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>> No.7490718 [View]
File: 11 KB, 226x400, wellfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everytime I think about this i makes me sad/angry

>Go to con with boyfriend
>Wearing stupid costumes, have a Minecraft TNT block
>Minecraft is kind of sentimental to me for reasons that aren't interesting
>TNT block is basically a medium sized cardboard box but I had hand-painted it with my roommate/good friend before he went back to Korea
>took us several hours to paint the whole thing because it was all hand painted, hand drawn, carefully taped to get sharp edges etc
>Anyway, at the con
>carrying around TNT block while boyfriend carries the stuff
>We're in the dealer's hall
>I want to look at something so I put down the TNT block right beside me. It's not very busy at the booth so I figure it's fine
>Fumbling to get my money from boyfriend's pocket
>suddenly hear BOOOMF
>fat neckbeard has punted my box into the dealers hall crowd
>his friends and him are laughing hysterically
>hear "wtf ow what is this argh" etc from the spot where my box landed
>Whip around and start yelling at him
>Boyfriend isn't yelling but he also starts to aggressively ask them wtf they were thinking etc
>security hears the commotion
>I try to explain what happens
>"move along stop causing commotion"

>fucking asshole staff do nothing about it, neckbeard and friends run away
>try to tell other staff, they don't care
>box disappears for the rest of the con, a friend apparently saw it flattered and ripped up behind a dealer's booth

>Spend a couple hours crying then pull myself together

fucking neckbeards

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