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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 59 KB, 1280x720, photokano04b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10015387 No.10015387 [Reply] [Original]

Hey cgl, who would you say are the best cosplay photographers in North America?

>> No.10015404


>> No.10015409

UR mom

>> No.10016906

Tom and Marco for cosplay foot fetish!

>> No.10018189

Lauren Pihl/Aoife Haney

>> No.10018872

Not OP but p-pls respond
Some guys I follow on insta that I'm pretty sure are all in the US

>> No.10018908

Uh huh and which one of these are you?

>> No.10018963
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None, I'm fucking garbage lad
Maybe next year I'll self post

>> No.10018964

Seconding Athel. His feed says it all

>> No.10019617


Athel only does a decent job if you're an Asian girl

>> No.10019620

I can attest to this. My entire shoot was a bunch of different angles of like practically the same pose all in portrait. He didn’t want to spend any time shooting with me and pretty much rushed the entire thing.

>> No.10019688

Why do so many photogs look like the typical bullied nerd you would see in a sitcom?
Overweight, unkempt looks, look like they haven't slept in ages, etc.

>> No.10020251


Because they are bullied nerds
They use photography as a way to get fap material

>> No.10020289

You think a hot guy would pick up photography as a way to pick up girls? Please, photography is expensive.

>> No.10020313

>Why do people at nerd events look like nerds?

it's a mystery

>> No.10020795

They do pick it up, They tend to be rapists.

>> No.10020889


>> No.10021329


EMCP without a doubt!

They are one of the best and brightest in the business and will get the job done for you. Years of experience I am telling you this person is a professional in his craft and what he does is amazing work.

>> No.10021338


Can vouch for this anon A++++ work will shoot with EMCP again any time

>> No.10021370

I’m asian and athels shots still sucked. I know he goes on cgl too, so wonder which response he is.

>> No.10021389


Hello Eugene, maybe this year you can afford a badge with those thousands you be rolling in, instead of sitting across the street at the park, like you did at NYCC


>> No.10021532


That article is lies and slander. For all you know those screenshots are fake

>> No.10021537

I wonder what ever happened to Blue Shell Photography?

>> No.10021545

Can vouch for EMCP’s creepiness, 0/10 have blocked him from my page

>> No.10021747

I remember this guy sperging out in the Katsu photography group early this year, is he still shooting cosplay?

>> No.10021783

He is trying to. I occasionally see his posts pop up in a local con's group.

>> No.10021786

I had to double post for this.

Two posts back to back supporting this dude. 99.8% both posts are his.
0.2% one is his and one is a friend of his.
0.0% someone that actually likes his photography, is willing to pay to shoot with him, or is not doing "cosplay boudoir".

Some on here are pretty good. A lot of them have a same style/look that tends to be bland after the first or second photo. Some are only good if you are attractive.

Most of them are average in general. Best overall isn't plausible to judge. Too many variables to keep anyone consistent. What might be good to some cosplayers would be just basic level once you compare to some full time photographers who shoot creatively.

>> No.10021857
File: 48 KB, 700x486, e1d6f6d2-0ca4-49a0-bf24-f310fc908a28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a photographer ( I don't typically shoot cosplay outside of SDCC),Top tier photographers don't shoot cosplay. I know two photographers that also shoot SDCC that I would trust to shoot me if i were a cosplayer. Not to be racist but most of the asian cosplay photographers I know (I know 2) are really losery and geeky, the post super cringe worthy stuff on social media about being behind the lens but never getting the girl ect ect.

>> No.10021893
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That's because people are thinking of "nerds" as opposed to actual nerds.

>> No.10021934
File: 32 KB, 450x393, Dusty Old Soviet Camera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am a photographer ( I don't typically shoot cosplay outside of NYCC),Top tier photographers don't shoot cosplay. I know two photographers that also shoot NYCC that I would trust to shoot me if i were a cosplayer. Not to be racist but most of the black cosplay photographers I know (I know 2) are really losery and geeky, the post super cringe worthy stuff on social media about being behind the lens but never getting the girl ect ect.

>> No.10021948
File: 463 KB, 576x520, 18686fedffa9dafb1155d803dabfe03b[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ouch, sounds like your asian nerd. I like that you are trying to compare a hassy to a "dusty old soviet camera". It's like corralling a Ferrari with a yugo.

>> No.10021949

This guy is laughably bad, doesnt know how to frame an image. 0 post skills.

>> No.10021951
File: 106 KB, 1080x1080, 31168667_2132596903434238_1044489093804720128_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sad feel when you will never pose your favorite cosplayer like this because your too much of an asian incel.

>> No.10022122


Bububut making your models stare directly into the sun and cutting off hands constantly is best photography, anon!!

>> No.10022138

nayrt, but you can stop now. His work is mediocre at best,and there are several accounts of this kind of shit going around, so you're either Eugene himself or you're a close friend of his trying to white knight him.

>> No.10023059

Oh Eugene, you're such a kidder (molester)

He goes by Just Cosplay Photography now

>> No.10023091

Any good FEMALE photpgraphers?
Can't trust a male one it seems, especially for the sexier shoots.

>> No.10023094

Bunny Tuan

>> No.10023159


Dancing Squirrel was mentioned above and she's pretty good. Clouds Cosplay Photography. Vicissijuice. Sorario Days.

>> No.10023227

10/10 Bait got me to respond.

>> No.10023493

In the Southeast, Shashinka Cosplay Photography and Momo Clicks Photography are pretty good.

>> No.10023494


Haters gonna hate

But his p game ridiculous you know what Im sayin?

>> No.10023567

Sorario Days is annoying and whiney as fuck though, so beware of that. She loves to start shit on her personal FB.

>> No.10023629

Lawrence Brenner, he taught the greats, don't you know

>> No.10023649

>Shashinka Cosplay Photography is horrible with photoshop. raise your standards anon.

>> No.10023695

Oh no, I actually like her work.
P-pls give examples of her starting shit real curious

>> No.10023790


Seconding. I'm the anon who memtioned her and had no idea, just saw her work. Spill the tea.

>> No.10023798


Different anon, but all I know is she can be slow with photo delivery at times and she complains about people if they don't post her photos after delivery calling them ungrateful and not applauding her work. If you don't like the edit and ask her to reedit, you'll also get brought up on her personal Facebook and in real life. Basically she doesn't have thick skin and thinks any complaint is you being an unreasonable customer, same if you complain about late photos.

>> No.10024129

This>>10023798 I've also seen her complaining about how people are ungrateful for only tagging the photographer in the photo instead of @ing them in the description. Basically a bunch of extremely petty stuff along those lines, she's a huge bitch about her customers.

>> No.10025441


yikes. sounds really unprofessional.

>> No.10025636 [DELETED] 

@worldofgwendana varies for me - it feels like he bumps his contrast and saturation too much sometimes, but I like his composition and variety.


>> No.10025639

@worldofgwendana varies for me - it feels like he bumps his contrast and saturation too much sometimes, but I like his composition and variety.

@justin.cosplay does mostly hall shots and has a fun and varied feed (ie it's not the same dozen high-profile women in scanty outfits)

@elitecosplay has an absurd name, but at least they tend to do more high-production shoots to live up to it

@solitadphoto is nice

>> No.10033328

I always wonder what happened to some of my old favorite photographers. Skypirate & Rising Sun were good and did fun photoshoots but they've just sort of faded out of the limelight. I dunno if they got tired of cons or what.

>> No.10033334


I'm on her personal FB and I've never seen any of this.....? She's outspoken on her public twitter and instagram about photographer credit and courtesy, but I've never seen her shittalk anyone specifically (client or no) behind a locked page. Screencaps please or it didn't happen.

>> No.10033343

She vague posts rather than directly naming the person but it’s pretty obvious who she’s talking about. Already unadded her because of how bitchy she was but maybe the other anon can deliver.

>> No.10033377

Athel's a bitch after his little whining about the Ktsucon badges

>> No.10033387


I'm on the east coast (NJ) but these are some locals I follow


>> No.10033535

Any Canadian suggestions?

>> No.10033751

I was hoping someone would post this. Thanks, anon.

>> No.10034671

Amie photos, athel rogers, sohno photos, maison hikari, don dolce, lost dumpling, and con mom photos are some of the photographers I follow.

>> No.10034986

Agree with @worldofgwendana I like his composition but the editing is a mess. Oversatyrdated puke of colors. Reminds me of @kevinerita’s early work.

>> No.10035135

Thirding gwendana, if he just cleaned up his editing his stuff would be nice to look at. As of now it's all just
>crush those blacks
>highlights to Max
>saturation up up up

>> No.10035416


I'm fucking blind by the amount of bleeding from @worldofgwendana's instagram! Are you guys high? The yellow, oranges, and greens are just so bad they're going neon! Is he just sliding the stauration and vibrancy sliders all the way up?!

>> No.10036486

We weren't disagreeing with you, we all have problems with his work. He has potential but >Saturation

>> No.10041440

anon you have shit taste. half of these people are not even active. icemanx62 posted one photo during the last year. and the other half are just GWC. you think unlimitedcrossroads is one of the best photographers?

>> No.10041525

I just said they were local photogs I follow

>> No.10041594

EMCP hands down best photog in the east coast :3

>> No.10041640

Sorry to burst your bubble. EMCP has quit the game about a year ago.

>> No.10041663

I heard he was cat fishing cosplayers at Anime NYC.

>> No.10041675

is that why he's still hitting up cosplayers to shoot? You and I have very different definitions of quitting.

>> No.10041717

Source? I have not seen him at cons and he stopped updating his social. If he DN cosplayers and they shoot with him then it’s their fault.

>> No.10041737

Why not @amiephotos? She’s currently the most popular photographer on the east coast and I found it odd she’s absent from the list

>> No.10041741

Different anon, but you're replying to someone who just posted a list of people they follow. It isn't a definitive list. Post your own.

Amiephotos has nice portraiture, but most of her photos are very same-y. She's also nowhere near the most popular east coast photographer so that's a very strange statement.

>> No.10041745

I actually thought I added her to the list
I don't know if I'd say she's the most popular on the east coast but she certainly is very good and can work with literally anyone and come out with nice stuff.

>> No.10041879

meant to say one of the most popular east coast photographers. nobody else charges $195 per shoot and sell out in a couple of hours. she's lauren pihl level of popularity.

>> No.10041881

>$195 per shoot
Holy shit. Why?

>> No.10041885

what a selfpost lmao

>> No.10041933

seems basic!

>> No.10041970

Amiephotos is a fake, they only take 6 paid shoots a con and fill the rest with friends for free to appear booking out. They also are charging nearly $300 for Katsucon. To call her the most popular photographer on the east coast is laughable.

>> No.10041977

>$195 x 6
>fun time shoots with friends to fuck around
Idk man that sounds pretty comfy

>> No.10042012

Hate to add to the drama pool, but I know a lot of people that have shot with her, but none of them have paid for their shoots at past cons, but many have appeared in her advertisements. That said, her stuff is nice, but her variety of editing is limited. Nothing wrong with her price and number of photos delivered though.

>> No.10042073

Paul Hillier/@Kamerapeople

>> No.10042104


Are two east coast female photographers I follow

>> No.10042124

.Paul Hillier/@Kamerapeople
One of the very few that knows how to use a camera in Toronto.

>> No.10042151

I follow don dolce, lost dumpling, and con mom. Their aesthetics are really good.

>> No.10042211

Dumpling's aesthetic sense is very good.... but what I hear from my Canadian friends is that he doesn't give back spectacular or in-focus photos to his paying customers. He only puts in the effort for his cosfamous friends.

I once saw him bitch vaguely about how someone sent him an anon message about how much work he puts into his cosfamous friends and how he treats them versus how he treats others who aren't? Granted, this is a while back, so I don't remember the exact details.

>> No.10042418

Dude's just trying to get in with the cosfamous group. He's been seen hitting cons the past year now following Anna Fischer and Elysiam/Kay

>> No.10042600

What exactly is wrong with this?
Dude knows how to use his camera and get some delicious shots

>> No.10042620

I’ve shot with him and I find that his framing is good, but he doesn’t direct you for posing and doesn’t edit much besides some color and lighting. The people I see him shooting frequently like Kitsurie, Yume, and Hikarin all shoop the shit out of their photos, so I’m sure that they’re the ones making the results look so good.
I was happy with the photos I got, but I don’t need people to pose me.

>> No.10042736

They're shit people, and people associating with them either get converted or thrown out after they've been used as much as they can.

>> No.10042857
File: 302 KB, 1716x842, headshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$195 per shoot is pretty good, it's just cosplayers are used to dirt cheap price, not even "price" at that point.

>> No.10042860


this comes up every time somebody points out how ridiculous photography prices are. if you want professional money, go take headshots and christmas photos of suburban families in matching sweaters. con photogs do cosplay photography because they like the subject and like going to cons, and like picking hot girls/costumes they like/obscure series/whatever.

you don't get paid full professional rate for whats essentially TFP work (except most the time the model still isn't getting print rights)

>> No.10042873

I'm okay with people not wanting to pay high prices for photos, but they shouldn't get mad when someone asks for it, just simply decline

>> No.10042875

Asking good money for a shoot doesn't make a photographer an asshole

>> No.10042877

lol I wouldn’t call these GWC professionals. Most of them don’t even shoot in manual

>> No.10043050
File: 1.08 MB, 1010x790, 1542962427653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see a really nice shot on a cosplayer's insta
>They credited the photog so I check out their insta
>"photog" is just another cosplayer's who doesn't even seem to shoot at all or make photography any part of their lives
Why do I even try

>> No.10043055

Sometimes cosplayers-who-also-shoot don't have a separate account because they mostly promote themselves as a cosplayer. Who's the photog?

>> No.10043163

>Anna Fischer and Elysiam/Kay

don dolce good!

con mom she hates being confused with Alex Rose photography. Which is sad as Con Mom is better.

lost dumpling not bad!

>> No.10043177

Fischer scammed a bunch of people out of money with her kickstarter for her Wild Places project and sometimes shoots for Kotaku. No idea on the other person

>> No.10043201

Alex Rose made a post about how it takes no skill to shoot pretty cosplayers

Alex Ross also manages to make pretty cosplayers look ugly

I can’t see why con mom don’t want people to confuse them

>> No.10043224

Thank you caption! fly away now!

Con Mom and Alex Rose share the same first name. Why people get confused when they meet Con Mom.

>Alex Rose made a post about how it takes no skill to shoot pretty cosplayers
>Alex Ross also manages to make pretty cosplayers look ugly
Does explain her level of skill.

>> No.10043356

I am not remotely a fan of Alex Rose (as a person, and as a photographer) but why do people praise Con Mom so much? I feel like her shots are so boring, I even ended up unfollowing her. Even in that person's list, Don Dolce and Lost Dumplings are so much better imo, I don't get the Con Mom hype

>> No.10043487

>why do people praise Con Mom so much?
The market demands female photographers. She is the best female photographer in her area helps out. Alex Rose and many other female photographers set the bar very low which helps drive up her praise.

>> No.10043561

Pretty much this. When novii got busted and left a holr in the market, she changed name and picked up the pieces. A shame people put female photographers at such high regard, looking over the mediocre photos.

>> No.10043859


Yeah not impressed by what I just saw of Con Mom, but at least they look like decent photos, just very vanilla.

>> No.10043921

Yeah, I mean she's clearly talented, I agree. Her composition and editing are both very nice, and she's miles ahead of most cosplay photographers in Toronto. But like... "very nice" doesn't really accurately match the amount of hype and praise I see for her.

Though I checked out amiephotos, who a bunch of ppl above were mentioning, and wow, I actually LOVE her stuff. I don't find the editing repetitive at all desu, she seems really talented. 195 is insane, but maybe someday, if I go to an east coast con, I'll splurge, I legit like it that much.

>> No.10043925

her saturation and contrast is so bad... this sounds like such a selfpost

>> No.10043963

Her saturation and random splashes of flares is just her aesthetics. You either like it or you don’t. Clearly enough people like her enough for her to charge such a high price.

>> No.10043964

Lol it's not, I literally was the one asking about Canadian photographers because I'm Canadian...I don't know shit about photography so you're probably right, but to me, her photos are really really pretty.

(also yikes i just realized "either" autocorrected to "desu" wtf kinda weeb shit is my computer on about)

>> No.10043990 [DELETED] 

desu is sitewide replacement for desu, newfag

>people literally look orange in some pictures
>j-just aesthetics!!!!
stop selfposting, you already got called out for it in the katsu thread
you can charge as much as you want, that doesn't mean people are actually booking

>> No.10043991

desu is sitewide replacement for t b h, newfag

>people literally look orange in some pictures
>j-just aesthetics!!!!
stop selfposting, you already got called out for it in the katsu thread
you can charge as much as you want, that doesn't mean people are actually booking

>> No.10044007

Sadly vanilla is all you need to be successful in Toronto because all the other cosplay photographers (novii, white specs, don dolce, every other asian photographers) only shoot thin white/asian cosplayers.

>> No.10044017

Oh, I'm new, I didn't realise. I just came back and saw it and thought I made a typo and read over the sentence and "either" fit

>> No.10044416

^what thet said. Who’s the cosplayer? We can help you

>> No.10048083


white specs
don dolce

Well the asian cosplay photographers left a market open for any meh person to make money. So the market got flooded with sub par talent.

>> No.10048085

I don’t think he’s the best yet, but check out Felix Dandy. He’s a new photographer but he’s already pushing out some amazing photos. Color grading on point and excellent with posing.

>> No.10048316

A bunch of these are european, at least arthur_sayanoff and dasgeminii are def not from North America

>> No.10054083
File: 244 KB, 995x803, 1543774348570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hand over edited pictures
>omg these look so good I love them thank u so much Anon <33
>They then either never post the pictures or only post 1
>Most of the time that one is picture is the one of the pictures I thought were the weakest of the set
Make it stop

>> No.10054142

Been on both sides of this, as the guilty cosplayer and as the photographer. When I'm picking photos to post, I try to pick things that are different from what's already in my gallery -- different poses, angles, settings. That said, the first few poses I'll bust out during a shoot are probably my default warm-up poses, so if those end up in the better shots from a session, they might not get posted for a while (if at all). As a cosplayer, I know that my favorite shots will be ones where *I* look good or shots that highlight the outfit, but as a photographer, my favorite shots tend to be more technical or composition-focused.

Recent peeves of mine from the photography end:
>hand over edited photos in a really fast turnaround because I got hyped about the shoot
>"omg these look so good thank you anon <3"
>post 1:1 cropped photos after I made deliberate composition choices
>blurry zoom-in on self in a long-shot photo I took to highlight the unique location
>"lighting credit to the sunset! I don't think anon had the time to edit these lol" after I painstakingly edited the saturation and colors to recreate the original mood (and had to correct the brightness/contrast that were fucked up by the near-dusk)
>post photos that were somehow downloaded on their end at a very low quality, so the photo quality is grainy and pixellated
I'd genuinely liked my output from those shoots and was looking forward to doing more, but this was pretty disheartening. Might just avoid shooting those folks in the future.

>> No.10054328

>post 1:1 cropped photos after I made deliberate composition choices
I mean if this is on insta it's not like they have much of a choice about this. They can only go up to 4:5 and anything horizontal destroys your reach.

>> No.10055402

I'm new to cosplay photography. Is there anything I should do or avoid when doing shoots? I am going to start by doing some free shoots for friends, and maybe some of there friends. I'm not asking about photo/editing stuff, but those unexpected things that will probably come about do to the nature of cosplayers and cons.

>> No.10055421

Rudy's photos are really good, I got to meet him recently

>> No.10055424

IDK who's the "best" but I do know that PG's need to stop taking 6 months to a year to get back 1-3 photos out of 10+ to people.

>> No.10055556

If I have a shoot planned with someone, I'm always a fan of communication and frequent check-ins. As a cosplayer, I might be reluctant to contact the photog too much out of shyness/fear of spamming them, but it's nice to wake up on a con morning and get the extra security of seeing a "hey anon, it's [photog], just checking that we're still set to shoot today at [time]." If you're meeting up with a person at a location, it helps to send off a message with "I just got to the [distinct landmark]," especially for times where I've been trying to hunt down a photographer in an unfamiliar place.

If you're interested in doing more than standard portrait/glamour shots, put out those feelers upfront -- I'm always down to experiment with a photographer for artistic/technical stuff, but con photog repertoires usually hang on the portrait/glamour side. You can check by asking things like
>is there an atmosphere/mood you want to go for
>are there any poses or reference images you'd like to replicate
>are there any cosplay details you want to highlight

At the start of the shoot, it also helps to ask
>is there anything I should look out for?
- particularly in reference to flyaway wig hairs or cosplay parts that have been disconnecting themselves / falling out of place the whole day. I always appreciate when someone has the awareness to say that there's a wig hair in front of my face or the hem of my shirt has flipped up, and it makes for less editing work later.

>> No.10055912

That was probably the most insight I could have hoped for. I have probably never gotten a more helpful reply on 4chan except maybe a recipie off /ck/.

>> No.10058265

Does anyone know of any photographers in the LA area that do the gravure idol style of photography? I love the really bright lighting and fresh look compared to the more dramatic stuff that I usually see for cosplay.

>> No.10058281

No problem. I'm always down for seeing more people enter the field and bring their unique artistic takes.

Adding in something else -- it's absolutely fine to go up to a cosplayer at a con and ask if they have 10-15 minutes to do a shoot (or meet up later for a shoot). If they're a snob about it, fuck em and move on. But in the vast majority of instances, a cosplayer will be deeply honored that you've asked them, and it'll give you the chance to shoot with a person who might have a new energy or different ideas (if you'll just be starting out by photographing friends).
>My first pro-tier photos were with a photog who approached me after a gathering when I was still early into cosplay (and had no idea how to set up shoots with people), and they're some of my best and favorite shots of that outfit

>> No.10058282

On Instagram:

>> No.10058291

Why are the Asian photographers so uniformly creepy?

>> No.10058421
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Elaborate you white piggu

>> No.10067139

Today on "But, Why?" Martin Wong destroys the reputation he has left for no reason


>> No.10067146

Lolwut a douche

>> No.10067160
File: 509 KB, 2048x1365, houstonisphotography.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the Houston TX area there's
@cosplaycomposites (Kris Kehe)

>> No.10067177


Nah, that's just his way to game the Twitter system cause now he'll be trending. People go to his feed to see the bad comment, but Twitter will just see engagement

>> No.10067187
File: 138 KB, 1200x674, 1539014250132-Hubble-Space-Telescope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am a photographer ( I don't typically shoot cosplay outside of LACC),Top tier photographers don't shoot cosplay. I know two photographers that also shoot LACC that I would trust to shoot me if i were a cosplayer. Not to be racist but most of the white cosplay photographers I know (I know 2) are really losery and geeky, the post super cringe worthy stuff on social media about being behind the lens but never getting the girl ect ect.

>> No.10067483
File: 90 KB, 1080x637, MW sex worker comment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Martin Wong recent twitter post.

>> No.10071869


>> No.10071887

This just screams entry level photoshop.

>> No.10072870

Really? I don't know a lot about photography but I think it's super pretty.

>> No.10073863

We know