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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.9200369 [View]
File: 23 KB, 340x321, What I learned from uni is....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you have a job? Part-time? Full-time? Salaried?
Salaried, though it's just starting out. I may try going back to school and taking a cut for two years.

>How much of your income/spending money do you spend on cosplay/jfashion?
8% on lolita. Probably another 5% on manga, artbooks, and doujinshi.

>Are you in debt? How bad?
10k student debt last time I checked, paying it off slowly. I can't believe I'm so willing to go back.

>Most expensive costume/coord?
By piece alone, I have a bunch $300~ dresses. Most of my other pieces were secondhand and $150-250 each. Most expensive coord $800~

>What are you saving for right now?
A trip to Japan and possibly Taiwan.

>Saving for any other major expenses (emergencies, car, house, retirement, etc)?
Jesus christ yes. I've had mad expensive and unexpected dental work these past few months. Put a halt to my Halloween coord, delayed my Japan trip, and canceled Rufflecon. My dentist is a great guy but the expense is killer.

>Budgeting tips?
Live with your parents until you can land a job that pays your bills. I bolted from my house at 18, tried to support myself and go to school, and in the end I was close to 12k in debt. (I still pay them some rent, but it's not even half of what I was paying on my own.)

Also cook your own food. Never stop your job hunt until you are satisfied.

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