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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.10884503 [View]
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>have been hiding for 3 years and raising my irl power level and have free time and cash now
>finally want to cosplay again
>even pre-booking MCM on may will cost 480quid for 3 days in a travelodge plus room (600-700+ on the 4 star hotels)

Man, things really fuckin got crazy post covid, hasn't it?
Splitting it halfway with someone does make it fairly modest but that's still enough money to just go into one of the better cons abroad.

The smaller cons are cheaper ofc but there's not much to there and all I see here are people making up drama about (alleged) sex pests and women harassers.
At the end of the day we're just gonna be hanging outside in cosplay drunk or high on something and at least excel's bay area/green area has like 15 hotels worth of degenerates chilling as opposed to 1 from insertuniversityconhere.

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