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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.7064703 [View]
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I loved the Wabi-Sabi section. There was some beautiful art. My favorite was the ink painting of the flying wing. I also bought a ring for $35 from one of those vendors, as well as a pot holder that looks wicker (not sure since nobody spoke English, it was hard to find somebody to even pay for the thing). Also, the people selling purses made from recycled materials for $300 made me feel bad. I looked at one, asked the price, and then walked away. They guy said, "please don't go" all sad like. So much stuff in the Wabi-Sabi section was extremely expensive; artwork that pushed close to $20,000, creepy baby dolls that were like $700, etc. I'm sure most of those vendors sold nothing. Did they really expect anime con goers to drop that kind of cash for those kinds of products?

Expensive crap aside, it was a nice addition to the con and I greatly enjoyed the art works.

I was a little surprised too to see this element at the con, as well as all the travel agencies (I really enjoyed both though). It's as if the French said, "hey Japanese people, you can make lots of money on these Californians by getting them to buy very expensive art and then travel packages to your country." I had one staff ask me if, "Is your wallet getting light? Are you spending lots of money?" And then I took his survey which basically kept asking about how much I'm spending and on what.

Yeah, many of the vendors appeared very desperate. You know that many probably didn't make a single dollar. I'm sorry, but US anime con goers don't go to cons to drop $15,000 on traditional art. I spoke to one of the "normal" anime junk vendors and she was not happy with how the con was being run, said that they weren't making any money either.

Here are fetish hooker versions of Asuka and Rei.

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