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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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>> No.10449950 [View]

Not really. A crackhead is someone addicted to drugs/the lifestyle of poverty to the point that they cannot be reformed. A poor person is not necessarily a crackhead. A crackedhead is the just the existing caricature of everything I despise and what I use.

Also, I have recieved scholarships from the references and recommendations put forth by people who I have met and are sympathetic to my situation. I have recieved an offer for basically a blank cheque internship once COVID is over and travelling is normalised, all thanks to a welathy mentor.

These people have put their own reputations in my hands and stuck their necks out for me.

>> No.10449952 [View]


You know, for some reason I find it hard to believe people could become addicted to the luxurious lifestyle that is living in poverty. Especially when it is seemingly so bad that you're trying to get away from it. I highly doubt being horribly poor is some sort of dopamine hit the way you're implying it is, buddy.

>> No.10449955 [View]

What I mean by the lifestyle of poverty is the ease of poverty.

It's easier to just work a braindead, dead-end job or just to collect NEET bux.

It's easier to watch TV or play video games, than to work on a skill.

It's easier to work a full-time job, affording a meager but easy life than taking out loans and going to pursue higher education.

It's easier to just get drunk and/or do drugs than deal with your personal issues.

It's easier to just hang-out with the same group of dropkicks who do nothing to help your situation and in fact detract from it, like crabs in a bucket.

It's easier to just convince yourself that you have an okay life rather than being ambitious and striving for more.

It's easier to just count up small successes and never failing rather than making risky but calculated moves for very large success.

It's factors and ways of thinking like this that people choose to be in poverty or be poor.

Coming from being poor is fucking hard but have some fucking perseverance and some fucking resolve and you can make it out.

>> No.10449956 [View]


Apparently working your braindead job is not that easy since you're complaining so much.

As a fellow intelligent poor person, I can tell you taking out loans to go to uni was WAY easier than just working part time at a service job which is what my less smarter sister had to do. Being smarter makes your life infinitely easier/makes it easier to do the things you claim are harder for poor people.

So I don't really see where you are coming from claiming working a dead end job and getting government funds is somehow easier than getting to enjoy uni, get a degree, and have a professional career. Being addicted to drugs doesn't sound easy. In fact, it would be hard for me to even find drugs if I wanted them but if it's easy for poor people to end up on drugs that doesn't make the struggle of addiction to them not difficult. Legit crackheads are actually homeless and in far worse off situations than the "crackheads" at your workplace.

If everyone strove for more you would not have any fellow service workers who serve you at a restaurant or check you out at the grocery store, etc. it's fine to not care about being wealthy but I don't think these people are choosing to be poor or if they aren't smart they may not even know there is more to strive for or could have self image issues and think the "something more" is unattainable.

Get over yourself dude. You aren't the only smart poor person out there

>> No.10449959 [View]


So unintelligent low income people aren't working hard because you think their job is too easy as a self proclaimed genius? Tons of jobs are hard work/physical labor but for low pay and full time leaves you with little downtime for education. And if people are really that unintelligent then they wouldn't survive through uni anyway so taking out loans just to fail out it useless and a waste.

Have fun telling a server making $2.50 an hour and having to kiss rude customer's asses for tips while risking getting sick during a pandemic just to not become homeless that their job is braindead and easy.

>> No.10449963 [View]

I'm gonna say it.
I'm fine not striving for better constantly and being ambitious.
This might sound bad but honestly with how the world is going and the forecast for climate change, I'm fine getting my cheap dopamine hits while I can rather than working my ass off to maybe enjoy life when I'm 35, when likely the world will be crumbling around me anyway.
I'm not going to have kids.
For now, I just want to survive and enjoy the luxuries I have living in a first world country. I don't need to be a CEO, I don't need to be a programmer, I don't need a career to make me happy. Maybe that makes me unintelligent? Probably. I don't really care though. I don't think it means you're better than me though.

>> No.10449964 [View]

I found my diary from when I was 11 years old a couple of years ago and I had written rants like this. It was really embarrassing to read as an adult.

You sound really frustrated about your situation. I hope you get a better job and have some experiences that help you develop some empathy and perspective. Covid is hard and stressful, when things get better do some travel and see some other ways of life.

>> No.10450024 [View]

I wore my first coord yesterday, I had such a good experience! A lady said I looked adorable, and no negative comments, although I think a shop lady followed us around the store and thought we were gonna steal rip.

>> No.10450026 [View]


Congrats anon! I always love getting kind compliments from people in public. It reminds me that people aren't always staring because they think I'm weird, they may just genuinely like my outfit

>> No.10450034 [View]

Thanks! I was really worried cause it's very much a jeans and t shirt kind of area lol, but it seemed most staring was pretty ok.

>> No.10450044 [View]
File: 239 KB, 500x733, Doctor Gilgamesh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wonder con already announced dates for March 2021

Don't tempt me Satan

>> No.10450115 [View]


>> No.10450138 [View]
File: 682 KB, 640x480, piccolo relaxing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally have good income
>can travel to any con I want without getting in debt
>heck, even foreign cons are a possibility now
Sometimes life works in strange ways.
I miss hanging out with my friends in cosplay.

>> No.10450144 [View]

More money for next year!

>> No.10450222 [View]

Gulls how stupid would it be to spend half my paycheck on frivolous things if i need to save?

I've been working for a year and saving every cent outside of half for rent but still don't have much. I need to move out in a few years and i will possibly be out of a job next year so this will drain my savings.

But shit, i've been grinding for years now. All i do is work, study and browse 4chan. No spending on fashion, games or manga, good skincare or hair products. I feel like my saving will never be enough at this pace so a month of being happier would be ok, even if logically i know it's not a good move.

>> No.10450223 [View]

you should probably work towards getting a better job or a lower rent instead

>> No.10450243 [View]

I'm trying, but the job market was shit even before covid. Also i'm not the smartest or most qualified, here's hoping college will help with that.

>> No.10450249 [View]

Keep saving. It's the shitty and unfun answer, but it's the right one.
There's nothing wrong with treating yourself every once and a while, but if it's at the expense of draining all your savings, it's not worth it.

>> No.10450251 [View]

Don't listen to the haters anon, you have a good head on your shoulders. Some people will make any excuse to not improve themselves and blame it on capitalism and rich people. A large portion of the lolita community has a crab bucket mentality and they get angry when others pull themselves out of poverty because it reminds them it's possible, they're just failures.

>> No.10450258 [View]

Thanks anon. I wouldn't drain all my savings, i'm not that unstable yet, but how i long to spend half my next paycheck on some skincare and clothes. My skin is flaking off and my bras are ratty :(

But you're right. Maybe i will set a small cap of 10 bucks of treat yourself money each month.

>> No.10450259 [View]

depends what job market you're looking at. there's nearly always a shortage of teachers and trade jobs, so those would be easy to get

>> No.10450275 [View]


No one had a problem with anon pulling hinself out of poverty. And most lolitas aren't poor to begin with.

People's main issue was really that he thinks dumb people deserve to be treated worse or at minimum heavily implying it by citing his reason of not being deserving of mistreatment by customers being his intelligence and not, you know, basic human decency.

The thing people are taking issue with is the implication that people are worth less or deserve mistreatment if they are not intelligent when intelligence is not a choice. Anon's rude customers are shitty and people would have been more supportive and comforting had he not gone on to make weird remarks and generalizations about poor people and poverty and intelligence and both invalidate pursuing education for certain groups but still also claiming that's what people need to do to get ahead in life.

His perspective is messed up on that front and that's all people really had the biggest problem with. Of course being shitty to service workers is bad but anon is weirdly justifying it for other people who are poor and have similar positions and claiming it's okay for the rich to do it and it's just a weird self jerkoff talking about how smart he thinks he is and how he literally thinks he is better than others for his intelligence and not his actions or good treatment of others.

>> No.10450282 [View]

4-chan is your biggest expense because time is money

>> No.10450286 [View]

Get your skincare and bras anon, this hurts my heart to read

>> No.10450288 [View]

Not sure where you are, but unemployment in the us where I am was like 2% before covid. If you had a pulse and weren’t an axe murderer you could get a job. To be frank, you probably weren’t job searching well. Maybe spend some internet browsing time learning techniques for job searching, applying and interviewing?

>> No.10450298 [View]

Even if rona is taken care of

Celeb Photo-Ops are pretty much dead for a few years

>> No.10450305 [View]

Sorry lmao. I will get them slowly.

I use it to decompress after a long day anon, it's either this or anime.

We were at around 12% before covid. But yeah i'm not really sure i was doing my best, i did read a bunch about the job search world but things seemed so vague and contradicting sometimes. Maybe i do need to change strategies.

>> No.10450324 [View]

sorry but context on this pic

>> No.10450333 [View]

Oh darn diggity! Another Utahn? Are you going to Anime Bandai?

>> No.10450375 [View]

I put a bid on a dress i really wanted but since its fairly popular I honestly didn't expect to win it but the days left on the sale are going down and im still the only bidder. Some new expenses came up and now im really regretting it and just praying someone else will bid on the dress.
Im a retard.

>> No.10450384 [View]

>tfw overworked person in general
>Been wanting to finish cosplay(s) whole year
>Keep getting setback after setback
>All the hottest cosplayers on social media seem to be well off with parents funding cosplays
>Feel out of place amongst many other cosplayers IRL due to class disparity in upbringing despite recently becoming successful.
>Had to wait until mid 20s to finally cosplay
>The ride never ends

>> No.10450393 [View]

>gf has bpd
>i honestly thought I could have a healthy relationship with her

feel free to laugh at me for being a complete and utter retard who thought he could fix someone genetically doomed

>> No.10450396 [View]

it is possible for mentally ill people to have healthy relationships. is she on meds and in therapy?

>> No.10450398 [View]


Maybe you're just a shit person to be with bud. BPD is mostly a product of environment, saying she's genetically doomed just says more about your shitty attitude.

>> No.10450399 [View]

Why did you get in a relationship with her in the first place? If you're still together, you're a moron.

>> No.10450411 [View]

She deserves better than you anyway.

>> No.10450420 [View]

>It's just the mentality healthy people that are the problem
Is that what you tell your cats? For anyone here who is mentally healthy, don't feel bad for the mentally ill. They won't have feelings back.

>> No.10450424 [View]

nta but almost no one in the world is truly mentally healthy. most people have some kind of personality disorder, attachment disorder etc that just goes undiagnosed

>> No.10450447 [View]

>be avoidant personality disorder
>desutroy relationship with gf that loved me
imagine being the one who is 'genetically doomed'

>> No.10450454 [View]


> assuming this person staying in a relationship that makes them miserable is mentally healthy

Whatever you say kiddo. "Mentally healthy" people aren't perfect and sometimes they can contribute to their own relationship problems too, you know? But sure, keep blaming all of your interpersonal issues on mentally ill people, you sound super stable and mentally sound bro.

>> No.10450460 [View]

This is what I'm starting to believe too. Mentally healthy people are rare. Most people have a mental illness its just about what kind and how obvious it is.

>> No.10450466 [View]

I love railing lines of k while wearing a full coord

>> No.10450488 [View]

there are plenty of extremely poor anons I know who cosplay, it's a grind of making shit yourself, thrifting for pieces, etc

>> No.10450500 [DELETED]  [View]

I cannot emphasize this enough, look up a man named Jack Kruse. My whole family has autoimmune disorders and he's completely changed our lives. My mum is healthier in her fifties than she has been in decades.

>> No.10450502 [DELETED]  [View]

I promise you things will get better. Right off the bat let me tell you to start getting sunlight on your eyes at dawn and sunset and stop using devices at night. Also look up Jack Kruse. I've struggled with depression and thoughts of suicide for years but this turned my life around completely. You're a priceless soul, please don't yourself. You'll be in my prayers.

>> No.10450505 [View]

So how much per post are you earning?

>> No.10450514 [View]

Every blouse I buy makes me look terrible and im about to give up on lolita because of my stupid ass man shoulders (I'm a bio woman)

>> No.10450521 [View]


>sunlight on your eyes

That's a recipe for vision loss but okay

>> No.10450523 [View]


A lot of people with BPD are stereotyped as manipulative and abusive for a reason. If they aren't actively seeking therapy and treatment and consciously trying to manage their condition they may mistakenly fall into harmful behavior patterns. And people can easily be lax with how they manage their physical or mental health.

>> No.10450526 [View]

I understand that, I have BPD, but when people categorize you as "genetically doomed" and treat you as such its hard to want to try to get better, especially if everyone acts like it's a lost cause. It doesn't help, at least.
I try to be conscious of my behavior even when I can't afford meds or therapy, I get peoples' frustration but its hurtful when they dismiss you as a person and only see an illness. There are some garbage people with personality disorders, I know firsthand because my siblings have NPD and witnessing how they behave is a constant reminder to always try to better myself. I'd like to believe I'm not doomed.