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>> No.10119442 [View]
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While I do agree that there IS toxicity and vile behavior in the general community, it's ultimately common in anonymous forums, for obvious reasons. Maybe I'm naive but I don't think it's common practice for comms to actively turns girls away and tells them to kill themselves; "kys ita" is hardly anything beyond a shitpost and it's really not that deep.

>having street fashion background implies personal freedom and expression.
There's actually a lot of room for self expression in the fashion, getting concrit doesn't mean that you're being stifled, just that others see your coord differently and are trying to help. Sometimes concrit is completely subjective, if you're happy with your coord as it is, just take the comments gracefully and keep doing you. No one is going to kick you out for having your own personal style. But if someone is being told to wear a blouse or a petticoat, or to buy their clothes from more reputable sources than Milanoo, and they take that as a personal attack and decide to leave, it's on them and it doesn't mean that their comm is toxic.

>> No.10002799 [View]
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>Why are we so set in our ways?
>implying the tards posting nitpicks in the ita threads aren't newbs, itas, and lolitas at heart themselves
Look, I've been into the fashion for a decade myself and I was ita myself, and I'm nowhere near as bothered by this as you are. The nitpicking can get tiring, sure, but that's why I mostly just stay in my own lane and enjoy the fashion in my own little corner of the world.
Also, no one gatekeeps by posting people here. If these comments were left on people's pics on social media then I'd agree with you but unless someone comes to cgl's ita thread to see what goes on here, they won't know what's happening, and if they do that and then pitch a fit about it and leave the fashion because some anons were meanies, then they probably have a too thin skin anyway and shouldn't go on 4chan in the first place.

TL;DR: pic related

>> No.9771669 [View]
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You're not a poseur if you wear the fashion well and appreciate it for what it is; for the record, if we were to pinpoint any poseurs in lolita, they would be itas that worship Ay Pee while wearing shitty replicas.
Anyway, it's okay if you didn't discover the fashion through VK and you're not a fan of Mana, you can still go to the event and get whatever impression you get from it. You may not become a fan of Mana or Moitie as a result but you might enjoy yourself anyway.

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