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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 89 KB, 960x539, nebkon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10006414 No.10006414 [Reply] [Original]

When will we be free from the Ramada edition

The Ramada in Omaha, NE November 2nd - 4th

>What are your cosplay plans?
>Are you scrambling to finish your cosplay?
>Are you traveling out of state?
>Anything you're excited for?
>Will we finally have a successful /cgl/ meetup this year?

Also, does anyone know why the con was banned from the La Vista Convention Center? I saw a couple people mention it in the Facebook group and now I'm curious.

>> No.10007209

Back when the con happened at the la vista center, the hotel staff really didn't know what they were getting into. The big thing from what i heard was that on Friday night of con the room parties starting going and they were super loud.
This is probably due to the general structure of the hotel on the left side of the center. Cuz all the rooms opened up onto the main area and the sound just went up.

So the hotel manager went around to all the parties with the police and shut them down.

It was this and just the general craziness of the con. They were just not ready for a con.

Honestly they just need to go to the midamerica center across the river, doesnt matter it its not in Nebraska by a few minutes, the Ramada is horrible.

>> No.10007269

That is a very cool anime con banner.

>> No.10011234

Oh wow wasn’t expecting a nebkon thread
damn, that sucks. they were more suited towards a business event rather than a con anyways. the mac would be really nice, isn’t ocomiccon there? it works really well for them. the ramada is so so so crowded, im not looking forward to it. my cosplays are pretty bulky too which is gonna suck.

>> No.10019487

A little over a week away! I hope everyone’s costumes are going to plan, because mine sure aren’t.

>> No.10020945

I'm excited for it, haven't been able to go for a few years due to work and am actually going to be able to wear a basic Lolita coord because I finally have all the pieces I need.

Looking forward to the dealer room and watching the dating auction, cause that's always funny

>> No.10020992

Life has hit me like a truck last month so my cosplay plans are also in shambles. Good luck getting yours together in time anon!

Anyone interested in a meetup? We could get a line/discord group going to start planning.

>> No.10021388

I hope we’ll have a successful meetup this year!

>> No.10021417

I definitely would like to go to a meetup! Would it be worth attending if I’m only 20 though? I can’t drink for obvious reasons, haha.

>> No.10025288
File: 74 KB, 675x1200, Dq8z_9DX4AIzEvG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whom all /NEBKON/?

>> No.10025425

no one apparently

Also these dating auction boys hella thirsty

>> No.10025436

Lol, salty you didn't sell for $200?

>> No.10025624

It wasn’t as exciting this year! they restricted most people to pretty boring questions

>> No.10025638

Shout out to the girl dressed as Post Malone, made my night.

>> No.10025706

There will never be a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

Gives the all congoers in the midwest a bad name.

>> No.10025738

Kanpai Con is the one you're thinking of

>> No.10025740

Kanpaicon’s shitty excuse of a convention doesn’t negate the shittiness of Nebcon. Both are pretty terrible.

>> No.10025786

It's my first year living in Nebraska, what makes Nebcon so bad?

>> No.10026070

Can you think of any reason why a con would be shitty and why the people who go are awful?

That's why nebcon is bad.

But man. I love seeing all the shitty cosplay a week later, how shitty the cosplay "guests" are, and all the fucking drama on facebook.

>> No.10026330

Honestly I’m here bc of college get over yourself, you’re probably responding if you’ve attended this convention

>> No.10027983

someone got banned from nebraskon for having severe depression yet they allow a sex offender to be on staff. people wonder how thi9s con is bad

>> No.10029834

I think we can all agree that it's a shitty little con, but considering I can't get a lot of time off work and it's the closest thing to me, it's my only option. I had fun people watching and the fitness panel on the last day. Anyone else have any thing they enjoyed about it?

>> No.10030392

I went to that Korean culture introduction panel. It was a piece of shit PowerPoint where this autist fat girl was just talking about the Korean stuffs she likes to watch. Waste of 15 minutes, I walked out midway. Didn't even touch upon cultural influences in the Hallyu wave.

The panel Rob/Vash hosted shortly after about how weebs used to watch anime was epically hilarious. VHS tapes and Fox Box and shit lol

>> No.10030510

I think shitty PowerPoints are a staple to bad panels. I went to the Hunting 101 panel at O comic con, figuring their would be discussion, but no, it was a shitty PowerPoint with the ones in charge literally having to read off of it and stumbling over things. I was amazed that they thought it went over well enough to host it again at Nebraskon

>> No.10030641

I had a lot of fun, honestly. Most of the panels I went to were pretty shitty, but the Fate panels & Doujinshi Disasters were fun. I don't think this con is particularly bad? It's no worse than any other cons in the midwest, just average. I had to go with my little sister on Saturday and Sunday so I wasn't able to go to any really fun panels, did anyone go to Waifu Wars? Would it be worth going to next year?
I think my biggest disappointment this year was that I thought I saw a guy cosplaying Battler Ushiromiya, but it ended up being his oc.

>> No.10030733

Anybody know what happened with the ambulance/fire trucks on Saturday night?