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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10097039 No.10097039 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10097040
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>> No.10097041
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>> No.10097043
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>> No.10097044
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This is hilarious.

>> No.10097046
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>> No.10097049
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>> No.10097051
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>> No.10097052
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>> No.10097053
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>> No.10097055
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>> No.10097057
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>> No.10097064

The perportions on this one is all off and are just more gasoline now not a already blazing fire.

This is probably 99% of the furries in my state and how they dress at cons.

>> No.10097083
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>> No.10097084
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>> No.10097085
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>> No.10097087

unsurprised that all the furries are ita as fuck

>> No.10097090

OP, you really should have waited for the last ita thread to go into autosage before making a new one

>> No.10097091

this is why you wear a blouse

>> No.10097093

Gonna be honest, most of these are nightmare full, but this one's kinda cute.

>> No.10097098

That is a very unfortunate body shape for lolita

>> No.10097105

Of all the furries in here, this one has the better looking head. But the foot fupa really makes me laugh.
And >>10097084 has a upturned hem making me laugh too.

>> No.10097119


Not gonna lie, I kinda dig the kigurumi mask with lolita.

>> No.10097126

why is the tag still attached

>> No.10097370

These are far more disturbing to me than any furry.

>> No.10097381
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>> No.10097389

So they can sell it NWT 'never worn'

>> No.10097401
File: 238 KB, 600x895, mana why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all fucking cursed.

>> No.10097403

well i mean, can you really consider it ‘worn’ if it’s on a fursuit and never touches your actual body?

>> No.10097404

The killing blow: this OP pic is from Shop in Wonderland.

>> No.10097449
File: 470 KB, 750x748, 20B6F975-39B4-4C7C-8DA3-2C75A0B4821E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find animegao as morbidly fascinating as “love dolls,” and furries merely disgusting, but luluidoll is lovely. I think it’s because she’s intentionally haunted-doll creepy, like lolita used to be, instead of trying to be ~~kawaii~~ and falling flat on cringy.

>> No.10097456

Wow, a thread worse than the Plus Size Lolitas one. That takes effort.

>> No.10097464

Furries should be put down.

>> No.10097482


>> No.10097489

So have the fursuit threads been forced into becoming lolita threads too?
This board is really taking the L

>> No.10097504

I think the ones who try to look like dolls rather than anime characters tend to look less weird. Seeing a super flat-looking face on a 3d body is offputting, but since the doll-like faces look more 3-dimensional it's not as freaky.

>> No.10097512

>implying op didn't make this thread to trigger lolitas who hate furries

>> No.10097671
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>> No.10097673
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>> No.10097675
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>> No.10097683
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>> No.10097685
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>> No.10097688

Oh god you should look up other heads by the person who made this one if you don't want to sleep tonight.

The deer is called Poppy and she's a total cancer who gets people to donate her money "because shes cute" to buy her dresses. She can't even afford them herself lol.

>> No.10097689
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>> No.10097698

This is bad. Not only are they wearing a replica, but the head isn’t very cute either.

>> No.10097700
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>> No.10097703
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>> No.10097709

I think the thing that bothers me the most about furries is that they don’t understand why lolita groups would want to include them in purely lolita communities. Like it’s uncomfortable, especially since furries never shut up about being furries and how the hell are you supposed to have a conversation when your wearing a full suit/head. And yes I’m biased.

>> No.10097710
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>> No.10097712
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>> No.10097718

how the hell are the calves so thin, but the shoulders/chest so wide?!

>> No.10097720

I seriously would love to have some sort of antique doll mask to wear with coords when I can’t be bothered to do makeup

>> No.10097721

I've actually seen this couple in street snaps in the Gothic and Lolita Bible and desu I don't think they're all that bad if you come across their real lolita/ouji coords

>> No.10097723

These are the best in the whole thread. Their suits are on a whole other level. Bravo!
T. Someone who hates furries but appreciates craftsmanship

>> No.10097726

I have trouble with sound comprehension so I rely heavily on lip reading and nothing blocking me from hearing correctly and people in furry heads happen to have the two things that make it so I can't understand them rip

>> No.10097816

I love luna! She's one of the only furries that I like. (is she a furry or is it just supposed to be a cute bunny?) Isn't there a scottish fold girl that she's friends with that's also the same kind of look as her?

>> No.10097826

aw its possible for furries to look cute and not cringe and terrifying. its a shame most look like this though >>10097055

>> No.10097830

To be honest, as far as fursuits go, I think hers is kinda cute.

>> No.10097839
File: 460 KB, 500x811, 1450191753.xpigux_catfursuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was into everything from furry to animegao to jojo but quit everything 2-3 years ago once she got married. The scottish fold you mentioned is xpigux's if we are thinking of the same one.

>> No.10097840

IDK but it was an orange and white tabby one, I think? Maybe I dreamed this one up or saw art.
And good for luna getting married.

>> No.10097863

Where can you get these masks? A lot of the other ones are ugly but these are really cute

>> No.10097865

Beat me to it holy shit, that's the funniest part of this photo. Extra cursed.

>> No.10097928
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The bunny is not quite good but unlike most fursuits I don’t hate it. It reminds me of Jewel Pets.

>> No.10098034

I mean if the black souless eyes of a furry built on top of an animegao mask is your idea of cute you might need some professional help.

Doesn't help in the slightest the human underneath is a known psychopath either.

>> No.10098061


i think this is great -- it's a well-executed concept and now i'm curious just how many people do 'twin' looks with this. is this an animegao convention?

>> No.10098062
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i get such a walter potter vibe off of this

>> No.10098541

The manquine one for a Japanese store? I know a lot of people thought they were real from pictures but isn’t.

>> No.10098584
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this one?

>> No.10098663
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The photo was taken at Wonderfest, a convention for selling figures and Nukopan (aka the mask company that did 99% of all jp bjd kigs including Lulu Hashimoto) always got a booth there which isn't hard to afford with their price of up to 9k USD per done mask.

>> No.10098868

Didn't know furlita was a thing. I love it. Some of them don't coordinate their suits well with their outfits, but the ones that do look gorgeous.

>> No.10099045

>quitting your hobbies because you get married
absolutely disgusting

>> No.10099246

Some things are just more important.

>> No.10099815

She didn't only get married, she also got twins shortly after.

>> No.10099873

Of your partner can’t accept your hobbies and who you are, that’s not a good person to be with. You shouldn’t stop doing something you enjoy because someone you admire thinks it’s stupid. That’s when you find some one who likes you for who you are. Not what they want you to be.

>> No.10099879

you guys are way too defensive. people are allowed to grow out of hobbies and adjust their lifestyles as needed. not everyone wants to be a furry, a lolita, or what have you their entire life. learn to be open minded to other people's decisions, goddamn

>> No.10100043

Grow out or sell out?
Because it sounds like she sacrificed her happiness for some dick holder

>> No.10100084

Maybe she's happier that way?

>> No.10100099

You're one of the fatties salty about Haenuli, aren't you?

>> No.10100105

Do you really think a mother of twins still got time for fursuiting? Or that the kids won't puke on everything and destroy it?

>> No.10100118

right? and maybe she’ll come back to it once the kids are old enough to be going to school and to not need her attention at all times

>> No.10100194
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I love animegao and fursuits in lolita when done right!

They've probably got their fursuit underneath their blouse

A lot of the really good ones come from Japan and will set you back at least a few thousand quid sadly.

>> No.10100196
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>> No.10100198
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>> No.10100340
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Those are Nukopan masks and as said in >>10098663 they go up to 9k, one is actually for international sale right now (pic related), for the bargain price of 3.5k, at the FB page of their international staff Kana Otonashi.

>> No.10100349

You’re not cute, stupid bitch.

>> No.10100381
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>> No.10100415
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>> No.10100421
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>> No.10100430
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>> No.10100446
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>> No.10100462
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>> No.10100463
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>> No.10100468
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>> No.10100470
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>> No.10100473
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>> No.10100475
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>> No.10100483
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>> No.10100514

Wearing lolita fashion on top of a fursuit is rough; I did it twice, only with partial suits, and I'll never be bothered to do it again. It's even more ungodly hot and taxing to wear (moreso than regular fullsuits imo) the fur gets matted so easily if you're using cheaper furs (which includes monkey/DF shag/etc, which are the most common) and the added bulk of the fur almost NEVER looks good. The fursuiters you see in these photos like >>10100483 >>10100475 and >>10100473 must have the best handlers on planet earth with all the constant brushing, lint rolling and re-tucking of fur pieces that needs to be done every time you move.

Wearing lolita over a fursuit is best suited for photoshoots desu, wearing it at actual conventions isn't worth it and looks terrible just due to the nature of the beast (pun intended.) Doesn't matter how well you coord it, lolita fashion isn't built with the concept of being worn over a fursuit in mind.

That being said, I will never not understand how some of these furries will spend over $1,000 on decent fursuits like >>10097055 and yet can't be bothered to buy actual brand, or even decent Bodyline. Like come on you took the time and money to research and pick a decent fursuit maker but you couldn't do the same for the clothes you're wearing with the fursuit? What?

>> No.10100525
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>> No.10100655

Yesss cyclops chan is back

Ive never seen a lolita fursuiter irl, but I’ve only ever been to anime and book cons. Is there a reason furries enjoy wearing lolita over their suits, or just a coincidence? Are any furries designed specifically for jfash?

>> No.10100829

Legitimately never thought I'd see such an impressive furlita.

>> No.10100836

>Has the crazy cat lady gone too far?

>> No.10100902

This is quite obviously not me in the photograph but I'm genuinely curious as to what you mean by calling her a stupid bitch? The fursuit is meh but imo the coord is excellent, hence why I posted.

>> No.10100907

She only wears sets, so meh on the coords, and the general consensus is that her head is badly done to the point of being kinda creepy. The concept is interesting, but the execution is terrible. We keep hearing that she's saving for a new one, but it has yet to materialize, and I kind of wonder now if maybe she got the head at a discount because it is so creepy looking.

>> No.10100974
File: 30 KB, 340x270, 1540965742791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the head was 600$ which wasn't a lot especially for the quality. i wasnt looking for cheap, i was looking for anyone that was open. the problem with fursuits isn't the cost its waiting for whoever you like to open their commissions. the new one is almost done but my maker might have cancer I guess?? it shouldve been done last year but w.e. furries are always sick and in the hospital. also it's not like I'm going to stop wearing it once my other head is done? yea it's a shit head but it's still a good one? the character is supposed to be creepy and unnerving that's the point lmao

>> No.10100986
File: 166 KB, 480x270, 652932178956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my maker might have cancer I guess??
Wonderful display of tact.

>> No.10101056

>might have cancer I guess??
Okay chill you could have just said they're sick

>> No.10101065

Nah this still doesn’t make me any less wanting to point and laugh at you. Sorry but not sorry.

>> No.10101146

it's something they said on insta but ok. bottom line is idk their situation I hope they're ok with w.e it is but im in the dark so the head is mia

>> No.10101176

dude there are some fursuit makers who have queue lines of up to ten years (hello Onefurall) it could fuckin be a while m8 get over it

>> No.10101182

Here's the thing:

furries wear anything over their suits, it's not just lolita. Most of the time fursuits are just a person's fursona, although sometimes they might be characters. If a furry wears lolita irl and also has a fursuit sometimes they just like to combine the things they like because it feels like an accurate representation of themself. It's not considered costuming in that regard. It's the same as furries who wear cloaks or tshirts over their suits--it just helps them represent themself better, or it characterizes the suit more.

Some suits are designed to be kawaii/with lolita in mind, but you don't normally see photos of them because they know the backlash they would get. Usually there's a few who show up to Midwest Furfest and Anthrocon, who can actually be very cute. But again, not really many photos. Those suits are USUALLY partials, so you're not wearing lolita over an entire fursuit, but even then it still gets really hot and hard to maintain always being photogenic when you can't see well through the head and have little to no hand dexterity.

>> No.10101186

if something big is affecting their entire queue suit makers will post publicly on their social media and usually go very in depth with what's going on so their commissioners don't go apeshit. This is very common. She's not giving anything away the maker didn't already put out there publicly, they usually don't talk much with their commissioners one on one and rely on public platforms.

>> No.10101196

It's not so much that as it was the way anon worded herself, like a retarded child.
>my maker might have cancer i guess so i have to wait for my garbage furry head lol
Hardly surprised to see her posting this way though, all things considered.

>> No.10101200
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There's even an own lolita cafe full of them now after the regular cafe (Monster Party) was a success.

>> No.10101202
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>> No.10101203
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>> No.10101207
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>> No.10101212

Oh god. I usually dislike furlita but these are too cute
She looks gross, but with a reaction like this there’s no way it isn’t a vendetta

>> No.10101260

that's your own fault for reading into it and reaching that hard

>> No.10101375

and it's happened more than once with multiple suit makers that they say they have an illness as an excuse for the fact that they're just lazy and don't want to work. To go off a maker's word alone can make people wary and skeptical, depending on the maker's history. So saying she "guesses" the maker may have cancer also makes sense. -from someone who literally knew one of these shitty fursuit makers who would do this

>> No.10101393

honestly I'm sure they're actually sick...maybe? but they're also posting on their Instagram constantly of them going out to cons/the beach etc without updating me? but they're sick? idk. if I pay 3k for something id like to be updated more than once every other month especially if you're almost done with it. but yeah also super common with fursuit makers is no communication and faking illnesses.

>> No.10101639

Ahhh perfect! Cyclops are some of my favorite designs

That makes a lot of sense! Appreciate the breakdown of the though process

>> No.10102106

It’s not creepy or unnerving it just looks like it’s about to sneeze.

>> No.10102110

These are so kawaii!!! Any sauce on the creator/creators?

>> No.10102115

I’m not particularly into her brand, but shutting down your business to “focus on being married” raises red flags to me. Fewer releases per year or taking a smaller role I understand, especially if kids are in your future, but quitting completely makes me think she’s marrying some man child who wants her to be his mother/wife.

>> No.10102347

>being a wagecuck is happiness.
>Raising your children is hell

typical feminist lies.

>> No.10102354

Gosh I adore these cyclops masks, anyone know if they're available to buy anywhere???

>> No.10102358
File: 28 KB, 400x400, him.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like this

>> No.10102359

Because being a slave for your husband is better.

>> No.10102515

Most likely bait but whatever.

Both are potentially fulfilling options depending on the person. The problem is that those roles are automatically decided as woman takes care of kids and man works, instead of being a discussion between the couple as to what would make them happiest. On top of that in most cases child raising still goes on the woman in households where both parents work. Yet another problem is that housework and childcare are 24/7 jobs so when the man gets home from his 9-5 and either refuses to contribute or barely contributes to those jobs it’s an unequal distribution of labor. The number of times I’ve heard men refer to caring for their own kids as babysitting or cleaning their own home as some sort of favor is ridiculous.
There should be equal responsibility between the parents and the person who stays home with the kids should actually want to be doing that.

Imo, if neither partner wants to spend most of their time raising children that couple should seriously reconsider whether or not having kids at all is the best choice for them.

>> No.10102565

They are by the owner of the fairy kei brand Magical, Twitter is https://twitter.com/MAGICALmirurun/

>> No.10102566

They are all commissions by Ozawa Dango who quit making them a year ago, were 130000yen for each.

>> No.10102583

Not a hot take by any means, but fursuits don’t belong in lolita imo. Them being terrifying aside, they should make their own j-fashion groups specifically for fursuiters into lolita/goth/fairy kei/etc. There’s not room in the fashion to talk about how to fit your dress over a fursuit or what brand your fursona likes best. Not to mention it’s a kink/fetish to enough people that it just shouldn’t touch lolita with a ten-foot pole, we don’t need even more people categorizing lolita as sexual. I’d honestly like for furries to just keep their dirty little hands on my AP and stop making coords that are closer to nightmare fuel than actual fashion, go make a group for yourselves, you heathens, and leave the rest of us alone.

>> No.10102586

*off my AP

>> No.10102858

This is my actual future when I get old lol

>> No.10102872

Do we have animegao thread? I think I need one so far ago already

>> No.10102891
File: 404 KB, 1340x1522, 3424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are kigurumi threads at /jp/ on a regular basis, nobody in japan calls it *animegao*.

>> No.10102900

Ah, thank you.
In my area it's 'kigurumi' usually references to pajama one solely.

>> No.10104571

i love this
bring me more

>> No.10104596

South Korean gender roles are to blame. Women are expected to stop working completely when they get married because being a homemaker and raising a family is their sole purpose then. Given Nunu is already in her late 30s, she's probably having an existential crisis with her biological clock and she just wants to get knocked up.

She also may be moving to the U.S. and doesn't have the staff or resources to continue running the shop.

>> No.10104616

I thought exactly the same thing, but I don't want to accuse someone I don't know of kowtowing to gender roles. Hurts me, though, that some women still feel they can't both work/ do what they love and have kids. Seems very imbalanced.

>> No.10107725
File: 1.33 MB, 690x4426, 006fjLqCgy1g08ewm8778j31jk9wenpt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10108203

I don`t like furries but i must recognize that these ones are awesome

>> No.10109067

Mind if I shill a Discord server for fursuits?
Mods are icky and won't let us consistently have a fursuit thread on /cgl/, this thread has probably only survived so long by being a weird hybrid thread.
Furries are icky and can't maintain a healthy server because they overreact to everything, except the 4chan minority who are the only furries who can be tolerable mods.
So, I figure the only way to have a nice fursuiting server is to make one:

>> No.10109837

Oh hang on this is a slow thread and that wasn't the permalink

>> No.10109855

>Mods are icky and won't let us consistently have a fursuit thread on /cgl/, this thread has probably only survived so long by being a weird hybrid thread.
Gee, I wonder why.
There's a board for furfaggotry. Go there >>>/trash/

>> No.10109896

>Thinking global rule 3 has any relevency in the current year when it comes to furries
>Thinking fursuits somehow don't count as costumes
GR3 in relation to furries was only a thing because they were MLP at critical mass obnoxious nearly a decade ago with no containment board so they were just carpet banned. Now? No worse than your average /v/ shitposter at their most insufferable, especially in the case of fursuit threads on /cgl/ where the focus is entirely on the construction and showing off of fursuits and not the autism that comes with the rest of the """"fandom"""". Go skim through some of the /cgl/ fursuit threads in the archive, outside of the one or two retard flair ups you're going to get on any given thread on 4chan things were pretty civil and on topic.

>> No.10110780
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Plus as long as it's relevant it belongs on here, just like how /mlp/ will tell you cosplays of the series belong on /cgl/ despite the rule that shouldn't allow it.

>> No.10116120
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>> No.10116143


>> No.10116261

I heard the old fursuit threads had a Discord server, anyone got a link?

>> No.10116312
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Never seen Milky Ange's Lydia OP?

>> No.10116315
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And it does come with that wierd hat.

>> No.10116317
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>> No.10116331

Don't do it anon, it's full of asspats and trolls who milked drama to the point the threads are gone. If you want fursuits just go to Twitter or telegram or something

>> No.10116634

What? Were you ever in those threads? They aren't around any more / at the moment because a new set of mods rolled in screeching "GR3" despite the furry rule being irrelevent for the better part of a decade.

>> No.10116643

Have fun.

>> No.10116670

Yes? It still went out into the world in public and had the chance to get dirt on it.

>> No.10116672

>"How does the weather look outside?"
>"How does the weather WHAT?"

>> No.10117707
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>> No.10117708
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>> No.10117710
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hi I don't know what's lolito or not but I love kemosuits in dresses so I'm going to post some

>> No.10117713
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>> No.10117714
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>> No.10117716
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>> No.10117717
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>> No.10117718
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>> No.10117719
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>> No.10117720
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>> No.10117721
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>> No.10117723
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>> No.10117724
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>> No.10117725
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>> No.10117728

Does anyone know who made this mask? Its pretty cute

>> No.10117733

It's https://twitter.com/xpigux but she hasn't done any in ages ever since she was hired by Nukopan for their anime masks.

>> No.10117756
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You're the cancer ruining cons

>> No.10117762

no, that's westerners trying to sell cartoons and ponies at anime cons

>> No.10117768

but anime is cartoons

>> No.10117769

steven universe is NOT anime

>> No.10117781

Now we are in for a real debate boys.

>> No.10117830

I was in the threads and the discord. The moment someone had something bad to say it was childish changing their nicks to show they aren't salty (you were) and asspatting orgies. Kemocube, himegriffin to name a few. I'm in a few cgl discords but that one was by far the most autistic and childish I've ever seen. I'll stick to ones without furfags thanks

>> No.10117930

t. never invited to asspatting orgies

>> No.10117955


It’s the eyes and/or face, it’s not exactly in the furry style and more of a natural look, which somehow makes it better, I like it

>> No.10117957


Honestly I tolerate furries but these are the only furries I actively would say I really like, like they mostly so far away from the cartoony/tumblr webcomic/anime style that they look good

>> No.10118055

This is so ominous I love it

>> No.10118066
File: 102 KB, 600x470, 1525672131290.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fursuit discords without furries

>> No.10118101


>> No.10118195
File: 144 KB, 800x1200, DypNtcCUUAE3VOm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10118238

Cyclops girls are so cute!

>> No.10119207

i love her

>> No.10119491

that link is expired, do you have another?

>> No.10119644

invite was revoked because shitlords

>> No.10119766

Why are the shoes too big

>> No.10120845

probably only wore it for a photoshoot/isn't theirs

>> No.10121552
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>> No.10121734


Your new suit is super beautiful!! I just happened to be following the maker, I'm glad it's finally finished and I can't wait to see pics when you get it! Congratulations, I'm so happy for you <3

sidenote tho def won't be commissioning that maker after your experiences so far y i k e

>> No.10121739

This feels so age playish.

>> No.10122984
File: 192 KB, 1080x1080, 51759806_2125337337776282_5929860975716065347_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10123012

I like the "realistic" style the fox is going for but I don't know how the cat is. It's a sort of uncanny valley mix of a mask and a fursuit head.

>> No.10123054

it’s a kigu mask painted to be a cat

>> No.10123091

bumpin' for sauce

>> No.10123093

Ew. Bad pose

>> No.10123177

I don't know it, sorry

>> No.10123260
File: 28 KB, 213x320, CRW_7196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously...? It's still kind of wonky looking. Like you smushed their face in.

>> No.10123441

> Like you smushed their face in.
Considering that is Nukopan's persian the reason for it should be obvious.

>> No.10123448
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>> No.10123449
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Somehow the one with the ugliest fursuit got the only decent outfit (too small headdress aside).

>> No.10123464
File: 148 KB, 800x1200, Dpd6Q0gVsAA5JUl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's one of the many https://twitter.com/harurocked owns and by Amanojaku, I assume he sold her tho.

>> No.10123465
File: 1.05 MB, 1080x1584, Screenshot_20190310-101130_Facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly the fursuit decora is the real travesty here. You'd be hard pressed to make it work in general but it looks even worse with a fursona as badly designed as this one.

>> No.10123748
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>> No.10130012


>> No.10130031
File: 56 KB, 595x595, 806B9CBC-1716-4176-A0D2-256774637253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have any tv/object heads in lolita?

>> No.10130935

I don't think it's impossible for decora to work. But I feel like you need a more simple/toned down suit that you put decora on. Here is just like they threw a bunch of random junk all over

>> No.10130955

What you need is basic knowledge about decora and how to match things. This person seems to have neither.

>> No.10133372

Can't we just have an animegao thread like old times and keep the furry stuff to boards.4chan.org/b and boards.4chan.org/trash ? Isn't >>>/global/rules/3 still a thing???

>> No.10133374


>> No.10133395

I think they managed to skirt the rules here because furlita is a thing and it's cgl-related. Most of it's garbage, but if you look upthread, some of it's actually surprisingly well-done and cute.

>> No.10133417

Sure, except that....


None of this shit is lolita. Unless we're just posting any fucking ita in a maid costume and calling it lolita now. I'd rather see more of the doll mask in lolita than see furry porn because some furfag shows up like >>10117710
"hurr durr idk what 'lolito' is but I liek dresses"

>> No.10133421

complain on /qa/ and maybe something will happen

>> No.10134177
File: 26 KB, 480x480, 52065966_294006194597620_9169043111269523315_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit I thought I had some OC but I deleted the images and all I can find lolita wise on Google is itas.

>> No.10134185

omg you're so cute