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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.7933213 [View]
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> A month later we decided to go to visit his family in Japan (you know so they can silently judge me).
> Once we get there I feel bad for judging his family. They were super nice, very welcoming and were happy that i was trying to learn Japanese. Was able to hold a small conversation with them.
> Topic arises about his ex. His father goes red and started ranting in Japanese.
> Confused I sit there blank.
> Mother pulls me out of the room and explains that his ex wont stop calling the house and sending them letters of love.
> Explains that she met them a few times and each time she was rude, loud and kept saying broken Japanese words she had learned from anime.
> Still think "Who am I to judge?"

> Back home, head to mall with bf when suddenly I hear some random Japanese words being screamed.
> This black girl in a bought miku hatsune cosplay and tatty wig starts yelling at my bf calling him "baka chan" and some words that made no sense.
> Girl turns on me and calls me a replica whore who was "stealing her husbando sama!". Wearing original melody doll OP.
> Girl gets shut up by bf. Tells her to stop fucking calling his parents and to fuck off. He then called her a cheating whore to which she replied "But husbando sama I am polly-am-our-roos, I can not help my love for all the oogee samas out there!" I shit you not, she actually spoke like this.
> I burst into laughter and bf takes me home.

> Can not believe she was real
> Can not believe she was bat shit crazy.
> Can not believe my bf and his family were under playing how bad she was.

Part 2 of 3

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