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>> No.7014578 [View]
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Wont go into too much about one bad Weeaboo I knew.
Now from the looks she wasn't bad because of the anime but because she was just total white trash and her family were all just shitty people.
I've been forced to go to her house several times and her family is just the definition of white trash.
She had the nickname Anime for some reason. When I first started interacting with her I was a lone anime fan with no other anime viewing friends so when I started a new school after moving and saw Anime on her bag I was happy to see another fellow fan. Too bad she didnt have Anime written on her bag to show she was a fan but to say her nickname.
Of course all she did was read a few Mangas and watch only a handful of anime. Was disappointed that even though I found a fellow anime fan they had only watched like 30 anime tops. She had no idea about any of the shows I would want to talk about.
She was probably the most poisonous person for the anime community since she'd convert her friends into weird goth weeaboos when none of them were really into anime all that much.

We had a good anime club going on at my school and the first year I was there we had a hard core anime fan as the president so I always had someone else to talk anime with. But after he left I was left as the president since I was the last huge anime fan left in the club and since she was loud and bossy she was made the vice president of the club.

Despite her insane weeaboo behavior it was nice to have her around to get peoples attention. But fuck did she scare off potential club members. I knew some anime fans in the school that would hide their power levels and they wouldn't go because they'd assume it was just a club of people like the vice pres. Too bad aside for her and like 2-3 other people everyone in the club was really nice and not crazy as fuck.

Hate weeaboos.
They make anime fans look bad.

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