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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10064823 No.10064823 [Reply] [Original]


old thread is kill, let your feelings out on good or bad gifts, family, experiences, let it free

>> No.10064827
File: 280 KB, 1300x1860, 1512218765274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are mods only choosing to start nuking feels threads now?

>> No.10064834

i don't know but it's real fucky because feels threads are one of the few threads that stay consistent and active more than most threads, big reason why i come here

>> No.10064835

>big reason why i come here
Same. Originally came here to learn more about lolita and to visit my country's rare as fuck convention threads years ago but stayed for the feels threads

>> No.10064848 [DELETED] 
File: 405 KB, 1536x2048, 1545115667715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any other lolitas into femdom, role reversal or similar? i feel like we're always stereotyped as submissive, especially sweet, but i personally couldn't be further from that. i'd like to know the truth.

>> No.10064849 [DELETED] 

>femdom Lolita

Good god I wish I had a gf like that

>> No.10064860

Because they've been disasters lately.

>> No.10064862

then clean out the shitheads and crossboarders like the mods should be (doing their jobs), rather than ruining it for everyone else and this board stays slow as all hell

>> No.10064863

Maybe because they barely contain /cgl/ feels anymore and get flooded with relationship cancer, bait, crossboarder shitposts and other completely off-topic garbage. If we could raise the quality at least a bit and ignore all the dumb shit, I'm sure the threads wouldn't get deleted.

>> No.10064868

>30 remotely cgl related posts and 140 garbage posts
This is your average feels thread, I wouldn't bother either and just nuke it. If you don't believe me, count it yourself.

>> No.10064870

consistently awful and off topic, you mean.

>> No.10064872

The board is slow as fuck and you can make a thread on pretty much anything you want that's lolita/cosplay related and have the thread stay up for months. Feels threads are most of the time off-topic but it's one of the only threads here where you get a consistent level of regular engagement with other boardgoers and I don't understand why people always show up and complain instead of just filtering them/ignoring them

>> No.10064874 [DELETED] 

gf is out of town visiting family :(

>> No.10064881

and it starts

>> No.10064884

and you are what keeps the problem going. see that little square in the top left of the post? click it, then that little 'report' button, and magic happens.

>> No.10064885

>The board is slow as fuck
And? If you want fast, just go to a fast board. I promise you will find the find of content you're looking for.
>Feels threads are most of the time off-topic
Which is straight up against the rules and the purpose of the board.
>it's one of the only threads here where you get a consistent level of regular engagement with other boardgoers
Why does that matter if you aren't talking about board related topics? Where is the difference about chatting off-topic here and other boards or imageboards?
>I don't understand why people always show up and complain instead of just filtering them/ignoring them
Maybe because they would like to read about, talk about and relate to /cgl/ feels without having to dig through mountains of shit. I don't care about your eating disorders, your fetishes or that you're sad because you fucked your boyfriend's gf. I just want to talk about lolita and cosplay, otherwise I'd visit /soc/ or lolcow or something.

>> No.10064890

Is it just me? I remember the last time they started nuking feels threads, maybe one to two years back. It stopped after a while, and the threads were more on-topic as a result of the communal discipline reminder.

>Went to the kawaii weeb store today
>Surprised it had sized down on clothes
>Way more cute knick knacks and pins
>Basically smaller purchases for kids with low cash
>Whatever is cute and cheap
>I pick out licensed Sanrio products
>End total around 45$
>Cashier seems genuinely happy
>Small talk and joke
>Might just be the money
>Might be because I have refined taste
>Refined taste in cutesy weaboo crap

>> No.10064893

>sad bc you fucked ur boyfriend's gf
Wouldn't that be... fucking yourself

>> No.10064895

Not if you're in an open relationship or you're getting revenge on him for cheating on you by sleeping with the same girl he cheated on you with.

>> No.10064901

cunnyfags keep shitting it up

>> No.10064903

I can’t wait for this one to devolve into degenerate sex stuff like they do 90% of the time. Thanks mods, you do it for free.

>> No.10064906

>tfw no IW lucky packs yet
I'm losing hope

Eurgh, cunny. Literally the worst word for pussy ever

>> No.10064911
File: 59 KB, 400x571, 1536224898727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realised something the other day and I never thought I'd understand this idea before. I'd be totally okay with wearing lolita as a guy. Like I get that brolitas are already a thing but I always felt "That's a bit gay dude." or "Girls won't like you because you do the same things they do." or "SISSY SISSY SISSY SISSY!" but today it finally clicked in me as I was browsing through a lolitas instagram that I really admired the aesthetic and the effort to make a good coord and it's something that I would like to do.

Like I already have a fairy kei outfit that I wear on occasion which technically is all girl's clothes anyway because finding fairy kei specifically for guys is hard but I've never fucked with skirts or dresses. But I realised I'd be okay with wearing it and just admiring the craftsmanship, feeling the materials and making a coord that is suited to me.

I don't know, it just sounds like a lot of fun and to me it's similar to an art form almost. Not sure if I'd have the balls to go out in public (I have no idea how to makeup) but just chilling out at home in lolita reading or playing some games sounds like a good time and being proud of what I've accomplished.

tl;dr I understand genuine brolitas now

>> No.10064913

Go for it, anon. Live your best life. You sound genuine enough, I don't see why you shouldn't try it if it makes you happy.

>> No.10064914

I got a new base bag for myself on a black Friday sale, but it was bigger than my previous bag, so I needed more merch to fill it. I placed an order for 6 more canbadges and keychains, and the seller told me it'd be delayed because of the holidays, but it's been two weeks and they haven't shipped it yet. I've bought from them a few times before, so I know they're reliable, but I'm just so impatient right now, and I can't even bring the bag out in public until they arrive because it looks unfinished. Ugh.

>> No.10064915 [DELETED] 

Jealous of little girl perfection

Old disgusting hags

>> No.10064920 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 420x255, hansenlol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>little girl perfection
Found the pedo

>> No.10064923 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 217x232, 53B4A201-1A07-4EA8-A9CC-A24ADDA4A784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine being this mad that women don’t want to fuck your micro peepee
>become a pedophile to try to get little girls to sleep with you

the absolute state of incels

>> No.10064929

>have a small but decent Moitie collection
>love Moitie's releases, spend hours stalking auctions and sales
>no brand makes me happier design-wise
>tfw I don't have a good gothic aesthetic
I'm like Fanny Rosie but uglier. Moitie just doesn't look right on me. I love the brand so much but I'm starting to think I should give up on it. I just can't get the look right, I love my Moitie coords but they aren't on-brand at all. I'll never be one of those girls who can just emulate the aesthetic of the brand, maybe I should just give up.

>> No.10064931 [DELETED] 

Roast beef old hags

>> No.10064932 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10064933 [DELETED] 

>only further proving my point
your only solution at this point is to jump off the nearest bridge

>> No.10064934 [DELETED] 

don't take this bait and respond you fucking dolt, for how much you gulls complain about threads getting nuked or going OT, this shit makes it worse.

>> No.10064935 [DELETED] 
File: 492 KB, 1800x1200, 12083733123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw fat roastie so will never look this cute in a dress

>> No.10064936 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 800x450, 05B86AE4-39C1-42C5-A37D-DF0DC03679EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not like they are going to stop, might as well have fun with it.

>> No.10064940 [DELETED] 
File: 417 KB, 500x500, fcmMEPC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then have fun being one of the main problems caused for these threads. your shit will just get reported and nuked too

>> No.10064944 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 600x900, 128903932131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, lettuce play a game.

I post cute girls cosplaying and you compare yourself to them.

>> No.10064945 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 500x505, FD87ADCD-0F49-442C-9C8E-05142E66E975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting reported and nuked on 4chan
oh no whatever shall I do

>> No.10064946

I think you kind of have to decide if you are happier going for what looks best on you vs what you really enjoy if the two don't match up.

For me, those 2 heavily overlap but I've usually been most drawn to what's going to look best on me and thankfully rarely fall in love with things that aren't that great on me. Vanity maybe? But I prefer to buy things that are the most flattering to me. I only have one print dress that I think 'wow, I love this but it doesn't suit me that well' but it's a rare one and I love the print so in that case I will still wear it.

>> No.10064948 [DELETED] 

go be a shitlord somewhere else hopefully, for the sake of those that actually enjoy these threads. as you can see by the pedophile you engaged with, now he won't stop.

>> No.10064950 [DELETED] 
File: 132 KB, 1080x1253, 1473843544731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Pedophile" is a term that marginalizes the most historically oppressed people. The correct term to use is "pedosexual".

You may be a hateful bigot now but in 30 years when all popular media is telling you discrimination against pedosexuals is bad, you'll embrace it because you're a generic and idiotic woman.

Your kids will see pedoism more evil than racism. We will parade around in the streets just to rub it in your salty wounds.

>> No.10064951 [DELETED] 

Yeah, because that pedo would totally stop if there was no engagement. Shitposters are gonna shitpost anon. This isn’t new.

>> No.10064952 [DELETED] 

actually they would if you would just report the post and move on without acknowledging. the report button isn't there to collect dust like most of the threads in /cgl/.

>> No.10064953 [DELETED] 

I already did but what do you know they haven’t stopped or got a ban.

>> No.10064955 [DELETED] 

mods are notoriously slow and shit in /cgl/ unless it's reported. give it 15-30 minutes, they clean it up. there's already been 3 posts deleted in this thread, it doesn't happen immediately. i recommend checking out warosu to see how much shit actually gets purged from these threads, and how many threads in general get purged.

>> No.10064956 [DELETED] 

See this video for a tutorial on how to report the post directly to the janitors


>> No.10064959 [DELETED] 

God I hate our useless mods, but yeah you’re right.

>> No.10064964 [DELETED] 

yeah, unfortunately as much as i hate it too, i've just started reporting and not responding, sometimes it's hard but it gets cleaned up eventually.

on another note, i hope you had a good christmas anon and got some cgl things you wanted.

>> No.10064966

I had a wonderful Christmas and I hope you did too anon!

>> No.10064976 [DELETED] 

They are probably just switching vpn and returning. I'm reporting and the posts are getting nuked.

Rainy night, SO is asleep. I feel like I'm getting a cold and I'm just sad for no really good reason.

>> No.10065002


>> No.10065003

won a dream dress auction my boyfydaid he’d pay for it as a birthday gift, he still hasn’t given me the money. feels bad to remind him but like don’t say you got me a gift if i technically picked it out and paid for it

>> No.10065004

I thought part of the fun of making the bags was choosing and anticipating new things as you go along to build them, not just cramming them full so quickly?
But I'm not an itabag person so I'm just guessing.

>> No.10065011 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 360x299, 1F69CDAA-C0B1-414B-8D24-6ACB4993618C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bf is almost my version of perfect
>cute as a button
>loves that I wear lolita
>wants to buy me brand
>worships me
>but also likes to look and thots and porn blogs while I’m in the same room as him

Like I get that men watch porn, hell I do too, but in private. The fact that he likes to look at women far more attractive than me while we are together makes me self conscious and doubtful that he truly finds me attractive. His ex girlfriend was far more attractive and I get the feeling that he is only settling for me because I have so much adoration for him. I hate this. I want to love him and be loved by him but it’s getting on my nerves and every time I want to say something I chicken out. What should I do gulls?

>> No.10065013

I had a bag for this character already, but the zipper broke, so I decided to buy a new bag. It ended up being a bit bigger than my first bag, so I picked up a few new pieces of merch to fill it. I didn't buy an entire bag's worth of merch at once.

>> No.10065020 [DELETED] 

Accept that he just prefers more attractive girls.

>> No.10065021 [DELETED] 

Have you talked to him about it? That's the first step.

>> No.10065023 [DELETED] 

just b/c he gets turned on by prettier girls doesn't mean he loves you any less. he chose to date YOU

>> No.10065024 [DELETED] 

He's going to leave you eventually .

>> No.10065026 [DELETED] 

You have to stop chickening out and say something. Trying bringing it up when he's not doing it so it doesn't just seem like you're mad at him. I know it gets said all the time but communication is super important, anon.

>> No.10065028 [DELETED] 

I plan to tomorrow. If he gets super defensive I honestly have no clue how to react to it. I had a ex that looked at porn a lot when I was in the same room and he was a total douche when I brought it up. And he ended up being a pedophile too. I’m not trying to restrict him from ever looking at it but I have this feeling he’ll think I am. I don’t want to believe he’ll react in that manner but I guess if he does it’s not worth my time.

>> No.10065030 [DELETED] 

You've never had a temp partner? Lol

>> No.10065031 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 602x709, 1545684195411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dump him sis and please do better, if u let yourself be a doormat they will walk all over you on the way out

>> No.10065034 [DELETED] 

no because I've only been in long-term committed relationships and never felt the need to date people I didn't like already

>> No.10065036
File: 81 KB, 250x367, jewelry_snow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just bought a bunch of cute brand for myself after working pretty hard
>had a comfy christmas
>gave and received many perfect gifts (my mother even bought me a dress on my wishlist--she learned how to use a shopping service!)
>now knitting socks for my bf and sipping apple cider

tis the season, gulls!

>> No.10065037 [DELETED] 
File: 1.45 MB, 480x270, 21054DD1-E0C3-4F04-9F80-76A6217FF263.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he acts like a little punk ass bitch about it then I’m going to. I want to have a conversation that will not end up in a screaming match. In the 8 months we’ve been together we never fought and I really don’t want this to be the first fight we ever have.

>> No.10065039 [DELETED] 
File: 559 KB, 728x769, 1545139743793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

relationships grow stronger and have a deeper bond when you know how to work through problems and issues together and not against each other. sounds like a little trouble in paradise is coming your way and it's been overdue, for 8 months jeez. if this is the first real fight then take it head on, you need to see how he handles himself in disagreements and arguments if you're trying to be with him forever.
but you say wont end in a screaming match like it has before with him?

>> No.10065040 [DELETED] 

You could just watch porn with him and accept your place as the practice girl.

>> No.10065044 [DELETED] 

I absolutely agree. If he is open to conversation even if he doesn’t agree with my view on porn consumption then I believe we can get through it. If he is a baby about it I’m not going to make the same mistake I made with the last one and stay in a relationship in which I’m not being respected.

>> No.10065046 [DELETED] 


You won't leave him. You'll stay with him for months until you can find a new boyfriend or he dumps you then you'll get to complain to everyone about "muh abusive relationship" for sympathy points.

>> No.10065047 [DELETED] 

who hurt you, anon?

>> No.10065048 [DELETED] 

I always wanted to be molested as a child but unfortunately I wasn't.

>> No.10065049 [DELETED] 

seriously, who hurt you? What made you this bitter? did you have a failed relationship? it's difficult to get over but not everyone out there is a bad person

>> No.10065050 [DELETED] 

I have ASPD. I was born this way.

>> No.10065052


Feels threads have a fraction of /cgl/related feels. It's mostly "oh I have clinical depression", "oh I want a boyfriend" (cue xboarder posting that he'll be said boyfriend), "oh I have depression and I have a boyfriend". Usually 1 ebic baiter as well that gets easy you's. Even so, xboarders are a huge boogeyman, you can trim 80% of feels if you just make a mental health general since most of the feels are not Lolita/jfash/cosplay related.

It's female r9k out here

>> No.10065053

>muh boyfriend, oh yes, btw lolita/con/cosplay
Every time.

>> No.10065054 [DELETED] 

I don't understand how anyone would think this is appropriate. That said, given your comments on his ex, it sounds like the real problem might be rooted in your insecurity.

>> No.10065055 [DELETED] 

>worships me
>I get the feeling that he is only settling for me because I have so much adoration for him
These seem contradictory.

>> No.10065056 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 573x322, 29320BED-0B0A-4FBC-B2A7-DEE8A482FA25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely insecure for sure. Working on it though.

>> No.10065060 [DELETED] 
File: 227 KB, 220x258, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you kind of sound like my loser ex's gf
what a beta

>> No.10065061 [DELETED] 


>I watch porn
>but I get uncomfortable about him watching porn

How did people miss this.

>> No.10065062 [DELETED] 

>but in private
How did you miss this?

>> No.10065063 [DELETED] 

>women are illogical hypocrites
>grass is green

>> No.10065064 [DELETED] 


How the fuck does that make a difference. She watches male thots fucking, he watches female thots fucking

>> No.10065065 [DELETED] 

the fact that he's doing it in your presence is rude and disrespectful. dump him.

>> No.10065066 [DELETED] 

She doesn't do it in front of him. How do you not see the difference that makes?

>> No.10065067 [DELETED] 

>apples and oranges are the same because they're both fruit

>> No.10065068 [DELETED] 

>close your eyes
>apples stop being apples
People are literally trying to push girls this dumb into STEM

>> No.10065069 [DELETED] 

>post deleted
wow it really must be her lol

>> No.10065070

I'd be ok with the feels threads going away if pedo poster went with them and stayed gone.

>> No.10065072 [DELETED] 


If she is uncomfortable with him watching it in front of her she should bring it up. But what she says seems to be that she’s bothered they’re prettier than her, which is contradictory. By this logic, her watching porn should be equally threatening to him.

That didn’t make any sense but ok.

>> No.10065073

no it's because the mods are actually doing their jobs yay!

>> No.10065074

He'd just post in other threads, more than he already does anyway.

>> No.10065076 [DELETED] 
File: 172 KB, 700x1051, 1208370321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually post cosplay and lolita, unlike you

>> No.10065077

mods what the fuck, can you PLEASE ban the pedo poster this is actually getting ridiculous - his shit is getting deleted but no ban?

>> No.10065078
File: 93 KB, 750x705, 69864E20-1BA3-4464-AFBB-EECFA5D020FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10065080

>post cute cosplay girl
>it gets deleted

>> No.10065086

Dang that’s next level, all my mom can do is Amazon.
>of course NOW amazon has anime and Japanese shit on it unlike back in the day when we actually wanted nerdy clutter-things that you couldn’t get at Walmart or hot topic

>> No.10065091

Just wear ouji

>> No.10065092

I’m completely okay with feels threads being the way they are now. All of these stories about eating disorders, fetishes and other tfw no gf come from weeb people, my people. I could be at their place! Inb4 “whoa crossboarders” - how can you tell if those are crossboarders, but not some bored locals? What about posting myself, I won’t like to use /soc for example, because I don’t feel this connection through the weeb shit. I do not trust them as much. Jannies are just dumb for not realizing that community is made by its people not by the topic. >>10064872 is right about constant engagement thing, these threads keep the board together, so people stay and post into themed threads. Stop the fuck running things for others!

>> No.10065097

The thing is no one wants to hear about some gross weeb’s fetishes and “don’t like, don’t look” can’t apply.

>> No.10065102
File: 398 KB, 960x554, ncyMGOy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cosplayer I follow for fap material banned me yesterday because I commented on her insta story.

It sucks because she just posted herself wearing a shiny bikini which was my fetish.

Also, is it bad that I know her shit is photoshopped alot, but I srill wanna fap to her?

>> No.10065103

This. It's almost like having friends.

>> No.10065106

you must have said something shitty for her to ban you.

>> No.10065107

you don't speak for me, and you don't get to police what I like or don't like. get out of here with this 'no one wants to hear this' bullshit. Your opinion is just your opinion.

>> No.10065109

I literally posted 3 hearts, and then said
> augh shit, sorry didn't mean to post this, kinda drunk, sorry.

Next day her account wasn't visible

>> No.10065112

She was probably creeped out. Are you ugly?

>> No.10065114

You sound like a retarded faggot douche

You think a girl would block an attractive guy?

Are you retarded?

>> No.10065116

I don't see why not.

>> No.10065118

Yeah I'm pretty ugly, I'm bummed that she can get creeped out by something like that
Fuck off faggot.

>> No.10065119

Ouji doesn't interest me really.

>> No.10065121

Is it the shorts? I hate the shorts.

>> No.10065125

>when you can’t differentiate between exaggeration for effect and literal meaning
Also, ya nasty and unnecessarily angry.

>> No.10065126 [DELETED] 

> when you’re so illiterate people have a hard time understanding wtf are you trying to say

>> No.10065129

>pedo/sissy/ddlg having an autistic meltdown
Imagine my shock desu

>> No.10065134 [DELETED] 

How's your sims family going?

Rate my home

>> No.10065135

>tfw best friend and occasional twin gets an ouji accessory (bf)
I'm not jealous. Nope, not at all.

>> No.10065136 [DELETED] 
File: 253 KB, 1920x1080, 8712323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's your sims family going?

Rate my home

>> No.10065137 [DELETED] 

>all that wasted space in the bathroom

>> No.10065140

Do you really have your heart set on the stereotypical Moitie aesthetic? Because Moitie pieces on their own are really versatile and can be worn a lot of ways that aren't that exact aesthetic and might suit you better. As long as you aren't hideous and your body type isn't a problem you can still wear your pieces and look good in them.

Not every specific aesthetic works for everyone and you can always just admire the style from afar if you really don't feel right. Or you can just wear whatever you like the most, regardless of if it turns out less flattering. Whatever you choose to do, it doesn't mean you have to give up on the brand as a whole. Try experimenting with the way you style your pieces more.

>> No.10065141 [DELETED] 
File: 451 KB, 1920x1080, 982193321321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wanted a large and luxurious bathroom but I couldn't afford to decorate it properly.

I'll keep it like this for now.

>> No.10065142

I'm not a fan of shorts. Never have been. Even as a kid.

>> No.10065143
File: 25 KB, 500x436, 1536106878398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to lolita/jfash meetup with a bunch of girls i met online
>one of them, who's into gothic lolita, asks me to go with her to some stores to pick up some clothing
>don't really want to, but would feel bad making her go on her own
>we splinter from the group
>she drags me all over town, keeps wanting to stop for things and never actually buys stuff
>it's terrible
>suddenly, she stops moving or speaking while we're near some cafe
>have to drag her along with me
>she starts moving, so I assume she's following me and stop dragging her
>keep walking
>look behind me
>she's gone
>look at the time
>it's been hours, the meet is definitely over
>have to go home
>didn't make any friends
I'm so pissed

>> No.10065144

I've seen nice coords with pants, although I think they tend to be more aristo than ouji. But don't quote me on that, I'm very much still learning.

>> No.10065145

Why not just say "let's head back to the group now"?

>> No.10065146

I was hoping this was gonna go /x/ at the “suddenly”

>> No.10065147

She just kept getting slightly mad and saying "I need to just get this thing" whenever I suggested it

>> No.10065148

/cgl/ will I finally get a jfash gf in 2019

i'm a crossdressing grill if that helps, I just want a qt gf to take out on dates and coordinate with ;w;

>> No.10065149

Ironically you probably would have been fine if you hadn't apologised, every attractive woman on insta has thirty random jabronies who comment hearts on their pictures and we largely ignore them.

>> No.10065150

"Alright, I'll meet you back there then."

>> No.10065152

I doubt it was even a sincere apology. It reads to me like an attempt to get her to engage with him. And lol at 'didn't mean to' like he accidentally sent it.

>> No.10065153

To be honest if he was drunk it probably was impulsive and he panicked. Insta lurkers are people too anon.

>> No.10065154

Drunken impulses don't constitute accidents, or can I claim I 'accidentally' sent a nude to someone who asked this one time?

>> No.10065157

Does it matter? He felt it was a dumb and impulsive thing to do so he apologised, only the apology was the dumb thing that made it awkward. Sending someone heart emojis isn't a crime Karen.

>> No.10065158

I'm not really interested in continuing this discussion, Brooke. Neither of us are going to change our mind.

>> No.10065165

No Lolita for Christmas oh how will I live to see another day

>> No.10065169

I guess you'll have to buy it yourself.

>> No.10065185
File: 44 KB, 700x700, w-38651-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>supposed to do a wardrobe post in holidays
>start SSRI medication after Christmas
>can't be any worse can it?
>same evening after taking the first pill
>my hands and feet sweat like crazy but they are as cold as dead
>hysterical crying
>manage to get a sleep with melatonin
>wake up in the middle of the night to lay on the bathroom floor while crying in panic bc sure my relationship is ruined
>had to cancel a meet up in the morning
>not like I can wear anything nice bc of sweat
>mfw my wardrobe post is probably ruined again bc all I can do is cry and hold a piece of paper in my sweaty af hands
Just when it got better I had to take a second one and I get this "wow this feels nice"-feeling right before it takes a complete nose dive.

>> No.10065195
File: 158 KB, 728x765, 1544723153210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but it's usually just AliExpress resellers, counterfeit goods, or severely overpriced stuff. My mother still only does Amazon even if I make wish lists outside of it with specific links to other sites. One time she got me a figure from a site other than what I listed. It was
1. Like $30 more expensive
2. A bootleg
3. Shipped from China so she had to wait longer for it to arrive than just buying from the US seller site I posted
4. From a seller that deleted their shop after the holidays anyway

People have too much trust in Amazon. I wonder how many people are ruining their genitals with cheap AliExpress lead coated sex toys purchased from Amazon. I know my mom is!!!

>> No.10065197

Ouji is more for girls than guys desu.

>> No.10065201 [DELETED] 

Wow, you're a fucking moron. This is from the nuked feels thread, the person who had a Lolita crush that got out of an abusive relationships. You really are fucking stupid.
>She invites me to window shop, but I'm broke

Window shopping is fucking window shopping. Unless you know she's going to take advantage of you and ask you to but her shit, she's plainly just making an excuse for you to hang with her.

>She wants me to go to a Lolita event with her but I'm broke

Again making an excuse to hang out with you. It's not her fault you're a dumb ass who can't budget properly to actually go out on obvious dates.
>Waaaah she got a bf that wasn't me!!!

What the fuck was she supposed to do? You denied all her advances so she isn't just going to fawn over you when you can't even put in the fucking $2.50 train ride to see her, or make plans to see her on your own.

Fuck you.

>> No.10065208 [DELETED] 

I don't think that poster was blaming her or anything. Your response seems excessive.

>> No.10065218 [DELETED] 

It isn't excessive because I AM her you dense fucking bitch. Fuck you too.

>> No.10065219 [DELETED] 

This was also excessive.

>> No.10065228 [DELETED] 

Oh shit this got fucking juicy.

>> No.10065231 [DELETED] 

Sounds like he dodged a bullet.

>> No.10065239 [DELETED] 

I just want the new Aminal Crossing to come out so I can live happily in a little twee town.

>> No.10065241

That's adorable. You're adorable.

>> No.10065249

When I started SSRIs I ended up panic calling a friend to come over and sobbing on him in bed while watching SpongeBob. It fucking sucked for a while but I don't regret taking them one bit. Don't be afraid to reach out to friends/loved ones if you're going through a bad time with SSRIs, sometimes it just takes somebody to bring you back down to ground level.

>> No.10065260

What happened here?

>> No.10065262 [DELETED] 

i'm on yr side anon, he was expecting you to do all the work and wanted you to offer him money to come see you i bet. Dodged a bullet.

I also tried flirting with someone from here and it ended up with me being pressured to send lewds and i'm like dude i keep telling you i'm not into that stuff two days after we just started talking.

>> No.10065263 [DELETED] 

>it ended up with me being pressured to send lewds
How does this actually come up in conversation?

>> No.10065267 [DELETED] 

Wow that sounds like a fun conversation to be apart of after meeting someone

>> No.10065269 [DELETED] 

I literally don't know, it just kept happening like we'd be chatting and then out of nowhere he'd go on about "well i dunno what u really look like... and i'm sorry for being lewd but i really like cute butts can u show me..." and i'm like lol? no?????

>> No.10065270 [DELETED] 

What did you do about it?

>> No.10065272 [DELETED] 

Stopped talking to him. I told him the last time we talked that i told him multiple times i wasn't comfortable with it and i don't want to continue talking to someone who wants to continue to pressure me for pictures like that. duh.

>> No.10065273 [DELETED] 

Holy moly that sounds like a similar experience I had where I wanted to move forward with the relationship and actually get closer but I’m sure she was playing me and talking to five other dudes

>> No.10065274

The hair and makeup are a necessary part of the fashion so staying home is a good idea. Sounds more like crossdresser than like lolita. Usually only lolita lifestylers wear it at home too.

>> No.10065275 [DELETED] 

that sounds like you're paranoid or want to make excuses as to why someone wouldn't want to talk to you

>> No.10065277 [DELETED] 

And you see, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was just that and I can actually admit that desu, but after I saw that she really didn’t want to put anything into it I gave up and she started doing to same thing to a buddy of mine a few weeks later. This is a bit more that the usual paranoia anon

>> No.10065278 [DELETED] 

Someone told you you made her uncomfortable multiple times and you kept doing it?

>> No.10065279 [DELETED] 

Don't take relationship advice from women, retard.

1. Of course shes talking to other guys. Every girl is always talking to other guys who are trying to get into their pants.
2. If she doesn't want to sext, it doesn't necessarily mean shes not interested but if it's a hard no and there's nothing flirty going on in conversation then don't even bother continuing. She would reciprocate interest if she was interested.

>> No.10065280 [DELETED] 

Oh not really anon, I don’t initiate in lewdplay unless it comes up naturally

>> No.10065281 [DELETED] 

I did not say anything about sexting, anon you sound bitter

>> No.10065284 [DELETED] 

Are you even aware what conversation you're in?

You sound like you have an extremely low IQ

>> No.10065285

That post reads a lot like cunnyposter, don't bother.

>> No.10065286 [DELETED] 

>being bigoted against someone's sexuality
EXTREMELY low IQ post t.b.h.

>> No.10065287 [DELETED] 

You sound like an absolute incel. It was day two of us talking as FRIENDS. i said multiple times before he asked me for stuff that i don't feel comfortable dating or pursuing people i don't know very well, and on day two he was already asking me for nudes, and flirting, and asking me if i would date him.

My advice is literally chill the fuck out because acting like the dude who was doing this to me will NOT land you a date or a girlfriend and will probably end up on some cringe thread talking about how weird it was this guy would continue very obvious advances after being told
multiple times that i wanted to get to know him first. Not everyone thinks with their dick you idiot

>> No.10065288 [DELETED] 

This conversation had a point to it but now it’s basically just a bunch of bashing, how quaint


>> No.10065292 [DELETED] 

You sound like the same girl I used to talk to who would get extremely upset when I wouldn’t continue her conversations about some scat Lolita.

>> No.10065294 [DELETED] 

I can promise you i'm not, bc i never talked about that person to any man online

>> No.10065295 [DELETED] 

>that person
>implying there's only one

>> No.10065298 [DELETED] 

Its nothing personal, kid. It's just that women are terrible at giving relationship advice to people they can't empathize with.

Regardless, guys will test the water being flirty out the gate. Your little female brain can't comprehend this but you've pretty much already made up your mind whether as to whether or not you see him as relationship material. If you didn't reciprocate the interest shown by him yo any degree then his best bet is just to move on. Successful people play the odds.

>> No.10065299 [DELETED] 

Don’t get so defensive anon I’m just making conversation, though it is a fear I have when I meet other anons online that I don’t run into the same person I remove

>> No.10065300 [DELETED] 

nice bait go back to r9k

>> No.10065301 [DELETED] 

Being offended isn't a counter argument.

>> No.10065303

Time to nuke the thread from orbit again

>> No.10065305 [DELETED] 

You need to learn to face your fears instead of run and hide.

This is probably why the men in your life beat you.

>> No.10065337

Did SS with my comm for the first time ever. The gift I got for my SS was expansive brand, new, wrapped up nicely and I went over budget and added some other little treats. I love gift giving.

Now gift getting is another story. Not only did my SS not read my want/do not want list of things, and sent me something that would never go with my style or coords, it was a used hair clip with a nice big ol’ chunk of hair snagged onto the spring. Was it wig hair? Dog hair? Her hair? Who knows. Who cares. I threw it away. I’m such a Scrooge. Oh well. Not doing SS ever again unless it’s like with people I really know well.

>> No.10065338 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 512x512, 32C6EF30-6208-4BFE-B255-83A264FF4F92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoo, shoo, incel.

>> No.10065347

>Maybe because they would like to read about, talk about and relate to /cgl/ feels without having to dig through mountains of shit. I don't care about your eating disorders, your fetishes or that you're sad because you fucked your boyfriend's gf. I just want to talk about lolita and cosplay, otherwise I'd visit /soc/ or lolcow or something.

I think it’s because of the off topic posting. It annoys me too.

In 2019 I want to up my lashes and hairstyle game. I still like my wigs a lot but I feel like I’d look more naturally fashionable and less like lolita is a costume if I wore my natural hair more. I get more compliments and comments when I wear a wig and look more doll like. It’s not that I have bad hair though?

>> No.10065348 [DELETED] 

Reminder to sage and report these offtopic crossboarder threads.

>> No.10065354
File: 87 KB, 266x243, 1528642221185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retard who's trying to be a rulefag and defeat those evil off-topic posters announcing a fucking sage

>> No.10065358

I agree with what you say about Lolita looking natural. This is why I stopped wearing wigs. People don't like my posts as much now, but at least I feel authentic and I wear lolita out a lot more.

>> No.10065359 [DELETED] 

Well done anon. Someone like that is not worth your time

>> No.10065363

I wish there were more lolita clothing for the sims 4. It shows how much less popular fashion is now compared to when The Sims 2 and 3 were out, there was a lot more lolita CC for those. Now, it's really hard to find anything that doesn't have something wrong with it. Like I found a Nameless Poem clone that doesn't look bad but the shape is just not quite right. The one set of outfits that I found with a really good shape has a kind of pixelated print. The best CC I've found for lolita is actually intended to be like a victorian-esque school uniform, but the tops and bottoms can look like a nice classic outfit or a lolita coat if coorded correctly. I'm hoping a modder somewhere will tweak the new meshes that came with Get Famous to add bangs to the OTT Rococo hairstyle and shorten the rococo and victorian dresses to lolita length.

>> No.10065364

That’s good to hear, anon. I’m not really in it for the likes and compliments, but who also doesn’t notice if they are less? I think I will feel as you do though and wearing lolita without the wigs for all but a big event will make me want to wear it more in the everyday. I will still style my hair in a way that compliments lolita and wear hair accessories, ofc.

The wig is the thing that makes the fashion feel most costume-like to non-lolitas. They are used to seeing extensions and non-natural colors but not full wigs.

>> No.10065375 [DELETED] 

t. r9k cross-shitter

>> No.10065378 [DELETED] 
File: 253 KB, 1080x1283, 1486083102990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>newfag who doesn't even browse any boards outside of /cgl/ trying to insult anyone while they unironically think a sage is a downvote and announcing them isn't against the rules

>> No.10065389
File: 40 KB, 602x960, FB_IMG_1544755154445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'Twas the meet after Christmas, and all through the comm
>not a loli was farting, not even your mom
>The bloomers were hung by the chimney with care,
>in hopes that our butts didn't fill them with air
Hope you all had a merry one.

>> No.10065401

you dont gotta be cute to pull of a gothic aesthetic. i wasnt pulling off sweet lolita until started wearing makeup and got my hair cut in a way that looked good with the fashion. its pretty easy to make yourself match an aesthetic if you wear it all the time.

>> No.10065405 [DELETED] 

like a 4/10 only because it has the essentials. its p bad tho

>> No.10065410 [DELETED] 
File: 734 KB, 1440x1080, Asuka Dobson Langley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sims 4
Surely all of us aren't casuals. You're now required to tell me the last videogame you played and what you think of it, gulls

>> No.10065413

Just join her Patreon or whatever thing she posts on for betabux. I’m sure she will let you pay and stay.

>> No.10065415 [DELETED] 

Fuckin sweet/10

>> No.10065417 [DELETED] 

Overcooked 2. Very fun couch game but not hard enough yet. I wonder if it’s harder with 2 people instead of my 4.

>> No.10065431

Sorry, lolita fashion only for me, no video games at all or even anything similar since poupee girl ended. Nothing else was as pretty or fun so I just stopped.

Unless you count Wa Kingyo app.
Very relaxing.

>> No.10065432 [DELETED] 
File: 166 KB, 500x353, 2FD84821-C43C-4FE8-B4A0-4396EECB7A64.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YGO Duel Links; it’s fun and I’m trash. I haven’t played a video game consistently since RB3. I do casually play Mario Party or Smash when I visit friends though.

>> No.10065434 [DELETED] 

i love this game, even tho it's basically "Work: The Game"

>> No.10065436 [DELETED] 

What other game can you raise your own wife/daughter and romance her?

>> No.10065438

>have really cute pastel vomit AP dresses from 2009-2012
>getting old, will be 28 next month
>look through MMM's online shop
>sudden urge to sell entire wardrobe and buy MMM but I'm too attached to my AP

is this what growing up is like?

>> No.10065439
File: 33 KB, 286x459, chess chocolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really play video games anymore so I'm probably a casual.

Still play a lot of Civ V regularly but if I'm being honest, these games they're only as fun as the opponents you play against. Mediocre upgrades from previous iterations favor a marginal improvement in tactical combat but sacrifices a lot of the custom progression achievable previously.

Were you around for the days of poupee girl? I miss it so much, it was one of the best lolita-friendly dress up games. It was also my favorite way to low key stalk people's wardrobes back when brand was hard to come by.

RIP twinning your avatar.

>> No.10065447

It's what taste changing is like. There are quite a few lolitas your age and older that love wearing sweet and actively do so regardless of their age. If you want to try gothic, branch out to it and see if you like wearing it in practice or just like the look of it, before you sell off your entire wardrobe for it.

>> No.10065449

The Witcher 3. I'd love to find some lolita-y games that aren't visual novels (not a massive fan). I love animal crossing and also things like Recettear.

>> No.10065451

This has been me for the last 3 years anon. I have over 150 ap/baby main pieces so it's extremely daunting to think about doing a huge style overhaul.

My biggest fear is regretting the change after selling all my old school sweet. It'd take a lifetime to replenish it all and some pieces I probably won't ever see again.

>> No.10065452

It closed in 2013, so it both seems like a long time ago and not that long ago because most people on there at the time had been in lolita longer than I had been. I’ve been wearing lolita since 2009 but before that, I lurked since maybe 2007.
Going to have to do something special in 2019 to celebrate 10 years of frills, I guess.

>> No.10065456

I think Sweet lolitas have an extra burden since the majority of Classic and Gothic main pieces are so much easier to age up and make more elegant and mature when styled with different blouses and accessories..

Still I think Sweet can be also styled elegantly too. I’d do what >>10065447 suggests but I’d also recommend styling some of your favorite Sweet pieces into more elegant coordinates and see how that feels too. Misako wears sweet in her thirties with no desire to stop but her styling reflects a bit of sophistication and I think it makes all the difference.

>> No.10065461
File: 55 KB, 395x452, F08CF546-7276-4C4E-975B-ED66B63B4BFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The after-Christmas posting on social media is really highlighting the autism of my cosplay friends. My feed is full of posts like “Christmas was horrible because my parents whom I still live with & fully depend on at age 23 are so abusive and mean, but at least I got 6 cosplays, 3 anime figurines, a wall scroll, and a Nintendo Switch! Look at these cosplay pictures I took when I took a break from crying.” and posts like “REEEEE my HORRIBLE relatives got me normie gifts instead of the cosplays I wanted! ALL I got were new tires on my car and NORMIE clothes so I can ‘look presentable at job interviews’! They don’t support my life goals of being kawaii and cosfamous! I’m starting a Gofundme to cover my moving expenses because I can’t live in this abusive environment anymore.”

At least this is pointing out which overgrown children to unfollow, I guess that’s a Christmas miracle.

>> No.10065467

I think it’s wise to unfollow, they probably aren’t going to get any better. One of my resolutions in 2019 is to stop following people who act somewhat like this in lolita as well.

>> No.10065473

I have a friend who always manages to end up in circles comprised of retards like this and somehow manages to befriend/tolerate them for ridiculous amounts of time. They do shit like set up locked Twitter accounts (I don't even have a Twitter, thank Christ) to bitch about people, utilize 'softblocking' instead of talking things out, think having the audacity to go against the hivement/any kind of criticism is abusive and actively try to get people they don't like banned from their retardo discord groups. I don't know how people put up with this shit instead of just kicking them to the curb immediately. Usually SJWs and mentally ill trannies

>> No.10065477

I just cannot believe people have the nerve to ask their relative for anime figures and cosplay and stuff. Or are people so lucky that their relatives know which anime they like and buy merch based on that?
My parents don’t like my figures and stuff so I boxed them up. They would not be able to name my fave anime or game and anime and games are my free time life. And that’s fine, I’m an adult who doesn’t need more plastic clutter. Leave that wishlist for friends, not family

>> No.10065488 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 611x480, pocketcampcookie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god me too anon, i cried when the trailer for isabelle in smash lead into the announcement, i couldn't help it - i would die for animal crossing i have been playing forever and waiting forever since new leaf

>> No.10065494 [DELETED] 

Are those on pocket camp? I gave up on that game as I hated the typial-andoird-money-grab feeling it had. I tried going back to New Leaf but I've pretty much done anything. I just want my new game! I'm considering buying a switch now and playing Pokemon until AC comes out :-/

>> No.10065499 [DELETED] 
File: 1.07 MB, 750x551, 7a72dd5f091c50349d83da765aa8d915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes! and they recently just came out with a white pastel(?) recolor of this fortune cookie. same here, i even reset my old town to restart new leaf and play until as close as i can to release but i've done everything and i have to TT to get everything since i won't wait the actual time so it's tedious

>> No.10065501 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 777x777, DVZthk9WkAAhLE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to add onto this since i forgot to put it in my first post, they have been having several events and freebies for a bunch of free leaf tickets, which is 50 to buy one special fortune cookie. in the past 2 months they've given away enough for the 5+1 pack for 250 and then some to be honest (anniversary of the game, christmas)

>> No.10065504
File: 690 KB, 1278x673, Sadness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the friend finder thread actually ghosts you before you get to talk to somebody

>> No.10065506 [DELETED] 

My Little Pony on my iPad. Gotta finish up this event.

>> No.10065507

>getting ghosted by a thread

>> No.10065509

I’m 27 and I relate so much. I grew up loving pastel vomit sweet and was a OTT sweet lolita for the first two years of wearing lolita. Then last year I started falling in love with old school, classic and toned down/casual sweet and decided to sell off my super sweet wardrobe and focus on a classic and toned down sweet wardrobe. I still own one 2012 era sweet dress because it makes my heart go doki doki when I wear it.

>> No.10065514

You just perfectly described the retardo friend circle I’ve been in for about 2 years. I’m not really in the “in crowd” though. I’m not in any discord’s with them, don’t get into twitter bullshit, and don’t hang out with them outside of cons and meetups. Even on Facebook and IG they’re always getting into fights over stupid shit, but for a while I thought “that’s just what cosplayers do, I guess.”
I used to feel left out, because I felt like I didn’t really “fit in” with this friend circle. But I’m starting to realize that that’s a good thing, because they’re genuinely stupid. One time I couldn’t afford a con because some real-life expenses came up. I made a post trying to sell my ticket and room space. I had several people tell me that I should go to the con anyway, and put off paying my bills until later. That was a huge red flag and I’ve been distancing myself from these retards ever since.

>> No.10065516

I've become addicted to secondhand shopping and I wish I could stop. I don't even buy THAT much as it is but I keep checking my phone for bargains and then agonise for ages over getting another piece. It doesn't help that I'm in not in the best financial situation this year so if I want to wear lolita I'm kind of forced to look for bargains as it is. It's just so hard to resist the temptation especially knowing that when a particular piece pops up you might not be able to find it again for a while, if at all. Wat do.

>> No.10065518

it’s because they comprise a significant population of the cosplay community. you CAN’T kick them to the curb without becoming a pariah because everyone else is either one of them or an enabler of them

>> No.10065523


How does a piece of outdoor cooking equipment "crossdress"? Am confused.

>> No.10065525


I thought you were talking about a Shopping Service when you kept saying SS.

>> No.10065527

How big is your closet now vs the amount of events you need to coord for in 2019? That’s a realistic amount and anything over that much is just optional pleasure shopping.

I’d do a short shopping ban and stop looking entirely for a short while to break the cycle. Meantime it’s a good idea to make a wardrobe inventory and a wardrobe post to realize everything you already have, keep it in good order etc.

In that time it will also become clear if you are using this shopping addiction to fulfill emotional or other needs. You have to address that part. Shopping addiction is so sneaky.

Then make a shortlist of things you want and can afford in 2019 and stick to the list. Be realistic and be as strict as your budget needs.
Since lolita is quite formulaic, avoid most buying things that aren’t versatile and that don’t coordinate with at least a few other things you already have or that just makes you feel you need to buy more things to match those things and on and on.

Lastly you’ll finally have a good picture of what you really need and want to buy so it will help you conquer the fomo when you see a piece you really shouldn’t be buying but want to anyway with the excuse of ‘oh what if I can’t find it again’. Accept that there will be pieces like that and learn to prioritize the most important ones to your wardrobe. You will miss things when on a budget. But it’s just clothes.

Work on the social aspects and work on your styling with existing pieces. Style each thing you have several ways. You could start a blog or a lookbook with the time you now waste shopping so much. Or practice another hobby, start a workout plan or play a sport.

Good luck anon, you are more than just what you buy so don’t let shopping run your life.

>> No.10065528

With usually as little success as any other kind of crossdresser?

>> No.10065545

I do believe their parents are horrible if they couldn't raise their children to have basic manners and independence

>> No.10065559
File: 274 KB, 1800x1200, 1532867214727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best anon
seriously, you rock

>> No.10065560

Pirate101 and Age of Empires

>> No.10065564 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 500x375, 1468760309813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>really love talking to crush
>when we actually talk, it's always great and I feel like we connect
>but messages left on read constantly
>probably busy
>don't want to seem like I'm too needy or annoying them by messaging again but hate not talking
I hate this

>> No.10065569

that's shitty, is he a forgetful person in general?

>> No.10065572

I kinda love how you sneaked in that you're attractive

>> No.10065573

150?! How long have you been wearing lolita, I kindly request a pic of your closet. Where do you even keep them?

>> No.10065574

Mirror his behavior. If he gives you little attention, give him even less. He leaves you on read for an hour, leave him on read for a day. He leaves you on read for a day, do it for a week. Believe me, it might sound like stupid games, but guys like that want a girl they can chase because they're scared of obligation on commitment.

>> No.10065578

As someone who may or may not have pulled the "no response for a day" shit, this would just make me think I fucked something up again and cause me to leave you alone.

>> No.10065580

Man here, I do this to feign low interest so I don't look desperate. So if you did that I would double it too until we wouldn't talk at all.

I would just conclude you have no interest and move on. So, try again Freud.

>> No.10065583

>I found out through Twitter that apparently “cgl” stands for “Care-giver & Little”
I guess that explains how so many retarded ageplayers find this board

>> No.10065585

the fact that the fashion is called lolita doesnt help either desu

>> No.10065592

I'm so high and I want to buy so many things and tell my friends I love them but I probably shouldn't. Ahh. Cgl you're not so bad.

God I fucking want that princess rococo special set. Why is it more expensive than the other special sets?

>> No.10065594

I love you too, anon

>> No.10065597 [DELETED] 

>tfw no lolita gf to get stoned with

>> No.10065599

We never reference cgl outside here except to other known gulls (fight club rules) and I never say the word ‘lolita’ to anyone but other jfashion people and I get zero reference problems regarding the cgl fetish or the nymphet type of lolita.
Problem solved.

>> No.10065613 [DELETED] 

>tfw want to do drugs
>Have no friends
>Therefore no contacts
>Couldn't do drugs even though I want to because I'm too much of a sperg

>> No.10065625

>janny is now just babysitting the thread and deleting every other post
Wow epic

>> No.10065626 [DELETED] 

>find your local subreddit (ie /r/Melbourne or whatever)
>post in the chat thing (not an actual post) "anyone know where I can get some LSD"
>hope someone PMs you
>if no one does say "teehee I'm agirl for more attention"
>make contact
>go pick up drugs from sketchy derro cunt in the middle of nowhere
Worked for me. Drugs are better with friends anyway though.

>> No.10065628
File: 27 KB, 630x526, 1509763216773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he does it for free

>> No.10065629

cgl ain’t the place my niggas.
I thank him

>> No.10065643 [DELETED] 
File: 286 KB, 850x1171, anime sayori cute anime girl fancy dress wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the only reason I want a boyfriend is so he can appreciate how pretty I am and maybe split rent with me, does that make me a bad person?

>> No.10065647 [DELETED] 

No. You're only a bad person if you think like this and actually get a boyfriend.

>> No.10065648 [DELETED] 

No, since the only reason men want gfs is so that they can have sex and validate their egos

>> No.10065652 [DELETED] 

I've turned down more guys than have ever asked you out at all, I'd bet money on it. So yes? I could certainly get a boyfriend if I wanted one.
Valid. Honestly men do view women as fucktoys, or at best a social trophy and substitute mommy. I just want a guy who will worship the ground I walk on and tell me I'm the prettiest creature in existence. I'm too pretty for someone to not be around to appreciate this daily miracle.
On topic I want a bracelet but they always fall off, why are bracelets all sized so fucking large for "one size fits all"? Do I need to import one from japan where the average woman isn't a hamplanet? I've literally lost a bracelet in a god damned lake before because it just fell off my wrist. After that traumatic experience I've never bought another one. But I really really want a pretty bracelet and the ones I want aren't adjustable.

>> No.10065656 [DELETED] 

Not if you're honest with him about what you want out of a relationship and he's ok with it.

There's nothing wrong with anything people do in their private lives as long as everyone involved is on the same page and consenting.

>> No.10065659 [DELETED] 

Post pics or fuck off

>> No.10065660 [DELETED] 

I wasn't suggesting you couldn't get one, just observing that you currently haven't.

>> No.10065661 [DELETED] 

What kind of cheap shit are you buying that isn’t able to be custom sized by a jeweler?
Otherwise try the children’s section.
Judging by your attitude here, it will also fit your maturity level.

>> No.10065662 [DELETED] 

I used to think like this, but that's how vulnerable people get taken advantage of.

>> No.10065663 [DELETED] 

It's obviously a troll.

>> No.10065664 [DELETED] 
File: 492 KB, 1800x1200, 12083733123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and btw girls under 27 can't consent and looking at photos is practically violent rape which justifies my irrational hatred and bigotry teehee

>> No.10065666 [DELETED] 

Good point, let's add that abuse and taking advantage of someone else are always wrong even if there's "consent" involved

>> No.10065670 [DELETED] 
File: 172 KB, 700x1051, 1208370321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teehee everything is okay as long as consent is involved
>btw consent is whatever I arbitrarily define it as

>> No.10065673 [DELETED] 

Oh great. Cunny poster back at it. You posted this same pic earlier in the thread and it got deleted. Just fuck off and drink bleach already

>> No.10065677 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 255x256, 01-07-18_1-06-57 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nani the fuck

>> No.10065678 [DELETED] 

Just report and ignore. Stop feeding him and he'll eventually seek out a more responsive audience.

>> No.10065679 [DELETED] 
File: 234 KB, 700x1050, 8701378903213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't consent to that hateful remark therefore you're immoral, sweety.

Also, are you saying you want other pics?

>> No.10065690 [DELETED] 


I just want a warm body. A fresh corpse would do at this point. All I want is someone to fool around with and split the rent with. If I fool around with you, you are pretty. If I split rent with you I trust you enough to not steal my shit and fuck guys in my own bed.

Be nice, make the first move sometimes and don't steal shit or beg for money. If you fool around with other guys or start getting cold then no cuddles and cocoa while I feel you up watching some cute girl show after i dress you up like a doll.

>> No.10065700 [DELETED] 

You're disgusting.

>> No.10065701 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 326x179, 81531700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, don't bother. That's exactly what he wants to hear.

>> No.10065702 [DELETED] 

Just please stop. I already feel bad enough about my body.

>> No.10065703 [DELETED] 

I suspect he's just samefagging now, or some other troll has joined in and is pretending to take the bait.

>> No.10065706 [DELETED] 

Ugh I literally can't even right now like ugh.

>> No.10065707 [DELETED] 

Why feel bad? Because you will never be the little innocent girl again?

>> No.10065709

I just love lolita fashion so much. I feel so genuinely lucky to be alive at a time when a fashion style like this exists and is readily available. I realize that references to Kamikaze Girls are cliche as fuck but the fashion genuinely motivates me to better myself every single day so I can be "worthy" of my frills, and it's had nothing but positive influence on my life.
Gulls, please remember that your happiness matters. Whatever your situation is, I hope you find something that makes you so happy that it motivates you to become the ideal version of yourselves.

>> No.10065710 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 700x1050, 1287380321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women get older, less attractive, full of cellulite, become opinionated, get bitter, become whores...

Aging is horrific for women

>> No.10065711 [DELETED] 

Yeah. It sure looks like samefagging. Well I'm out for the night, got a busy day tomorrow and a cute coord to wear! Night night gulls

>> No.10065713

I love you, anon. You are precious. Never lose that feeling

>> No.10065714

Thanks this gives me confidence to leave my house!

>> No.10065730 [DELETED] 

Why is she so much prettier than me?

>> No.10065732

I'm so tired of stalking second hand.

>> No.10065739 [DELETED] 

imo women are most attractive in the second half of their 20s

>> No.10065770

on the flipside, there's a fucking thread in Rufflechat dedicated to people bitching about not getting lolita specific gifts. jesus christ, most of these people are grown women and they're complaining about GIFTS. it took willpower not to hop in and tell these grownass adults to be more grateful their families made any attempt to get them something that suited their interests for christmas.

i'm disgusted.

>> No.10065772

i personally contributed because i always think it's goofy that my family is obsessed with getting me random things with bows on them. Sometimes i wish they would ask me first but i can't actually be mad about the weird, ugly gifts i get

>> No.10065811

>I’d do a short shopping ban and stop looking entirely for a short while to break the cycle.

Shopping ban may feel refreshing, but imagine getting back to BNWT MRC in bitter for like 300 bucks?

>> No.10065812

I mean when it’s sold out.

>> No.10065817

Better than just nuking the whole thing from orbit.

>> No.10065819
File: 71 KB, 640x958, DuJ-5LuWoAAFq7x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm really indecisive and finally got through my first cosplay back in july, but now i don't know who to cosplay next and i'm trying to prepare as much in advance for con season. any advice on deciding who to cosplay between so many different choices narrowed down?

>> No.10065822

If you have so little interest and confidence than I guess it's best the girl would just leave you alone anyway.

>> No.10065837 [DELETED] 
File: 281 KB, 1080x1225, 37092161_279318752623212_6088896151090626560_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't pursue a girl if shes not interest, you asshole creep
>if you don't pursue a girl when it seems she isn't interested then you lack interest and confidence
THIS is why you never take relationship advice from girls. They have no idea what they're talking about. Women don't mentally mature beyond a child, it's just their bodies that get older.

Look at bitter old hags like this >>10065822

That's why you should stay away! Especially when 13 year old girls look like pic related.

>> No.10065838 [DELETED] 

wtf is wrong with you?

So what if girls are not as smart at least were not incels like you

>> No.10065840 [DELETED] 

If youre interested in someone just talk to them, and have a good time there is no point in trying to play the avoidance game. I'm a guy and I just want to have a normal conversation with someone

>> No.10065841 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 552x468, 6baa99f4a17123fd7bcd67cd75521115005c88f8096a5bde44a15d0ac52dadd0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complains about women acting like children
>yet also wants to fuck children
What did he mean by this?

>> No.10065843 [DELETED] 

I dont get that either anon

>> No.10065845 [DELETED] 

>all women act like children
>but at least children are not fat and ugly
Is that so difficult to understand?

>> No.10065846 [DELETED] 

What he means is that he's retarded and needs to be put down.
r i p

>> No.10065847 [DELETED] 

>fat and ugly kids don't exist

>> No.10065848 [DELETED] 

Little girls are perfect and beautiful.

>> No.10065849 [DELETED] 

But all the gulls here will tell me I'm creepy.

>> No.10065850 [DELETED] 

you are creepy you fucking pedo, begone. Shoo!

>> No.10065851 [DELETED] 

Have you ever seen kids that weren't Russian child models?

>> No.10065852 [DELETED] 

Go back to /pol/ with your bigotry

>> No.10065853 [DELETED] 

Yes? I used to assist with fitness programs at schools before I went to uni. Very cute kids.

>> No.10065854 [DELETED] 

No they won't, I've been talking with gulls for a while and they enjoy it. It's not that hard to just talk to someone.

>> No.10065855 [DELETED] 

>the fact that your sexual fetish is disgusting and wrong doesn't make me a bigot you pedo.
Thinking I'm from /pol was only one of your many mistakes.

>> No.10065856 [DELETED] 

1. Theres nothing with anything that doesn't hurt others. Hating others purely because if their sexuality is pure bigotry and hatred
2. The correct term is "pedosexual"
3. Go spread your /pol idiocy on some nazi website, not here

>> No.10065859 [DELETED] 

And somehow there's never a fat/ugly kid, not a single one. You probably have low standards. Children can get nasolabial folds too by the way.

>> No.10065866 [DELETED] 

i was mad at my face so i edited a picture of my side profile to make it cute and its really depessing. im so fucking ugly. im never going to be cute

>> No.10065868
File: 20 KB, 400x400, 8089E05E-625E-4987-ACC8-AA60911C119F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>San (infamous midwest scumbag cosplayer) put himself “in a relationship” on Facebook a few months ago
>keeps posting about “Emily”
>”convinced Em to do this cosplay, maybe I’ll buy this for Em, poor Em is in the hospital, I get to see Em this weekend at Magfest” blah blah
>one of the testimonies in the big imgur callout said he told people at a past con that he and the girl who wrote it were dating, and they weren’t
>lives in another state, waaay out of his league in looks likeability and skill, no mention of him anywhere
>he commented on several of her pics with just a heart emoji and she replied back with the same thing
>imagine if she got an anonymous message with the fb screencaps that said “Did you know you’re dating San? Because you are according to him”
>and then the deliciousness of this fag who puts on a pathetic chad act no one falls for being outed as an incel loser
Magfest is gonna be fun. I guess I’ll make a throwaway email, then a throwaway insta, message her and wait. She either isn’t dating him like he says and hilarity ensues or she is dating him but isn’t aware of the imgur albums/ his general insufferable presence.

>> No.10065871

You won’t die if you miss a good sale...or even all of them. Some people *gasp* never shop sales. I find it tedious to be around people who are very focused on consumerism and what they will buy, what they just bought, what’s in the mail etc. Fine topic for a forum but it’s lousy conversation after 5 minutes.

Also it’s just stuff, in the bigger picture. Lengths of fabric to hang on your body.

There will always be ‘deals’ that’s part of the lure. But stepping away and then taking control and making a list would give you some perspective.

What are you missing in life with such a narrow focus and so much importance placed on shopping? There are a lot more important things to pay attention to. If you need to budget your money, I find buying less things and only the most wanted and best things feels best.

Then stop. Budget your money and get just a few new pieces instead. Or buy taobao. Lolita fashion shouldn’t feel like a chore, it’s supposed to make you feel good.

>> No.10065877

I wholeheartedly agree with you, but
>Then stop. Budget your money and get just a few new pieces instead.
I don't need new pieces, just two dream items I've been searching for years. I wish I could just throw all my money at an owner and call it a day, but they are so rare I can't even find someone like that.

>> No.10065878

I think partly why rare main-pieces don't show up secondhand is because the seller knows they're hard to find and would first ask their friends/local lolitas if they're looking for it. I own three extremely rare dresses, I got two of them from the comm mod who knew I wanted them, and I got the other one when I posted a WTT with my wishlist. They person wouldn't have sold the dress, she only did it because she wanted mine more.

>> No.10065887

If searching for these items makes you weary, are they really so great after all? I get having a dream dress or grail item to wish for but you can be a great lolita with so many other items too. Try not to let it consume you so much.

Are the pieces obscure or somehow unicorns? Because I see so many people eventually find lots of dream items in the thread for that here and very little sniping or scalping on them too. Have you posted there, asking help?

>> No.10065889

I won’t die if I stop doing lolita either. Every hobby is unnecessary.

>> No.10065896

Just think on it and make your decisions from a well-considered point of view. You can shop without chasing every deal or being a slave to the FOMO. Especially if you have a tighter budget, its better to make the most beneficial purchases for your wardrobe, not just chase the 'best deals', which might not even be as practical for coordinating.

You can have an enjoyable fashion hobby without constantly shopping or buying something and even people who have collecting hobbies take buying breaks.
Makes me wonder if your hobby is lolita fashion or if shopping has turned into the real hobby.
I see this with a few girls, actually.

>> No.10065906

You are or you ain't. Though to be honest there's probably plenty of hambeasts with insta creepers too. I mostly get thirsty japanese guys with a dansou fetish.

I prefer to present as a microwave in public.

>> No.10065913

I’m not even OP wtf. Tone down that mentors fucking tune!

>> No.10065915 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 300x250, superthumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only friend moves away
>after ghosting me for weeks she finally writes back
>spent new years eve with her for the last few years
>ask her, but she already has plans
>despite just having studied there for 2 months she apperantly already made new friends

I've feared this for a long time already, but this year I will finally be completely alone on new years eve. And you can probably no longer count her as a friend either, judging by the fact that we've seen each other only once this whole year and probably exchanged less than a dozen texts.
I have/had another friend who also lives further away, but because she aways says that she's got no time when I offer to come and visit her, I guess that she probably no longer likes me.

So I will start 2019 completely friendless. The thing is, I can't stay at home either, beause then my parents would notice. So I will have to spend the night just driving around. Hopefully the weather isn't too bad, so that I at least don't have to be scared of getting into an accident because of icy streets/snow.
Strangely, I don't even feel too sad about no longer having any friends.

Another vent: I will write my final exam on february 11th and I have so little motivation that I don't think I will pass it. Homeless in 2020?
Does anybody have any tips on how to manage to just sit your ass down and do nothing but study for weeks? Even if I put my notes in front of me I just stare into empty space and daydream instead of actually reading/memorizing them. Also addicted to the internet of course.
Fuck my life.

>> No.10065926 [DELETED] 

>So I will start 2019 completely friendless.

Ayyy same. ;_;

I actually had some old high school friends contact me asking me to hang out but I just felt so embarrassed that I haven't achieved almost anything since leaving high school because of a lot of personal issues that I said that I was busy during the holiday season and would arrange another time which I don't plan to do. It makes me want to commit suicide unironically.

>Does anybody have any tips on how to manage to just sit your ass down and do nothing but study for weeks

>> No.10065949

I wish people would stop posting this ugly trap, at least until it fixes its eyebrows

>> No.10065958
File: 29 KB, 550x982, 88555245moi-meme-moitie-homme-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long pants are normal in ouji and don't automatically make a coord aristo. Most of what people call aristo is actually ouji. Arisrocrat look pretty different, pic related.

>> No.10066001

Tell me something I don't know, gull.

>> No.10066026 [DELETED] 

Having a difficult situation with a friend. We've been friends for years, she's autistic and can be a little annoying to deal with but she's usually really nice. She's amazing at classic and I usually wear sweet but recently got into classic, and since then she's been really distant with me in terms of like, personal friend talk, but jumps in with crit whenever I post a picture. When i was first starting out I really appreciated it, but it feels a bit unnecessary now, and sometimes it feels like she's criticising me over really minor things while never having anything positive to say. How should I deal with it? I don't want to overreact but i have body dysmorphic disorder and feeling so hyper observed in how I dress isn't good for me.

>> No.10066036 [DELETED] 

Why not ask her what's wrong? I know it'll be difficult but she might not realise she'd being cruel. I'm Aspergers and sometimes I genuinely feel like I'm helping but it can come across rude.

>> No.10066047

Imagine being this petty

>> No.10066051
File: 217 KB, 401x285, 1542949530275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's kinda late but I really appreciated this anon. My condition was really bad and I couldn't stop crying. After the third dose and nap I actually feel a lot better emotionally but I have pretty rough time with the physical side effects still + I caught a cold. But I actually feel like I'm able to complete my wardrobe post, go to the store and celebrate New Year's and I'm pretty happy.
>determined to organize my wardrobe, wash, iron and photograph it and plan coords the rest of my holidays
>mfw best holidays ever

>> No.10066071

the one time i post a ontopic feel to the feels thread it gets deleted. what the fuck is this shit. am i not allowed to complain about how much i hate my face because it genuinely ruins all of my coords and cosplays. fuck

>> No.10066083
File: 79 KB, 720x896, 26805123_1854801331206129_8503573904831030483_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Friend helped me snag a dream dress
>Official acknowledgement from a big event
>Having fun with crafting again
This is gonna be a great start to a new year for my lolita interests!

>> No.10066111

I'm glad you're feeling better anon. Link your wardrobe post when you're done with it!

>> No.10066117

yeah because everything is about you, sweaty.

>> No.10066121

Do it. If I were that girl, I’d want to know if some orbiter was claiming to be dating me.

>> No.10066127 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 400x267, 1474800191536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to break up w useless bf
>best friend told me she went all out with my xmas gifts so I bought way more things for her than I should have
>I got one present from her that cost $9 (she told me with a smile on her face when she gave it to me), while I spent $90 on her. I don't give to receive, but it feels shitty bc I was hyped
>meanwhile she spent over $300 on stuff for herself, while telling me she's in a bad financial situation so she's sorry but she can't spend money on me right now
>I'm actually pretty poor and her present cost me a fair chunk of my wage, which she doesn't appreciate
What the fucc

>> No.10066130 [DELETED] 

Honestly that just sounds like a shitty friend, sorry about your bf if it helps my gf is actually making wish for death

>> No.10066135

this censorship is bs tho. you wont care until it happens to you

>> No.10066140

that's not how you spell sweetie

>> No.10066141

Can you call me sweetie too, I would like some affection

>> No.10066150 [DELETED] 

Yikes. What was her present anon?

>> No.10066160 [DELETED] 

It's a good thing I don't always live like I do this time of year. I'd be one fat, alcoholic fuck

>> No.10066166

This isn't cosplay or lolita related, I'm afraid. Janny gonna delete your post

>> No.10066177

If you knew him you’d do it too

>> No.10066187

Nayrt, but it’s intentional to spell it as sweaty.

>> No.10066212 [DELETED] 

Feels like I was flirting with male person. Ugh. Do not want it to be a thing.

>> No.10066213

Reading threads here makes me feel worse about the western j-fashion community. But FB groups aren’t that great. I’m kind of stuck for inspiration and a place to talk about the fashion that isn’t either full of controversy, a hugbox or a trash fire.

>> No.10066216

I don't think it exists. Every time a decent FB (for example) group is formed, the "Hey loovveeeillyyyssss" hugbox people join.

>> No.10066221 [DELETED] 

a pair of slippers

>> No.10066263 [DELETED] 

Ouch. She thought that was "all out"? You have my condolences, anon. If she's your best friend, please consider telling her how this made you feel.

>> No.10066275 [DELETED] 

Don't even know if it's worth it. She'll turn it around on me as usual. Best just I vent on an anonymous Tibetan yak milking forum and compartmentalize it

>> No.10066279

>i was mad at my face so i edited a picture of my side profile to make it cute and its really depessing. im so fucking ugly. im never going to be cute
Yes, yes, very cgl related. You didn't mention cosplay or lolita anywhere in your post, it was just the typical self-hate post that gets 30 replies with other anons saying they hate themselves too clogging up the thread.

>> No.10066282

She's not s trap, she's just a really unfortunate looking girl who takes advantage if her manface by playing the role of a trap. She ties her boobs down so her body has this awkward shape to it.

>> No.10066284

I'm proud of you, anon. I hope you find a way to fulfill that dream in a way that makes you satisfied.

>> No.10066285

>really unfortunate looking
You need some glasses.

>> No.10066286

You just have to remind him in a way that isn't forceful or greedy. Be sweet and express your thanks. If he doesn't have the money now, then it's okay but he needs to be able to tell you that.

>> No.10066288
File: 924 KB, 829x637, 1543792583259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I'm not into manly looking women.

>> No.10066289 [DELETED] 

ur gay

>> No.10066306
File: 141 KB, 865x977, 1545251297433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get family arranged date because I'm 29 and never been in a relationship, and my mother's co-worker has a daughter who is 27 and never been in a relationship
>Really don't want to go, but went on condition that mom stops butting into my nonexistent love life if I'm not interested in the girl
>Get on date, she's just staring at her phone after greetings and browsing away
>Notice she's wearing an Angelic Pretty heart purse and trying to pass it off as a normie purse
>"So you wear a lot of AP or just like that bag in particular?"
>She gets taken back for a moment but then responds with "My mom got me this bag, sorry I don't know anything about it."
>"...so your mom got you a bag from a Japanese Lolita brand? Does she just casually browse Lacemarket? There are plenty of other heart shaped bags she could have gotten. Is your mom a Lolita?"
>She puts her phone down
>"...okay, did she tell you about me or something?"
>"I've never even spoken to your mother in my entire life. My mother arranged this for me kinda against my will so I didn't ask for details either."
>"Oh same. I mean no offense but I just didn't want to come but thought it'd get her off my back"
>"Same same. But you're avoiding the question, do you wear a lot of AP?"
>"How do you know about AP?"
>"Eh, I kinda learned about Lolita fashion a bit from the internet."
>"Okay, so is your mom a Lolita or something and you casually browsed Lacemarket one day to buy her a present?"
>Oh fuck, that was a pretty nice comeback
>"I browse /cgl/ for cosplay and kinda stumble on Lolita threads here and there because the fashion is...interesting"
>Suddenly we're just having a full blown conversation and cracking jokes at each other
>Have a pretty fun night
>Not interested romantically but she was pretty cool
>Make that clear to her
>She asks for my discord
>Tells me she won't add me back until she confirms I'm a regular here
>"Post about our date on the shittiest thread that's cancer to the board."

Hi. Add me now?

>> No.10066310

I really hope this is real because I love it

>> No.10066312

>>Tells me she won't add me back until she confirms I'm a regular here

Why? This seems like a dumb condition.

>> No.10066313

‘Muh deeper social relevance’ and self-image vs j-fashion or cosplay was implied. Uwu, ur a meanie.
Jeez anon, don’t be so dense, where is ur empathy like wow.


My feels are that I’m struggling to make some ‘meaningful’ lolita fashion resolutions/goals for 2019 and I’m coming up with not much. I’m not finding much inspiration right now and it just feels bad.

>> No.10066314

Keep us updated, I’m living for this. I don’t even care if it’s fake, it’s great.

>> No.10066315

Seconding >>10066310, if this is real it's adorable and I wish you both the best regardless of where your relationship goes.

>> No.10066322
File: 44 KB, 359x266, 1544844974910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10066327

we need evidence or this is an imposter anon

>> No.10066328
File: 2.57 MB, 498x398, 5DED0DB8-632F-48D8-8827-CD6B83C16D3A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fucking wholesome if this is real.

>> No.10066332

I want to date you anon. Need me a partner who's supportive of lolita

>> No.10066334

Join a local comm and meet people irl

>> No.10066337

Do gulls really have such bad luck with men that they have to resort to wanting to pick up 30 year old virgins from feels threads to get someone who'll tolerate their fashion?

>> No.10066340

If the pictures posted on /cgl/ are anything to go by, most lolitas are kinda ugly to plain

>> No.10066343

On a washout period from Fluoxetine to Cipralex, I feel your pain anon.
Doesn't help that I have had 2 deaths in my immediate family in less than a month either, feels like nothing is working.

>> No.10066352

I'm male, 23, love lolita.

I sure hope so. Its my only chance.

>> No.10066356

Thank anon, maybe I’ll travel some and visit because my local comm is tiny and only 2 besides myself aren’t pretty badly dressed, meaning ‘barely lolified normcore’ levels of bad not just ita.

>> No.10066367
File: 266 KB, 600x750, 1541127599219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10066371

Lolitas have bad luck with men because they're all mad gay

>> No.10066375

I thought it was because we are all self-centered uppity bitches? Who knew?

>> No.10066377

Like most people anywhere and always.

>> No.10066378
File: 202 KB, 1280x1440, 1396072925456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear to GOD if this is a larp
I want to believe

>> No.10066386

>Find dress I like from Taobao
>Coordinate whole outfit around the dress
>Thinking about purchasing all the items for a Christmas present just for me
>Look at the material of the dress
>"Top quality jacquard fabrics (100% polyester);"
I'm not sure if I trust buying this dress anymore if it's going to be made out of polyester. Maybe I'll just go all out and buy myself an actual brand dress, but I can't seem to find anything that I like at the moment.

>> No.10066388

Just because it's poly doesn't necessarily mean it's bad. What dress is it, if you don't mind sharing?

>> No.10066390

This was true for me
>failed to keep a man and didn't feel right when I had one
>dated some one from my comm for a while
>suddenly much more comfortable
>actually had a partner I found attractive
>sharing wardrobe was gr8
>tfw turns out I was gay all along

>> No.10066394
File: 550 KB, 650x936, 4cee0f9703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's King Eleven -The Demon King of This Universe-. Pic related. I love the navy and gold colorway, I think the navy and gold colorways are really nice and would love to make a coord with something like it since it reminds me of the night sky.

>> No.10066397
File: 82 KB, 700x700, w-37639-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, it's strange that they listed the fabric as jacquard, it doesn't look like jacquard at all. It's a heavy, textured fabric, pic related. But the fabric they actually used for this dress looks like the kind of lightweight poly fabric that's popular in lolita lately; and I don't mean the sheer overlay of course.
Maybe I'm talking out my ass, idk, I wouldn't say that alone is a deal breaker but maybe keep that in mind, in case they might not be completely honest about the product they're selling.

>> No.10066400

I think you're right anon. I bought another dress off the same website that has actual jacquard fabric though. It doesn't look like that in any of the pictures I've seen of the dress. I'm just worried that it will end up being that ugly kind of shiny.

>> No.10066407

Please stop romanticizing this cheap crap and educate yourself on dress styles and fabric choices. No matter how lovely the coord builds up in your mind from photos and your imagination, the reality is that it’s only going to be as good of quality as the actual pieces. This even looks cheap in the photo. You deserve better and if you look, there are celestial and night sky brand pieces, and navy/gold or kon/gold things too. Please don’t settle for this

>> No.10066414

this is hideous anon, even holy wolf is better

>> No.10066417

That’s fucking cute as hell I might cry from reading this

>> No.10066419

I think it looks beautiful.
Maybe message them about the material? Could be listed wrong and only certain parts are polyester.

>> No.10066420 [DELETED] 
File: 166 KB, 377x1282, 831C65C5-BD20-4157-9E87-181735FF490E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good evening rider friends how was your holiday did you guys get anything good?

>> No.10066421
File: 19 KB, 300x309, 1363610022040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Find dress that I enjoy greatly
>Being scalped on lacemarket
Why do people do this? It's such a shitty fucking thing to do.

>> No.10066425
File: 120 KB, 1242x810, 8E7B01CE-27AB-4C29-800B-E8599B18F53A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I really wish I met someone who was supportive of me trying to work on my first cosplay, I’ve met multiple gulls who could care less about a guy cosplaying and it just feels shitty to be quite honest. I just wanna have a cozy conversation with someone about the joys of working on it not to immediately get bashed for being a guy

>> No.10066426

If it’s brand, learn to Mercari or YJapan, anon. Don’t let the western scalpers get you down.

>> No.10066429 [DELETED] 

My holiday was weird, dad got drunk and talked to our extended family on mum's side about how all his siblings have bad lives and he's the only one doing decently. That made things a bit awkward.

>> No.10066431 [DELETED] 

That’s a little strange anon, but I guess he wants to brag so go nuts man I suppose. I just eat a lot of meat and received a lot of rider toys I’m glad my family is finally ok with it

>> No.10066432

If its one of mine I'll happily reduce it. What dress anon

>> No.10066434

Wishing for your fortune jsk.

>> No.10066435 [DELETED] 

I'm not sure bragging was the idea, but I can't really think why else he'd do it.

>> No.10066436
File: 35 KB, 500x619, 1543602399387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can do it anon! Don't let a few people get you down, as long as you put in the best, then it should be great, what outfit are you working on?

>> No.10066437 [DELETED] 

Maybe he felt bad for them? Honestly that is such a weird conversation to have with the family, what did you get for Christmas?

>> No.10066438

Oh Jesus, I see what you mean... No, sadly not one of mine. Best of luck, anon

>> No.10066439
File: 119 KB, 1200x800, AAF969D3-F261-4209-945F-B42EDDD7B9F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am working on my first kamen rider cosplay which is ex aid, I am currently working on figuring out what materials I even want to use to make the body suit and what type of sewing machine to buy. It’s all very taxing but I’m having fun

>> No.10066441

Shame on you, if you offer to ‘happily reduce’ so quick then you know your dresses are also overpriced so why are you setting them that high?
I hope you have ‘obo’ on your stuff, otherwise I hope an ant bites your ass and you get insomnia.

>> No.10066442

I'm so bored of the internet, but I have no one else to share these interests with. Walking the line between normalcy and weeb is kind of lonely.

>> No.10066443

So...aside from some very taxing thinking, what have you actually accomplished for the cosplay if you dont even have any fabric or sewing machine yet?
It sounds like you just want to talk about a bunch of stuff but have not actually done anything at all yet and then cry that people aren’t interested in your marvelous plans and potential....zzzz. That’s not because you are a guy, anon.

>> No.10066447

I have made less marvelous cosplay with some random outfits I’ve put together from the same series. It’s really not that deep anon, sometimes people want to talk about experiences and stuff they have had at cons, or how everything is coming along but hey if you want to believe it’s crying go nuts

>> No.10066452

Lots of good stuff, a couple Gundam kits I really wanted, some nice tools for building Gundam kits, three more Discworld books to add to my collection, a solid Milwaukee folding utility knife, a Fitbit Alta to keep track of my fitness and $40 cash

>> No.10066454

Dude a lot of that is more useful than what I got but I’m still happy with my toys they are great.

>> No.10066455

Please don’t assume it’s because you are male. If all you’ve done is closet cosplay and only have a vague plan for actually making one so far, can you see how people already into cosplay and making will probably say something like ‘oh ok’, and then not be that interested further until you actually get into the making stage of the project? Try again once you are in the making phase and I bet you’ll get a better response.

>> No.10066469

Better response, I hear what youre saying

>> No.10066489

>Want to wear my first lolita coord to my friends place for New Years
>Shoes, tights and accessories for dress haven't arrived yet due to some awkwardness on behalf of the website I was ordering from
>Think I can throw together a coord with what little I have
>Have a nice coat, purse and shoes all in beige
>These might go well with this dress, and the colours blend well together so it's ok.
>The bag, shoes and coat are all different shades of beige
>The shoes are suede boots and do not look good with the fabric of the dress
>It's also right in the middle of heat wave season and is going to be at least 35 degrees for the next three days

I guess I just won't. I'd rather wait and put my first coord together properly rather than look like an ita.

>> No.10066496

Wait and do it right. I think you’ll be glad you did.

>> No.10066500 [DELETED] 

Thank god the Holidays are ending as much as I love them, the never ending loneliness can finally cease

>> No.10066555

I'm feeling a secondhand embrassment for Karl in the Secret Santa thread. Dude is getting roasted so hard for his fuckup. Probably on suicide watch.

>> No.10066576

They were way too hard on him. Pretty cringe.

>> No.10066583 [DELETED] 

It's funny when women get raped lol

>> No.10066600

Nani the fuck, why'd my post get deleted? It was about lolita. Guess it's time to look through the archives and find some massive cunt off over it that i slept through.

>> No.10066601

Nope, no drama, janitor just delete posts completely at random now apparently. It was the one about my classic friend who's OTT with crit. How exactly is that against board rules, janny?

>> No.10066603
File: 580 KB, 480x360, 1385634110362.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Finally find cute dress to coord with
>Nice, I can afford that
>Conversion rate
>$600 not including shipping
I guess not, then...

>> No.10066609

Hello, assumptions. My prices aren't even high. I'm just willing to do deals for gulls and people I know. Slightly reconsidering the gulls part now though.

>> No.10066615

I scalp my shit too but it's always around the market price, I just got it for less. Stay mad, salt mine. It's not cool to wish shit on others.

>> No.10066624

They mostly just delete what gets reported. The reporter probably made a mistake and jannies skimmed your post. They're only human too, but almost all of the deleted posts are rightfully deleted.

fuck off Rainies/Gemgem/Chestnutlili

>> No.10066707
File: 81 KB, 379x364, 1533749818899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post yfw Karl is still getting absolutely BTFO

>> No.10066735

The anger from lolitas will not be quenched unless there is a blood sacrifice.

>> No.10066738

I don't think anyone there is angry, not even the gull who received his gift. I see gulls confused and maybe a bit amused by this, while the poor giftee was just sad and disappointed, and rightfully so.

>> No.10066740

I quote >>10066738, given the usual saltiness of this board, he didn't get that bad of a reaction

>> No.10066744

Brand for the brand goddess. Bows for the bow throne.

>> No.10066749

I would feel worse for him if he didn't keep trying to defend himself with "bitches love bows". I bet every fucking person in the event has something on their wishlist with a bow on. He singled in on that one thing, went to the CHILDREN'S section of Forever 21 and got any random hairbows and spent a ridiculously stupid amount of money on them. He clearly has money to burn if he can spend nearly triple the budget without consideration and thinking about what he's buying so I don't feel that sorry about that either. He deserves getting roasted.

>> No.10066750

I feel bad for both the giftee and the gifter. He genuinely tried but it failed.

>> No.10066753 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 635x576, 1542147765986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my mom's a huge slut.

>> No.10066760


>> No.10066769
File: 19 KB, 413x395, 20914667_1333989313379920_5026678985427864437_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10066773

I'm conflicted between feeling bad for both parties, and amused that he managed to miss the mark this hard.

>> No.10066775

Imagine if this post was Belgianon lel
What she actually wants to say behind the c’:

>> No.10066787

>people can't be genuinely good and kind in crappy situations
What a sad little world you live in.

>> No.10066790

>not having an ounce of humor in your body
I think yours is more sad.

>> No.10066796
File: 624 KB, 500x999, nigga that's kawaii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't used this image in ages
If this is some faggot LARPing I might cry.

>> No.10066813

I've never seen the /cgl/ SS threads before. Or more like I just never cared but that fucking interaction just simultaneously breaks my heart and makes me cringe.

Like, it reminds me of being back in school and everyone in the class giving really awesome presentations and then there's that one kid who was really confident at the start but then just mumbles his way through through his own because it's total trash compared to everyone else. Like you feel bad for them because oh this is just embarrassing and it looks like they did try but you cringe because how do you fuck up this badly?

I feel really awful for Belgian gull. Seeing all the other awesome gifts people got was just heart breaking.

>> No.10066849
File: 28 KB, 550x430, 1543538214523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you extend this to the feels thread how did you know this is where I normally browse ;-;

>> No.10066851

Karl what does it feel like to kill a man? Your handwriting is a pure sign of it.

>> No.10066854

A rush, then bliss and shock, a sort of surrealism follows before being replaced with sorrow.
Look I've used a computer from a very young age and it's not like my handwriting was THAT bad ffs.

>> No.10066874 [DELETED] 

What's a good cosplay for my 13 year old cousin (picture related)?

>> No.10066876 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10066877

You really can't say the SS thread disaster doesn't deserve to be here. Man oh man bad feels abound there for that girl especially to see all those other gifts! Perfect example of why I will never join!

Pretty sure Belgian gull is not going to join next year lol

>> No.10066884

>spends a lot of time in feels threads
>doesn't know anything about lolita and thought those bows were appropriate

This is why /cgl/ hates crossboarders.

>> No.10066886

It tells you a lot, when /r9k/ /ss/ is better organized then /cgl/
It seems alot more bent to a few people this year then the last few years, which is a shame, I had fun during those times

>> No.10066887

Honestly it's so satisfying watching him get roasted. If I were the anon receiving that gift I would have been incredibly disappointed.
The lack of thought put into his gift blows my mind. Not bothering to properly research his giftee's fashion, or get the right idea from past gifts, or even get merch from her other mainstream interests... and then buying overpriced bows instead as a last minute gift? And then realising he messed up at the last minute and chucking in cash because hurr durr foreigners LOVE USD even thought they can't spend it in their own country???

It doesn't matter how much he spent, it's the lack of personalisation that makes his gift terrible, not the budget. At least Karl now realizes how bad he fucked up!

>> No.10066888

My mom bought me a walmart fursuit head.
Why does she hate me?

>> No.10066891

I was here for cosplay, I tried my best

I thought these were good gifts

>> No.10066893

You didn't try, sorry. You can try to justify it all you want but you simply didn't. Five minutes of looking into any lolita thread here would give you an idea of what lolita bows are VS bows that are literally marked for 0-24 months to put on your baby's head.

You don't get to feign ignorance when 80% of this board contains references to what you had to shop for.

>> No.10066894

Give up trying to defend yourself Karl. We all know you had good intentions. But if you seriously thought those were good gifts it just means you failed at research, sorry.

>> No.10066895

I mean you can make the claim that I should have investigated more since I stopped searching after I found out normie stores carried Lolita but it's not like I did 0 research.

>> No.10066897

Pretty much this, and the fact that the poor girl herself is apologising for the mess you got her in both leave a bad taste in my mouth.

its utter cringe to read the ss thread thanks to you. looking at the gifts being posted after is now heartbreaking like other anon said

>> No.10066900

that's the point though Karl, normie sotres don't carry lolita. Bows for toddlers and babies are not lolita and literally 5 seconds of looking at any of the lolita threads here can tell you that

>> No.10066901 [DELETED] 

This SS drama seems so inflated now I don’t feel sorry for Belgium gull anymore.

>> No.10066903

>I found out normie stores carried Lolita

They don't.

>> No.10066905

I'm guessing you mean you read somewhere some normie stores sell potentially loliable blouses or maybe accessories and stopped there?

>> No.10066906

And why did you think that was it? Why didn't you get some "lolita" stuff and some other merch to mix it up? Why did you think only getting one kind of gift was ok? Especially with a thing you are not familiar with?

>> No.10066907

I'm pretty sure she'll get noticed by the mod and get put on the grinch list

I'm pretty sure she's a teen so that does make me feel bad thinking its probably her first ss experience lol what a first time bummage

>> No.10066910
File: 405 KB, 552x689, 1541965597565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stop alright, I tried to just go get her the goddamn DD afterward but it's out of stock and there are no resellers. The next closest dress is $400 and I think both of us will feel guilty if I go for that.
Ideally she doesn't read the feels thread and you guys can keep it a secret that I'm 100% getting her a new, better gift. Sure, monetary investment doesn't compare to a better more personalized gift and I'll readily admit I could have and should have done better, I just didn't realize until after the fact I would need to do a shit ton of additional research since I'd never been around for lolita, only cosplay. Everyone wants to rip me a new one even though I already apologized and revealed my thought process. Fuck.

I wanted to be a good Santa, really, that's why I dropped so much. I didn't do a shit ton of research because I didn't realize (like a dumbass) that I would be competing with the most hardcore lolitas here.

>> No.10066911

Why? She never actually was rude, she stated what happened.

>> No.10066914
File: 717 KB, 500x229, h444EFB76.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> wore a casual lolita coord to a wedding in the family
> had a good time, but tried to avoid getting pics taken by 'pro photographer' at party
> uncle (groom) shows up at Christmas and shows everyone the photos
> super unflattering pic of me dancing in the bg > petti deflated cause sat on all evening
> half of hair accessories already removed

p-please don't put these online uncle

>> No.10066915

Because I already dropped $120 on a $40 gift

>> No.10066917

I mean she'll be put on a list for a new gift

she def isn't rude, if anything her posts make it all worse cause she sounds like a sweet summer child lol

>> No.10066918

i doubt it, she wasn’t grinched. it was just a shitty gift

>> No.10066919

And why didn't you plan better? You could've planned this.
Also, are there no women in your life who could've given some advise?

Anyway, next time, communication is key. Noone ever said you had to do all of this alone.

>> No.10066920

for your sake I would message the mod that you are planning this second gift

>> No.10066921

>that face of the guy
yeah, I guess the tranny treatens or blackmail him somehow

>> No.10066923

Oh! Sorry - I thought the grinch list was people to avoid. My mistake!

>> No.10066925

Dude, let someone else get her a gift. Stay clear of /cgl/ for a while and if you want to participate again be ready to ask questions.

Fyi it's not hardcore lolitas shitting on you, any lolita, the laziest, shittiest lolita could have told you better gift ideas. Sticking around here isn't going to make you feel better. There are anons in different timezones who will wake up and come for your blood too. Block the site for a week or two at a minimum.

>> No.10066926

cosplay the character who you like the most
or which is easy to make

>> No.10066928

>spinning in a sword fight
consider yourself dead

>> No.10066930

just fuck already

>> No.10066932

There better be no next time. You don't have to be a woman or a lolita to understand a pack of claires bows are an absolute shit tier presents. I honestly think he's autistic, otherwise there'd be no excuse for that kind of thought process.

>> No.10066935
File: 928 KB, 500x246, tumblr_inline_mkc6wgLAOk1qz4rgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seeing that picture with all those bows made me think of the girl with 14 left sleeves from Bodyline

>> No.10066936
File: 8 KB, 272x185, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.10066938

2018 sucked but /cgl/ gave me hope again.
>Grandma died
>Had to quit my dream study due to burn out.
>Nephew got cancer.
>Bunch of drama not involving me, but somehow they decided to involve me in it.
>Recently got in a car accident, family only cared about the damage to our car, whilst I was stuck in a foreign hospital for 4 hours.
>No car
Christmas was a bummer. My family sucks at giving presents and I always feel I have to be careful with everything I do and say as the less-favourable kid.

>Heavenly 4chan SS sending the best gifts ever and giving me no excuses to finally change my wardrobe to my favourite colours!

My SS probably doesn't even realise that I was really down about this year and her gifts made me so happy. I am so thankful for everything! I didn't even know it was on it's way so it really surprised me!

>> No.10066970

>I was here for cosplay, I tried my best
Surely you've been to enough conventions to have seen lolitas in person? How could you think those bows were the same sort of thing?

>> No.10066971

I've never seen a Lolita in person, ever

>> No.10066975

Maybe he never actually has cosplayed before or even been to a con.
You would think as a regular of this board you'd see enough lolita threads to at least know something.

>> No.10066979

Doesn't matter bc anon said herself she had listed cosplay things aswell.

>> No.10066997

Just watched Kamikaze Girls and now I'm all fuzzy and fluffy inside with lolita and girl friend feels.

>> No.10067026
File: 110 KB, 2274x1484, karl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10067031

>let your feelings out on good or bad gifts
Never has a thread had such a self-fulfilling prophecy

>> No.10067032
File: 65 KB, 632x1024, _0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is perfect, anon. I heard the music and everything.

>> No.10067033
File: 29 KB, 334x393, 1410369186146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, was cracking up at the "Karl tries to do secret santa" IASIP reply above, i didn't think it would bleed into this thread.

i feel bad for the guy but just an excuse for laziness and waiting last minute, at least he won't next time

>> No.10067035

I've never visited a SS thread before and I'm so glad this crossover happened so I can enter next year and experience it for myself. Does this happen alot? I've never bothered going into those threads since for the past few years I'd fear something like that'd happen to me

>> No.10067036

It happened once in 2016.
ctrl+f Travis

>> No.10067048 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 600x900, 128903932131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no cosplay gf

>> No.10067051

Same anon. I feel bad for the poor Belgium gull, but it’s actually kind of hilarious from an outsider’s POV.

>> No.10067053 [DELETED] 


>> No.10067055 [DELETED] 

How is my giant roast beef vagina supposed to compete!?

>> No.10067056 [DELETED] 


I'm an elderly whore. Delete this image immediately!!!!

>> No.10067057

Karl, if it makes you feel better... this happened last year with cgl's 'Uncle' too. If you really are dead set on making it up, as our uncle from /k/ was... leave a throwaway for people or ask for help in the thread. The gulls here will help you even if they will laugh at the same time.

>> No.10067058 [DELETED] 

Just because, scientifically, 30% of men are equally or more attracted to girls between the ages 8-13 doesn't mean this is acceptable!!

So what if 'teen' is the overwhelmingly most common porn category???? That doesn't mean men aren't attracted to my elderly sloppy bag!!

>> No.10067059 [DELETED] 

So what if 90% of men have some level of attraction to young girls when examined in a scientific experiment?

That doesn't mean attraction to girls this young is normal despite being overwhelmingly common!!

>> No.10067060 [DELETED] 

At least try to hide the samefag by shitposting on your phone and not having all replies follow at the same intervals one after the other, lad. This is fucking amateur hour

>> No.10067061 [DELETED] 

You're sick in the head.

I love science except when studies provide evidence to suggest things I dont like.

I also support all kinds of love except when I dont like that love then it should be forcibly punished by law.

>> No.10067062 [DELETED] 

Not to mention how poor of a bait it is calling 8-13 year old girls 'teenagers'.

>> No.10067064 [DELETED] 

I know the studying you're referencing, it's not 'attraction' they studied, it was arousal. Two different things.

>> No.10067065 [DELETED] 

man, shut the fuck up, if you're gonna samefag at least change up your punctuation or something so it's not so obvious.

>> No.10067066 [DELETED] 

You go sister! My superior female intelligence also lead me to this interpretation of that statement... despite that making no sense.

Girl power!

>> No.10067067 [DELETED] 

They mentioned 'teen' porn being a popular category following a comment about 8-13 year old girls.

>> No.10067070 [DELETED] 

Yes. I'm sure men constantly look at 18 year old poem because they're only attracted to 18 year olds and not because that's the minimum legal cut off.

My superior female intelligence lead me to this conclusion because I'm smarter than a little girl.

>> No.10067072

It's one pedo, anon. He's about to have all of this shit deleted anyway

>> No.10067073 [DELETED] 

Nah. More like 15+. Sure, no reason men wouldn't find many 16 year old women attractive. 8-13 though is way too young. Some say, "Does one year or two really make a difference?" In most cases, no... except when we're talking about infants and children hitting puberty. In that case, 1-2 years is an insane amount of difference.

Your 'superior female intelligence' is sorely lacking.

>> No.10067075 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 864x1164, study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*dabs* on bigots

>> No.10067077

I enjoyed reading that. Does he still come on cgl?

>> No.10067078 [DELETED] 



>> No.10067079

I dunno'. He truthfully wasn't a regular or anything. He really did just randomly drop in from /k/ out of boredom. He might still lurk. Use to sell Derpy-chan stickers.

>> No.10067080 [DELETED] 

>ages 8-13

I'm not sure you know what a teenager is.

>> No.10067082 [DELETED] 


1/5 guys I meet are less attracted to used up old whores???

>> No.10067084 [DELETED] 

I literally crying right now.

>> No.10067085 [DELETED] 

Wonder how many seagulls are attracted to underage boys?

Never read any HarryxDraco fanfic did you? Yeah sure.

>> No.10067086 [DELETED] 


>> No.10067087 [DELETED] 

I myself have never found myself feeling the underage boys. In fact, the older I get, I find men attractive who I use to call old men. It's really fucking weird man. I guess I can find 37 year old men attractive now. Fucking shit, make it stop.

>> No.10067090 [DELETED] 

wow, it's almost as if men and women are attracted to different things.

>> No.10067100 [DELETED] 

In my defense, I was exactly Draco's age when the first Harry Potter film and was attracted. And even before him I had a thing for Casper. My first boicrush when I was a wee lass.
I can't help that I never grew out of the attraction to them.
But then, I was also attracted to Snape, and like a whole plethora of types of people.

>> No.10067101 [DELETED] 

Snape. Really?

>> No.10067102 [DELETED] 
File: 1.08 MB, 500x208, alivecasper.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't help it. I have a ladyboner for edgy loners.

>> No.10067131

At least it wasn't bows.

>> No.10067155

That's sweet, anon. I'm glad you could find a little happiness this year. And I hope your SS gets a good smidgen of that nice karma too. This little light of hope is just the beginning. The rest is soon to come. Keep your chin up, anon!

>> No.10067366

I'm in Shanghai now. Hoping I'll be able to drop by AP and Axes Femme while I'm here!

>> No.10067377

In Tokyo and finally managing to do some proper JFashion shopping! I've been to all the Closet Child's bought a cute as hell Axes Femme dress for 950Y, an AP bag I've wanted for a while, an Amavel dress on sale and some other bits of bobs! I'm going for the 1/1 sale as well, I can;t wait to spend all my money!

>> No.10067465

I might go to Osaka in June to take courses in a fashion school that has a partnership with mine. The best thing is that it has a lolita design section (wich is pretty weird when you think of it, but i'm still really excited). Hope I'll make some japanese lolita friends !

>> No.10067486

To a better 2019
> Buy feminine clothing
> Parents question me and calling me weird and gay
> Stops buying clothing & makeup I like
> Feel trapped inside my parents house
> Want to cosplay don't know how to explain to strict parents
> Feel even more trapped then ever
> Feel lonely and don't know what to do
> Crying well lisiting to music

Hopefully I can let my parents understand cosplay...

>> No.10067487

Move out?

>> No.10067488

I am saving up for it, but its pretty expansive even for a small apartment either buying or renting

>> No.10067495

Update: I just dropped by Axes Femme. The clothes were really cute! I couldn't stop smiling in the shop. If they weren't so determined on putting corset lacing on everything, my wallet might have been in some danger www.

>> No.10067515
File: 649 KB, 640x1136, 1546144636354.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get skinny
>have no boobs

>> No.10067517 [DELETED] 

>get fat
>have no penis

>> No.10067518 [DELETED] 
File: 463 KB, 494x1291, 1546175014820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God hates you

>> No.10067522 [DELETED] 

Don't blame Him. I hate me too.

>> No.10067602 [DELETED] 
File: 816 KB, 1000x562, fabric frustration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hecking hate shopping for fabrics online. Everything I order ends up too bright, or too faded, or in some way not what I was looking for and I am heckin FRUSTRATED trying to find something 100% perfect.
I just had to vent.

>> No.10067619 [DELETED] 

>getting this mad over your massive flaps and not just getting a labiaplasty

>> No.10067677
File: 442 KB, 400x425, 1464039932091.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Always wanted to go to a brand tea party but never had the money for a ticket or new coord if it's a brand I have no main pieces for plus they've always been on Sunday afternoons at cons I've been to which is a bad time for me because I needed to leave then for the drive home
>Moitie just announced the brand and Mana will be at AWA next year
>Probably means brand tea party
>Always make it to AWA every year and I now live in the area too so I can go if it's on Sunday
>Just got a real job with a nice salary so I can afford to put together a really nice coord for it and a ticket
I'm really excited I've never even been to a real big lolita meet before, only small local ones before the comm I used to be near pretty much died and they were always really casual "let's just walk around this area and get ice cream" type ones which I felt kind of awkward at for some reason. I hope I don't forget or somehow miss the announcement when tickets are for sale though and not get one before they sell out.

>> No.10067817

I hope it's everything you've dreamed of and more!

>> No.10067824

LMAO did this get un-saged because pedochan was nuked

>> No.10067826

Yup, it was way up to like 325 posts earlier today

>> No.10068226
File: 303 KB, 1804x1532, 192hk5td1oh01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw wake up on the middle of the night in a panic attack sweating heavily even though it's freezing
>Don't know what the attack was over because can't remember dream
>Look around for Lolita GF
>In the heat of the moment assume that you dreamed her all up
>That the attack was over the sudden dread upon realization that the person you love so much and wanted to dedicate your life to was a figment of your imagination
>Call out in a last futile attempt
>Get a response from the living room
>Walk out and she's just playing Splatoon 2 on the Switch I got her at 4 am even though we slept at 12 am
>Feel dumb but relieved
>Cant fall back asleep though

Guess I'll just head to work early today. When you see this later, I love you!!

>> No.10068251 [DELETED] 
