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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.7219901 [View]
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Lets say 5, but i'll only pic the best of your spread as your entry. But please, post here for everyone to admire!

Oh my.

Most people under the age of 25 wouldn't know a real clown if they got headbutted by one. Big top circuses come and go, and sadly, its in a waning phase. Thankfully vaudeville, cabaret and alt art scenes keep it alive.

Its like mimes. Everyone says "I hate mimes", but have you ever actually seen a professional? Not "busking in the park" but a real, honest to god, professional mime? A good mime is astounding to watch.

(And before anyone asks, yes, pantomime is a clown skill, and mimes are a kind of clown)

I feel accomplished!

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