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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10064339 No.10064339 [Reply] [Original]

Make a wish or two for the new year.

>> No.10064340

I wish I can get more healthy and wear lolita more in 2019.

>> No.10064356

I wish to commit to a gym routine and to a healthier diet. I wanna look good in my next costume and in my daily life.

This was a fun exercise, OP. Thanks. I hope your wishes come true.

>> No.10064360

I’d like to have more excuses to wear lolita. More motivation too. And also I would really like if those excuses were actual dates with my dear babygull.

>> No.10064365

>better cosplay
>better shape
>more money

>> No.10064410

I wish for a well-paying job.
I wish to see Trump die in prison (I'm not even American, he just makes me very angry).
I wish my best Lolita friend can move home again.
I wish for a true revival of wearable, traditional Lolita across all the substyles.

>> No.10064416

Of course my most important wish is for my loved ones to be healthy and happy. As for me, I hope I'll be okay as well. I'd like to finally have the chance to properly learn Japanese. I'd like to join the Erasmus program at university and go somewhere nice. But I can do without these things as long as everyone is safe.

Something more board-related: I hope I can get at least two nice brand blouses this year, I really need those.

>> No.10064465

Work less overtime, spend more time on costumes, get fit or at least lose weight. Spend more time with family and friends. This year went by way too fast.

>> No.10064473

I wish I can go back out to the desert and do another cosplay shoot there, this time with a photog who isn't a predatory asshole so I can share the finished pictures.

>> No.10064483

Meeting a female gull and enjoying AX together.

>> No.10064485

I wish gulls would stop taking bait and crossboarders would stop coming to our board.
I also wish to get a lot of old school pieces this year

>> No.10064497

I'd like a new job, please. I'll even take a pay cut if it means I don't hate waking up every single morning.

I'd also like to start cooking more.

>> No.10064503

I wish to grow my online shop and lose even more weight.

>> No.10064506
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I wish to spend more time with my friends wearing lolita
I wish for the motivation to organise more meets
I wish to have the courage to ditch people who are bringing me down
I wish for a bf/gf who is motivated to create a great future for us
I wish to develop a personal style within lolita
I wish for people to buy my listings!

or just for her to develop self awareness, because she'd be in for a nasty surprise.

>> No.10064520

What kind of shop do you have?

>> No.10064530
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A board relevant one!

>> No.10064632

I want to get some massive ego boost next year. Some fancy well payed job, PC in every color and cut, some massive social media following bigger than Spiro and FR have combined. I do not fucking care how pathetic that sounds, that’s what I really want.

>> No.10064635

Won anon, find the love you seek find what you want use that big dick energy

>> No.10064639

Please just let me finally find my dreamdress.

>> No.10064688
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I wish to find a job that pays similar to the job I recently got fired from. I wish to find my ultimate dream dress soon. I pray to Mana that comm mods get their shit together and finally kick out all the sissies. And I will lose weight. This isn’t a wish, I will succeed.

>> No.10064726

I also wish the tide will turn and the community will finally kick out the sissies and finally stand firm against the ‘no fetish in the fashion’ motto.

>> No.10066444
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Keeping my energy level and momentum up, so I can actually time-efficiently learn for my uni classes and can start working part time.

It's the core problem of my current misery, and why I didn't make much of progress in life during the last years.

And on that regard, going out in lolita this year in spring or summer for the first time.

>> No.10066483

I wish to be with her one more time <3

>> No.10066493
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>I wish to see Trump die in prison
But why?

>> No.10066507

I wish to get the courage together to stop being afraid of the financial and emotional commitment of college and to finally apply and go back to get out of working retail forever. (burgerland anon here, college money is very scary when you're average as can be)

I wish to also get my motivation on and actually cosplay for the first time in my life. I've been into j-fash for years but I've never cosplayed at a convention and always wanted to.

And to financially strap down not only to fix my growing shopping addiciton but also to fund college and a nose job in 2019. I feel like I'll never be pretty with my honking roman witch beak, I wish I could be as carefree as Lor.

>> No.10066508

I too, am cursed with a bulbous honker. Perhaps I'll see where I am at the end of 2019, and get Rhinoplasty for Christmas.

>> No.10066511
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I wish to finally get a consistent job, it doesn’t have to be much. I could reasonably live where I am without getting a job for another 6 months but I want to have a dispoasable income again to waste on lolita again I’m tired of being a pseudo-neet

>> No.10066514

Purely cgl related but I wish for a job so I can stop being so anxious all the time and afford lolita again. 4 months unemployed and it's making me crazy.

>> No.10066522
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>> No.10066612
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I hope for a truck to hit and kill me so I don't have to put up with all this bullshit anymore.I'll do a raffle for my brand.

>> No.10066663

I wish for a qt bf w/big peepee

>> No.10066664

Big dick energy?

>> No.10066675

I wish to get to know the girls in my comm. After my first meetup I was completely fuzzy over how sweet and cute everyone was.

I also wish for a chance to try on an underbust jsk. As a big titty gf I know it will most likely look weird and way too sexy. That's not what I want in lolita. If I get a chance to try an underbust I'll finally be able to crush this irrational hope that maybe it won't look too bad. It will. I just want solid proof.

>> No.10066677

Cgl related- I want to build up my wardrobe and make some friends in my comm.
Non cgl - just to keep enjoying doing my PhD and carry on my language learning.

>> No.10066855

I wish to lose 30 pounds, move out of my shitty hometown, and start learning Japanese again

>> No.10066861

Get down to 135lbs from 168.

I banned myself from buying new clothes or making new costumes until I get there. No point wasting the fabric or money if it's going to look crappy on a whale. I don't like how I look in costumes and it's why I phased out lolita. Need to fix this.

>> No.10066954
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1. Pass final exam
2. Lose weight

I finally want to have pretty enough legs for cute short skirts and dresses...

>> No.10066968

I want stop being a fatty chan so I be petite again and attend a lolita meet up. I need to stop being an academic failure so i can have money later on in life to buy all the brand in the world and not live with my parents anymore.

>> No.10066985

Find the courage to visit a con in cosplay instead of dismissing the idea because of self esteem issues

>> No.10066995

Since nearly everbody here wants to slim down, lolita weight loss support group when?

>> No.10067003

Not here on /cgl/ for sure, it would get nuked. But I'd make or join a thread in /fit/ and risk their shit for a Lolita/J-Fash inspired or themed diet/fitness thread if others would support it enough to keep it going. We might have to either post pix or keep re-making it for a while till it caught on or until they got tired of giving us shit about it though. Some guys on /fit/ are ok if they see actual grill progress pix.

>> No.10068367

I wish I could spend this year chill without people shaming me for unnecessary bullshit.
I wish I moved to a bigger city so I feel comfortable wearing lolita in public. I wish I had more excuses to actually wear it so all of my wardrobe finally makes a sense.
I want to finally meet a gull I got to know here.
Most unrealistic wish, I want to make more friends so I have someone to hung with. Someone chill enough to hung out with lolita so I don’t feel like an embarrassment for the whole group.
Probably I want to have a gf, people say it feels satisfying. I used to know some really nice girl, but it turns out so hard to keep this connection.
I just want some piece of mind so I don’t feel like I killed a kitten any time I say something.
Happy New Year, gulls!

>> No.10068369

>lose 10 lbs
>go back to school
>stop being sad all the fucking time

depression and anxiety fucking sucks, y'all

>> No.10068462

I think I know who you are and you should really stop being coy when people ask about your shop. Just start linking it and you will grow!

>> No.10068722

>lose 14 pounds
>keep a decent exercise routine and diet
>get black gf who wants to twin in inverted colorways because she also sees the kawaii aesthetic value
>stick to an organized planner this year

Happy New Year

>> No.10068724

Mo money
Mo burando

>> No.10068726
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I'm working on a pretty big lolita related project and I hope that when it goes public it makes at least one person smile.

>> No.10068727

Best wishes for all of you lot. Have a great new year!

>> No.10068729
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>lose weight
>make more money
>finally be the gyaru I want to be

>> No.10068735

cgl gf

>> No.10068742
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I wish to:
>Consistently exercise, post art, and make merch
>Table at a con at least once and/or set up an online shop
>Do all the cosplays I’ve been putting off
>Take proper photos in cosplay

I’m coming for you 2019

>> No.10068747

Just use the feels thread. This is the sort of thing it's there for.

>> No.10068756

Hey anon, if you need a referral code for starting up an Etsy, use this one! You get 40 free listings, instead of having to pay 20cents per. Which is super nice when starting out. https://etsy.me/2LEWcBT
Good luck!

>> No.10068758
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i wish i had some idea of something i wanted to cosplay but all my asian friends be like "xd cosplay wasn't built for you race you normal looking man(dabdabdabdab)"

>> No.10068762
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yo just always remember to use aim not ADS with micro uzi under about 50m, im sure it will all work out fine soon anon, maybe trader joes is hiring managers who knows

>> No.10068764

I wish to finally get my well paying dream job ( I do alot of freelance and im really over it at this point )
Get my savings in order
Save up enough to go to Japan with the BF
Get into a good gym routine
And be less sad about things I cant control.

>> No.10068768

Have been there anon, hang in there, don't beat yourself up.

>> No.10068771

>sell off half my wardrobe I never wear
>to buy more vintage/victorian pieces
>find a hobby I can table merch with

>> No.10068772

What type of freelance were you doing and what don't you like about it? I work in an animation studio and am always curious about freelancing and whether I can pull it off.

>> No.10068781

Well for freelancing the fact that Im never to sure if cilent work will last long enough. Its a lot of picture books I've been doing which you think would be great and pull in cash, which sometimes it does but other times you get terrible cilents that dont pay you on time or know what the want. Communication is key but sometimes they don't get that.

Id love to work in animation one day doing storyboarding stuff like that. Ive just never been a fan of not know where my next paycheck will come in, id also love good health benefits or just a good enough paycheck for savings.

I recently took out money to pay bills and savings hasnt recovered since then.

For you I think freelancing is fine as long as you still keep working at your main job you could even find it fun.

Sorry to write a lot

>> No.10068790

I wish I could make a female friend with similar interests and life goals
I wish my job would transfer me anywhere but here so I can wear lolita out again (I live in a dangerous, poor city)
I wish I could lose these stubborn last 10-15 lbs

>> No.10068813

>Sorry to write a lot

No no! It's really good to hear about your experience and advice, I hope you have lots of luck in the new year. I feel like right now my personal work is really suffering because I only have the weekends to work on stuff, I'm too tired during the week and I don't know how to resolve that, I'd like to have other hobbies as well. I have to remind myself it's a good problem to have. Happy new years!

>> No.10068815

I wish to develop my skills
I wish to build up my wardrobe and find pieces that I like

>> No.10068816

>only buy main pieces if they are dream dresses/skirts, no more "but it's so cute and cheap!!" impulse buys
>finally set up my website
>reach a decent level at japanese so I can start translating bibles, keras and other magazines
>get over lonelita autism and join both of my local comms
>visit japan for at least a week and visit every remotely j-fashion shop as long as they're still open

>> No.10068817

Oh, I forgot the most important one
>spend less time on here

>> No.10068834


>> No.10069202

theres one on FB but its rather dead now.

>> No.10069251

to be more /fit/ and attend an Anime centered con

>> No.10069263

Lose the 10 lbs I gained binge drinking during my last big depressive episode.
Start a successful social media account.
Sell the last few lolita dresses I have because the fashion no longer makes me feel anything.

>> No.10069276

My wishes:
> Buy more accessories instead of main pieces to round out my wardrobe.
> Wear what I own more often
> Finally make a new cosplay instead of wearing the same lineup for the fourth year in a row
> Lose 10lbs to get back to my normal weight.
> Maybe lose a little more for good measure.

>> No.10069278

Fill my closet with more brand, and buy better accessories.
Wear lolita more often (pls comm just one meetup a month or so)
Make one lolita friend.
Improve my cosplay and lose a few pounds to look good in it.

>> No.10072111

I want a gull gf pls and thank u

would be cool if I actually went through with my crossplay idea this year as well