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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.6279769 [View]
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I've come to loathe my local community. They're cheap as shit ($15 to go to a nice lunch is too expensive/a once or twice per year treat), flaky (10 people RSVPed? Expect 3 to show up, max) and refuse to contribute in any way. Even just bringing a dish for a pot luck - which they ask to do at every meetup, because they won't pay to do activities or eat out - is too much to ask.

These are all adults who are working at least part-time and all own plenty of brand. It's not like they're 14-year-olds trying to get by on their allowance or something.

Then when we DO finally meet up at a nice tea house for our yearly "splurge" of $15 tea and cake, they all want to leave right away and go to the mall that's nearby instead.

For almost 3 years a friend and I were the only ones to plan meetups for our community and we went above and beyond creating fun but cheap events, bringing food, games, and even contests with hand-made prizes for everyone. We never once got a thank-you, a compliment on a well-run event or an offer from a single person to compensate us or assist in the future. A year+ ago we both stopped hosting events because we were pouring too much time and money into them for nothing in return and not one meetup has been held in our local comm since, even though they're all happy enough to bitch about there not being any.

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