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10094839 No.10094839 [Reply] [Original]

Last one got too long. Discuss. I'm just ready to declare VAs are creepy and go back to watching subs.

>> No.10094887

Not a surprise that a lot of VAs did creepy things, honestly. The VA pool was pretty small back in the day.

>> No.10094930

pretty annoyed that Jessie’s bullshit story is making people question shit about Vic completely, way to fuck things up you dumb costhot

>> No.10094933

This really fucks with me because i loved his Broly potrayal and Funimation will 100% without a doubt drop him as a response to the allegations wethere or not they are entirely true

>> No.10094939

That's how I felt until other creepy shit surfaced about Todd. The friend he mentioned in his story, one he mentioned to back him up, actually said he was a giant piece of shit. Complete backfire.

Then other girls started posting screen caps of interactions they had with Todd. He sounds like a creeper.

In the 2000s convention scene I never saw Vic being handsy, but he was a fucking rude Diva that con staff hates. A Reason why he wasn't invited back to Acen for a long while.

>> No.10094940

Anyone have that parody video of someone doing a Vic Mignogna impersonation where he talks about going to playgrounds to watch children so he can prepare for his roles?

>> No.10094945

Sean Schemmel is a treasure. I legit hear more Vic in Dic Mangina than Sean.


>> No.10094946

Todd got played by his friend. Did Jessie just remember the rape and recently informed her close friends? I don’t get why Adam would remain friends with both parties if he was aware of the rape.

>> No.10094947

Seeing SJW accusations pop up when shitting on Vic’s behaviour has been a /cgl/ staple for years is so fucking weird.

>> No.10094995

reminds me of when John K. was "outed" as a creep despite the fact /co/ and most of the cartoon community had been aware of it for like, a decade beforehand

>> No.10095006

Post them.

>> No.10095007

What rape?

>> No.10095032

Can gaslighting go both ways, where the victim gets convinced by themself or society that they were actually raped when it wasn't the case?

>> No.10095037

Fun fact, Jesse was the first /cgl/ tripfag back in 2007, when she would show up to defend herself over the petty drama back then

>> No.10095043

Thy have been posted in the other Vic thread on cgl. There's like 10 Twitter screencaps. Or you can look up Jessie pridemore on FB and read them for yourself there.

>> No.10095049

What bothers me about the whole Vic thing is this: at worst he's like a creepy uncle who's kind of a jerk. The Creepy Uncle who you see at the family reunion and he says stuff like "Well aren't you growing up NICELY heh heh~" and hugs you for way too long, then afterwards goes to Applebees and treats the server like shit and doesn't tip. But I see a lot of people basically portraying him like he's the Bill Cosby or Jimmy Saville of the anime industry, and I'm just like...no.

What he's done (what there is actual fucking evidence for him doing, and not incredibly specious, third-hand hearsay) is not great. He definitely needs to step back (if he hasn't already) for a year or two, get some therapy to work through his shit, and it probably wouldn't hurt to issue a better apology, too. But I just don't think he deserves to be completely destroyed, and that's what's bothering me.

As for Todd...like yeah, I've always gotten the vibe that he's kind of a dick. But how anyone with two brain cells to rub together thinks Jessie isn't lying her ass off boggles my fucking brain.

>> No.10095057

I'm referring to the other girls in regards to Todd.

>> No.10095063

When did the term gaslighting become so popular? Seems like a cheap cop out in attempts to undermine someone who is accused from defending themselves.
But to answer your question, yes. Society these days is teaching people to be professional victims, to the point where it gains you clout (retweets, sympathy, etc.) It's all so fake.

>> No.10095066

Exactly what does Vic need to go to therapy for?
For being a fucking diva? A simple fix for Vic's situation is just all the cons making a rule that fans/VAs need to maintain a professional level of interaction, and enforce it.

>> No.10095067

it’s usually more, ‘person had a dubious sexual encounter (under the influence, with someone much older/in a position of power, pushy partner, etc) and did not previously think much of it but then reconsiders and decides they didn’t properly consent’. it’s almost never going from cut and dry consensual to claiming it was violent rape or something

>> No.10095070

Maybe an apt comparison if the creepy uncle also had a personal club of teenage girls who deify him, and he regularly asks to defend him on the internet for the chance to receive daddy frostips' attention. These aren't recent accusations either, Vic's behavior has long been known, but not really brought to the forefront. It's not just that he's a creep, it's that he's manipulative in a way that he can perv on teenage girls.

>> No.10095072

>person had a dubious sexual encounter (under the influence, with someone much older/in a position of power, pushy partner, etc)
None of that counts as "dubious." Consent is consent. Can't be constantly changing the goal posts.

>> No.10095074

>it's that he's manipulative in a way that he can perv on teenage girls

To be quite honest, it seems to me like less of a sexual thing and more of a feeding-off-the-attention, "OOOH YEAH I'M AWESOME" thing. Still sucks, but that's just the impression I get. I could be wrong, however, so whatevs.

>> No.10095080

I'm more offended by OP's pic than anything

>> No.10095083

This is what I always interpreted it as, too. He's older, not terribly attractive, and not a great actor. When that lucky faggot landed the role of Ed, he instantly got an autistic fanbase of teenage girls all over his shit. Nigga is out of touch with reality and high on all that greasy underage attention.

>> No.10095091

Under law, you are unable to give consent if you are under the influence of any kind or in a position of unequal power (doctor/patient, officer/prisoner, teacher/student, adult/minor). In SOME, thought not all cases, sex by coercion is also considered wrongful. It's not rape, but it's wrong on a case by case basis. I'm not sure what the punishment for that would be.

I do agree with >>10095067 though. There's been incredible strides in recent years for victims to come forward and have their story heard outside of a court of law, but there also has been an uprising of callout posts claiming rape when it's not. Every negative sexual encounter and "fucked up in retrospect" isn't rape.

>> No.10095108

Yeah, those power dynamics are true but a fan and a celebrity is not one of them. And if both parties are drunk, then what? Also coercian of course is dubious but that was never mentioned in the other post. Legally coercian in those cases is, "X will happen if you don't sleep with me" which obviously is wrong.

>> No.10095109

What legislation says that 2 drunk adults can't have intercourse? Are you nuts?

>> No.10095121

Histrionic Personality Disorder

>> No.10095122

Todd and vic are both creeps, stick with subs theyre shit VAs anyways

>> No.10095123

There's a big leap between "drunk" and "too drunk to consent". If you're a bit tipsy, that's fine, if you're literally too drunk to say no you're too drunk to say yes

>> No.10095125


Vic basically uses the SAME "Edward Elric" voice in all his "acting" so shit sucks.

But I guess the same could be said for all other English VAs too.

>> No.10095179

This... I personally had a situation where things were fucked up and I regretted it, and people told me that it could be construed as rape. I was like... no. I consented at the time. It was a fucked up situation but I'm not going to claim it's sexual assault because I made a mistake. There is a very big difference between situations where there was consent and then regret and situations where there was no consent. I think Jessie's situation falls into the first part. I stand by victims but I also don't think it's right to call things rape that clearly aren't.

>> No.10095216

Or, if you watch dubs, just watch ones that they aren't in. Switch to subs for shows they are in. Simple.

>> No.10095229

Unrelated to cons, what is Funimation going to do about Vic's current roles? Will they keep him?

>> No.10095264

You said it better than I ever could. Do I think he's an asshole, hell yeah I have friends who have worked at every top 15 convention in the US and people have said hes a shithead. Do I think he is way to fucking handsy with underage girls yes. I've seen it. I think he needs to step away from the industry for a while

>> No.10095275

>but a fan and a celebrity is not one of them
Mmm... depends. If the fan is a minor player in the same industry then the celebrity could use their connections to blacklist or defame them from that community. That's a power play. The average Joe and a celebrity? That's self-induced - they're the one putting the celebrity on a pedestal.

>Also coercian of course is dubious but that was never mentioned in the other post.
The reason I brought it up is because the other post mentioned a "pushy partner". That brought to mind coercion. Again, it's case by case. You're right, it includes but is not limited to the example you mentioned.

Essentially this: >>10095123. Don't take it at face value. If you have a sip of wine cooler, everything that happens from then on isn't rape. Two drunk adults are technically unable to give or receive consent, just as two minors are unable to legally give consent to each other, but it doesn't mean that what happens is rape. Sex happened when it should've have. If one of the two drunk adults decided to prosecute, it'd be a hard sell to claim that the other was somehow lucid enough to perform the crime. The tables could easily be turned on the accuser.

>> No.10095277


I think he needs to step away from anything anime forever.

I'm suprised his wife isn't fucking caring about this.

>> No.10095281

That's the question of the century. I wonder if his church congregation knows anything about it. I'd be surprised if they understood his va career, but I'm curious.

>> No.10095352

"Funimation will 100% without a doubt drop him as a response to the allegations wether or not they are entirely true" I mean, I hope so but him being both a creep and asshole has been pretty out in the open since at least 2010 and they've done jack shit so far

>> No.10095388

I kind of hope they don't drop him for it. Because it sets a dangerous precedent or at least continues a dangerous precedent where someone's livelihood can be taken away by allegations. He's a creep, but the law is there if he did properly illegal shit.

>> No.10095419
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They should've dropped him a long time ago for being a creepy asshole that also takes advantage of socially awkward underaged girls.
Also for that fucked up lie he tells about CLAMP personally assuring him that Fai is definitely not gay.

>> No.10095420

Unfortunately unless real criminal charges are pressed, there's not going to be any public announcements or changes from the industry.

>> No.10095424
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>that also takes advantage of socially awkward underaged girls
Allegedly. No, "my friend's friend's little sister swears she got invited to his room" doesn't count.

>the old Fai lie
This is easily the dumbest part of the whole thing. He told a little fib about your fag husbando. Boo hoo, move on, it's extremely pathetic at this point.

>> No.10095428

Is there any actual damning allegations against Vic that he did anything sexually with his younger fans, that isn't found in some poorly written tumblr post?

>> No.10095431

>A neurotic and autistic community sperges about hugging and kisses on the cheek
colour me surprised

>> No.10095440 [DELETED] 

You're not a local. Get out

>> No.10095447
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There's photos of him giving a big slurpy kiss on the cheek to two different mousy girls, and another photo with his hand on her tiny tits.

Agreed, it's pathetic that a grown man is walking around telling a "my friend's dad works at Nintendo"-tier lie instead of saying "I don't think this nigga is gay, it's my opinion, deal with it".

Honestly, the funniest part is the idea of anyone whiteknighting Vic Mignogna, a 60 year old man with bleached blonde tips and ripped jeans.

Samefagging? For shame.

>> No.10095449

>and another photo with his hand on her tiny tits
You just gonna say that and not actually post it?

>> No.10095452

I'm not whiteknighting Vic, I am not a fan of his and I don't watch his dubs. I am just asking if there is any actual juicy damning allegations?
also only >>10095428 is me.
I've always known he was a diva and would give fans kisses on the cheeks at photo ops, but this was always known... and no one cares until now, to the point where he's being "ousted"?

>> No.10095453

Vic finally encountered the one obstacle he could not overcome...a hashtag.

>> No.10095457

John Leigh's wife blames the victims, so she's probably similar

>> No.10095462

One of my favorite things about all this has been some of the international fans who are like "Lol, okay? That's like a basic greeting here in this part of Europe. You Americans are uptight."

>> No.10095470
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That means jack shit unless Vic is secretly European, which would actually make this more interesting

>> No.10095475
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Well, we Americans ARE fucking uptight and still running on some leftover Puritan shit, so I don't blame them for thinking that.

I personally have thought at times that Vic might be in the closet. Just...some of the clothes he's been known to wear and occasionally acting like a fucking flamer. Now THAT would be a plot twist.

>> No.10095482 [DELETED] 

In 2014 I was working a table and all the sudden the other workers didn't want to sit at one end where some guy was setting up at the table beside us. I didn't know who he was, I was a noob to cons and only watched subs at the time. He had on jeans w/ lace up sides
. I commented to my table-mate "Wow, I had a pair of pants like that in the 90's" The man overheard, looked me up and down exaggeratedly and said "You can get in these pants if you want." (I was wearing a Mastermind Junko Cosplay that day to promote our booth) I notice the items being signed and put two & two together and realize this must be Ed's american VA. At the end of the signing he's packing up his stuff, talking to his handler. There is only a 5-6 inch gap between our tables and I don't want his crotch awkwardly in my face as he squeezes out so I get up first and exit so it will be easier for him to depart. I say "There you go" just being polite and motion I've made room for him. He exits and says loudly "Oh ok, just for you" he scoops me up around the hips so my boobs are in his face and spins me around in a circle in the air in this cramped hallway. My boots even hit someone. I did not in any way ask for a hug, I did not want a hug. I was not a fan girl of his characters. I do not like hugs from strangers, never have. My table-mates heard and saw this. When he set me down I just looked puzzled and said "Uhhhhh ok?" I was of age. But this is my proof to me, he is handsy. He assumes everyone is just dying to be blessed by his touch. I have seen warning threads about him for years since. I did not speak up because I did not want to cause ill effects for the con I worked for, or the con we were at because they were friendly with our con. I didn't want to cause trouble, but I should have spoke much sooner for all those that went through worse. Because I know first hand 100% that Vic is handsy.

>> No.10095489

I'm sorry but I'm dying at the jeans that lace up the sides and you saying "I had pant's like that in the 90's".
It's quite possible. He dresses like either he's gay or doing a bad job at dressing like an Ed Hardy douche (from like 15 years ago). The whole hatred of yaoi would also make sense, because he's trying not to connect himself to gay things. The lady dost protest too much.

>> No.10095551

Yep, pretty much. Americans are puritanical radicalists, that somehow manage to blend 'social justice' with tyrannical Quakerism values... even in 2019.

>> No.10095753
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turns out the video is recorded by his mom, anyone know where it is? also the hastag #istandwithvic is filled with weebs living in 2006 and its unreal

>> No.10095760

found it on the vic mignogna fanclub page on facebook posted by helen ibarra, i cant link it but oof this is pathetic

>> No.10095824
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Holy shit I’m losing it

>> No.10095829


>> No.10095853

There are people saying "oh, he's trying to make up for past wrongs... look at how he's crying!". They seem to forget that:

-he's done "apology" and "rumor panels" before
-he is an actor, so tears can be faked at any time
-he has a little cult of underage and socially retarded fans who he can manipulate with this shit
-he didn't seem so "full of regret" when he posted on the Risembol Rangers forum

>> No.10095861

American con scene is weird.

>> No.10095872

This entire group is just “I stand with Vic because it never happened to me so it’s obviously all lies”

>> No.10095874

Holy shit his non-apology apology is so disappointing. He's sorry about not being able to get handsy with fans so openly anymore, not for the unsolicited harassment.

>> No.10095877

pussy power. Adam has been trying to fuck jessie for years and was beta jealous Todd got it. Of course he couldn't say anything until now because he would have looked like an asshole. Todd fucked up by backing down and Adam is a fucking backstabbing cuck.

>> No.10095880

Exactly... he is more ANGRY than anything else.

Of course, though, we still have socially retarded weebs with rose-colored glasses saying "I can read body language and you're a heartless asshole if you can't see how sorry he is!!!!!".

>> No.10095893

That brokenstaircase list is full of rapists "exposing" their victims.

>> No.10095906

NAYRT but I saw this on Twitter: https://colossal-guest-2011.tumblr..

tl;dr - Todd Haberkorn bought a 19 year old girl alcohol knowing her age and invited her back up to his room.

>> No.10095914
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>Vic doing his own Leave Britney Alone skit

This saga has been going on for 15 years and the faggot still manages to surprise me every time.

He kind of reminds me of a cult leader in that he feeds exclusively on isolated/vulnerable people, even moreso because it's almost exclusively underaged girls.

>> No.10095938

Surprised? Really? I'd say he is pretty damn predictable. Whenever he's in trouble, he turns to his underage and socially unaware fanbase to right the supposed wrong. Every. Fucking. Time.

And most people in the anime community either see nothing wrong with this or fail to see the behavior pattern.

>> No.10095952

I'm surprised that some people can't accept that people aren't black and white and can be gray or a mosaic of behaviors. Vic could have made someone's day and done good deeds next to all the creepy business and those things don't have to be mutually exclusive in a person. And it's not like doing X number of nice things cancels out a crime (unless it's an anime).

>> No.10095965

I'm not surprised.

>> No.10095971

People don't seem to realize that if he was nice to and made 99 people happy while taking photos with them, then, for the 100th photo, he puts his hand down a 14-year-old's shirt, that doesn't change the fact that he put his hand down an underage girl's shirt.

>> No.10096037 [DELETED] 

Nikki Jermaczonak bought a 19 year old guy alcohol knowing his age and invited her back up to his room.

>> No.10096066

Okay, I'm sorry I need to ask this but I've been lurking this thread and various posts on facebook/other media and it's still extremely confusing.
What EXACTLY are the allegations against Vic?
The only things I've seen so far is that he's made underage fans uncomfortable with hugging and cheek kissing, and the hair pulling thing with Jessie.
Is that it or is there something more? Because if that's it none of this makes sense for multiple reasons...
1) That stuff is definitely creepy and socially inappropriate, but I'd hardly call that harassment and definitely not abuse or assault (although as others mentioned this might be seen as more serious in the U.S.?)
2) We've all known and been openly talking about this for years, why is it suddenly becoming a big issue?

If there are any allegations of things beyond this then I understand why cons would cancel him and whatnot, but I'm not seeing it here...

>> No.10096077

Where is the site/list anyway?
Is it down?

>> No.10096087

Jessie Pridemore is such a cunt. All she posts about is liberal bullshit and how much a victim she is. All she does is complain about how horrible her life is. Lying dike.

>> No.10096088

he stole 15 milkyways

>> No.10096094

You seem like a stable person with definitely no problems of your own

>> No.10096121

Trying to speak as neutral as possible but here:

1. Allegedly he's also invited underaged minors to his hotel room and given girls his phone number but those are more vague than other accusations.

2. It can still fall under harassment, at the very least. Probably not prosecutable but enough for conventions to do something about it. The problem is most of the victims felt powerless in those situations and never made any complaints at the time. Some con staff have noted that during the con itself even if people do come forward, staff actually don't really have power over guests during the con itself.

3. Everyone has been talking about this for years but it's been mostly swept under the rug. To me personally it's also been like "yeah he's creepy towards girls" but it's never been anyone I knew so it was kinda like a myth/running joke? I think a lot of other people felt the same. I think people are talking about it now because sexual harassment has been a more popular subject in media, which is not a bad thing.

>> No.10096128

This is why he’s only ever had shitty anime roles and couldn’t make it as a real actor lmfao

>> No.10096158

what happened to broken staircase?

>> No.10096163

Woah it's almost like setting up a site for vigilantism got someone in legal trouble.

>> No.10096183

The actual Google Doc is still up, at least for me.

>> No.10096187

the sheet is still up but the site is ded

>> No.10096191

I can vouch he isnt a creep at all with a story I have from Akon. So I remember at an Akon several years ago I was really tired but we didn’t have a room so I crawled under this table to go to sleep. From what I heard later Vic came out of this room with a gaggle of fangirls and sits at the very same table to start signing autographs and schmoozing. When he stuck his feet under the table he kicked me hard in the side and woke me up. I guess he realized someone was under there but when I tried to crawl out he casually stuck his hand under the table and in motions that to this day confound me at their clarity in sign he told me to lay back down and continue my nap. Something in my mind told me I should listen to this friendly stranger and to my surprise he removed his boots and began to give me a back massage to rival all back massages with his very skilled feet. I slept for god knows how long and I woke up feeling more rested and alive than ever before. When it was all over I dropped a fiver in his boot and he disappeared into the crowd. I’ll never forget his kindness.

>> No.10096205

Other VAs have weighed in on the situation. Sean Schemmel, Christopher Sabat, Monica Rial, and J. Michael Tatum have all been liking tweets that are openly KickVic, and Monica’s commented that she believes survivors, and that people demanding evidence from victims of Vic’s actions aren’t entitled to it. Also that the truth will come out.

Todd Haberkorn also shit the bed and made the whole thing even bigger.

>> No.10096206
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Who wore it better?

>> No.10096207

I've never understood the whole
>people demanding evidence from victims of Vic’s actions aren’t entitled to it.
I understand it's difficult. but it seems pretty bad that we gang up on someone based on unsubstantiated anything.

>> No.10096211

Yeah cause it's so easy to be like "Excuse me will you repeat that offer to go up to your room now that I have my camera on? Can I film it when you put your hand on my butt while someone takes a picture of us from the front?" We said he's a creep not that he's stupid.

>> No.10096212

There are plenty of pics out there of Vic handling and kissing teenage girls, along with testimonials. What kind of evidence is expected? Testing for Vic’s DNA on a 14 year-old’s tit?

>> No.10096213

Did she actually use the term "survivors" for the people involved in this thing? Not gonna lie, that's pretty insulting to survivors if she did.

>> No.10096218


Sexual assault is still sexual assault.

>> No.10096220

That's fine and all, but I you belittle rape victims when you say you survived a kiss on the cheek in public. There are degrees of sexual assualt and, no, it should not all be treated equally.

>> No.10096224

So did anyone go to Bak-anime to report back? Vic was still a proud guest of honor there at last check

>> No.10096230

See >>10095829

>> No.10096238

As someone with a peepee that got sexually assaulted, I say that it's stupid to believe everything that is said and obviously there's a bias towards men. Women do the same shit, but people be protecting le shitty diva behavior and it's all hyenas and beta orbiters from there.

>> No.10096250


So according to Vic it was hugging the wrong person(s) and one time he acted like a punk to staff over not having some sort of perk. And that he's willing to listen to anybody about their feels if he made them feel bad.

Well, I can see why some people believe his side.

>> No.10096295

Vic called the fuck out by another major VA

>> No.10096340

Man, these tweets just make N look like an insufferable cunt.

>Wahh he showed up late
>Wahh he didn't take the seat I offered him
> Wahh he stole my spotlight

N needs to stop being such a bitch. He is a grown ass man and needs to start acting like one.

That goodness he works in the voice entertainment industry, because he wouldn't have the balls or the attitude to make it in the real world.

>> No.10096341

*Thank goodness

>> No.10096347

Isn’t it a bit fucked up to equate these people’s experiences to the metoo movement?

Me too was about women being sexually exploited with their livelihoods on the line, this is some creep who was touchy

>> No.10096351

Not really, #metoo was originally just about how women have constantly been sexually harassed and expected to just shut up about it. A lot of those ended up being sexual exploitation, rape, and the like, but yeah, someone using their job as an in to kiss and touch children would qualify as a #metoo moment for said children I think.

Those tweets also feature Vic jumping on this VA against his will which is kind of fucking weird. Is Vic fucked in the head or something? Does he just not understand normal physical boundaries with strangers?

>> No.10096354

Did you read it all?
Vic pushed his crotch on the back of his neck... That's a bit too far

>> No.10096358

It's sexual harassment by standards set by American orgs like RAINN and EEOC. All unwanted physical contact is harassment - including hugging and kissing. The keyword here is "unwanted". It doesn't matter if you personally wouldn't consider it harassment because the people who it happened to so consider it harassment.

>> No.10096359


>> No.10096373

You fucked up ever watching dubs in the first place.

>> No.10096375

The ANN article was the first I'd heard of that story (or her at all for that matter) and even there it sounded like a horseshit in a desperate plea for attention.

Details please?

>> No.10096376

You sound like a rude douchebag so it's no wonder you're unable to understand why acting like a rude douchebag tends to turn other people off and make them want to trash you on twitter this way.

>> No.10096401

No one with two brain cells cares about RAINN and EEOC, Dong. If they did, 70 percent of women would be in jail.

>> No.10096469

Jessie and Todd fucked ten years ago. They were both drunk to some degree. She claims that she blacked out and was raped, he claims she was aware and consenting the whole time leading up to, during and after. He posted chatlogs showing her desperately trying to get him to agree to fuck her again on a regular basis as a fwb situation while he let her down gently. Technically those logs don’t prove whether or not she blacked out, but they do prove that whatever happened, she wanted to sign up for more.

Chatlogs are in the old thread:


>> No.10096477

There was no rape, they just had a drunken fling and to her it's rape, despite her begging for more

>> No.10096480

Jesse claims she was too drunk to consent, but apparently it was good enough for her to come back begging for more. It didn't turn into rape until he said he wasn't looking for a relationship like that. Todd sounds like a douche, but he didn't rape her.

>> No.10096510


Yes,I read it. I also saw the video where he was laughing, smiling, and carrying Vic around the room on his shoulders. These are not the actions of a man who feels uncomfortable or in danger.

And if he WAS uncomfortable, all he had to do was say so. He could have absolutely DESTROYED Vic. ALL he had to do was say something along the lines of.

> This makes me very uncomfortable, you are not a very likable person, please stop.

But no, he played along, laughing and smiling.

And NOW that It's trendy, he says he is a "survivor" lol. I stand by my prior assessment in that N is indeed.

An insufferable Cunt.

>> No.10096535

What the hell, you think it would have been professional for him to say that? In front of a room full of fans who payed good money to drool over the antics of their favourite VAs? Also, it's very hard to do something in the moment, literally anyone can tell you that. Doesn't mean he wasn't uncomfortable or embarrassed, or upset with Vic for being late.

Also, I don't think he's trying to pass himself off as a survivor, he's just sharing his experience with Vic to confirm what a dick he is and what little respect he has for others, even other people in the industry.

>> No.10096542
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Looks like she's ready to make a slightly stronger stance today. That's va #3 ? Or have more sided against him?

>> No.10096560

Finding accounts full of lolicon and #IstandwithVic
Barfed in my mouth a little knowing he's a role model for other creepy uncles that wanna touch little girls.

>> No.10096602

Supercon dropped Vic from both their shows.

>> No.10096603

Can I get a link to the brokenstaircase google doc?

>> No.10096604
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>> No.10096604,1 [INTERNAL] 

If you're so hellbent on seeing this guy brought to justice and you want to prove your case, take him to Steve Wilkos. If this guy is caught lying about his sexual advances towards people at conventions, Steve will make minced meat out of that guy without any hesitation. Hey, you want this guy out of the picture, right? Then expose him!

>> No.10096684


Wait, Monica Rial is standing AGAINST Vic? Jesus Christ... That be more than enough proof if other VAs are standing against him.

>> No.10096714
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Looks like he's been thoroughly kicked.

>> No.10096735

Only VA I can find who's spoken in support of Vic is Caitlin Glass, and it's just a vague post about her learning to forgive people.

>> No.10096739

The context of the incident didn't really allow him to flip out, he had to play it off so he didn't upset fans or cause a major public incident. Vic took advantage of the situation and crossed reasonable boundaries. Remember that at the time Vic is this big name peer of his and they are both attending a con as a part of their work. It's not exactly an environment where a reasonable person will feel like they can just pop off.

>> No.10096743


He is SO fired.
And his nassally voice will not even be missed because Aaron Dismuke sounds just like him. I actually thought it was Vic when watching Morose Mononokean.

>> No.10096745

I wouldnt say that it clear support... pretty sure that first passage is about if you don't admit you fucked up you are a shit Christian. Speculation of course.

>> No.10096746

>only convention to not block him is Anime Matsuri
Is anyone surprised?

>> No.10096783

How does being late to panels = sexually harassing minors?

Like we all know Vic is a diva with an enormous ego. And? How is that a justification to throw girls under the bus to build the narrative they didn't want hugs and pecks on the cheek from some VA. This guy even shares his own photos of hugging minors but lol mine aren't creepy. Idk both looks like middle aged dudes hugging 13 year olds to me.

Also love how almost everyone with a "story" about how bad he is has to preface it with "I'm not a fan" way to add credibility guys.

>> No.10096784


>> No.10096785

I keep hearing supercon cancelled but, I can't find these announcements anywhere. It's not even listed on their cancellation page.


>> No.10096796

Hot off the presses. Official Statement from RoosterTeeth
Vic Mignogna No Longer a Member of RWBY Cast

>> No.10096799
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>> No.10096804

Can’t find a source. Where did you read this?

>> No.10096810


Source please.

>> No.10096812 [DELETED] 


>> No.10096814


>> No.10096815

Hmm. I’m gonna wait until an official announcement from Rooster Teeth before I believe it.

>> No.10096817

Vic's a shit, but is ANN really one to throw stones after that one guy of theirs was outed as a rapist? Not to mention most of their staff like Zac and JO are complete assholes.

>> No.10096818

Oh never mind. Haha bye vic

>> No.10096819
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There it is... on their own page
My sides are in orbit

>> No.10096828

I'm so tired of these SJWs sharing the fake statistic that 2% of rape claims are false. It's fucking 10 fucking percent. Google it.

>> No.10096829
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They did run the annual Sakura-Con Easter Sunday service together a few times and I guess he didn't creep on her

>> No.10096834

From what I've seen, Vic is more of an overly emotional ass burgers man than an outright creep. His behaviour reminds me of autistic neckbeards who try to feel up 14 year old thots and get the shit slapped out of them.

>> No.10096840

> expecting a board full of insecure, mentally ill SJWs infiltrating 4chan to use facts and logic.

>> No.10096842

>facts and logic meme

>> No.10096845

>implying 4chan isn't already insecure and mentally ill

>> No.10096855

lol right? and "infiltrated?" 4chan has been fucked in the head since /b/ was made (read: always)

>> No.10096865

/b/ was ironically edgy and sociopathic. Then the True Crime tumblr girls got onboard without realizing the joke. Same with /pol/ and actual white supremacists. I'd still take them over fragile cosplayers reeeeeing about "problematic' drama and taking 4chan seriously.

>> No.10096867

Adam's whole agreement was "How dare you post Facts? Not jumping on the witch hunting bandwagon is Evil!"

>> No.10096883

>Made up stats from agenda driven feminists are FACTS

>> No.10096887

So was Vic genuinely sad and repentant at Bak-Anime or is he just sad that he's being booted out of gig opportunities?

>> No.10096903

I'd say only sad that his gigs are getting cancelled and rolls pulled. Those tears turned off awful quick. Logan's apology had more sincerity than Vic's if that clues you in.

>> No.10096907

Wait why does that change things? (I know nothing of Monica, gomen)

>> No.10096909

Can't wait to get a full bingo. AniMatsuri can be the free space since birds of a feather flock together

>> No.10096911

Early on in the video he tells the door holder to close the door and makes a threatening facial expression and mouths "CLOSE IT!!" when it's cracked open after a couple minutes. That tells me that it was rehearsed and he doesn't want anyone who isn't a fan ruining his perfect apology.

>> No.10096912

She's one of the nice VAs that pretty much everyone in the industry likes. Pissing her off is like if a Hollywood actor pissed Tom Hanks off.

>> No.10096915

Monica usually doesn't weigh in on things like this. She gives no input or opinions for political topics in general. For her to give these statements means it's pretty serious.

>> No.10096920

So nobody went in to ask him hard questions, or was it very much a "listen to Vic talk for an hour and you shut up in his holy presence" panel?

>> No.10096954

The latter. It was all his spergie fangirls in there so of course they're not going to interrupt his wrinkled ass.

>> No.10096958

glad to finally see this bleached raisin getting the boot

>> No.10096962

As a fan who has met Vic, I just want to get something off of my chest here. He can come off as abrasive, overbearing, handsy and overly familiar when dealing with his fans. I don't think he does this with the intention of making people uncomfortable, I think he does it to genuinely give people a surprise positive experience they weren't expecting and maybe he does this to younger female fans more than he should.

That being said people should always ask for permission before making physical contact. His intentions are less relevant than his actions. The fact that he has done it to so many people who weren't comfortable with it needs to be the wake up call to change his ways.

>> No.10096965
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>he just sad that he's being booted out of gig opportunities?

He gets $3500-5k for an appearance fee plus what he makes at the table not including his regular rates for VA and directing.

The guy is losing his ass financially and he's done. He made TOO many enemies among his peers and its the fucking Ides of March for Vic.

My prediction? He'll go to ground for a year or so, claim he's been praying for guidance and open a non-denominational church and become a full blown preacher, he'll probably do REALLY well at it too, since Christfags LOVE a sinner whose seen the error of his ways.

And hate him all you want the guy knows how to hold a room...

>> No.10096967

How exactly do you defend yourself form extremely vague anonymous accusations?

>> No.10096980

Or he has only just begun. The lawsuit he initiates will be massive. All these weebs will not be able to pay for the lawyers to defend themselves and will lose just by not even showing up to the court.

>> No.10096985

He'll have to be sworn in and be cross examined.
He already admitted in his apology stuff like "When 500 people walk up and tell you how much they love you...you start to believe that crap. And you start to assume that she liked me and they all liked me so she probably likes me too. No maybe not, right? Or she's diff--she deserves the respect of having her own...space and opinions. She may be different and that's where I really messed up." And that is direct quote.
He has far more perjury risk if he steps foot in a court so major doubt.

>> No.10097009
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>And hate him all you want the guy knows how to hold a room...

I must say, despite everything, I'm gonna miss the Vic Mignogna panel experience. I like how he gets off the stage and engages the crowd. Occasionally does stuff like singing anime themes and shit. Who else even does that? It's a fun time and now I'm not sure if I'll ever get it again.

I'm hoping he can come back to conventions again eventually (after taking some time to really get his shit together). Vic's definitely done some things he shouldn't have, but I don't think it should utterly destroy him forever.

>> No.10097022
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>> No.10097038

This is the SJW guy who attacked Vic only to get accused of sexual assault himself, right?

>> No.10097050

> skeptical for the last decade because /cgl/ has a reputation of stirring shit
> turns out to be true after all
Well, fuck.

>> No.10097059

Nope. Grelle is pretty clean. Also a VA on RWBY.

>> No.10097067

Vic will form his own church, and with it invite anyone who seeks to learn to forgive themselves or forgive others. Over time, he will amass a following. It wont be all peace and love, howeve as he now has the chance to get very personal with young teenage followers. After people start to escape this cult and he realizes the government will step in. He convinces his followers to live with him on a piece of land in Japan where they will grow their own food. Eventually, he will simi-dub an anime there and voice every character and convince everyone to watch it, the results so horrible every single one of his followers die.

Tl;dr: Vic becomes the next Jim Jones

>> No.10097075

Ohoho, that's rich. I'm interested to see how this unfolds. (Thank you for taking the time to explain, anons!)

>> No.10097076
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>its the fucking Ides of March for Vic.

>> No.10097100

So will Vic end up like Bill Cosby?

>> No.10097103

No. I doubt this will lead to any actual jail, or anime companies pulling shows that he was in. Could you imagine how many shows would have to be pulled from circulation if that were the case? It just means he won't have any gigs in the future.

>> No.10097106

>Be a forever jobless bum or go to prison
Prison is the better option at this point

>> No.10097108

Losing his job in his mid-50s doesn't sound like that much of a setback. Just means he retires earlier than he expected. And he can always sell old Star Trek Continues props if he needs the money.

>> No.10097109

>Vic will form his own church
How? That idiot will be blowing whatever money he has left on the legal fees to avoid as much prison time as possible.

I'm sure someone who can voice similar characters as him is about to get his chance.

>> No.10097110

Who said anything about prison time?

>> No.10097113

He could always voice act in shitty Christian cartoons.

>> No.10097122


>> No.10097136

That's what you assume but these people accused him of sexual assault. You are going to have to scrap real hard to find a full jury that will all agree this is sexual assault.

>> No.10097161

>churches caring about sexual assault/misconduct/pedophilia
Good one anon

>> No.10097164

Everyone defending him or decrying this as “SJW BULLSHIT REEEEEE” is missing the point
It’s not one or two awkward interactions or cheek kisses. Dude is literally preying on underage girls. He knows that 13, 14 year old girls are little impressionable hornballs and he knows he voices their husbandos. This has been a pattern for years, and literally everyone I’ve spoken to about this has either had their own story or been like “yep not shocked”.
He doesn’t have to be ass raping 10 year olds to be a creepy pedophile who is constantly given a position to kiss and grab at young, groomable girls. There’s definitely a pattern and I would not be surprised if he does use his interactions with these girls to get off after the autograph signings are over.

>> No.10097192

But its okay for Katy Perry to kiss someone on the cheek because pussy, right?

>> No.10097202

No it’s not, anyone who defends people it’s because they’re obsessed Stans or just fans, not because it’s right. Don’t be so obtuse anon

>> No.10097233

There was an uproar when that happened as well

>> No.10097242

This attack is so obvious it's painful. So the guy who has awkward possibly questionable hugs is socially lynched but the guy who flat out admits to being the man in an accuser's rape allegation is fine? Where is the mass cancelation of Haberkorn?

No, people have disliked Vic's personality for years so now they're just screaming sexual harasment because it's the easy way to destroy someone right now.

>> No.10097243

They're both shitty people anon. Vic's is at least 10 years in the making, so the uproar has been a long time coming. Haberkorn's nowhere near out of the woods.

>> No.10097244

I feel like there are some legit complaints, but what you said is a large part of it as well. There's no way a guy with kiwi and lolcow pages that are years old is not being targeted partially for the lulz.

>> No.10097261

Honestly, I'm disappointed to see him go this way. I wanted people to realize that he's an insufferable cunt and dubs are for plebians so we could get better guests. European cons have been getting good Japanese guests while we've been stuck with this guy for years. He's boring, he's annoying to deal with, but I wouldn't say he's a sexual predator.

So it's too bad that now when we finally get rid of him it's because of his old fans over-reacting instead genuinely demanding better quality guests from cons.

>> No.10097276

Never said anyone wasn't shitty, just pointing out that there is a double standard here. If you are a hot Asian guy it's cool, free pass. People have never had issues with Todd's personality. Todd's never been vocal about religion or refused to sign yaoi or whatever. No one is calling Todd an anti-semite or a homophobe.

But, people have been saying Vic hates the gays for 10 years, shouting he should be banned from cons for it. People have been stirring a stink about his faith services at cons for years, saying he should be banned from cons for it. People have been saying he's rude and entitled for years and he should be banned from cons for it...but none of that worked. They finally found a thing to call him that works.

>> No.10097310

This is great pasta, where'd you order from?

>> No.10097318


Woah, anyone have any idea who she's talking about?

>> No.10097321

Probably Todd now that he has an accuser.

>> No.10097330

More people need to think like you.

>> No.10097337

She said he's not from anime and has decades on her. Pay attention

>> No.10097343

I was waiting for a Jim Jones cult ref.

>> No.10097344

>It took 15 years for someone to finally address Vic's personality at cons
Why so long? It's not like he wasn't openly hugging and kissing underage girls at cons. We all knew how he was.

>> No.10097345

>Tl;dr: Vic becomes the next Jim Jones
I'll go to Victown

>> No.10097352

Jim Cummings is the only one who comes to mind then

>> No.10097355

People have been saying it the whole time, it's just been swept under the rug until now because nobody with influence or power has said anything until now.

>> No.10097357

Lol, I was wondering when they were going to boot him.

>> No.10097364
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>> No.10097368

I'm still surprised they ever hired him in the first fucking place. It ain't like any of this has been some hush-hush secret.

>> No.10097380

In my experience, he's always been more of a laughingstock and butt of jokes especially on cgl. I've been here since 2006 and my first con exposure to him was hearing about the Easter sermon, miniskirt army, and the Ed x Mustang hardcore yaoi under the hotel door tantrum story. His behavior through the years seems to have normalized for what sort of person he is and new stories just added to the pile, like the "Fai isn't gay, I talked to CLAMP," and "Ed is just trying to find God"

>> No.10097391

So, when will funimation fire him? I'm giving the guy till Friday.

>> No.10097394

Miniskirt army is Travis Willingham, not Vic.

>> No.10097395

I'll give him until the end of the month desu. I've heard stories about how he treats the employees the and he's more or less a laughing stock to the company as a whole.

>> No.10097398

Well now is the perfect time to fire him. His popularity waned around 2008.

>> No.10097399

But it has been in a way, you have to be anon about speaking up or you get attacked by the Vic fangirl army. And working for my con we had a rule. You don't talk about con drama, you don't talk about guests, you don't talk about other cons or you get booted off staff. It happened to one of my favorite fellow staffers, got kicked for being overheard talking about behind the scenes drama. Because what if bookers or companies stop working with our con cause we talk shit. So it's been whispered from one person to another for years, posted anon here, but not full blown wide open like this.

>> No.10097457

All I saw on a google search was Vic doing a kiss on the cheek in a mostly template left fan/right Vic. Like what the fuck, is this like a anti-Christian witch hunt?

Vic is just stuck in an older culture and people are just SJWing things instead of training talent to ask for hugs in a confloor setting. "He didn't sign my Furry DBZ yaoi, WHAT A HOMOPHOBE REEEEEEEEE!"

This drama is just going to make it too noisy to find the real douchebags.

>> No.10097505

>In the 2000s convention scene I never saw Vic being handsy, but
It's not like Encyclopedia Dramatica had an entire article on the subject or anything... oh, wait. They did. For over 10 years.

>> No.10097506

Vic seems to have been replaced in a Funimation show. He appeared as the Executive in ep 2 of the morose mononokean. The character returned over the weekend and is now played by Ian Sinclair.

>> No.10097507

>Like what the fuck, is this like a anti-Christian witch hunt?
Hahaha fuck off, no such thing. We all know he fucked some underage girls.

>> No.10097509
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>> No.10097510

This is interesting

>> No.10097538

>anti-Christian witch hunt
>Vic is just stuck in an older culture
Your lame excuses for douchebaggery are showing.
I'm Christian and I'm anti-Vic. Do not support people that use their faith to shield kiddy diddlin.

>> No.10097540
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top fucking kek, gull

>> No.10097546

Everyone is talking about the kiss on the cheek stuff, but what about all those times he leaned into fangirls ears and whispered "what if you drank it from my mouth?"

Let's not pretend that every fangirl who asked he say that was over 18. Maybe some were but he's the adult and he should know better than to put himself or them in that situation.

>> No.10097549


It's not just the kiss on the cheek. It's the lingering hugs that he groped people during. It's the vague, but obviously lewd things he's said to underage girls.

>> No.10097561

Are you suggesting people should use ED as a credible source of information...

>> No.10097608

Please provide actual accusations besides pridemore. What "lewd things" ?
How can you determine a hug was lingering by a photo? Girls in these photos have come out and said they were 100% fine with the actions then and now. Oh but they don't matter I guess.

>> No.10097616

Its 4chan, what do you expect but the willfully contrarian. Though I’ll give them this, the /co/mrades laughed when K’s apology dropped.

>> No.10097621

Some of the girls were fine and consenting with the hugs and kisses.
The issue is that there are some girls who weren't and the good experiences don't cancel out the bad/improper like a video game or something.

>> No.10097624

Plenty have provided their own photos and said they were uncomfortable with it. Search the kickvic tag yourself.

I don’t get this weird insistence on defending him, when everyone agreed that he was gross before this saga started. Hundreds of allegations against him over the years, his own colleagues who actually know Vic personally are coming out in support of said allegations, but oh no it’s a conspiracy, poor Vic against the world, his word is more valuable than every single person who’s spoken about it

>> No.10097636

I can’t stand the guy, but the various conventions I’ve been to I’ve haven’t met any fans of him that claim they were harassed him. Even the ones who weren’t fans just says he’s too much into hugs, annoying and a total Christfag. If hugging a person is considered then convention fans harass VAs and cosplayers more than anyone. My brother gets unwanted hugs and attention because he’s a decent cosplayer.

>> No.10097637

>I don’t get this weird insistence on defending him
Here's the thing, anon.
When people defend him, they aren't defending him. They're defending the behavior, either because they've done/would do the same and don't want to see themselves as an abuser, or they've been groomed in an environment where they see these things as acceptable (like people who think it's fine to beat children and that it's not abuse because, "My parents beat me and I turned out okay! Beating kids is fine!")

They're probably also zoomers and just don't get it. I've been going to cons since 2005 and we've always had stories about how Vic is. All they see is #metoo, they don't realize we've dealt with Vic's bullshit for years now.

>> No.10097639

It's all banking on the vague rumors of Vic diddling or not diddling at this point.

>> No.10097652

This is amazing clarity.

>> No.10097670

That's a good fucking point, anon. Touche

>> No.10097733


Can't wait until they pop Biden for this. He does the same exact thing in his pictures.

>> No.10097741


Oh yeah because overton window has shifted where being a little huggy is now sexual assault, well in America at least.

Remember, glomping used to be a thing.

Everyone is just recreating bullshit in their memories because they hated Vic for his christfaggotry and want to tear him down

>> No.10097759

>glomping used to be a thing

So? They banned that shit a long ass time ago and it hasn't come back since. Because honestly, who wants to be touched/knocked down by some random overweight autisitc weeb, especially now that a lot of people wear fragile expensive costumes.


>> No.10097857

for internet drama? yeah, with a grain of salt. old ED, anyway.

>> No.10097864

Agreed. Used to be friends with her. Got tired of her constantly attacking people over FB about their political choices. Acted like she was such a victim when people turned around and asked her why she would do that.

But this whole Jessie vs. Todd thing is 50 shades of fucked up.


Something is gonna come to a head in this Kick Vic fiasco. Makes me wonder if someone is gonna take legal action...or someone is just gonna put Vic down and claim insanity because he "abused them" and it triggered their trauma

>> No.10097912

All you really need to file a Libel case is proof of financial impact. Given he has been confirmed cancelled from 2 VA jobs and several conventions, I'd say he has a case.

Weather or not he is willing to voluntarily undergo cross-examination is the real indicator of guilt here, I would think. If he DOES file suit, I'd hate to be one of the gulls that started all this...

>> No.10097917
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Speaking of which

>> No.10097921 [DELETED] 

I know several cosplay thots who have been groomed by older guys (in their 20s) when they were around 14 years old (pampering her for compliments and trying to get softcore photos, trying to date her etc.). I found it very creepy tried to put a stop to it then and said it's wrong, but these thots told me I'm bitter old hag who's just jealous. And you know what, these thots did get their wanted internet fame so I guess they got what they wanted.

So I honestly don't give a shit when some "child" who clearly is fully capable of making her own decisions later decides she's been "sexually abused". Now I only try to protect actual children, some girls are just born to be sluts and it starts around their teens. That kind of behavior shouldn't be encouraged by protecting them. Sometimes I think slut shaming is actually a good thing.

>> No.10097923

Someone said upthread that a con guest appearance is 3-5k or something? So if Vic was making 2-3 appearances a month and they're all cancelled let's say for the rest of 2019, that's quite a bit of income lost. Surely he can live off of his past appearance money? But wait, he's the type to blow through the guest allowance by the Thursday night of a con SO…

>> No.10097929
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>> No.10097937

God I hope he does actually take someone to court that would be glorious to watch.

>> No.10097945
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For a man apparently creeping around on the prowl for decades I would hope there would at least one good case to make..

>> No.10097950

1000 in 24 hours ins't that great, especially when related to a e list cleb with a horde of idiots behind him.

>> No.10097952

imagine being so mad at a 14 year old child calling you old that you use it to justify their sexual abuse

>> No.10097955

A lot of people on this board are bitter old women and jealous of younger (but legal) girls.

>> No.10097958

A Non-Consensual HUG?!?!?


>> No.10097967

He'll ham it up so damn much on the stand it'd be fucking amazing to behold...

>> No.10097968 [DELETED] 
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He...might have clout

>> No.10097971 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10097973
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>> No.10097994

Regardless of the fact that she pushed for it, this was something that was bubbling below the surface for a *long* time, and was bound to happen sooner or later. A crapton of VAs were done with his shit too.

>> No.10098006

But where did she say she lied and was going to be a rich bitch. She just made a tweet and then everyone went "yeah, fuck him"

>> No.10098017

I'm confused, what are you saying this is evidence of?

>> No.10098020

Holy shit she looks uncomfortable and we can't have that. We need to start up #kickbiden and get his entire career flushed down the toilet.

>> No.10098030

What does she prove? She never lied about anything. She made a jokey vent tweet and people responded with actual testimony.

Kisses too, you jackass.

>> No.10098037
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Vic previously claimed that he knew the names of the people that were "instigating and pushing this stuff" and implied he was going to take action since January 20th, so that's unsurprising to hear. Though I wonder who'd he target for libel, probably >>10097971? Not sure anyone else specifically

Image is from https://twitter.com/RWBY_Fan10000/status/1087052848448393226

>> No.10098044
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>> No.10098046
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>> No.10098047

That's all I got so far. I'm waiting for more stuff to come out.

>> No.10098049

I'd like to point out to anyone shocked he's getting dropped from cons and jobs that in situations like this it's pretty much NEVER "oh, he got accused and then instantly fired as a direct result of the accusations!"

It's usually "finally, people have gone public with accusations and examples of this jackass' shitty behavior, we can get him out of our hair at last without facing massive repercussions from his agency/fans/general public/coworkers."

>> No.10098092

Why are there so many vocal people voicing support for him and crying for evidence when plenty have been presented publicly? Do they literally need to be personally molested by Vic VaporRub to verify it's true? Or wait, you can't rape the willing

>> No.10098096

>Vic VaporRub


>> No.10098106

THIS. Vic has been a huge liability and a thorn in everyone's side for literal decades, a lot of conrunners are finally breathing a sigh of relief right now that they can be rid of him.

>> No.10098120

I get a little annoyed by the "Well I've met him several times and he's never done anything to me."
It's worn me down so much the petty part of me wants to say "Well sweetie, maybe morbidly obese grease pie isn't his type."

>> No.10098168

He also manipulates his underage and Asperger's fans into defending him online against meanies. I can believe that he has boundary issues, but not that he completely lacks any sicial awareness.

>> No.10098194

Funimation has fired Vic. It's official now.

>> No.10098208

Link? I saw where they removed him from the anime he's in and replaced him with a guy named Ian.

This is exactly it. Even if some conventions don't have evidence of Vic being inappropriate, there's a long list of shit he's done at conventions behind the scenes in the way of obnoxious behavior and diva-syndrome. The conventions are more than happy to use the scandal as a reason to give him the boot since they couldn't do it before due to his popularity and fans getting upset about Vic not being invite for the 20th year in a row.

>> No.10098212

It sure is cute that you guys think cons are happy about this. You ever wonder why he gets repeat invites despite being a dick? He actually sells badges. Even after 10+ years he STILL sells badges.

>> No.10098215

It's a double-edged sword. On one hand, cons can rest easy knowing they don't have to deal with Vic's shenanigans anymore. But on the other, it's gonna be rough finding another voice actor who can bring in the crowds Vic can. Unless JYB and Steve Blum do more cons than they're already doing.

>> No.10098217

Many of the cons where he's been banned for years are growing just fine without him.

>> No.10098242

Funimation has more VA problems than just Vic. Isn't there VA director hooking up with cosplayers and giving them VA roles in return for teh sex

>> No.10098249

That sounds like rumors.

>> No.10098255

There was a post on the old thread that implicated Quinton Flynn but that was it on that. What happened? What's his deal?

>> No.10098258

>We live in a society

>> No.10098259

FINALLY the dub era is over and Americans need to learn how to read

>> No.10098275

VA Samantha Inou Harte has made a post on FB about vic. Hes a piece of shit.

>> No.10098296

So I can fuck girls half my age as long as they’re mean to you?

Shit that’s not a bad deal

>> No.10098300

you are a dumb motherfucker

>> No.10098311

So as someone who used to be obsessed with Quinton Flynn and the subsequent claims that came out of that very strange period of 2007-2010... it's my time to shine.

His "deal" is that he voiced 2 characters that have massive fangirl bases and subsequently rumors popped up due to the demographic of the fanbases and a bad encounter with a particular fan. These fanbases consisted almost entirely of teen girls and 20-something girls who were obsessed with Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, and yaoi. Lots of yaoi.

In 2007 or so, he and Jeff Nimoy came up with the idea to do the con circuit together, combining their respective fanbases into one "no homo" extravaganza that would involve Q&As, singing a song filled with innuendos But They Weren't Gay At All, and of course autograph sessions. At this time in the con circuit, autograph sessions with these guys were very personable. It was just the two of them at a table, usually no manager or anybody else, and they'd chat with you, take photos, etc.

Quinton Flynn and Jeff Nimoy accrued a relatively large fanbase with their double-act. There were women who would literally follow them from convention to convention. Naturally most of these girls had crushes on them, especially Quinton Flynn, because he voiced Axel and Reno and at the time he was still fresh-faced and wasn't, well, y'know, like he looks now. No judging, I've also aged terribly. I can't stress how fangirl-heavy the whole thing got. Jeff Nimoy said something on their forum once about wanting people to respect that he and Quinton were people with boundaries and that trying to hug/touch them without permission wasn't okay.

to be continued

>> No.10098313

Not surprisingly due to the massive amounts of "oh god I LOVE HIM" fangirls, rumors began to pop up that Quinton and/or Jeff had sex with some of their fans before. Sometimes people claimed he slipped numbers in their pockets or he was overall flirty, which I think is plausible enough--you've got a bunch of young 20-somethings giggling over you because you voice a video game character, wouldn't surprise me if he tried to follow up on some interactions. Some people claimed they had sex with fans, but, who knows. That's pretty much the extent of the rumors.

Almost all of these rumors came from /cgl/--a bulk of them "coincidentally" started around the time that a specific cosplayer started posting about how Quinton Flynn was a sexist pervert on her livejournal, which she did when she found out Flynn didn't like Axel/Roxas and wanted people to stop asking him to say sexual things about Roxas in his Axel voice or sign yaoi porn. She also said on her LJ that if people didn't consider Axel/Roxas canon, they were homophobic.

She also claimed he was a sexist pervert who leered at her while asking for his autograph at a specific convention, conveniently leaving out that she walked up to him while pulling down her pants to her mid-thigh to show him her hip tattoo, then asked him to sign her hip. I was at this convention and witnessed it myself. She also originally uploaded a video of this squeeing about meeting him, until she got mad at Quinton for not liking the pairing she obsessed over and she took it down.

But that's pretty much the deal. Some people think he's had sex with fans at conventions because he had a rapid fanbase in 2007 to the early 2010s due to voicing character, and some of these rumors coincidentally started after a BNF cosplayer at the time got peeved at him for not liking her favorite pairing.

>> No.10098347
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Wow, you're not kidding. I was watching this from the sidelines and disliked him but was trying to remain unbiased enough not to go all internet warrior or anything. But this takes the cake.

>> No.10098362

Yeah, it's over for him. They have enough people in the industry to let him go.

>> No.10098366

You night be onto something? I've noticed the girls coming forward are almost all Caucasian. Maybe he's a good Christian man who doesn't believe in race mixing and doesn't give Asians or people of color attention.

>> No.10098369

Yeah our local con banned him like over 5 years ago and they're fine. He was too much of a drama queen

>> No.10098420

is someone deleting all the posts about ryzen?

dude its out there hes a pedophile. i commented the other day how he sleeps with underage girls and my comment is now gone

>> No.10098443

Looks like they're going after Neil Kaplan now, too.

>> No.10098444

I just saw a public post with screencaps about him.

Don't worry anon, it's still getting out there.

>> No.10098447

How does this happen irl, someone ducking on your bed. That sucks

>> No.10098457

Yeah, just read that girl's IG post. Holy shit, what's happening in this community?? Is there no one good out there?

>> No.10098458

It was in a hotel room at a con, anon. That's pretty normal if you know shitty people

>> No.10098463

Samantha Inoue Heart was banned from cons way before Vic for doing some really shitty stuff. I wouldn't trust her at all.

Also hugely comical to see her try to take a moral high ground.

>> No.10098465

This sounds exactly like the rumors about Vic. It's identical.

>> No.10098478

>I saw Vic hit on a girl at work one time, so he's clearly a Rapist.

>> No.10098489

I mean, not really. Vic's rumors were substantiated by years and years (no /cgl/ pun intended) of witnesses, specific incidents in hotels and panels that could be backed up by at least circumstantial evidence, in some cases video now, and so on.

In Quinton's case, it's: "He had a lot of female fans, some people say he flirted with them, and one yaoi-obsessive fan with a vendetta lied about their documented encounter in order to paint him as a panting pervert and coincidentally after she decided she hated him comments starting showing up on /cgl/ about him being a perv who fucks fans."

>> No.10098507

If you're trying to discredit her, spill the entire tea and give us a real reason to believe you. The murky water you dribbled doesn't do jack to stain her credibility.

>> No.10098516

All men are evil rapists anon. Most guys can't handle power.

>> No.10098523

finally some real shit

>> No.10098555

If your greatest defense is someone posting "forgive" then I got bad news for you.

>> No.10098579

I book guests for a fairly large con. You are completely full of shit. We know who not to book as we talk to other cons who tell us about their diva guests. She's is far from a diva.

Before anyone asks who are the other divas out there you're not going to find out until they get called out.

>> No.10098580

Well yeah? Perverts aren't out of control and hitting on every single female in a line of 500. Most still have a 'type'

The keys I've noticed from Vic seems to be Caucasian or light skinned, short, less than 120 lbs, and sometimes seems to gravitate towards girls that are specially not interested him him. Like just in line because their friend is there? A lot of stories feature something like this and its like Vic was almost aware she wasn't a slobbering fan girl and he makes them pay for it.... Just sayin

>> No.10098598

I never said she was a Diva. That's the problem. She has such a nice persona you're gutted when you find out the truth.

>> No.10098600



>boy the things I've seen

What the fuck is this bullshit

>> No.10098624

She is sweet to attendees. She does have other issues. They are not anything that would get someone banned from cons. She is not banned from any cons. I still stand that you're completely full of shit.

Name one con who has banned her. There's a good chance I know how to confirm it.

I have had dozens of cons tell me that Vic is banned. They have never mention her.

>> No.10098641
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Now this got linked on the ANN forum comments on the original story they published. Posting the link here for posterity.


I don't follow youtubers or really twitter nor am I versed on ANN's history so I have no idea exactly who's in the right here, but there is definitely infighting on the news side of things. WTF.

>> No.10098647
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>> No.10098651 [DELETED] 

FACT: there is literally nothing wrong with kissing girls

>> No.10098652
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>> No.10098657

What shit did she do?

>> No.10098658

I'm genuinely curious what the story is behind this

>> No.10098661

Of course there isn't, as long as they want you to. If you're kissing children without even checking that they want a kiss then maybe rethink your life choices before you get party vanned.

>> No.10098662

based cunnyposter

>> No.10098671

Stop trying to convince yourself faggot

>> No.10098672

Who is this person?

>> No.10098674


>> No.10098675

She hasn't been in anything notable in a good while

>> No.10098680
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>nothing wrong with kissing girls

>u r faggot


>> No.10098681

She does more industry behind the scenes work, like animating, directing, casting, and stuff.

>> No.10098689

>watching Vic get fired and his pissed off his autistic fans cry

Life is gud

>> No.10098697

Lol, who cares? Also, if that's all it takes to make someone abandon the con circuit forever, they're a giant pussy.

>> No.10098707

vic is literally chris chan

>> No.10098715

That's what I'm talking about. I have a real problem with how a lot of these accusations are the most vague shit with no real fucking details to sell it. And they get shocked and pissy when people don't believe them.

>> No.10098740


The plot thickens.

>> No.10098742

>confusing civil court with criminal court

Burden of proof is way lower in civil court. There’s more than enough there for defamation suits. I don’t think people have realized that real life actual legal boundaries are being crossed here that have real life actual legal consequences

>> No.10098745

Feel really bad that Monica's being dragged into this, she's such a sweetheart.

>> No.10098749

At Will Employment then
Companies can fire him for being bad of their image and many other reasons or no reason at all, they probably fulfilled their end of the included contract termination so he can go suck a fat one.

>> No.10098755

Vic better hope he never comes to a con near me again. I'd risk being kicked out forever to tell him what a piece of shit he is to his face.

>> No.10098772

You obviously don’t know how this works. Look up what defamation is legally. A lot of people/entities are going down with Vic over this one because they don’t understand the law, and it’s going to be hilarious to watch desu

>> No.10098783

There's not really something like firing him, voice work is closer to freelance and contracts. Companies can simply choose not to work with Vic again. They don't get to fire him.

>> No.10098792

Okay guys, something happened.

Like I don't owe you anything, and I'm not going to go into details. But just know that something somewhere along the line happened to me.

Totally super cereal guys.

>> No.10098813

Why should she have to go into detail though? Vic’s rabid fans aren’t a jury. She’s obviously upset about whatever happened and didn’t want people to know in the first place.

>> No.10098829

Don't vaguepost like this. Tell us the shitty stuff or shut the fuck up anon.

>> No.10098836

Clearly you don't understand how non-confrontational Monica Rial is.

>> No.10098856

Shes not banned from cons. She posts on her Facebook all the time about how she goes to cons.

>> No.10098857

Technically voice actors aren't 'fired' they just aren't hired to come in and record anymore. Anything Vic does is gig-to-gig, even ADR directing. Actors probably have a contract for specific characters once they are defined but they are pretty disposable and Anime VAs have no union to protect them like the Hollywood guys do.

>> No.10098876

I'd love to see him try. He has doesn't evidence that all of it didn't happen and some of us have witnesses. And he already admitted to some of it in his apology. Please I beg for him try, it would bring me so much joy.

>> No.10098877

Sorry I got excited from happiness, He doesn't have*
I love the mental gymnastics his brainwashed fans jump through to ignore what he himself admitted to.

>> No.10098900

That was faster than expected.

>> No.10098905

Is your knowledge of civil court based off criminal court TV shows?

Because I feel like it is.

>> No.10098911

The fact that the bastard did this to someone as well known as Monica and even she didn't come forward for so long says a lot. She has a right to not want people to know what went down, and no one should ask for it. This isn't some fangirl saying this, this is a professional voice actor, she's got nothing to gain from coming out about it other than stopping him from doing this to someone else.

>> No.10098912

You think the average girl on 4chan has actual law knowledge?

>> No.10098914

>she has nothing to gain
This is not an argument. The enjoyment of exerting power over others is not exclusive to men, or to rape. Hell, part of 4chan's identity even stems from doing things for "lulz."

>> No.10098926

I could care less if she was the queen of england plopping about merry ol' London. She shits sitting down doesn't she?

If you accuse somebody of something, you explain yourself and back up your claim.

If not, myself (and a GOOD number of other people) will not believe you. It's as simple as that.

>> No.10098958

She stated she was waiting for an official statement before saying anything (posted this yesterday, while the posts in this thread are from after that tweet). Meaning she's probably either talking to Funimation or the cops about it and legally can't say anything more, also again she shouldn't have to say anything more to the likes of us, because we can't do anything to him, only police and employers can do something.
But you can continue to take Vic's senior citizen dick with your head in the sand.

>> No.10098962


>> No.10098964


godDAMN people are fucking stupid.

>> No.10098965

Yeah but good people will believe her.
I guess some sickos will defend him because they want to get away with touching little girls too.

>> No.10098974

ADR director at Ocretron getting in on it.

>This dude (who I had heard was a creep but didn’t know) went on a weird tangent of “Well, it’s like The Greeks used to say ‘silence is consent.’”

El emm ay oh my fucking god

>> No.10098975

She doesn't have to explain her story to the public. She just has to talk to industry people (and hell, at this point, everyone's already got their own Vic stories). Either Vic gets blacklisted or he survives and continues to get roles. Even if the grabbing and kissing was false he's still got plenty of ill-will from his diva attitudes over the years.

>> No.10098976
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>> No.10098999

Yeah it's Jeremy Inman, saw him at a con with his cosplay grilfriend Kimberly Cosplay selling prints a few weeks back at Ohayocon

>> No.10099011

there's that word again

are you going to ruin a mans life because he looked at you funny?

>> No.10099014

Yeah because that’s all this is about, right? Fucking tool

>> No.10099023

Are you five, do you look with your hands?
I'll type it out for you, looking and touching are two different things.

>> No.10099029

touching is not a bad thing roastie, it's something human beings do when they interact

>> No.10099054

Do you also go up and kiss strangers without consent or?

>> No.10099171

No, she does have to tell people if her whole point is, hey believe these people because it happened to me. You can't say that and then NOT say what happened come on.

>> No.10099181
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>oneangrygamer posted the news about Vic getting fired and painted it in such a way the comments section are going on about "SJWs REEEEEE"

I found their site neat to use when figuring out about shit on video games (I don't frequent the site though) but holy fuck how deluded can you be?

I don't get it.

>> No.10099204

>If not, myself (and a GOOD number of other people) will not believe you.
A good number of people think the Earth's flat, anon. Funimation execs could have recorded video of Vic feeling up and harassing girls, and some folks will still think he's innocent for god knows what reason.

>> No.10099235

Is this nu-/b/? Old /b/ would’ve gone straight to the throat of a religious kiddy diddler like Vic and leaked all kinds of unsavory shit, had all this stuff come out years ago.

Also, apparently the whole #kickvic movement is invalidated because one person in a private Facebook group said to photoshop pics to make Vic look worse. People are fucking idiots.

>> No.10099239

The average girl doesn't have any actual law knowledge.

>> No.10099273

a single dipshit doesn't invalidate a decade of testimonies.

on the other hand, there's a group conspiring to harass FUNi and VAs involved in #kickvic


>> No.10099358

>SJW's conspire to ruin yet another innocent mans life over some perceived slight
>suddenly WERE the bad guys????

>> No.10099459

If by SJWs, you also happen to mean “every single person he’s ever worked with”?

>> No.10099658

No she doesn't because again you have no power to help her. A rape victim doesn't have to shout her story to the world, she just has to talk with police, a lawyer. a doctor, and the court room. Not every neckbeard on twitter.

hugging and kissing is not looking or consented touching. You don't just grab someone's hand for a hand shake you hold it out and wait for one.

They were claiming photos were photo shopped the day this started. "they put his hand on her butt!" I wish old /b/ was around, could really use their help

basically if you complain about a man now you're a sjw. Doesn't matter if that man raped and killed your entire family if you complain about him you're a sjw

>> No.10099666

>You don't just grab someone's hand for a hand shake you hold it out and wait for one.
only in your imagination roastie. someone grabbing your hand for a shake is not some kind of a big deal in any universe. your personal space is not a magical barrier.

>> No.10099763

Um, actually it is a barrier. You don't get to grab someone's hand and shake it - that's completely inappropriate and it is a big deal. You've now imposed yourself on someone else physically and that can be considered a type of assault. Which is why handshakes are gestures of greeting and are offered, not imposed against someone's will.

>> No.10099783

You sound like the type of person that companies try their hardest to keep out. I hope you're good at acting.

>> No.10099878

This is bull. The trendy thing in the voice over community right now is to shit on Vic in any way possible. Everyone is doing it, so you better do it, too!

Just look at Kaiji Tang's tweets about him where he confessed he's been nothing but cordial and polite in a reply from a fan, but that was after he spoke out about sniping VIc's role as Edward Elric. Jamie Marcie's tweets about him burning in a fire are pretty neato, too.

It's the hip thing right now senpai, if you're an aspiring voice actor, give your own "harassment" story. Bonus +10 cool points if it involves Vic.

>> No.10099914

Except Monica is getting threats now because she came forward. She’s hardly benefitting from any of this.

>> No.10100818




There's shifting cultural views over time, and there's moving the fucking goalposts.

getting actual abusers pinned down requires not being distracted by stuff that actually can get explained away, not increasing the scope of what is wrong to include shit that goes on without incident in the rest of the world.

Anti viccers are hurting their own case by getting sidetracked and should stay focused on the specific cases, and not trying to develop some over-arching-narrative shit tier op-ed journalism.

>> No.10100828


there may be some truth to this when looking across different reactions, but I'm skeptical if this outlook would apply to Monica or Samantha. Neither of them have been shown to be 'rock the boat' types, one way or the other over the years, with cons, fans, or production (at least not that's come up in anywhere near the volume that it has with Vic.)

either way, what they said about what specifically happened between themselves and Vic, or what they claim they were present for, is what should be examined. and not any heresay stuff they weren't directly involved in.

>> No.10100830

Vic did nothing wrong. Incels are just mad that he's making massive cash and fangirls enjoy his voice.

>> No.10100878

>muh creep
why does /cgl/ exist and why don't you go back to the livejournal/xanga/myspace trash heap you all came from?

>> No.10101183

New thread

>> No.10101953

>/cgl/ one of the worst boards on 4chan actually believes the SJW trash falsifying claims against based vic and todd
Fuck this trash board

>> No.10101959

>flirts with 5 year olds
>sjw trash