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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 146 KB, 710x895, 3E7BD44E-B8E1-4E85-A134-3812E54D4314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10029770 No.10029770 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>9979885

The summer Paris meet was small but very successful, now it’s time for the Winter Chicago meet.
Are you planning to attend?

The comm-wide parapara project was also a success, the next one is currently being planned.

OfficeKiko x Esperanza boots started an old school gal nostalgia revival, followed by an event in Shibuya 109, now OK is doing a denim collaboration that is also inspired by gal/90’s fashion.
Did you buy the boots yet? Are you interested in the new denim

It also seems as though gyaru is having a small revival in the western community, are you excited or annoyed with all of the newbies?

Any winter meets planned locally? If so, are you/your circle/comm doing anything special for the holidays?

Georgie is starting a handmade accessory brand, do you think you’ll buy any items?

Any winter trends you’re excited to try? (or bring back?)

>> No.10029907

I'm going to the Chicago meet! If anyone has an idea where I can get cute boots that'll hold up on snow/ice that'd be great.

I'm excited by the boom because it seems to be more girls vaguely aware what gyaru is and not just himekaji/Liz Lisa types who actually wear larme and got lost.

I am so excited for Georgie's brand, old school doesn't suit me so I doubt I'll be getting anything but I can't wait to see it all and see everyone wearing it.

>> No.10029911

I wish I could attend but America is way out of my budget. I hope my local comm starts doing more meets again this winter.

Same for the Esperanza boots, too expensive and they don't even have my size.

I hope we get a lot of new gyaru, but the type that actually want to improve.

I love that Georgie is launching her own thing! Although the hat isn't really my style, I will definitely keep my eyes open for stuff I might like!

As for winter trends, I love how normal shops are starting to sell more gold, camo, animal prints and fur items. They are totally up my alley.

>> No.10029920
File: 33 KB, 372x463, dailyshoesAmazon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh man, I'm not a gyaru, but I want to meet them because nostalgia, and I rarely hear anything from the area's circle. I'm so gyaru isn't dead.

Maybe start with Nordstrom? There are some cute duckboots by Sperry's on sale (search boots, color: pink) rn. Also, there are some cute hot pink quilted combat boots by DailyShoes on Amazon (they come in other colors).

>> No.10029921
File: 24 KB, 434x650, sperrySyrenGulfBoots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*I'm so glad gyaru's not dead

I think these would be cute and comfy with furry legwarmers.

>> No.10029927
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Also I’d like to talk about my favourite holiday before it’s completely gone - who had your favourite Halloween look? I think Netta looked stunning but Kelsey had some great looks too in the run up to the actual day.

>> No.10029995
File: 105 KB, 1500x1143, 955683BD-076E-46E7-83EF-C17AC0A21B8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Netta was absolutely my favorite look of this years Halloween! I had so many looks planned this year but depression got in the way, but there is always next year!

For Chicago winters, I think a pair of Mini Bailey Bow boots from UGG are indispensable (pic related) I wear mine throughout the winter, I just make sure to avoid the slush/salt on the ground, since it’ll ruin the suede. They come in a lot of cute colors and are super versatile when it comes to pairing them with a gyaru look. Kind of an investment but definitely have been my saving grace.

>> No.10030011

oh yeah, seconding. It's hard to avoid the salt/slush here, but I'd at least put on some suede/nubeck protection spray and have a cleaning brush on the side.

>> No.10030025
File: 373 KB, 1027x1193, 18-11-08-18-02-28-291_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of these look very similar to Esperanza boots.

>> No.10030030
File: 673 KB, 923x1193, 18-11-08-18-02-08-825_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a love & hate relationship with the Western gyaru boom. I love that more people are interested in gyaru. The only thing I hate, is finding cheap clothes are becoming extinct. I saw a cute jumpsuit on a japanese site and only being 3 minutes up, it's sold out.

>> No.10030744

What's w the western comm being obsessed with lower lashes? Lets face it, a lot of Japanese gal don't wear massive ones and they don't seem to exist in old school. So why is it a requirement??

>> No.10030747

I'm going depending on how much people are going... I'm a Liz Lisa fag though.

>> No.10030776

Where to buy old issues of Egg?

>> No.10030809
File: 20 KB, 240x320, D595EF8E-40FE-44A9-8363-DC1658C276B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it’s because most of us have been in the style longer so we are used to a certain look that can only be achieved with lower lashes.
On lazy days I’ll use just a good mascara but I don’t feel as though my eyes are up to par on those days, so I’ll never post the look.

I kind of get why you might say that but unless you can see the number ticket sales, I don’t know how you would know how many people are going. Either go or don’t, kind of flakey imo. I am going and I’m really excited about it.
I’ve talked to Reina about it a bit and she seems to be putting a lot of effort into this so I can’t wait to see how it all turns out.

Japanese Mercari and fril are you best options

>> No.10030846

I'm going to gal meet in Chicago! It'll be my very first meet so I'm happy plus I'm doing a para para performance too so I'm also excited about that.

The OK boots are way too expensive and like anon said..no shoe size.

I like old school so I can't wait to see what Georgie got!

Anon I too hate lowerlashes. I take inspiration from certain gals that dont wear lower lashes and just kind replace that with like thicker eyeliner at the bottom.

>> No.10030872

well you can see how much people bought the tickets because it was limited to 100... so far only 9 people have purchased the general admission .

>> No.10031236

For me, on a lot of Western faces, especially my own, lower lashes (depending on placement and style) make the difference between gyaru and just cute “dolly” make up or instahoe make up. There’s such a fine line. Obviously you can do both those styles with lower lashes and do gyaru without lower lashes but it does help with a certain eye shape and look and some people are going to really struggle to look gyaru without them. If someone’s giving concrit to wear lower lashes, that person probably needs them.

>> No.10031482

The event on fb says 21 people are going. Some of them might buy their tickets later on.

>> No.10031486
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Ebay sometimes carry them and your best bet will be to search on secondhand sites like gyaru sales, mercari, and fril. The last two you need a shopping service.

>> No.10032113
File: 464 KB, 1000x1500, e52da7c6998b1776cf5ae05f30da5aa4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love old in-your-face Ma*rs, D.i.a and Datura. Hoping some western revival will bring these trends back somehow

Mercari, Fril and Y!A are probably your best bet

>> No.10033229

Yeah I hope so too.

>> No.10033254

In your opinion, what are the 2 most important aspects of gyaru? I'm curious to see everyone opinions. Obviously there's a lot that goes into a look but if you had to choose just two what would you say most define gyaru to you?

>> No.10033261

A genuine love for the style and culture is number one. Not just trying to fit in for the sake of it but the strong desire to improve your look and be the best gal you can be.

Then there's confidence. You can't be the best you can if you don't have the confidence to fully be your creative self through gyaru. Gyaru isn't something you can half-heart, you have to be willing to aim for it with everything you've got and if you don't have the confidence to stand out and carry yourself, you can't truly be gyaru.

>> No.10033486

Well apparently 109 is promoting a 90s revival in women's fashion with the Esperanza boots and a lot of leopard print etc, so maybe 00s will be next.

>> No.10033548

I really believe it might and I'm usually good at this

>> No.10033837
File: 382 KB, 390x472, tumblr_m87d2zkEPG1qzqefvo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the gyaru boom of the late 2000s when the western comm was the biggest focused heavily on lower lashes. that was the style at the time and a lot of western gyaru are stuck on it.

nowadays it seems like lower lashes are hard to find, where are you gals buying them?

>> No.10033842

Vibe and makeup.
If you have the vibe/mindset/feel of a gyaru, you'll look gyaru even in your pyjama.
And makeup because even if your outfit and hair are shit, if your makeup is good, you'll look the part.
If you know how to look gyaru without lowerlashes, good. But a lot of girls don't know how to pull it off and will just look like any other basic IG girl, so it's safer.

>> No.10034478
File: 165 KB, 1024x768, 7425D88B-B1CD-4741-8821-A49693A40B2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Pic unrelated. Not going to take the pic from SNG because I don’t want to start a shit storm)

I’m tired of all the other black American gyaru looking like shit honestly. The BlackOut girls look fine and there’s one other gal on the east coat who looks good but the rest of them look god awful.
Some of them have been in the style/community for a long time and they choose to look like shit and upload it freely

I know this sounds like a load of salt (it is) but I’m tired of them bringing the rest of our (black gals) image down.

And yes, I offer advice, they just don’t take it. I don’t care if they’re fat or naturally ugly, I just wish they would actually try to look presentable for once.

>> No.10034657

Everywhere has people who have been around 5ever and yet still look like shit, you just seem to be noticing the black ones more. Is it because you're black yourself? If so, maybe you feel they're misrepresenting black gyaru, which is understandable but a bit OTT I think. These people are usually literally whos to anyone outside their country, I can't think of any bad black gyaru who are still active off the top of my head, I just think of the good ones like Reina, Motoko etc. If people aren't good and aren't obnoxious either, they generally just get forgotten. People only took any notice of that Valentina girl because she posts EVERY. FUCKING. DAY.

I might block her desu, pisses me off getting an SNG notification and seeing...that.

>> No.10034717

Tbh I can only think of 2 black gals that are like that and one of them basically has a stylistic choice for make/clothing ,which is indeed gal, so I can't even really count her. So I wonder who exactly are you talking about? Like I understand your frustration but you should take that frustration and be the gal that's up to your standards. At the end of the day people don't have to take your advice no matter how bad they need it and if people get a generalization over a few "bad" looking gals then that's their problem.

>> No.10034721


I'm not counting newbies because they're going to look shit by default and is still learning.

>> No.10034749

So are you good yourself?

>> No.10034753

>Like I understand your frustration but you should take that frustration and be the gal that's up to your standards

This is honestly the only mature way to deal with not liking how other people dress. Anything else is just salt.

>> No.10034839

>I’m tired of all the other black American gyaru looking like shit honestly.

I don't even know who you're on about because all the black American gyaru I see are probably some of the best in the comm.

>> No.10034909

I’m a black American gal and while I’m not the original OP I can hazard a guess at who they’re talking about. Some people are hard to look at desu

I try not to let people’s style bother me though, I’m too busy being my own worst critic to focus on anyone else, and I would suggest the same for anon.

It can be frustrating tho because I feel like when it comes to black people, we are always judged by the worst of us... so maybe that’s why anon is so salty?

>> No.10034912

Look like shit how? You don't have to name names, but what are they doing that you think is lowering the black gal image? What advice do you give them in response?

>> No.10034913

>It can be frustrating tho because I feel like when it comes to black people, we are always judged by the worst of us
This is definitely truth. I don't know who the original anon is talking about, but that's always my first thought when I see a black gal who looks off. It starts to look (to outside people) more ghetto/ratchet/trashy and they start to associate all of us with that, no matter if most other black gals are put together.
Sorry for racial sperging, but I feel I understand where she's coming from, too. Black girls have a level of pride we have to keep up to be seen as decent, because it only takes one fuck up to immediately confirm people's negative ideas about us.

>> No.10034933

I think I know who op is talking about and I think they have an gal circle too. I think they're improving somewhat so no big deal.

>> No.10035018

To be honest nobody is going to fuck it up worse than Delandra and y'all survived that.

>> No.10035073

>because it only takes one fuck up to immediately confirm people's negative ideas about us

Then stop giving a fuck about white people's opinions. All of this is just your own insecurities. There's more shitty white girls posting than any shitty black girls. If you think one shitty black gyaru is going to make us look bad when we have girls like Matoko and Reina then it's you're problem.

Gyaru is literally the most ghetto and trashy fashion style ever and most of the style takes inspiration from black sub-cultures. Why would you think it would somehow look worse on us than any other race when one girl does it bad?
If she just looks ghetto, she just looks ghetto and there's nothing wrong with it. If anything, looking ghetto is better than looking like a 30 y/o shut-in who's only just decided to come out their room because they discovered gyaru but can't even draw eyeliner.

>> No.10035075


Though tbf, she had the style down she was just a shit person.

>> No.10035137

Oh come on, she's never worn a piece of clothing that fit her in her fucking life.

>> No.10035221

True, but she was undeniably gyaru.

>> No.10035379

Not gonna lie she did look gyaru and blended right in with BD. Delandra had the trashy vibes down to a T.

>> No.10036153
File: 93 KB, 640x852, F8DBD047-D8B4-4B23-A0FE-943495E2088F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is no-one going to tell her the skirt/belt/ whatever combo either doesn’t fit her right, isn’t sitting right, or both?

>> No.10036159
File: 36 KB, 400x450, 1535061615475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could anyone let themselves upload this...? God.

>> No.10036207

ask that italian girl who uploads EVERY FRICKIN DAY will someone please ban her??

>> No.10036216
File: 15 KB, 370x485, 98413ea7a7fb47c46e1f20c5c4e08366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

re: boots, i used to have a pair like these but they had winter soles and omg i would kill to have them again, has anyone seen anything similar?

>> No.10036365

Maybe you should. That might be a good idea. If she doesn't like it oh well better than coming on here and not being direct only to continue to see her look like that. We all could learn to take constructive criticism and also dish it out. Only way you'll grow.

>> No.10036376

Seriously! It was kind of sad at first but now it's just annoying.

>> No.10036410

Oh.. that's the chick with the gyarusa. You might want to tell her and no one in her group won't tell her either, their makeup is kind of bad too... 109 degrees gyarusa

>> No.10036642

Maybe you should instead of posting her here.

Never seen the girl before and... yeesh. I always feel like with agejo, it takes a natural eye for fashion. That's why girls like Lizzie pull it off even though their make-up isn't too heavy.

>> No.10036904
File: 86 KB, 960x960, F0E3578B-4A84-4E79-BF72-7ED48DE6A299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cmon now

>> No.10037092

I come to cgl to escape her and you bring her right to my doorstep

Good morning girls

>> No.10037127

looks like a tranny

>> No.10037160
File: 138 KB, 710x770, 9C691109-A70B-4F5B-A1F3-1DD7D15A0188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys have any Christmas meets planned?

Trying to decide on a location for ours

>> No.10037289
File: 293 KB, 1440x1825, IMG_20181117_224324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me, a lolita
>I want to get into gyaru
Checks out clothes on Mercari, gets
>Wig time, let's look at what cyperous has

>> No.10037478

Like fuck does she, the trans gyaru in the comm look way better than that thing.

Yesss my circle is doing one and I'm super excited! Got my outfit and everything for my secret Santa now.

>> No.10037910

Can a gal get away with not using falsies? I've tried every tutorial possible and I just cannot get them on right.

>> No.10037927

No. What’s the problem when you put them on?

>> No.10038030

It took me probably 50+ times of wearing them to finally be able to put them on right.
use a lot of glue if they’re having trouble sticking. literally wait like 25 seconds before putting them on after glue
use tweezers
it’s a skill really

>> No.10038406

If you're not already, use lashes with a thinner band. Sometimes band thickness can really change how well you can apply them.

>> No.10038416

Honey no. So try what the other anons said (thinner, softer band, letting them dry a bit before sticking), and it's also important to USE A DECENT DAMN GLUE. I swear by Diamond Lash's own glue, but Daiso has a cheaper and still really good option. In my experience Western lash glue just doesn't cut it, I've not tried anything meant for runway makeup, drag queens or anything like that but definitely your standard high street glue is just not what you want for giant gal lashes.

Also, consider trimming the length of the lash band so it fits your eye better of necessary.

>> No.10038419

yeah i was using duo for years since you tubers swore by it and i realized that it literally sucks ass

>> No.10038554


My favorite lash glue, western or not, is the Kiss Brush-On lash glue. It sticks well and lasts through sleeping in your lashes or crying lol
And if you have to take your lashes off the reposition them, it doesn’t take all of your eyeliner off with it.

>> No.10038700

The one in the black tube? That's my goto as well.

>> No.10038709
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>> No.10038710

>duo for years since you tubers swore by it and i realized that it literally sucks ass

So true lol I only use it now because it's cheap and at Primark but it takes sooo long to dry

>> No.10038760
File: 92 KB, 640x480, CB9DC99B-347B-4043-ADC2-3E89C47DA92F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you all have planned? We can’t seem to decide on dinner or a private house party

>> No.10039662

Got any Christmas markets near you or anything like that? We're doing that and then a sleepover with kigus, gal movies, secret santa etc.

>> No.10040357 [DELETED] 
File: 1.09 MB, 750x1334, IMG_4459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any weight loss tips? I feel like I'm bursting out of my Japanese brand clothes and it's not pretty. I exercise but I'm really bad at keeping cravings at bay :(. Plus the holiday season and my alcohol intake in parties is killing my calorie count

>> No.10040360
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1.09 MB
1.09 MB PNG
Any weight loss tips? I feel like I'm bursting out of my Japanese brand clothes and it's not pretty. I exercise but I'm really bad at keeping cravings at bay :(. Plus the holiday season and my alcohol intake in parties is killing my calorie count

>> No.10040363
File: 122 KB, 736x505, IMG_1762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any weight loss tips? I feel like I'm bursting out of my Japanese brand clothes and it's not pretty. I exercise but I'm really bad at keeping cravings at bay :(. Plus the holiday season and my alcohol intake in parties is killing my calorie count. I feel like a fucking whale and ugh.

>> No.10040371


If you find you do more cardio, switch it up and start doing more weight training. It’ll help you burn more calories in the same amount of time and you’ll see some improvement.

I’ve found that when I have an urge to binge on snacks, drinking a big glass of water helps quell that.

>> No.10040413
File: 121 KB, 480x854, 1541693519473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deets on the dress on the right?

>> No.10040464
File: 1.64 MB, 1242x1641, 209B9E39-C0BE-4C5A-93FF-EAB3C8992765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s MARS but I’m unsure of the year/season.
I’ve seen the outfit on the left for sale but nothing of the right. I’ll keep an eye out for you anon!

>> No.10040852
File: 65 KB, 540x960, 6BA57FA4-9D78-4026-A6E8-5F837206F9C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I wish gyaru secrets was still alive
Is she using uncut top lashes for bottoms????

>> No.10040874

She looks like she belong in a dd/lg group not a gyaru one. She never post any OOTDs, nails, DIFFERENT HAIR STYLES. I mean c'mon. Nothing about her screams gal

>> No.10040886

It irks me that she was given advice and concrit and did nothing about it

>> No.10040951

Just check out her profile she definitely IS into some kind of ddlg fetish thing. Gross

>> No.10041008

I've blocked her and my SnG experience is much improved. Just do it.

>> No.10041024

Seconding the water thing! I used to have a horrible sugar need, but I started carrying water bottles around everywhere and drink some every time I felt like I wanted a sweet snack. This and the fact that I started taking long walks every day made me lose almost 15 kg in like 8-10 months

>> No.10041369

Cut back on the alcohol. If you have gut problems in particular, I’d just quit drinking. Alcohol just makes some people inflate.

Also keep low calorie or healthy snacks within arms reach. Get all high valors snacks out of your house so there’s zero temptation.

>> No.10041410

Ughhh this. I’m a... somewhat alcoholic and I’m really trying to cut back, I usually would drink like a bottle or two of vodka every weekend, I’m hoping stopping drinking so much helps my gut.

>> No.10041605
File: 209 KB, 800x800, 293173106-974649334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think of these pants for amekaji gyaru? They're from AliExpress.

>> No.10041754


This girl is hardcore

>> No.10041803

ffs I love her but come on, piercings are the cheapest body modifications you can get, don't risk it...

>> No.10041804

Link to them?

>> No.10041919

I could be wrong, but iirc piercing shops virtually do not exist in Japan. You have to go to hospitals to get them or do them yourself. There is 1 shop I follow on Instagram called Gate Bridge, but it's unique

>> No.10042163
File: 1.27 MB, 750x1334, IMG_5009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Search for dance pants or hip hop pants on aliexpress! There are tons there. Seems like an easy way to get amekaji sweatpants. I'm more of an overalls, skirt and jeans type, but the sweatpants seem comfy. Also anyone see the new babyshoop collection? I'm loving some of the looks.

>> No.10043210
File: 3.87 MB, 1242x2208, IMG_2501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love that jumper!
I plan on buying it in hot pink and blue once i return from my trip.
I wish they released a yellow as well!

>> No.10043434

Here you go anon

But like >>10042163 said, if you search for hip hop pants / dance pants on ali you will find a lot like these.

>> No.10043534

You are very wrong. There’s lots of them and you don’t need to do anything special to get pierced.

>> No.10044576

It's normal in Japan to do your own piercings or your friend's. Piercing shops aren't allowed to do the service for you but they often have seated areas in the back where you and your experienced friends can do it to each other.
One piercing can easily reach 8000-10000yen if done by a "trained professional".

>> No.10045647

I'm surprised no-one's yet mentioned the Gyaru Superlatives here yet? What did you think? Do you prefer them over the GGAs, or vice versa?

>> No.10045741

What is that?

>> No.10045748
File: 265 KB, 902x1080, cd8559d7-4fa7-4960-a99b-eacad31d9b86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love to see a kogal revival.

>> No.10046087
File: 82 KB, 2020x1093, 46510516_253647941983167_3595299479755948032_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey guys are we all hyped up for the meet?

We have one more fun thing coming at you guys to make our event uniquely fun. We want to show our appreciation for different members of our comm in a different kind of way by doing ‘Gyaru Superlatives”!

For those who don’t know, superlatives (also known as "Noteables") are what you’d see in a typical American high school yearbook like “Best Dressed” or “Class Clown”. We thought it’d be a great way to showcase everyone’s different charms while showing appreciation to what so many of us bring to the Gaijin Gyaru community!

Nominate your favorites below! Nominations end December 20th!

survio (.) com (/) survey (/) d (/) R5X3R5D7L8V1R2J7N

>> No.10047501

Do you have another link? It doesn't seem to work?

>> No.10047502

100% with you on this anon

>> No.10047511

You did take out all the brackets and shit, right? Cgl won’t let you post direct links. It’s on the black out page anyway.

>> No.10047540

>Good morning gals
>Good morning girls
>Good morning girls
Make it stop

>> No.10047671

It's like a nightmare that runs on clockwork.

>> No.10047677

Do you seriously need to comment every two days about this? We get it, you find her annoying. Block her and get the fuck over it already.

>> No.10048105

Why doesn’t Rachel from QueenE ever wear clothes that fit

>> No.10048152

I don’t think Rachel’s the one you’re thinking of, her clothes always fit fine?

>> No.10048167
File: 644 KB, 1232x900, 5B193A0D-37F3-4C39-9E3B-130DFDA5E45A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why force yourself into a too small belt
Danielle always looks great and is the biggest one so I don’t see what Rachel’s excuse for this is

>> No.10048553

Eh, it looks like it's just bunched up with the dress, isn't this the para para video? It's probably fine when she's not been dancing.

>> No.10048736

Yeah you can see it looks fine in the other pics. Interesting how the QueenE girls always attract so much OTT salt...

>> No.10051618

probably a late response, but DUP Eyelash Fixer EX 553 is the cash money

only requires a tiny amount to be brushed on the eyelash band and dries incredibly quickly, while lasting all day long

>> No.10052068

Discussion bump: who's underrated and/or overrated in the gaijin comm in your opinion?

>> No.10052096

I get asking about who people think is underrated, but why drag other gals down?

>> No.10052125

No one is underrated/overrated in the community. Back then there was a lot of overrated gyaru Shiena, Ashley,Jelly,Sui,Chaudie,JoJo, and Kitai just to name a few. They was so overrated, you knew there would be atleast one secret about them on gyaru secrets each week.I noticed there's not a lot of black gyaru though, I only know 3 off the top of my head. I know there are some but they hardly get recognition.

>> No.10054440

Anyone got caps of the sng drama? I missed it.

>> No.10054471

Wait, there was drama? What about?

>> No.10055916

Welp What did they do this time....

>> No.10057704

Every single platform I go into now there’s some non-gal newbie giving shit advice to another non-gal...I wish secrets or gossipgyaru were still around.

>> No.10057712 [DELETED] 

Why is a lolita posting a lolita coord on SnK? She said it's "gyaru inspired" but it doesn't look like it lol. She doesn't even have the makeup look or the hair.

>> No.10057719

Why is a lolita posting a lolita coord on SnG? She said it's "gyaru inspired" but it doesn't look like it lol. She doesn't even have the makeup look or the hair.
In other things why is Danielle so cute? I love her resourcefulness and her little dress tutorial on Lizzie's blog

>> No.10057787

Technically secrets still are around, people just don’t submit them anymore because what’s the point
It’ll just reignite the perception that we are all a bunch of rabid bitter bitches

That post pissed me off so bad. Gyaru inspired where? Because the print is leopard? Bye

>> No.10057793

I thought you were talking about Danielle for a second there but seriously. Wearing a blonde wig and leopard print does not make a gal. I wish SnG had stricter rules.

>> No.10058073

I am not a chink or gook or nip or whatever.
But I just wanna say that the whole point of gyaru is to look trashily white a la 2000s. It doesn’t make sense for a black person or white person to dress gyaru.

>> No.10058193

Dude your on the wrong board your not even gyaru. You could've just said Korean,Chinese, and Japanese no need for racial slurs. People can dress however the fuck they want, you don't see people complaining about chicks wanting to look like bimbo kardashians. So you know the drill you can gtfo with that.

>> No.10058204

The community will shrink if those sites came back. The community don't really need that toxicity and there will be atleast someone to take it too far.

>> No.10058304

Honestly I wish secrets would come back as how they used to be. Not the attacking ones, but the early ones that were about people’s inner thoughts about gal and the community

>> No.10058342

But these japanese people (i will be sure to be PC next time) look exactly like bimbos though

>> No.10058460

I mean people have plenty of open forums to discuss their thoughts with gal I don't understand why g_s has to exist for that to happen. The only reason I can see it being desired is to critique people without consequence. We have a lot of platforms to share our thoughts we should use them without regressing to g_s. G_s is a reason why the community isn't what it was. A lot of folks left because of constant drama. People feeling afraid to post pics and live their lives. I miss the old Gaijin days and that's not coming back in current social climate if something like g_s comes back because it's inevitable for it to turn into what it was before. Like I feel you wanting to share your thoughts on gal but g_s is not the way lol.

>> No.10058664

People can literally just post here if all they want is to share random thoughts. The only people g_s benefits are two faced little cunts who want to criticise other people without social consequences.

>> No.10058804

GS was originally for helping & giving critique to gyarus, then random trolls started inhabiting the forum. That's when it took a whole 360... It went to fat shaming, gyarus being too afraid to go to circle meets for fear of getting shamed, trolls posting pictures of gyarus private info, and having secrets pop up when you search your name for a job. It goes to show even good things can turn sour. It was chaotic, it's better if the experience gyaru just give the newbies critique on sng.

>> No.10059408

Lol but isn't that what we're doing on here and lolcow? Being two-face little cunts that criticize other people without social consequences? Because I doubt any of us here would want to expose who we are on here.

I personally feel the reason why Gyaru is dying because people think this style is a fucking "do what you want however you want" without putting effort into becoming gal, we have newbies leading other newbies into the shit on how to do make, we have people that think do the bare minimum is gal, we have people that look like shit and don't want ADVICE to fix themselves is gal, we have motherfuckers who think calling themselves gal is gal. That's what killing gal people thinking it bullying when it's not. If we dare speak out of terms on a platform like SnG we will get silenced. We NEED TO BE STRICTER and the people who left couldn't handle that along with the ones who just grew out it, which is fine.

Also check out on Amino when one newbie told another newbie that its OPTIONAL to wear falsies during gal and got a hissy fit when chris and Reina told them "No it's basically required."

/rant over

>> No.10059426

Ha, you know when you don’t like someone but you can’t figure out why? The amino person always gave me that feeling.

Honestly if you didn’t have 2 sets of lashes on, nose contour to hell and back and at least some attempt at hair styling the comm would basically tell you to come back later when you wanted to put some effort in. The comm seems more divided now on what’s required and it’s not done anyone any good.

>> No.10059463

Lol that person with the eyelash issue inspired a rant of my own months ago. I got tired of their non gal posts in the Amino. Like I get it you're new but as a fellow new gal I'm constantly looking at gal inspo and always looking to improve my gal make. Not fairy Kei. Not Decora. I'm not buying plushie backpacks and the like and posting them in an Amino for gyaru. Take that crap to the pastel inner circle of hell. I also say like "Oh gal is what you make it" or something to that effect but I don't mean do whatever tf I want and slap gal on it. I can't imagine wearing gal make and not wearing top lashes. That's the bare fucking minimum. The bar is 20,000 leagues the sea for these folks. Pa-gyaru everywhere.

>> No.10059513

I personally don't say anything here that I wouldn't put my face to, if you want to sound off here and never tell people what you really think that's your call.

G_s would go straight back to 'ree fat tranny weeaboo' within roughly two seconds. It was never for actual honest crit, and plenty are still doing that, with their face to it. The people who ignore them aren't going to change because of secrets either. Just focus on your own style and don't obsess over trying to change other people.

>> No.10059523


Exactly. Here's what happened when Yukipoyo tried doing no eyelash and no circle lens make-up:


>> No.10059543
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>> No.10059647

Why does she think this look good? I hope someone gives her some advice and I can only imagine how it looks to others.

>> No.10059651

That along with gyaru magazines going less flashy & people thinking wearing liz lisa qualify you as already gyaru killed gyaru. A 5 sec search of the tag gyaru... will show up with countless chicks wearing liz lisa with bare makeup.

>> No.10059716

Tbh sng wouldn't be anywhere near this shitty if Heather would actuslly get off her ass and either moderate the group herself or appoint some new mods now that she's not into gal any more. Unmoderated groups will attract morons. Yet apparently she can be bothered to step in whenever people complain about how shitty the group is. Why even have a group for gyaru if anyone can post whatever unrelated shit without any moderation?

>> No.10059789

Hard agree anon
Tiffany and Heather do nothing for the group at this point. Heather has no interest or involvement with the community anymore and Tiffany is only marginally better

Personally I think Chris would make a great mod, but I doubt they’d want that responsibility

>> No.10059804

Second this, I don't know why she chipped in only to delete that post

>> No.10059822

I'd like to see Chris and Reina as mods, they're both active, have been active for a long time and offer decent concrit. Persia would be good too.

>> No.10059827

Who is Persia? I just searched her name in the group and her last post was like two years ago. I agree with Chris, Reina, also Ari and Miyu I think would do a good job.

>> No.10059847

She uses a jap name, i don't remember what it is, but she's one of the best in the group for giving honest crit.

>> No.10059912

Honestly people have given her a shit tonne of advice and she's ignored it because so many others are saying how they love it
I tried, once, I'm sure I'm not the only one deciding not to help when she clearly doesn't want to take in what's said

>> No.10060119

Yeah what's up with these mods that are not gyaru or left gyaru? The gyaru sales page has a spanish chick that doesn't know english or what gyaru is. Which is weird as fuck.

>> No.10061036

If Black Dynamite featured a gyaru waifu

>> No.10061199

losing weight would help you a lot.

>> No.10061267

what, miss post?

>> No.10061606

I wonder if new girls would appreciate Chris as a mod, since they are one of the more outspoken ones when it comes to constructive criticism.

>> No.10061633

Chris gives fair and helpful constructive criticism, if gals aren’t happy taking it from Chris that’s a problem with them.

>> No.10061636

Chris is a hell of a lot better than Persia idk who thought to throw her name out there but no thanks. Chris gives criticism and actually interacts with the comm and helps shape it. I know Chris can be a bit brash sometimes but from what I've seen they're aware and working on it. Persia just comes in and criticizes and that's all she has to say. Doth not a admin/mod make.

>> No.10061677

this is why we don't need g_s, this ain't concrit

>> No.10061689

Who the hell suggested Persia? No thanks. Chris is better suited for the mod position.

>> No.10061773

Someone made an agejo facebook group. As if we need any more divide in attention when there aren't even that many agejo girls to post in the main group to begin with.

>> No.10061791

Is it that polish girl with the really long name? She's constantly making random groups that nobody joins while not actually engaging with the community at all.

>> No.10061794

That 'favourite outfit of the year' thread is pretty tragic. The usual names have good outfits but wow there are a lot of lurkers who clearly don't actually wear the style much.

>> No.10061805

Hey, at least they are posting something, finally.

>> No.10061814

Is it really surprising that the more experienced gals have the best coords? At least people are getting involved and posting, can’t complain about the style being dead if newbies/casuals are gonna be complained about too. Gotta choose one

>> No.10061867

So there is no GGA this year but speaking of favorite looks of 2018, who was your favorite gal this year?

>> No.10061868

Definitely Georgie, she knows how to make the most basic 5$ tanktop look adorable.

>> No.10062019
File: 50 KB, 511x900, DuPxlB1VsAAoY_p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like moddedmistress or riko if that's her name? I liked this look the most.

>> No.10062022
File: 693 KB, 1193x1082, 18-12-21-23-48-19-349_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also liked Shiena's outfit, I always thought those specific d.i.a legwarmers were meh. This picture managed to convince me to buy some.

>> No.10062106 [DELETED] 

I actually don’t think I saw a single bad/non-gal outfit but maybe my bar is low.
What qualifies as bad to you? I’m curious to see rankings

>> No.10062157

lol foff anon Netta is hot af

>> No.10062160

This was the outfit she wore when meeting up with Chris, correct? I saw Chris got them right after too.

>> No.10062476

Unstyled hair, normie makeup, outfit is ordinary without any gal sparkle. Just not gal, basically.

>> No.10062499

Someone with a personal vendetta against Georgie uploaded pics of her nose job in lolcow and I can't find the thread, fuck.

>> No.10062520

>What qualifies as bad to you?

No attitude, no willingness to stand out, no backbone, no individuality, and most of all, no actual concern over how they look - a fashionable make-up lover is always more gyaru to me than someone who just 'wants to try it' but never loved make-up, fashion or even standing out before discovering gyaru.

>> No.10062526


>> No.10062583

And why do you need to find it so badly?

>> No.10063013

Anon probably is the one who have a vendetta against her.

>> No.10063048

What's a style that gives off a comfy feel? I really have been liking the look of things like oversized sweaters and sweatshirts.

>> No.10063071

You can do amekaji if you like brights or in japan a lot of yami/yumekawaii looks are super goshikku/rokku looking when paired with gal makeup (listen flavor and glavil have loads of oversized hoodies) if you like goth
Or you can get onee vibes with loose but belted sweater dresses
But just make sure you're fashionable comfy pair it with your gal make n hair and youre set regardless

>> No.10063373

Some himekaji can also be pretty comf if you’re after something girlier, if you go for big off the shoulder or batwing jumpers and glam them up with himekaji skirts/shoes/accessories/hair/make. A lot of winter himekaji gives me Big Cosy Energy

>> No.10063463

I think if I could change one thing about the gal comm I’d have SnG split into separate groups - one for concrit and new gals, one for finished polished codes and make up photos, and one for general discussion. I know it’s not practical but having separate rules would be nice.

>> No.10063493

Or that you have to put in your post if you are okey with concrit or not. Back in the day it was common to do so too.

>> No.10064223

What’s the point of posting in community if you don’t want any feedback or tips that could help you improve? Most advice is given with good intentions. We just want to help newbies grow.

>> No.10064864

I think that would only make all the group less active. Plus what >>10064223 said.

>> No.10064984

I'd change admins and mods, desu.

>> No.10065495

It's extreme but maybe there should be a new group if someone's willing to mod it? Only if the SnG mod doesn't want to hand the group over to someone who cares enough to mod it properly.

>> No.10065503

Good point. I meant in regards to newbies if they had their own separate group it could help filter out the ones who throw a tantrum if they get given concrit.

>> No.10065537


>throw a tantrum if they get given concrit

Has anyone actually done this recently? I haven't seen it. Most of the shit ones seem to just ignore it.

>> No.10065567

That already happened once when we switched from the old group to SNG, it's best to just keep it here and fix it than to switch again.
GalVip also tried to make a new group once and that flopped.

>> No.10065584

Oh yeah, that's true. Them days I just stuck to the Black Gyaru group because it was the only decent one.

>> No.10066252

I feel bad for Lizzie. I follow her on twitter and it seems she has no concept of how popular/semi-famous she is. I wish she could see herself how everyone else does.

>> No.10066360

How do I into Gal style, like baby beginner? I think it’s vibrant and I’m really liking one of the gal styles and the attitude is so boss and upbeat but I feel like the days to start as a beginner gal in the west have somehow passed by. I’m a little lost but also embarrassed to post anywhere but here on anon to ask, sorry.

>> No.10066602

Getting the hair and makeup right is more difficult and more important than clothes, so focus on those first. Which style do you like?

>> No.10066608

the gals on sng are really lovely and happy to help as long as you put the effort in

I think the only thing people get a little sick of is people not trying to go hard, because thats needed. But even then they know sometimes putting allt he makeup on can be intimidating

>> No.10066665

Just watch some Youtube videos and see who's make-up you like the most and go from there:












>> No.10066865

Himegyaru and what used to be himekaji but using gal makeup, I’m confused about it since many who wear that style now don’t do gal hair or makeup. More girly, but I definitely prefer the distinctive gyaru hairstyle and full make.

Also probably not too great but I like some lolita dresses worn with gyaru nails, hair and makeup. Is there a way to make that work, style some of them as Princess gal?

If I go hard but it looks tacky, it might be better to fix that than to not go hard enough? I dig the heavy eye-make and decorated nails so much. I can’t wear my nails super long but I can wear them decorated for sure and learn to do the hair/make.

In gal style how many are everyday and how many are weekend? How old are people who stop? Age limit? I don’t seem to see much older gals stay in.

Thank you so much, I’ll watch them all!

>> No.10066875

>Age limit? I don’t seem to see much older gals stay in.

I'd say no proper age limit. The Ane Ageha girls are some of the OGs from when gyaru started and still do the style, even if it's a lot lighter, so when they stop, you could call that the limit lol

>> No.10066878

You probably already know but mayuminnielove and hellolizziebee are great himekaji inspo on insta, lovevaani and mermaidlizdoll are the closest the comm has to actual himegyaru at the moment.

I would ditch the idea of wearing lolita with gyaru, you will get ripped to shreds. Either wear lolita/hime lolita or gyaru, the two don't mix well.

Way better to fix tacky - also gyaru is tacky, revel in it. Not everyone is everyday, it mostly depends on the job, obviously a lot of the Japanese gals it IS their job, but the gaijin comm has a mix.

>> No.10066957

Are you seriously ignoring Dani's existence right now? her hime is on point.

I suggest finding an experienced gyaru who has the style you're aiming for and asking her to be your mentor/big sister. They've gone through the whole discovery phases already so they know the tricks of the trade more than anyone.
And there's never a bad timing to start, especially now that there are so many resources available online.

>> No.10067092

Any tips on using tanning lotion if you’ve got dry skin? Like really bad only-special-pharmacy-moisturiser-makes-any-difference dry skin?

>> No.10067633

yes its way better to go too hard than not hard enough every time with gal, its so much easier to tone down but much harder to go harder

age limit is when you want to stop- you're probably gonna look kinda weird as a total newbie wearing lolita and gyaru , you wanna add some level of sexy when youre gal so thats why a lot of the old school lolitas wearing gyaru look cool- they ditched blouses wore lace stockings etc
if you're not already pretty stylin id ditch the thought of wearing gal with lolita for now but thats just me- if youre already a lolita and like gal make and styling go for it- who's some anon on cglto stop you

>> No.10067809

Lolita's going to gyaru weirds me out. They're two completely different sides of the Japanese feminist fashion coin.
I used to wear lolita for my ex, and it just felt like a costume, it wasn't who I really was, just some fun clothes to wear to events, where as gyaru is literally who I am deep down inside.
Whenever I see a genuine lolita trying to get into gyaru, I can only imagine then treating our lifestyle as a costume that's "fun to try out for a day or two" and immediately question how genuine they are.

>> No.10067944

No shade but you sound weird.

It’s clothes at the end of the day, who cares if someone is not “genuinely” gyaru. As long as the hair and make are on point, why should there be any judgement about whether they fit the bill of our lifestyle.

>> No.10068212

So Ayuyun left gyaru.... Are there any Bdia girls left?

>> No.10068247

A lot of BDIA girls are still gyaru, but just left the group (like akarin and pomitan).
ayuyun quit gyaru because she got married I believe.

>> No.10068327

Nah step off that high horse anon, all clothing styles are just cute outfits that look cool. Both lolita and gyaru are very extra, flashy, a bit weeby, and different to the Westerm norm, so it’s logical that some people would like both.

>> No.10068335

Yeah ok...

>> No.10068355

My two cents are that anyone can be gal if the effort is put in but lolita clothes tend to not look gyaru because the silhouette and style is very different, even in styles like hime. Emphasis in lolita tends to be so different from what gyaru emphasises so it’s like completely relearning ingrained methods of styling.

>> No.10068368

Weeby??? never heard that one. The usual response from normies are prostitute, escort, or stripper. Unless, your a avid follower of Japanese fashion, there's no way people will think gyaru is weeby. Gyaru doesn't fit the conservative, stereotype, mindset many people think Asians are.

>> No.10068549

I didn’t mean it looks weeby from an outsider’s perspective, I was mostly just being self deprecating abt gaijins wearing Jfash being weebs lol. To word it better, I don’t find it surprising when gaijins shift from one Jfash to another regardless of how different the aesthetics are

>> No.10069017

>>Lolita's going to gyaru weirds me out. They're two completely different sides of the Japanese feminist fashion coin.

I hear you anon. Going from Lolita to himegyaru is something I can understand more because of the bows, frills and 'princessy' feel of both styles but when somebody who literally went from wearing sweet lolita turns around and says they want to be kurogyaru... It's not bad per se and there's nothing inherently wrong with changing your style but it makes me think if the other style wasn't Japanese, they wouldn't even be considering it.


Also this. Nobody had ever linked my fashion to anything to do with Japan. if anything, people are surprised that girl like me who wears excessive denim and leopard print and false eyelashes has any remotely geeky interests.

>> No.10069096

And here I thought we were talking clothes, not religion. You anons are weird.

>> No.10069147

I'm a fraud who's never really bought from japanese brands for fear of my not fitting - any suggestions for brands that might fit? I'm working on losing weight but even when I was thin I was still pretty busty(108cm then, 111cm now).

>> No.10069199

If your a hourglass figure like me, it's a pain in the butt. I'm not quite busty so the tops fit me just fine. The bottoms on the other hand.... I don't even try. I was able to fit in one bottom, but it looked as if I was wearing a bikini bottom.

>> No.10069211

The North American gyaru summit is this month time flies by so fast. Even though, I couldn't make it I can't wait to see the photos.

>> No.10069283

Dia is busty girl friendly in my opinion. Just try to avoid all white stuff. White Dia clothes are just see through.

>> No.10069595

/r/'ing pics of lolita brand pieces being used in gyaru! the first things that come to mind are radioactive cupcakes and jewel leopard.

>> No.10069730

Jewel leopard could be cute in a rokku outfit with an agejo silhouette, but hell no to radioactive cupcakes.

>> No.10072836

Kiirippu is by far my favorite new gyaru model, but whenever I look at her outfit choices I wonder if she's colorblind.

>> No.10073189
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You just end up with hime lolita, which is what it is, anyway.

>> No.10073193

Her being fat isn't helping either. If you're gonna be that overweight you need to try harder to look better.

>> No.10073222
File: 574 KB, 1193x1122, 19-01-06-22-36-25-534_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah some are hit & miss. The stylist that did her hair needs to get fired. The hairstyle gave me blend your weave meme.

>> No.10073227
File: 525 KB, 1193x1148, 19-01-06-22-47-06-048_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like her and Ayaka.

>> No.10073233
File: 1.25 MB, 1242x1380, DCD5B38E-4FBD-4A30-8591-77FE65C9820E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayaka is my absolute favorite! She reminds me so much of Sayoko Ozaki!

>> No.10073277
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>> No.10073278
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>> No.10073280
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>> No.10073281
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>> No.10073282
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>> No.10073284
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>> No.10073285
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>> No.10073286
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>> No.10073290
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>> No.10073291
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>> No.10073294
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>> No.10073295
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>> No.10073300
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>> No.10073301
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>> No.10073302
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>> No.10073969

Even the gyaru thread is taken over by lolita now. Can I please enjoy my fashion in peace?

>> No.10073973

These are old, idiot.

>> No.10073983

someone literally asked for photos of gyaru and lolita so i did a dump. please fee free to contribute to the thread in other ways if you have a problem

>> No.10073999
File: 248 KB, 540x605, tumblr_l1xmih2emC1qzqefvo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its fun seeing gyaru meshing with other styles. gyaru x fairy kei

>> No.10074003
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>> No.10074010

thanks for the dump anon! love all of it, especially this

>> No.10074051

Why did gyaru secrets come back with a new post wtf?

>> No.10074107

Now let's see if anon gets their wish of gyaru secrets being a good thing and a source of concrit

>> No.10074587

If you guys actually read the secrets, you can already tell they are harmless 90% of them are just text post about wanting to come out the closet and try to be gal.

>> No.10074588

To be fair, these secrets are fairly tame

>> No.10074679

I read them and as I stated before they have been shown to start out that way but go downhill quickly. Like folks are worried for nothing. There's been one damn post.

>> No.10074680

Especially considering someone posted the link in a lolcow thread to talk shit about gaijin gals. Sure Jan no one will ever get submitted getting bashed.

>> No.10074952

As usual, still nitpicking and random trolls asking how to gain confidence to wear gyaru for the 1000th time. A jealous gal complaining about a bra & the secrets were quite lame as usual.

>> No.10075912

Have you voted for the superlative final nominees yet? Any thoughts?

>> No.10076041

omg a worn pic of my dream dress holy crap

>> No.10076101

I think I like this a bit better than the GGA’s since it’s not appearance based (except for the hair one) and I am seeing names that I wouldn’t expect, like Sio and Netta.

If this is done again next year I wouldn’t be mad, but I wonder what new categories they would come up with.

>> No.10076139


Kek at Faith being nominated for "Most Likely to Brighten Your Day" when she was shitting on the valentines last thread.

>> No.10076164
File: 91 KB, 640x472, B6185EF9-62C0-4841-92DC-036CA7E9F67E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She said the edits were bad, which, if we are honest, they are. She’s very supportive of others on a peer-to-peer basis so I can see why she was nominated.

>> No.10076344

I’ve not seen her post on anything that would brighten anyone’s day. Where as other gals nominated on each category i can see why

>> No.10076378

Then you must not interact with her because she's always sweet and supportive when I interact with her or others interact with her. That edits comment really upset you. Are you making eyesore valentines on MS Paint?

>> No.10076529

Hmm...maybe a parapara or nails category?

>> No.10076539

Better to make ugly valentines than not even know what the valentines are, or not make any at all.

>> No.10076582

Well it seems that you aren’t making them either so where is this attitude coming from?

>> No.10076640

Not the previous anon but gal val mod doesn’t always post after getting valentines, I submitted 10-ish just before new year and they haven’t been posted yet. I think they’re being a salty shit but only the mod knows who’s submitting what.

>> No.10076670

Lolitas might disagree because gyaru hair, nails and make are ‘not lolita’? But I like it.

>> No.10076753

Parapara is a bit unfair when there are 2 long time paralists in the group.

>> No.10076764

Same anon asking where on the doll that edits comment hurt anon but same I sent a few and they haven't been posted yet! I enjoy valentines to be honest. But I think it's silly to keep dragging this on like they're some pure untouchable thing. Yes they're great I love their positivity. But someone saying woah some of these edits are bad is not worth bringing up in two threads.

>> No.10076779

No? Lolita doesn't have a specific look for hair, makeup or nails. It just has to fit the aesthetic and it does.

>> No.10076793

I think it’s more that the girls in the screenshot were lumping in the valentines with creepy gyaru fanpages. Like they didn’t even KNOW what the valentines are and that’s a bad look. Not so much for Faith but for the other girl who’s been in the comm for 400 years or whatever. Gals in the comm have spent time and effort (regardless of how they look, it looks petty to care about how anonymous compliments look, it’s like getting a hand made card and saying it looks shit) making valentines to support the comm and these girls are saying ew ugly things made by creeps basically.

>> No.10076797
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It's a moot point. Somewhere in 2012 the hime gyarus liked the look of lolita and started wearing it en masse. The lolita brands also started doing "hime lolita" releases -- "princess"-themed lolita dresses with hime (princess) gyaru big hair and the characteristic doe-eyed gyaru makeup.

Thus, hime lolita. The "hime" doesn't refer to "princess", it refers directly to "hime gyaru", because the substyle is directly hime gyaru x lolita. Time period is circa 2010? 2012? when you'd find occasional lolita releases being worn by gals in Ageha. The lolitas already acknowledged it's a style, only the newbies get confused about the "hime" name thinking it means "princess" alone and not "princess gal" style.

>> No.10076897

It appears Liz Lisa is closing in Harajuku...

>> No.10077048

What are you talking about, I heard of Hime-lolita ages before I ever heard of gyaru. There are princess lolita themed GLB shoots that aren’t gyaru influenced at all.

>> No.10077178

Damn.. didn't know that.

>> No.10077322

Good, now bitches can try and be creative outside of liz lisa.

>> No.10077351

One of the stores is like the flagship store so while they have another this is a BIG deal. It's a huge store and kind of like iconic as far as amongst their fans. So we'll see what this brings as far as changes on the fashion scene.

>> No.10077352

Meant to say *one of the stores did it's a flagship store

>> No.10077472


>> No.10077549

The mod reads cgl so if you complain on here they'll probably get posted. Maybe they need a new mod, it seems a bit dead since I stepped down. To be fair it's hard to keep up with it when the amount/frequency of valentines being sent in is so irregular. If you get 0 for months it's hard to give a fuck when one gets sent in.

>> No.10079208
File: 43 KB, 346x450, 71wpG8canzL._SY450_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably a really dumb question and maybe I should put it in the dumb questions thread.

Is there a way to incorporate this hair texture into gyaru? Any gyaru substyle? I know most gyaru tend to wear wigs anyway so I guess it doesn't matter. Would it still look gyaru as long as the clothes and makeup was on point, or would it just look out of place? Asking mainly out of curiosity.

>> No.10079233

Jsyk most gals don’t wear wigs, only really hime and agejo girls (and black girls who’d wear wigs regardless). Natural hair would work fine with any substyle as long as it’s nicely maintained and styled well/accessorised in a nice way. If the make up’s right that’s 90% of the battle. Moddedmistress on insta has some Afro looks posted, she’s perfectly styled always.

>> No.10079332
File: 58 KB, 450x338, 9CC6792B-AFCF-41BB-9D17-F0D264C0B301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon this is totally ok for most gyaru looks, many purposely get their hair permed to get a texture like that anyways so it’ll definitely work in gyaru

>> No.10079334
File: 15 KB, 236x314, DF960237-AF70-4EAB-BF5D-496E942E67FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For sweeter gyaru looks, even doing Afro puffs with some cute hair ties will look great in a style like this (I know the textures different but it’s as close an example I can find at the moment)

>> No.10079353


Yes it would. Afro textured hair has never been 'not-gal' if anything, it's a trend to crimp or 'spiral' hair during summer. Search 'ギャルスパイラルヘア' and see how many Japanese gals emulate us lol

>> No.10079773


Thanks gulls. I've been really interested in experimenting with Rokku Gyaru and maybe Agejo too. Are there any particular style that would look nice with those styles? The afro puffs sound really cute.

>> No.10080339

If you are interested in experimenting then just start doing that instead of asking us to hand feed you with inspiration and ideas.

>are there any particular styles that would look nice with those styles

It’s hair. I’m sure you could make it work.

>> No.10082095

I thought they’ll close down the outlet on the Takeshita dori. I wouldn’t consider an outlet as a flagship shop. But Harajuku got so expensive all the good stores have been closing down it was only a matter of time for LizLisa to disappear as well

>> No.10082126

I always thought Liz Lisa was doing good? I more surprised people don't wear it anymore.

>> No.10082604

Nope it's a flagship store you can look up any reactions regarding the closing and no one is treating it like an outlet store and many are calling it a flagship store

>> No.10084193

I wonder if you are Shiena. She's the only gal I know that is so into lolita as well as gyaru, and willing to mix the two together.

>> No.10084223

Datura is starting to look bland lately uhh..

>> No.10084413

Did anyone watch the superlatives? I found it very cute and non competitive! Also the majority of people I voted for won, haha. I'm glad Chris got recognition for their work on the community and obviously Lizzie is the sweetest gyaru imo

>> No.10084445

Chris here, I was so happy to receive that title! To me that's the most important one, since I think putting effort into my community is important, more so than looking cute or being likable. I also agree with most of the title winners, although some deserved a double win, like "Most Likely to Know the Tea" and "Best Old School Spirit"

>> No.10084648 [DELETED] 

>tfw married and no chance to bang a gyaru slut
hold me bros....m..maybe they won't mind I'm married.

>> No.10084700

Yep Lizzie, Georgie, Reina, Riko won in atleast one category or multiple, I was excited because I casted a vote for them.

>> No.10085029


I'm a lolita

>> No.10085576

For those who went to the summit this weekend, how did you like it? Everyone looked like they had so much fun and they looked so good!

I was disappointed with Reina’s outfit in the live stream, I felt like her Friday outfit was way better

I hope they do another one so that I can go

>> No.10085901

I keep cringing whenever I see Taylor post cut up brand on the sales page. Why is it cut up?

>> No.10086165

then gtfo my gyaru

>> No.10086178

I'm really happy Netta won some categories cuz she's one of the best out there.

>> No.10086180

Her looks are getting better, but especially her personality screams "gyaru"!

>> No.10086190

I didn't know about Taylor but I just searched it and yikes, how the fuck do you damage something like that? Tears and rips are normal, but actual cuts? It's weird.

>> No.10086268


I feel like it might have something to do with her kid or maybe an ex? Because other wise it’s just weird

>> No.10087564

I looooooooved it! Had the best fun ever. Really nice that other gyaru-sa came far to have fun which makes it even more special. I hope there would be more NA summits in the upcoming years

>> No.10087718

Hey can someone suggest a place to buy circle lenses? I have astigmatism and am farsighted, and can only find toric hyperopia circle lenses from "Queen Contacts" which seems to have poor reviews.
Has anyone ordered from them? The price looks the same as anywhere else and I think a lot of the reviewers are just confused about manufacturing and shipping times(toric lenses from korea arriving in one weeks? don't think so.)

>> No.10087719

Does anyone own any of the hime wigs from Cyperous? If so, does the poof last very long?

>> No.10088370
File: 288 KB, 1080x915, Screenshot_20190125-055932_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clothes not fitting you is fatphobic now apparently. Imagine posting this kind of cringe in your circle page.

>> No.10088388

Hey it's Honey I made this and issa joke we laughed good God

>> No.10088392

Girl it’s 100% a joke, are you serious? Half of Blackout wears Ma*rs?

>> No.10088396

Still cringe and showing up immediately to defend yourselves is possibly even more cringe.

>> No.10088397

Ooooooooo you're getting a little spicy behind that anon. Keep cringing don't care. Thought I'd clarify in case there was offense taken but you're just bored and too much of a wimp to say it with your chest on the actual post. Good night and have a great day!

>> No.10088406

Imagine getting your feelings hurt by a meme.

>> No.10088502

You must be real dense to not get the joke if that's all you took from that. You probably mad bc you can't fit Ma*rs ya damn self

>> No.10088528

Slightly ot, what sizes would you say most Shibuya brands are roughly? I see they have S M and L and sometimes just 'free' but what would be their US size equivalent?

I've only bought Rakuten Ls and they just about fit but I don't know if it'd match D.I.A or Ma*rs.

>> No.10088617

honestly theres like....no consistent sizing to compare it to. anything non stretch thats bottoms is unlikely to go past a US 6 even if its a L in mars or d.i.a
elasticated is like, a damn guessing game

>> No.10088813

So embarrassing ...

>> No.10089664
File: 550 KB, 720x1193, Capture+_2019-01-26-18-22-52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Newegg actually getting a printed magazine or are they staying digital? If someone can translate post it'll be greatly appreciated. Google translate & Bing usually bad translators.

>> No.10089752

Very roughly, if the tweet gets 10k retweets(which it has) it will get a new printed magazine, and 100 people who retweet and follow them before 1/31 will receive a copy as an appreciation gift. Winners will be DMed.

>> No.10089830


>> No.10090910

Thoughts on the gyaru jubilee thing?

>> No.10090912

So many big names are coming, I will definitely not miss out!

>> No.10091562 [DELETED] 

What?? This is ganguro? Why do people who don't even wear the style trying to give info? No wonder newbies think they can do whatever they want.

>> No.10091563
File: 415 KB, 810x1193, 19-01-29-08-41-13-205_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What?? This is ganguro? Why do people who don't even wear the style trying to give info? No wonder newbies think they can do whatever they want.

>> No.10091597

Who do you see as the top gals/leaders of the community?
I would say Georgie, Reina and Chris, but Danielle is slowly growing into the role as of late.

>> No.10091670

We have a discord? If so where is the link?

>> No.10091700

Definitely Georgie, Reina, Danielle, & Chris.

>> No.10091871

I think Lizzie definitely should be up there too.

>> No.10092002

Don’t forget Lizzie

>> No.10092057

ganguro is gyaru...

>> No.10092088

That was after she changed the caption, before she said they were scene girls...

>> No.10092114
File: 340 KB, 942x1193, 19-01-29-18-41-07-129_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone sent theirs in yet?

>> No.10092402

Why these gals? Not necessarily disagreeing, just curious.

>> No.10092408

I have. Though I wish they would send an email back confirming they received it.

Georgie creates western trends, Reina is one of the most active, veteran gyaru from the US, Chris organizes a lot of projects and helps many gals, Danielle is very active, also in projects, and her flying to another continent for gyaru speaks volumes.
Lizzie also because she keeps blogging alive, is one of the veterans, very knowledgeable and put together.

>> No.10092566

Whoever runs gal-cir tumblr. I don't know if she's gyaru but she's knowledgeable & stays updated on bdiamond.

>> No.10092572

Chris, Georgie, Lizzie, Noemie, Reina, Motoko. I wish Kitai was still active because she used to be an amazing leader.

>> No.10092629

I want to but I don't have a good camera, just a phone...

>> No.10092768


>> No.10092905

Aochan keeps talking about wanting to travel abroad, someone should invite her to the int meet lol

>> No.10093070

She would only come if we payed for her ticket.

>> No.10093402

Does she know any english? She might get lost here, if she's trying to come by herself.

>> No.10093519

I'm sure she said it because of all the Jubilee tweets being posted. Last year she did the same with tweets about Paris.

>> No.10093896

Noone is top everyone in gal are awesome and active in their way.

>> No.10094926

Did anyone see the debacle going down on amino?

>> No.10094938

Bitch what?

>> No.10094951

There was no drama until she brought it. She wants to accuse veteran gals of gatekeeping and bullying she obviously hasn’t been in as long as she claims.

>> No.10094955

Just a random, harajuku girl "trying" to call out the community.. She was mad because she didn't like the makeup advice she'd received.

>> No.10094986
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>> No.10094987
File: 164 KB, 640x832, 4651C0D4-E55E-4470-92E9-F3515E3D1E30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10094990

Is this the same girl that told someone that lashes is optional in wearing gal and got mad that chris and them tore into that bs?

>> No.10095018

Reminder to submit any valentines so there might be a post tomorrow.

>> No.10095044

I believe so.

>> No.10095131

It wouldn't cost more than 10$ more each, but wasn't being super serious anon. Still, it would be so cool if gyaru meets could invite guests/brands/indie brands, have bring&buys etc like other bigger jfashions are able...

>> No.10095139

We simply do not have a reliable enough base of attendees to think about stuff like that yet. The last two int meets got what, 20-30 people? It's not like lolitas where events will reliably sell out. As with everything, gal is grassroots, do your own part by being active online and attending events first.

>> No.10095140

Name and shame, i long since stopped following the fetid noobswamp that is amino

>> No.10095150

Someone tell her about Barbie and Sere so she knows what a real gyaru bully is.

>> No.10095168

Anon I'm not criticising, just wishful thinking! This year looks promising, I hope people take lots of photos as I can't afford to travel that far.

>> No.10095490

I can tell you we are currently working on a surprise guest, just not someone we have to fly over. Hopefully it's someone OG gals will get excited about~

>> No.10095999

Are there any gals in the community who still do oneegyaru? I know of the twins but any others?

>> No.10096327

Kei and Lizzie from QueenE sometimes both do, and Noemie and Anais from Gyaransu

>> No.10096361

Inna from Akipoyo also do onee

>> No.10098767

new thread