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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.8989008 [View]
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Holy shit, we get it - you hate Momocon. Someone probably called you out on your ita cosplay and you got upset or some dude rejected you when you were all boozed up, we get it. If you've such a hateboner for Momocon, you don't have to go - why post here? You're convincing literally no one to -not- go. Fuck off already.

I don't enjoy the convention because I wanna' get shitfaced or not. I don't enjoy the the convention because there's bigwig names and cosplayers there. I enjoy Momocon because it's just like any other convention; I get to meet new people, have an excuse to get out and let loose amidst a bunch of fellow nerds and weeb out to my heart's content for a weekend. That, and I can't be ass'd to go 4+ hours away for a convention. If you can't enjoy yourself with the simple things then you're the one with a stick up you're ass.

>> No.8297963 [View]
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I know quite a few girls like this. I'm even sure at least two of them might even browse this board:

>One chick has a fat asshole of a neckbeard boyfriend who happens to be a photographer
>Her pet cat passes away, she's heartbroken, and uses a picture of it as her FB banner
>Months and months go by and it keeps alternating between different pictures of her dead cat, she even changes per profile picture to it
>She has a friend who passes away after a convention, everyone is heartbroken
>Her banner pictures continue to be pictures of him for almost coming up on three years
>Her cat's death and her friend's death became her whole identity, being the absolute only thing she talks about

I wouldn't call her crazy so as much as unfortunately afflicted. It's not easy dealing with people and pets passing, but most well-adjust people manage to get past it at some point.

>Super toothpick friend I meet at a group cosplay
>She has a complete fixation on asian guys
>Absolutely refuses to date anyone who isn't asian, always saying everyone else reminds her too much of herself
>Sleeps with them on the first night, either sexually or literally just sleeping with them
>"Falls in love" so quickly and is distraught when they don't want that
>Gets super emotional and cries about it when she can't find the perfect asian guy
>Address her about it and she denies everything

>Girl does cosplay of Touhou
>Does absolutely nothing but talk about cosplay and conventions
>She works two jobs to pay for cosplay materials, spends free time making cosplay, is always at a different convention every weekend
>Her cosplays aren't even 10/10
>Her facebook banner picture is literally a picture of her ass

I don't think having a passion is a bad thing necessarily, but when you spend every waking moment devoted to cosplay and are approaching 30 years old, what else are you going to do with your life?

>> No.8163130 [View]
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>Touhou is dead stop being butthurt about another series de crowning it.

Holy fuck, my sides are in orbit. Touhou is still alive and kicking you retard. Literally new games still being pumped out and a new Smash fan game is in the works, although that particularly has been up in the air. Does Kancoll have a yearly convention purely dedicated to it in Japan and in the states? Have fans made over 3 Terabytes of music alone? Get over yourself. Kancoll's getting popular, sure, but it's nowhere near Touhou. If anything "KANCOLL IS POPULAR GUYS" is like that cancerous forced-meme about the blue and black dress. It can't even lay a finger on the sheer amount of everything Touhou pervades.

>> No.8143368 [DELETED]  [View]
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>by the way, I'm a guy :^)

Just to add, to give my opinion to the people needing to point out the other gender is stupid -- pic related is my opinion of you, other Anonymous person.

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