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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL


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>> No.6476614 [View]
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Not much to report, but I figure I'll give the thread a bump anyway.

My next cosplay is going to be Rikka from chu2. And the one after that is going to be Homu or moe!Homu. Not sure which conventions yet, as Hyper Japan hasn't released any dates so far. Hoping to get them both finished by February though. Just started work on Rikka, but had to stop after making cuffs for a shirt as I pricked my thumb and got blood everywhere. Oops.

Since I'm fairly new to all this, what cons are generally good and which ones are worth avoiding?

>> No.6460286 [View]
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>How did you enjoy this year's conventions?
I only went to MCM in October and HJ in November. Those were my first ever cons. And first ever cosplays. They seemed pretty good, but I guess I don't really have anything to compare them to. Was totally overwhelmed by the size of MCM, but it was great. And I was impressed that despite how much smaller and quieter HJ was than MCM it was still quite a lot of fun. The meets after the conventions were great, I really enjoyed meeting people from /cgl/. HJ had some drama but was still really good. Definitely enjoyed the social aspect more than the conventions themselves.

>What conventions are you looking forward to next year?
Honestly, no idea. I don't really know what conventions there even are. Apparently there's one at a campsite? That sounds great. I'm gonna just go to anything I can, which will probably just be waiting to see if anyone I know is going to a convention and bugging them to let me tag along with them.

>How do you feel about the current cosplay scene at UK cons?
No idea, really. I haven't seen much of it and don't know any of these big names that people talk about. But what I have seen has been pretty good, and I've received a lot of positive responses to my own cosplays which has been nice. Hopefully I'll get to know a bit more about what's going on the more I get into it.

As for costume plans next year, picture related. Rikka is first and I'm going to start on it next week or so even though I have no idea when the next convention will be.

Oh yeah. Homestuck. Yeah. Really not a fan.

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