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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.6572932 [View]
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So, there are a few points in her little list of cosplay commandments that I can agree with, but the further you read, the more you begin to understand that the shit she's posting isn't coming from the right place. She can be right in saying that satin is a shitty fabric or that a you should schedule working on your costume appropriately, but when she goes on about being in character and treating other people in character of "if everyone is doing FMA, you should do an early 90's anime that no one would recognize!" and you start to read everything else she writes, you discover that this is not a passionate cosplayer, eagerly encouraging people to be better cosplayers, she's some bitter bitch who thinks she's a hot shit alpha nerd.

Taking a lot at her other shit, including that nerd girl stereotypes list, it becomes immediately apparent that there is a story here. She started at the dumpy weeaboo girl who was stupidly energetic about dumb shit, and probably sprinkled her speech with with bad japanese. She looked like shit and stayed in that awkward teenager phase for a little too long, but when she finally grew out of it and lost a little weight and her jawline tightened up and she got a haircut that didn't make her look like she had down syndrome, she turned into a more confident person who now thinks she's the swan who blossomed from the ugly duckling.

Now she's that fucking snotty sort of bitch who thinks she has better taste in anime than you, and that she knows more about obscure shit that other people, and that she's just an all purpose sort of nerd because she larps and plays D&D and cosplays without realizing you can do many things and be terrible at all of them.

The fact that she's going around with such an undeserved sense of pride about all this shit is what makes me the most mad.

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