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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.7052620 [View]
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I ordered one and it was too big for me (I figured it would be, anyway and planned to modify it), but since I ended up not liking the color, I didn't bother sewing up the cap to fit me.

I ended up going with my backup taobao reseller one. Basically the same thing, but less fibers to pull it off of your head with its weight and the top half is pulled into a ponytail while the bottom hangs down to cover your hairline. You can tie the top half up to generally not show the wig wefts, but even if you don't, the clip on ponytail pretty much covers the empty spot anyway.

Not sure if the style would work as well for Sasha as it did Hanji, though. Just my personal experience if it helps you any.

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