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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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10008799 No.10008799 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone planning to go to nekocon?

>> No.10008859

Yeah, I hate the management, but it's basically my hometown con so I always go.

>> No.10009720

I normally work the con but this year I'm going as an attendee. The con itself is okay, I enjoy the maid cafe, host club, and dealer's room. The main reason I go is to party with all my friends.

>> No.10009723

I'm going, I'm bummed that there's no J-fashion content this year though

>> No.10013432
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I'm planning on cosplaying as Ann from Persona 5! I'm pretty excited! Any other P5 cosplayers going?

>> No.10015334

It's my first time going, Any gimmicks to this con? I.E. fun things, things to watch out for

>> No.10015337

Nah, it's pretty much your standard smaller anime con. The formal ball this year is new though, first time they're doing it. Also, don't bother with the concessions stand in the back of the Artist Alley, it's overpriced as heck and crowded and not worth it when there's plenty of outside food within walkable distance, including a McDonalds.

>> No.10015374

From Baby as a past guest to no content is pretty bad.

>> No.10015417

I still can't believe the one year I couldn't go they got BTSSB to come. I'm probably going to be salty until I die.

>> No.10020081

2nd year going! Sad they won't have arcade machines like last year, tho, according to their facebook.

>> No.10022896

Weak. Just the DDR one would be nice at least, the VG room is pretty much the central chill hub so ppl will def feel that hit.

>> No.10023197

Thats because the jfashion department is run by a perma-ita now and management seems to hate the department. They lumped bjd with lolita and it looks like no tea party this year except for the cringy doll one.

>> No.10023297

Evidently, they were going to be replaced with pachinko machines, but that fell through too due to "health complications" on the part of the people bringing the machines.

>> No.10023419

>Burns bridges with more and more presenters
>Powertrips on musical acts (see Prof Shyguy incident)
>No good music to speak of this year
>Huge price increase with less offerings
>Reducing incentives for panelists
>official Jfash ran by ita-zilla
>Gropey not coming to the regal-seagull tea party
>Reduction in arcade since they burnt the guy who brings the cabinets
>Trashy "rave"
>Refuse to adress constaff neckbeards harassing women

No thanks

>> No.10023421
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So... are we just not going to have half the game room? Damn, I'm gonna be so upset if I can't play Pop'n Music.

>> No.10023439

Actually, the J-fashion dpt is run by nobody now. The BJD person was trying to save J-fashion content from being completely gone by sneaking some content into their track

>> No.10023466

>regal-seagull tea party
WAIT, WUT? Did I miss something? How long has there been a /cgl/ tea at Neko?

>> No.10023952

For the past three years some gulls have gotten together for a fancy egl tea party with Gropalope bringing fancy homemade foods.

>> No.10024424

the only thing this con has going for it was lolita. and they finally did something right last year. I went to the fashion show and tea party~ the only thing worth going to.
now they are just another crappy con with nothing worth visiting for.
I would not recommend going to this convention--even if you went for cosplay or anime related things. it was so boring,

>> No.10024483

I like tea and sandwiches, and dressing in breeches. It's a natural progression.

As someone who has been attending and presenting Neko for years, I am completely and totally done with it. The con has gone downhill dramatically, with the people that run it being shady as fuck.

>> No.10024523

when doe badge pickup end tonight?

>> No.10025264

Dressed as Madoka and already wishing I saved my money. Any other gulls here?

>> No.10025330

Im kinda glad the lolita portion died out from it because the rest of the con wasn’t worth going to. Katsucon has way better lolita things and worth the travel and money imo

>> No.10025386

I'm here as koga from inuyasha.

>> No.10025532

Same, but my friends like Neko for some damn reason and I can't get them to migrate to another con.

>> No.10025695

Does anyone know if we can get partial refunds in badges? Neko is just not worth the money.

>> No.10025696

When they ask for feedback please tell them to bring the j fashion track back; I helped with the show last year and we're all really bummed that there's no show this year.

>> No.10025697

Whattttt is it good? I wanna go!

>> No.10025953

It has always been fun and dramu free. Seagulls IRL aren't bitchy at all and Gropey is a gentleman. Whole thing is cancelled though. Sorry.

>> No.10026045

Somehow I feel that you are lying to me

>> No.10026086

There’s no show, no tea party, and its being absorbed into bjd. Its not worth it to bring back because the rest of the con is pretty lackluster and theres barely any good lolita programing. You can only see the same 101 panels over and over without growing bored. Seriously just travel for something more successful and lolita-oriented.

>> No.10026197

No refunds period, that's a huge part of what's so wrong with Neko imo, way too much of a focus on providing as little as possible while still charging full con price, they don't even do day passes any more, they just whack 10 bucks off the price of a badge each day and they've completely eliminated the possibility of ghosting with the mandatory door badge checks to even get in to the con center (I wouldn't have a problem with this if they would out reg back on the Embassy side because I think its stupid to have people staying in the official con hotel have to walk all the way around just to get their badge).

>> No.10026198

Nostalgia goggles are thick.

Not bad at all for an informal tea.

D'aww, thanks.

I second that anon. The self awareness and worry about appearing in the next cringe/horror story thread seems to help keep everyone on their best behavior.

>> No.10026199

2 years ago, I demanded a refund for the days I didn't attend because the con sucked. When I finally told them that if I don't get a refund, I'll be contesting the card payment through my bank, they gave me a lifetime ban along with my refund.

Nothing of value was lost. Fuck Nekocon.

>> No.10026201

>tfw boy from far out of state and no friends and shitty cosplay that I didn't wear
I was at the dance party thing last night for awhile and i don't think i want to do that again. Sux being an old creepy man

>> No.10026308

Since this was my first real con I'll hope that whoever was right saying that this con sucks. What's up with that tiny man in a suit grappled onto and humping that girl at the dance?

>> No.10026500

>[Nekocon] was my first real con
I am so sorry. Save your money for Katsucon.

>> No.10026729

Wait that happened

>> No.10026784

Just some short guy dancing with a girl by hugging her tight/holding her still while humping her. It lasted for as long as i was there i think--the last hour of the dance. Based on minimal resistance, i assume she knew him, but it looked really uncomfy for both of them. Oh, to be young again

>> No.10026818
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Also: this happened

>> No.10026842

Did anyone go to the karaoke after dark event this year? I missed most of it and only got to see the very end.

>> No.10026881

Briefly near the beginning. I heard only popular american songs and left in digust shortly after being subjected to a bohemian rhapsody singalong (little did I know that there would be 2 more of these during events). The first karaoke event was fun though.

>> No.10027235
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How the fuck was this $70? So glad I got my badge for free otherwise I would not have gone. It felt so underwhelming.

>> No.10027643

Price bump was from them using the con center's security guys over con staff. Absolute fucking bullshit, you don't need trained guys just to check badges on the way in.

>> No.10027808

That sounds like a hotel policy/union kind of thing.

Do panelists all get free badges?

>> No.10027831

Panelists get free badges for 2hrs+ of programming, so generally they have to do multiple panels

>> No.10028043

It's not hotel policy. This is the first year that nekocon has fully rented out the site specifically to fight the fact that less people have been buying badges, because their con has been sucking more every year.

>> No.10028212

What changes would you make to the con to justify the price of the badge? Asking out of genuine curiosity. I agree the price increase didn’t correlate to an improved experience, although I didn’t have a bad time. I think price increases also can make a con that was slightly better than the previous year seem worse due to heightened expectations of getting your money’s worth (not saying neko was or wasn’t this, because I missed Friday due to personal stuff and can’t evaluate it fairly compared to years where I’ve gone the whole time).

Nekocon is competing with youmacon, anime USA, AND anime weekend Atlanta next year. This was a year that needed to be phenomenal to ensure that people will choose it next year when there are several choices.

Hopefully they made enough off that price increase to account for attendance numbers probably going down next year.

>> No.10028307

1: Music. They fucked themselves so hard after the powertrip with Shyguy a few years back. They used to have multiple good bands. Now they have two nobodies.

2: Stop allowing the same pannel from the same presenter two other more years in a row. For real.

3: Enforce behaviour standards on the con staff. Every year they have at least two incidents with con staff agressively overstepping their bounds. Volunteer doesn't mean unaccountable.

4: Support Jfash again. There are people who are willing to run it, but since they are "nobodies", they are not given the chance.

5: More late night adult pannels. Lord Ramirez and his couples intro to shibari class is amazing, and he is willing to do more.

6: More weird con-themed pannels! Gropey's sword pannel was really interesting.

7: Do whatever it takes to make people with arcade set ups happy again.

8: Drop the price back to before unless they offer stuff worth it.


>> No.10028316

There were four or five J-fash panels, and I didn't hear of anyone getting denied J-fash panels.
It was just hard to find them because there was no track ):

>> No.10028334

Four. Three are "safe" rehashes. Only one is community based. The high tea party has been canceled for years, even though Keebler volunteering to run it. It the book circle, pen pal and letter-writing, and pretty much every other social and lifestyle event that nekocon used to have, have all been long gone because they won't let anybody run them.

Jfash aside, let's look at all of the panels and events that got cancelled this year anyways. https://www.nekocon.com/schedule/

>> No.10028393

Found the nekocon board member

3 newbie panels hosted by ita friends of a conchair and a half assed swap meet.

>> No.10028401

Did you actually go to any of them to know?

I was pretty annoyed about the confusion of the time of the swap meet, I really wanted to go and missed it ):

>> No.10028405

I did. Tried to make that $70 worth it.

Spoiler: it wasn't.

>> No.10028565

Nah. Any con who had me on staff would probably make dashcon look competently run. I just go to conventions to day drink in cosplay and hang out with friends I don’t get to see elsewhere. I actually rarely participate in much of the actual con so that’s why I was asking.