a photo with the guy who was also a VA. Just pulled me into a hug and I was taken by surprise and pushed him away. He apologized and said it was such a common request, he just did it.

And my dumbass went with it.

Shut ins and teen weebs aren't the brightest on their feet.

>> No.10101332
File: 416 KB, 774x586, chrome_2019-02-09_23-19-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me your taste, gull.

>> No.10101339

Eh sure, if you want to see a bunch of irrelevant people stubbornly argue with each other.

>> No.10101344

>>if you want to see a bunch of irrelevant people stubbornly argue with each other
But isn't that the norm for the Internet?

>> No.10101419

Well, the mom is a moron. Parents make shitty decisions for their kids all the time. What else is new?

Ask the average parent whether they think it's acceptable for a strange man in his 50s to kiss their 14 year old daughter and see what they say.

>> No.10101507

I mean... ask why a parent takes their nine year old to stalk YouTubers houses. I mean, that's okay? Why wouldn't this be?

>> No.10101563

Not busted, middle aged narcissists, that’s for sure.

>> No.10101594

I still don't see what he's done to deserve the extra rage witch Hunt?
He's a diva and a dick so yeah he should be dropped and banned from cons.

Maybe it just hasn't really been detailed in the thread, but all I've seen is:
>He hugs fans
It's a very common request, so I can't really see this as weird unless he's kept doing it after being asked not to
>He kissed some girl on the cheek for a photo
This one is more inappropriate, but it's also not sexual assault. It would maybe fall under harassment.
Did he do this constantly or something without people requesting it for a photo?
>Crazy girl being vague about abuse
It would really be better if she at least said what kind of abuse. Again he's a huge dick, so it could be something like verbal abuse or line another anon said, pump and dump.
Which isn't cool, but it's not sexual assault or rape or molestation.

what I'm getting out of what's been posted.

>> No.10101597

>Did he do this constantly or something without people requesting it for a photo?
yes he admits it and has apologized.

>Crazy girl being vague about abuse
its a coworker, multiple coworkers
she is being vague
but one detailed a story about him coming up and grabbing her hair, pulling her head back and whispering in her ear. (he does this to fans)
doing that at work is a quick way to get canned.
we don't know if hes blacklisted, it all depends on what VAs are saying to funimation behind the scenes, he might end up just having to go through some kind of training.
Floodgates are open now and im betting HR is working overtime

>> No.10101672

This but unironically. Copypastas and anecdotes don't count as evidence. Screenshots of DMs admiting you want to ruin a man's career do though.

>> No.10101676

>Innocent until proven guilty. In a court of law, not by ANN and VAs with an axe to grind. If Monica Rial was indeed molested by Vic, why didn't she go to the police? Why haven't any of Vic's accusers gone to the police? Really makes you wonder.
Don't you underatand? Vic is actually a Weinstien and has control over the police and media. If you leak stuff on him he will end you. He has so much power.

>> No.10101721

They share all the time why they dont go to the police, in depth as possible and people still dont gucking listen

>> No.10101737

Yes, he's consistently hugged and kissed fans (mostly female) without asking for their consent first. There are tons accounts of this on Twitter. People who aren't even fans who went to get his autograph for friends have ended up getting surprise kissed by him. He doesn't ask. It's not always for a photo. It's happened to enough people that it's currently A Problem. You're caught up now.

>> No.10101769

Then those people are retards by allowing a presumed criminal walk free. If they had evidence they would have gone to the police, period. The fact they didn't proves they don't have anything that comes close to evidence.

Vic is an asshole and if he has committed crimes he should go to jail but all I hear is just anecdotes and poor excuses of "B-b-but I cant go to police". Which tells me they have nothing on Vic and this is a witchhunt, plain and simple.

>> No.10101819
File: 49 KB, 640x370, 69B3E8A5-8F75-4114-A597-80C2B9B07E44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“She was asking for it.”

>> No.10101831

Can't stick the Vic!

>> No.10101832

You know that, in general, most victims of sexual harrassment don't go to police, right?

>> No.10101835

If you think teens can legally consent, then you are on a different planet than most of us. It is the adult's legal responsibility to refuse them. I don't know why people side with a man in his 40s-60s instead of with the victims who have nothing to gain except for a few people telling them that they're brave and some crazy Stans sending them death threats.

>> No.10101856
File: 96 KB, 400x313, 1542944776089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know why people side with a man in his 40s-60s instead of with the victims who have nothing to gain
Something something are usually guilty of the same thing. Something something defend each other.

>> No.10101871


harassment ≠ assault ≠ rape

this discussion is completely getting muddled by everyone because they're mixing and conflating words and meanings with a grudge, or actually don't understand the difference in ignorance.

>> No.10101987

It also doesn't help that apparently a few dipshits made stuff up. That's why some are trying to get #IStandWithVic going. Sad shit, really.

>> No.10101992

>that's okay?

>> No.10101995

How do you get a picture of someone touching your butt before you have a chance to say no and then whisking away down a hallway while you're in wtf just happened shock? Please answer that for me.

>> No.10101999

some retards are spreading the lie that Monica stole a role from Vic at RT

fucking morons don't understand genLOCK has been in the works for over a year and Monica played a now dead character in RWBY last year.

>> No.10102095

Vic tonguing high school girls down the ear when he was 26.


Once a predator, always a predator.

>> No.10102114

>Event happened in 1988
>Comments are literally just "Yeah uh where is the proof?"

>> No.10102142

>sophomore HS kid had a crush on him
>that summer went to his house and he wanted to fuck
>she said no, so he kicked her out
>she tells friend who confronts vic and he says "didnt even kiss her" which is true.
creepy, but still not a smoking gun

>> No.10102153
File: 1.22 MB, 865x4534, Vic story.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made an image of the story w archive link at the bottom.

>> No.10102191

Why would there need to be a smoking gun? This is yet more evidence that Vic's always been a predator, and continues to be one. A smoking gun wouldn't be enough for these people demanding one.

>> No.10102274 [DELETED] 

Based Vic he fucked all those VA sluts and now they are crying because he doesn't give a shit about them.

>> No.10102284

Coming from someone who doesn't watch dubs, I hope everyone crying rape and witch hunting gets their just desserts. All they're doing is devaluing REAL rape victims. All the accusations read like bad fanfics, rapists and predators do NOT perform these elaborate actions its far more violent and much less intimate. Fucks sake.

>> No.10102288

this account looks shady as heck

>> No.10102296


why? The answer is the same for all the other people who are shitting on the skeptical.

because; what exactly do you want the result to be? The standard for the result you, or others, are pissing and moaning for is different depending on what it is.

Embarrassment? Financial harm? Criminal charges?

wtf do you want? Whats needed for each of those isn't necessarily the same.


yeah, I don't buy that bullshit, and i dont think the creator does either, or he's a fool

>> No.10102425

Sarcasm senpai

>> No.10102592

jesus christ people are really trying to say this is assault or being a rape victim? Wtf is wrong with people. You know ive heard lots of bad stories about the 4 people in general being mentioned lately in the con scene way before this. But the fact people are calling this assault is why real victims might never be heard.

I feel bad in some way I have to defend these dudes ive heard bad things about, but stories like this are bullshit.

>> No.10102680

Shit like this is why no one will take the allegations against Vic seriously.

>> No.10102683

People seem to have forgotten what "witch hunt" means. You can't cry "witch hunt" if what is being said about you isn't false.

>> No.10102772

Funimation just announced they're severing ties with him.

>> No.10102804

People have been posting firsthand stories about the guy on here since I've been on 4chan, and I joined a solid decade ago.

I'm pretty sure it's not just a meme.

>> No.10102862

Guilty but only ousted now because everyone else in the voice acting community finally got tired of him being an annoying diva and saw the chance to get rid of him and took it

>> No.10102888

where the fuck did all these sjw's come from.

i'm convinced we're being raided by some fucking tumlrites because 4chan wouldn't pass up the chance to convince sjw's they're wrong.

there's no team-up possible here, what the fuck's going on.

>> No.10102894


Also dude. I'm a lolita and cosplayer and I'm one of the girls Vic went wandering hands on. This isn't a raid, we're his target demographic, duh.

>> No.10102936

So the VA community acts like a bunch of high schoolers. Why don't I find this surprising.

>> No.10102942

The entire anime industry does, desu.

>> No.10103027

I think Vic a creep but how is this lawsuit territory? I don't even doubt he did this, but how exactly would this go to a criminal or even civil court case?

>> No.10103029


>for pulling hair

>> No.10103050
File: 882 KB, 878x510, 1529850469769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all those people on Twitter constantly harassing literally every single person they can about Vic being punished for this
>all the way down from VAs who spoke out against him to god damn Blake's (from RWBY) VA's Mom's phone

What the fuck is wrong with these people? How can they react this way? Even if Vic was innocent what the actual fucking hell are you doing by being this way?

It has been confirmed one or two shitty people on Facebook lied, but are we really going to discount the events EVERYONE is saying? It's not going to bring Vic back to RoosterTeeth and Funimation?

Their reaction pisses me off as much as, if not more than Vic's shit he's done over the years.

>> No.10103198

Someone touching your shoulder is not rape or even molestation, tumblr.

>> No.10103205


This should be mandatory viewing for the stupid tumblrfags and the obviously jealous VA in the thread. You get to see how far Monica's discord group went to smear Vic, how they made Anime News Network pick up the story and retract parts when they got called out, and how Monica got Vic's roles at both Roosterteeth and Funimation.
>b-b-but all the stories on /cgl/!
Yeah, I can write anything on /cgl/, too.

>> No.10103209

This is so fucking funny.

>> No.10104310

because Vic hasn't really done anything wrong. He's just a good Midwest boy where kissing on the cheek and hugging is a normal interaction for anyone that doesnt have autism or isnt neurotic

>> No.10104507

that tweet is a repost of something someone posted on a forum in 2017 with a made up story based on a newspaper clipping with nothing to back it up.

>> No.10104523

Post your source of it being a newspaper clipping

>> No.10104524

>hasn't really done anything wrong

Did you not read the posts about how he treats his colleagues and con staff? He's a fucking entitled piece of shit that needed to be knocked down a few pegs. He deserved to be fired and have his appearances canceled. There's no reason to have a man in his late 50s giving teenage boys anyway. Get some new fucking talent already.

>> No.10104542

the original tweet
and here's the original paper
she clipped it because she didn't want people to (((know))) or dig deeper.

>> No.10104890

>he's an alleged "asshole" which is pure hearsay
Wow, that's definitely raping underage girls. These anti-Vic Monica Rial people love overreaching.

>> No.10104895

That twitter user is the same person who posted it on PULL in 2017. Her story sounds plausible to me.

>> No.10104898

Guilty. I was nearly fired from a con for speaking up about this asshole.

>> No.10104955

Yes it fucking looks bad. Holy shit Monica Rial and her goony VA friends are dumbasses. By Monica's own confession, this is all going into a court of law. Vic has never once threatened violence. Hope he sues the shit out of them.

>> No.10105067

>he hasn't been an asshole to me so it's not true
What about reaching?

>> No.10106688

>Monica Rial

This is the easiest way to tell that this is just another incel joining the Twitter mob. They don't even know who Vic is. No one else gives two fucks about Monica Rial, nice free publicity though

>> No.10108505

>not legal in your country
thanks god live in a free country