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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.10946506 [View]
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Not even a full year this time for a new gen! New cons on the block, more venue swapping, even more dates overlapping. Oh my!
>Alternate title: Okaerinasai Edition
Previous thread: >>10909590

>SSA+S Toracon - February 1 - Sarasota
>MegaCon (ew) - February 6-9 - Orlando
>Animate! Miami - February 14-16 - Miami
>Pensacon - February 14-16 - Pensacola
>BeyondComicCon (lol) - February 15 - North Miami Beach
>StingrayCon - March 1 - Jacksonville
>ACEcon - March 8-9 - Palm Harbor
>My-Con Spring - April 19 - Orlando
>Anime in the Park - April 26 - Groveland
>Mizucon - May 23-25 - Miami
>Charlie's Anime Con (lolwot) - May 25 - Fort Myers
>Otakufest - June 8-10 - Miami
>Anime Festival Orlando - June 20-22 - Orlando
>Finn-Con - June 21 - Miami
>Florida Supercon - July 18-20 - Miami
>Metrocon - July 25-27- Tampa
>Animate! Orlando - August 8-10 - Orlando
>SWFL Anime-Fest - August 10 - Fort Myers
>MareFair - September 5-7 - Orlando
>Ancient City Con - September 12-14 - St. Augustine
>FT-Lauderdale Anime-Fest - September 14 - Fort Lauderdale
>WasabiCon - October 10-12 - Jacksonville
>MiraiCon - October 17-19 - Coral Springs
>Sarasota Anime-Fest - December 6 - Sarasota
>Holiday Matsuri - December 19-21 - Orlando

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